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Ready, Set, India : En studie om kulturens påverkan på svenska företag under deras etableringsprocess i IndienKarlsson, Robin, Lange, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att titta närmare på hur svenska företag angriper och bearbetar kulturella skillnader mellan Sverige och Indien. Frågor som hur dessa skillnader påverkar en företagsrelation och hur ett företag anpassar sig till dessa kommer att tas upp. I det teoretiska kapitlet så tas grunder om kultur upp samtidigt som skillnader mellan Sverige och Indien behandlas grundligt. Modeller kring anpassningskurvan, anskaffning av kulturell kompetens och Hofstedes model om de fem dimensionerna kring ett lands kultur. Hela uppsatsen genomsyras utav en stark fokus på kulturella inslag vid en etablering. Det empiriska kapitlet innehåller de svar som vi samlat in från de fyra intervjuer som vi haft, kapitlet är uppbyggt person för person och svaren kommer i den ordning de besvarats. Analyskapitlet jämför den teoretiska basen med den insamlade empirin från våra intervjuer. I detta kapitel belyses alla teoretiska modeller och även annan insamlad teori på ett grundligt sätt. Avslutningsvis så följer sedan slutsatserna som har sin utgångspunkt i analyskapitlet. Här visas att det finns mycket som svenska företag bör tänka på innan en etablering till Indien, skillnaderna mellan kulturerna är påtaglig och måste tas i beaktning för en lyckad etablering. Kapitlet avslutas med våra egna rekommendationer för svenska företag som planerar en expansion till den indiska marknaden samt förslag på vidare forskning i detta ämne.
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Uppfattningar om Futsal : En studie om futsal och etablering av idrottBuhr, Jonas, Nordin, David Unknown Date (has links)
Jonas, Buhr & David Nordin. (2011). Uppfattningar om futsal – En studie om futsal och etablering av idrott (Opinions on futsal – A study on futsal and establishing of sport) Bachelor Essay in Swedish. Umea: Umea university, Department of Education. Abstract The study is based on an assignment from Vasterbotten Football Association that because of poor participation in futsal activities wants to find out what clubs, the coaches and players in Vasterbotten think of futsal. The aim is to find out the opinions on futsal and what these opinions are based on. In addition, a literature survey to examine how sports grows and becomes established. Data were collected through interviews in major cities and its surrounding areas in Vasterbotten. The coaches and clubs opinions of futsal does not differ very much they both find that futsal is a fast, fun sport but in the end still just a complement to football. The players in the study believed that it was the same as indoor football and that they would have liked to have played futsal more than they do now. It did not differ significantly between the opinions of the interviewees. To establish a sport there are certain elements that may affect the development of a sport to different degrees. It is still sports culture which is the most important piece, because the prevailing culture in Sweden right now believes that futsal is a complement to football this cultural must change for futsal to successfully establish itself.
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Hur nya företag skapar konkurrensfördelar på marknaden för fordonsbesiktningHansson, Pontus, Backmark, Jonas January 2014 (has links)
The Swedish market for vehicle inspection is re-regulated since June 2010. More than four years after the re-regulation there are eight companies in the market. Two of these companies are a result of the former monopolist's owners divided the business among themselves. The remaining six companies have entered the market through acquisitions or by building up their business from scratch, these are known as new entrants in the study. The competition has developed slowly and the former monopolist still has the highest market share. Industry conditions are to say the least special because the companies and technicians have to have individual licenses in the form of accreditation and certification, which causes high establishment barriers. The study has the aim of contributing to the knowledge of new entrants on the re-regulated vehicle inspection market. In particular, the new entrant’s establishment and their strategic choices are studied to find out how they act to market conditions in order to create competitive advantages. The study is based on four questions: Main Question: How do new entrants create competitive advantages in the vehicle inspection market? Sub query 1: How’s the new entrants view on the competitive situation? Sub query 2: How do the new entrants establish their station-/s? Sub query 3: What strategies do the new entrants use to strengthen its position against competitors? The essay is based on an empirical survey and is designed as a case study with four units of analysis that represent four new inspection companies in the market for vehicle inspection. Data were collected through interviews with people in key positions of the four companies, as well with a person of the authority whose task is to monitor market developments, namely the Transport Agency. Furthermore, also documents issued by the authorities and new entrants were reviewed. The conclusions that the study has come up with is that the new entrants create competitive advantages through a favorable placement of stations, a bit outside the city center. The strict regulation doesn’t allow the new entrants to create competitive advantages through new or modified inspection services. Based on these regulations the new entrants are trying to attract customers through enhanced service and additional services to the inspection. They try to create a total offering to the customer where the obligatory inspection service is included.
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Särart och likhet, så vinner ASF legitimitet : En fallstudie om arbetsintegrerande sociala företags etablering. / Differentiation and similarity, how WISE gain legitimacy. : A case study on work integration social enterprises’ establishment in the field of work integration.Alexandersson, Emma, Eriksson, Fanny January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how work integration social enterprise (WISE) established their enterprises. To reach the aim we collected data through qualitative in-terviews from six persons with experience of starting a WISE. Four managers, one exec-utive and one consultant. The research focused on their experience of the enterprises’ start up periods. The research shows that the enterprise is searching for legitimacy from its surrounding but in different ways depending who they are interacting with. The research presented in this study also shows four different factors important to WISE in the estab-lishment process; relations, needs, personal resources and the story about WISE.
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Integration i Sverige : En jämförande fallstudie mellan Umeå och Malmö kommun.Hallbom, Anna January 2017 (has links)
The study is based on a qualitative case study and is based on a social science perspective. The method of study is a comparative study; content analysis focused on document analysis. Interest is based on examining local basic policy programs for integration, as integration has become more noticeable in recent years, and has become increasingly important for science. The survey will be based on Ager and Strang's framework "good integration". Under the analysis section, various regulations, local action programs and tasks will be understood and explained from different criteria, based on the perspective of integration. The theoretical framework for "good integration" as proven to be very useful, and a high explanation factor. In summary, the analysis shows that the action programs for Malmö and Umeå, differ between each other, in relation to the framework for "good integration". The action Programs in the municipality of Malmö, complies with 3 of 4 categories in the theoretical framework. The categories fulfilled are Employment, Education and Housing. The action programs within the municipality of Umeå however, fulfill only one category; Employment. Both Malmö and Umeå’s action programs demonstrate differences and similarities against "good integration". Accordingly, Umeå's action program has more deficiencies in relation to the criteria for "good integration", in comparison with Malmö's action program. The conclusion is that Malmö's basic policy documents, at a local level; for integration, can be explained to more conditions for a successful integration, in comparison with Umeå's policy documents. However, something that both Malmö and Umeå should focus on is what the analysis showed for the category Health; develop policy documents for dissemination of information, which should include, inter alia and languages other than Swedish, to create conditions that achieve successful integration, according to the framework of "good integration".
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I jättens grepp? : En undersökning av morfemet jätte i svenska skriftspråket / In the Giant's Grip? : A Study of the Morpheme jätte in Swedish Written LanguageAndersson, Anna January 2011 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med undersökningen har varit att studera etableringen och användningen av morfemet jätte i skrivna elevtexter och tidningstexter idag, med fokus på jätte som förstärkande prefix. Frågeställningen lyder: ”Hur, av vem och i vilken utsträckning används morfemet jätte i elevtexter och tidningstexter?”.För att besvara ovanstående har två korpusundersökningar genomförts, en på tidningstexter och en på elevtexter. Resultatet visar att jätte förekommer i relativt stor utsträckning jämfört med andra förstärkande prefix som till exempel tok- och super-. Vanligast är att jätte används i sammansättningar med adjektiv, både i tidningstexterna och elevtexterna. I tidningstexter förekommer det oftast vid direkt talspråksåtergivning men det har också tagit sig in i mer formella delar såsom ledare. I elevtexterna används jätte oftast vid berättande inslag. När jätte förekommer i sin grundform används det aldrig i betydelsen ”en övernaturlig varelse”.Språkbrukarna i tidningstexterna kan delas in i två grupper, intervjuade och journalister. Spridningen bland användarna är stor då det används av både kvinnor och män i olika åldrar och med olika yrken. I elevtexterna används jätte främst av flickor. Jätte används också inom flera olika ämnesområden men är något vanligare inom sport- och nöjesjournalistiken. Den breda användningen av jätte tyder på en språklig förändring där jätte nu är accepterat i skriftspråket, det används dock fortfarande främst i mer informella sammanhang. / The aim of this study has been to see the conventionalisation and use of the Swedish word jätte (giant) in newspapers and texts written by pupils in the Upper Secondary School, primarily when used as an intensifier in compound words. The question forming the basis of the study is: “How, by whom and to what extent is jätte used in newspapers and texts written by pupils?”To answer the question two corpora have been analysed. The results show that jätte is quite common compared to other Swedish intensifiers as “tok” and “super”. Usually it is used together with adjectives. When used in newspapers it is most commonly used in direct speech, but it is also used in more formal parts of the paper as the editorial. In the texts written by the pupils it is mostly used in sections with narrative elements.The people who use jätte in newspapers can be divided into two groups, journalists and interviewees. The word is widely spread among people and it is used by both women and men of different ages and with different socio-economical backgrounds. Among the pupils it is mostly used by girls. The word is used in different subject areas, although it is more common in sports and entertainment. The wide range of subjects and users indicate that the word is accepted to use in the written language, although it is more common in informal contexts.
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Feministpappa, selfie, kungspudel och vinstvarning : En enkätstudie av 54 nyord i svenska språket under 2000-talet gällande ordkännedom, användningsfrekvens och nyordens etablering i svenskanBidemo, Kajsa January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med den här undersökningen är att studera nyordsbildning, närmare bestämt 54 nyord från 2000-talet, för att se om nyorden har etablerat sig i det svenska språket, i Svenska akademins ordlista. Jag har genomfört en enkätundersökning i regionen Mälardalen där 100 informanter har svarat på frågor om kännedom, användningsfrekvens och nyordens etablering i svenskan. Resultatet av studien visar att informanterna har låg kännedom och låg användningsfrekvens av nyorden. Vidare visar resultatet att endast 8 av 54 nyord har etablerat sig i det svenska språket. Slutsatsen är att informanterna har högre kännedom och högre användningsfrekvens av engelska lånord men överlag tror de att mer än hälften av alla nyord kommer att etablera sig i det svenska språket i framtiden.
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Äldre militärteoriers relevans i nutida sjökrigföring : En fallstudie på Falklandskriget 1982Rehn, Oscar January 2017 (has links)
Alfred Thayer Mahan and Julian Stafford Corbett, two of the most influential and important strategists of sea power in the beginning of the twentieth century. Their theories today form the basis for several of the theories of sea power that exist today. The societal changes have led to the development of the naval warfare´s character until today. Despite developments in the history of naval warfare and it´s characteristics over the century there are being debated about the principles of sea power that Mahan and Corbett wrote might still be valid or not. The aim of this essay is to investigate whether Mahan and Corbetts principles of sea power during the Falklands war as a case study might still be valid or not. The examination is carried out by analysing Mahan and Corbetts principles of blockade, establish of sea command and exercise of sea command respectively to extract variables in the theory and examine on the case Falklands war. The results of this case study shows that the theories military blockade, naval blockade and establish of sea command are still valid to a certain extent but more research is needed to determine the principles general validity in the naval warfare today.
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"Det är ju viktigt att vägleda rätt" : En kvalitativ studie om hälsa och delaktighet inom Arbetsförmedlingens etableringsarbeteEfendija, Alma, Tónlist, Jennifer January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrunden till denna studie bygger på sambandet mellan delaktighet och hälsa. Tidigare studier visar att tillgänglighet till integrationsinsatser ökar hälsan hos den aktuella målgruppen. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om Arbetsförmedlingens etableringsarbete i Kristianstad använder sig av ett hälsofrämjande perspektiv, genom att fokusera på vilka faktorer som enligt arbetsförmedlarna har betydelse för nyanländas etablering på arbetsmarknaden, samt hur det påverkar nyanländas delaktighet i samhället. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod där vi har samlat in material genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med arbetsförmedlare. För att analysera materialet användes innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att språket, samt tillgång till arbetslivserfarenhet genom etableringsinsatser är avgörande faktorer för att nyanlända ska kunna integreras i arbetslivet. Ett annat fynd var att kulturella faktorer påverkar etableringen för nyanlända, inte minst då språket också utgör ett hinder för kommunikation. En problematik som framkom under intervjuerna var att arbetsförmedlarna ansåg att det fanns vissa brister i regelverket kring etablering i form av homogenisering av vilka insatser som är tillgängliga för målgruppen. Arbetsförmedlarna upplevde att detta påverkade möjligheterna att individualisera insatser för nyanlända. / The background for this study is that there is a connection between health and how much a person participates in society. Previous studies show a correlation between the access to integration efforts and the promotion of one’s health. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the regulations concerning establishment for immigrants on the Swedish labor market, put up by the Swedish government, is implemented and functioning out of a health perspective, specifically in the municipality of Kristianstad. A qualitative method was chosen and data was collected through semi-structured interviews conducted on workers from The Swedish Public Employment Service in Kristianstad, the official contractors for the national establishment reform. To analyze the material, a content analysis was used. The results showed that knowledge of the Swedish language is one of the main factors to become integrated in society, alongside possibilities to gain work experience through internship provided by the The Swedish Public Employment Service. Another finding was the occurrence of cultural factors on the labor market, affecting the immigrants’ way to integration, even more so if their Swedish language skills were limited. A problem that emerged from our study showed that the participants experienced a homogenization within the establishment reform which restricted their possibilities to individualize the actions for each participant.
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Anställningsbar eller icke anställningsbar. Arbetsförmedlingen, arbetsmarknaden & individer med funktionsnedsättningSami Ahmed, Laila, Jalal Jabbar, Zeinab January 2019 (has links)
Den största förmedlaren av arbeten i Sverige är Arbetsförmedlingen, de ska underlätta för alla arbetssökande och för individer med funktionsnedsättning att etablera sig på arbetsmarknaden genom olika stödinsatser. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka möjligheter respektive begränsningar arbetsförmedlarna upplever gällande att stödja individer med funktionsnedsättning att etablera sig på arbetsmarknaden samt vilka metoder de använder sig av i denna process. Studien vilar på en kvalitativ metod och förhåller sig till semistrukturerade intervjuer. De sju intervjuade personerna har varit anställda på två utvalda Arbetsförmedlingar i Södra Sverige. Empirins slutsats visade att intervjupersonerna hade flera olika metoder de kunde använda, detta för att etablera individer med funktionsnedsättning som till exempel arbetsförmågebedömning, funktionshinderkodning, arbetsträning och praktik. Möjligheterna de anställda hade var att de kunde använda sig av de olika metoderna samt uppföljning med arbetsgivarna och den arbetssökande. De anställda vill stödja individerna med funktionsnedsättning men kan begränsas av till exempel regelverket och finansiella skäl, Arbetsförmedlingens rykte, arbetsgivarnas attityder och av omorganisationen som Arbetsförmedlingen genomgår pågående. / The largest mediators of work in Sweden are the Swedish public employment service called “Arbetsförmedlingen”. Their work ethics are to facilitate for the individuals in the swedish society but also individuals that are disabled to establish in the labor market with contributions. The purpose of this study is to research what type of opportunities and limitations the workers experiencing concerning the support of the individuals who are disabled to establish their selves in the labor market, also what types of methods they use in this process. The study is based on a quantitative method and semi-structured interviews. The seven people we interviewed were employees for two selected employment services in southern Sweden. The empirical conclusion showed that the interviewees had several different methods they could use, in order to establish individuals with disabilities such as work ability assessment, disability coding, work training and practice. The opportunities the employees had were that they could use the different methods and follow-up with the employers and the job seeker. The employees want to support the individuals with disabilities, but can be limited, for example, by the regulations and financial reasons, the Swedish Public Employment Service`s reputation the employer`s attitudes and the reorganization that the Public Employment Service is undergoing.
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