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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Queer Politics

Plötz, Andy 26 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Unter Queer Politics wird eine spezifische Form des politischen Aktivismus verstanden, bei dem eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit gesellschaftlichen Konstruktionsprozessen von Geschlecht und Sexualität, die sozialen Folgen solcher Prozesse und ihre Einbindung in Macht- und Herrschaftsverhältnisse fokussiert werden. Queer Politics wurden insbesondere durch die Befreiungskämpfe der lesbischen und schwulen sowie der feministischen Bewegungen des 20. Jahrhunderts geprägt. Die Queer Theory bildet den wichtigsten theoretischen Hintergrund. Kritik wird vor allem hinsichtlich der Unschärfe des Begriffs queer, als auch queerer Identitätspolitiken formuliert.

Representación de las homosexualidades en el teatro de Rafael Mendizábal y de Michel Marc Bouchard

Côté, Olivier 05 1900 (has links)
À partir d’une étude descriptive et comparative des pièces dramatiques Les Feluettes (1987) et Les Muses orphelines (1988) de Michel Marc Bouchard (Québec) ainsi que Feliz cumpleaños, señor ministro (1992) et Madre amantísima (2003) de Rafael Mendizábal (Espagne), le présent mémoire traite de la représentation des homosexualités à travers les relations amoureuses et familiales, les subversions du genre, l’homophobie, ainsi que la pandémie de sida et son impact au niveau théâtral et littéraire. L’approche méthodologique employée est la perspective des études du genre et des études queer. Comme conclusions, on constate que les relations amoureuses sont marquées par la valorisation paradoxale du cadre de l’amour romantique classique, entre libération et homonormativité, en plus d’une représentation de la sexualité articulée par des rôles polarisés. Les relations familiales, pour leur part, s’organisent autour de la figure paternelle associée avec d’importantes nuances au discours dominant hétérosexiste, et se décline parallèlement en la figure du père absent et désintéressé. De même, les figures maternelles sont majoritairement absentes ou effacées, bien que ce constat soit renversé par une figure maternelle traditionnelle particulièrement forte. Dans tous les cas, la figure maternelle reste idéalisée. Les identités de genres sont étudiées sous l’angle des identités dichotomiques lesbiennes et de l’effémination entant que subversions des normes dominantes du genre et l’articulation sexiste du phénomène de l’homophobie, motivé par le tabou de l’homoérotisme et son poids en scène. / Based on a descriptive and comparative study of Michel Marc Bouchard’s Les Feluettes (1987) and Les Muses orphelines (1988) from Quebec, along with Rafael Mendizábal’s Feliz cumpleaños, señor ministro (1922) and Madre amantísima (2003) from Spain, this study deals with the representation of homosexualities in theatre through love and family relationships, gender subversions, homophobia, as well as the AIDS pandemic and its literary and theatrical impact. The methodological framework borrows from queer and gender studies. This study concludes that homoerotic love relationships are defined by the paradoxical valorisation of the frames of classical romantic love, between liberation and homonormativity, and a representation of sexuality articulated on polarized roles. For their part, family relationships are organized around the father-figure linked in different shades to the dominant, heterosexist discourse, alongside the figure of the absent and uncompromised father. Likewise, the maternal figures are mainly absent or self-effacing, even though this statement is reversed by an especially strong maternal figure. In all cases, mother-figures remain idealized. Gender identities are studied from the angle of lesbian dichotomous identities and effemination as subversions of dominant norms of gender, and also considering the sexist articulation of homophobia, strengthened by the taboo of homoerotism and its weight in the theatrical discourse. / A partir de un estudio descriptivo y comparativo de las obras Les Feluettes (1987) y Les Muses orphelines (1988) del quebequense Michel Marc Bouchard y de Feliz cumpleaños, señor ministro (1992) y Madre amantísima (2003) del español Rafael Mendizábal, esta memoria trata de la representación de las homosexualidades a través las relaciones amorosas y familiares, las subversiones del género, la homofobia así como la pandemia de sida y su impacto a nivel teatral y literario. El marco teórico en el que se inscribe este estudio son los estudios de género y los estudios queer. Como conclusiones de este estudio, se constata que las relaciones amorosas son marcadas por la paradójica valorización del marco del amor romántico clásico, entre liberación y homonormatividad, además de una representación de la sexualidad articulada en roles polarizados. Por su parte, las relaciones familiares se enredan alrededor de la figura del padre asociada a diferentes grados al discurso dominante heterosexista, y que también se declina en la figura del padre ausente. Del mismo modo, las figuras maternas son mayoritariamente ausentes o borrosas, aunque una figura materna particularmente fuerte sea la excepción de la regla. En todos los casos, la figura materna permanece idealizada. Las identidades de género son estudiadas a partir de las identidades lesbianas dicotómicas y de la afeminación como subversio-nes de las normas dominantes del género y la articulación sexista del fenómeno de la homofobia, motivado por el tabú del homoerotismo y su peso en el escenario. / A partir de um estudo descritivo e comparativo das peças teatrais Les Feluettes (1987) e Les Muses orphelines (1988) do quebequense Michel Marc Bouchard e de Feliz cumpleaños, señor ministro (1992) e Madre amantísima (2003) do espanhol Rafael Mendizábal, esta tese discurre sobre a representação das homossexualidades no teatro a través das relações amorosas e familiares, das subversões do gênero, da homofóbia assim como da pandemia de sida e do seu impacto à altura do teatro e da literatura. O quadro teórico no que este estudo se encaixa são os estudos de gênero e os estudos queer. Nas conclusões, parece que as relações amorosas são marcadas pela valorização paradoxal do marco do amor romántico clássico, entre liberação e homonormatividade, além de uma representação da sexualidade articulada em funções polarizadas. Pela sua parte, as relações familiares enmaranham-se em torno à figura do pai-de-família, associada com maior o menor força ao discurso dominante heterossexista, que também fica presente sob a figura do pai ausente. Da mesma maneira, as figuras maternáis são ausentes u apagadas en maioria, mesmo se uma figura maternal notadamente forte seja a excepção da regla. Em todo caso, a figura da mãe fica sendo idealizada. As identidades de gênero são estudadas a partir das identidades lésbicas dicotómicas e da afeminação como subversões das normas dominantes do gênero e a articulação sexista do fenómeno da homofobia, motivada pelo tabu do homoerotismo e o seu peso no cenário. / Основываясь на описательно-сравнительном анализе пьес Мишеля Марка Бушара (Квебек) Les Feluettes 1987 году и Les Muses orphelines 1988 году, а также Рафаэля Мендисабаля (Испания) Feliz cumpleaños, señor ministro 1992 году и Madre amantísima 2003 году, данное эссе затрагивает тему гомосексуализма через любовь и семейные отношения, искажение половых ролей, гомофобию, распространение СПИДа, и его влияние в литературе и театре. Любовные отношения определены главным образом рамками классической романтической любви между освобождением и гомонормативностью, наряду с представлением о сексуальности, выраженном в противоположных ролях. Семейные отношения строятся вокруг фигуры отца, олицетворяющей доминирующие общественные нормы и табу гомосексуализма, или фигуры рассеянного и отвлеченного отца. Таким же образом, фигуры матери в основном незначительны или незаметны, однако это утверждение может быть опровержено присутствием особенно сильной материнской фигуры в других пьесах. В любом случае, фигуры матери остаются идеализированы. Гендерная пренадлежность изучаются с точки зрения двоякого понимания личности лесбиянок как искажения доминирующих половых ролей, а также учитывая сексистское выражение гомофобии, укрепленное табу гомоэротизма и его значения в рамках театра. / انطلاقا من دراسة وصفية و مقارنة لأعمال الزنابق والمصادر الروحية اليتيمة لميشال مارك بوشارد (كيبيك ) وكذلك عيد ميلاد سعيد والسيد الوزير و الأم المحبة لرفايل مونديزبال (إسبانيا ) ، تعالج هذه الأطروحة موضوع المثلية الجنسية عبر علاقات الحب و العلاقات العائلية، فتن الجنس، فوبيا المثلية، و كذلك وباء السيدا و تأثيرها على المستوى المسرحي و الأدبي . تتميز علاقات الحب بتعزيز متناقض لإطار الحب الرومانسي الكلاسيكي، بين حرية و رؤيا منفتحة و عادية للمثلية الجنسية، بالإضافة إلى تمثيل النشاط الجنسي بناء على أدوار الإستقطاب . فيما يخص العلاقات العائلية، فإنها تنظم حول شخص الأب المرتبط بفوارق دقيقة و هامة ضمن الخطاب المهيمن للمغايرة الجنسية، و يتمحور بشكل موازي في هيئة الأب الغائب و غير المهتم . من خلال الرؤيا ذاتها تبقى شخوص الأمهات غائبة أو محذوفة على الرغم من أن هذه النتيجة تم الإطاحة بها من طرف شخصية الأم التقليدية القوية . في جميع الأحوال تبقى شخصية الأم نموذجية . تمت دراسة الهويات الجنسية من . زاوية الهويات المثلية الإنقسامية و التخنث كتخريب للمعايير المهيمنة للجنس و التعبير الجنسي للمثلية بدافع تحريم الشهوة المثلية والتأثير الناجم عنه في المشهد المجتمعي

Waxing Ornamental : Reading a Poetics of Excess in Virginia Woolf’s Orlando and Djuna Barnes’s Nightwood

Taylor, Benjamin 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise porte sur une poétique de l’excès dans Orlando de Virginia Woolf et Nightwood de Djuna Barnes comme une stratégie combattant la tendance qu’a le modernisme à dévaloriser l’écriture des femmes comme étant trop ornementale. J’expose comment Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, et Wyndham Lewis tentent de récupérer la notion du détail afin d’affirmer une poétique masculin. Je fais appel également aux oeuvres de l’architecte autrichien Adolf Loos qui souligne sa dénonciation de l’ornement comme régressif. Dans Orlando et Nightwood, je considère l’excès associé au corps. Je soutiens que, dans ces textes, les corps dépassent les limites de la représentation moderniste. Je considère aussi comment Orlando et Nightwood font apparaître la narration comme ornement et écrivent excessivement l’histoire et le temps. Pour conclure, je propose une façon de lire l’excès afin de reconceptualiser le potentiel de production de la signification dans des textes modernistes. / My thesis explores a poetics of excess in Virginia Woolf’s Orlando and Djuna Barnes’s Nightwood as a strategy through which the authors combat modernism’s devaluation of women’s writing for being overly ornamental, detailed, and/or artificial. I examine how the critical writings of Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, and Wyndham Lewis attempt to reclaim the notion of detail for a masculine-oriented poetic project, and I look at how Austrian architect Adolf Loos’s work condemns ornament as backward and regressive. In treating Orlando and Nightwood directly, I consider the novels’ excessive and ornamental construction of bodies and how these bodies exceed the limits of existing modernist paradigms for representation. I also discuss narration as ornamentation in Orlando and Nightwood and how these novels excessively inscribe history and time. My conclusion proposes a practice of reading excess that rethinks this concept and its potential for producing meaning in modernist texts.

Rencontres au sein du cinéma québécois : une recherche-création intersectionnelle de la représentation des différences

Rouleau, Joëlle 01 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse-filmique s'articule autour de deux questions principales : comment aborder l’articulation des différences (qu’elles soient d’ordre genré, sexuel, culturel, racial, physique ou subjectif) telles qu'elles se retrouvent spécifiquement dans certains films québécois ; et, dans quelle mesure l’étude critique des différences permettent-elles de concevoir le cinéma comme un régime de la représentation (Hall 1997a) québécois articulé autour de certaines normativités (Butler, 2004)? On retrouve dans la littérature sur le cinéma québécois des préoccupations sur les questions associées à l’identité nationale liées avec des pratiques de différenciations identitaires et sociales (Poirier, 2004a, 2004b; Boulais, 2006; Barrette, 2009; Juteau et Fontaine, 1996) renvoyant à une opposition entre « nous/soi » et « l’Autre ». Afin de répondre à une urgence politique de considérer autrement ces questions, j’ai adopté une posture intersectionnelle (Bilge, 2009). L’intersectionnalité me permet d’aborder les différences de façon inductive afin d’ouvrir une discussion intégrée sur les rapports de pouvoir et l’articulation des oppressions. À ce sujet, je considère qu’une lutte de pouvoir autour de la représentation (Hall, 1997a; du Gay et al., 1997) s’inscrit dans une lutte plus large concernant des rapports de force dans la société québécoise. Inspirée par les théories queer et féministes, les études cinématographiques et les Cultural Studies, j’ai développé une méthodologie autoethnographique au sein d’une méthodologie de recherche-création (Sawchuk et Chapman, 2012). L’intermédialité de mon projet permet de nouvelles possibilités (Mariniello, 2000) notamment en créant un espace de réflexion favorisant l’échange entre diverses voix et expériences, mais également en brouillant les frontières méthodologiques et médiatiques de ma démarche, permettant d’approfondir de façon intuitive et exploratoire le concept de la rencontre. En effet, la rencontre et l’expérience de la rencontre ont joué un rôle à la fois conceptuel et personnel dans ce projet. Elle me permet d’éviter de fixer la différence, et plutôt de l’aborder dans son processus de reconnaissance et d’émergence d’une identité. / This thesis-film explores two core questions: First, how can we understand the articulation (Slack, 1996) of gender, sexual, cultural, or racial, physical, or subjective differences in certain Québec films? And second, how can a critical study of differences facilitate a conceptualization of Québéc cinema as part of a « regime of representation » (Hall, 1997) articulated around certain norms (Butler, 2004)? There is a recurring preoccupation in the scholarly literature on Québec cinema concerning questions of national identity, a preoccupation closely associated with practices of differentiation between “us” and “the Other” (Poirier, 2004a, 2004b; Boulais, 2006; Barrette, 2009; Juteau et Fontaine, 1996). In response to the political urgency of developing new ways of understanding these questions, I adopt an intersectional approach (Bilge 2009) that allows me to explore differences in an inductive manner in order to develop an integrated discussion of power relations and the articulation of different forms of oppression. I argue that power struggles over representation (Hall, 1997; du Gay et al., 1997) are articulated with broader power relations in Québec society. Inspired by queer and feminist theories, film studies and cultural studies, I develop an autoethnographic method (Maréchal, 2009) in the context of a research/creation process (Sawchuk and Chapman, 2012). My intermedial project allows for new possibilities (Mariniello, 2000), notably in facilitating dialogue between different voices and experiences, blurring the boundaries between different media and methods, and allowing me to develop the concept of the encounter. In fact, the conceptual exploration of the encounter and the personal experience of encounters were crucial to my project. An ethical and intermedial exploration of the encounter permits me to to avoid fixing differences, and rather to explore differences in a process of recognition and the emergence of identity.

Here I Am And Here I’m Not: Queer Women’s Use Of Temporary Urban Spaces In Post-Katrina New Orleans

Hermannsdóttir, Vigdís María 15 May 2015 (has links)
This thesis builds on previous work on the relationship between queer identities and urban space. Drawing from an analysis of two recurring New Orleans-based queer women’s events, I examine how lesbians and queer women not only use but also actively produce social spaces of their own through participation in events organized specifically for lesbians and queer women. Using qualitative methods, I examine the ephemeral and transient quality of lesbian and queer women’s social spaces in post-Katrina New Orleans and the processes through which such spaces come into being. I argue that lesbian and queer women’s production of ephemeral social spaces provides an opportunity to ground informal social networks in urban spatial locations, to sustain internal visibility, and to create embodied impressions of a cohesive community by emphasizing the role of the body, not geographic borders, for reimagining social territories in urban landscapes. Within this context, attention is given to the class-based and racial projects that affect the trajectory of contemporary queer urban space formation and queer women’s experiences therein.

Queer geografie sexualit: sociokulturní organizace sexualit v prostoru a (de)konstrukce heteronormativity. / Queer geografie sexualit: sociokulturní organizace sexualit v prostoru a (de)konstrukce heteronormativity.

Pitoňák, Michal January 2015 (has links)
Geographies of sexualities started to develop within the Anglo-American academic context during the late 1980s. In the 1990s, propelled by the cultural turn, the swelling of post-structuralist and postmodern critiques, and a growing recognition of the limitations to scientific knowledge production and representation, geographers of sexualities introduced queer theory into human geography. Queer theory provided human geography with powerful tools for approaching not only straightforward spatialities of sexualities, but this new lens contributed to the development of human geographies as such. Currently, at least in the Anglo-Saxon geographical context, the field of geographies of sexualities is considered part of mainstream human geography. Therefore, the main goal of this thesis is to provide a few lines of reasoning for the development of geographies of sexualities in Czechia and Central Eastern Europe (CEE) and introduction of post-structuralist understandings, specifically queer theory. In contrast to other phenomena that may be locally exclusive or particular, human sexualities are everyplace, albeit quite variable and dependent on the context in which they "enter into language," become institutionalized, and are regulated. Geographers have been specifically insightful about the ways in which...

The need of separatist spaces : a queer feminist exploration of saunas and lesbian spaces / Och där med basta : ett queerfeministiskt utforskande av behovet av separatistiska rum

Schmidt, Kim January 2019 (has links)
This thesis explores separatist spaces, with focus on lesbian spaces, with the aim of enabling discussion about the need and configuration of that type of spaces. The focus is on exclusion as a method for achieving an equal society in the long term. Grounded in the queer phenomenology that concludes that gender has to do with access to space, and by the repetition of actions, gender segregation takes place in a way that seems effortless. It also deals with that queer, and other minorities, bodies need to orient themselves in a certain way to avoid assault. To orient themselves in a certain way, the space will need to be re-inhabited. The conclusion from that is that there is a need of separatist spaces for minority groups in order at times to get a break from the need to stay aware of the surroundings. This need is strengthened by cataloguing existing separatist spaces based on gender, sexuality and race. In Sweden today separatism is used as a practice to fight structural discrimination. However, separatist spaces face a resistance from the majority society. Following these conclusions the design project is carried out partly in 1:1 actions of separatist spaces, such as hosting sauna clubs where a group of people are invited to sauna together and talk. Part of the project is carried out in smaller scale. Feminist methodology has been used with a focus on architecture as a process rather than an object and using norm-creative design as a tool. / Uppsatsen och projektet utforskar separatistiska rum, med fokus för platser för lesbiska. Målet är att möjliggöra för en diskussion om behovet och utformningen av separatistiska rum. Fokuset är på exkludering som metod för att långsiktigt kunna uppnå ett jämlikt samhälle. Den teoretiska grunden är i queer fenomenologi som konstaterat att kön har att göra med tillgång till platser, och att genom en repetition av handlingar skapas en könssegregation som upplevs som den sker utan ansträngning. Den tar även upp hur queera, och andra minoriteter, orienterar sina kroppar på vissa sätt för att undvika påhopp och övergrepp. För att orientera sina kroppar på ett visst sätt behovet rummet om-bebos. Slutsatsen från det är att minoriteter behöver separatistiska rum för att kunna pausa från att ständigt ha fokus på omgivningarna. Detta stärkts genom en katalogisering av några separatistiska sammanhang baserat utifrån kön, sexualitet och ras. I Sverige idag används separatism som ett verktyg för att motverka strukturell diskriminering. Trots det så möter separatism motstånd från majoritetssamhället. Utifrån dessa slutsater har design projektet gjorts delvis i skala 1:1 av att organisera separatistiska arrangemang, så som att arrangera bastuklubbar där personer bjuds in till en bastu för samtal. En annan del har gjort i en mindre skala. Under designprocessen har en feministisk metod med fokus på arkitektur som en process snarare än som ett objekt samt att använda normkreativ design.

Les masculinités dans les films musicaux et les mélodrames de Jacques Demy et Vincente Minnelli / Masculinities in the musical films and melodramas by Vincente Minnelli and Jacques Demy

Bouarour, Sabrina 11 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse explore les masculinités comme un terrain pluridisciplinaire pour penser les rapportsde pouvoir. A partir d’un rapprochement entre les films musicaux et les mélodrames réalisés parJacques Demy et Vincente Minnelli, ce travail examine les performances masculines dans lecontexte de l’après-guerre. Cette période de transformations sociales voit l’avènementd’une culture filmique transatlantique qui interroge et remet en cause les normes liées au genreet à la sexualité. Articulant approches esthétique et actorale, l’étude de la mise en scène met aujour la production de discours genrés ambivalents, historicisés en fonction des spécificités socio-culturelles propres aux cadres de production hollywoodien et français. Le film musical et lemélodrame, dans leur esthétique camp, se révèlent des lieux de négociations identitaires où seconstruit un rapport inédit au politique. On montre ici que les deux cinéastes, réunis par leur stylemélodramatique analogue, imaginent et rêvent des modèles de masculinités alternatives fondéessur des valeurs empathiques. Devant la caméra, la vulnérabilité, les émotions et les grandssentiments deviennent des armes politiques pour refonder et réinventer la communauté. / This thesis explores masculinities as a multidisciplinary field for thinking power relations. By connecting musical films and melodramas by Jacques Demy and Vincente Minnelli, this work examines male performances in the post-war context. This period of social transformations has given rise to the emergence of a transatlantic film culture that questions and challenges normsrelated to gender and sexuality. Articulating aesthetic and cultural studies approaches, the study of mise en scène brings to light the production of ambivalent gendered discourses, historicized according to the specific socio-cultural aspect of Hollywood and French film production environments. Musical films and melodramas, through their camp aesthetics, reveal themselvesas spaces of identity negotiation where an unprecedented rapport with politics is constructed. Both filmmakers, united by their similar melodramatic style, imagine and dream about models of alternative masculinities based on empathic values. In front of the camera, vulnerability, emotions and strong feelings become political weapons to refound and reinvent the community.

Cowboy och andra djur : En faktabok om djurs känslor / Cowboy and other animals : A factbook about animal's feelings

Welinder, Johanna YOYO NASTY January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Kärlekens skugg-gömma : om det queera begäret i Maria Gripes skuggromaner / The Shadowed Mirror of Desire : queer desires in Maria Gripe's shadow-novels

Torefeldt, Stina January 2018 (has links)
Maria Gripe’s shadow-series consists of four novels written in the 1980s and feature a character who present themselves as both as a girl and a boy. Carolin, also known as Carl has got a mysterious and captivating aura that leaves everybody fascinated and most people enamoured with him/her. Carolin shares many similarities with the 19th century author Carl Jonas Love Almqvist’s character Tintomara from the novel The Queen’s Tiara (Drottningens juvelsmycke). This essay examines the desire that is aimed at Carolin and explores the queer situations that arises as consequences of his/her cross dressing. I comparatively analyse the desire expressed in the shadow-series and The Queen’s Tiara to find similarities in who is affected by it and where the queer situations occur. The damaging effect of the desire is explored as well. The essay concludes that while most situations can be viewed as both heterosexual and homosexual Gripe uses genres and metaphors that amplify the queerness. Both Carolin and Tintomara are greatly affected by the desire toward them and get hurt because of it. Gripe and Almqvists charismatic androgynous characters bring desire and despair wherever they go, at least as long as they do not conform to society’s norm of gender dichotomy.

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