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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chefers upplevelse av ledarskapet under coronapandemin : En kvalitativ studie av chefer inom banksektorn / Managers' experience of leadership during the corona pandemic : A qualitative study of managers in the banking sector

Kranning Hillgren, Chanell, Dovenius, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Banksektorn är en av samhällets viktigaste funktioner och har genomsyrats av strukturella förändringar under åren som förklaras tvingat organisationerna att genomgå inre omställningar. Exempel på dessa förändringar är ny teknik och IT-utvecklingen som på senare år influerat branschen. Banksektorn som många andra branscher har drabbats av en kris i form av coronapandemin vilket innebär yttre påfrestningar. Krissituationen är intressant att studera för att skapa en förståelse för hur ledarskapet hos chefer inom banksektorn har fått hantera de yttre effekterna som coronapandemin medfört. I detta arbete är därför syftet att få en förståelse för hur chefer inom den svenska banksektorn upplever ledarskapet under coronapandemin. Arbetet riktas in på att skapa en förklaring för hur ledarskapet utövats och anpassats under krissituationen. Ledarskapsperspektiv som anses relevanta för den aktuella krissituationen används för att tolka upplevelserna. I studien används en kvalitativ undersökning i form av intervjustudier. Studiens data kommer från semistrukturerade intervjuer där respondenterna utgörs av bankchefer. Teorin kommer att beskriva tidigare forskning kring ämnet ledarskap samt perspektiv på ledarskap som berörs. Det redogörs för egenskaper som utlyser respektive ledarskapsteori. I empirin presenteras respondenternas upplevelse kring ledarskapet samt upplevelsen av ledarskapet under coronapandemin. Krisledning upplevts tillämpats i organisationer för att leda organisationen genom krisen. Det visar vidare på att den krissituation som uppstod medförde förändringar för organisationen och för ledningen, vilket visas genom en digital omställning. Vilket kan ha bidragit till att tillämpningen av distansledarskap och digitalt ledarskap ökat. Omställningen till ett digitalt arbetssätt har medfört att chefernas ledarskap har inkluderats mer av egenskaper som flexibilitet, individanpassning, kommunikation och coaching under pandemin. En slutsats är också att ledarskapet utifrån chefernas upplevelse har haft inslag av olika inriktningar inom ledarskapet som kan förstås genom olika ledarskapsperspektiv . / The banking sector is one of society's most important functions and has been permeated by structural changes over the years that are declared to have forced organizations to undergo internal changes. Examples of these changes are new technology and IT development that has influenced the industry in recent years. Like many other industries, the banking sector has been affected by a crisis in the form of the corona pandemic, which also means that the industry has been affected by external pressures. The crisis is described as interesting to study to create an understanding of how the leadership of managers in the banking sector had to deal with the external effects that the corona pandemic has brought. In this work, the aim is to understand how managers in the Swedish banking sector experience leadership during the corona pandemic and the leadership during the crisis. The study has focused on creating an explanation for how leadership has been adapted in a crisis. Leadership perspectives that are considered relevant to the current crisis are used to interpret the experience. In the thesis, a qualitative survey was carried out in the form of interview studies. The data is based on semi-structured interviews where the respondents are bank managers. The theory should describe previous research about leadership and perspective on leadership. For the theories presented, it is described as characteristics that proclaim respectively. The empirical presents the respondents' experience leadership and leadership experience during the corona pandemic. Crisis management has been used in the organization to lead the organization through the crisis. Furthermore, it shows that the crisis led to changes for organizations and the management, which shows by a digital change. The digital transformation may have contributed to the application of remote leadership and digital leadership. The change to a digital way of working that has taken place in leadership means that leadership has been included more in characteristics such as flexibility, individual adaptation, communication, and coaching extent during the pandemic. A conclusion is also that leadership based on the managers' experience has been influenced by specific leadership orientations that can be understood through a leadership perspective.

”ATT VARA RÄDD OM PROBLEMEN" : En studie av professionsutvecklande handledning i rektorsprogrammet / “TO CHERISH THE PROBLEMS” : A study of supervision for professional development in the training program for school leaders

Hagström, Cecilia January 2023 (has links)
befattningsutbildningen för skolledare. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur deltagare i rektorsprogrammet beskriver att professionsutvecklande handledning bidragit till utveckling av deras rektorskap. Den handledning som undersöks har genomförts i lärgrupper med en utbildningsledare som handledare. Studiens empiriska underlag består av kvalitativa intervjuer med skolledare under deras sista år på utbildningen. Habermas teori om kommunikativt handlande används som teoretisk utgångspunkt då ett särskilt intresse riktas mot rektorers kommunikativa förmåga. För att relatera kommunikativ förmåga till rektorskap tillämpas vid analysen även Saarukkas modell för beskrivning av rektorskapet, med fokus på personlig dynamik. Genom analys av studiens resultat är min slutsats att studien bidragit till ökad förståelse kring hur den professionsutvecklande handledningen på olika sätt har bidragit till utveckling av rektorskapet hos de intervjuade deltagarna i rektorsprogrammet. Analysen av skolledarnas beskrivningar visar att erfarenheter från den professionsutvecklande handledningen varit betydelsefulla för tanke och handling i deras praktik. Utsagor indikerar en fördjupad förståelse för vikten av gemensam reflektion samt kraften i frågandet som verktyg för att bredda sitt eget och andras perspektiv vid hantering av komplexa problem. I deras beskrivningar finns också tecken på utveckling inom kommunikativ förmåga, genom ökad självkännedom, större förståelse för andra och bättre förståelse för hur deras ledarskap påverkar kommunikation och interaktion i verksamheten. Studien antyder också att metareflekterande samtal kring professionsutvecklande handledningen i relation till deltagarnas verksamhet, kan bidra ytterligare till transferering från utbildning till rektorskap i praktiken. / This study is about supervision for professional development that forms an element of the Swedish national training program for school leaders. The aim of this study is to investigate how participants in the training program describe that supervision for professional development contributed to the development of their principalship. The supervision under investigation has been carried out in learning groups with an education leader as facilitator. The empirical basis consists of qualitative interviews with school leaders during their last year on the program. Habermas' theory of communicative action is used as a theoretical framework due to a particular interest in school leaders’ communicative skills. In order to relate communicative skills to principalship, the analysis also applies Saarukka's model for describing principalship, with a focus on personal dynamics. Through analysis of the study's results, my conclusion is that the study has contributed to an increased understanding of how the supervision for professional development has contributed in different ways to the development of the principalship of the interviewed participants in the principal's program. The analysis of the school leaders' descriptions shows that experiences from the supervision were significant for thought and action in their practice. Statements indicate a deepened understanding of the importance of joint reflection and the power of questioning as a tool to broaden their own and others' perspectives when dealing with complex problems. Furthermore, there are signs of development in communicative skills, through increased self-awareness, greater understanding of others and better understanding of how their leadership affects communication and interaction in the organisation. Moreover, the study suggests that meta-reflective conversations can contribute to transfer from education to principalship in practice.

La Commission européenne et ses pratiques communicatives : Étude des dimensions linguistiques et des enjeux politiques des communiqués de presse / Europeiska kommissionens kommunikativa praktiker : En studie av pressmeddelandenas språkliga och politiska dimensioner

Lindholm, Maria January 2007 (has links)
I den här avhandlingen studeras Europeiska kommissionens kommunikativa praktiker i ljuset av de pressmeddelanden som dagligen distribueras till världens största presskår i Bryssel, men också via internet till andra journalister och allmänheten. Övergripande syften med avhandlingen är att beskriva textproduktionen i denna en av världens största textproducenter och att lyfta fram den, hittills förvånansvärt osynliga, språkliga dimensionen av kommissionens kommunikation. Avhandlingen tar avstamp i ett dialogiskt perspektiv på kommunikation, där kommunikation förstås som en dynamisk process i vilken människor (sam)agerar i ett givet sammanhang. Avgörande blir således att se pressmeddelandena som en del av den produktions- och distributionskontext de ingår i, både på lokal nivå och på en mer övergripande institutionell nivå. Empiriskt bygger avhandlingen på fältstudier vid Europeiska kommissionen och textanalyser av pressmeddelanden från kommissionen och från franska och svenska departement. Pressmeddelandena studeras både som process och produkt: formuleringsprocesser å ena sidan och textmönster och tempusbruk å den andra. Som ett exempel detaljstuderas produktionen av två pressmeddelanden mot bakgrund av skribenternas förklaringar och motiveringar till sina ändringar. Med sin unika inblick i hur ett pressmeddelande blir till steg för steg och av olika aktörer utgör denna del ett viktigt bidrag till forskningen om pressmeddelanden, som först på senare år blivit mer processinriktad. De olika delstudierna ger alla vid handen att kommissionen, enkelt uttryckt, måste arbeta mer för att underbygga sin argumentation och för att göra sina initiativ mer begripliga, legitima och motiverade. Detta kan i stor utsträckning tillskrivas den mer komplicerade kommunikationssituationen som gäller för kommissionen i förhållande till de nationella departement som är jämförelsematerial i studien. / The thesis investigates the European Commission’s communicative practices in the light of the press releases that are distributed daily to the world’s largest press corps in Brussels and on the Internet to other journalists and the general public. The overall aim of the thesis is to describe the text production of one of the largest text producers in the world and to highlight the linguistic dimensions of the Commission’s communicative practices, which until now have received little scholarly attention. The study adopts a dialogical perspective on communication, where communication is understood as a dynamic process in which people interact in a given context. This means that the press releases are seen as parts of the production and distribution context in which they are embedded, both on a local level and on a more general institutional level. The empirical data on which the study is based comprise field studies at the European Commission and text analyses of press releases issued by the Commission and French and Swedish ministries. The press releases are analysed on different linguistic levels, text pattern and the use of tense, on the one hand, and composition processes on the other. As an example, the production of two press releases is studied in detail, in view of the authors’ comments to and motivations for changes to the texts. With its unique insight into how a press release is drafted step by step and by the different parties involved this part of the thesis is an important contribution to research on press releases, which only recently has become more oriented towards the production process. The results of the analyses highlight the fact that the Commission, to a greater extent than the national ministries, must substantiate its argumentation and make its initiatives more comprehensible, legitimate, and motivated. This finding may be ascribed to the more complex communication situation of the Commission, compared to the national ministries, which served as material for comparison in the study.

Artisten i vardagsrummet : Gränsöverskridande och samförstånd i det moderna genombrottets dramatik: Leffler, Benedictsson och Stéenhoff

Mårsell, Maria January 2010 (has links)
<p>Anne Charlotte Leffler, Victoria Benedictsson and Frida Stéenhoff were all part of the Modern Breakthrough in Swedish literature. By utilizing Jürgen Habermas theoretical works on communicative action, and Nancy Fraser’s supplementary reading of his theory, this essay makes clear that the authors’ struggle for an understanding and a rethinking of social norms in their plays <em>Skådespelerskan </em>(1873), <em>Romeos Julia </em>(1888) and <em>Lejonets unge </em>(1896) can be read as a contribution to the public debate. Dialogue has a key function for female authors during the Modern Breakthrough. Women and mens’ possibilities to take part in conversation and argument as equals, requires the professional woman’s transgression and access to the privileges of both public (State) administration – “system”, and world of everyday life – “lifeworld”. As oppositional authors, Leffler, Benedictsson and Stéenhoff took advantage of the literary public domain, in this case the theatre. The theatre as public sphere had a more effective capacity to affect its audience than fiction. The plays were written and staged in a cultural period that, compared with the present one, in a greater sense influenced public opinion. The theatre was a powerful part of the public debate, and this debate involved parties from both on-stage and off-stage positions.</p><p>At the theatre Leffler, Benedictsson and Stéenhoff turned the private into politics. Their powerful contribution to the public debate were directed specifically towards the bourgeois audience. They carried on a controversy concerning the notion of the bourgeois family by showing scenarios that raised objection to its idealistic point of view. The bourgeois living room was exposed on stage. Conflicts related to the private sphere were brought up as a theme in a public sphere and by so means were incorporated into the public debate, which at that time was dominated by men. The plays mirrored the audience and the authors’ strategies were based upon the remodeling power inherent in conversation and argumentation. Thereby, the audience were confronted with an alternated reflection of themselves. This reflection should be read as a problematic representation of the writing of history. The alternate mirroring brought in itself forward an argument that emphasized why a new reflection was necessary.</p><p><em>Skådespelerskan</em>, <em>Romeos Julia </em>and <em>Lejonets unge</em> examine female artists in a bourgeois environment. Through the artist the structures that maintain bourgeois ideals are exposed and questioned, but first and foremost the artist show that communicative action between men and women was insufficient. The androcentric order did not acknowledge women and men as equals, in accordance with that, the possibility of conversation, in the sense of Habermas, came to nothing. Under such circumstances an understanding between men and women could not be reached. Love within the institution of marriage also suffered since it could not be founded in acknowledgement as long as the structure maintained. Saga and Adil, the main characters in <em>Lejonets unge</em>, personify, on the other hand, Stéenhoffs ideas of what is being needed to change the androcentric structure. They are citizens of the future.</p><p>My focus is on human action (in an Aristotelian sense) in the plays, the way characters stage themselves and bring the plot forward, shed light upon their possibilities and limitations in proportion to each other as men and women. My analysis thereby contrasts with the greater part of earlier research. I give prominence to the connection between psychological conflict and social position/role. In <em>Skådespelerskan</em>, <em>Romeos Julia</em> and <em>Lejonets unge</em> all of the characters’ psychological conflicts are based in gender issues, the consequences of being a man or woman in the 18th century, rather than explicit existential matters.</p>

Artisten i vardagsrummet : Gränsöverskridande och samförstånd i det moderna genombrottets dramatik: Leffler, Benedictsson och Stéenhoff

Mårsell, Maria January 2010 (has links)
Anne Charlotte Leffler, Victoria Benedictsson and Frida Stéenhoff were all part of the Modern Breakthrough in Swedish literature. By utilizing Jürgen Habermas theoretical works on communicative action, and Nancy Fraser’s supplementary reading of his theory, this essay makes clear that the authors’ struggle for an understanding and a rethinking of social norms in their plays Skådespelerskan (1873), Romeos Julia (1888) and Lejonets unge (1896) can be read as a contribution to the public debate. Dialogue has a key function for female authors during the Modern Breakthrough. Women and mens’ possibilities to take part in conversation and argument as equals, requires the professional woman’s transgression and access to the privileges of both public (State) administration – “system”, and world of everyday life – “lifeworld”. As oppositional authors, Leffler, Benedictsson and Stéenhoff took advantage of the literary public domain, in this case the theatre. The theatre as public sphere had a more effective capacity to affect its audience than fiction. The plays were written and staged in a cultural period that, compared with the present one, in a greater sense influenced public opinion. The theatre was a powerful part of the public debate, and this debate involved parties from both on-stage and off-stage positions. At the theatre Leffler, Benedictsson and Stéenhoff turned the private into politics. Their powerful contribution to the public debate were directed specifically towards the bourgeois audience. They carried on a controversy concerning the notion of the bourgeois family by showing scenarios that raised objection to its idealistic point of view. The bourgeois living room was exposed on stage. Conflicts related to the private sphere were brought up as a theme in a public sphere and by so means were incorporated into the public debate, which at that time was dominated by men. The plays mirrored the audience and the authors’ strategies were based upon the remodeling power inherent in conversation and argumentation. Thereby, the audience were confronted with an alternated reflection of themselves. This reflection should be read as a problematic representation of the writing of history. The alternate mirroring brought in itself forward an argument that emphasized why a new reflection was necessary. Skådespelerskan, Romeos Julia and Lejonets unge examine female artists in a bourgeois environment. Through the artist the structures that maintain bourgeois ideals are exposed and questioned, but first and foremost the artist show that communicative action between men and women was insufficient. The androcentric order did not acknowledge women and men as equals, in accordance with that, the possibility of conversation, in the sense of Habermas, came to nothing. Under such circumstances an understanding between men and women could not be reached. Love within the institution of marriage also suffered since it could not be founded in acknowledgement as long as the structure maintained. Saga and Adil, the main characters in Lejonets unge, personify, on the other hand, Stéenhoffs ideas of what is being needed to change the androcentric structure. They are citizens of the future. My focus is on human action (in an Aristotelian sense) in the plays, the way characters stage themselves and bring the plot forward, shed light upon their possibilities and limitations in proportion to each other as men and women. My analysis thereby contrasts with the greater part of earlier research. I give prominence to the connection between psychological conflict and social position/role. In Skådespelerskan, Romeos Julia and Lejonets unge all of the characters’ psychological conflicts are based in gender issues, the consequences of being a man or woman in the 18th century, rather than explicit existential matters.

"Detta ideliga mötande" : En studie av hur kommunikation och samspel konstituerar gymnasieelevers skolpraktik / “Always these meetings” : A study of communication and interaction constituting the school practice of upper secondary students

Möllås, Gunvie January 2009 (has links)
Practically all pupils leaving the nine-year compulsory school continue their studies at the upper secondary school, which consequently faces the challenge of meeting the whole range of varying needs and conditions of students. Daily school practice is constituted by a number of communicative contexts, formal as well as informal. In these social and linguistic contexts, conversations are held about and with students. The dissertation, which focuses on students in need of support, is expected to contribute to the creation of knowledge about how communication and interaction constitute daily work and how this ultimately may be manifested in exclusion and inclusion processes during the upper secondary school education of the young. The research is directed at the organisation of the work of the upper secondary school as well as at students’ experience of and learning from their participation, communication in various contexts and their own learning. The dissertation has its point of departure in the communicative relational perspective (KoRP), which is founded on socio-cultural theory formation. In addition, concepts from dramaturgy have been used as analytical tools for deepened analysis and interpretation of interaction. The study is ethnographic and longitudinal in its nature. During slightly more than three years of field work, eleven case study students have been followed on their journey through upper secondary school education. The outcome indicates the complexity of the upper secondary school, where communication and actions in a number of communicative contexts not always have the expected effect. To formal contexts that shall have a precautionary and supportive function belong pupil welfare team meetings, transition conferences and class meetings. For the group of case study students, however, these turn out to have limited significance. Among other things, the study uncovers how work organisation, mediational tools and the interaction of participants may become obstacles. Further, waiting for support efforts as well as inadequate collaboration between various communicative contexts have negative consequences for students concerned. For students who prosper in spite of complicated schooling and life situation in general, the experience of participation in a community of friends has a prominent position, but above all participation in one’s own learning process appears to be a decisive factor. This calls for continuous talks and follow-ups, in which teachers and not least class teachers/mentors have a central role. / I stort sett alla elever som lämnar grundskolan fortsätter sina studier i gymnasieskolan, som därmed står inför utmaningen att kunna möta hela variationen av elevers skiftande behov och förutsättningar. Skolans dagliga praktik byggs upp av en mängd kommunikativa kontexter, formella såväl som informella. I dessa sociala och språkliga sammanhang förs samtal om och med elever. Avhandlingsarbetet riktar intresset mot elever som av olika skäl har bedömts vara i behov av stöd och studien förväntas utgöra ett bidrag till kunskapsbildningen om hur kommunikation och samspel konstituerar den dagliga verksamheten samt hur detta i sin förlängning kan ta sig uttryck i exkluderings- och inkluderingsprocesser under ungdomarnas gymnasieutbildning. Forskningsarbetet är inriktat dels mot organiseringen av gymnasieskolans verksamhet och dels mot elevernas upplevelser och erfarande av sin delaktighet, kommunikationen i olika kontexter och det egna lärandet. Avhandlingen tar sin utgångspunkt i det kommunikativa relationsinriktade perspektivet (KoRP), som vilar på en sociokulturell teoribildning. Därtill har begrepp hämtade från dramaturgin använts som analysverktyg, för fördjupad analys och tolkning av samspelet. Studien har en etnografisk och longitudinell karaktär. Under drygt tre års fältarbete har elva fallstudieelever följts på resan genom den gymnasiala utbildningen. Resultatet visar på gymnasieskolans komplexitet, där kommunikation och handlingar inom en rad kommunikativa kontexter inte alltid får förväntad effekt. Till formella sammanhang som ska ha en förebyggande och stödjande funktion hör elevvårdsteamsmöten, överlämnings- och klasskonferenser. För gruppen av fallstudieelever visar sig emellertid dessa ha en begränsad betydelse. Studien blottlägger bland annat hur verksamhetens organisering, medierande verktyg och aktörernas samspel kan bli till hinder. Vidare får väntan på stödinsatser och bristande samverkan mellan olika kommunikativa kontexter negativa konsekvenser för berörda elever. För elever som når framgång trots en komplicerad skolgång och livssituation i övrigt, får upplevelsen av delaktighet i en kompisgemenskap en framskjutande plats, men framförallt framstår delaktigheten i den egna lärandeprocessen som en avgörande faktor. Detta ställer krav på kontinuerliga samtal och uppföljningar där undervisande lärare och inte minst klassföreståndare/mentor intar en central roll. / "Villkor och förutsättningar för delaktighet, kommunikation och lärande i gymnasieskolan" - ett projekt vid Göteborgs Universitet, IPD, Enheten för specialpedagogik

Gymnasielärarens uppdrag som mentor : En etnografisk studie av relationens betydelse för elevens lärande och delaktighet / The upper secondary school teacher’s assignment as mentor : An ethnographic study of the significance of relations for pupils’ learning and participation

Nordevall, Elisabeth January 2011 (has links)
Studien beskriver fyra gymnasielärares uppdrag som mentorer. Lärarnas uppdrag är inte knutet till ett specifikt skolämne utan avser en administrativ och stödjande funktion kring en avgränsad grupp elever eller en klass. Uppdraget som mentor har studerats utifrån det kommunikativa relationsinriktade perspektivet, som är influerat av det sociokulturella perspektivet. Syftet med studien är att kartlägga, beskriva och analysera lärarens uppdrag som mentor såväl när det gäller innehåll som funktion. Studien har bedrivits utifrån en etnografisk ansats med deltagande observationer. Inom ramen för den deltagande observationen har genomförts olika former av samtal och intervjuer. Urvalet av mentorer är ett medvetet urval. Det betyder att studien beskriver mentorer med tydligt engagemang i sitt uppdrag. Under ett läsår har fyra mentorer, deras klasser samt nio fallelever följts. Studien visar att i de fall då mentorskapet fungerar väl tycks mentorn få en unik position för överblick av sina ansvarselevers skolsituation. I två av de studerade klasserna är lärandesituationen inledningsvis problematisk både för enskilda elever och klassen som helhet och studien visar hur mentorn kan vända på situationen. Mentorns utvecklings- och mentorssamtal med sina ansvarselever tycks skapa dialogiska läranderum, som ger mentorn en helhetsbild av den enskilde elevens skolsituation. Överblicken ger mentorn möjligheter att bygga upp ett eget kunskapssystem kring eleven. Detta kunskapssystem tycks sedan ge mentorn underlag för att påverka skolans strukturer och öka elevens utrymme för lärande och delaktighet både på individ- och gruppnivå. Studien avtäcker dock flera kritiska aspekter för mentorns genomförande av sitt uppdrag. Mentorernas samarbete med övriga lärare och arbetslag kring elever i behov av särskilt stöd är inte utvecklat på skolnivå. Styrningen och utformningen av uppdraget är upp till den enskilde mentorn. Det råder brist på tid för uppdragets genomförande samt läraren har ingen utbildning för uppdraget. Sammantaget synliggörs på skolnivå en risk för brist på likvärdigt bemötande av alla elever. / The study describes four upper secondary school teachers’ assignments as mentors. The teachers’ task is not tied to a specific school subject, but refers to an administrative and supportive role regarding a distinct group of students or a class. The mentoring assignment has been studied from a communicative relational perspective, which is influenced by the socio-cultural perspective. The aim of this study is to identify, describe and analyze the teacher’s assignment as mentor in terms of both content and function. The study has been conducted using an ethnographic approach with participant observations. Within the framework of participant observation, different types of conversations and interviews were carried out. The choice of mentors by purposeful sampling entails that the study describes mentors with a clear commitment to their assignments. Four mentors, their classes, and nine case-students have been followed over the course of a school year. The results of the study show that in those cases in which mentorship works well, it seems that the mentor has a unique position for overview of the school situation of pupils he or she mentors. In two of the classes studied, the learning situation is initially problematic for both individual students and the class as a whole, and the study shows how the mentor can turn the situation around. The dialogue between mentor and student seems to create a space for mutual learning and to provide a good overall picture of the pupil’s school situation. The overview gives the mentor an opportunity to build up his or her own knowledge system about the pupil. This knowledge system seems to then provide the mentor a basis for influencing the school’s structure and increasing the students’ opportunities for learning and participation at both individual and group level. The study reveals, however, several critical aspects for the mentor’s performance of his or her mandate: The mentors’ collaboration with other teachers and teams of professionals regarding pupils in need of special support is not developed at the school level; the management and design of the assignment are left up to the individual mentors; there is a lack of time for carrying out the assignment; and teachers lack training for the assignment. Generally evident at the school level is a risk of lack of equal treatment of all students.

CIO 2.0 : Kunskapsområden och utmaningar / CIO 2.0 : Knowledge areas and challenges

Jonsson, Daniel, Schälin, Linus January 2013 (has links)
Rollen som CIO är komplicerad och i ständig förändring. Rollinnehavaren ska förändra och förbättra organisationen samtidigt som CIO-rollen skapades utifrån ett behov av att erhålla en överblick och kunskap om vilka effekter beslut får. I dagsläget ligger mycket fokus på att CIO-rollen ska bidra med ökat värde till organisationen. Det finns dock ingen tydlig definition av vad CIO-rollen närmare innebär, grundat i specifik organisation kan rollens syfte variera. Avsaknad av en generell definition och konsensus av vad CIO-rollen innebär leder till att det är problematiskt att utvärdera rollen och hur väl den fungerar inom en organisation. Med denna studie ämnar vi påbörja arbetet med att tydliggöra CIO-rollen genom att identifiera kunskapsområden som är knutna till rollen. Dessa identifieras teoretiskt och studeras sedan empiriskt för att sättas i ett verklighetsperspektiv. Vi identifierar även utmaningar, saker att vidare studera som avser att underlätta det praktiska arbetet alternativt områden som kan bidra till att rollen blir tydligare. Vår kvalitativa fallstudie kring CIO-rollen består empiriskt av tre intervjuer. I vår analys studerar vi respektive kunskapsområden, det genom att studera den teoretiska CIO:n gentemot insamlad empirisk data. Vårt resultat är sex teoretiska kunskapsområden kopplade till CIO-rollen. Av de sex teoretiska kunskapsområdena har vi valt exkludera ett kunskapsområde. Det då vi empiriskt har identifierat att kunskapsområdet konkurrensfördelskunnande inte är relevant, då i huvudsak baserat på att våra intervjuobjekt verkar inom offentlig sektor. Vi kan utifrån vår analys dra slutsatsen att kunskapsområdet konkurrensfördelskunnande inte är ett viktigt område för CIO:er inom offentlig sektor. De områden som bekräftas relevanta är; ledarskapskunnande, verksamhetskunnande, strategiskt kunnande, kommunikativt kunnande samt IT-kunnande. Utmaningar vi har identifierat som är i behov av vidare studier är exempelvis vilka effekter ger en uppdelning av CIO-rollen samt hur påverkar uttalade förväntningar CIO-rollen. De utmaningar vi identifierat i studien anser vi behöver studeras mer för att bidra till att tydliggöra rollen. / The CIO role is complicated and constantly changing. The role holder must transform and improve the organization whilst the CIO-role was created out of a need to obtain an overview and understanding of the effects decisions gets. The CIO-role is today very focused on how the role will provide increased value to the organization. However, there is no clear definition of what the CIO-role is designed to aim for resulting in variance between the goal with and reason behind CIO:s in today’s organizations. The lack of a general definition and a consensus of what the CIO-role mean leads to a problematic task to evaluate the role and how well it functions within an organization. This study intends to begin the work on clarifying the CIO-role, this by identifying knowledge areas related to the role. These are identified theoretically and then studied empirically to be viewed in a reality perspective. We do also identify challenges, which is areas that need further research, designed to facilitate the practical work or alternately areas that can contribute to the role becoming more clear. Our qualitative case study about the CIO-role consists of three empirical interviews. We study respective knowledge areas in our analysis, this by studying the theoretical CIO against the collected empirical data. Our result is six theoretical knowledge areas related to the CIO-role. Of the six theoretical knowledge areas, we have chosen to exclude one. This when we empirically identified that the knowledge area competitive advantages is irrelevant, mainly based on that our respondents is working in the public sector. We can based on our analysis conclude that the knowledge area competitive advantages is not a key area for CIO:s in the public sector. The areas that we confirm as relevant are: leadership knowledge, business knowledge, strategic knowledge, communicative knowledge and IT knowledge. Challenges we have identified as in need of further research includes for example, the effects of giving a breakdown of the CIO-role and the impact of articulated expectations on the CIO-role. The challenges we have identified in the study are in need of further research in order to help clarify the role.

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