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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att förstå, förebygga och hantera kränkningar : en av förskolans viktigaste uppgifter / To understand, prevent and deal with violations : one of the preeschool's most inmportent tasks

Ahlberg, Erika, Breet Troili, Malin January 2021 (has links)
Most people tend to associate the concepts of bullying and abuse between children with something that occurs mainly in school. Research shows the prevalence of abuse and bullying among children already in preschool age with the risk of serious consequences later on. According to the National Agency for Education (Skolverket 2018), the preschool has assignments regarding values-related issues and to establish measures to prevent violations. Our study shows preschool teachers' experience of the phenomenon of abusive treatment and bullying among preschool children.  Research shows that children who experience bullying are in need of the support of both guardians and professionals so that the difficulties they experience will not follow them later in school age and perhaps even later in life. On the other hand, both previous research and our own study, indicate that guardians often do not know about the preschool's work to counteract abusive treatment.

Takeover-erbjudandets gränsöverskridande dimension : En studie av möjligheten att undvika tillämpligheten av extraterritoriell värdepapperslagstiftning genom jurisdiktionella uteslutningar / The cross-border dimension of public tender offers : A study of the possibility to avoid the applicability of extraterritorial securities law by the use of jurisdictional exclusions

Rask, Hampus January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Stub equity vid offentliga uppköpserbjudanden : Förfarandets förenlighet med Takeover-reglerna, i synnerhet den aktiemarknadsrättsliga likabehandlingsprincipen / Stub equity in public takeover bids : The procedures compatibility with the Swedish takeover regulation, in particular the principle of equal treatment of shareholders on the stock market

Lorentzon, Mattias January 2022 (has links)
Offentliga uppköpserbjudanden på den svenska aktiemarknaden sker främst med kontantvederlag, ofta förenat med aktievederlag. Som alternativ till sådant vederlag kan budgivaren erbjuda målbolagets aktieägare ”stub equity” med vilket avses det fall budgivaren erbjuder målbolagets aktieägare en begränsad mängd aktier i ett särskilt onoterat holding- eller budbolag, vilket i sin tur efter det offentliga uppköpserbjudandet innehar samtliga aktier i målbolaget. Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda hur ett sådant erbjudande måste utformas för att vara förenligt med Takeover-reglerna, då i synnerhet den aktiemarknadsrättsliga likabehandlingsprincipen. Det föreligger inga direkt aktiemarknadsrättsliga hinder för stub equity vid offentliga uppköpserbjudanden, förfarandets förenlighet med regleringen är helt beroende av hur erbjudandet utformas och vilka syften erbjudandet avser uppnå. Möjligheterna att särbehandla målbolagets aktieägare är till följd av likabehandlingsprincipen i regel mycket små. Ett erbjudande med stub equity torde kunna utformas så att mindre aktieägare erbjuds ett kontantvederlag alternativt ett aktievederlag i holding- eller budbolaget medan de större aktieägarna enbart erhåller ett aktievederlag i holding- eller budbolaget, då mot bakgrund av de praktiska skäl som finns till stöd för en sådan utformning. Budgivaren har därutöver vid ett erbjudande med stub equity möjligheten att erbjuda målbolagets aktieägare A-aktier i budbolaget i utbyte mot A-aktier i målbolaget, B-aktier i budbolaget i utbyte mot B-aktier i målbolaget samt en premie för aktier med olika ekonomiska rättigheter. Ett stub equity-erbjudande ställer därutöver krav på erbjudandehandlingens utformning, innefattande att ett värderingsutlåtande avseende värderingen av aktievederlaget bör inhämtas och bifogas samt att målbolagets aktieägare bör informeras om upplägget i erbjudandehandlingen på ett tydligt och lättbegripligt sätt. Vidare torde villkor om viss anslutandegrad för stub equity-delen av vederlaget, villkor om att aktievederlaget med stub equity begränsas samt villkor om att vissa aktieägare ska acceptera erbjudandet vara förenligt med likabehandlingsprincipen. Gällande reglering torde slutligen innebära ett erforderligt skydd för okvalificerade investerare vid erbjudanden om stub equity, detta då möjligheterna att särbehandla aktieägare till följd av likabehandlingsprincipen är mycket begränsade och skyldigheterna att informera okvalificerade investerare om innebörden av ett erbjudande med stub equity betydande. / Public takeover bids on the Swedish stock market are mainly made with cash considerations, frequently combined with share considerations. As an alternative to such public offerings, the bidder may offer the company's shareholders “stub equity”, in which case the bidder offers the target company's shareholders a limited number of shares in a special unlisted holding or bidding company, which in turn after the public takeover bid holds all shares in the target company. This thesis seeks to discuss how such an offer needs to be designed in order to be compatible with the Swedish takeover regulation, in particular the principle of equal treatment of shareholders. There are no direct restrictions to stub equity in public takeover bids in the Swedish takeover regulation, the procedure's compatibility with the regulation is entirely dependent on how the offer is designed and what purposes the offer is intended to achieve. The opportunity to treat the target company's shareholders differently are generally very limited due to the principle of equal treatment. An offer with stub equity ought to be able to be designed so that smaller shareholders are offered a cash consideration or a share consideration in the holding or bidding company, whilst the larger shareholders only receive a share consideration in the holding or bidding company. This in accordance with the exception for practical reasons the Swedish takeover regulation permits in these cases. In addition to this, in an offer with stub equity, the bidder has the opportunity to offer the target company's shareholders A-shares in in the holding- or bid company in exchange for A-shares in the target company, B-shares in the holding- or bid company in exchange for B-shares in the target company as well as a premium for shares with different financial rights. Furthermore, an offer with stub equity places high demands on the design and content of the offer document, including obtaining a valuation statement regarding the valuation of the share consideration and informing the target company's shareholders about the structure of the offer document in a clear and easy to understand manner. Conditions regarding certain degree of accession to the stub equity part of the offer, conditions that the share consideration with stub equity is limited and conditions that certain shareholders must accept the offer ought to also be compatible with the Swedish takeover regulation. Lastly, the existing regulation ought to entail the necessary protection for unqualified investors when offering stub equity, as the opportunity to treat shareholders differently due to the principle of equal treatment is very limited and the obligations to inform unqualified investors about the meaning of an offer with stub equity are significant.

Normkritiska arbetsmetoder vid handläggning av ärenden i Socialtjänsten : en studie om handläggarens förutsättningar till lika bedömning och likabehandling vid beviljande av insatser inom Socialtjänsten / Norm-critical working methods when handling cases in the social services : a qualitative study of the administrator's preconditions for equal assessment and equal treatment when granting contributions within the social services

Kvick, Olivia, Rinne, Timo January 2022 (has links)
Finns det några skillnader mellan kön? Mellan det manliga och kvinnliga, att vara en mamma eller pappa? Finns det även skillnader i att vara en kvinnlig eller manlig socialarbetare? Svaret på dessa frågor enligt en del forskning är att, ja, det finns skillnader. Den här studiens resultat tyder på att de finns skillnader i både samhället och inom socialtjänsten. Dessa skillnader kan ta sig i uttryck hur handläggare inom socialtjänsten tänker kring könsroller i hemmet, vilka förväntningar som finns på ensamstående pappor respektive mammor eller hur den enskilde individen inte passar in i den förväntade rollen eller den mall som är satt för dem. Handläggare inom socialtjänsten behöver ha organisatoriska förutsättningarna för att lägga vikt vid ett genustänk. Handläggare behöver ha tid för reflektion samt synliggöra arbetet av genusmedvetenhet i sitt arbete. Den aktuella forskningen inom området behöver lyftas än mer för att verkligen skapa förändring och medvetenhet inom socialtjänsten. För att enskilda individer som söker stöd inte ska komma att feltolkas eller bemötas på felaktiga grunder när det kommer till att bevilja bästa möjliga insatser eller bistånd för den enskilde. Vår studie syftar till att fördjupa kunskapen om hur socialtjänsten arbetar med genusfrågor i relation till att säkerställa att den sökandes behov ligger i fokus, med stöd av arbetssätt som hjälper handläggaren att inte präglas av könsstereotypiska föreställningar i bedömningen. Uppsatsen stödjer sig i kvalitativa intervjuer och vi har använt oss av grundad teori som metodval utifrån studiens syfte och frågeställningar. Resultaten som sedan blev grund till den genomförda analysen, blev kategorierna 1) faktorer som kan påverkar en jämställd bedömning 2) upplevda fördelar med könsneutrala ärendedragningar 3) svårigheter med könsneutrala ärendedragningar, 4) könets betydelse och 5) organisatoriska hinder. De slutsatser som har dragits är att det kan finnas skillnader i bedömningarna i ärendedragningar där handläggare berättar kön kontra där kön inte nämns. Det kan ses som viktigt att inte nämna kön för att arbete mer rättssäkert. Handläggare som arbetar med genustänk ger effekter och har betydelse i handläggningen. Därutöver så dras slutsatsen att det krävs organisatoriska förutsättningar för att använda sig av detta arbetssätt. / This paper aims to examine the use of gender-neutral case- and errand managements in different units of the social services. The results of this study indicate that there are differences in both society and the social services. These differences can be expressed in how social service administrators think about gender roles in the home, what expectations there are of single fathers and mothers or how the individual does not fit into the expected role, or the template set for them. Administrators in the social services need to have the organizational conditions to emphasize gender thinking and they also need the time for reflection and to make the work of gender awareness visible in their work. Current research in the field needs to be highlighted more to really create change and awareness in the social services, so that individuals seeking support will not be misinterpreted or treated on incorrect grounds when it comes to granting the best possible efforts for the individual.Our study aims to deepen the knowledge of how the social services work with gender issues in relation to ensuring that the applicant's needs are in focus, with the support of working methods that help the administrator not to be characterized by gender stereotypical notions in the assessment. The results then became the basis for the analysis, became the categories 1) Factors that can influence the administrator's assessment, 2) Perceived benefits of gender-neutral case-drawing, 3) Difficulties with gender-neutral case-drawing, 4) Gender significance and 5) Organizational barriers.The conclusions that's been drawn is that there may be differences in the assessments in case cases where one tells gender versus where one does not tell gender. It can be seen as important not to mention gender in order to work with legal certainty. The administrators in the social services who work with gender-thinking, have noticeable effects and are important in case management. In addition, it is concluded that organizational conditions are required to use this way of working.

Försvarsmaktens jämställdhetsarbete : En kvalitativ studie av hur kadetter, som identifierar sig som män, upplever jämställdhetsarbetet inom Försvarsmakten.

Friman, Johanna January 2024 (has links)
Försvarsmakten har fått som uppdrag av regeringen att integrera jämställdhetsarbetet i hela sin verksamhet och därmed måste all personal vara inkluderad i detta arbete. Det finns en lucka i forskningen när det gäller manlig militärpersonals syn på jämställdhetsarbetet. Uppsatsen syftar till att förstå på vilket sätt kadetter, som identifierar sig som män, upplever jämställdhetsarbetet. Utifrån en kvalitativ design genomfördes 11 stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer med kadetter som vid tiden då uppsatsen skrevs var inskrivna som kadetter vid Försvarshögskolan. Genom en diskursanalys synliggjordes den sociala verkligheten och vilka diskurser som får ta plats i jämställdhetsarbetet. Resultatet visade att kadetternas upplevelse av jämställdhetsarbetet är att det inte finns förankrat i hela organisationen och att det kan uppfattas som om det finns ett organisatoriskt motstånd mot arbetet. Vidare, likställs jämställdhet med likabehandling av kadetterna vilket kan vara problematiskt. / The Swedish Armed Forces have been tasked by the Swedish government to integrate gender equality efforts throughout their operations, necessitating the inclusion of all personnel in this work. There is a gap in research concerning the perspectives of male military personnel on gender equality efforts. The thesis aims to understand how cadets who identify themselves as men experience gender equality work in the Swedish Armed Forces. Using a qualitative design, eleven semi-structured interviews were conducted with cadets enrolled at the Swedish Defence University at the time of the thesis. Through a discourse analysis, the social reality and the discourses that are allowed to take place in the work for gender equality were made visible. The results showed that the cadets perceive gender equality efforts as not being integrated throughout the organization and possibly being seen as if there is organizational resistance to such initiatives. Furthermore, gender equality is equated with equal treatment by the cadets, which can be problematic.

Genusmedvetenhet i idrottsundervisning : Blivande idrottslärares syn på inkluderad undervisning för icke-binära elever / Gender-awareness in physical education : Prospective Physical Education teachers’ views on inclusive education for non-binary students

Amina, Fältmars January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie framhäver behovet av inkluderande undervisning inom idrott och hälsa med fokus på icke-binära individer. Målet i skolan är  att skapa en rättvis och delaktig skolmiljö. Skolverket betonar vikten av inkludering, jämställdhet och normkritik i skolan. Detta arbete undersöker strategier för att öka medvetenheten om genusfrågor och motivera icke-binära elever inom idrott och hälsa undervisningen.  Icke-binära personer möter utmaningar och fördomar, särskilt inom idrott där traditionella könsnormer fortfarande råder. Syftet med denna studien är att undersöka vad blivande idrottslärare upplever är utmaningen med att inkludera elever som idenifierar sig som ickebinär i idrott och hälsa undervisnignen. Denna studien utgår från två olika frågeställningar som betonar framtida lärares syn på inkluderande idrott och hälsa undervisningen för icke-binära. Studien använde kvalitativa metoder. Särskilt semistrukturerade intervjuer för att undersöka blivande idrottslärares syn på inkludering av icke-binära elever. Åtta respondenter i åldrarna 20-29 år, intervjuades. Insamling och bearbetning av data involverade transkriberingar och ljudinspelningar för att analysera.  Resultaten pekar på problem med omklädningsrum, idrottsdagar och simlektioner. Åtgärder inkluderar dialog och anpassningar. Inkluderande undervisning betyder delaktighet oavsett kön. Respondenterna önskade mer utbildning om olika genus och föreslår ändrat ordval samt undvikande av uppdelning i tjejer/killar. Diskussionen belyser brister i förberedelser och kunskap. Resultaten betonar behovet av ökad utbildning och stöd för att hantera komplexiteten i inkluderingen för icke-binära. Metoddiskussionen framhäver användningen av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Fortsatt behov av studier kring ämnet och att följa upp lärarnas praktiska arbete samt undersöka icke-binära perspektiv. / This study highlights the need for inclusive education in Physical Education with a focus on non-binary individuals. The goal in the school is to create a fair and inclusive school enviroment. The national Board of Education emphasizes the importance of inclusion, equality and critique of norms in school. This work examines strategies to raise awareness of gender issues and motivate non-binary students in physical education. Non-binary people encounter challenges and prejudice, especially in sports where traditional gender norms still prevail. The purpose of this study is to investigate what future Physical Education teachers experience as the challenge of including students who identify as non-binary in Physical Education. This is based on two different issues that emphasize future teachers’ views on inclusive in physical education for non- binary people. The study used qualitative methods. Specifically semi-structured interviews to investigate future physical education teachers’ views on the inclusion of non-binary students. Eight respondents aged 20 - 29 years old, were interviewed. Collection and processing of data involved transcriptions and audio recordings for analysis. The results point to problems with changing rooms, sports days and swimming lessons in school. Actions include dialogue and adaptations. Inclusive education means participation regardless of gender. The respondents wanted more education about different genders and suggest changing the choice of words and avoiding the division into girls/boys. The discussion highlights shortcomings in preparation and knowledge. The Findings highlight the need for increased education and support to address the complexities of non-binary inclusion. The method discussion highlights the use of semi-structured interviews. Continued need for studies around the subject and to follow up the  teachers’ practical work and examine non-binary perspectives.

Правни стандард једнаког третмана у међународној трговини / Pravni standard jednakog tretmana u međunarodnoj trgovini / Legal Standard of Equal Treatment in International Trade

Popović Aleksandar 09 October 2014 (has links)
<p>Трговина спада у најстарије привредне активности на основу којих се врши размјена добара са циљем остварења профита. Она није само у функцији међународне размјене роба, него представља један од најзначајнијих фактора развоја друштва. Она је истовремено и творац норми које се баштине у најстарије изворе људске цивилизације. На овај начин она је директно учествовала на настанак права и правне науке. Велику улогу у&nbsp; развоју трговине, нарочито у периоду глобализације међународних економских односа и међународног тржишта су имале међународне организације од којих посебно мјесто припада Свјетској трговинској организацији.<br />Националне привреде различитих држава се међусобно повезују кроз међународне трговинске односе, а правна регулатива представља незаобилазну претпоставку њихове реализације.<br />Руководна идеја СТО је оличена у читавом правном систему норми које прије свега почивају на слободи трговине и прокламацији система недискриминације и једнакости свих учесника на тржишту.<br />У функцији остварења ове&nbsp; идеје постоји читав низ начела од којих централно мјесто заузимају слобода међународне трговине, системи најповлашћеније нације и националног третмана, монопол, принцип преференцијалног третмана, начело недискриминације, начело заштите националног тржишта, начело пропорционалности и многа друга, а без њиховог постојања би било немогуће замислити организовану слободну трговину.<br />Стандард једнаког третмана представља средство реализације једнаке конкурентске шансе свим субјектима на свјетском тржишту, а забрана дискриминације оличена у систему најповлашћеније нације и националног третмана представља камен темељац за реализацију система изједначења субјеката спољнотрговинског пословања, успостављања и даљег развоја међународних трговинских односа.<br />Особине стандарда једнаког третмана у праву СТО, данас, ваља посматрати у контексту заштите интереса очекивања као општег правног постулата реализације односа и сарадње њених чланица. Овакав &bdquo;интерес очекивања&ldquo; &ndash; &bdquo;expectation interest&ldquo;, заслужује правну заштиту, а њу&nbsp; обезбјеђује право СТО, активирањем механизма рјешавања спорова. Ови механизми истовремено представљају и кључни камен темељац очувања СТО, без које не би било могуће замислити одвијање међународне трговине.</p> / <p>Trgovina spada u najstarije privredne aktivnosti na osnovu kojih se vrši razmjena dobara sa ciljem ostvarenja profita. Ona nije samo u funkciji međunarodne razmjene roba, nego predstavlja jedan od najznačajnijih faktora razvoja društva. Ona je istovremeno i tvorac normi koje se baštine u najstarije izvore ljudske civilizacije. Na ovaj način ona je direktno učestvovala na nastanak prava i pravne nauke. Veliku ulogu u&nbsp; razvoju trgovine, naročito u periodu globalizacije međunarodnih ekonomskih odnosa i međunarodnog tržišta su imale međunarodne organizacije od kojih posebno mjesto pripada Svjetskoj trgovinskoj organizaciji.<br />Nacionalne privrede različitih država se međusobno povezuju kroz međunarodne trgovinske odnose, a pravna regulativa predstavlja nezaobilaznu pretpostavku njihove realizacije.<br />Rukovodna ideja STO je oličena u čitavom pravnom sistemu normi koje prije svega počivaju na slobodi trgovine i proklamaciji sistema nediskriminacije i jednakosti svih učesnika na tržištu.<br />U funkciji ostvarenja ove&nbsp; ideje postoji čitav niz načela od kojih centralno mjesto zauzimaju sloboda međunarodne trgovine, sistemi najpovlašćenije nacije i nacionalnog tretmana, monopol, princip preferencijalnog tretmana, načelo nediskriminacije, načelo zaštite nacionalnog tržišta, načelo proporcionalnosti i mnoga druga, a bez njihovog postojanja bi bilo nemoguće zamisliti organizovanu slobodnu trgovinu.<br />Standard jednakog tretmana predstavlja sredstvo realizacije jednake konkurentske šanse svim subjektima na svjetskom tržištu, a zabrana diskriminacije oličena u sistemu najpovlašćenije nacije i nacionalnog tretmana predstavlja kamen temeljac za realizaciju sistema izjednačenja subjekata spoljnotrgovinskog poslovanja, uspostavljanja i daljeg razvoja međunarodnih trgovinskih odnosa.<br />Osobine standarda jednakog tretmana u pravu STO, danas, valja posmatrati u kontekstu zaštite interesa očekivanja kao opšteg pravnog postulata realizacije odnosa i saradnje njenih članica. Ovakav &bdquo;interes očekivanja&ldquo; &ndash; &bdquo;expectation interest&ldquo;, zaslužuje pravnu zaštitu, a nju&nbsp; obezbjeđuje pravo STO, aktiviranjem mehanizma rješavanja sporova. Ovi mehanizmi istovremeno predstavljaju i ključni kamen temeljac očuvanja STO, bez koje ne bi bilo moguće zamisliti odvijanje međunarodne trgovine.</p> / <p>Trade is one of the oldest economic activities of exchange of goods with the aim to gain profit.Its main purpose is not only international exchange of goods, but is also one of the most important factors of social development.It is also a designer of norms which are believed to be the oldest sources of human civilization. Thus, it has directly influenced the creation of law and legal science.In the development of trade, especially in the period of globalization of international economic relations and international trade, an important role has been played by international organisations, especially World Trade Organisation.<br />National economies of different countries are interrelated through international trade, and legal jurisprudence represents inevitable assumption for their realisation.<br />The leading idea of WTO is reflected in the entire legal system of norms which are primarily based on free trade and non-discrimination system and equality of all market holders.<br />The realization of the idea is supported by a number of principles where the central place is held by free international trade, most- favoured nation systems and national treatment, monopole, preference treatment principle, non-discrimination principle, protection of national market principle, proportionality principle and many others, and without their existence it would be impossible to imagine an organized free trade.<br />The equal treatment standard represents the means of realization of equal competition opportunities for all subjects at the world market, and ban on discrimination reflected in the most-favoured nation system and national treatment represents a foundation stone for the realization of the foreign trade subject equation system, establishment and further development of international trade relations.<br />The characteristics of equal treatment standard in WTO law today should be viewed in the context of expectation interest protection as a general legal principle of realization of relations and co-operation of its members.Such &bdquo;expectation interest&ldquo;deserves legal protection, provided by WTO, by activating the dispute resolution mechanisms.These mechanisms also represent a key stepping stone of the preservation of WTO, without which it would be impossible to imagine the international trade activities.</p>

Les catégories professionnelles en droit social : réflexion sur la distinction des cadres et des non-cadres / Professional categories in social law : a reflective contrasting between the executive and non-executive categories

De la Motte, Emilie 25 March 2017 (has links)
Préciser la notion de catégorie professionnelle est un exercice essentiel. Les enjeux sont multiples. Ils intéressent la rémunération, le temps de travail, la protection sociale complémentaire, la représentation collective, etc. La reconnaissance des catégories professionnelles, notamment au travers de la distinction des cadres et des non-cadres, participe à l’organisation de l’entreprise et contribue au respect du principe d’égalité de traitement. Cet exercice se révèle néanmoins délicat : le législateur n’a pas précisé les contours du concept de catégorie professionnelle ; la mutation des formes de travail, se traduisant parfois par une uniformisation des fonctions dans l’entreprise, modifie le paysage. Le rôle des partenaires sociaux pour apporter quelque clarté est souvent décisif. / The conceptual definition of professional classifications is an essential exercise since the stakes are high. It affects wages, working hours, complementary social security, collective representation, etc. The identification of professional categories, particularly between the executive and non-executive categories, helps in the organization of companies and contributes to the application of equal treatment principle. This exercise is nevertheless delicate because the legislator has not previously provided a precise conceptual delineation of professional categories ; the changes in the forms of work, sometimes reflected by a standardization of the roles within the company, is changing the landscape. The role of social partners is often critical in providing some clarification.

L'innovation technologique dans les contrats publics d'affaires / Technological innovation in public contracts

Lière, Sophie 30 January 2017 (has links)
Sous l’impulsion du droit de l’Union européenne, les contrats publics d’affaires ont vocation à promouvoir l’innovation technologique. Les objectifs multiples qui leur sont assignés, particulièrement l’ouverture à la concurrence, les empêche néanmoins d’être des vecteurs efficaces d’innovation, au stade de leur formation. Il appartient en revanche aux parties de construire leur relation contractuelle en tenant compte des caractéristiques de l’innovation, telles que l’évolutivité et la performance. C’est donc le contrat, comme instrument de prévision, qui représente un moyen efficace d’encouragement à innover. / Under the influence of European Union law, the « business public contracts » (i.e. contracts known as public procurement and concession contracts in EU law) are supposed to be a means of fostering technological innovation. However, the multiplicity of objectives assigned to these contracts, in particular the obligation of maintaining an open competition in awarding them, does not allow them to be an efficient tool for promoting innovation at their formation stage. It is the responsibility of the parties to take into account the main charasteristics of innovation, such as evolutivity and performance, to define their contractual relationships. The contract, taken as a means of anticipation, thus represents an efficient tool for promoting innovation.

Jäv utan konsekvenser? : - En komparativrättslig studie mellan svensk och finsk jävsreglering vid offentlig upphandling / Conflict of interests without consequences? : - A comparative legal study between Swedish and Finnish regulation of conflict of interest within public procurement

Rakhimova, Nina, Jöesaar, Kettlin January 2020 (has links)
The study is mainly to reflect on how the two members of the European Union, Sweden and Finland has chosen to implement the directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union. To limit the study the focus has been to investigate the width of ‘conflict of interest’ as well as the width of ‘contracting authorities’. The conflict of interest may appear in all phases within the purchasing process with a risk for unjust advantages for the wanted supplier or the opposite, where a supplier is excluded by purpose. The actual procurement process is presented in the study in a wider context where the procurement document, the publication of the document as well as the establishing of the winning tender is defined as the second phase. The total process of purchasing begins with a first phase, the analysis of the actual need, market orientation and an evaluating of the previous contract. The third phase, contract management, is very critical as the risk of becoming caught altering the contracts during the term is low. Therefore, is not only the conflict of interest connected to the prior involvement of candidates or tenderers that need to be addressed. The regulation of the two national procurement laws does not contain the wider sense of conflict of interest. Instead, one Finnish inferior law, regulating administration and conflict of interest there in, appears to be the most comprehensive legislation to include all organizations that the procurement law applies to. The Swedish regulation as oppose to the Finnish spread out on a general administrative law and a law applied to the municipal organizations. However, this is not including all the organizations that must process their procurations according to law. The legislator refers to the constitutional principle, the principle of equality, and a mandate for the procurement authority to support all procurement organizations that are obliged to implement procurement under public procurement laws. Above is a simplified description of how the procurement directive has been implemented in Sweden and Finland. What has been noted is that is does not appear to be any penalties for those who shows a behavior indicating that there is a conflict of interest in any of the steps of the purchasing process. On the other hand, it is the contracting organization that may face penalties such as a waste of resources when a procurement is reviewed and fails, which means further time spent on yet another process of procurement. A contracting organization that does not manage its contracts according to the stated demands in the procurement might make such incorrect purchases or concessions that could lead to considerable sanctions.

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