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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reporterskap : äventyr, irrbloss, dygder

Orre, Inger January 2001 (has links)
<p>QC 20171212</p>

Det rikstäckande dagstidningsspråket : En kvantitativ analys av morgon- och kvällstidningsspråk 1997 och 2017 / The language of nationwide newspapers : A quantitative analysis of newspaper language in 1997 and 2017

Lind, Christoffer January 2017 (has links)
Denna uppsats har som syfte att från två perspektiv identifiera skillnader mellan Sveriges fyra största rikstäckande dagstidningar. Synkront jämförs morgontidningar med kvällstidningar och diakront jämförs 2017 med 1997. Materialet består av respektive tidnings första två eller tre sidormed inrikesnyheter från ett datum per undersökt år. Primärt har läsbarhet och textuell struktur i huvudartikeln från varje tidning undersökts, samt disponering av ytan på alla de valda sidorna uppmätts. Resultatet visade, i enlighet med tidigare studier, att språket i morgontidningar var mer komplext än i kvällstidningar 1997, men att de närmat sig varandra 2017. Förhållandet mellan substantiv och verb visar på en uppdelning mellan morgon- och kvällstidningar med få ändringar över tid. Vaken antalet vänstertunga meningar eller det genomsnittliga antalet ord per meningvisade på någon tydlig trend upp eller ned. Antalet ord per rubrik hade från 1997 till 2017 i genomsnitt ökat med 1,2 ord per rubrik vilket kan tyda på att 2010-talets läsare i större utsträckning än tidigare förlitar sig på att rubrikerna förmedlar tillräcklig information. Vidare visar undersökningen att andelen artikeltext har ökat i förhållande till bilder och reklam, där bilderna tar ungefär lika mycket plats och reklam minskar. Detta kan tyda på att dagstidningarna idag i högre grad förlitar sig på annonsintäkter från internet, eller ökar andelen helsidesannonser, jämfört med tidigare.

”I Can’t Breathe” : En retorisk innehållsanalys av nyhetstidningars gestaltning av afroamerikanska mordoffer i amerikanska nyheter / ”I Can’t Breathe” : A rhetorical content analysis of news portrayals of African-American murder victims in American news

Pettersson, Anna, Gren, Josefin January 2021 (has links)
The following thesis’s purpose is to target the frames of victims Trayvon Martin and George Floyd. Martin and Floyd were killed by white perpetrators and the events later received mass attention by The United States population and media. The subject matter of the victims’ deaths suggested possible motives of ethnic profiling from the perpetrators. Both cases started a debate surrounding the outcome of American culture where discrimination towards African Americans still existed.    The thesis has chosen four news articles by two different American newspapers as test material. These tells perspectives of the cases involving the victims. The news articles were published during a month period after the victims’ deaths. Chosen test materials are examined by a qualitative content analysis, exploring the theoretical concepts of rhetoric. By analyzing the artistic- and inartistic proofs and the dispositions of the news articles, the study finds perspectives and deeper interpreted meanings that can apply certain framings to Trayvon Martin and George Floyd. The purpose of the examination was to determine the frames’ similarities, differences and if they have changed over the years. Also, by examining frames the study was to find emotional reactions through the rhetoric perspective and discuss what these represent.    The result confirms that there are certain frames that suggest emotional traits from a form of sympathy for the African American society. Some of these emotional reactions are anger and sorrow which determine sympathy and possible empathy for the victims and the ones affected. The analysis also suggests Martin’s frames are similar to Floyd’s but are treated differently. For example, Martin is framed as a young victim of a possible hate crime that caused his death, but Floyd is framed as a symbol for a cause that spread world-wide. The content of the news articles differentiates where for example, the focus lays upon the outcomes of the victims’ deaths. These outcomes depend on the cause at hand and how they were impacted by society and not to mention the Black Lives Matter- movement.

Barn ska talas om, inte höras : En fallstudie av medierepresentationen av Bell v. Tavistock i brittisk nyhetsmedia

Gomez Comi, Albert, Hallgren, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Denna uppsats är en fallstudie av den Brittiska medierapporteringen runt och av rättsfallet Bell v. Tavistock mellan Oktober 2019 och Januari 2021. Uppsatsen består av en kritisk diskursanalys av de insamlade artiklarna som berörde ämnet under denna tidsperiod. Den utgår ifrån Foucaults diskursteorier samt Miranda Frickers ideer om epistemisk orättvisa för att undersöka hur de olika aktörerna, med fokus på transpersoner har porträtterats i denna rapportering. Uppsatsen har också tittat på den ideologiska vinkling som den brittiska rapporteringen har haft och hur de har valt att porträttera rättsfallet. / This paper is a case study of the British news media reporting surrounding the high court case Bell v. Tavistock with articles ranging from October 2019 to January 2021. The paper consists of a critical discourse analysis of the collected articles that discussed the case during this period. It’s based on Foucaults theories about discourse and Miranda Frickers concept of epistemic injustice to study how the different actors in the case, with a focus on transgendered individuals, have been portrayed in the media discourse. The paper has also looked at the ideological angles the british news media have had in their reporting and how they’ve chosen to portray the case.

Hjältarnas frammarsch : En komparativ retorikanalys av journalistikens gestaltade hjältar / The advance of the heroes. : A comparative rhetorical analysis of journalisms portrayed heroes

Viktorsson, Julia, Södlund, Natalie January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how heroes are constructed in two article series, “My local hero” and “Swedish Heroes”. The study intended to investigate similarities and differences between a local perspective and a national perspective, similarities and differences between the modern story of the hero and the myth of the hero and journalistic use of stereotypes. We used a rhetorical analysis to study 19 articles from Mitt i Stockholm and 7 articles from Aftonbladet. The result of our analysis showed that there are differences between the journalistic ways of describing the heroes qualities. In summary these are bravery, uniqueness, devotion, self-sacrifice and hard work. We found a pattern that showed that journalism use stereotypes in order to simplify and establish various roles in stories. The hero, as well as the battle and the vulnerable are ascribed stereotypical qualities that we consider establish these roles. We found similarities and differences regarding the journalistic way of describing the hero compared to the myth of the hero. Several dramaturgical differences was shown in the analysis. The hero did not always come from something humble but was placed straight into a battle and these stories contained a battle or a journey but not necessarily both. Our analysis also showed that the articles from Aftonbladet tended to offer stories with a focus towards details that where sensational, spectacular or shocking. Articles from Mitt i Stockholm occasionally had similar characteristics but more restrained and they often tended towards a concrete describing of the hero.

Gilla oss! : En studie av fyra svenska medieföretags arbete med sociala medier

Appelberg, Jonas January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation contains an exploratory study of how four Swedish media companies has decided to use social media in their daily work, and also how they in fact use them. What are the goals with implementing social media, how do they differ between different companies and do the goals transfer into the newsrooms? The four companies studied are Sveriges Radio, Aftonbladet, Dalarnas Tidningar and Gotlands Media. Media companies that differ from one another both in size, geographical coverage and economy. They range from small local newspapers to national public service radio and the biggest tabloid on the Swedish market. The methods used are qualitative research interviews and field studies as well as quantitative data analysis. The theoretical chapter helps define traditional journalism and journalistic practice. The concepts of boundaries, participatory cultures and normalizing of work methods are also discussed and helps build a context for the analysis of the empirical data. Some key findings from the study are that there are more similarities than differences between the various companies in both how they aim to use social media and how they in fact use them. That the digital development in the surrounding society are much faster than the implementation of new technologies in the newsrooms. Also, that there are differences between how the companies aim to use social media and the actual usage. For instance, all companies strive for a more active dialog with the audience in their visionary work, but has a hard time turning this into reality. There is also notable that social media in this study do not change the journalistic fundamental routines and traditions. The studied journalists are still in control of their own content and they aim to meet the same standard in journalistic quality when working in social media. It is also evident that Facebook is invaluable for all the studied companies, which gives Facebook an interesting indirect power over the journalistic work process and product. Finally, the study finds that it is hard to engage the audience in an active collaboration even when working with social media.

Bränder i andra länder : Journalistikens medielogik och krisjournalistik i en transnationell värld

Olsson, Anna, Tingström, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att få en generell uppfattning av hur svenska medier rapporterar om vildmarksbränder som sker i ett annat land. I vårt fall fokuserar vi på bränderna i Australien säsongen 2019/2020 och hur svenska medier rapporterade om dessa med särskilt intresse för gestaltningsformer, berättartekniker och på vilken nivå rapporteringen skedde. I samband med fysiska kriser, som vid isolerade naturkatastrofer, är det vanligt att rapportera inom ramen för en nationell medielogik. Men i en globaliserad värld där det krävs lösningar på en transnationell nivå argumenterar medieforskare för att journalistiken behöver en global utblick i sin rapportering. Bränderna tros bli värre till följd av klimatförändringarna och den globala uppvärmningen (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2019). Därför betonar även vissa forskare vikten av en hållbar journalistik som inkluderar samtliga aspekter av ekologiskt, ekonomiskt och socialt. Dessutom kan krisjournalistik behöva kliva ur sin nationella skrud. Denna uppsats använder en kvantitativ innehållsanalys på fyra av Sveriges största tidningar. Resultatet visar att medierna rapporterade på en nationell nivå där gestaltningsformer som fokuserar på mänskliga aspekter var vanligast. Rapporteringen visar symtom på en styrning av medielogiken där bland annat personifiering och konkretisering identifierades. Däremot visar resultatet att klimatförändringarna nämndes i samma kontext som bränderna i cirka 40 procent av fallen. Jämfört med tidigare forskning är det en ökning. Dock misslyckades rapporteringen att implementera en global utblick och visar förhållandevis få symtom på en global journalistik.

Digitala verktyg och deras effekt på journalistik i Sverige / Digital tools and their effect on journalism in Sweden

Kökeritz, Nils, Wiik, Teo January 2022 (has links)
The digital transformation has influenced everything from smaller government offices to big corporations, and the journalistic profession is no exception. This study examines what effect digital transformation has had on the journalistic profession in Sweden. We’ve conducted a literature review where we found four techniques that is being used internationally. Based on those techniques and relevant theories we’ve created a theoretical framework, with heavy inspiration from Gregory Vial’s research. An interview study was conducted with five informants, with different position, from different media organizations in Sweden, ranging from nationwide to local news. We found that all news outlets in Sweden we examined use some sort of digital tool to ease their workload or enhance their results. Organizations, for example, used robot journalists to write articles for them, algorithms to build their websites to ease their workload, and data driven journalism to scan great datasets to get results more efficiently.

Abort på agendan : Hur gestaltas abortfrågan i nyhetsrapporteringen i Irland och Polen?

Spitza, Daria, Walfridsson, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Ireland and Poland share a catholic and conservative history. They have recently faced oppositional developments with regards to abortion legislation, either limiting or enabling women’s rights to their bodies and health. The abortion debate is often a divisive and polarising issue. Framing of abortion is paramount for audiences’ perceptions of the issue, thereby affecting public debates and politics, making it an interesting topic for journalism studies. This study examined how Irish and Polish news framed abortion during a time when their legislations faced significant changes. This comparative case study aimed to answer the question “How is the abortion issue framed in news coverage in Poland and in Ireland?” by conducting qualitative text analysis on 12 news articles from each country. The main theoretical framework was framing theory, which was complemented by feminist theory. First, the articles were coded, thematised and summarised. Secondly, framing analysis identified problem frames, which were grouped into themes. The two results were summarised in broader frames from each country, results which facilitated a comparison, nuanced by feminist theory. This study found both similarities and differences between frames in the case studies. While framing in Ireland showed more breadth, polish framing showed signs of polarisation. However, both cases displayed positive and negative sentiments towards abortion, with a variety of stances. Although both often showed oppositional frames simultaneously, the general leaning of the polish framing demonstrated more reluctance towards abortion. Abortion on the Agenda provided deeper insight into framing of a divisive issue crucial for women’s reproductive health.

Bränder som bränder, eller? : En kritisk diskursanalys av Dagens Nyheters rapportering om bränderna i Kalifornien 2020 samt bränderna i Amazonas 2020

Thomas, Amy, Wedin, Hektor January 2021 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka Dagens Nyheters rapportering om bränderna i Kalifornien 2020 samt bränderna i Amazonas 2020. Vi avser att undersöka vad det finns för skillnader och likheter i omfång och karaktär av Dagens Nyheters rapportering om bränderna samt på vilket sätt Dagens Nyheter framställer klimatförändringarna i rapporteringen om respektive brand. Studien avser även att undersöka vilka faktorer som kan förklara skillnadeni rapporteringen av bränderna samt förekomsten av klimatförändringarna. Utifrån Anabela Carvalho (2008) och Peter Berglez (2019) fastställda analysmodell har vi bedrivit en kvalitativ kritisk diskursanalys av 18 artiklar under perioderna för respektive brand. Studientar sin teoretiska ansats i tidigare diskursanalyser av klimatrapportering (Berglez &amp; Lidskog2017), (Carvalho 2012) samt en diskursanalys av nyhetsrapportering vid kriser (Chouliaraki 2006). Utöver det utgår studien även från global journalistik, framing, gatekeeping och närhetsprincipen i form av geografisk samt kulturell närhet. Resultatet visar att klimatförändringarna nämns som grund till bränderna i Kalifornien, men sällan uttalat utan snarare mellan raderna. Sedermera nämns klimatförändringarna i rapporteringen om bränderna i Amazonas som att klimatförändringarna snarare blir påverkade av bränderna än som anledningen till att bränderna sker. Den främsta anledningen till bränderna pågår tycks bero på avverkning av skogen och i rapporteringen sätter Dagens Nyheter de brasilianska myndigheterna, och särskilt Jair Bolsonaro, som ansvarig till bränderna. Slutligen kunde vi även se att fler individer fick komma till tals i rapporteringen om bränderna i Kalifornien och att nyhetsrapporteringen föreföll sig under diskursen emergency news, en etablerad diskurs i Lilie Chouliarakis studie The spectatorship of suffering (2006) medan rapporteringen om vilka individer som påverkas av bränderna i Amazonas snarare landade under kategorin adventure news.

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