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Caring with women married to Dutch Reformed clergymen: narratives of pain, survival and hopeSwart, Chené 30 November 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this research journey was twofold: (1) to investigate the ways in which the lives of women married to clergymen have been influenced by their position in the Dutch Reformed Church and (2) to collaboratively present ways of caring and supporting these women living within this reality. Discourse analysis explored the taken-for-granted truths and power relationships that inform these women's daily lives. Fifteen women embarked on this feminist narrative participatory action research journey, not only to tell their stories but also to negotiate for change in current practices as well as their own contexts. This research journey challenges the institutional structure of the Church through narratives of hope, survival and pain, as storied in a book (Lamentations and Butterflies, 2003), that were collaboratively constructed by the women living these realities. This book and research journey offers a deeper understanding of the experience of being a clergyman's wife in the Dutch Reformed Church. / Practical Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology)
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Adolescent dating relationships : sexual coercion and high risk sexual practicesSwart, Lu-Anne 30 November 2005 (has links)
This study investigated coercive and high risk sexual practices in South African adolescent dating relationships. Quantitative and qualitative information was collected from secondary school learners in a community near Johannesburg. Of 928 learners surveyed, 23.5% of females and 53.7% of males ever had sex. Of these, 57.8% of females and 44.2% of males reported sexual victimisation, and 46.8% of females and 50% of males reported perpetrating sexual coercion in a relationship. Significantly more males engaged in risky sex than females. Among females, sexual coercion was significantly linked to risky sexual behaviour. Among males, alcohol and perpetration of sexual coercion were significantly associated with risky sexual behaviour. Focus group data reveal how dominant constructions of gender normalise male coercion and contribute to risky sexual practices. Recommendations for sexual health initiatives include introducing alternative discourses of female sexual desire and male sexual responsibility as a means for building healthier adolescent dating relationships. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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A new structural summary of the MMPI-2 for evaluating personal injury claimantsGoh, Hong Eng January 2006 (has links)
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) is a popular measure of psychosocial functioning and psychopathology in the assessment of individuals in a variety of settings. However, the method of construction employed with the MMPI more than 60 years ago with psychiatric patients challenges the applicability of the scales for determining the psychosocial functioning of individuals from different settings. The restandardisation conducted in 1987 made no effort to eradicate the item overlap that was a result of the criterion keying method with contrasted groups. Although restandardized and updated with more contemporary language and content, the original psychiatric constructs were retained in order to maintain continuity with its predecessor. The aims of this investigation were to develop a new structure for the MMPI-2 constructed at the item-level, empirically derived and which specifically represents the dimensions that are relevant and appropriate in evaluating the psychosocial functioning of personal injury claimants. This task included comparisons with a comparable scale-level analysis and developing optimal scoring strategies where items in components and facets are allocated weightings based upon their strength of association. Study 1 was conducted using a sample of 2989 personal injury claimants assessed in Australia and the United States of America. The final sample of 3230, included 241 normal individuals, was utilized to develop a scale-level structure from 79 standard MMPI-2 scales and subscales. A nine-component solution consisting of General Maladjustment /Emotional Distress, Asocial Beliefs, Social Vulnerability, Somatic Complaints, Psychological Disturbance, Impulsive Expression, Antisocial Practices, Stereotypic Fears and Family Difficulties was derived using principal component analysis. However, intercorrelation between components in the structure signaled the need to develop a structure that would eradicate problems that were perpetuated by item overlap. The second study was conducted with a set of best practice procedures with the same clinical sample of 2989 personal injury claimants as Study 1. Forty-one components were derived through principal component analysis. Through the application of a set of criteria, a 35-component solution was retained. The pattern coefficients from the allocation of items to components determined the weightings to be applied to each item. Further analysis of the 35 components derived a substructure of 37 facets. The 35 components included only 442 of the 567 items, with the reliability coefficients of the first 25 components that ranged between .5 and .97, and the remaining 10 components that ranged from .29 to .49. The latter unreliable components were not included in the final Structural Summary, leaving 25 components (400 items) and their 33 facets for interpretation. Hence, in demonstrating the utility of the newly-derived structure, only 25 components and their 33 facets were interpreted. The 25 components were grouped conceptually into six domains. In the emotional domain were Psychological Distress (PsyDist), Anger, Fears, Psychotic Symptoms (PsyS), Paranoia (Par), Irritability (Irrit), Elation (Elat), Fear of the Dark (FD), and Financial Worry (FinWo). Somatic Complaints (SomC), Sexual Concerns (SexCon), and Gastrointestinal Problems (GasP) made up the measures in the physiological domain. In the behavioural domain were Cognitive Difficulties (CogDiff), Stimulus-Seeking (StimuS), Discipline (Dis), and Delinquency (Del) whilst the interpersonal domain was formed by Social Withdrawal (SoW), Negative Interpersonal Attitude (NIA), Timidity (Tim), Lie, Dissatisfaction with Self (DWS) and Family Relationship Difficulties (FReD). Alcoholism (Alco) was the only measure in the substance abuse domain, and the gender domain was comprised of Masculinity (Mas) and Femininity (Fem). The third study established preliminary normative means and standard deviations using a small opportunistic Australian university student sample (N = 219). No substantial gender differences were found but gender norms were maintained to facilitate comparisons with the traditional MMPI-2 approach. Comparisons of frequency of 'true' item response between the Australian university student sample and the U.S. restandardisation sample found relatively little differences and permitted evaluation of between sample differences on components and facets. The utility of the structure was demonstrated with the illustration of two clinical case examples, and a comparison was made with the standard MMPI-2 scales and subscales. The Structural Summary for the MMPI-2 demonstrated discriminative measures of psychosocial functioning that were a result of no item overlap, and the ability to attend to the different levels of intensity of self-report items because of differential weightings.
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Adolescent dating relationships : sexual coercion and high risk sexual practicesSwart, Lu-Anne 30 November 2005 (has links)
This study investigated coercive and high risk sexual practices in South African adolescent dating relationships. Quantitative and qualitative information was collected from secondary school learners in a community near Johannesburg. Of 928 learners surveyed, 23.5% of females and 53.7% of males ever had sex. Of these, 57.8% of females and 44.2% of males reported sexual victimisation, and 46.8% of females and 50% of males reported perpetrating sexual coercion in a relationship. Significantly more males engaged in risky sex than females. Among females, sexual coercion was significantly linked to risky sexual behaviour. Among males, alcohol and perpetration of sexual coercion were significantly associated with risky sexual behaviour. Focus group data reveal how dominant constructions of gender normalise male coercion and contribute to risky sexual practices. Recommendations for sexual health initiatives include introducing alternative discourses of female sexual desire and male sexual responsibility as a means for building healthier adolescent dating relationships. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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Caring with women married to Dutch Reformed clergymen: narratives of pain, survival and hopeSwart, Chené 30 November 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this research journey was twofold: (1) to investigate the ways in which the lives of women married to clergymen have been influenced by their position in the Dutch Reformed Church and (2) to collaboratively present ways of caring and supporting these women living within this reality. Discourse analysis explored the taken-for-granted truths and power relationships that inform these women's daily lives. Fifteen women embarked on this feminist narrative participatory action research journey, not only to tell their stories but also to negotiate for change in current practices as well as their own contexts. This research journey challenges the institutional structure of the Church through narratives of hope, survival and pain, as storied in a book (Lamentations and Butterflies, 2003), that were collaboratively constructed by the women living these realities. This book and research journey offers a deeper understanding of the experience of being a clergyman's wife in the Dutch Reformed Church. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology)
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World of DesireCrippa, Benedetta January 2017 (has links)
This project report offers an in-depth, detailed account of my creative process and work during my two-year Master in visual communication at Konstfack, Stockholm. My degree project is a celebration of plurality and visual democracy. Starting with identifying different norms pervading the graphic design discipline in the Western world today, both in terms of aesthetic values and systems of thinking, I have worked to propose and visualize alternative possible futures. Drawing has been my main carrier through an intense journey of un-learning and re-learning resulting in an artist’s book in unique copy. With this book, I want to problematize the dominant discourses around objectivity as a utopian ideal with a suppressive agenda, while visualizing a world I can recognize myself in. I have used decoration as a method, emotion and femininity as explorative standpoints, giving space to the metaphorical, the ambiguous and the spiritual to challenge current visual norms. This book emerges as an affirmation of my own quest for visual belonging as a graphic designer and a woman; a testimony of the practice of drawing as actualized power.
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A Colombian Nun and the Love of God and Neighbour : The Spiritual Path of María de Jesús (1690s-1776) / En Colombiansk Nunna och Kärleken till Gud och till Nästan : María de Jesús (ca 1690-1776) Andliga VägCadavid Yani, Helwi Margarita January 2016 (has links)
María de Jesús (1690s-1776) was a white-veiled Discalced Carmelite nun of the San José convent in Santa Fe de Bogotá, founded in 1606. She professed in the year 1714, and her spiritual journal was printed in a chronicle about the convent in the 1940s. The aim of this study is to examine the love of God and of neighbour, as expressed in the spiritual journal of María de Jesús. In this study I will proceed from the understanding of love as charity. In Christian thought God Himself is love, and its source. Charity, the third, and greatest, of the theological virtues, is a state of being in and responding to God’s love and favour. This way of loving consists in loving God wholeheartedly and loving our neighbour as ourselves. Included in loving our neighbour are acts related to his or her spiritual benefit and salvation. These are all present themes in María de Jesús’ text, but my aim is to examine how she incorporates these themes in her spiritual testimony by analyzing the imagery she uses, and the affective language in her spiritual journal. I will also seek to understand her way of writing by analyzing her text against the background of the tradition of women’s spiritual writings. Being a Discalced Carmelite, it will also be interesting to discover the Teresian presence in María de Jesus’ text, i.e. the influence of her predecessor and the reformer of the order, Teresa of Ávila (1515- 1582). I suggest that this can be noticed in certain rhetorical techniques. I also aim to examine if there are any similarities and differences in their expressions of love of God and of neighbour.
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Too foul and dishonoring to be overlooked : newspaper responses to controversial English stars in the Northeastern United States, 1820-1870Smith, Tamara Leanne 30 September 2010 (has links)
In the nineteenth century, theatre and newspapers were the dominant expressions of popular culture in the northeastern United States, and together formed a crucial discursive node in the ongoing negotiation of American national identity. Focusing on the five decades between 1820 and 1870, during which touring stars from Great Britain enjoyed their most lucrative years of popularity on United States stages, this dissertation examines three instances in which English performers entered into this nationalizing forum and became flashpoints for journalists seeking to define the nature and bounds of American citizenship and culture. In 1821, Edmund Kean’s refusal to perform in Boston caused a scandal that revealed a widespread fixation among social elites with delineating the ethnic and economic limits of citizenship in a republican nation. In 1849, an ongoing rivalry between the English tragedian William Charles Macready and his American competitor Edwin Forrest culminated in the deadly Astor Place riot. By configuring the actors as champions in a struggle between bourgeois authority and working-class populism, the New York press inserted these local events into international patterns of economic conflict and revolutionary violence. Nearly twenty years later, the arrival of the Lydia Thompson Burlesque Troupe in 1868 drew rhetoric that reflected the popular press’ growing preoccupation with gender, particularly the question of woman suffrage and the preservation of the United States’ international reputation as a powerfully masculine nation in the wake of the Civil War.
Three distinct cultural currents pervade each of these case studies: the new nation’s anxieties about its former colonizer’s cultural influence, competing political and cultural ideologies within the United States, and the changing perspectives and agendas of the ascendant popular press. Exploring the points where these forces intersect, this dissertation aims to contribute to an understanding of how popular culture helped shape an emerging sense of American national identity. Ultimately, this dissertation argues that in the mid-nineteenth century northeastern United States, popular theatre, newspapers, and audiences all contributed to a single media formation in which controversial English performers became a rhetorical antipode against which “American” identity could be defined. / text
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Den qvinnliga konstnären: : representationer i tidskriften Palettskrap 1877 –1904 / The woman artist: : representations in the journal Palettskrap 1877 – 1904IÖsterberg, Susanna January 2016 (has links)
Jag har ägnat denna uppsats åt att undersöka Kungliga Konstakademiens elevtidning Palettskrap från och med att det grundades 1877 till och med 1904.Tidningen består av anteckningar, protokoll och en mängd med bilder såsom porträtt, illustrationer och skämtteckningar. Mitt syfte har varit att se hur konflikten kring kvinnorollen generellt och kvinnliga konstnärsrollen specifikt kommer till uttryck under det sena 1800-talet i en intern elevtidning som Palettskrap. Jag har huvudsakligen utfört bildanalyser men även lyft fram text ur Palettskrap som har varit relevant för mitt ämne. Jag har analyserat bildernas uttryck och bildbudskap utifrån Roland Barthes semiotiska metod. För en genusmedveten och kritisk blick på det konsthistoriska sammanhanget, har jag har tillämpat ett feministiskt perspektiv som varit verktyg för att dekonstruera den maskulina myten om modernismen och konstnären. Min undersökning visar att det finns två etablerade stereotyper/kategorier av den kvinnliga konstnären: den ”okvinnliga” konstnären och ”amatören”. Dessa två stereotyper återspeglar den borgerliga synen på kvinnlighet/femininitet som oförenlig med konstnärsrollen. / I have dedicated this essay in researching the journal Palettskrap founded by students at the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts in 1877. Palettskrap consists of notes, protocols and a variety of images such as portraits, illustrations and satirical cartoons. My purpose has specifically been to see how the conflict of the woman artist is articulated during the late 1800's in a student journal such as Palettskrap, and also more generally, how the woman's role in society is articulated. I have primarily analyzed images but I have also exposed text from Palettskrap which has been relevant to my subject matter. By using Roland Barthes' semiotics, I have analyzed the images' expression and message. For a gender-sensitive and critical eye on the art historical context, I have applied feminist theory which has been useful in deconstructing the masculine myth on modernism and ”the artist”. My research shows that there are two established stereotypes/categories of the woman artist: the ”unwomanly” artist and the ”amateur”. These two stereotypes reflect the bourgeois notions of womanhood/femininity as incompatible with the role of the artist.
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Problematika nezaměstnanosti v České republice a v Německu z pohledu gender / Problems of Unemployment in the Czech Republic and Germany from Gender Point of ViewTESAŘOVÁ, Štěpánka January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with problems of employment and unemployment policy from the special point of view: the use of equal opportunity of men and women (gender equality) in the Czech Republic, Germany and the European Union. The theoretical part describes employment, unemployment, promotion of women and men at employment market from the gender point of view, and discriminatory differences in the field of financial evaluation of men and women for the same amount and kind of work. The practical part gives the comparison of the employment policy from the gender perspective (rate of employment and unemployment of men and women) on the basis of statistical information of the member states of the European Union {--} the Czech Republic and Germany. The main goal of this work is to show and emphasize the fact, that some aspects of discrimination in the field of gender relationships at work and in private life still exist even in the present modern society. It depends on all of us mainly, in which way and direction these problems of gender equality will develop in the society in future.
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