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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hemberedskap, makt och medborgare: : En diskursanalys om hemberedskap / Household Preparedness, Power, and Citizens: : A Discourse Analysis on Household Preparedness

Miles, Erika January 2023 (has links)
During the last 20 years there has been an international shift in contingency crisis politics. Different governments are increasingly emphasizing the importance of household preparedness as a strategy for civil crisis preparedness. Studies on these campaigns have analysed the language used to justify the importance of household preparedness and have revealed an ongoing change in the discourse which affects the power relations between the state and citizens. However, a large amount of research has been centred towards Anglo-Saxon countries leaving a scientific gap in our understanding of other contexts. This thesis aims to contribute to filling that gap by exploring the Swedish discourse on household preparedness, a country which has received less attention despite the unique integration of crisis and conflict management into the same policy. The study also aims to contribute to a wider scientific dialog discussing the views of crisis management strategies aimed at civilians. The analysis is based on poststructuralist theory and specifically Foucault’s tools for qualitative text analysis, here used as both theory and a method. The study concludes that the central concepts for the discourse are “household preparedness”, “resistance power” and “robustness”. The discourse is shaped by ideas based on decentralization, individual responsibility, and securitization as well as recent events such as the covid-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The study identifies two main citizen roles; The first is the “ideal citizen” who has prepared their household for one week without additional aid from the government, is generous in helping others, and has an ability to collect and process information with critical reasoning. The other citizen role is the “help needing citizen” who struggles with achieving household preparedness and requires help from others. Lastly, this essay conclude that local civil society plays a traditionally larger role than earlier since it is expected to help citizens in need and share the responsibility for some of the crisis management with the government. Overall, the thesis fulfils its purpose, and acknowledges that future research could benefit from including alternative methods which capture how citizens perceive and justify household preparedness practices.

Begreppet "resiliens" resiliens. : En studie över hur svenska statens offentliga utredningar använt begreppet resiliens.

Mingarini Melin, Noa January 2024 (has links)
En undersökning av hur statliga utredningar inom krisberedskap, internationellt och regionalt utvecklingsarbete samt miljö och klimat använt sig av begreppet resiliens över tid. Undersökningen utgår från amerikansk och brittisk kritisk forskning om hur resiliens är ett otydligt begrepp, något som även noterats i Sverige. En kvantitativ-kvalitativ metod anläggs för att få både bredd och förståelse. Undersökningen finner att problemet med otydlighet även finns i Sverige, åtminstonte gällande SOU:er, även om det inte är på samma skala. Otydligheten undersöks genom tre analysaxlar gällande hur resiliens förstås ur ett maktperspektiv (dvs. grad av mänsklig kontroll), ur ett disciplinärt perspektiv samt ur ett perspektiv som mål i sig självt eller en process mot större mål. Undersökningen påtalar att svenska utredare använder resiliens relativt lite men bör sluta använda resiliens som det görs. Undersökningen ger stöd till den resilienskritiska forskningen men visar att den svenska forskningen kan ha överskattat problemet.

Kris- och krigsberedskap som fastighetsägare : En intervjustudie om ansvar med myndighetspersoner och en företagsorganisation / Crisis and war preparedness as property owner : An interview study about responsibilities with government officials and a business organization

Möller, Philip, Marbe Bernhardsson, Michael January 2024 (has links)
Kriser avlöser varandra i världen. Klimatförändringar leder till extrema väderfenomen såsom långvarig torka men också översvämningar och stormar, pandemier som lamslår stora delar av världen samt krig både i mellanöstern men också i Sveriges omedelbara närhet. Omvärldssituationen gör att kris- och krigsberedskap återigen är ett aktuellt ämne som prioriteras högt av den svenska regeringen. Syftet med denna studie är att konkretisera och medvetandegöra svenska fastighetsägares ansvar under kris och krig samt att presentera åtgärdsförslag för svenska fastighetsägare att vidta för att effektivt höja beredskapen i sina organisationer. Studien är avgränsad till att avhandla bostadsbolag men många av de slutsatser och åtgärder som presenteras går att tillämpa också på annat fastighetsbestånd. Studien är av kvalitativ sort där den teoretiska referensramen bygger på ett kanadensisk ramverk/ process  för “emergency management”, den lagstadgade ansvarsfördelningen, skyddsrummet och fastighetsägaren ur ett försörjningsperspektiv samt tidigare och nuvarande beredskapsarbete i Sverige. Insamlingen har skett med semistrukturerade intervjuer som följt fyra huvudteman: Sveriges civila beredskap, offentliga- och privata organisationers ansvar, beredskapsarbete i fastighetsbranschen samt framtida beredskapsarbete. Den teoretiska referensramen bygger på den lagstadgade ansvarsfördelningen, skyddsrummet och fastighetsägaren ur ett försörjningsperspektiv samt tidigare och nuvarande beredskapsarbete i Sverige. Slutsatsen i studien är att fastighetsbolag har få krav kopplade till hanteringen av kris- och krigsberedskap. I Sverige tar det offentliga en central roll i hanteringen av uppkomna situationer men man efterlyser samtidigt ett större ansvarstagande från näringslivet, något som näringslivet just nu håller på att göra men man ser hellre ett större ansvarstagande genom ekonomiska incitament hellre än utökade lagstadgade krav eftersom beredskap anses vara en statlig angelägenhet, slutligen presenteras ett åtgärdsförslag. / Crises follow one another in the world. Climate change leads to extreme weather phenomena such as droughts, but also floods and storms, pandemics that paralyze large parts of the world, as well as wars both in the Middle East and in Sweden's geographical proximity. The international situation makes crisis- and wartime preparedness once again a relevant topic that is highly prioritized by the Swedish government. The purpose of this study is to concretize and raise awareness of the responsibility of Swedish property owners during crises and wartime, as well as to present proposals for measures that Swedish property owners can take to effectively enhance preparedness in their organizations. The study is limited to discussing housing companies, but many of the conclusions and actions presented can also be applied to other real estate portfolios. The study is of a qualitative nature, with the theoretical framework based on a canadian process of emergency management, the statutory allocation of responsibilities, sheltering, and the property owner from a supply perspective, as well as previous and current preparedness efforts in Sweden. Data collection has been conducted through semi-structured interviews following four main themes: Sweden's civilian preparedness, the responsibilities of public and private organizations, preparedness efforts in the real estate industry, and future preparedness work. The conclusion of the study is that property owners have few requirements related to the handling of crisis and wartime preparedness. In Sweden, the public sector plays a central role in managing emerging situations, but at the same time, there is a call for greater responsibility from the business sector, something that the business sector is currently addressing, but would prefer to see a greater sense of responsibility through economic incentives rather than expanded statutory requirements, as preparedness is considered a matter for the state. Finally, a proposal for measures is presented.

Kommunernas roll, funktion och ansvar i det svenska totalförsvaret : En studie ur ett resiliensperspektiv / The role, function, and responsibility of municipalities in the Swedish total defence : A study from a resilience perspective

Gulbransgård, Annie January 2024 (has links)
This thesis aims to study the role, function, and responsibility of municipalities in the Swedish total defence during periods of heightened preparedness. The method used in this thesis is a qualitative text analysis, and the material consists of public documents from state actors. The research question formulated is as follows: What role, function, and responsibility are municipalities expected to have within the future total defence during periods of heightened preparedness? To answer the research question, resilience has been used as a theoretical framework. The results show that municipalities are expected to take on a proactive role by working with anticipation and identification, as well as by preventing, mitigating, and preparing for crises. Additionally, municipalities are expected to have an adaptive capability and act reactively by implementing measures and restoring society to normalcy. Furthermore, although the concept of resilience is not explicitly mentioned in the analyzed documents, it is evident that municipalities are expected to have a role, function, and responsibility characterized by resilience within the framework of future total defence. By contributing new knowledge and insights in this area, the study aims to fill the knowledge gaps that previous research has not addressed, while also aspiring to provide ideas for further research and development in the field of total defence and municipal resilience.

Vem tar hand om barnen vid höjd beredskap? En kvalitativ undersökning om förskollärares syn på sin roll inom totalförsvaret och deras försvarsvilja / Who is taking care of the children at heightened state of alert? A qualitative study on preschool teachers view of their role in the total defence and their willingness to defend one’s own country

Lahti, Emelie January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att studera hur förskollärare upplever sin roll inom totalförsvaret och hur deras försvarsvilja ser ut. Totalt har tio förskollärare intervjuats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och en tematisk analys utfördes på intervjumaterialet. Detta resulterade i två teman och sju subteman som redogör för gynnsamma samt ogynnsamma aspekter för förskollärares syn på sin roll inom totalförsvaret och deras försvarsvilja. Slutsatserna från denna studie var att förskollärare anser att de har en viktig roll inom totalförsvaret och att det finns en hög försvarsvilja. Studien visar dock att kunskapen och informationen om vad deras roll innebär är bristande, inte bara internt utan även stort i samhället och att ledare utgör en viktig roll i att sprida den kunskapen. Slutligen visadestudien på att den mest ogynnsamma aspekten är det som står oss närmast - familjen. Behovet att skydda sin egen familj och veta att den är trygg är det viktigaste och det visar i sig hur viktig förskolan är som aktör inom det civila försvaret för att tillgodose det behovet. / The aim of this study was to study how preschool teachers perceive their role within the total defence and what their willingness to defend one’s own country looks like. A total of tenpreschool teachers have been interviewed through semi-structured interviews and the interview material has been data-processed through a thematic analysis. This resulted in two themes and seven subthemes that included favorable and unfavorable aspects of preschool teachers view of their role in total defence and their willingness to defend. The conclusions of this study were that preschool teachers think that they have an important role in the total defence and that there is a high willingness to defend, but that the knowledge and information about what their role entails is lacking, not only internally but also widely in society and that leaders plays an important role to spread this knowledge. Finally this study shows that the most unfavorable aspect, for the willingness to defend one’s country, is what we have closestto us - the family. The need to protect the own family is the most important thing and that itself shows how important preschool is as an actor in the civil defence.

Kommunal beredskap inför mikrobiologiska spridningar i dricksvattenförsörjningen : En kvalitativ studie om beredskap inför framtida dricksvattenutbrott inom svenska kommuner / Municipal preparedness for microbiological spread in the drinking water supply : A qualitative study on future outbreak preparedness in Swedish municipalities

Liljebjörn, Ellen January 2024 (has links)
Dricksvatten utgör en förutsättning för liv, det är därmed viktigt att goda tillgångar till säkert dricksvatten upprätthålls. Människors kontinuerliga behov av rent dricksvatten skapar en sårbarhet för smittspridningar i dricksvattenförsörjningen. Cryptosporidiumutbrotten i Östersund och Skellefteå kommun år 2010–2011 belyste dricksvattenförsörjningens bristande beredskap och behovet av säkerhetsåtgärder. Utmaningarna med att upprätthålla rent dricksvatten förväntas förvärras på grund av klimatförändringar, ökad urbanisering, befolkningstillväxt och förändrade världsförhållanden. Dessa utmaningar kan leda till en högre risk för spridningar av patogener i dricksvattenförsörjningen, vilket potentiellt kan orsaka hälsorisker om beredskapen och medvetenheten är otillräcklig. Syftet med studien är att utforska kommuners riskuppfattningar, riskprioriteringar och beredskap inför framtida utbrott. Studien syftar också till att identifiera skillnader i uppfattningar, prioriteringar och beredskap mellan kommuner som tidigare har, respektive inte har drabbats av ett kritiskt dricksvattenburet smittutbrott. Tre kommuner, Östersund, Piteå och Sandviken har inkluderats i studien. Totalt fem personer intervjuades. Dessa intervjuer har bearbetats och analyserats med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Studiens resultat belyser hur riskuppfattningar formas genom osäkra framtidsförhållanden, riskfaktorer och tidigare händelser. Utbrotten av cryptosporidium i Östersund och Skellefteå 2010–2011 ökade medvetenheten om mikrobiologiska dricksvattenutbrott. Som ett resultat av detta förbättrades kommunernas beredskap genom investeringar, ökad provtagning och förbättrad vattenbehandling. Utbrottet i Östersund ledde till ett förlorat konsumentförtroende, vilket arbetas med att åtgärda. Trots detta anses utbrottet ha lett till en ökad förståelse för detaljer inom framtidens krisberedskap, vilket utgör en osäkerhetsfaktor bland icke drabbade kommuner. Kommunerna säkerställer en säker dricksvattenförsörjning genom lagkrav. De utvecklar och implementerar dokument för beredskapshantering och säkerhetsåtgärder baserat på dessa lagbestämmelser. Det framgår att prioriteringar och ekonomiska begränsningar påverkar beredskapen inför kritiska dricksvattenburna utbrott, vilket påverkar möjligheten till att rusta dricksvattensäkerheten. / Drinking water is a prerequisite for life, it is therefore important that good supplies of safe drinking water are maintained. People's continuous need for clean drinking water creates a vulnerability to the spread of infection in the drinking water supply. The cryptosporidium outbreaks in Östersund and Skellefteå in 2010–2011 highlighted the lack of preparedness and the need for safety measures. The challenges of maintaining clean drinking water are expected to worsen due to climate change, increased urbanization, population growth, and changing world conditions. These challenges could lead to a higher risk of pathogen spread in drinking water supplies, potentially causing health risks in case of insufficient preparedness and awareness. The study aims to explore municipalities' perception of risks, prioritization of risks, and preparedness for future outbreaks. The study also seeks to identify differences in perceptions, prioritization and preparedness between municipalities that have and have not experienced a previous critical drinking water outbreak. Three municipalities, Östersund, Piteå, and Sandviken, were included in the study. Five people were interviewed. These interviews were processed and analysed using a qualitative content analysis The study's results highlight how risk perceptions are shaped by uncertain future conditions, risk factors and past events. Specifically, the cryptosporidium outbreaks in Östersund and Skellefteå in 2010-2011 increased awareness of microbiological drinking water outbreaks. As a result, municipal preparedness improved through investments, increased sampling, and improved water treatment. The outbreak in Östersund resulted in a loss of consumer confidence, which is still being addressed. Despite this, the outbreak is considered to have led to an increased understanding of the details of emergency management for the future, which is an uncertainty among unaffected municipalities. Municipalities ensure a safe drinking water supply through legal requirements. They develop and implement preparedness management documents and safety measures based on these legal provisions. It appears that priorities and financial constraints affect preparedness for critical drinking water outbreaks, which affects the ability to equip for drinking water safety.

Efficient and Responsible Incident Management : Designing a Service Desk Web Application with Integrated Major Incident Reporting Functionality for Swedish Government Agencies

Michel, David January 2021 (has links)
In this 7.5 HEC B-level thesis in Computer Science, a service desk web application is designed for Swedish government agencies with integrated major incident reporting functionality to the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap). There are several advantages to integrating the major incident reporting procedure into the regular incident management process - information would no longer have to be duplicated, and the problems of untraceability and under-reporting could additionally be solved. The proof-of-concept application was designed and partially developed with ASP.NET Core (MVC) web framework and Bootstrap front-end framework. The user interface was evaluated with heuristic evaluation by the author and two master’s students in Information Security at Luleå Technical University. Although the proposed software and interface design may have left room for improvement, it did highlight the societal need for an efficient and responsible incident management process and the general benefits of integration.

Kunskap om en dold barnmisshandel : En kvantitativ studie om socialsekreterares kunskap,beredskap och handlingsutrymme vid barnmisshandel genom sjukvårdsinsatser / Knowledge of a hidden child abuse : A quantitative study of social worker’s knowledge,preparedness and discretion in child abuse through health care interventions

Mårtensson, Moa, Durmishi, Diellza January 2021 (has links)
This essay will address the topic of child abuse through healthcare interventions, ormore precisely medical child abuse - which is also called Münchausen syndrome byproxy. A social problem that is quite unusual, and therefore creates complexity. Witha quantitative method, the essay is based on a web-based survey, which social workerson the Swedish social services at the children- and family units in Småland haveresponded to. The questions in the survey processes the social workers' knowledgeand preparedness which will be analyzed by their discretionary space and reasoning.These themes are also linked to Lipsky’s theory of street-level bureaucracy which isused to analyze the empirical data of the study. The results from the essay are analyzedand tested through the statistics program SPSS. The results and analysis show forinstance that the longer the social workers have been working at their units and insocial work in general, the more knowledge they considered themselves to have. Theyalso possessed a higher readiness the longer they worked at the unit. They are morerecon with the term “Münchausen by proxy” than “Medical child abuse”. Regarding guidelines and legislation, they feel uncertain, which we connect to the knowledge-gaps that comes with the social problem. Medical child abuse in the Swedish social services is quite unexplored and with this essay we want to contribute to a betterresearch, to help the children who are victims of medical child abuse.

Skyddsåtgärder för hanteringen av översvämningsrisken inom ramen för hållbar utveckling : En fallstudie av åtgärderna i Karlstad och Göteborg. / Protective measures for managing flood risk within the framework of sustainable development : A case study of the countermeasures taken in Karlstad and Gothenburg.

Rinaldi, Alessio January 2023 (has links)
Background: The rise in global temperatures and the general effect of climate change, contributes to an increased flooding risk. Especially in communal safety work for Gothenburg and Karlstad, flood managing is high up on the priority list. The high level of threat that these two cities experience, is given by the fact that they are surrounded by water. The countermeasures that have taken place, must live up to the concept of sustainable development, since the primary cause of floods is climate change which has extremely long-time references. These strategies have to adapt for risks with broad time-frameworks, but this might generate other consequences of their own. This never-ending cycle of risks is a paradox called levée-effect affects human behaviour on decision-making level and also in the general public. The levée-effect causes people to feel a false sense of security behind a countermeasure for and will consequently lead to a lowered preparedness for it. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to delve into the communal work with floods countermeasures and how these reacts with the theory on the levée-effect. Method: The method used to complete this study is a case study of specific countermeasures used to protect vulnerable places in Gothenburg and Karlstad from floods. The primary data collection has been in the form of interviews with relevant personnel from the two cities and their respective county administrative. As a complement to the interviews, a thorough content analysis of relevant communal documents has been made for the purpose of strengthen or deny the interviews.  Results: Based on the results of the analysis, the two cities have been adapting according to a long time-references for the purpose of counter act the effects of climate change. This causes other kinds of problems though, since too long of a time-reference will cause peoples risk-awareness to be affected and the levée-effect to further show its effects. For example, society can feel way to comfortable and safe behind a countermeasure from a risk, that their preparedness towards it will lower consequently. Conclusion: From the discussion of the study’s result, more than one conclusion can be drawn. Both Gothenburg and Karlstad, with their flood countermeasures, live up to a sustainable development which relies on a good knowledge and climate awareness. There is more than one challenge identified with this strategy which can be partially attributed to conflicts between decision-makers and other players which also affects the sustainability and safety levels of the city. Another challenge can be partially attributed to a lowered preparedness as a result of the construction of countermeasures for flood-management.

Lokalt hållbart jordbruk - en nationell säkerhetsfråga? : En studie om hinder och möjligheter för utvecklingen av lokal matförsörjning som drivkraft i en hållbar samhällsutveckling

Olofsdotter, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie har gjorts i syfte att få en överblick av var det svenska livsmedelssystemet befinner sig i förhållande till de fem strategier som tagits fram och föreslås av The EAT-Lancet Commission för en global och nationell omställning av våra livsmedelssystem, och uppfyllelse av nationella och globala hållbarhetsmål. Studiens utgångspunkt startar i det lokala med anledning av jordbrukets enorma miljöpåverkan, kommunernas planmonopol över markanvändningen, och av det faktum att det är i det lokala vi lever och verkar. Resultatet visar att de utmaningar som i nuläget hindrar utvecklingen av en lokal livsmedelsproduktion framför allt är ett kunskaps-/medvetandeglapp, centraliserade strukturer och system, jordbruksmarkens nedläggning och igenväxning, kommunala prioriteringar av infrastruktur och bostäder samt slutligen bristande samverkan mellan flertalet samhällssektorer och även inom kommunerna, möjligheter och stödsystem för nyetablering och omställning till hållbara cirkulära metoder. Ett återkommande tema under webinarier och intervjuer har varit sårbarheten i importberoendet och behovet av en högre beredskap för oväntade och plötsliga händelser. Dessutom har ett människo-decentrerat perspektiv uttryckts i vikten och värdet av att återskapa en ömsesidig relation till ekosystemen. Resultatet visar att kunskap (vetenskaplig och erfarenhetsbaserad) och kulturella värden som gemenskap och livskvalitet ger ökade förutsättningar för utveckling av lokalt jordbruk, och därmed en ökad livsmedelsförsörjning. Lokalt hållbart jordbruk är rättskaligt, giftfritt och diverst. Utvecklat, har det möjligheten att skapa beredskap inför oväntade händelser och plötsliga kriser, samt gynna hållbarhet genom samtliga dimensioner. Lokal livsmedelsproduktion är ett potent verktyg för en ökad grad av nationell självförsörjning samt som betydelsefull drivkraft i en hållbar samhällsbyggnad. / This paper was made with the purpose of reaching a broad perspective of where the Swedish food system is in relation to the five strategies that were brought threw and proposed by The EAT-Lancet Commission for a global transformation of our food systems, and to reach the national and global sustainable development goals. The base for the paper takes off in the local because of the enormous environmental impact caused by agriculture, the monopoly of land use within municipalities, and by the fact that we live and act from the local context. The result shows the challenges that today are blocking the development of a local food production is first and foremost a gap of knowledge and awareness, centralized structures and systems, shutdowns and overgrowth of agricultural land, municipalities prioritizing infrastructure and habitations, and lacking co-operation within and between civil sectors, possibilities and support systems for new establishments and transformation to sustainable circular agricultural methods. A reoccurring theme during webinars and interviews have shown the vulnerability in the import dependency and the need to raise preparedness for unexpected and sudden changes. In addition, the need for a human-de-centred perspective expressing the importance and value of re-connecting a mutual relationship to the ecosystems. The result shows that knowledge (scientific and experience-based) and cultural values of community and quality of life increase the conditions of developing local agriculture, and thereby increased self-sufficiency. Local sustainable agriculture is right-scaled, toxin-free and diverse. Developed, it has the capability to create preparedness for unexpected sudden changes, and promote sustainability threw all dimensions of sustainability. Local food production is a potent tool to increase national self-sufficiency and a significant driver towards building sustainable societies.

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