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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nya religiösa rörelser i digitala uppslagsverk : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om hur digitala uppslagsverk beskriver Folkets tempel / New religious movements in digital encyclopedias : A qualitative content analysis of how digital encyclopedias describe peoples temple

Lindgren, Arvid January 2022 (has links)
Digitaliseringen av skolan har framställt en ny metodik gällande informationssökning ochkunskapshämtning, vilken uppenbarat sig av personlig erfarenhet. Dels under grundskoletiden,dels under praktikperioder och vikarieanställningar under högskoletiden. Digitaliseringen harsedermera fört med sig en utveckling av att läroböcker alltmer försvunnit frånlektionssammanhang, till förmån för informationssök via internet. Utvecklingen öppnar för endiskussion angående informationen som eleverna tar del av via internet, specifikt via digitalauppslagsverk. Därav ämnade uppsatsen undersöka likheter och skillnader mellan fyra digitalauppslagsverk i beskrivning av den nya religiösa rörelsen Folkets tempel. Uppsatsen ämnadeockså undersöka likheter och skillnader i redogörelserna mellan användarbaserade- och ickeanvändarbaserade digitala uppslagsverk. Därmed undersöktes de användarbaserade digitalauppslagsverken Wikipedia och SO-rummet samt de icke-användarbaserade digitalauppslagsverken Nationalencyklopedin och Encyclopedia Britannica.Ur syftet framkom tre frågeställningar som ämnade besvara frågorna hur de digitalauppslagsverken beskriver Folkets tempel, vilka likheter och skillnader som står att finna mellandem och vilka likheter och skillnader står att finna mellan användarbaserade- och ickeanvändarbaserade digitala uppslagsverk. För att undersöka källmaterialet användes enkvalitativ innehållsanalys utifrån ett induktivt arbetssätt, vilket innebar att källmaterialetbearbetades via närläsning. Således kategoriserades innehållet utefter olika teman, som därefteranalyserades för att frambringa resultatet.

När stjärnor flyttar på sig : -En intermedial studie av läsprocessen som den relaterar till Codex, det digitala uppslagsverket i tv- och dataspelet Mass Effect

Kristiansson, Oscar January 2013 (has links)
This study examines the in-game encyclopaedia Codex as it appears within the videogame Mass Effect. The purpose of this study is to analyse the Codex with emphasis on how the reading process is affected by the videogame medium. In this regard the study seeks to uncover what characterises the Codex as a fictional encyclopaedia, what it entails and how it interacts with the rest of the game. The theoretical basis of this study is derived from a combination of the writings of Wolfgang Iser concerning the process of reading, Jesper Juul's writings on the relationship between games and narratives, and the concept of intermediality as discussed by Hans Lund and Jørgen Bruhn.       This study is based on a close examination of the PC and Playstation 3 versions of the videogame Mass Effect, created by Bioware, with particular emphasis placed on the Codex. Mass Effect is a science fiction third-person shooter and RPG set in a future where mankind has begun interacting with aliens civilizations and colonising new planets. The Codex is an in-game encyclopaedia providing the player with information on various topics relating to the game world.       While videogames are not narratives they cancontain and use narrative content. Mass Effect does this. Thus it is divided into two settings. The first is the actual environment accessible to the player. The second is the implied game-world that is derived from a combination of the game's narrative content and the player's imagination. Facilitating the production of this implied world is the main purpose of the Codex. The implied game-world is reminiscent of the virtual dimension of literary texts. Beyond the Codex however, Mass effect employs multiple medial strategies in order to facilitate the production of the implied game-world. The game also offers the player a certain degree of freedom when it comes to what narrative content is revealed. This in turn affects the production of the implied game-world.

Studenters användning av elektroniska källor : en användarundersökning vid Växjö universitetsbibliotek / Students’ usage of electronic resources : A user study at Växjö University Library

Petersson Stenberg, Karin January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this master’s thesis is to gain insights into students’ usage and attitudes towards electronic articles and electronic books and how students feel about a change from print collections to digital collections at Växjö University Library. The main questions are: How do different groups of students use the library collections of electronic articles and electronic books? What factors influence the usage of the library collections of electronic articles and electronic books among students? What are the students’ experiences of reading electronic books in comparison with reading print books? What would different groups of students think if the literature they need for their studies were purchased in electronic form instead of print? To answer the questions a user study was carried out at Växjö university library. A web survey was sent to students that had a library card and an email address registered at the library. The result shows that a majority of the students had used the electronic articles but only a third had used the electronic books. The most important factor for users of electronic articles and electronic books was the ability to access them at home and around the clock. Many respondents complained about the difficulty of reading text on a computer screen, and 64 percent preferred to read print books, but 62,7 percent could accept to use electronic books instead of print books and 50,9 percent liked the idea of electronic textbooks instead of print textbooks at the library.

Att göra islam : En kritisk diskursanalys om islams framställning i svenska uppslagsverk / Do you take me...? : A comparative study on marriage in Islam, from a Shiite and Sunni perspective

Esbjörnsson, Anton January 2018 (has links)
Under många år har islam som religion varit ett omdiskuterat ämne i Sverige. Det finns många faktorer som påverkar hur vi uppfattar religionen i sin helhet. Beroende på vilket samhälle eller tid vi lever i så kommer uppfattningen att variera och diskurserna kommer att förändras genom detta. Tidigare forskning har visat att islam ofta framställs utifrån stereotypiska föreställningar där utövarna ses som annorlunda och en tro att det en rätt form av islam. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att se vilken framställning av islam i uppslagsverk som är dominerande genom tiden och se hur språket förändras eller förblr detsamma beroende på under vilken tid som uppslagsverket var författat. Detta gör att en kritisk diskursanalys utgör metoden för hur jag tolkar framställningen av islam i fem uppslagsverk. Den teoretiska anasatsen består av en postkolonial teori utifrån Saids beskrivning av orientalism tillsammans med ett socialkonstruktionistiskt angreppssätt och Otterbecks undersökning av diskursers förändring över tid. Resultatet visade att den orientaliska framställningen var genomgående framförallt i de äldre uppslagsverken där religionen framställs som sträng, fatalistisk, stereotypisk och oföränderlig och som ett typiskt österländskt fenomen utan koppling till väs. De senare verken har kvar en viss stereotypisk framställning men med en nedtonad orientalistisk diskurs. Jämställdhets och mångkultursdiskurser var två delar som var utmärkande för de senare verken men som hade en nedtonad roll i de tidiga verken. I övrigt var det tydligt att de senare verken fokuserade mer på kulturen och lärorna i islam och de tidiga verken var centrerade till den historiska och teologiska utvecklingen.

Bilden av Karl XII : En historiografisk analys av framställningen av Karl XII i uppslagsverk kring förra sekelskiftet / The image of Charles XII : A historiographic analysis of the depiction of Charles XII in encyclopedia’s around the turn of the century

Nilsson, Lucas January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to investigate and compare how Charles XII is depicted in the encyclopedias Nordisk Familjebok first and second edition from 1884 and 1910. The essay also has a historiographic purpose for examining whether there are clear links between the development of academic history research and how Charles XII is described in the two encyclopedias. The main hypothesis is that the encyclopedias are influenced by the historiographic development in their ambition to achieve academic authority. The method for achieving this purpose has been a qualitative text analysis, which means that the articles about Charles XII have been thoroughly analyzed, focusing on the preparation of Charles XII's formation and personality, the social conditions in Sweden during his reign, the outbreak of the Great Northern War, invasion of Russia, exile in the Ottoman Empire and finally his death. Despite the short period of time between the encyclopedias, my analysis has shown that the two articles about Charles XII are totally different. The first edition depicts a negative image of the king, while the second edition is positive in its presentation. The historiographical links between the scientific development and the encyclopedia's description of Charles XII have been very clear. In particular, the so-called "Old and New School" influences have become evident.

Paratexter och spelupplevelsen : Hur kan digitala uppslagsverk påverka spelupplevelsen i överlevnadsspel? / Paratexts and the gameplay experience : How can digital encyclopaedias affect the gameplay experience in survival games?

Abrahamsson, Linnea, Almkvist, Simon January 2021 (has links)
Paratexter är verk som ger konsumenter en uppfattning om en produkt utan att interagera med själva produkten. Denna undersökning har studerat hur spelupplevelsen kan påverkas av en viss typ av paratext, digitala uppslagsverk, i överlevnadsspel. Spelupplevelsen är ett subjektivt fenomen, vilket ligger till grund för undersökningens kvalitativa ansats. En prototyp av ett generiskt överlevnadsspel, samt ett digitalt uppslagsverk för spelet, producerades. Därefter användes observationer och semistrukturerade intervjuer för att jämföra tio respondenters handlingar med deras åsikter. Resultatet bekräftade att det finns många olika attityder gentemot digitala uppslagsverk. Bland annat påvisades att dessa paratexter aktivt bidrar till att skapa mål för spelaren, och kan komplettera eventuella brister i spelets design. Spelupplevelsen kan också försämras, eftersom spelaren redan ”upplevt spelet” genom uppslagsverket. Framtida studier bör förslagsvis utnyttja denna introducerande studie för att skapa ett paratextuellt ramverk som spelutvecklare kan använda för att skapa så genomtänkta spelupplevelser som möjligt. / <p>Det finns övrigt digitalt material (t.ex. film-, bild- eller ljudfiler) eller modeller/artefakter tillhörande examensarbetet som ska skickas till arkivet.</p>

Inblick i orientaliskt liv, eller i orientalistiskt skrivande? : Bilden av Egypten, Etiopien och Liberia i svenska uppslagsverk 1876–1959 / Insight into oriental life, or into oriental writing? : The image of Egypt, Ethiopia and Liberia in Swedish encyclopedias 1876-1959

Zander, Josef January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to examine how Ethiopia, Egypt, and Liberia are portrayed in Swedish encyclopedias. Specifically, it investigates the thematic elements that emerge in older Swedish encyclopedias, written between 1876 and 1959, regarding descriptions of the countries' populations and histories. As method the essay uses “conventional qualitative content analysis”, and the theoretical framework constitutes of Edward Said’s theory of orientalism.  The findings indicate that the populations of these countries are categorized and ranked according to value. The encyclopedias depict the populations of these countries as inferior and distinctly different. The older histories of these countries are portrayed as grandiose, but with a loss of prestige over time. The historical narratives often suggest that these countries are inferior to European powers and require domination in order to develop, either through European instructors or through European control over the state.

Cowboy och andra djur : En faktabok om djurs känslor / Cowboy and other animals : A factbook about animal's feelings

Welinder, Johanna YOYO NASTY January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Rasdefinition i förändring : En kvalitativ textanalys av svenska uppslagsverks framställning av folk (ras) i Afrika, Asien och Orienten, under perioden 1845-2020

Andersson, Jesper January 2020 (has links)
The use of encyclopedias has since their entry in Sweden, played a central role in communicating and defining knowledge to society. This essay examines the representation of peoples (race) in Africa, Asia and the Orient in encyclopedias between 1845-2020. The essay aims to explain and show how several selected concepts have changed in the encyclopedias’ descriptions over time in Sweden. The results show that the encyclopedias were highly influenced by racial biology and scientific racism the further back in time the encyclopedias were issued. People from Africa, Asia and the Orient were described with external characteristics and at times associated with different psychic characteristics. Through the representation of appearance, at times presented as different and foreign, one can see a construction between “we” and “the others”. The encyclopedias also made descriptions of people with generalizing derogatory concepts that were imbued by racism and dogmatic views on the different. Descriptions of peoples appearance and character traits were something that gradually disappeared over time.

Frihetens rike : Wikipedianer om sin praktik, sitt produktionssätt och kapitalismen

Lund, Arwid January 2015 (has links)
This study is about voluntary productive activities in digital networks and on digital platforms that often are described as pleasur­able. The aim of the study is to relate the peer producers’ perceptions of their activities on a micro level in terms of play, game, work and labour, to their views on Wikipedia’s relation to capitalism on a macro level, to compare the identified ideological formations on both levels and how they relate to each other, and finally compare the identi­fied ideological formations with contemporary Marxist theory on cognitive capitalism. The intention is to perform a critical evaluation of the economic role of peer production in society.Qualitative and semi-structured interviews with eight Wikipedians active within the Swedish language version of Wikipedia con­stitute the empirical base of the study together with one public lecture by a Wikipedian on the encyclopaedia and a selection of pages in the encyclopaedia that are text analysed. The transcribed interviews have been analysed using a version of ideological analysis as it has been developed by the Gothenburg School. The views on the peer producing activities on the micro level has been analysed in a dialecti­cal way but is also grounded in a specific field model.Six ideological formations are identified in the empirical material. On the micro level: the peripheral, bottom-up- and top-down-formation, on the macro level: the Californian alikeness ideology, communism of capital and capitalism of communism. Communism of capital has two sides to it: one stresses the synergies and the other the conflicts between the two phenomena. The formations on the macro level conform broadly to contemporary Marxist theory, but there are important differ­ences as well. The study results in a hypothesis that the critical side of communism of capital and the peripheral and bottom-up-formation could help to further a more sustainable capitalism of communism, and counteract a deeper integra­tion of the top-down-formation with Californian alikeness ideology. The latter is the main risk of capitalist co-optation of the peer produc­tion that is underway as the manifestly dominant formations on the macro level are Californian alikeness ideology and communism of capital. / <p>©<strong> </strong>2015 Arwid Lund, used under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 3.0 license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/</p><p></p>

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