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在墨西哥創設中文學校之商業企畫書 / Business plan for a chinese language institute in mexico古睿森, Cruz, Carlos Unknown Date (has links)
In this thesis I provide a business plan for the establishment of a Chinese Language Institute in the city of Querétaro, México. The city of Querétaro is and advantageous location for the operations of this institute. It is highly developed and ranked the most innovative in the country for its industry and education, which is reflected in its population’s levels of education, professional capabilities and income. The city is also attractive to foreign investment for the establishment of their operations, and more recently, attracting interest from Asian corporations.
With competitive prices, academic excellence and comprehensive materials, we expect to serve the population in Queretaro ranging of ages between 3 and 45. We will deliver quality services with mandarin native-speaking professors who will additional have a background and training in teaching and languages. This will be our main differentiator. We believe this will provide students of all ages with the tools and preparation to be competitive in the global panorama in which we live today.
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課程目標之研究-並兼評述現行國小社會科目標蔣素靜, Jiang, Su-Jing Unknown Date (has links)
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中國民營上市集團企業之控股型態及公司治理衡量指標之研究 / A research on ownership structure and corporate governance performance indicators of Chinese private business groups黃培琳 Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果顯示,德隆及復星企業集團(系)股權仍屬集中,集團旗下上市公司均有持股超過三成的單一大股東,且均透過金字塔之股權結構控制其集團企業,但交叉持股情形不明顯。其中,德隆系大都透過未上市公司取得集團內上市公司持股控制,復星系則大都透過集團內上市公司轉投資未上市公司,並經由各未上市公司再持股其他上市公司(屬間接互相持股性質),取得股權控制。以傳統偏離指標(盈餘分配權與股份控制權之偏離)上,兩集團偏離程度相近;但以盈餘分配權與席次控制權或以席次控制權與股份控制權之偏離比率來衡量偏離程度時,德隆系偏離程度明顯高於復星系。此外,兩大集團均設有獨立董事,及由職工代表出任監事會;但分析結果亦顯示,法令雖規定應由職工代表監事席次,但集團內仍有部分上市公司未依法設置。 / Based on an ultimate controller(s) perspective and using a case study approach to two private business groups—DeLong and Fuson—in China, this research analyzes the ownership structure, board structure, and measurement of governance indicators of theses groups. In specific, this research first discuss the attributes of ownership structure of the individual business group, followed by the computation of voting rights, cash-flow rights, the degree of control through board seats (board-seat control), and the related deviation between theses control power owned by the ultimate controller. In addition, in-depth comparisons of governance features between these two groups are also performed.
The analysis indicates that the concentration of ownership is relatively high for both DeLong and Fuson groups. There exits one single largest shareholder with more than 30% of shareholdings, and the formation of pyramidal ownership structure is also common for both groups. However, cross-holding is not obvious for either group. In DeLong, the ultimate owners exercise their voting control through their unlisted companies. In contrast, the ultimate owners of Fuson exercise their voting rights through unlisted companies that invested by the listed companies. The deviation between cash-flow rights and voting rights of these two business groups are similarm while the deviation between cash-flow rights and board-seat control and the deviation between voting rights and board-seat control is significantly higher for DeLong groups. Furthermore, the corporate boards of DeLong and Fuson groups are composed of both independent board directors and workers' representatives on the supervisory board. Although it is mandatory to have a minimum numbers of workers' representatives on the supervisory board, it is not uncommon to find the lack of full compliance to this requirement.
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墨西哥外交政策研究 / Mexican Foreign Policy Research楊世琪, Yang, Shih Chi Unknown Date (has links)
有些學者認為,一國依地位、歷史、政治諸環境,所擬定的固定與長期性外交目標應視為外交原則(Principle of Foreign Policy)而非外交是不易變動的,外交政策則因時勢的推移、環境的轉變、利害的權衡,而可以隨機應變。睽諸墨西哥外交史,自始即強調了"民族自決"與"不干預原則"。為貫徹此原則,墨西哥外交政策便屢有調整。一方反對大國干預,爭取經濟獨立,帶領拉丁美洲國家整體化發展,由區域開發與利益的保護觀點與大國相抗;一方也必須採取務實方略,認清國家發展的重點仍離不開北方巨人的奧援,故而調整政策與美國親善。鑑於外交原則是墨西哥外交政策重要的政策意涵所在,本文特就墨西經驗與獨特地理位置,索引墨西哥外交政策發展的軌跡,提供一種全方位的觀察角度。尤其置重於七O年代以后,墨西哥努力成為區域主權領導者,其堅決同"第三世界國家"打成一片的外交政策,率先提出"各國經濟權利與義務憲章"成為發展中國家向工業化國家進行鬥爭的象徵。墨西哥限於本身國力,雖未能以強國姿態左右區域動向,但曾挾其富有石油力量促進區域之穩定。尤有進者八0年代的"康塔多拉集團"(Contadora Group)積極斡旋中美洲動亂的努力成就有目共睹。惟一九八二年石油危機與債務危機,卻帶來倒退厄運。墨西哥除了推倡拉美經濟整合,一方亦努力尋找更多發展機會,與西方國家與東亞國家的經濟互動異常活躍。與此同時,墨西哥也意識到要擺脫美國依賴,無法單純採取疏離美國之作法,而是要正視這份關係,變被動為主導,將與美國相近作為一種優勢,利用同美國的關係發展自己。經濟與外交的多元化,刻正帶領墨西哥走上已開發國家的路向。尤其在北美由貿易協定格局之下,根據美國紐澤西洲Polyconomics公司評估,墨西哥挾其資源與實力,將可成為"另一個台灣"。墨西哥積極外交政策施為、墨美關係之今昔與墨西哥經濟外交及國家發展的關連。筆者認為,惟有跨時空地自歷史、地理、政治、經濟角度觀察墨西哥外交政策,方有全盤性的系統敘述。
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非營利組織在服務過程中的文化衝突與適應—以伊甸社會福利基金會為例楊玉如 Unknown Date (has links)
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「那神教育學」(Pedagogy of No-thing):從奇幻敘事看靈性教育之人類圖像 / Pedagogy of “No-thing”: A Human Picture of Spiritual Education from the view of Fantasy Narration梁可憲, Liang, Ke Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採文本分析,融入「皺摺、展開、再皺褶」及「詮釋、再詮釋與過度詮釋」的概念與方法,著眼於「人與超自然」向度來詮釋靈性教育的人類圖像。本文共分六章:第一章,導論:緣起說「圓」,為本研究的緒論;第二章,究竟起「源」:創世與起「源」,為文獻探究與前導,指出源即是靈;第三章,迷宮探「園」:謎樣的世界,旨在闡述「界意在破(無)」;第四章,穿越奇「緣」:隧道的盡頭,旨在闡述「道意在無(悟)」;第五章,另度次「元」:空間與過門,旨在闡述「門意在空(心)」;第六章,總結:究極奧「圓」— 〇、●、 、◎,回顧與統整「那神」的人類圖像。
本研究嘗試勾勒之「那神教育學」圖像,或可稱為靈性教育的人類圖像,此圖像模型主要有三層(嚴格來說有五層),上下有其位置,但沒有先後順序或優劣之分,分別以基層的太極陰陽圖、中層的環狀隧道和上層的三角體形構,並透過「噬尾龍」的蘊義,闡釋「人即是神、神即是人」的循環圖像。 / The purpose of dissertation is trying to verify the imagination can be the connection between the education and literature. Imagination can connect and mediate among the multi-dimensions. One of the important things of education, not only for children but also for adults, is to cultivate and maintain the imaginative capacity. In this reason, my dissertation adopts the literature narrative and care about spiritual education. Especially, I use the folk literature with rich fantasy to do the re-imagine and re-interpretation for illustrate the meaning of the whole human picture.
The methodology of the dissertation are use the "folding, unfolding and re-folding " and "interpretation, reinterpretation and Overinterpretation" and so on, with the fantasy narrative in "human being and supernatural", to interpret the human picture of spiritual education. There are six chapters in this paper: Chapter Ⅰ, Introduction: the Origin and "circle"; Chapter Ⅱ, Explores the Beginning: the Genesis and Origins; Chapter Ⅲ, Explore the Maze "Garden": the Mystery World, aims to set forth "Boundary to be Break (No)"; Chapter Ⅳ, Meet the “Fate”: At the End of the Tunnel, to elaborate "Road means None (Enlighten)"; Chapter Ⅴ, Another Dimension: Space and Threshold, to elaborate "Door means Empty (Heart)"; Chapter Ⅵ, Conclusion: The Ultimate "Round"— 〇、●、 、◎, Review and integrate the human picture of "No-thing".
I try to describe the picture of "Pedagogy of No-thing" or called the human picture of Spiritual Education. There is a vertical structure with three levels in the picture (strictly speaking there are five levels) but no priority among them. The foundation is “Tai Chi”, the middle is “Ring Tunnel”, and the top is Triangular Shape in the structure. Through the “Ouroboros” (bite the tail dragon) interprets the picture of "human being is god, and god is human being ".
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集團持股對台灣銀行業績效之影響 / The impact of conglomerates shares on performance of commercial banks in Taiwan楊育霖 Unknown Date (has links)
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論戴維森詮釋理論中的慈善原則謝佩珊 Unknown Date (has links)
筆者在這篇論文中所要說明的是:慈善原則(Principle of Charity)在戴維森(Donald Davidson)詮釋理論中的必要性。 在本篇論文中,筆者並不刻意的採取支持或是反對的立場。筆者所要做的是,以戴維森的角度著眼,並進而探討為什麼對於戴維森而言,慈善原則是其詮釋理論中一個極為重要的主張,並且,是一個無法避免的一個預設。在此,我們將說明此原則所涉及的實質內容與作用是什麼,以及戴維森是如何證成此原則的。
慈善原則在戴維森的詮釋理論中不僅僅對我們的經驗做出某些要求,而且此原則還是一個先驗的原則。它所涉及的範圍包括了我們的信念、欲望、意義以及行動的部分。 從詮釋理論的角度來看,慈善原則所允許的是,在不同的語言之間者,我們依然能夠進行了解以及溝通的工作。這個原則所要求的是,我們必須將我們的詮釋對象視為大體上與我們的理性是相一致的。換而言之,詮釋者必須假設與被詮釋者之間,擁有基本的理性模式。在這個先驗原則的要求與限制下,包含了一個對詮釋理論的限制,而其所依據的亦即是慈善原則。
在本篇論文的鋪陳上,將分為三個章節來說明其所主張的觀點。筆者希望能夠透過上述各個章節的鋪陳,而展示出慈善原則在戴維森的詮釋理論中為什麼是不可避免的預設,以及這個主張的實質作用為什麼涉及了信念、欲望、意義以及行動的部分。最後,我們將以「三角測量隱喻」(triangulation metaphor)初步的證成此原則。首先,要知道的是,我們可以把戴維森的詮釋理論視為是真理理論,意義理論以及行動理論相互連結的理論,此三個要素在戴維森的詮釋理論是相互依存但卻不同的詮釋要素。我們將在第一章的討論內容中說明真理理論與意義理論的部分。在此,將可以看到戴維森的詮釋理論是由語意的形式結構把握語言的意義,並採取外延(extension)的進路表明公共且客觀的世界是個人信念和語言的主題所在; 而在第二章以及第三章的內容說明中,其所關連到的是意義理論以及信念理論的部分。同時,這亦即是是本篇論文所要處理的重點-----徹底詮釋的討論。在這部分的討論上,戴維森訴諸意義的經驗證據,他認為信念內容和語言意義得根據共同生活的人的思想內容、意向性行動等等。
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後冷戰時期歐盟與俄羅斯合作關係之研究 / The Cooperative Relationship Between the EU and Russia in the Post Cold War Era楊爵鴻, Yang, Johong Unknown Date (has links)
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改變之起始:巴特勒《比喻》系列之希望、烏托邦主義和生存 / Seeds of change: hope, utopianism and survival in Butler’s parable series禹金韻, Yu, Chin Yun Unknown Date (has links)
做為批評式反烏托邦的現代文類,《比喻》系列小說透過融合末日小說文類,論述希望、烏托邦主義與生存之間的辯證關係。《比喻》系列小說藉由地球之種(Earthseed)的信念及其核心思想「改變即是上帝」(“God is Change”) 強調生存的重要性,並將生存進一步分為兩個層次:即時生存(immediate survival)及永續生存(lasting survival),而即時生存與永續生存之間亦存在一種辨證關係。本論文目的為探討《比喻》系列小說中的希望、烏托邦主義與生存在《比喻》系列中的互動,及它們之間獨特的辨證關係如何反映當今社會的處境與現代烏托邦文學的趨勢。
本論文分為五個章節:第一章將烏托邦定義為以社會改變為目的的思想及文類;第二章闡述烏托邦文學領域的發展,並將《比喻》系列定位為批判式反烏托邦,以建構希望、烏托邦主義與生存之間的辯證關係;第三章與第四章透過《比喻》系列的文本例證研究希望、烏托邦主義與生存之間的辯證關係如何運作,第三章探討《撒種的比喻》與即時生存,而第四章則探討《才幹的比喻》與永續生存;最後,第五章總結《比喻》系列所反映的當今社會局勢,從文本中發現希望、烏托邦主義與生存之間的辯證關係,並藉由這三者之間關係的理解,避免人類文明社會可能面臨的災難。 / Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower and Parable of the Talents depict a postapocalyptic dystopian world, extrapolated from the problems of present day society to provide us with a warning of our conceivable future. They raise awareness of current social problems, while maintaining a locus of hope and providing possible alternatives for social change.
In the contemporary genre of “critical dystopias,” the Parable series merges together with the genre of postapocalyptic fiction to demonstrate a dialectical relationship between hope, utopianism and survival. The importance of survival is emphasized in the Parables through the belief system of Earthseed and its core idea of “God is Change,” and can be further distinguished into two levels—immediate survival and lasting survival, which also exist in a dialectical relationship with each other. The aim of this thesis is to discuss how the concepts of hope, utopianism and survival interact in the Parables, and what this unique dialectical relationship reflects about contemporary literary utopias and the present.
This thesis is divided into five chapters: Chapter One defines utopia through the function of social change; Chapter Two provides a brief overview of the development of the literary utopian genre and establishes the Parables as critical dystopias, a form that enables and constitutes the dialectical relationship of hope, utopianism and survival; Chapter Three and Four contain the textual analysis of how the dialectical relationship between hope, utopianism and survival functions in the Parables, with Chapter Three focusing on Parable of the Sower and immediate survival, and Chapter Four focusing on Parable of the Talents and lasting survival; finally, Chapter Five concludes with how the Parables relate to our present social conditions, and how understanding the dialectical relationship between hope, utopianism and survival may assist humanity’s effort to avert a major crisis.
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