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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En studie av samarbete i arbetslag under omorganisation

Edberg, Cecilia, Lindberg, Anette January 2008 (has links)
Abstract This paper will examine the co-operation culture in teacher work teams in a primary school currently undergoing reorganization in the Stockholm region. This inquiry is based on qualita-tive interviews with teachers and work team leaders, and is aiming to answer how teachers co-operate during the reorganization process, to find the factors that affect co-operation. Our results show that the two teams practice communication, leadership and participation very differently. Currently there are clear differences in the work team’s tendency to develop and to work with the reorganization process, pedagogic methods, social and emotional awareness and ideological beliefs. Can these two work teams meet despite their differences? Can a changed perspective promote co-operation and development, to become an integrated organization by learning from each other? Keywords: Work team, co-operation, interaction, learning organization, reorganization, independent school / Sammanfattning/ Abstrakt Det här examensarbetet undersöker samarbetskulturen i två arbetslag på en grundskola i Stockholms län under en pågående omorganisation. Undersökningen grundar sig i kvalitativa intervjuer med lärare samt arbetslagsledare och syftar till att besvara hur lärarna samverkar inom arbetslag under omorganisationen på skolan, samt vilka faktorer som påverkar samarbe-tet. Resultaten visar på att kommunikationen, ledningen och delaktigheten gestaltar sig olika i de båda arbetslagen. Stora skillnader existerar för närvarande i arbetslagens benägenhet att utvecklas. Även arbetet med omorganisationen, pedagogiskt förhållningssätt, socioemotionell medvetenhet och ideologisk uppfattning kommer till olika uttryckssätt. Kan de två arbetslagen mötas trots sina olikheter? Kan ett förändrat perspektiv bidra till samarbete, skolutveckling och en enhetlig organisation genom att lära av varandra? Nyckelord: Arbetslag, samarbete, samverkan, skolutveckling, lärande organisation, omorganisation, friskola

Individers betydelse för kunskapsöverföring i en organisation : En studie om hinder och möjligheter till lärande på Metso Paper Karlstad AB / The Importance of Individuals for Transferring Knowledge in Organizations : A study of obstacles and possibilities for learning at Metso Paper Karlstad AB

Carlsson, Linda January 2007 (has links)
Companies learn through their employees. In this paper I make research into how knowledge transfer and learning occur at Metso Paper Karlstad AB, which is a partly project based organization. The result is that there are many factors that affect the knowledge transfer in a company. Knowledge transfer occurs mainly between individuals within the company, but also between departments and other actors outside the company. In the gaps between these actors, there is a risk that knowledge is not transferred, which is an obstacle to learning. A great deal of the knowledge transfer and the learning is carried out through individual’s own drive and motivation. I have found that individuals have different motives for transferring or not transferring knowledge. There are types of individuals that understand and act in the interest of the company but also those who act in their own interest, such as power or career. The willingness to transfer knowledge is also affected by the feeling of being secure, both as an individual but also in the employment. These aspects are presented in a model in the paper. There are also individuals that have resigned and do not have a specific interest neither for the company nor their own career, which is a more passive attitude. A mapping of these different types of individuals can help the company to choose the correct actions to be made, in purpose to increase the knowledge transfer. Some general activities that affect knowledge transfer are the understanding of the management of the importance of transferring knowledge and to work in long-term. It is important that the employees understand their role in the total process of the company, and also their role as bearer of knowledge. Increased interactions between departments and internal training sessions based on real competence gaps will most likely stimulate the transferring between departments. / Företag lär genom sina medarbetare. Med denna uppsats vill jag undersöka hur kunskapsöverföring och lärande sker hos Metso Paper Karlstad AB, en organisation med delvis projektbaserat arbetssätt. Resultatet av undersökningen är att det finns många faktorer som påverkar kunskapsöverföringen inom företag. Kunskapsöverföring sker mellan individer, mellan avdelningar och mellan övriga aktörer. I ”glappen” mellan alla dessa aktörer föreligger risk att kunskap inte överförs vilket således är hinder för lärande. Mycket av kunskapsöverföringen och lärandet sker idag utifrån individers egen drivkraft och motivation. Jag funnit att individer har olika motiv för att överföra kunskap eller att inte överföra. Det finns individer som förstår och agerar för företagets bästa men även de som agerar utifrån sina egna syften, vilket kan vara makt och karriär. Viljan att överföra kunskap påverkas även av hur trygg eller otrygg man känner sig i sin yrkesroll och i sin anställning. Därutöver tillkommer de individer som resignerat och inte intresserar sig vare sig för företagets bästa eller för egen vinning, de har en mera passiv hållning. Dessa faktorer presenteras i en modell i uppsatsen. En kartläggning av omfattningen av dessa olika typer av individer kan hjälpa företaget att välja rätt insatser för att öka kunskapsöverföringen. Några generella aktiviteter som påverkar kunskapsöverföring inom företag är ledningens förståelse av betydelsen att överföra kunskap och långsiktighet i arbetet. Det är även viktigt att medarbetarna förstår sin roll i företagets process men även sin roll som bärare av kunskap. Ökad interaktion mellan avdelningar och behovsanpassade interna utbildningar stimulerar sannolikt kunskapsöverföring mellan avdelningar.

Förra säsongen, hur gjorde vi då? : en studie om hur ett säsongsbaserat företag tar tillvara på anställdas kunskap och blir en lärande organisation

Pettersson, Therese, Rivas, Ellen January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to describe if and how a seasonal based company named SkiStar, learns through the exchange of experience and knowledge. We have analyzed gathered qualitative and empirical data to explore this subject. We conducted three semi-structured group interviews with employees from the SkiStarshop division. They described their routines and procedures in SkiStarshop. The collected data was processed and analyzed through our theoretical framework. This framework consisted of research and theoretical presentations of the concepts: seasonal work, learning organization, single- and double-loop learning, mental models, shared visions and corporate amnesia. In conclusion this division, within this seasonal based company, was to some degree successful in acquiring and transmitting the employee’s knowledge and experience to next season’s employees. However, we found that the studied division’s transfer of knowledge and experience to other separate divisions within SkiStar was limited. Our final result is that this company has qualities of a learning organization with improvement potential in this same area. / Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva om och hur ett säsongsbaserat företag, SkiStar, arbetar med lärande i form av kunskaps- och erfarenhetsutbyte och hur det påverkar organisationens arbete. Vi har analyserat insamlad kvalitativ empirisk data för att svara på våra frågeställningar. Tre semistrukturerade gruppintervjuer genomfördes med anställda i SkiStar som berättade om rutiner och arbetssätt inom affärsområdet SkiStarshop. Det insamlade materialet bearbetades och analyserades mot studiens teoretiska referensram. Den utgjordes av en kunskapsöversikt och teoretisk presentation av begreppen: säsongsarbete, lärande organisation, singel- och double- loop learning, tankemodeller, gemensamma visioner och organisationsminnesförlust. Det visade sig att det studerade affärsområdet inom det säsongsbaserade företaget till viss del lyckades ta till vara på medarbetarnas kunskap och erfarenheter och överföra dessa till nästa säsong. Däremot fann vi att det studerade affärsområdets förmedling av kunskap och erfarenheter till SkiStars övriga affärsområden var begränsat. Resultatet är att vi har funnit att företaget till viss del är en lärande organisation.

Sporto organizacijos valdymo ypatumai / Features of the sport organization management

Jodenis, Donatas 11 June 2013 (has links)
Valdymas – tai organizacijos narių pastangų planavimo, organizavimo, vadovavimo ir kontrolės procesų visuma, organizacijos išteklių panaudojimas siekiant organizacijos užsibrėžtų tikslų. Kadangi vadovas yra atsakingas ne tik už organizacijos funkcionavimą, bet ir už sąlygų, būtinų organizacijai ugdyti ir darbuotojų saviugdai lavinti, sudarymą, o čia išryškėja besimokančios organizacijos ypatumai organizacijos valdyme. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti „Kėdainių sporto mokyklos“ sporto organizacijos valdymą, išskiriant sporto organizacijos valdymo ypatumus, ir pateikti „Kėdainių sporto mokyklos“ sporto organizacijos tobulinimo kryptis. Tyrime dalyvavo 35 respondentai, iš kurių 71,4 % sudarė vyrai ir 28,6 % moterys. Tyrimo metu naudotas apklausos (raštu) metodas, naudotas klausimynas, kurį sudarė bendra informacija (socialiniai – demografiniai kintamieji) apie tiriamąjį, ir klausimai, susiję su sporto organizacijos valdymu besimokančios organizacijos valdymo kontekste. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, jog „Kėdainių sporto mokyklos“ sporto organizacijos darbuotojų imtis nėra patenkinti dabartiniu organizacijos valdymu, kadangi vadovas nekritikuoja už padarytas klaidas, neturi kritinio mąstymo, nevyksta darbuotojų poreikių aiškinimosi iš vadovo pusės, todėl santykiai tarp vadovų ir pavaldinių nėra šilti ir geri. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, jog sporto organizacija nesirūpina presonalo ugdymu, joje nėra sudarytų sąlygų darbuotojų savirealizacijai, nėra galimybės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Management - it is planning, organizating, managing and controling process of the organiation members effort and the using of resources of the organization to reach organization goals. However, the manager is responsible not only for the functioning of the organization, but also for the conditions, which are necessary for organization development and training of the staff self-development, formation, and here apparent features of the learning organization in the organization management. The aim of this study - to reveal “Kėdainiai sport school” management of the sport organization, highlighting the features of the sport organization management and submit the direction of improvement of "Kedainiai sport school” sport organization. The study included 35 respondents, of whom 71.4% were male and 28.6% female. The study was based on these methods: questionnaire survey, questionnaire, which consisted of general information (social - demographic variables) about the respondent, and issues related to the management of sport organization in the management of the learning organization. The results showed that “Kėdainiai sport school” sports organization's staff is not satisfied with the current organization management, because that the manager does not criticize for mistakes, has no critical thinking, there is no interpretation of the needs of employees from the manager side, so the relationship aren’t warm and good between manager and his subordinates. The... [to full text]

Mokymosi organizavimo įtaka IV klasės mokinių matematikos mokymosi pasiekimų rezultatams / Learning organization influence on the 4th grade students in mathematical learning achievement

Markevičiūtė, Vaida 22 July 2014 (has links)
Šiuolaikiniame ugdyme akcentuojama, jog matematika yra reikšminga pasaulio kultūros ir veiksminga jo pažinimo dalis. Sudėtinga prisitaikyti prie nuolat kintančios tikrovės, jeigu nėra pakankamai gerai išlavinti problemų sprendimo įgūdžiai, jeigu stinga žinių, noro mokytis ir tobulėti, nepasitikima savo jėgomis. Taigi, šiuolaikinis mokymosi organizavimo procesas neįsivaizduojamas be sėkmingo mokytojo ir mokinio santykio, kuris daro poveikį mokinių mokymosi pasiekimams.Tačiau kaip nuo matematikos pamokos organizavimo būdų priklauso IV klasės mokinių mokymosi pasiekimai nėra pakankamai išnagrinėta. / It is emphasized that mathematics is important world culture and the efficient cognition part in modern education. It is complicated to adapt to the constantly changing reality, if the problem solving skills are not developed well enough, there is a lack of knowledge and desire to learn and improve, distrust to your own forces. Therefore the modern learning organization process is inconceivable without the successful relationship between the teacher and the student which influences students’ learning achievements. However it is not analyzed enough how IV form students’ learning achievements depend on the math lesson organizational methods.

Valstybės tarnautojų mokymo problemos / The training problems of civil servants

Rakauskaitė, Jūratė 17 March 2006 (has links)
The final paper deals with training development system for civil servants. During the five years of Lithuania‘s independance the training of civil servants was delivered on an ad hoc basis. In 1995 the Law of the Officials of the Republic of Lithuania was passed. It was a starting point for the creation of the civil service training system. In 1999 after the adoption of the Law of the Public Service, the need to leggaly stabilize, the market of civil servant‘s training became apparent. In 2002 after the Law of the Public Service entered into force it vas necessary to start rationalizing the training system of civil servants relating it with the annual performance evaluation of civil servants. In 2002 The Training Strategy for Civil Servants has been approved. According to the Strategy it was necessary to identify the priority areas for civil servants training and the priority groups of civil servants that should undergo this training.

Des apprentissages infirmiers informels à l’organisation apprenante : étude des perceptions d’apprentissage et de soutien organisationnel dans deux établissements de santé / From informal learning of nurses to the learning organization : study of perceptions of learning and of organizational support in two establishments health

Gaudry Muller, Anne 27 November 2014 (has links)
Au regard des mutations notamment celles du contexte hospitalier et de l’évolution constante des savoirs à mobiliser dans la pratique quotidienne, la professionnalisation des infirmières devient un enjeu et une nécessité.Cette recherche développe une approche compréhensive du phénomène des apprentissages infirmiers informels. L’objet de recherche porte à la fois sur la perception d’apprentissage des professionnelles dans le quotidien du travail et sur leur perception de soutien organisationnel d’apprentissage de leur établissement de santé. Le sujet est traité en articulant le niveau microsociologique, celui de l’infirmière sujet social apprenant et le niveau macro sociologique, celui de l’organisation.Dans une recherche qualitative, nous mettons en exergue les pratiques d’apprentissage informel sur le terrain. Ces apprentissages informels, c'est-à-dire secondaires aux activités de la vie quotidienne, ni organisés ni structurés, ont un caractère non intentionnel la plupart du temps (Cedefop, 2009). Le corpus des apprentissages s’appuie sur des données empiriques recueillies lors d’une recherche exploratoire à l’aide d’un journal de bord auprès de trente professionnelles sur deux terrains, une clinique et un hôpital. L’analyse des résultats de la première phase conduit à l’élaboration de catégories des contenus, des occasions, des ressources donnant lieu à perception d’apprentissage. Un questionnaire valide ces résultats à grande échelle dans les deux établissements de santé puis interroge la perception de soutien organisationnel d’apprentissage.Ces deux recherches qualitative et quantitative montrent que les perceptions d’apprentissage et de soutien organisationnel d’apprentissage des infirmières dépendent à la fois des caractéristiques propres aux professionnelles et de celles de l’environnement de travail. L’hôpital pourrait alors être considéré comme un archipel d’îlots apprenants. / In regard of transformations, especially concerning hospitals and the constant evolution of required knowledge in daily practice, the professionalization of nurses is a challenge and a necessity. This research develops a comprehensive approach to the phenomenon of informal learnings of nurses. The purpose of this research focuses on both the learning perception of professionals in their daily work and their perception of organizational support for learning in their health facility. The subject is dealt with by articulating the micro-sociological level of the nurse as a learner and the macro sociological level of the organization.In the qualitative research, informal learning practices are highlighted. This informal learning, second to the daily activities, neither organized nor structured, have a non-intentional character most of the time (Cedefop, 2009). The corpus of informal learning is based on empirical data collected during an exploratory search using a logbook with thirty professionals in two different fields, a private clinic and a hospital. Analysis of the results of the first phase led to the development of categories of contents, opportunities, resources, leading to learning perception. A questionnaire validates these results on a large scale in the two establishments and questions the perception of organizational learning support. Both qualitative and quantitative research show that learning perceptions and organizational learning support of nurses depend both on the specific characteristics of the professionals and those of the working environment. The hospital could then be considered as made of learning islets.

Celoživotní vzdělávání, výběr zaměstnanců a podniková kultura ve vybraném podniku / Lifelong education, employee selection and corporate culture of the chosen company

PÍPALOVÁ, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The main objective of this diploma thesis is to characterize forms of education in selected enterprise, analyse it in relation to the corporate culture and suggest changes leading to a desirable future state of the knowledge-based economy. In connection with the theme and the main objective of this thesis is the research also focused on the corporate culture, the recruitment and the selection of employees. The theoretical part consists of theoretical knowledge, which relate to the issue of development of employees through lifelong learning, selection of employees, corporate culture and knowledge economy. The practical part contains information about selected company. This part also analyses the corporate culture, the selection and training of employees, through the use of quantitative and qualitative methods. The obtained results are the basis for proposing effective changes. At the end of the diploma thesis are proposed some changes which should improve the current situation, especially the area of employee training to reach a knowledge-based economy in the future.

Análise de elementos da gestão do conhecimento nos projetos de reformulação organizacional da Caixa Econômica Federal.

Endres, Celso 26 February 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:51:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissCE.pdf: 4056105 bytes, checksum: 9c25c0c66653e14cd579b9b18d634de5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-02-26 / Within a environment of great changes, one believes that the way how a company produces and transmits the knowledge is essencial to its continuity and it has been under the Knowledge Management point of view that this work analyses the organizational reformulation projects in the Agencias da Caixa Economica Federal, started from the Project 500 and followed by the Net of Processes and the Customers Segmentation Strategic Model. To reach the proposed goal, it has been taken from the literature about the study topic, dimensions and elements enabling a tool structure of analysis to identify possible effective practices of Knowledge Management in the company through methodology systematization applied and reported data analysis. This study analyse how the elements of Knowledge Management are in the innovations occurred in the enterprise during the last years. One may realize that the goal has been achieved and the identified elements were classified as string, moderate and weak by its performance and served of reference to propositions of improvements of knowledge use in the organization. This has been the main contribution of this study for the company with the guidelines of how to generate, codify and transfer the tacit knowledge into explicit one. The former in the researched company is predominant and of high quality, developing a necessity of a trained managerial body with defined attributions and responsibilities to lead the knowledge use in the company through Technology, Processes and People. / Num ambiente de grandes mudanças, acredita-se que a maneira como a empresa gera e transmite o conhecimento é essencial para a sua continuidade e é sob o ponto de vista da Gestão do Conhecimento que este trabalho analisa os projetos de reformulação organizacional nas Agências da Caixa Econômica Federal, iniciados a partir do Projeto 500 e seguidos pela Rede de Processos e o Modelo Estratégico de Segmentação de Clientes. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, foram extraídos da literatura sobre o tema do trabalho, dimensões e elementos capazes de estruturar um modelo de análise para identificar possíveis práticas efetivas de Gestão do Conhecimento na empresa através de uma sistematização da metodologia utilizada e da análise dos dados coletados. Um ponto a se destacar é que este trabalho analisou o quão presentes estão os elementos da Gestão do Conhecimento nas inovações ocorridas na empresa nos últimos anos. Pode-se concluir que o objetivo foi atingido e os elementos identificados foram classificados como fortes, moderados e fracos quanto à sua presença e serviram de referência para proposições de melhorias do uso do conhecimento na organização, tornando-se esta a principal contribuição deste trabalho para a empresa em questão, com indicações de como gerar, codificar e transferir o conhecimento e, principalmente, de como transformar o conhecimento tácito em explícito, já que o conhecimento tácito na empresa pesquisada é predominante e de muita qualidade, destacando-se para isso, a necessidade de um corpo gerencial treinado, com atribuições e responsabilidades definidas para conduzir o uso do conhecimento na empresa através da Tecnologia, dos Processos e das Pessoas.

Entre o mundo da vida e o mundo sistêmico: a gestão de formação continuada no cenário da Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Sá, Clarissa Lima de 27 November 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Márcio Maia (marciokjmaia@gmail.com) on 2016-09-06T17:48:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2485262 bytes, checksum: 87764e22fed2fd674125c7928ebed6c4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-06T17:48:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2485262 bytes, checksum: 87764e22fed2fd674125c7928ebed6c4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-11-27 / In the scenario of globalization and digital technologies of information and communication, management of organizations, whether public, private or third sector, tend to reorder actions, proceedings, decisions and strategies according to the circumstances of sociopolitical reality and economic and cultural marking the beginning of the XXI century. In this context, the management of organizational continuing education has been established as a policy or as cyclical planning for the operation and success of reason, goals, vision, planning and organizational identity. In Brazil, in recent years, legal provisions institutionalized implementation of learning processes in the civil service in order to qualify the provision of services to society from the achievement of one of the pillars of education in this century: learning to learn. In this respect, this research aims to analyze the management of ongoing training of technical and administrative staff of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) in the light of Habermas's theory of society. In methodological terms, it is a field research, supported mainly by qualitative approach, characterized as descriptive and exploratory research, with bibliographic and documentary procedures. To achieve the objectives was applied as a semi-structured interview data collection instrument, and data analysis was founded in the procedures of content analysis. It was possible to understand that the technical and administrative staff of UFPB understand the importance of continuing education to better perform their work functions, however, the financial perspective / power, with investments in systemic world, it is the propellant factor for search training continued. The results unfold, too, that the servers would like the training carried out by the institution have reflected beyond functional activities, and thus to attribute knowledge to be / knowledge linked to Habermas lived world. In addition, it became clear that the guys feel the need to participate in the drafting of the training plan promoted for the sake of development, implying also that the very evasions occurred are due to lack of interest in a training plan that does not cover their real needs. Thus, there is the ongoing training of technical and administrative, under the server's perspective and based on the proposal of the Theory of Habermas' Society, was shot in the duality between systemic world (money / power) and lived world (be / know), but apparently without overlapping or colonization a world platform on another. It follows that there must be a transformation of server management training in a public space in which the servers themselves can discuss the best idea for their effective development, and is in line with the ideas of a political personnel management, in which the server feel effectively organization copartícipe. / No cenário da globalização e das tecnologias digitais da informação e comunicação, a gestão das organizações, sejam estas públicas, privadas ou do Terceiro Setor, tendem a reordenar ações, processos, decisões e estratégias de acordo com as circunstâncias atuais da realidade sócio-político e econômico-cultural que marcam o início do Século XXI. Nesse contexto, a gestão da formação continuada organizacional tem se constituído como política ou como ordenamento conjuntural para o funcionamento e o sucesso da razão, metas, visão, planejamento e identidade organizacionais. No Brasil, nos últimos anos, dispositivos legais institucionalizaram a implantação de processos de aprendizagem no servidor público, no intuito de qualificar a prestação de serviços à sociedade a partir da conquista de um dos pilares da educação neste século: aprender a aprender. Nesse aspecto, esta pesquisa propõe analisar a gestão da formação continuada dos servidores técnico-administrativos da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), à luz da teoria da sociedade habermasiana. Em termos metodológicos, trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo, subsidiada preponderantemente pela abordagem qualitativa, caracterizando-se como pesquisa descritiva e exploratória, com procedimentos bibliográfico e documental. Para o alcance dos objetivos foi aplicado como instrumento de coleta de dados a entrevista semiestruturada, e a análise de dados foi fundada nos procedimentos da análise de conteúdo. Os resultados possibilitaram compreender que os servidores técnico-administrativos da UFPB compreendem a importância da formação continuada para melhor desempenho de suas funções laborais, no entanto, a perspectiva financeira/poder, com aporte no mundo sistêmico, é o fator propulsor para a busca da formação continuada. Os resultados desvelam, também, que os servidores gostariam que as capacitações realizadas pela instituição tivessem reflexo além das atividades funcionais, e assim atribuíssem conhecimento para o ser/saber atrelado ao mundo vivido habermasiano. Além disso, ficou claro que os sujeitos sentem necessidade de participarem da elaboração do plano de capacitação promovido em prol de seu desenvolvimento, inferindo ainda, que as evasões ocorridas muito se devem ao desinteresse por um plano de capacitação que não engloba suas reais necessidades. Desse modo, observa-se que a formação continuada dos técnico-administrativos, sob a perspectiva do servidor e com base na proposta da Teoria da Sociedade habermasiana, baliza-se na dualidade entre mundo sistêmico (dinheiro/poder) e mundo vivido (ser/saber), mas aparentemente sem sobreposição ou colonização de uma plataforma de mundo sobre a outra. Conclui-se que deve haver a transformação da gestão de formação do servidor em um espaço público no qual os próprios servidores possam discutir a melhor ideia para seu desenvolvimento efetivo, coadunando-se com as ideias de uma gestão de pessoas política, na qual o servidor sinta-se, efetivamente, copartícipe da organização.

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