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平衡計分卡精神對兒童及少年安置及教養機構之適用性研究 / 無

許政楊 Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 近年來,社會福利機構在政府部門的評鑑及非營利組織的責信要求不斷增加下,機構的經營績效已成為極受關注的焦點,若要確保機構的服務品質和目標的有效達成,組織需要不斷地自我檢視,持續改善與成長。然而,主管機關評鑑對機構的影響力為何?對機構在經營績效上有多少幫助?除了外部評鑑外,是否有其他管理機制來協助機構制定經營策略與管理作為,藉此提升機構的經營績效,以達成機構的願景與使命。 平衡計分卡是一套策略性績效管理工具,在企業界使用多年,均獲得良好之成果;原創作者認為對非營利組織更加具有效用,它不單只可以作為組織的績效衡量工具,更可將相關指標聚焦於組織策略,幫助組織在經營管理上更有效能。 本研究試以平衡計分卡之精神及架構;透過次級資料分析法、深入訪談法及多重個案分析法,探討台北市四家兒童及少年安置及教養機構(育幼機構)的經營管理作為符合平衡計分卡精神之程度,以驗證平衡計分卡之精神作為育幼機構策略性績效管理工具之適用性為何?倘若組織之經營管理作為兼具財務、顧客、內部流程及學習與成長四大構面的均衡發展,愈能聚焦於組織策略,且彼此之間連結密切良好,其經營績效應具有更良好的成果;依其經營績效表現程度之差異作為依據,若經營績效較優者,其經營管理作為符合平衡計分卡精神程度越高時,則表示平衡計分卡精神適用於育幼機構。以下為本研究之結果: 一、 研究發現: (一) 全部機構在經營管理作為上均具有平衡計分卡四大構面之精神去執行業務。經營績效越優者,其經營管理作為符合平衡計分卡精神程度則越高。 (二) 主管機關評鑑內容也有納入平衡計分卡之精神,但在機構的使命及策略方面較為缺乏。 (三) 經訪問結果顯示,個案機構負責人均認為平衡計分卡之精神適合育幼機構作為策略性績效管理工具;另一家機構認為可以吸取它的精神,惟績效衡量指標則因機構使命及願景的不同而需要另行訂定。 二、 研究結論: (一) 平衡計分卡之精神適用於兒童及少年安置及教養機構,惟各構面之績效管理要素不盡相同。 (二) 平衡計分卡可作為兒童及少年安置及教養機構整體性的績效管理工具。 (三) 由於大部分機構的財務均仰賴外界的支援,所以在顧客構面必須要考慮捐助者構面,在管理作為上有所衡量,以吸引捐助者的資源及授權。 三、 對後續研究之建議:本研究只就平衡計分卡之精神對育幼機構在經營管理之適用性進行初步探討,其結果雖然是正面的,但仍有待各界先進以其他研究方法加以深入研究,使平衡計分卡適用於育幼機構之理論更加完備。 關鍵詞:非營利組織、安置及教養機構、平衡計分卡、績效管理、策略管理。 / 無


陳川正 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是一個非營利組織管理研究的嘗試,筆者提出一個「以組織的認同管理為本位」的理解架構,來作為對基督教教會和非營利組織的管理模式的探索。筆者的研究出發點是,非營利組織有許多的組織特性,是和營利組織相當不同的,而且,這些差異性都與組織對「認同的管理」密切相關。整個研究的論述是由二大部份所組成︰ 第一部份,又包含3個重點︰(1)先是從「組成要素、營運循環、交換的不對稱性、事業功能與組織架構」等4方面,來對照地分析出非營利組織的組織特性,並得出「組織的認同管理」作為非營利組織的管理重心;(2)接著,再從對「組織承諾」和「團體動力」的分析中,對「組織認同」和「團體認同」有了更深入的了解;(3)然後,再從細胞小組教會的組織認同管理作法,而分析出「對內凝聚」和「向外擴張」二個主要的原則方向。 第二部份,則包含2個重點︰(1)採用個案研究的方法,並依照教會「是否採用細胞小組的模式,以及會友人數是否持續增加或減少」等二方面,來選擇4大類型的基督教教會作為個案研究的對象;(2)再以「參與觀察法」來建立教會活動的個案報告;最後以「紮根理論法」對前述的個案報告,進行進一步的具體譯碼分析,內容大致如下︰ 像教會這類非營利組織的組織認同管理,可以分為二大類型,即「教導式」和「互動式」的認同管理策略;而其各自達成認同的組織學習方式,則分別是「知識性認同」和「感受性認同」的學習方式,而共同的關鍵在於組織如管理「系統性的組織學習」的方式。 就「知識性認同」與教會管理模式的成效而言,以知識性認同來達成教導式認同管理的教會,常會把「教義的教導」視為是對成員的重點工作。因此,進一步再將「知識性認同」這個副範疇,分析出「教導的頻率」等7個性質及其構面範圍。在這7個性質以及其構面範圍上,條件、規劃和實行都很好的教會組織,會友人數容易持續增加。 就「感受性認同」與教會管理模式的成效而言,以感受性認同來達成互動式認同管理的教會,常會把「人際互動和肢體生活」視為是對成員的重點工作。因此,筆者進一步再將「感受性認同」這個副範疇,分析出「互動的頻率」等7個性質及其構面範圍。因此,採取「互動式」認同管理的教會組織,若在這7個性質以及其構面範圍上,條件、規劃和實行都很好,則其會友的人數比較容易持續增加。 於是,就獲得一個非營利組織的「組織的認同管理」的初步理論。


陸宛蘋, lu ,wan pin Unknown Date (has links)
非營利組織對社會來說,象徵著社會善的一面,因此不是被蒙上善良、公益的面紗,就是被視為擁有較高的自我道德要求。非營利組織是社會正義、道德的維護者與實踐者,所以非營利組織被認為是不會做壞事的。在台灣非營利組織中,社會福利基金會在數量上是各類別基金會第二位,多數具有具體輸送的服務,以及多數資源來自組織外部的捐助與社會資源,因此本研究以台灣社會福利基金為為主要研究對象。事實上,台灣從過去1987年「彭昭揚社會福利基金會」事件 、1988年的「溫暖雜誌事件」 、到1999年的921大地震事件,都曾陸續發生以社會慈善之名誘發大眾善心,卻危害社會公益的弊案,在在都影響著公民社會中的信任資本。 企業界在2001年11月底,安隆(Enron)破產的消息震驚了一項深受美國投資人信任的華爾街。世界通訊(WorldCom)、泰科(Tyco)等投資者及分析師眼中的頂級企業陸續發生危機。虛構交易、浮報營收、竄改收支等,接二連三的企業醜聞讓投資人的信心盡失。在收拾殘局的同時,各國有識之士咸認為,重塑及強化「公司治理」是為斧底抽薪的根本療劑,經濟合作與發展組織(OECD)因此簽署了「治理原則」以為各國公司治理的標準與指南。本研究試圖以同樣的實務工作者的觀點將企業「公司治理」之原則,以跨界類比方式,探索以初步探討台灣「非營利組織之治理原則」。 本文結合理論與實務的面向分析,在分析過程中,結合質化與量化資料。探討台灣社會福利基金會的治理現況以及對治理原則的態度,研究方法並以質化為主,佐以量化方式,質化部份以立意抽樣七個社會福利基金會為對象,每個基金會深度訪談董事(長)及執行長,並對台灣基金新台幣一千萬元以上之426家社會福利基金會,以問卷調查方式收集資料。再將訪談資料作整理、歸類與分析,問卷資料則經過除錯、登錄,再以SPSS做統計。之後將訪談資料與問卷資料作對照、整理、歸類與分析解釋。 本文的研究價值為:本研究係以企業公司治理原則跨界類比至社會福利基金會之研究,在研究價值上是以跨界運用,並且是運用企業公司治理原則較周延的考量,突破過去台灣對基金會治理研究的以董事會或董事會與執行長的研究範疇,第三是研究者本身係跨社會工作與管理兩界,因此本研究雖為探索性研究,但是價值上已跨出原來社會福利與企業管理結合的研究。 本文在研究的貢獻上,計有對政策的、理論的以及實務上的貢獻:對政府的政策而言,台灣在推動基金會治理之時,由於是由近33各業務主管單位分別管理不同目的事業的財團法人,因此政府需要透過治理原則建構一個良好基金會發展的法規環境。對基金會治理的理論則可以跨界運用企業的公司治理之理論和責信的理論,唯企業公司治理,以吸收社會大眾資金的上市上櫃公司為重要對象,其責信的對象的利害關係人是具體的股東、員工、顧客、供應商等,但是基金會的治理則不限規模大小都需要治理,責信的對象也擴及不特定的社會大眾;因此透過治理原則共識利害關係人所重視的責信,卻是相似的。在實務上的貢獻是發現目前談基金會治理,在概念上已有認知,但是在落實建構機制與執行,則尚有一段差距,加上基金會的多元性,因此建議目前在實務上應開始先探討治理原則,同時倡導和教育,再邁向治理機制的建構。 / Nonprofit organization symbolizes bright side of the human society. Nonprofit organization always be covered with kindhearted yashmak and regarded as high moral standards. Nonprofit organization is the preserver of social justice and morals, bust also the practicer. Nonprofit organization won’t be regarded as law-breaker. The welfare and charity foundations are the second large of Taiwan’s all foundations. Most of them have direct service programs and lots of resources from outside. My research will focus on the welfare and charity foundations in Taiwan. In facts, there were some social events in Taiwan that encouraged people kindness and endangered public welfare at the same time, such as “Pong Chou-Yang social welfare foundation event in 1987”, “nice and warm magazine event in 1988” and “921 earth quake in 1999”. They were endangered the trust capital of Civil Society in Taiwan. Profit sector on November in 2001, the news about Enron went into bankruptcy shocked the well street which always be trust by American investors. There are some reliable and top firms which faced crisis one after another, such as World com and Tyco. A lot of enterprise scandals were reported continuously, such as fictitious business transactions, faking up profit and income, falsify income and expense report. The investor lost their confidence finally. During the recovery period, most of advisers and consultants think the best way to resolve these problems is rebuilt and reinforce the “Company Governance”, and OECD has signed the “OECD Principle of Corporate Governance” for the standard and guideline of the member state’s company. This research try to use the same perspective of workers in practice, the “Company Governance” concept and method, and try apply in the nonprofit sector by analogy. The research will try to explore and built the “Governance Principle of nonprofit organizations in Taiwan”. This research combined theory and practice for analysis. It is include qualitative and quantitative data in the analyzing process for discussing Taiwan’s social welfare foundations’ reality and attitude of the governance. Except for content analysis, this research used the qualitative method for the most part and quantitative method is in secondary. This research also used “Purposeful sampling” method to choose seven social welfare foundations in Taiwan. The researcher interview with the board chairman and executive director for each foundation and send the questionnaire to the 426 foundations which fund were over ten million dollars. Next step is generalizing and analyzing the interview data, then use SPSS software for statistic analysis. Final step is comparing, generalizing, analyzing and explaining. The value of this research is: Try to revise the governance model of the profit sector and apply to the social welfare foundations. It’s the first time to apply the governance model crossing two sectors and use the conscientious model. It was broken through the focus on the governance of the board committee and executive director. Because of the researcher was crossing social work and business management, this research is not only a simple exploring research. It also have more plus values. There are policy, theory and practical contributions of this research. Because there are 33 Departments in Charge to manage different foundations for different purpose, government need to construct the environment for the development of foundations through the principle of governance. The only suggestion about the law is “in principle”, “in directly” and “in good time”. Beside this suggestion, the category of the management should be classified for different level by size and mission. For the theory purpose, this research can apply governance and accountability theory for crossing two sectors. The company governance is mainly suit for entering the market company. The main accountability target is for stakeholders, staff and customers. There is no size limitation for the governance of foundation. The accountability target is all public. The practical contribution is discovering the present situation that already had the governance concept, but not to carry out the constructive mechanism, the executing stage. We should encourage Taiwan’s nonprofit organization to explore the principle of governance in practice. At the same time, they should propose and educate the construction the mechanism of governance.


林昆宏, LIN, KUN-HONG Unknown Date (has links)
本論文採問卷方式進行研究,研究對象為吸煙者。問卷共分四大部份,分別是一般化 生活型態、與吸煙有關之特殊化生活型態、吸煙動機和人口統計變項,目的在研究吸 煙者的香煙使用量、生活型態、吸煙動機、人口變項之間的相互關係,並試圖依生活 型態與吸煙動機將吸煙者加以區隔。 本論文共約五萬字,分成七章。第一章為緒論,包括六小節,分別說明台灣香煙消費 之概況、研究動機、研究目的、研究對象和研究之觀念架構。 第二章為理論與文獻探討,包括三個小節,分別探討非營利事業行銷、吸煙動機、吸 煙者之生活型態與人格等方面的理論。 第三章為研究方法,有五個小節,分別是研究程序、研究假設、研究母體與抽樣設計 、問卷回數與樣本描述。 第四章至第六章為研究結果,分別說明因素分析、假設檢 定、集群分析的結果。 最後一章是結論與建議,包括研究結論、對戒煙運動之行銷策略的建議、研究限制、 彌後研究之建議等四小節。


林義郎, LIN, YI-LANG Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共分五個章節: 第一章緒論:簡略介紹國內之表演藝術活動發展情形及本文研究動機與研究假設等。 第二章理論及文獻探討:從非營利事業行銷的概念談到顧客行為的研究,再論及有關 生活型態與價值觀的文獻,最後將這四部份做一個整合。 第三章研究方法:問卷設計過程→抽樣方法→抽樣結果→選擇測量工具→決定分析方 法這五部份做描述的工作。 第四章研究結果:首先是因素分析所得出的結果,再就是對於第一章所假設的檢定, 驗證這些假設是否正確,最後則對於目前的觀賞者做描述,以瞭解這些人基本的特性 。 第五章結論與建議:將所得出的結果做一整理,並且提供有關單位之參考意見。


張廣福, Zhang, Guang-Fu Unknown Date (has links)
本文乃將行銷的概念及規劃的方法,應用在非營利事業上,并以臺北市國民消費協會 為例,分析目前的環境趨勢,研究一般消費者之特性及其如何得知本協會又如何達成 其向本協會申請和加入之決定,并確認市場需求,以建立市場區隔,且分析檢討本協 會資源之來源及運用之方向,以作為臺北市國民消費協會拓展業務,設計行銷組合之 參考。

非營利組織的公共性與知識分享意願之研究-以主婦聯盟之共同購買為例 / A Study of Publicness and Willingness of Knowledge Sharing for the Nonprofit Organization: A Case of Homemaker’s Union Consumer Cooperation.

竇仁君, Tou, Jen-chun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,有兩項重要的發展影響了我們的社會,一為非營利組織的興起,一為知識經濟時代的來臨。這兩項看似無關的事,卻給予我們一些啟發。非營利組織的興起,改變了過去由政府壟斷公共領域的局面,而知識經濟則是以「知識」為基礎的「新經濟」運作模式,改變了傳統企業運作所賴以生存的生產三要素—土地、勞力和資本。 在知識經濟體系中,如何掌握及有效管理知識以促進組織的效能,已成為每一個組織重要的議題,其中的關鍵在於「知識分享」。由於非營利組織的公共性所形成的公共領域,是共同體(社區)成員之間,針對其生活領域中的公共事務,進行討論、學習和對話,而這個過程與知識的分享有關。顯見「公共性」與「知識分享」同時存在非營利組織之中,二者是否關聯,遂引發了本研究的動機。 因此,本研究進一步以「公共性」與「知識分享」為主軸,探討非營利組織的公共性與知識分享意願的相關議題。定義「公共性」的主要因素,包括公開度(透明度)、公信力、參與度、知名度、非私有性以及公共利益的功能等六大項。同時建構出非營利組織知識分享機制與公共性相關的內涵,包括建立知識分享的報酬制度、建立組織成員間的工作關係、建立組織成員的共同知識、提供組織成員一些知識交流的場所與時間、建立組織的知識仲介、建立組織內知識分享文化的領導者等六項構成要素。 本研究採用個案研究的方式進行,深入探討主婦聯盟的共同購買,這一國內具有代表性的組織,無論在公共性或知識分享上均可呈現清楚的研究成果。研究發現: 公共性是非營利組織的本質,也是非營利組織的重要特徵。非營利組織的公共性有益於組織形成有效率的知識市場,所以非營利組織可藉由提升公共性來克服知識分享的障礙,增進組織成員的知識分享意願。而增進組織成員的知識分享意願,可藉由公共性作為組織知識市場的核心,並以個人的動機、組織成員間的信任關係、以及組織文化等三個層面為架構,來建構促進組織知識分享的機制。 非營利組織除了可以藉由實施知識分享機制的活動來促進知識的分享外,同時也可維持組織的公共性,因為知識市場具有公共性的特性,所以組織在實施知識管理時,即提高了組織的公共性。 因此,非營利組織公共性與知識分享的關係,可以分為兩個層面來看,一個是彼此的因果關係,另一個是內在(內涵)與外在(表現)的關係。首先,非營利組織的公共性促進了組織的知識分享,知識分享活動則強化了組織的公共性,並且公共性與知識分享彼此有相互促進的作用。其次,非營利組織的公共性是知識分享的內涵,非營利組織的知識分享是公共性的表現。 本研究的貢獻在於提出非營利組織可藉由提升組織的公共性來增進組織成員的知識分享意願,同時也可藉由知識分享活動來強化組織的公共性。 建議對於後續的研究,可依據本研究的架構,針對「公共性不高的非營利組織」或「營利組織」進行比較、分析與研究。 / In recent years, there are two important developments impacting on our society. One is the rise of non-profit organizations (NPOs); the other is the coming of knowledge economic age. These two seemingly unrelated phenomena give us some revelations. Although the government has monopolized the public sphere, the rise of NPO changes the situation. The knowledge economy is a ‘New Economy’ based on knowledge. It also changes the traditional business operation model, which depends on three production factors—land, labor, and capital. In knowledge economy system, one important issue of every organization is how to do knowledge management effectively, so that the organization will increase its work efficiency. The key is ‘knowledge sharing’. NPO’s publicness forms a public sphere, which means the discussion, learning and discourse among community’s members about the public matters in their daily living sphere. This process is related to knowledge sharing. Obviously, ‘publicness’ and ‘knowledge sharing’ exist in NPO simultaneously. Is there any relation between these two factors? The question provides the motive of this research. The research, therefore, would like to probe further and take ‘publicness’ and ‘knowledge sharing’ as the main shaft, and investigate the relevant subjects of the publicness and the willingness of knowledge sharing in NPO. The research will define the six major factors of publicness, which includes transparency, credibility, participation, celebrity, unprivitization, and public interests. It will also construct a mechanism of knowledge sharing in NPO and the connotation of publicness. The connotation of publicness includes, (1) establish a reward system of knowledge sharing, (2) establish a operative relationship between organization and its members, (3) establish a common knowledge among organization members, (4) provide a place and time for knowledge sharing among members, (5) establish knowledge agents of organization, and (6) establish a leadership of knowledge sharing culture in the organization. The research is a case study of a representative organization in Taiwan, Homemaker’s Union Consumer Cooperation. The result shows clearly about publicness and knowledge sharing: Publicness is the nature and an important characteristic of NPO. Since knowledge sharing is based on publicness, if NPO can raise its publicness, then it can overcome the obstacles of knowledge sharing, enhance knowledge sharing in the organization, and promote the willingness of knowledge sharing among its members. NPO can also take its publicness as an axis of the knowledge market in the organization. Having the axis, it can use personal motive, trustful relationship among members, and organizational culture, to construct the organization’s mechanism of knowledge sharing. The publicness of NPO will facilitate an effective knowledge market and enhance knowledge sharing in the organization. Moreover, since publicness is the characteristic of knowledge market, so when the organization carries out knowledge management, it will increase publicness at the same time. Consequently, the relation of publicness and knowledge sharing in NPO can be seen as two aspects: one is a cause and effect relation between publicness and knowledge sharing. The other is a relation between the internal (connotation) and the external (representation). Firstly, the publicness of NPO enhances knowledge sharing in the organization, and the knowledge sharing activities strengthen its publicness. It’s a reciprocal relationship between publicness and knowledge sharing. Secondly, NPO’s publicness is the connotation of knowledge sharing, while the knowledge sharing is a representation of its publicness. The contribution of this research is addressing that NPO can promote the willingness of knowledge sharing of its members by increasing its publicness. Meanwhile, it can also strengthen its publicness through the activities of knowledge sharing. A suggestion of further study is using this research as a basis, then compare, analyze and study NPOs, which possess lower publicness, or profit organizations.

中國大陸非營利組織發展之研究:以中國青少年發展基金會為例 / The Non-Profit Organizations of Maimland China: A Case in China Youth Development Foundation

傅正良, Fu, Cheng-Liang Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸自1978年改革開放之後,伴隨著經濟繁榮與社會開放,使得經濟、政治、文化等社會生活各方面都受到前所未有的衝擊,同時也為中國大陸的非營利組織帶來發展的契機,之後非營利組織也如雨後春筍般地迅速發展,雖然目前其發展仍處於初期階段,但其民間性正在不斷地強化;同時,非營利組織在社會福利、慈善救助、助學培訓、醫療保健、文化教育、生態環境等各方面的努力與社會影響,在中國大陸顯然地已成為一股重要的社會力量,而相關的研究與探討也在近幾年來大量地發表。 本文在於探討中國大陸非營利組織發展的產生背景、歷史發展、規模情形、法規制度、與市民社會發展的關係、目前所面臨的問題與困境,以及其未來發展的趨勢。並以中國青少年發展基金會為個案分析,希望透過文獻的分析與實地的訪談,以更加瞭解目前中國大陸非營利組織的發展情形。 而在近年來非營利組織迅速發展的同時,也面臨到一些問題與瓶頸,包括:政社不分、經費不足、人才缺乏、法律不健全等問題。總之,目前中國大陸的非營利組織仍處於轉型之中,且改革開放以來,中國大陸非營利組織發展雖然面臨到前所未有的機遇,但於此同時,也面臨到諸多的問題與挑戰。 / After reform and opening up in 1978, all aspects of mainland China, such as the economy, politics and culture affairs, were in an unprecedented state of shock. Meanwhile, the opportunity was given for the development of the non-profit organizations (NPO) which were growing rapidly in recent years. Though the development is still at the primary stage, the participation of citizens in NPOs is increasing gradually. NPOs have become an important force with their growing influence on the social welfare, kindly supports, healthcare, cultural and education affairs, and environmental protections. Much related research was published in recent years. The current study uses China Youth Development Foundation as an example to understand the development of NPOs in mainland China. The study focuses on its background, history, current situation, relevant regulations, relationship with the civil society, and future developments. The purpose of this study is to know more about the present development of NPOs in mainland China by methods of interviews and analyses. As NPOs develop rapidly in recent years, they are also facing some problems, such as their connections with politics, shortage of financial support and personnel, and insufficient regulation establishments. In general, the NPOs of mainland China are still in a period of transition. Since the reform and open market, NPOs have had a great opportunity for their development, but they are also experiencing many problems and challenges.

文化產業品牌管理模式應用研究初探-以台灣表演藝術產業為例 / The Exploration of Brand Management Model of Culture Industry in Taiwan-- A case study of the Performance Arts Industry

鄭智偉, Cheng, Chih-Wei Antonio Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 近年來,文化產業被認為是個別國家經濟發展以及社會生活品質提升的重要關鍵因素。而品牌對企業而言,不單只是區隔與其他公司的差別,還是一個企業在消費者心中的形象、承諾、品質、經驗的集合體。 本研究基於品牌管理對於台灣文化產業的重要性,整理各國文化產業發展概況,經由個案研究,探索台灣文化產業的品牌管理模式,以及影響台灣文化產業品牌管理的可能因素,作為後續相關研究的基礎。本研究主要研究目的為:一、彙整各國文化產業發展特性及差異。二、以品牌管理模式,針對台灣文化產業品牌進行個案分析。三、提出對台灣文化產業品牌管理的建議。 本研究為探索性研究,以個案研究法,針對個案進行次級資料收集、參與觀察及深度訪談。研究架構構面及變項分為:一、組織構面,分為品牌管理的權責與組織兩個面向。二、品牌策略構面,分為策略性分析及品牌架構面向。三、品牌識別系統構面,探討組織如何界定品牌核心識別、品牌價值主張、品牌與消費者的關係。四、品牌實行系統構面,探討品牌定位、整合溝通活動與效果評估。 文化產業特性差異甚巨,因資源限制,本研究選擇台灣表演藝術產業為研究對象。選擇具備文化產業品牌代表性,成立五年以上,且被文化產業認可的表演藝術團體進行研究,分別為優劇場、朱宗慶打擊樂團、紙風車兒童劇團、綠光劇團、果陀劇場、屏風表演班、及雲門舞集。 整體而言,台灣表演藝術產業,除少數團體具備較為完整的品牌管理知識與經驗外,皆缺乏嚴謹的品牌管理專業管理能力。在品牌管理的權責與組織構面,台灣表演藝術產業的品牌管理的權責皆為最高層級品牌決策者,且品牌管理的組織皆包括最高品牌管理決策者及整體行銷部門;在品牌策略構面,則發現多數團體的策略性分析不完整並缺乏品牌架構的意識;在品牌識別系統構面,則發現多數團體皆已建立品牌核心識別、具備品牌價值主張、清楚意識品牌與消費者的關係;在品牌實現系統構面,則發現多數團體缺乏嚴謹的品牌定位、行銷溝通缺乏整合性及未意識到品牌效果評估的重要性。在品牌經營的長期觀點部份,則發現作品的專業度是影響表演藝術產業品牌經營的重要因素及少數團體已能關注品牌如何永續發展的議題。 研究發現文化產業品牌的建構必須整體性關注四個構面:提高品牌管理決策層級、進行完整品牌策略性分析、建立嚴謹品牌識別系統、整合運用品牌實現系統。此外,必須以長期的觀點來思考與經營品牌,才能累積品牌權益。就台灣的文化產業而言,除了上述層面外,品牌管理專業訓練的加強,卻是台灣文化產業專業經理人的當務之急。證諸個案,更可發現經由完整專業的品牌管理,品牌經營所能延伸的經營成績。 / Abstract The development of culture industry has been considered as a rising index of economy development and quality-of-life of individual country in the modern world. To firms, branding is not only segmentation to differential, but also the collective of images, commitments, quality, and experience to a firm in consumer minds. Due to the important, and yet, unexplored nature of brand management of culture industry in Taiwan, the purposes of this research is to understand the development of culture industries in various countries, to explore brand management of culture industry in Taiwan, and to propose a workable brand management model for the culture industry in Taiwan. As an exploratory research by case study method, the scope of exploration consists of four aspects: 1.Organizational aspect, which includes decision maker and organizational flow of execution; 2. Brand strategy aspect, which includes strategic analysis and brand construct; 3. Brand identity system, which includes identity of the brand, brand value and relationship between the brand and consumers; 4. Brand execution system, which includes brand position, the integrated communication of brand, and the evaluation of brand performance. This study chose performance arts industry as study focus. Through secondary data collection, in-depth interviews, and participant observation, seven performance arts groups are being studies. In conclusion, except two performance arts companies, the rest of performance arts groups in Taiwan lacks of the professionalism to brand management. Brand decisions are all made by the top management and executed by the whole organization. Most performance arts groups do not have a thorough analysis of the brand nor have the awareness of brand architecture. In terms of brand identity, most observed groups have a clear brand identity, a differentiated brand value and a positive relationship between consumer and the brand. However, most groups lack of the sense of brand position, market communication integration and the importance of brand performance evaluation. Finally, in order to build a long-term perspective of a brand, the key factor still lies with professionalism.Two studied groups have already paid attention to the brand management issue to the continuous development of the brand.


陳錦誠, Chen, Chin-cheng Unknown Date (has links)
公部門站在主要的資金提供者,並鼓勵企業加入贊助行列,支持表演藝術團體的持續發展。但是,有限資源面對眾多的申請者,資源提供者(公部門以及企業部門),大都採取被動的態度,受理申請。這種傳統的資源提供模式,採取名額多、補助額度少的方式。因此,為爭取更多的資源,表演藝術團體必須在不同部門之間奔走,尋求資金挹注的最佳組合。此一模式,長期以來,造成資金提供者與資金需求者(表演團體),雙方在資源交換的效率低、交換後雙方都不滿意;就社會行銷的觀點而言,如此的交換模式耗損相當高的交易成本,資源無法有效的整合與運用,無法創造最大的社會效益。使得公部門、企業、表演團體都急於尋找資源有效運用的良方。 以發掘商業組織為對象的創業投資,運用到以非營利組織為對象。透過策略管理的方式慎選投資標的,建構可以創造高社會報酬的計畫,稱為公益創投。本研究假設,公益創投可以運用在以創意為核心表演藝藝術產業,探討表演團體接受公益創投的可行性。公益創投主動尋求投資之標的,長期參與不僅投注資金,也投入人力以及各項資源。並要求達成設定的績效目標以及價值與利潤的回饋。 經由文獻探討,並以實務經驗者參與焦點座談的方式,實際模擬遴選準則以及實務上可能之標的等。發現對於公益創投的模式,表演藝術團體是有條件的接受,在尊重藝術創作的前提下,它提供一套系統化的投資方式,提昇資源應用的效率,創造更高的社會效益。讓有潛力的團體,能夠在需要的時機被主動發掘,成為重點投資的對象。是傳統藝術資源運用模式之外的另一項具有策略性的選項。建議,在現有的資源中提出一定的比例,採行公益創投的模式重點投資值得發展的計畫。 / The public sector plays a prominent part as the primary funding channels for performing arts groups as well as appeals to the private sector for joining the funding game. Limited funding resources have proven to be challenged for numerous fund-seeking applicants. The resource providers (public and private funding sectors) have been known to take on a passive attitude—accepting, assessing and allocating sent applications. This traditional interaction frequently adapts the “more dividers, less grant” model. In turn, performing arts groups spend more time circling different funding departments, in search of the best funding combination to meet their needs. This long-adopted method has caused low efficiency on both the funding providers and the funding seekers. Both parties rarely exchange their resources and even when do so, rarely are both parties satisfied with the mode of exchange. Taking the view of social marketing , this exchange pattern not only results in transaction costs, resources are left ineffectively integrated and therefore fails in reaching the best social beneficiary. Foreseeing hazardous future in funding, public sectors, enterprises and performing arts groups are jumping to find best applicable measures to resource integration. Seeking venture capitals to invest in nonprofit organizations. Weighing through strategic management and invest in the chosen organization to create high social rewards is “Venture Philanthropy”. This study hypothesizes Venture Philanthropy can be exercised on performing arts industry and based on this hypothesis, the study will discuss the feasibility of performing arts groups accepting Venture Philanthropy. Venture Philanthropy actively seeks investment target which not only participates in capital for the long run, but also puts forth human resources and other related assets. Investors must ask for the achievement of the assumed goal and the feeback of values and profits. In-depth research in literatures, seminars of administrators in performing arts groups, simulating panel selection with prospective invested candidates, this study finds Venture Philanthropy module is conditionally accepted by performing arts groups. Under the premises that investors trully respect artistic originalities , Mode of Venture Philanthropy provides a systematic investing frame and by increasing the efficiency of applied resources, highly beneficial results are introduced to the society. The module allows potential arts groups to be actively sought out in need time and become key investments. This boasts another strategic opportunity outside the traditional interaction between performing arts groups and funding sectors. In conclusion, it is highly suggested that a certain percentage of the existing resources can be released as Venture Philanthropy module to amplify deserving and potential groups .

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