Spelling suggestions: "subject:"3critical legal"" "subject:"ascritical legal""
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Human Rights and Contracts as Labour Governance: A (Post-)legal Realist InquiryMcDougall, Pascal 05 December 2013 (has links)
Law and development mainstream conceptions of labour market policies, while still marked by long-dominant views of contract law as economically superior to any labour regulation, have recently incorporated certain specific labour (human) rights. Core labour rights are thus accepted by global policy-makers, on the basis of their radical distinction from non-core labour standards and their rationalization according to certain foundational principles. This thesis criticizes the prevailing dichotomies between core labour rights and non-core standards, on the one hand, and contract law and regulation, on the other, bringing to bear the post-legal realist idea of legal indeterminacy. It argues that the organizing legal concepts that justify these dichotomies contain gaps and ambiguities that often lead to contradictory and indeterminate outcomes. It thus suggests that the core/non-core labour standards and contract/regulation distinctions are unproductive and should be rejected if a better conception of labour governance is to come to fruition.
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La Tirania de la Invisibilidad: La Necesidad de Reconocer y Analizar la Violencia de Genero en la ArgentinaMallison, Laura 01 January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines gender violence in Argentina in the context of the historic continuum of gender inequality, with a more in-depth analysis of gender violence during the 1976-1983 dictatorship. I argue that gender violence is perpetuated and normalized by its lack of recognition as a political issue with ramifications extending to daily life. I use the construction of a collective memory of the Dictatorship as a framework for making the intricacies of gender violence more visible and provide a detailed analysis of two laws against gender violence to demonstrate its systematic nature. Ultimately, laws are not sufficient to address such a widespread issue, and society is responsible for creating a dialogue that presents gender violence in a context that adequately addresses its complexities.
Esta tesis examina la violencia de género en Argentina en el contexto del continuo histórico de la desigualdad entre los géneros, y en particular analiza la violencia de género de la Dictadura de 1976-1983 y de la actualidad. Propongo que la carencia de reconocer la violencia de género en un contexto político la perpetúa y la normaliza. Utilizo la construcción de la memoria colectiva de la Dictadura como un ejemplo de estrategias para visibilizar las complejidades de la violencia de género y analizo dos leyes contra tal violencia para demonstrar cuán sistemática es. Al fin, las leyes no son suficientes para abordar un problema tan generalizado y normalizado y la sociedad es responsable de desarrollar un diálogo sobre la violencia de género y sus complejidades.
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Integralteori och rättsfilosofiFrimodt, Staffan January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to analyze four of the most commonly applied theories in jurisprudence by means of using the philosophical framework of in-tegral theory. Natural law, legal positivism, legal realism and critical legal theory were analyzed to find out how they relate to each other and to see what their strengths and weaknesses are in an integral perspective. The integral theory was created by the American philosopher Ken Wilber (1949-). Two of the main com-ponents of the theory are the four quadrants and the levels of development. The quadrants describe dimensions and perspectives of reality, and consists of the inner individual (subjective) quadrant, the outer individual (objective) quadrant, the inner collective (intersubjective) quadrant and the outer collective (interob-jective) quadrant. Individual values develop through different levels in a specific order, as is described in the second component of the integral theory. Different adult individuals can therefore be on different levels of development. This devel-opment is not only seen in individuals, but is also seen in historical and collective development. The levels that both individuals and societies develop through in-cludes (but are not limited to): the absolutistic (traditional) level, the rational (modern) level and the relativistic (postmodern) level.When using the integral theory to analyze the four theories in jurisprudence it became apparent that they can be mapped onto the integral framework. Natural law, which focuses on morality, can be placed in the intersubjective quadrant, and is mostly associated with the traditional level of development. Legal positiv-ism stems mostly from the interobjective quadrant where law is first and fore-most a system of rules that are enforced by different societal institutions. Legal positivism is typically associated with the modern level of development. Legal realism is also typically associated with the modern level of development and focuses a lot on the objective quadrant: on empiricism and on what judges actu-ally do. Critical legal theory is strongly associated with the postmodern level of development. It emphasizes different kinds of oppression in the intersubjective and in the interobjective quadrant. This thesis presents further examples of how the integral theory can be applied in legal theory and practice.
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[pt] Esta tese tem como objetivo recuperar o processo de formação do pensamento moderno a partir de um ponto de vista mais abrangente sobre esse fenômeno histórico. Lançando mão de análises provenientes da filosofia política que recuperam sentidos legítimos para a emergência conceitual da modernidade, e
da produção historiográfica recente sobre o iluminismo radical, propõe-se uma investigação de tal fenômeno de modo mais complexo a fim de identificar as principais disputas teóricas em jogo, bem como os divergentes programas sociais e políticos afirmados no período, notadamente aqueles que guardam relação com as noções sobre igualdade, liberdade e direitos. Com isso, pretende-se oferecer um exame aprofundado dessa época, sob sua dimensão conflitiva e em sua temporalidade múltipla, com a finalidade de explorar e afirmar teoricamente conceitos e práticas radicais legadas pelas modernidade para atualizar o sentido dos direitos hoje. / [en] The aim of this dissertation is to reconsider certain aspects of the development of modern thought by bringing a more wide-ranging perspective to that historical phenomenon. Drawing on a set of analyses from political philosophy that recognize the legitimacy of the conceptual emergence of modernity, as well as from recent historiographic work on the radical enlightenment, it seeks to examine the development of modern thought in a more complex fashion in order to identify the principal theoretical disputes and divergent social and political programs claimed during the period in question, most notably those related to notions of equality, liberty and rights. The objective of the dissertation is thus to offer a deeper consideration of the period, of its conflictive dimension and its multiple temporalities, with the ultimate purpose of theoretically exploring and asserting a set of radical definitions and practices inherited from modernity that remain relevant for conceiving of rights.
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Re-embodying jurisprudence: using theatre and multimedia arts-based methods to support critical thinking, feeling and transformation in lawDhaliwal, Manpreet (Preeti) Kaur 01 May 2017 (has links)
This thesis offers theoretical and practical explorations of how multimedia arts-based methods and embodied storytelling support critical and transformative understandings of law. Using theatre as both subject and method, the author demonstrates how laws live in bodies, with a focus on race, whiteness, migration and the Komagata Maru. Drawing on various theatre practices as well as critical race, feminist and performance scholarship, the author calls for a new way of interacting with law: jurisprudential theatre. Jurisprudential theatre is a method that employs autobiography, utopian visioning, legal research and audience involvement to create plays that examine existing law while filling affective spaces that existing law neglects. This method builds an alternate archive that supplements existing laws but can also be used to study them. The author explains the method through a performance art piece titled Re-embodying. She then uses jurisprudential theatre to examine the legal history of the Komagata Maru through case law and two play texts, all of which lay the groundwork for the method’s application in the first draft of a play titled Eustitia.
“Rather than laying my life and research out in a chronological, linear fashion with smooth transitions, this thesis blends scholarly, autobiographical, episodic and creative writing – sometimes abrupt, sometimes guided. This framework takes you on a journey to the Komagata Maru through my experiences and understandings of race, whiteness, law and trauma. This thesis asks you to bear witness while offering you life stories, performance art, the draft of a play, images and academic prose. I invite you to join me in a creative and performative process that will move you beyond the confines of the page to online worlds and internal realms. Why? To study and experience (as best we can in a text-based relationship) the internal and embodied consequences of law alongside its external, material and relational impacts.” / Graduate / 0465 / 0398 / 0631 / dhaliwal.preeti@gmail.com
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Tolerated illegality and intolerable legality: from legal philosophy to critiquePlyley, Kathryn 26 April 2018 (has links)
This project uses Michel Foucault’s underdeveloped notion of “tolerated illegality” as a departure point for two converging inquiries. The first analyzes, and then critiques, dominant legal logics and values. This part argues that traditional legal philosophers exhibit a “disagreement without difference,” generally concurring that legal certainty and predictability enhance agency. Subsequently, this section critiques “formal legal” logic by linking it to science envy (specifically the desire for certainty and predictability), and highlighting its agency- limiting effects (e.g. the violence of law en-force-ment). The second part examines multiple dimensions of tolerated illegality, exploring the permutations of this complex socio-legal phenomenon. Here the implications of tolerated illegality are mapped across different domains, ranging from the dispossession of Indigenous peoples of their lands, to the latent ideologies embedded in superhero shows. This section also examines the idea of liberal “tolerance,” as well as the themes of power, domination, politics, bureaucracy, and authority. Ultimately, this project demonstrates that it is illuminating to study legality and (tolerated) illegality in tandem because although analyses of “formal legality” provide helpful analytical texture, the polymorphous and entangled nature of tolerated illegality makes clear just how restricted and artificial strict analyses of legality can be. / Graduate
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L'argument jusnaturaliste en droit privé patrimonial français / The natural law argument in french private lawDupend, Aurélien 20 June 2014 (has links)
Les conceptions jusnaturalistes peuvent paraître mineures dans la philosophie etla théorie du droit françaises à la différence de leur présence massive dans un enseignementdu droit à l’étranger mais elles n’en ressortent pas moins directement ou indirectement dudroit privé en France si l’on en analyse de près certains aspects de la doctrine, de la loi et dela jurisprudence notamment dans le domaine patrimonial des biens et des contrats. Lesdialogues de nature philosophique éclairent la polysémie qui s’attache au « jusnaturalisme »,au mot « nature » ou à ses équivalents, dénonçant une sorte de structure commune(d’invariant), dans des débats juridiques impliquant les situations les plus pratiques àcommencer par le droit de propriété. Il s’agit de montrer dans ce travail qu’il existe donc unargument de type jusnaturaliste sous-jacent à un droit qui n’en a pas toujours conscience.Cette thèse entend par là ne pas séparer l’étude de la doctrine et du droit positif, ensélectionnant les aspects les plus représentatifs et l’ensemble le plus pluraliste desconceptions jusnaturalistes et de leurs antithèses positivistes contemporaines qui serventhabituellement à discréditer toute référence à la notion de « nature », comme à sessubstituts. Il existe différents modes d’émergence des arguments jusnaturalistes. Unenouvelle lecture du droit positif peut être proposée si l’on veut assumer toutes les exigences,dans leurs dimensions critiques, qui conduisent parfois à des reclassements et qui éclairentsur des relations insoupçonnées à propos d’éléments éloignés. / The concept of “natural law” may seem minor in French philosophy and Frenchtheory of law, unlike their massive presence in legal studies abroad, but they do not standdirectly or indirectly under private law in France if analysed in certain aspects of the doctrineof the law and jurisprudence, in particular in the field of heritage property and contracts. Inlight of the philosophical dialogues which have illuminated the polisemy attached to the term“natural law” or the word “nature” in legal proceedings involving the most practical situationsstarting with the right to property, it is shown in this work that there is a natural law argumentof this type underlying a right that is not always conscious. This thesis does not separate thestudy of the theory of positive law taken in its most representative aspects and the morepluralistic theories of natural law and the rival views of contemporary positivists which usuallytend to reject any reference to or notion of natural law. There are different forms of apparitionof natural law arguments. By means of arguments, jurists look at law studies in a new light.
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In August 2000, Justice O�Loughlin of the Federal Court of Australia handed down the decision in Cubillo v Commonwealth in which Lorna Cubillo and Peter Gunner took action against the Commonwealth Government, arguing that it was vicariously liable for their removal from their families and communities as children and subsequent detentions in the Northern Territory during the 1940s and 1950s. The case is the landmark decision in relation to legal action taken by members of the Stolen Generations.
Using the decision in Cubillo as a key site of contestation, my thesis provides a critique of legal positivism as the dominant jurisprudential discourse operating within the Anglo-Australian legal system. I argue that the function of legal positivism as the principal paradigm and source of authority for the decision serves to ensure that the debate concerning reconciliation in Australia operates rhetorically to maintain whiteness at the centre of political and discursive power. Specifically concerned with the performative function of legal discourse, the thesis is an interrogation of the interface of law and language, of rhetoric, and the semiotics of legal discourse.
The dominant theory of evidence law is a rationalist and empiricist epistemology in which oral testimony and documentary evidence are regarded as mediating the relationship between proof and truth. I argue that by attributing primacy to principles of rationality, objectivity and narrative coherence, and by privileging that which is visually represented, the decision serves an ideological purpose which diminishes the significance of race in the construction of knowledge.
Legal positivism identifies the knowing subject and the object of knowledge as discrete entities. However, I argue that in Cubillo, Justice O�Loughlin inscribes himself into the text of the judgment and in doing so, reveals the way in which textual and corporeal specificities undermine the pretence of objective judgment and therefore the source of judicial authority.
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In August 2000, Justice O�Loughlin of the Federal Court of Australia handed down the decision in Cubillo v Commonwealth in which Lorna Cubillo and Peter Gunner took action against the Commonwealth Government, arguing that it was vicariously liable for their removal from their families and communities as children and subsequent detentions in the Northern Territory during the 1940s and 1950s. The case is the landmark decision in relation to legal action taken by members of the Stolen Generations.
Using the decision in Cubillo as a key site of contestation, my thesis provides a critique of legal positivism as the dominant jurisprudential discourse operating within the Anglo-Australian legal system. I argue that the function of legal positivism as the principal paradigm and source of authority for the decision serves to ensure that the debate concerning reconciliation in Australia operates rhetorically to maintain whiteness at the centre of political and discursive power. Specifically concerned with the performative function of legal discourse, the thesis is an interrogation of the interface of law and language, of rhetoric, and the semiotics of legal discourse.
The dominant theory of evidence law is a rationalist and empiricist epistemology in which oral testimony and documentary evidence are regarded as mediating the relationship between proof and truth. I argue that by attributing primacy to principles of rationality, objectivity and narrative coherence, and by privileging that which is visually represented, the decision serves an ideological purpose which diminishes the significance of race in the construction of knowledge.
Legal positivism identifies the knowing subject and the object of knowledge as discrete entities. However, I argue that in Cubillo, Justice O�Loughlin inscribes himself into the text of the judgment and in doing so, reveals the way in which textual and corporeal specificities undermine the pretence of objective judgment and therefore the source of judicial authority.
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[pt] Nesta tese enfrento problemáticas dos Direitos Humanos pela filosofia
política e crítica ao direito. Num primeiro momento, apresento crítica à tradição e
uma breve genealogia de como se dá o pensamento e a história desses direitos, tanto
da ordem dos discursos de fundamentação como da sua afirmação social. Em
seguida, trabalho a encruzilhada dos Direitos Humanos a partir da relação com a
soberania e a biopolítica, respectivamente, segundo Jacques Derrida e Michel
Foucault. Por um lado, é de se destacar o acentuado caráter histórico e político dos
Direitos Humanos, de outro, questionar seu potencial de transformação social. A
encruzilhada aparece e a problematização se dá, pois, se os Direitos Humanos são
esforço do histórico de mobilizações contrário a injustiças sociais e modelos
jurídicos conservadores, também, passam a fazer parte de nossa era de direitos
como fundamento e manifestação legítima do direito. Inclusive, por vezes, se
voltam contra seus próprios fins. Nesse contexto, os Direitos Humanos estão
atrelados ao ímpeto civilizatório ocidental, ao capitalismo global, à ordem
internacional e às violências de estado, ao mesmo tempo em que se manifestam
com as lutas políticas, as conquistas sociais e as defesas contra violações de direito.
A partir disso, problematizo os Direitos Humanos diante de seus fins e de sua força
como direito, também, lanço a problemática de como pensá-los diante dos caminhos
cruzados, da diferença das forças e da contínua abertura à mudança social presentes
em sua atualidade. Com essa delimitação, estudo o potencial dos ‘Direitos Humanos
na encruzilhada’, segundo a produção social e a definição da humanidade. Isso se
dá, pela intersecção da soberania e da biopolítica, conforme são ultrapassados
limites do direito e atingidos novos domínios da vida e da sociedade. O que implica
reformular questões em torno da normatividade, da força e da realização dos
Direitos Humanos. Por fim, destaco algumas tensões em meio às relações sociais e
às composições de poder dos Direitos Humanos no cenário político atual. / [en] This thesis consists of a study about problems concerned to Human Rights
from political philosophy and critique of law. At first, with a critique of the tradition
of Human Rights and a brief genealogy of how thought and history of Human
Rights took place, both in terms of foundational speeches and social statements.
After that, due to open fractures with the philosophy of Jacques Derrida and Michel
Foucault, the idea is to distinguish how Human Rights function when related to
sovereignty and biopolitics. It is important to highlight the historical and political
nature of law, and to question its potential of social transformation, once Human
Rights are at the crossroads: If Human Rights are an effort of the history of
mobilizations contrary to social injustices and conservative legal models, they also
become our era of rights as foundations and part of legitimate law. Even, at times,
they turn against their own ends. In this context, the concept of Human Rights is
linked to western civilization, global capitalism, international order and state
violence, at the same time that Human Rights are made with political struggles,
social conquests, institutional protection and defense against rights violation. In
this context, is important to investigate how to think about Human Rights once
considered the difference of forces of their formation and continuous openness to
changes. This work turns to the potential of Human Rights at the crossroads, which
is crucial to the crossroads itself, according to its social production and ability to
define the political and humanity. Which results from the intersection of sovereign
power and biopolitics, as the premises of law are displaced and the Human Rights
reaches new domains of life and society. This implies reformulating questions
about normativity, enforcement and achievement of Human Rights. At the end, it
is consequential to highlight tensions of these rights in the midst of social relations
and compositions of power in the current political scenario. / [fr] Dans cette présente thèse, les questions de Droits de l Homme sont
confrontées à la philosophie politique et à lacritique du Droit. Dans un premier
temps, il se fait une critique de la tradition et une brève généalogie de la manière
dont la pensée et l histoire de ces droits se déroulent, tant au niveau des discours de
raisonnement que de leur affirmation sociale. Ensuite, le travail se retrouve dans
une sorte de croisement des Droits de l Homme à partir du rapport à la souveraineté
et à la biopolitique, respectivement, selon Jacques Derrida et Michel Foucault.
D une part, il faut souligner l important caractère historique et politique des Droits
de l Homme, d autre part, s interroger sur leur potentiel de transformation sociale.
La croisée des chemins apparaît et la problématisation s opère, car si les Droits de
l Homme sont le résultat de l effort historique de mobilisations contre les injustices
sociales et les modèles juridiques conservateurs, mais, ils s inscrivent aussi dans
notre ère des droits comme fondement et manifestation légitime du droit.Parfois, ils
se retournent même contre leurs propres fins. Dans ce contexte, les Droits de
l Homme sont liés à la poussée civilisatrice occidentale, au capitalisme mondial, à
l ordre international et à la violence d État, mais aussi aux luttes politiques, aux
conquêtes sociales et à la défense face aux violations des droits. A partir de là, les
Droits de l Homme sont premièrement problématisés face à leurs fins et leur force
en tant que droit, et, ensuite, problématisés sur la façon de les penser face aux
chemins croisés, à la différence des forces et à l ouverture continue aux
changements sociaux présents de nos jours. Dans cette délimitation, il convient de
souligner le potentiel des Droits de l Homme à la croisée des chemins à partir de
leur production sociale et de leur capacité à définir l espace politique et celui de
l humanité. Cela arrive à travers l intersection de la souveraineté et de la
biopolitique, au fur et à mesure que les limites du droit sont dépassées et que de
nouveaux domaines de la vie et de la société sont atteints. Cela implique de
reformuler les questions autour de la normativité, de la force et de la réalisation des
Droits de l Homme. Enfin, les tensions de ces droits sont questionnées face aux
relations sociales et aux compositions du pouvoir dans le scénario politique actuel.
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