Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coloniality Of power"" "subject:"coloniality Of lower""
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Genre et société numérique colonialitaire : effets politiques des usages de l'internet par des organisation de femmes ou féministes en contexte de domination masculine et colonialitaire : les cas de l'Afrique du Sud et du Sénégal / Gender and the “colonialtairian” digital society : Political effects of women’s and feminist organizations' usage of the Internet within the context of male and “colonialtairian” domination : the cases of South Africa and SenegalPalmieri, Joëlle Sylvie 16 December 2011 (has links)
Partant de la volonté de nous libérer de définitions techniques, technicistes ou produites dans la sociologiede l’appropriation sociale des usages des TIC afin de qualifier les usages de l’Internet par des organisations defemmes ou féministes en Afrique, nous avons privilégié dans cette thèse les travaux théoriques portant sur lepatriarcat et sur la colonialité du pouvoir (ensemble des relations sociales caractérisées par la subalternité –hiérarchisation entre dominants et dominés – produite par l’expansion du capitalisme). Ce parti pris nous apermis de poser un cadre d’analyse opératoire ne plaquant pas des analyses théoriques occidentales, sudaméricainesou asiatiques sur l’Afrique. Il a facilité la façon dont nous avons problématisé la relation entredomination masculine et domination liée à la colonialité de pouvoir, que nous avons nommée colonialitaire,dans un contexte de mondialisation et d’hypermodernité. Les manifestations différenciées de cette relation enAfrique du Sud et au Sénégal nous ont aidé à circonscrire le terrain et le contexte à partir desquels lesorganisations de femmes et féministes locales utilisent ou non l’Internet. La confrontation de leursreprésentations avec le cadre conceptuel est devenue informative et s’est avérée indispensable afin de qualifier lapolitisation de leurs usages. Il nous est ainsi apparu que l’Internet cristallise parmi les technologies del’information et de la communication un moyen par lequel la « société de l’information » est le produit comme laproduction d’une mondialisation hypermoderne où la colonialité du pouvoir et le patriarcat, en tant quesystèmes, s’exercent conjointement. Cette conjonction s’exprime par les biais théorique autant qu’empirique.Notamment nous avons observé que l’épistémologie utilisée dans ce cadre renoue avec des constructionstraditionnalistes, nationalistes, paternalistes et masculinistes des savoirs en écho à ce que permet cet outil :l’accélération de l’appropriation du corps des femmes, la surenchère rhétorique et politique des dominants,l’institutionnalisation des concepts, l’occidentalisation des pensées, les privatisations en tous secteurs, lesconcurrences croisées de l’Occident, l’Extrême et le Moyen-Orient sur les terrains tant économique, politiqueque socioculturel, religieux. Il est alors apparu que les inégalités de genre s’aggravent en même temps que lesidentités sexuelles à tous les niveaux (État, institutions, population) deviennent souterraines et que les rapportsdifférenciés de « race » et de classe se creusent. Fort de ce constat, nos analyses nous ont mené à réaliser que lesfemmes de « la base » se retrouvent en situation d’accentuer la prise en charge immédiate de la gestion del’urgence (augmentation de la pauvreté, des violences, diminution de l’accès aux ressources, à la santé, àl’éducation…), parfois d’accepter leur subalternité tout en la négociant auprès des dominants. Aussi, peu à peu, / With our initial intention to be liberated from the definitions — technical, technocratic or thoseemanating from the sociology of the social appropriation of ICT uses — in order to analyze the usage of theInternet in women’s and feminist organizations in Africa, we focused in this thesis on theoretical workrelating to patriarchy and the coloniality of power (totality of social relations characterized by subalternity —hierarchization between the dominants and the dominated — produced by the expansion of capitalism.) Thisposition enabled us to establish a working analytical framework without imposing Western, South Americanor Asian theoretical analyses on Africa. It also facilitated how we expressed the problematic of therelationship between male domination and the domination inherent in the coloniality of power, which wehave called “colonialtairian” in the context of globalization and hypermodernity. The differentiatedmanifestations of this relationship in South Africa and Senegal helped us delineate the field and contextwithin which local women’s or feminist organizations use or don’t use the Internet. Comparing theirrepresentations within the conceptual framework proved edifying and indispensable in determining thepoliticization of their use. It thus became apparent that among the information and communicationtechnologies, the Internet crystallizes one means by which the “Information Society” is both the product andthe production of a hypermodern globalization in which the systems of coloniality of power and patriarchyfunction conjointly. This conjunction is clearly evidenced both theoretically and empirically. Especiallynoteworthy is that the epistemology used in this context reconnects to traditionalistic, nationalistic,paternalistic and male constructions of knowledge echoing what this tool facilitates: a rapid increase of theappropriation of women’s bodies, the dominants’ rhetorical and political grandstanding, theinstitutionalization of concepts, the Westernization of thought, privatization in all sectors and criss-crossingcompetition throughout the West, the Far East and Middle East in economic, political, socio-cultural andreligious areas. It then appeared that gender inequalities worsen at the same time as sexual identities on alllevels (state, institutions, population) are buried away, while differentiated “race” and class relationshipsbecome more pronounced.
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Re-imagining Ogun in selected Nigerian plays: a decolonial readingOluwasuji, Olutoba Gboyega 06 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Through an in-depth analysis of selected texts, this study engages with the ways in which Ogun is reimagined by recent selected Nigerian playwrights. Early writers from this country, influenced by their modernist education, misrepresented Ogun by presenting only his so-called negative attributes. Contemporary writers are reconceptualising him; it is the task of this thesis to demonstrate how they are doing so from a decolonial perspective. These alleged attributes represent Ogun as a wicked, bloodthirsty, arrogant and hot tempered god who only kills and makes no positive contribution to the Yoruba community. The thesis argues that the notion of an African god should be viewed from an Afrocentric perspective, not a Eurocentric one, which might lead to violence or misrepresentation of him. The dialogue in the plays conveys how the playwrights have constructed their main characters as Ogun representatives in their society. For example, Mojagbe and Morontonu present Balogun, the chief warlord of their different community; both characters exhibit Ogun features of defending their community.
The chosen plays for this study are selected based on different notions of Ogun, the Yoruba god of iron and war, presented by the playwrights. A closer look at the primary materials this thesis explores suggests Ogun’s strong connection with rituals and cultural festivals. These plays exemplify African ritual theatre. Being a member of the Yoruba ethnic group, I have considerable knowledge of how festivals are performed. The Ogun festival is an annual celebration among the Yoruba, where African idioms of puppetry, masquerading, music, dance, mime, invocation, evocation and several elements of drama are incorporated into the performances. The selected plays critiqued in this thesis are Mojagbe (Ahmed Yerima, 2008), Battles of Pleasure (Peter Omoko, 2009), Hard Choice (Sunnie Ododo, 2011), and Morontonu (Alex Roy-Omoni, 2012). No in-depth exploration has previously been undertaken into the kinds of textual and ideological identities that Ogun adopts, especially in the selected plays. Therefore, using a decolonial epistemic perspective, this study offers a critical examination of how the selected Nigerian playwrights between the years 2008 and 2012 have constructed Ogun, the Yoruba god of iron. Such a perspective assists in delinking interpretations from the modernised notions mentioned above, in which Ogun is sometimes a paradoxical god. Coloniality is responsible for such misinterpretation; the employed theoretical framework is used to interrogate these notions.
The research project begins with a general introduction locating Ogun in Yoruba mythology, which forms the background to how the god is being constructed in Yorubaland. Also included
in this first chapter is a discussion on a decolonial perspective, the principles of coloniality, the aims and objective of the study, and the relevant literature review. Thereafter, chapter two focuses on Battles of Pleasure and argues that the play re-imagines Ogun as a god of peace and harvest as opposed to a god of war and destruction. Chapter three discusses how Ododo’s Hard Choice reconceptualises Ogun as a god of justice, in contrast to him being interpreted as a god who engages in reckless devastation of life. Chapter four explores Ogun’s representation in Yerima’s Mojagbe as a reformer who gives human beings ample time to change from their wayward course to a course that he approves. In chapter five, Ogun’s reconception as a remover of obstacles in Roy-Omoni’s Morontonu is examined. The study concludes with a discussion on how Africans should delink themselves from a modernist Eurocentric perspective and think from an Afrocentric locus of enunciation. / English Studies / D. Litt. et Phil.(English)
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Unmasking the spectre of xenophobia : experiences of foreign nations living in the 'zone of non-being' : a case study of YeovilleSibanda, Alois Baleni 08 1900 (has links)
This study deploys the decolonial epistemic perspective in an attempt to unmask the spectre of xenophobia. The decolonial epistemic thinking is in turn predicated on three important concepts, namely coloniality of power, coloniality of being and coloniality of knowledge. The study is focused on understanding the dynamics of the violent May 2008 attacks that took place in Alexandra and Yeoville. It problematised the use of the term xenophobia. The term occludes rather than enlightening the complex phenomenon of violence. Such violence has consistently and systematically engulfed people living in poor predominantly black areas of residence such as Yeoville and Alexandra. The study also used empirical evidence collected from the field to support its central arguments. What has been understood as xenophobia is in actual fact, part of the manifestation and outcome of abject living conditions of the poor. This study argues that what manifests itself as xenophobia is an additional element to various forms of violence taking place in locales such as Alexandra and Yeoville, places that decolonial theorists term ‘zones of non-being,’ where violent death is a constitutive part of human existence. / Development Studies / M. A. (Development Studies)
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Surrogatmodern och den mänskliga värdigheten : En diskursanalys av den statliga utredningen om surrogatmoderskap, ur ett kritiskt postkolonialt feministiskt perspektivZanzi Ferrando, Diana January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker hur ”SOU 2016:11 Olika vägar till föräldraskap” formulerar problemet med surrogatmoderskap, vilka subjektspositioner som kan urskiljas i utredningen och analyserar den ut ett kritiskt postkolonialt feministiskt perspektiv. Utredningen utgår ifrån mänsklig värdighet, autonomi och barnets bästa vilket uppsatsen belyser får konsekvenser för hur problemet med surrogatarrangemang porträtteras olika beroende på om surrogatmodern och barnet är från det globala syd eller det globala nord. Utgångspunkterna är centrala när surrogatmodern och barnet från det globala nord lyfts men får inte samma roll gällande surrogatmodern och det barn hon föder. Vidare undersöks hur subjektspositioner formuleras utifrån emotionell/icke-emotionell, sårbar/icke-sårbar, skyddsvärd/icke-skyddsvärd och blottlägger hur den svenska surrogatmodern och det inrikesfödda barnet konstrueras som emotionella, sårbara och skyddsvärda vilket skiljer sig från hur den utländska surrogatmodern och det utrikesfödda barnet konstrueras. Dessa omges att tystnad vilket får konsekvenser för hur de porträtteras och för vilka åtgärder som föreslås. Uppsatsen bidrar till en utveckling av tidigare forskning med ett tillägg av nyckelordet skyddsvärd för att undersöka konstrueringen av surrogatmödrar. Uppsatsen visar att begreppet är relevant genom att materialet visat på delvis konstuering av emotionell och sårbar men inte skyddsvärd och att detta påverkat resultat och åtgärder. Vidare stärker uppsatsen tidigare forskning som menar att utgångspunkten mänsklig värdighet verkar för en avhumanisering av surrogatmödrar från det globala syd samt att synen på biologi varierar beroende på var ett barn föds. Uppsatsen bygger vidare på tidigare forskning som menar att uttryckt rationalitet och brist på emotion resulterar i en avhumanisering, genom att blottlägga hur det kan räcka med att subjektspositionerna möts av tysthet för att uppnå samma resultat. Detta arbete belyser hur olika subjektspositioner framställs olika i den statliga utredningen och hur koloniala idéer hänger kvar och påverkar underlag till svensk lagstiftning, samt blottlägger vilka konkreta konsekvenser detta kan få för lagförslag och för surrogatmödrar i det globala syd samt de barn de föder.
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