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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bilder av en älv : i skärningspunkten mellan energipolitik, kulturarv och feminism

Rönnbäck, Erica January 2022 (has links)
This essay explores how an image can be shaped and influenced by several different interests, motives, and schools of thought. The work getting analysed is Till minnet av en älv by Anja Örn. It contains video art, sculptures, and text with a number of different frameworks and references.In the background descriptions made, concepts such as ecofeminism and Anthropocene play a role. The essay also touches upon industrial history and cultural heritage which lifts the interesting question of who's history is being written.It's about how our shared memories are shaped in relationship to the landscape, and who gets represented when these memories are transferred to the next generation.

Skogen och havet gör ont : Graviditet och antropocen i Helena Granströms Hysteros / The Forest and Sea Hurt Me : Pregnancy and the Anthropocene in Helena Granström's Hysteros

Hemlin, Klas January 2023 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen undersöker graviditetsskildringarna i Helena Granströms prosalyriska kortroman Hysteros (2013). Med stöd i nymaterialisten Karen Barads teori om materiella-diskursiva apparaturer och ett antal begrepp lånade från ekokritikern Timothy Mortons mörka ekologi, försöker den genom närläsningar att ta reda på hur graviditet – ett motiv som genomsyrar hela Granströms författarskap – i den aktuella texten fungerar som ingång till den form av ekologisk medvetenhet som Morton kallar ”ecognosis”. Läsningarna äger rum mot bakgrund av den nya moderskapslitteraturen, vilken definieras med hjälp av forskaren Lily Gurton-Wachter. Ett latent syfte med uppsatsen, utöver att beskriva graviditetsskildringarna och visa på deras relevans för det ekologiska tänkandet, är att demonstrera potentialen som finns i denna litteratur, liksom i studiet av den, både vad gäller förståelsen av de specifika erfarenheter den utgår från och utforskandet av andra filosofiska spörsmål med hjälp av dessa erfarenheter. Uppsatsen argumenterar i slutändan för att Granström framvisar graviditet som en miniatyr av antropocen, med vilket jag menar att graviditeten skildras som en aktiv materialitet som decentraliserar och löser upp gränserna för det autonoma mänskliga subjektet. Graviditeten ställer således Hysteros berättarjag inför samma svårigheter som antropocen enligt ekokritiken ställer mänskligheten inför.

Gränser och anti-natur : En urbanekologisk analys av Ottessa Moshfeghs My Year of Rest and Relaxation / Borders and anti-nature : An ecocritical analysis of Ottessa Moshfeghs My Year of Rest and Relaxation

Nahrendorf, Zelda January 2021 (has links)
This essay analyzes the depictions of urban nature in Ottessa Moshfegh’s novel My Year of Rest and Relaxation (2018). The theoretical framework consists primarily of Astrid Bracke’s thoughts on “urban ecology”, Christophe Den Tant’s descriptions of “the urban sublime” and William Cronon’s thoughts on the concept of “Wilderness”, all of which work in the ecocritical field. My Year of Rest and Relaxation explores the concepts of naturalness and artificiality through language and various themes. It takes place in an urban environment where the main character chooses to isolate herself in her city apartment, hence the existence of nature in the traditional sense is absent, yet the text works consistently with elements of urban nature in varying situations. The way in which this urban nature is presented relates to other themes such as the exploration of borders and dichotomies such as nature and culture, organic and artificial as well as animate and inanimate.

(O)säkerhet i de norrländska skogarna : Om klimatförändringars och skogsbrukets effekter på renskötares säkerhet

Svernlöv, Carolina January 2021 (has links)
I have in this thesis problematized the Swedish climate transition potentially making Sweden one of the first fossil free welfare states in the world. The forest industry has been designated as one of the central components of climate transition in that it will help replace fossil fuels and other unsustainable materials. One group being affected by the increased forestry is that of the Sámi reindeer herders. Not only are they already affected by the effects of climate change to a great extent, but the forest industry in turn causes problems for reindeer husbandry and is a direct source of reduced quality in forests which provide lichen, the primary food source for reindeer. I have conducted interviews with five reindeer herders in the Malå forest Sámi village, in Västerbotten, in northern Sweden, to gain a keener understanding of the effects of climate change and the forest industry on reindeer herding, from a security perspective. The results show that the interviewees perceive climate change and large-scale forestry as a threat to their livelihood connected to reindeer husbandry and, in turn, a significant part of Sámi culture and existence, and that the two exacerbate the effects of each other. Among the effects, are the loss of forest that provides shelter and sustenance for reindeer, as well as the wellbeing and spirituality of the reindeer herders. Using theories drawn from Anthropocene and postcolonial literature, I hereby problematize the climate transition in Sweden in that it is based on a particular way of viewing the relationship between humans and nature. This causes problems for reindeer husbandry, and ultimately a reduction in security for reindeer herders that is reminiscent of and upholding the frictional and colonial bonds between Sweden and Sápmi (the region inhabited by Sámi people).

Geografiundervisning som sätter klimatnödläget i centrum : En kvalitativ studie om ämnes- och läroplanens aktualitet gentemot vetenskaplig forskning om miljö- och klimatundervisning i gymnasiekursen geografi 1 / Geography teaching that places the climate emergency in center

Sand, Johan January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to investigate and analyse the knowledge gap between the Swedish high school and geography syllabus, on one hand, and scientific research on the other. This study is emphasizing on the need for a future-oriented approach in the Swedish curriculum, which is needed to address future challenges. In this study the focus is directed towards climate and environmental education, where sustainable development is a key component of the current geography syllabus, in contrast of scientific research where climate emergency and the geological epoch Anthropocene makes the current knowledge. Utilizing discourse analysis to examine factors such as the underlying values, roles, and power of actors in the shaping process of educational documents, such as the policy and educational documents. The study is conducted in two sub-studies which will be conducted separately and later being compared to each other. The results of the two sub-studies revealed an existing knowledge gap and revealed the influence of politics and science on values, shaping attitudes by education. By applying Lindes (2021) curriculum codes, the analysis indicates a prevalence of the political code in the current curriculum, while Spratt´s (2022) scientific research aligns with the scientific-rational code.  The conclusion drawn from this study is that an updated curriculum is essential to transform attitudes towards climate and environmental issues. The discourse analysis of the current curriculum emphasizes the prioritization of values over current knowledge, which has contributed to the planetary crisis that science has identified as a climate emergency.

Fossiliserade frön för en bra Antropocen : Action-arkeologi för hållbarhet och miljö med förslag för applicering i svenska landskap

Lind, John January 2017 (has links)
This paper deals with issues on how archaeology might participate in transdisciplinary research andwork towards sustainable development. Three main themes are explored based on sustainabilitywork mainly from Stockholm Resilience Centre and previous archaeological texts about theutilisation of archaeology for environmental benefits. The themes are nature/culture-dichotomies,deep time perspectives and heritage. Each theme is continously adding unto the next one,whereafter applicability scenarios are discussed in three Sweden-specific environmental contexts:The Baltic Sea, agricultural landscapes and the alpine environment. Implications include: thedevelopment of a heritage perspective that bridges the nature-culture divide and focuses oncontinuity rather than preservation and includes human usage of heritage, possibilities forarchaeology to be used to inform environmental management and to counter NIMBY-ism

"The Speciesism Gaze!?" : An ethical discursive analysis of animal right posters from a postcolonial, eco-critical and new materialist feminist perspective. / "Blicken av speciesism!?" : En etisk diskursiv analys av djur rätts posters, utifrån postkolonial, eko-kritisk och new materialist feministiska perspektiv.

Johansson, Lena January 2017 (has links)
Our western society and lifestyle is to a considerable extent depended on the way we perceive and treat our co-existing non-human species. Industrial farming, vivisection, sports, circuses etcetera are just a few examples of how human use and exploit animal bodies for own gain. A phenomenon that in many ways, is perceived, as natural and normal, and therefore seldom discussed. The thesis purpose is to problematize this phenomenon by examine, what I call “The Speciesism Gaze”, through analysis of posters that promote animal rights, selected online, through the search domain Google. The theoretical framework used, are theories focusing on intersectionality, derived within postcolonial-, eco-critical and new materialist feminism. A brief introduction of animal right movements, its linking to feminism activism and theories derived within affect theory is presented as background for the analysis. As method, I use critical discourse analysis, focusing on intertextuality of the posters context. Asking what discourses emerge, challenging the anthropocentric and androcentric western dualistic hierarchy, whilst displaying mutually reinforced structures of sexism, racism and speciesism? I discuss the western historical and cultural human idea that the human species is separated from nature and animal, and where the “right” human subject standard is perceived as male, white, heterosexual and western in the Anthropocene age. I found that, this standard is displayed, played on, and questioned in the posters selected, in relation to animal materiality, grievability, killability, species necropolitics, sexism and racism. I discuss in my conclusion that oppression based on speciesism is not a power relation discussed in society today to the same extent as expressions of sexism and racism are. It is however an oppression that we all take part in every day and that affect all of us, despite species belonging. In that context, I hope the theorization and meaning of the speciesism gaze will have significance within the field of feminist theorizations and practices.

Klanger och spår från periferin av paradigmet : hur alienerande erfarenheter kan avspeglas och uppfattas genom musik

Markström, Marika January 2023 (has links)
Egentligen hade jag aldrig tänkt arbeta med något så till synes opoetiskt som gifter, girighet och genetik i mina konstnärliga och musikaliska verk – mina tidigare verk är mer tvetydiga till sin natur. Men som någon sagt; alla intryck måste få ett uttryck. I synnerhet då det är fråga om livsomvälvande upplevelser som delas av en globalt växande grupp men samtidigt sällan kan uttryckas i brist på allmän kännedom. För mig och denna grupp jag upptäckt handlar det om hur överexponering för (bio)toxiner samverkat med genetiska variationer och gradvis förstört våra immunförsvar samt gett upphov till sk. environmental illness och en rad sammanlänkade följdtillstånd. Mina verk från den här tiden förmedlar kanske ändå klanger och spår av detta på ett poetiskt, universellt och mångbottnat sätt, medan uppsatsen är mera konkret – syftet är att ge ett ytskrap av minoritetserfarenheter med kollektiva och politiska ansatser, analysera deras avspeglingar i mina musikaliska verk och därefter utforska om och hur dessa avtryck upplevs av andra. Endel konstverk berörs i denna text men huvudsakligt fokus ligger, liksom under utbildningen, på mitt musikaliska uttryck. Slutligen tangerar jag nya verk, till vilka jag hoppas bära med mig insikter om musiken som konstnärligt, kommunikativt medium.

Natursyn i antropocen : En ekokritisk läsning av dikter av Ingela Strandberg och Gunnar D Hansson / Representations of Nature in the Anthropocene : An Ecocritical Reading of Poems by Ingela Strandberg and Gunnar D Hansson

Olsson, Vera Maria January 2020 (has links)
In the Anthropocene, a new approach towards nature in poetry is emerging. This change is closely related to ecocritical theory, which is a reevaluation of the human view on, and representation of, nature. It moves away from a more traditional anthropocentric perspective to a more critical one. This can for instance be in the spirit of Arne Naess or Timothy Morton, the two main theorists used in this essay. This essay is an ecocritical close reading of two Swedish contemporary poems on nature: “När jag går i skymningsmörkret” by Ingela Strandberg (from Att snara en fågel, 2018) and “(Strandförskjutningar)” by Gunnar D Hansson (from Tapeshavet, 2017). The focus of the reading is on the representation of wild, untouched nature. The formulated questions in the essay concern how untouched nature is represented in the poems, the human relationship towards it and how the differences and similarities between the two poems relate to and transform romantic representations of nature.  The conclusion is that these two very different poems exemplify the range of contemporary Swedish nature poetry. Strandberg’s poem is leaning towards a romantic or ecosofist representation of nature, whilst Hansson’s is more clear-cut ecocritical in line with Morton’s dark ecology.

Som om dagen tar slut : En ekokritisk läsning av subjektspositionen i fyra samtida bilderböcker

Manfredson Holmberg, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
This assignment aims to explore and analyze the picture books I skogen by Eva Lindström, Furan by Lisen Adbåge, Om dagen tar slut by Lisa Hyder and Naturen by Emma AdBåge, through an ecocritical study of subjekt formations. The studying of children's literatre, in relatoin to both the anthropocene and environmenantal discourse, gives an insight into the way man and nature are narrated and how subject positions are challenged. When analyzing such subjects this essay uses The Nature in Culture Matrix, created by the research group Nature in Children's Literature and Culture. The main concepts presented throughout this text include anthropocentrism, ecocentrism, celebrated nature and problematasing nature. This thesis examines how modern picture books protest against the former independent, free and courageous child that was encouraged to put themselves before others. Such a chliche is evident when characters defy a common pattern of action and how anthropomorphizations of nature can highlight the ecocritical way of thinking. It is further evident that pictre books, through intrigue, problematize the human subject and draw parallels to everything that is living. To conclude, the results show that the child as a subject either is challenged or replaced by nature.

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