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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementering av Näranalys : En arbetsmetod för att finna grundorsaker till avvikelser i produktion. / Implementation of a Näranalys : A working method to find root causes of deviations in production.

Frennås, Emma, Olofsson Carlbom, Markus January 2017 (has links)
Examensarbetet syftar till att uppmärksamma kvalitetsavvikelser i produktionen på ett internationellt företag som säljer kundanpassade transportlösningar inom logistik och lagerhantering. Med hjälp av en arbetsmetod, kallad Näranalys, ska tillvägagångssättet att hantera en kvalitetsavvikelse förbättras. Anledningen till implementeringen är att komma underfund med grundorsakerna till avvikelser samt att bearbeta dessa för att reducera risken för återkomst. Fel och brister som uppkommer i alla verksamheter kan definieras som kvalitetsbristkostnader och kan, enligt Sörqvist, bestå av uppemot 30 % av ett företags totala omsättning och är därför väsentligt att minimera (2001).Utifrån organisationsfilosofin Lean Management med dess verktyg och metoder har ett antal aspekter framstått som väsentliga för att en implementering av en arbetsmetod ska bli lyckad. Att reflektera över hur filosofins standardisering kan komma att bidra till psykosociala påfrestningar kan en mer hållbar och prefererande arbetsgång tas fram utifrån olika branscher och förutsättningar. En avgörande faktor ur studiens utfall är medvetenheten kring den framtagna arbetsmetoden. Det är därav viktigt att ett förtydligande sker gällande att arbetsmetoden inte skapades för övervakning mot enskilda individer, utan för att förbättra arbetssättet och skapa förutsättningar för operatörer att göra rätt från första början.Nyckelord: Lean, / This thesis aims to pay attention to quality deviations in the production of an international company that export customized transport logistics and inventory management. With the help of a working method, called Näranalys, should approaches to manage a quality deviation be improved. The reason to the implementation is to figure out the root causes of deviations and to process them in order to reduce the risk of recurrence. Faults and defects arising in all activities can be defined as the quality deficiency cost and may, according to Sörqvist, consist of up to 30% of a total turnover and is therefore essential to minimize (2001).Based on the organization philosophy Lean Management, a number of aspects have been identified as essential for the implementation of a working method to succeed. Reflecting on how the philosophy of standardization can contribute to psychosocial stresses is an important part of the studie. A crucial factor in the outcome of the study is the awareness of the working method. It is therefore important to clarify that the working method was not created for monitoring individuals, but to improve the way in which work is done and to create the conditions for operators to have the right circumstances to make a good job from the start.

Att skapa förutsättningar för lärande-bärande broar mellan förskola och förskoleklass

Eliasson, Marie, Ljunggren, Jessica January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med vår studie är att ta reda på om det finns variationer i lärmiljöerna och arbetssätten i förskola och förskoleklass samt belysa hur pedagogerna ser på övergångar mellan förskola – förskoleklass. Vi vill även ta reda på hur pedagogerna uttrycker sig kring barn/elever i behov av anpassningar/särskilt stöd. Studien bygger på ett sociokulturellt perspektiv, där vi utgår från att lärandet sker i ett sammanhang, en kontext där mening skapas genom kommunikation. Människor befinner sig ständigt under utveckling och förändring och vi kan i alla situationer appropiera, alltså ta över och ta till oss kunskaper från våra medmänniskor. Det sociokulturella perspektivet har inspirerats av den ryske forskaren Vygotskij som menar att barnet utvecklas genom sina handlingar och sitt samspel med andra samt genom biologiska förändringar. Medierat lärande är ett lärande som sker genom att kunskap erövras på olika sätt och med olika verktyg. Genom att använda oss av det sociokulturella perspektivet i vår undersökning vill vi få syn på vilka arbetssätt som används och vilka lärmiljöer som byggts upp. Vilka möjligheter finns det för barnen/eleverna att kommunicera, appropiera och mediera?   I studien har vi även undersökt hur pedagoger uttrycker sig kring barn/elever i behov av anpassningar/särskilt stöd samt betydelsen av goda övergångar mellan förskola - förskoleklass. Är det ett barn/en elev med särskilda behov, alltså det kategoriska perspektivet, eller är det ett barn/en elev i särskilda behov, det relationella perspektivet?   Vi har genomfört studien med hjälp av intervjuer och observationer av lärmiljöer. Resultatet visar att lärmiljöerna i både förskolorna och förskoleklasserna erbjuder olika mötesplatser, olika möjligheter till kommunikation, olika konstellationer, olika material, olika hjälpmedel och olika miljöer för barnen/eleverna att mötas, kommunicera och utvecklas tillsammans i. Det som respondenterna uttrycker att de tror är den största skillnaden mellan förskola och förskoleklass, är att förväntningarna är större på barnen i omsorgs- och kunskapsbiten i förskoleklass än i förskolan. Flera av respondenterna uttrycker även att i förskolan ses det mer till hela barnet och barnen ges mer möjlighet och utrymme till att leka färdigt och till att samtala med varandra. Det går inte fastslå vilket perspektiv som råder varken i förskolan eller i förskoleklass. Det kategoriska perspektivet skulle kunna urskönjas bland annat när en förskoleklasslärare beskriver att alla förväntas göra likadant. Ibland skymtas det relationella perspektivet, då medvetenheten om det positiva med olikheter uttrycks och tanken att anpassa miljön och arbetssätten lyfts fram för att alla barn/elever ska lyckas.   När det gäller överlämningarna från förskola till förskoleklass finns det ofta en utarbetad handlingsplan. Dock är meningarna om överlämningssamtalen olika. Någon av respondenterna uttrycker att överlämningssamtalen inte behövs, medan någon säger att fler professioner bör delta i så viktiga möten. / The purpose of our study is to find out if there are variations in the learning environments and working methods in preschool and preschool class, and to illustrate how the educators view transitions between preschool - preschool class. We also want to find out how the educators express themselves around children / pupils in need of adaptations / special support. Our study is based on a socio-cultural perspective, where we assume that learning takes place in a context, a context in which meaning is created through communication. People are constantly under development and change, and in all situations we can appropiate, thus take over and take on knowledge from our fellow human beings. The socio-cultural perspective has been inspired by the Russian researcher Vygotsky, who says that the child develops through his actions and his interaction with others and through biological changes. Mediated learning is a learning that takes place through knowledge acquired in different ways and with different tools. By using the socio-cultural perspective in our survey, we want to see which working methods are used and which learning environments have been built up. What opportunities are there for the children / students to communicate, appropiate and mediate?   In the study, we also examined how educators express themselves around children / pupils in need of adaptations / special support. As well as the importance of good transitions between preschool - preschool class. Is it a child / student with special needs, the categorical perspective, or is it a child / student in special needs, the relational perspective?   We have conducted the study with the help of interviews and observations of learning environments. The results show that the learning environments in both preschools and preschool classes offer different meeting places, different opportunities for communication, different constellations, different materials, different aids and different environments for the children / pupils to meet, communicate and develop together in. The biggest difference between preschool and preschool class is that the expectations are greater in the children in the care and knowledge bit in preschool class than in preschool. Several of the respondents also say that in the preschool, more is seen to the whole child and the children are given more opportunity and space to finish playing and to talk to each other. It is not possible to determine which perspective prevails in preschool or in preschool class. The categorical perspective could be discerned, among other things. When a preschool teacher teaches that everyone is expected to do the same. Sometimes the relational perspective is discerned, as the awareness of the positive with differences is expressed and the idea of ​​adapting the environment and working methods is emphasized for all children / pupils to succeed.   Regarding the handover from preschool to preschool class, there is often an elaborated action plan. However, the opinions about the handover talks are different. Some of the respondents say that the handover talks are not needed, while others say that more professions should participate in such important meetings.

Arbetsformer och metoder på handelsprogrammet / Work Forms and MethodsWithin the Vocational Upper Secondary SchoolProgram for Business and Administration

Patzauer, Klara January 2010 (has links)
<p>By studying the forms of work and methods teachers choose for their teaching on the Business and Administration Programme and by examining the experiences gained by these teachers, I hope to gain a clearer insight into how the demands of national policy/governing documents are met in the actual teaching of the courses within the programme. In my qualitative study,teachers in a team from a Business and Administrative Programme have been my informants. The team combines multiple forms of work and methods in line with the intentions of the national policy/governing documents. Students usually have an unbroken school day with block teaching where they work with case studies and interdisciplinary  work. Morals and ethics are integrated in class. More progressive ways of working  re combined with so-called traditional teaching. An internet based learning platform supports communication between teachers and pupils. Joint setting of goals, planning, and evaluation are done within the team. Teachers' pedagogical views are consistent with those that permeate the national policy/governing documents.Teachers choose the methods they believe lead to better effectiveness. Their choices are based on experience gained from work experience outside school and their teaching experience. I have grouped factors that contribute to teachers' choice of work as, individual, organizational and infrastructural. It is found that the choice of working methods is partly the result of limited resources. The teachers’ chosen approach also means a better working environment for themselves, which is believed to have positive affects on the pupils work situation and results.</p> / <p>Genom att studera vilka arbetsformer och metoder lärarna på handelsprogrammet väljer för sin undervisning och genom att ta del av de erfarenheter lärarna gjort, ville jag bidra med mer kunskap om hur man i undervisningen omsätter de krav som styrdokumenten formulerar. I min kvalitativa studie har lärare i ett arbetslag på Handelsprogrammet varit mina informanter. Arbetslaget kombinerade flera arbetsformer och metoder i linje med styrdokumentens intentioner. Eleverna hade oftast en samlad skoldag med blockundervisning där man jobbade med case och ämnesöverskridande arbeten. Värdegrundsarbete integrerades. Arbetsformerna kombinerades med s.k. traditionell undervisning. En lärplattform stödde kommunikationen mellan lärare och elever. Gemensam målformulering, planering, och utvärdering gjordes i arbetslaget. Lärarnas pedagogiska grundsyn överensstämde med den som genomsyrar styrdokumenten. Lärarna valde de arbetsmetoder de ansåg leder till bättre måluppfyllelse. Valen var grundade på erfarenheter från arbetsliv utanför skolan och erfarenheter av undervisning. Faktorer som bidragit till lärarnas val av arbetsformer har jag grupperat i individuella, organisatoriska och infrastrukturella. Det framkommer att valet av arbetsformer och metoder delvis var en följd av begränsade resurser. För lärarna innebar valda arbetssättet också en bättre arbetsmiljö vilket man ansåg påverkar även elevernas arbetssituation och resultat positivt.</p>

Läs-och skrivlärande i grundskolan och särskolan : Två lärare beskriver sitt arbete i svenska

Westman, Madelene January 2010 (has links)
My purpose in this paper is to study teachers' work in reading and writing in primary school and special school. I want to find out if they use the same methods, strategies and materials to help students learn to read and write. I will find out the answer to my purpose by performing two qualitative observation and two qualitative interviews. Lundberg (2010) is the researcher I relate to during my study. Through observation, I see how teachers work with students in the classroom during a lesson in the Swedish language. During the interviews, I received answers to how teachers work with language, the materials, methods and strategies they use. I found out that teachers use specific strategies when they help their students. They use a work material that is tailored to curriculum in Swedish language and it is based on the phonics method. / Mitt syfte med detta examensarbete är att undersöka lärarnas arbete i läsning och skrivning, i grundskolan och särskolan. Jag vill ta reda på vad de använder metoder, strategier och material för att eleverna ska lära sig läsa och skriva. Jag kommer att ta reda på svaret på mitt syfte genom att utföra två kvalitativa observationer och två kvalitativa intervjuer. Mitt arbete stödjer sig på forskare, framför allt på Lundberg (2010). Genom observationen fick jag se hur lärarna arbetar med eleverna i klassrummet under en lektion i svenska. Under intervjuerna fick jag svar på hur lärarna arbetar i svenska, vilka material, metoder och strategier de använder sig av. Jag fick reda på att lärarna använder sig av speciella strategier, att de inte ger eleverna svar på sina frågor direkt, utan ställer följdfrågor till eleven, för att de ska få eleverna att klara det själva. Pedagogerna använder sig av ett arbetsmaterial som är utformat utifrån kursplanen i svenska som utgår ifrån ljudningsmetoden. Samt annat material som strävar mot kursmålen.

Det dolda arbetet för utsatta kvinnor : De professionellas upplevelser av arbete med utsatta kvinnor / The hidden work with exposed women : The professionals working experience in organizations for exposed women.

Markowicz, Naomi, Möller, Ellinor January 2012 (has links)
Assignments and organizations working with exposed women are more and more common in the Swedish society. Both authorities and nonprofit organizations are working actively to strengthen women’s position in the labor market through incentives and other measures. The study shows that the work with exposed women takes place in cooperation between the parties involved. The purpose of this qualitative study was to look into how the professionals were working with exposed women, in different types of organizations. The study focuses on highlighting techniques, qualifications, approaches and cooperation partners within organizations working with exposed women. The study has been related to the Swedish Social law, related reports, Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Constructivist counseling. The study shows that the professionals working with exposed women are using the Motivational Interviewing method and have a Constructivist approach. The study also shows that response when meeting exposed women, education, experience, knowledge of exposed women's vulnerability, and knowledge of women's options in the society are important qualifications. Finally the relevance between the conclusions of the study and the profession of educational counseling and career counseling are discussed. / Uppdrag och verksamheter som arbetar med utsatta kvinnor är alltmer vanligt i det svenska samhället. Både myndigheter och ideella organisationer arbetar aktivt för att öka de utsatta kvinnornas ställning på arbetsmarknaden. Arbetet är utformat genom varierande insatser och åtgärder. Studien visar att arbetet med de utsatta kvinnorna sker i samverkan mellan de inblandade parterna. Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att undersöka de professionella som arbetar med utsatta kvinnor i verksamheter, angående deras arbetsätt. Studien fokuserar på att lyfta fram metoder, kompetenser, förhållningssätt och samarbetspartners inom verksamheter för utsatta kvinnor. Undersökningen har relaterats till Socialtjänstlagen, anknytande rapporter, Motiverande samtal (MI) och den konstruktivistiska vägledningen. Studien visar att intervjupersonerna som arbetar med utsatta kvinnor arbetar utifrån samtalsmetoden MI och har ett konstruktivistiskt förhållningssätt. Vidare visar studien att bemötande, utbildning, erfarenheter, kunskap om kvinnors utsatthet samt kunskap om kvinnors valmöjligheter är viktiga kompetenser. Avslutningsvis diskuteras slutsatsernas relevans för studie- och yrkesvägledarprofessionen.

Arbetsformer och metoder på handelsprogrammet / Work Forms and MethodsWithin the Vocational Upper Secondary SchoolProgram for Business and Administration

Patzauer, Klara January 2010 (has links)
By studying the forms of work and methods teachers choose for their teaching on the Business and Administration Programme and by examining the experiences gained by these teachers, I hope to gain a clearer insight into how the demands of national policy/governing documents are met in the actual teaching of the courses within the programme. In my qualitative study,teachers in a team from a Business and Administrative Programme have been my informants. The team combines multiple forms of work and methods in line with the intentions of the national policy/governing documents. Students usually have an unbroken school day with block teaching where they work with case studies and interdisciplinary  work. Morals and ethics are integrated in class. More progressive ways of working  re combined with so-called traditional teaching. An internet based learning platform supports communication between teachers and pupils. Joint setting of goals, planning, and evaluation are done within the team. Teachers' pedagogical views are consistent with those that permeate the national policy/governing documents.Teachers choose the methods they believe lead to better effectiveness. Their choices are based on experience gained from work experience outside school and their teaching experience. I have grouped factors that contribute to teachers' choice of work as, individual, organizational and infrastructural. It is found that the choice of working methods is partly the result of limited resources. The teachers’ chosen approach also means a better working environment for themselves, which is believed to have positive affects on the pupils work situation and results. / Genom att studera vilka arbetsformer och metoder lärarna på handelsprogrammet väljer för sin undervisning och genom att ta del av de erfarenheter lärarna gjort, ville jag bidra med mer kunskap om hur man i undervisningen omsätter de krav som styrdokumenten formulerar. I min kvalitativa studie har lärare i ett arbetslag på Handelsprogrammet varit mina informanter. Arbetslaget kombinerade flera arbetsformer och metoder i linje med styrdokumentens intentioner. Eleverna hade oftast en samlad skoldag med blockundervisning där man jobbade med case och ämnesöverskridande arbeten. Värdegrundsarbete integrerades. Arbetsformerna kombinerades med s.k. traditionell undervisning. En lärplattform stödde kommunikationen mellan lärare och elever. Gemensam målformulering, planering, och utvärdering gjordes i arbetslaget. Lärarnas pedagogiska grundsyn överensstämde med den som genomsyrar styrdokumenten. Lärarna valde de arbetsmetoder de ansåg leder till bättre måluppfyllelse. Valen var grundade på erfarenheter från arbetsliv utanför skolan och erfarenheter av undervisning. Faktorer som bidragit till lärarnas val av arbetsformer har jag grupperat i individuella, organisatoriska och infrastrukturella. Det framkommer att valet av arbetsformer och metoder delvis var en följd av begränsade resurser. För lärarna innebar valda arbetssättet också en bättre arbetsmiljö vilket man ansåg påverkar även elevernas arbetssituation och resultat positivt.

Uttalsundervisning i svenska som andraspråk : En intervjustudie om faktorer, arbetssätt och arbetsmetoder / Teaching pronunciation in swedish as a second language : A interview study about factors and work methods

Issa, Marah January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka erfarna lärare i svenska som andraspråks uppfattningar i arbetet med momentet uttal. Detta syfte avser jag uppfylla genom att besvara följande frågor: 1.      Vilka faktorer påverkar enligt lärarna elevers uttal i svenskan? 2.      Vilka arbetssätt väljer lärarna att använda? 3.      Vilka arbetsmetoder använder lärarna i sin undervisning? Det teoretiska ramverket i denna studie bygger dels på behaviorismen och dess kontrastiva hypotes dels på den sociokulturella teorin. I denna kvalitativa studie har fem behöriga lärare i svenska som andraspråk, som arbetar i årskurserna 4-6 och har lång erfarenhet intervjuats. Intervjuerna har kategoriserats med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys för att identifiera och ta fram teman för innehållet. Sammanfattningsvis kan konstateras att hos samtliga respondenter genomsyrar undervisningen i svenskt uttal de flesta momenten i ämnet svenska som andraspråk. Elevernas ankomstålder, modersmål och studieteknik är de faktorer som mest påverkar deras förmåga att tillägna sig ett korrekt svenskt uttal. För att nå detta mål söker lärarna att hitta elevernas proximala utvecklingszon, för att med den som utgångspunkt bestämma vilka arbetssätt (innehållet i undervisningen) som ska prioriteras. De vanligaste arbetsmetoderna är högläsning och imitation, där man tränar uttal av olika kontraster av fonem, kvantitet, betoning och prosodi. / The purpose of the study is to investigate experienced teachers´ perceptions about teaching pronunciation in swedish as a second language. This purpose I intend to fulfill by answering the following questions:   1. What factors do teachers consider important when working to develop pronunciation? 2. In which way do teachers choose to work? 3. What teaching methods do teachers use and how are they applied?   The theoretical framework in this study is based on behaviorism and its contrastive hypothesis and partly on socio-cultural theory. In this qualitative study, five qualified and experienced teachers in Swedish as second language, who work in grades 4-6 have been interviewed. The interviews have been categorized with a qualitative content analysis as a method to identify and develop themes for the content.   In conclusion, it can be noted that all interviewees consider that teaching of swedish pronunciation permeates most of the topics in the subject Swedish as other language. The students' age of arrival to Sweden, mother tongue and study technique are the factors that most affect their ability to acquire a correct Swedish pronunciation. To achieve this goal, the teachers seek to find the students' zone of proximal development as starting point in determining which way to work (the content of teaching) to be prioritized. The most common working methods are aloud reading and imitation, where pupils practice the pronunciation of different contrasts of phoneme, quantity, accent, and prosody.

Padrão de prescrição, preparo e administração de medicamentos em usuários de sondas de nutrição enteral internados em um hospital universitário / Prescription, preparation and administration standard of medications in enteral tube feeding patients interned in a university hospital

Heydrich, Joana January 2006 (has links)
As sondas de alimentação constituem uma via alternativa para a administração de medicamentos em pacientes cuja situação clínica impede a utilização da via oral. É sabido que a utilização de medicamentos nesses pacientes requer cuidados especiais, tanto na seleção da forma farmacêutica quanto no preparo e na administração dos mesmos. Para se conhecer as características dos pacientes internados usando sondas de nutrição enteral (SNE) no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, bem como os medicamentos prescritos e utilizados via SNE, foram analisados 315 prontuários médicos na primeira etapa do estudo. A maioria dos pacientes era formada por adultos (51%) do sexo masculino (59%), com diagnóstico de câncer (32%) ou doença neurológica (21%). A média de uso da SNE foi de 15 dias. Noventa e cinco por cento dos pacientes utilizaram algum fármaco na forma farmacêutica sólida, principalmente comprimidos (72%), cápsulas (12%) e drágeas (9%). A taxa de troca de sonda correspondeu a 32%. Na segunda etapa do estudo, auxiliares de enfermagem foram observados em suas rotinas de trabalho no hospital, visando analisar o processo de preparo e administração dos medicamentos aos pacientes. Foi observado que esses profissionais não utilizavam técnicas adequadas nos momentos de preparo dos medicamentos e administração dos mesmos aos pacientes com SNE. A alta incidência do uso de formas farmacêuticas sólidas, o número de medicamentos prescritos, os dias de uso da sonda e a diversidade de métodos de trabalho utilizados no momento da derivação, diluição e administração dos medicamentos pelos auxiliares de enfermagem mostram que, apesar da ampla informação disponível na literatura sobre o uso de medicamentos em pacientes com SNE, a prática clínica está sendo realizada de modo inconsistente em relação aos dados disponíveis, trazendo assim dificuldades para o tratamento dos pacientes. / The tube feeding constitutes an alternative way for patients with a clinic situation that the oral way is hindered. It is known that these patients require particular methods in the drug utilization process, even in the selection of the pharmaceutical form of the medicine as in the preparation and administration of these drugs. To understand the patient characteristics using enteral tube feeding (ETF) in the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre as well as the drugs prescribed by ETF way, the medical records of 315 interned patients were analyzed in the first stage of the research. The majority of patients was adults (51%) of male gender (59%) with cancer (32%) or neurological disease (21%) diagnostic. The ETF using average was 15 days. Ninety five per cent of the analyzed patients used some kind of drug in the solid pharmaceutical form, mainly tablets (72%), capsule (12%) and coated tablet (9%). The ETF using average was 15 days. Ninety five per cent of the analyzed patients used some kind of drug in the solid pharmaceutical form, mainly tablets (72%), capsule (12%) and coated tablet (9%). The average of ETF changing was 32%. In the second stage of this research, nurse assistants were observed in their routine of working in the hospital to analyze the process of preparation and administration of the drugs to patients with ETF. It was observed that the nurses assistant neither use proper techniques in the moment of the drugs preparation nor in the administration of these drugs to patients with ETF. The high incidence of using solid pharmaceutical forms; the number of drugs prescribed, the using days of ETF and the diversity of working methods used in the derivation, dilution and administration moment by the nurse assistants showed that despite good amount of information in the literature about the administration of drugs in patients using ETF, the clinical practice is being carried out in a way that is inconsistent with the data available, causing difficulties for the patient treatment.

Padrão de prescrição, preparo e administração de medicamentos em usuários de sondas de nutrição enteral internados em um hospital universitário / Prescription, preparation and administration standard of medications in enteral tube feeding patients interned in a university hospital

Heydrich, Joana January 2006 (has links)
As sondas de alimentação constituem uma via alternativa para a administração de medicamentos em pacientes cuja situação clínica impede a utilização da via oral. É sabido que a utilização de medicamentos nesses pacientes requer cuidados especiais, tanto na seleção da forma farmacêutica quanto no preparo e na administração dos mesmos. Para se conhecer as características dos pacientes internados usando sondas de nutrição enteral (SNE) no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, bem como os medicamentos prescritos e utilizados via SNE, foram analisados 315 prontuários médicos na primeira etapa do estudo. A maioria dos pacientes era formada por adultos (51%) do sexo masculino (59%), com diagnóstico de câncer (32%) ou doença neurológica (21%). A média de uso da SNE foi de 15 dias. Noventa e cinco por cento dos pacientes utilizaram algum fármaco na forma farmacêutica sólida, principalmente comprimidos (72%), cápsulas (12%) e drágeas (9%). A taxa de troca de sonda correspondeu a 32%. Na segunda etapa do estudo, auxiliares de enfermagem foram observados em suas rotinas de trabalho no hospital, visando analisar o processo de preparo e administração dos medicamentos aos pacientes. Foi observado que esses profissionais não utilizavam técnicas adequadas nos momentos de preparo dos medicamentos e administração dos mesmos aos pacientes com SNE. A alta incidência do uso de formas farmacêuticas sólidas, o número de medicamentos prescritos, os dias de uso da sonda e a diversidade de métodos de trabalho utilizados no momento da derivação, diluição e administração dos medicamentos pelos auxiliares de enfermagem mostram que, apesar da ampla informação disponível na literatura sobre o uso de medicamentos em pacientes com SNE, a prática clínica está sendo realizada de modo inconsistente em relação aos dados disponíveis, trazendo assim dificuldades para o tratamento dos pacientes. / The tube feeding constitutes an alternative way for patients with a clinic situation that the oral way is hindered. It is known that these patients require particular methods in the drug utilization process, even in the selection of the pharmaceutical form of the medicine as in the preparation and administration of these drugs. To understand the patient characteristics using enteral tube feeding (ETF) in the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre as well as the drugs prescribed by ETF way, the medical records of 315 interned patients were analyzed in the first stage of the research. The majority of patients was adults (51%) of male gender (59%) with cancer (32%) or neurological disease (21%) diagnostic. The ETF using average was 15 days. Ninety five per cent of the analyzed patients used some kind of drug in the solid pharmaceutical form, mainly tablets (72%), capsule (12%) and coated tablet (9%). The ETF using average was 15 days. Ninety five per cent of the analyzed patients used some kind of drug in the solid pharmaceutical form, mainly tablets (72%), capsule (12%) and coated tablet (9%). The average of ETF changing was 32%. In the second stage of this research, nurse assistants were observed in their routine of working in the hospital to analyze the process of preparation and administration of the drugs to patients with ETF. It was observed that the nurses assistant neither use proper techniques in the moment of the drugs preparation nor in the administration of these drugs to patients with ETF. The high incidence of using solid pharmaceutical forms; the number of drugs prescribed, the using days of ETF and the diversity of working methods used in the derivation, dilution and administration moment by the nurse assistants showed that despite good amount of information in the literature about the administration of drugs in patients using ETF, the clinical practice is being carried out in a way that is inconsistent with the data available, causing difficulties for the patient treatment.

Padrão de prescrição, preparo e administração de medicamentos em usuários de sondas de nutrição enteral internados em um hospital universitário / Prescription, preparation and administration standard of medications in enteral tube feeding patients interned in a university hospital

Heydrich, Joana January 2006 (has links)
As sondas de alimentação constituem uma via alternativa para a administração de medicamentos em pacientes cuja situação clínica impede a utilização da via oral. É sabido que a utilização de medicamentos nesses pacientes requer cuidados especiais, tanto na seleção da forma farmacêutica quanto no preparo e na administração dos mesmos. Para se conhecer as características dos pacientes internados usando sondas de nutrição enteral (SNE) no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, bem como os medicamentos prescritos e utilizados via SNE, foram analisados 315 prontuários médicos na primeira etapa do estudo. A maioria dos pacientes era formada por adultos (51%) do sexo masculino (59%), com diagnóstico de câncer (32%) ou doença neurológica (21%). A média de uso da SNE foi de 15 dias. Noventa e cinco por cento dos pacientes utilizaram algum fármaco na forma farmacêutica sólida, principalmente comprimidos (72%), cápsulas (12%) e drágeas (9%). A taxa de troca de sonda correspondeu a 32%. Na segunda etapa do estudo, auxiliares de enfermagem foram observados em suas rotinas de trabalho no hospital, visando analisar o processo de preparo e administração dos medicamentos aos pacientes. Foi observado que esses profissionais não utilizavam técnicas adequadas nos momentos de preparo dos medicamentos e administração dos mesmos aos pacientes com SNE. A alta incidência do uso de formas farmacêuticas sólidas, o número de medicamentos prescritos, os dias de uso da sonda e a diversidade de métodos de trabalho utilizados no momento da derivação, diluição e administração dos medicamentos pelos auxiliares de enfermagem mostram que, apesar da ampla informação disponível na literatura sobre o uso de medicamentos em pacientes com SNE, a prática clínica está sendo realizada de modo inconsistente em relação aos dados disponíveis, trazendo assim dificuldades para o tratamento dos pacientes. / The tube feeding constitutes an alternative way for patients with a clinic situation that the oral way is hindered. It is known that these patients require particular methods in the drug utilization process, even in the selection of the pharmaceutical form of the medicine as in the preparation and administration of these drugs. To understand the patient characteristics using enteral tube feeding (ETF) in the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre as well as the drugs prescribed by ETF way, the medical records of 315 interned patients were analyzed in the first stage of the research. The majority of patients was adults (51%) of male gender (59%) with cancer (32%) or neurological disease (21%) diagnostic. The ETF using average was 15 days. Ninety five per cent of the analyzed patients used some kind of drug in the solid pharmaceutical form, mainly tablets (72%), capsule (12%) and coated tablet (9%). The ETF using average was 15 days. Ninety five per cent of the analyzed patients used some kind of drug in the solid pharmaceutical form, mainly tablets (72%), capsule (12%) and coated tablet (9%). The average of ETF changing was 32%. In the second stage of this research, nurse assistants were observed in their routine of working in the hospital to analyze the process of preparation and administration of the drugs to patients with ETF. It was observed that the nurses assistant neither use proper techniques in the moment of the drugs preparation nor in the administration of these drugs to patients with ETF. The high incidence of using solid pharmaceutical forms; the number of drugs prescribed, the using days of ETF and the diversity of working methods used in the derivation, dilution and administration moment by the nurse assistants showed that despite good amount of information in the literature about the administration of drugs in patients using ETF, the clinical practice is being carried out in a way that is inconsistent with the data available, causing difficulties for the patient treatment.

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