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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Alltså det jag fått hört i skolan är väl bara typ att det är dåligt..." : En kvalitativ studie om gymnasietjejers syn på narkotikaanvändning på Gotland

Dahlström, Josefin January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Statistik visar att narkotikaanvändningen bland tjejer i åk 2 på gymnasiet på Gotland ligger 5% över riksgenomsnittet i Sverige. Mot denna bakgrund tog Region Gotland fram ett medborgarlöfte år 2020 med målet att ta fram ett proaktivt och förebyggande samverkansarbete gällande gymnasietjejers narkotikabruk. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att inom ramen för Region Gotlands utvecklingsarbete undersöka unga kvinnors uppfattning och erfarenhet av narkotikaanvändning på Gotland. Metod: Studiens design var kvalitativ med induktiv ansats. Semi-strukturerade fokusgrupper genomfördes för att samla in data. Tre fokusgrupper genomfördes, där vardera gruppen intervjuades vid två tillfällen, cirka 120 minuter per tillfälle. Sammanlagt deltog 22 tjejer i gymnasieåldern i intervjuerna. Systematisk textkondensering användes för genomförande av analysen som mynnade ut i fyra teman med tillhörande underkategorier: 1) Narkotikan finns överallt och när den träder in förändras spelreglerna, 2) Se oss, hör oss respektera oss, 3) Kille och tjej på olika villkor, 4) Vi bor alla på en liten ö. Resultat: Det sammantagna resultatet visade att tjejerna efterfrågar närvarande vuxna som visar förståelse och engagemang att vilja lära sig om de problem och utmaningar som unga tjejer stöter på i sin vardag. Tjejerna efterfrågade engagemang från vuxna i balanserade samtal om droger, både som föräldrar och i professionella situationer. Slutsats: Tjejerna gav flera förslag för att minska riskfaktorer och öka skyddsfaktorer som i hög grad stämmer överens med de åtgärder som återfinns i den så kallade Islandsmodellen. / Background: Statistics show that drug use among girls in year 2 of Upper Secondary School on Gotland is 5 % above the national average in Sweden. Against this background, Region Gotland made a citizens’ pledge in 2020 with the goal of developing a proactive and preventive collaboration within Region Gotland, regarding high school girls’ drug use. Aim: The purpose of the study was to examine young women’s perceptions and experiences of drug use on Gotland within the framework of Region Gotland’s development work. Method: The design of the study was qualitative with an inductive approach. Semi-structured focus groups were conducted. Each group was interviewed on two occasions, with each session lasting about 120 minutes. Twenty two girls of high school age participated in the interviews. Systematic text condensation was used for the implementation of analysis that resulted in four themes with associated subcategories: 1) Drugs are everywhere and once introduced, the rules of the game change, 2) See us, hear us, respect us, 3) Boys and girls on different terms, 4) We all live on a small island. Results: The overall result showed that girls are actively looking for adults who show an understanding for their situation and who are committed to wanting to learn about the challenges that young girls face in their everyday lives. The girls expressed a call for adults, both parents and professionals, who were willing to engage in balanced conversations about drugs, both as parents and in professional situations. Conclusion: Several proposals on how to reduce risk factors and how to increase protection factors were brought forward by the girls. These were very much in line with the measures found in the so called Icelandic model.

Flödets Arkitekt : Hur medie- och informationskunnighet formar unga kvinnors upplevelser av skönhetsindustrin på Instagram / The Social Media Architect : How Media Literacy Contributes to Young Women's Experiences of the Instagram Beauty Industry

Vainio Ali, Nadie, Torndal, Elin January 2023 (has links)
The aim of the study is to investigate how media and information literacy (MIL) among young women affect their views on beauty-related advertisements and posts on Instagram, in accordance with infrastructure knowledge, mental health and purchase behavior. This is conducted through semi-structured interviews with 6 young Swedish women in the age range of 20-25 years old, through which an analysis of the retrieved answers is made. The analysis of the empirical materials takes a stamp in the theories of uses and gratifications theory and cultivation theory in relation to MIL in order to further prove the arguments and conclusions being made. The importance of MIL in this context needs to be highlighted in order to make young women more aware of the ways in which the media takes advantage of them and tries to manipulate them into a spiral of beauty standards and advertisements, making them the targets for further consumption. Considering that the digitalization is moving at a rapid speed, the possibilities for economic growth are doing the same thing. This means that beauty companies, just like any other corporation with a motive of profit, will continue to evolve their marketing strategies in accordance with female consumers' interest and needs.  The collected empirical data of this study shows that the interviewees have at least some basic knowledge of Instagram’s technical infrastructure in the meanings of algorithms and cookies, and therefore understand the basics of how their actions construct their Instagram feeds. The study also shows that the interviewees have a generally negative image of the beauty industry on Instagram; they like the possibilities of using Instagram as a source of inspiration and entertainment, but heavily dislike and disagree with the beauty standards being portrayed. They have all in some shape or form been affected negatively by beauty related content on Instagram - however, it shows that the ones with supposedly higher MIL and knowledge about algorithms more easily could identify the sources of negativity and steer away from it, showing the benefits of MIL in this context. The study also concludes that the interviewees generally are highly skeptical of advertisements and sponsorships on Instagram and therefore rarely purchase anything because of said platform. However, they have a higher tendency to do so if the product being advertised is endorsed by a, according to them, highly trusted influencer or if a discount code is being provided.  It is of importance to continue studies within this area in order to make deeper analysis of potential consequences of the beauty industry and standards on Instagram, so that more women can be taught and informed about how they can protect themselves from negative influences.

Våldet finns i ens ficka : En studie om unga tjejers särskilda utsatthet för digitalt våld / The violence is in one's pocket : A study about young girls’ particular vulnerability to digital violence

Siljén Panarello, Laís, Comstedt Centerlid, Ida January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this qualitative study was to investigate professionals' perception of young girls' particular vulnerability to digital violence, its consequences, and professional approaches to digital violence. Four professionals working in women’s and girl’s shelters were interviewed in a semi-structured format. The results indicate that young girls are particularly vulnerable because of their gender, age, and the power structure in society. The consequences of being affected by digital violence are described as among others mental illness and problems to establish other healthy relations. Both youth’s and adult’s lack of knowledge about digital violence may contribute to its perpetuation. The work with digital violence is limited because of a generation gap that leads to the fact that adults lack understanding of young girls' particular vulnerability. The study identifies a need for increased education about digital violence for both young people and adults. / Denna kvalitativa intervjustudie syftar till att undersöka hur yrkesverksamma inom tjej- och kvinnojourer upplever och arbetar med unga tjejers utsatthet för digitalt våld i nära relationer och dess konsekvenser. Studien grundar sig i fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra informanter från tjej- eller kvinnojourer i Sverige. Resultaten tyder på att unga tjejer är särskilt sårbara till följd av faktorer som könstillhörighet, ålder och maktstrukturer i samhället. Konsekvenser av att utsättas för digitalt våld beskrivs bland annat som psykisk ohälsa och problem att etablera andra sunda relationer. Otillräcklig kunskap om digitalt våld för både unga och vuxna underlättar potentiellt dess fortsättning. Arbetet med digitalt våld sker i mindre utsträckning på grund av ett generationsglapp som innebär att vuxna saknar en förståelse för unga tjejers särskilda utsatthet. Utvecklingsområden som diskuterats berör kunskapshöjning för både unga och vuxna.

Tillgänglig och stärkande idrott i stadens utsatta områden : Den politiska rationaliteten bakom insatser och samverkan för att främja fotbollsverksamhet för tjejer

Karlsson, Ella January 2017 (has links)
The voluntary based sports movement has for over a hundred years been supported by state funds and seen as an important part of the Swedish society. In the city of Linköping the ethnical and economical segregation has been increasing in recent years and the consequences are reflected in the local sports associations. In Skäggetorp, statistically the most underprivileged district in city, there is no longer any football association offering activities to children under fourteen years old, either boys or girls. Furthermore, girls with immigrant background are generally less involved in the sports movements and efforts are made from both public authorities and other actors to incite activity.This essay analyses the political rationality lying behind the planned and realized interventions and how the actors have been experiencing the processes of cooperation. The empirical material has been collected by interviews with the involved actors. The theoretical framework has been constituted by a theory of construction of problem representation along with theoretical concepts as capital and governance.Main findings consist of a difference of rationality depending on whether the activity is aimed at boys or girls or if it is conducted within the structure of sports associations. Also, associations in underprivileged urban districts are both seen as possible promotors for social change and as subjects in need of help. The system of public allowances for sports associations can only be distributed to projects even though all actors are addressing a long-term approach. This study also shows the challenges that exists within the decentralisation of public administration, governance and cooperation by different actors.

”Man får göra vad man vill, men man måste tänka på vad man gör.” : En genusstudie om tjejer, femininitet och platstagande / ”You can do what you want, but you have to think about what you do.” : A gender study on girls, femininity and space for action

Soback, Antonia January 2016 (has links)
Studien har som ambition att studera hur tjejer skapar femininitet och således tar plats på en ungdomsgård belägen i en multietnisk stadsdel i Stockholm. Studiens metod består av deltagande observation av en grupp på åtta tjejer som besökte ungdomsgården dagligen. Resultatet indelas i tre teman, Systerskap, Ungdomsgården är hemma och Femininitetskapande som beskriver tjejernas relationer till varandra, andra ungdomar på- och utanför ungdomsgården samt bostadsområdet, men även förhållandet till svenskhet. Resultatet analyserades med teorier rörande genus, etnicitet, postkolonial feminism och praktikgemenskap. Det framkom att tjejerna formade en gemenskap som de upprätthöll med outtalade regler rörande femininitet, etnicitet och sexualitet. Studiens slutsatser är att ungdomsgården framställdes som en betydelsefull plats då den utgjorde en fristad för tjejerna, där de försökte undkomma de olika regler som omfattade dem och deras liv.

Schyssta Killar : Ett utforskande av mansroller och jämställdhet med fokus på män / Nice Guys : Investigating gender equality focusing on men

Matei, Linea January 2017 (has links)
Nice Guys A research of gender equality in Sweden 2017 focusing on men and men's roles. A study how I can shift focus from the victims to the perpetrators. A method of working with interviews, statistics, and studies in a combination with visual techniques and materials such as textile sculpture, print, painting and dyeing. / Schyssta killar En research av jämställdhet i Sverige 2017 med fokus på män och mansroller. Ett utforskande i hur jag kan flytta fokus från offren till förövarna genom intervjuer, statistik, studier och forskning i kombination med visuella tekniker och material som textilskulptur, tryckning, målning och färgning.

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