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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fritidsgympa : En möjlighet för elever att ta ansvar, initiativ och pröva egna och andras idéer / Leisure gymnastics : An opportunity for students to take responsibility, initiative and to try their own and others' ideas

Ahmet, Mevlana January 2018 (has links)
Detta utvecklingsinriktade arbete inspirerades av Rönnermans (2012) aktionsforskningsspiral och syftet med arbetet var att öka elevers ansvarstagande, initiativtagande samt möjlighet att ta del av egna och andras idéer på fritidsgympan. Eleverna gavs möjligheten att planera och genomföra fritidsgympan för en elevgrupp. Detta område var viktigt att studera och utveckla eftersom forskning visar på att större eget ansvar för lärandet i hög grad kan utveckla elevers självständighet, samarbetsförmåga, självtillit, kreativitet, kritiskt tänkande samt förmågan till ett livslångt lärande. Utifrån de olika dokumentationsmetoderna, bland annat intervjuer och enkäter, som genomfördes med elever och personal framgick det både i nulägesanalysen men även i resultatdelen att eleverna inte var förtjusta i att pröva andra elevers idéer. Trots elevernas negativa attityder att ta del av andras idéer påvisade eleverna betydligt större intresse för att ta ansvar och initiativ på fritidsgympan, som även uppfattades av lärarna efter avslutad studie.

Hur elevers sociala makt konstitueras i gymnasieskolans läroplaner - Från enhetsskola till entreprenörsskola

Norefalk, Christian January 2014 (has links)
I denna uppsats försöker jag visa hur gymnasieskolans läroplans maktutövning på eleven har förändrats från en i huvudsak deontisk och regelstyrd maktutövning till en betydligt djupare och mer sofistikerad målstyrd maktutövning. Detta leder till att läroplanen i högre utsträckning än tidigare försöker påverka ett visst utfall, vilket följaktligen förändrar regleringen av elevens sociala makt, d.v.s. elevens handlingsfrihet och möjlighet att påverka ett specifikt utfall. En annan konsekvens är att denna form av maktutövning i högre grad orsakar och konstruerar nya dolda maktförhållanden, då det dels blir svårare att i varje enskilt fall avgöra vem som utövar makt på vem och varför, och dels blir svårare att skilja ut handlingar från attityder. I min uppsats utgår jag från frågeställningarna ”Hur konstitueras elevers makt i gymnasieskolans läroplan?”, ”Hur har beskrivningen av elevers rättigheter, skyldigheter och eftersträvansvärda egenskaper förändrats i och med övergången till en målstyrd skola?” och ”Kan vi utifrån svaren på de två föregående frågorna dra några slutsatser om ifall den enskilde elevens möjlighet att påverka ett visst utfall har förändrats?” Utifrån en dokumentanalys, som dels består av en innehållsanalys och dels av en diskursanalys, drar jag slutsatsen att läroplanens maktutövning på eleven både har breddats och fördjupats samt att elevens sociala makt har blivit mer otydlig. / In this essay I try to show that the curriculum for the Swedish upper secondary schools exercise of power on pupils has changed from a deontic regulative form of exercise to a much deeper and more sophisticated form of power exercise to effect a specific outcome which thus change the restriction of the pupils ability to effect their own specific outcome, but also that this form of exercise of power generates a construction of new hidden power-relations. The questions I will be asking is “How does the curriculum constitute the social power of pupils?” and “How has the constitution of the pupils rights, obligations and ideal goals changed thru the changing of curricula?”. Finally, “Can we state from the answers of these questions that the individual pupil´s ability to change a specific outcome has changed?” From my discourse analyses I draw two main conclusions: Firstly that the curriculums exercise of power on the student has become both broader and deeper. Secondly that the exercise of power also has become more inexplicit.

Från att vara en start-up till att bli en framgångsrik scale-up : En kvalitativ studie om viktiga faktorer i tillväxtresan för start-ups utifrån ett medarbetarperspektiv

Ahmed, Riyam, Strindeby Grafström, Felix January 2022 (has links)
Introduction: This study conceptualizes and provides a description of 'organizational readiness' from an employee perspective for a start-up to achieve success in their growth journey. Purpose: The study aims to gain a deeper understanding of how employees within a start-up experience the growth phase. Method: The study is of a qualitative orientation and is based on collected data from interviews with nine employees from two companies. Results: The results show that employees within start-ups are attracted to the high pace of such companies, and that their motivation lies within the ability to work hard, and be an integral part of the company's decision making processes and journey into the scale-up phase. This is offset by micromanaging and a sense of being disconnected from the companies core structures. Conclusion: Leadership within start-ups plays a vital part in the companies growth, where the entrepreneurial leader may be essential in the start-up phase, but not necessarily in the scale-up phase.

-Måste det här vara som en väckelserörelse? : en studie om (det som kallas) entreprenöriellt lärande i grundskolan, utifrån Basil Bernsteins begreppsapparat / -Does this have to be like a revival movement? : a study on (what is called) entrepreneurial learning in compulsory school based on the conceptual framework of Basil Bernstein

Diehl, Monika January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this compilation thesis is to describe prerequisites for what, in a Swedish educational context, is often called ‘entrepreneurial learning’ and to examine the possible influence that this has on school practice. The study was carried out in two lower secondary schools and was guided by the following two research questions. First, how is entrepreneurial learning reflected in educational practice regarding teaching, learning and assessment? Second, how has the phenomenon of entrepreneurship been recontextualized in educational discourse through politics and policy? Basil Bernstein’s concepts and theories have consistently been the point of departure for analysis. Altogether, 52 classroom observations were made, particularly focusing on the subjects of social science, science and mathematics. In addition, 8 individual interviews with teachers and 15 group interviews with pupils were conducted. For decades, national and international policy documents have promoted the need for a creative, innovative and flexible future working force; bringing this about has highly involved the education system. In Sweden, entrepreneurship was inscribed in the curriculum in 2011, and it is meant to run like a thread throughout education. In this study the broad approach of entrepreneurship in education, which is about generating an entrepreneurial mindset, is focused. Research points out various difficulties and dilemmas regarding the implementation of entrepreneurial learning. These difficulties and dilemmas are connected to concerns about perceived difficulties in relation to differences in school subjects, pupils’ backgrounds, degree of managerial support and/or collegial consensus and cooperation. The main findings are linked to recurrent difficulties regarding teaching methods and assessments in relation to entrepreneurial learning. Curricula and syllabi express explicit learning outcomes, which both teachers and learners perceive as being challenging to combine with entrepreneurial classroom work. This in turn links to an aspect which is often addressed in research—that is, the question about whether to use traditional or entrepreneurial (progressive) teaching methods. Curricula express a need for both, and teachers often find it difficult to find a functioning balance between them, not least because of current societal discussions and demands. In many respects, the implementation of entrepreneurial learning sends mixed messages. On the one hand, pupils are meant to develop entrepreneurial skills and competencies through cooperation and interaction within groups, and, on the other hand, the essence of entrepreneurship indicates competition; this is yet another dilemma addressed in the study. The study shows that, due to the schools’ different prerequisites regarding, for instance, teachers’ approaches and understandings and the schools’ catchment areas, entrepreneurial learning is performed somewhat different. Bernstein’s concepts and theories offer tools to explain and understand different aspects, including dilemmas and difficulties in relation to both classroom practice and social discourse.

Entreprenöriellt lärande i moderna språk : - möjligheter och hinder

Duwe, Astrid, Johansson Durán, Lisa January 2011 (has links)
Den nya läroplanen för grundskolan 2011 uppmanar alla lärare i den svenska skolan att stärka ett entreprenöriellt förhållningssätt hos eleverna. Enligt regeringens Strategi för entreprenörskap inom utbildningsområdet ska entreprenörskap löpa som en röd tråd genom hela skolan. Medan en del forskning är gjord på gymnasienivå och utifrån ett elevperspektiv så finns det dock i dagsläget relativt få undersökningar angående grundskolan och lärarnas perspektiv. Förutsättningarna för införandet av entreprenöriellt lärande är oklara. En viktig förutsättning är dock att lärarna är bekanta med begrepp som entreprenörskap och entreprenöriellt lärande. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur lärare i moderna språk uppfattar begreppet entreprenöriellt lärande, och vilka möjligheter och hinder de ser med att tillämpa entreprenöriella arbetsformer i språkundervisningen. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer undersöks hur sju lärare i moderna språk med olika uppfattningar resonerar kring entreprenöriellt lärande i sina ämnen. Lärarna finner det viktigt att utveckla egenskaper hos elever såsom att våga, förmågan att ta initiativ och omsätta idéer till handlingar men de ser sig också ställda inför en del svårigheter med att tillämpa de nya metoderna. Ett intressant utfall var att lärarnas uppfattning av sina förutsättningar hänger ihop väldigt starkt med deras uppfattning av och förhållningssätt till EL. Studien visar att det krävs större satsningar och framförallt mer forskning och beprövad erfarenhet inom fältet. / The new curriculum for primary education 2011 calls on all teachers in Swedish schools to strengthen an entrepreneurial attitude in students. According to the government's Strategy for entrepreneurship in education, entrepreneurship should permeate the whole school system. While some research has been done at secondary level and from a student perspective, relatively few studies have investigated the issue from a teachers' perspective and at primary level. The prerequisites for the introduction of entrepreneurial learning are somewhat unclear. An important condition is, however, that teachers are familiar with concepts such as entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial learning. This study aims to examine how teachers of modern languages perceive the concept of entrepreneurial learning, and what opportunities and obstacles they see to the application of entrepreneurial work in language teaching. By using qualitative interviews, the study investigates how seven teachers of modern languages with different experiences of the methods reason about enterprise learning in their subjects. The teachers find it important to help their students develop such characteristics as daring, the ability to take initiatives and turn their ideas into actions, but they also find themselves facing some difficulties in applying the new methods. An interesting outcome was that the teachers’ perceptions of their conditions are closely connected to their perceptions of and attitudes towards enterprise learning. The study shows that greater efforts and most importantly, more research and documented experience is needed in the field.

Varierade uppfattningar av entreprenöriellt lärande : En studie av hur pedagoger samt skolledare uppfattar entreprenöriellt lärande / Varied Perceptions of Entrepreneurial Learning : A Study of how Educators and Principals Perceive Entrepreneurial Learning

Köhler, Susanne January 2017 (has links)
Entreprenöriellt lärande finns inskrivet i styrdokumenten för den svenska skolan, vilket innebär att begreppet givits en stärkt ställning, både i Sverige samt i övriga europeiska länder. Att vara entreprenöriell kan omfatta att vara nyfiken, kreativ, innovativ, hitta lösningar, våga tro på sig själv, samverka, uppleva tilltro till sin egen förmåga samt att uppleva lust till sitt eget lärande. Denna studie har för avsikt att studera pedagogers samt skolledares varierade uppfattningar av begreppet entreprenöriellt lärande meden fenomenografisk ansats. Fenomenografin söker ej efter en viss sanning utan strävar efter att se variationer av uppfattningar kring ett begrepp. Studien avser även studera uppfattningar kopplat till bedömningar i samband med begreppet entreprenöriellt lärande. 17 pedagoger, samt 2 skolledare har intervjuats genom fenomenografiska intervjuer. I analysarbetet har olika beskrivningskategorier tagits fram och presenterats och studien visar att begreppet entreprenöriellt lärande kan vara utvecklande för eleverna, bidra till ett lustfyllt lärande, vara utvecklande ur ett didaktiskt perspektiv och kan vara ett sätt att knyta ihop undervisningens allmänna delar med de ämnesspecifika. Begreppet kan även bidra till en vidgad syn på bedömning samt vara en ingång till skolutveckling.

Entreprenöriellt lärande på fritidshemmet : Ett utvecklingsinriktat arbete om hur begreppet entreprenörskap kan synas på fritidshemmet / Entrepreneurial learning in the extended school leisure time center : A development-focused project on how the concept of entrepreneurship can be viewed in the extended school leisure time center

Burns, Joanna, Arvidsson, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att bidra till en ökad förståelse för hur de entreprenöriella förmågorna kreativitet, nyfikenhet, initiativtagande, relationsskapande, samarbete och kommunikation kan framträda under planerade aktiviteter på fritidshemmet. På två olika fritidshemsavdelningar iscensätts tre olika aktiviteter som vidareutvecklas utifrån elever och lärares olika intressen. Med stöd av en cyklisk process inspirerad av aktionsforskning, utvecklas den egna professionella praktiken genom att genomföra aktiviteter, reflektera över resultat, applicera förändringar och genomföra igen.  Resultatet av genomförda aktiviteter visar att elever är naturliga entreprenörer och när tillfälle ges av lärare, visar elever en mängd tecken på ovannämnda förmågor som forskare skulle definiera som entreprenöriella. / The purpose of this study is to contribute to the understanding of how the entrepreneurial abilities, creativity, curiosity, initiative, relation-building, cooperation and communication can appear during planned activities during the extended school leisure time center. Three different activities are staged at two different leisure time centers, these activities can develop futher by the varied interests of the pupils and teachers. Supported by the cyclical process insired by action-research the professional practice is developed through implementing activities, reflect the results, applicate changes and re-implement. The results of the implemented activities show the pupils are natural entrepreneurs and when opportunity is given by the teachers can exhibit a number of the forementioned abilities that scientists would define as entrepreneurial.

What and How Students Perceive They Learn When Doing Mini-Companies in Upper Secondary School

Hunter Lindqvist, Steven January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to gain more in-depth knowledge into what Swedish upper secondary school students perceive they learn, and the factors that students perceive affect learning, when they start and run mini-companies within the Junior Achievement Company Program.  The data is comprised of interviews with eleven students each of whom ran a mini-company with other students. Situated learning theory, experiential learning theory and theoretical concepts on reflection in learning were used to analyze and further understand the data. The results reveal that the students talk about, and appear to convey, equal importance upon learning general skills as learning business skills when doing their mini-companies. Students describe using general skills they improved while running their mini-companies in other school activities and non-school activities leading to better performance in these activities. Doing business activities triggers learning and provides students with an opportunity to further develop, and learn multiple aspects, of skills. Students identify many factors, such as time, autonomy, assessment, and deadlines, which they associate with their mini-companies. On the whole, they say these factors have a positive effect on learning both business and general skills, however some factors can also inhibit learning. An analysis of all the factors students identified reveals that they originate, or are influenced by, multiple contexts such as school, the Swedish Junior Achievement organization, and the business environment. Together these factors can be said to create a special school community of practice for their mini-company project. Students point out significant differences between their mini-company project, and other school projects they have previously done, thus providing valuable insight into the importance of project design in relation to learning skills and possible pedagogical implications regarding learning general skills in other school projects. / This thesis strives to gain further knowledge and understanding into what Swedish upper secondary students perceive they learn, and how they learn, when starting and running Junior Achievement mini-companies. The data is comprised of interviews with eleven students each of whom ran a mini-company with other students. Situated learning theory, experiential learning theory and theoretical concepts on reflection on learning were used to analyze and further understand the data. The results reveal that students talk about, and appear to convey, equal importance upon learning general and business skills. General skills students improved when doing mini-companies can benefit other school and non-school activities. Students perceive that learning is not only triggered by the business tasks they do, but is also influenced by a multitude of factors such as time, autonomy, assessment, and deadlines that affect what, and how they learn. Overall, students perceive factors that they associate with the mini-company project have a positive effect on learning skills, however some can also inhibit learning. Students point out many differences between the mini-company project and other school projects providing valuable insight into the importance of project design in relation to learning skills.

What and How Students Perceive They Learn When Doing Mini-Companies in Upper Secondary School

Hunter Lindqvist, Steven January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to gain more in-depth knowledge into what Swedish upper secondary school students perceive they learn, and the factors that students perceive affect learning, when they start and run mini-companies within the Junior Achievement Company Program.  The data is comprised of interviews with eleven students each of whom ran a mini-company with other students. Situated learning theory, experiential learning theory and theoretical concepts on reflection in learning were used to analyze and further understand the data. The results reveal that the students talk about, and appear to convey, equal importance upon learning general skills as learning business skills when doing their mini-companies. Students describe using general skills they improved while running their mini-companies in other school activities and non-school activities leading to better performance in these activities. Doing business activities triggers learning and provides students with an opportunity to further develop, and learn multiple aspects, of skills. Students identify many factors, such as time, autonomy, assessment, and deadlines, which they associate with their mini-companies. On the whole, they say these factors have a positive effect on learning both business and general skills, however some factors can also inhibit learning. An analysis of all the factors students identified reveals that they originate, or are influenced by, multiple contexts such as school, the Swedish Junior Achievement organization, and the business environment. Together these factors can be said to create a special school community of practice for their mini-company project. Students point out significant differences between their mini-company project, and other school projects they have previously done, thus providing valuable insight into the importance of project design in relation to learning skills and possible pedagogical implications regarding learning general skills in other school projects. / This thesis strives to gain further knowledge and understanding into what Swedish upper secondary students perceive they learn, and how they learn, when starting and running Junior Achievement mini-companies. The data is comprised of interviews with eleven students each of whom ran a mini-company with other students. Situated learning theory, experiential learning theory and theoretical concepts on reflection on learning were used to analyze and further understand the data. The results reveal that students talk about, and appear to convey, equal importance upon learning general and business skills. General skills students improved when doing mini-companies can benefit other school and non-school activities. Students perceive that learning is not only triggered by the business tasks they do, but is also influenced by a multitude of factors such as time, autonomy, assessment, and deadlines that affect what, and how they learn. Overall, students perceive factors that they associate with the mini-company project have a positive effect on learning skills, however some can also inhibit learning. Students point out many differences between the mini-company project and other school projects providing valuable insight into the importance of project design in relation to learning skills.

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