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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林仲瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
雖然以往研究指出有許多變項會影響關係滿意度,但似乎忽視了「比較」此一變項也在改變關係滿意度中佔有一席之地(VanYperen & Buunk, 1994)。本研究從Buunk與Ybema(1997)的認同-對比模式,針對台灣一般大眾的親密關係進行社會比較研究,試圖瞭解「社會比較方向」是否會對正向情緒、負向情緒及關係滿意度產生影響,及其影響程度是否會受到「認同比較對象程度」與「社會比較傾向」的調節。本研究的主要設計為2(社會比較傾向:高、低)× 2(比較方向:向上、向下)× 2(對比較對象認同程度:高、低)的受試者間獨立設計,其中社會比較傾向用以愛荷華-荷蘭比較傾向量表(INCOM)施測;比較情境則由實驗者操弄,讓受試者閱讀不同比較對象之親密關係的編構故事版本;認同則遵循Buunk的派典加以測量。研究對象是在本研究進行時有交往對象者,第一階段受試者中男性267人、女性673人,第二階段受試者中男性36人、女性119人。調查所得資料分別以描述性統計、t檢定、MANOVA、ANOVA及階層迴歸等統計方法進行分析。研究結果發現,認同於向上比較對象的受試者,比起低(不)認同者,產生較高的正向情緒,較低的負向情緒,而認同於向下比較對象者比起不認同者,產生較多負向情緒,亦即發生了情緒的類化效果;低認同者,不管是向上或向下比較,在正向情緒上,沒有產生差別反應,但是在負面情緒上,則產生了情緒的對比效應,向上比較時,其負面情緒高於向下比較時,唯滿意度變化上無顯著影響。高社會比較傾向者的負向情緒於比較後顯著高於低社會比較傾向者,高社會比較傾向者的滿意度下降也顯著多於低社會比較傾向者,意即高社會比較傾向者較易受到社會比較的影響,特別是負向的社會比較效果。最後,研究者針對上述結果進行討論,並對本研究的限制與對未來研究的建議提出說明。

幾何圖像的平衡度與偏好度知覺歷程研究 / The Study of Perceptual Process of Balance and Aesthetic Preference in Geometric Images

林幸蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
平衡是視覺藝術中一項重要的構圖原則,因為它能將畫面中分散的元素統整起來,使得各個元素所造成的知覺強度或張力(tensions)能在平衡中心相互制衡,進而成為一個有秩序的整體,因此以往文獻對於平衡與美感偏好的關係有諸多論述。本研究目的在於以幾何圖像探討平衡性與美感偏好的知覺歷程。參考Wilson與Chatterjee(2005)的研究成果,本研究以幾何圖像為對象,除了對其實驗加以重複驗證,以及進行更深入的分析,並進一步將畫面元素的明暗納進來一併探討。本研究包括四項實驗,實驗一和實驗二皆採用二值化圖像探討平衡度及美感偏好度,實驗三和實驗四則是採用灰階圖像探討平衡度。實驗一探討圖像中元素位置的分布如何影響個體知覺到的整體平衡度,並根據分析結果以改進Wilson與Chatterjee的算則。實驗二探討圖像中元素分布位置之不同如何影響個體的美感偏好度,並探討偏好度與各項平衡指標的關係。實驗三探討圖像中元素的不同灰階是否影響個體知覺平衡度。實驗四則是以實驗三為基礎,進一步操弄畫面中元素的灰階變化,以觀察元素分布位置與灰階對整體平衡度知覺所造成的影響,並檢視改進後的算則是否更能有效預測主觀平衡度。結果指出,採用二值化圖像探討平衡度及美感偏好時,重心偏離度指標和四項軸對稱指標平均對於主觀平衡度均有極佳的預測力。然而,八項對稱指標平均對於主觀美感偏好有較佳的預測力。灰階的主要效果達顯著,支持先前灰階會影響主觀平衡度的想法。最後,將灰階權重納入算則後,大部分客觀平衡性指標對於主觀平衡度的預測力均有增加,然而其差異僅在重心偏離度指標達顯著。基於本研究結果,各分項指標對於主觀平衡度的預測力不盡相同,因此在發展預測主觀平衡度的指標時,應對各分項指標賦予不同的權重。然而,在尚無足以預測美感偏好之最佳指標的情況下,Wilson 與Chatterjee (2005)所發展出的八項對稱指標平均對其的預測力仍是最佳的。最後,研究者建議未來在從事相關研究時,應將影響平衡的因子一併納入考慮。 / Balance is an important compositional principle in visual arts. Balance gives unity to an image with separate elements, allowing them to produce visual forces and tensions that compensate for each other, and then becoming a whole with order. Previous research has provided plenty of discussions on the relationship between balance and aesthetic preference. The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptual process of balance and aesthetic preference in geometric images. Based on Wilson and Chatterjee (2005), geometric images were used again to reexamine their proposal more thoroughly and study the balance and aesthetic preference further taking grayscale into consideration. In this study, four experiments were conducted. Binary images were used in Experiments 1 and 2. Experiment 1 was aimed to test the effects of element distribution on perception of balance and further improve the algorithm proposed by Wilson and Chatterjee (2005). Experiment 2 was intended to investigate how element distribution affects aesthetic preferences and how each measure of balance is related to aesthetic preferences. In the Experiments 3 and 4, grayscale images were used instead. The goal of Experiment 3 was to test whether grayscale affects the perception of balance. Experiment 4 manipulated grayscale levels based on the results of Experiment 3. The goal of this experiment was to observe the effects of element distribution and grayscale levels on balance perception and examine whether introducing the grayscale weight into the algorithm could help predict subjective perception of balance. Results showed that for binary images, deviation of center of weight and the average of symmetry measures along four principal axes were good predictors for subjective balance rather than the average of eight symmetry measures. In contrast, aesthetic preferences were better predicted by the average of the eight measures of symmetry. The main effect of grayscale was significant, supporting the hypothesis that grayscale contributes to the subjective perception of balance. Finally, after the grayscale weight was included in the algorithm, most objective measures of balance improved predicting power for subjective perception of balance, but the difference was significant only for deviation of center of balance. According to the findings of this research, it is suggested that the weight of four measures of inner and outer symmetry should be reduced when applying to predict the perceived balance because including them lowered the predicting power. As to aesthetic preferences, the average of the eight measures of symmetry introduced by Wilson and Chatterjee (2005) was still a better index for predicting aesthetic preferences. Finally, this study suggested that future researchers should consider other factors which also affecting balance perception and evaluate their effects respectively.

近義詞「生命、生活」與「Life」之華英對比辨析- 以語料庫及問卷研究為本 / A Comparison of Mandarin Near Synonyms sheng1 ming4 (生命) and sheng1 huo2 (生活) with English ‘life’: A Contrastive Study Based on Corpus and Questionnaire

楊美儀, Yong, Mei Yee Unknown Date (has links)
「生命、生活」英文釋義均為「Life」,以英語為母語的外籍學生極易因母語干擾而產生使用偏誤,因此有必要進一步辨析此組詞彙。前人對於「生命」、「生活」的探究多止於字辭典討論,至今未有語料庫相關的研究,因此本文以語料庫為本(Chinese Gigaword 2,British National Corpus),分析語料庫中「生命」、「生活」與「Life」語料的語義關係。 本文首先彙整「生命」、「 生活 」與「Life」在華文及英文辭典中的詞義,探究其詞義之異同,再進一步分析及描述「生命」、「 生活 」與「Life」抽樣語料在語料庫中的分佈情形,包括語料詞頻、詞類及搭配共現等分佈情形。結果顯示,「生命」、「生活」與「Life」華英詞義無法完全對應,「Life」語料詞義頻率最高的三項詞義皆可與「生命」和「生活」詞義對應,但對應的不完全是「生命」及「生活」語料詞義頻率最高的三項詞義。「生命」與「生活」詞義的主要差異在於「生命」詞義趨向抽象,比喻能力較強,通常指向時間及強調對象。而「生活」詞義趨向具體,通常指向狀態及強調形式。本研究接下來使用語料庫「詞彙特性素描」功能觀察「生命」、「生活」與「Life」在語料庫中整體搭配共現的頻率與詞類分佈,以及使用「詞彙對照素描」功能觀察「生活」與「生命」搭配詞的「共現模式」及「唯一模式」。「Life」與「生命」及「生活」的搭配共現分佈相似但種類較少,主要反映在名詞上,英文與華文搭配詞的語義大多可對應。  最後,本論文以問卷實驗進一步探討以英語為母語的外籍學習者對「生活」與「生命」的習得和偏誤狀況,然後對比外籍學習者與華語母語者的差異。結果顯示,外籍學習者對「生命」與「生活」確有混淆的狀況,但對「生活」的掌握比「生命」較為嫻熟,而且會因英語出現而影響對「生命」與「生活」語義的認知,對「生命」與「生活」常用搭配詞的掌握能力也遠較母語者低落。 本論文的貢獻在於以語料庫為本,對英譯同是「Life」的華文易混淆近義詞「生命」與「生活」的語義進行了多面向綜合探究,包括華英詞義對比分析、語料庫的分佈情形、詞彙搭配的分佈及分類等。此外,也以問卷實驗探討外籍學習者對「生命」與「生活」這組詞彙的習得與偏誤狀況,並且與華語母語者做出對比,整理出其差異之處。上述結果證實語料庫對於近義詞研究有積極的作用,亦對華語文近義詞教學提供了參考作用。 / The Mandarin of sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 are both translated as 'life' in English. The native English-speaking students who study Mandarin often err in selecting the appropriate Mandarin term for ‘life’ due to cross-language interference. Hence, a more in-depth analysis of these two terms is necessary. Previous research for sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 were carried out mostly through the use of dictionaries. None of the research was corpus-based and supplemented by questionnaire. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to analyse the semantically relationship between sheng1 ming4, sheng1 huo2 and 'life' based on the Chinese Gigaword2 and British National Corpus. This thesis begins by summarizing the meanings of sheng1 ming4, sheng1 huo2, and ‘life’ based on their definitions as provided by Mandarin and English dictionaries. This thesis then expounds on the similarities and differences among the three words, and further analyses and describes the distribution of sheng1 ming4, sheng1 huo2 and ‘life’ in the corpus, including the distributions of frequency, senses and collocation. The results show that semantic of ‘life’ could not completely correspond with sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2, however, the top 3 of highest semantic frequency of ‘life’ could correspond with sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2, but not vice versa, the top 3 of highest semantic frequency of sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 are not completely correspond. The main difference between sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 is that sheng1 ming4 is more abstractive, with stronger metaphor ability, commonly directed to time or specific subject; while sheng1 huo2 is more concrete, commonly directed to status or form. Furthermore, this thesis utilizes the ‘word sketch’ function and observes the ‘common pattern’ and the ‘only pattern’ of sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 by ‘sketch difference’. The distribution of the collocation of ‘life’, sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 is similar but with less variations, mostly reflected in noun, and the collocation of English is commonly correspond with the meaning of Mandarin collocation. Lastly, this thesis surveys the acquisition of sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 by foreign students who are native speakers of English, and compares how these students perform in the questionnaire tasks. The results show that foreign students are confusing by selecting sheng1 ming4 or sheng1 huo2, but better at mastering sheng1 huo2 than sheng1 ming4, and that their interpretation of sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 are commonly affected by their command of English. In addition, their command of collocation between sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 is much lower than that of Mandarin native speakers. The findings of this thesis is obtained through conducts comprehensive inquiry from multiple perspectives method: including the contrastive analysis of Mandarin-English meaning, distribution and differentiation of word collocation for the Mandarin near synonyms sheng1 ming4, sheng1 huo2 and ‘life’. Furthermore, to survey acquisition of foreign students with regard to sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 via questionnaire, and compare the differences with Mandarin native speakers. The differences are then summarized. The above-mentioned results support the positive effect of corpus when researching near synonyms and serves as a reference for the teaching of Mandarin near synonyms.

俄漢親屬稱謂詞之對比:語義與文化研究 / A Comparative Study of Kinship Terms in Russian and Chinese

馬嘉霙 Unknown Date (has links)


葉滿足, Ye, Man-Zu Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 介紹對比聯立檢定之一般概念, 及其有關之研究限制。 第二章 研究等變異獨立常態母體下, 對比聯立檢定之t-全距檢定、F 檢定及Bonfe- rroni-t 檢定之建立理論。 第三章 探討不等變異獨立常態母體下, 如何以t-全距檢定、F 檢定及Bonferroni-t 檢定進行其對比之聯立檢定。 第四章 研究不獨立常態母體下, 進行對比聯立檢定之可能檢定方法。 第五章 對於上述三種方法進行綜合比較。 第六章 結論。


顏志龍 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的,在於以認知、情感和行為三個層次,來探討領導者對內、外團體部屬的組間偏私(intergroup bias)現象。主要核心議題為:(一)探討領導者對內、外團體部屬的「認知分化」(領導者在認知上能清楚區分內、外團體部屬間差異的程度)、「情感分化」(領導者對內、外團體部屬在情感上喜好不同的差距程度)和「行為分化」(領導者對內、外團體部屬在行為上差別待遇的程度)三者間的關係。(二)探討領導者的個人特性(公平價值觀、認知需求)是否會影響上述認知、情感和行為分化間關係。(三)領導者公平與否是否會影響其整體領導效能。研究者以Fazio(1990)的「動機與機會決定模式」(Motivation and Opportunity as Determinant model,MODE)為理論基礎,以結構方程式檢驗Fazio所提之「慎思歷程」(deliberative processing)(「認知」影響「情感」進而影響「行為」)和自發歷程(spontaneous processing)(「情感」影響「認知」進而影響「行為」),何者較能描述領導者對部屬之組間偏私現象。樣本為軍事院校學生(領導者),經由前導研究(工具及變項修正;N=42)、研究一(相關法;N=98)、研究二(實驗法;N=93)等三個研究,結果顯示:(一)「慎思歷程」較能描述領導者之組間偏私,亦即領導者之組間偏私歷程傾向於「認知分化」影響「情感分化」進而影響「行為分化」。(二)其中「認知分化」和「情感分化」呈正相關傾向,而高「認知分化」之所以會造成高「情感分化」,是由於領導者產生了外團體拒斥(out-group derogation)而非內團體偏私(in-group favoritism)。(三)「情感分化」亦和「行為分化」呈正相關趨勢,但此種相關趨勢的強弱會受到領導者的個人特性(公平價值、認知需求)的調節,當領導者為高公平價值 / 認知需求時,情感分化和行為分化的相關會比低公平價值 / 認知需求者來得低。(四)領導者公平與否(對部屬的情感 / 行為分化),並不會影響其整體領導效能。


劉育忠, Liu, Yu-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在通過對話與遊戲二個概念,一方面從事高達美與德希達二人思想之對比,另一方面探究教育中對話與遊戲之意義轉變與問題,企圖從二人思想的對比中汲取養分,嘗試解決教育中對話與遊戲概念的問題、與豐厚其意涵,並對教育學基本理論之建構提出啟示與建議。 首先,本研究分別針對高達美與德希達之思想與承繼加以說明,以理解二人思想主張之不同與所立足的共同根基;其次,分別分析教育中對話概念與遊戲概念其意義轉變與問題,並將二人思想中的對話概念與遊戲概念、加以釐清與對比,從中探論對教育中對話概念與遊戲概念的啟示;最後,從教育人類學、教育學知識論、教育倫理學等幾個面向,分別探論高達美與德希達二人思想中對話、遊戲概念之對比對教育學的啟示。 本研究經由歷史詮釋法、對比哲學法、理論分析法,以及歷史的---系統的分析法,獲致以下結論: 一、高達美與德希達二人都企圖在詮釋學活動中處理存有論的問題,但二者的主張卻存在著歧異。 二、高達美與德希達同樣沿繼了胡塞爾、海德格與尼采反叛現代科學技術宰制的路線,並加以深入發展,然而二人思想之差異處更有極大部分是源自於對這三位哲學家思想的不同詮釋。 三、高達美詮釋思想中的對話概念,具有現前、情境與互為主體等特殊性格,也具有做為語言的理想形式與本質、做為此在存有的開顯與真理朗現的托基,以及做為詮釋學的方法範本等意涵;更企圖以開放與善良的對話意願,來開展無止盡的對話,以邁向同一的征途。 四、德希達解構思想中的對話概念,則企圖透過批判對話中的語音中心主義、邏各斯中心主義及現前形上學來揭露對話的深層意涵,與從事對話概念之解構;並通過對善良意願的質疑,來批判對話運作中可能存在的內在宰制慾望;以不斷延異的痕跡作為對話的可能,來開展意義的無邊界播散與樁稼。 五、高達美與德希達對話概念之對比,可從:對話有無收編對方的宰制企圖、對話是否為邏各斯中心主義、對話溝通的脈絡情境是否可能、對話者是否存在於對話中及對話有無現前形上學遺跡等議題,來理解二者的異同。 六、通過教育中對話意義轉變與問題之探討,及高達美與德希達對話概念之對比,可歸結以下對教育中對話的啟示:教育中的對話應該強調對話本質的無止盡性、對話意義的多元性、對話主體讓渡或對話的主體化,以及保持對自身的不斷批判與反省。 七、高達美詮釋思想中的遊戲概念,其存在方式具有遊戲做為遊戲自身的主體、以自我表現的本質構成藝術的存在方式、呈現為既是被動式又具主動性的往返重複運動等特殊性格,也具有美學、存有學與詮釋學等意涵;更以做為一種創造物/結構,實現遊戲向藝術的徹底轉化。 八、德希達解構思想中的遊戲概念,其存在方式具有透過二元對立邏輯的鬆動與疆界的模糊造就結構的不確定性、透過本原的消無與基礎的空缺成就結構的去中心化、透過結構的寬弛與保持無止盡的未完成狀態成就結構的去僵化性等特殊性格,且為一種解構詮釋的展現與造就;而其終極意涵在於作為一種自由的嘗試與實踐。 九、高達美與德希達遊戲概念之對比,可從:遊戲中存有問題的二面觀點、遊戲主體的在或不在、遊戲規則的往返重複或不斷變異、真理揭現的渴望或痕跡化、意義的同一整體或多義延異、語言結構的對話化或寬弛化、自由的可得或不可得等議題,來理解二者的異同。 十、通過教育中遊戲意義轉變與問題之探討,及高達美與德希達遊戲概念之對比,可歸結以下對教育中遊戲的啟示:教育中的遊戲應是一無止盡的過程,在此中,自由之可能性被銘寫,主體得以在自身疆界之走出與返回間,甚或在徹底的抹除自身以化為痕跡的延異中,見證存有本身之遊戲性。所有的意義與規則,不假外求、而來自遊戲的參與之中,具有無限延異、播散且自律的本質。 十一、高達美與德希達之思想對於教育人類學的啟示,包括:存有本質的肯認、開放性對存有的必要性,以及無止盡性對存有的重要性;教育人類學的人類圖像,必須逐漸增加其不確定性與保持相當的開放性,在肯認人類具有創化獨特性的同時,也重視與萬物同舟共濟的能力;以及再確認人類擁有語言能力、擁有追求意義、擁有自由、以及擁有超越等本質。 十二、高達美與德希達之思想對於教育學知識論的啟示在於:教育學知識論必須同時著重到同一性與差異性、真理與多義。 十三、高達美與德希達之思想對於教育倫理學的啟示,即是:教育目的應該保持不斷的自我覺察與自我更新,保有一種無止盡性本質,並積極從一種獨斷絕對式的邏各斯,朝向共同鎔鑄的共識與意義整體努力,最終走向理想的自律形式,從妥協色彩的責任倫理轉向絕對自律的責任倫理。教育實踐中有關行為規範的設立,則必須注意所謂的自願性,權威與規範不應是由其地位外來地賦予合法性與正當性,而應該是由遵循規範者自身所肯認。 根據以上研究結果,最後本研究在教育理論與實踐方面提出若干建議:人類主體性的建構,應朝向更為謙遜的主體性重新安置;教育目的之設立應符合開放性、多元可能與無止盡過程的存有本質;教育學知識論的建構,應朝向真理與多義的辯證發展;教育應覺察他者與差異的脈絡性,去除教育中的二元對立宰制;教育實踐中行為規範之設立,應考慮其脈絡性並符合自願性的原則。

探討預期性對比效果之神經機制 / Investigation of the neural mechanisms of anticipatory contrast effect

林緯倫, Lin, Wea Lun Unknown Date (has links)
很多行為的建構基礎是來自酬賞動機,而個體的行為表現通常是動態的歷程,其中對酬賞物的“價值”比較,是決定行為是否輸出或輸出多少的重要關鍵。在鼠類的動物行為模式中,可以利用甜液舔飲來進行這種對比(contrast)歷程的實驗。在受試可先後獲得兩次舔飲機會的實驗情境中,若兩管濃度皆為4%的蔗糖液先後間隔特定時距出現,受試會隨訓練天數增加而增加對兩管糖液的舔飲表現。若第一管4%蔗糖液之後會呈現濃度較高的32%蔗糖液,受試舔飲第一管同為濃度4%蔗糖液的表現會隨訓練天數增加而先增後減。這兩組受試對第一管糖液的舔飲量差異,即稱為預期性對比效果。一般認為此現象是受試等待與預期較高酬賞價值的糖液,而抑制當前較低酬賞價值糖液的舔飲。過去對此現象的研究主要關注在行為層面的探討,然而其相關神經機制的研究並不多,本研究的目的即在於探討與習得或形成預期性對比行為有關的神經機制。一般認為預期性對比效果的習得包含多階段的歷程,可能與多種心理行為面向有關,因此很有可能是經由多元性的神經機制參與。預期性對比效果的形成與否與兩糖液呈現的間距長短有很大的關係。本研究實驗一以0.5分鐘、2分鐘以及6分鐘三個不同的糖液間距引發的預期對比效果,從當中選取可有效形成預期性對比效果的0.5分鐘為實驗二糖液間距的依據。實驗二分別以興奮性神經毒素破壞依核核心區、眶前額皮質區以及杏仁體基側核區等三個神經區域。結果顯示杏仁核基側核區破壞不影響預期性對比效果的習得,而依核核心區以及眶前額皮質的破壞使受試無法習得預期性對比效果。綜合以上結果,預期性對比效果的習得是依靠有效的糖液呈現間距去進行酬賞比較,腦中依核核心區及眶前額皮質區與該種對比有關。 / Many types of behavior are constructed on the basis of reward motivation, which can be run in dynamic processes. Among those processes potentially involved, the reward comparison is a key determinant for the magnitude of behavioral output. The licking of sweet solution in the rat can be used as an animal model to investigate the contrast effect derived from reward comparison. In which, the subjects presented two sweet solutions in a sequential order each day may suppress intake of the first solution if the second solution is preferred. This phenomenon is termed anticipatory contrast effect (ACE). It is hypothesized that ACE could be built via an inhibition process associated with subject’s waiting for a preferred solution as presented by a less preferred solution. Most of the previous studies were mainly focused on the behavioral aspects of ACE. The present study intended to investigate the neural mechanisms of ACE. In considering that the formation of ACE requires multiple-stage processes, this study presumed that more than one brain area could be involved in mediating those psycho-behavioral processes. Experiment 1 was intended to establish behavioral model by manipulating the effectiveness of different inter-solution interval (ISI; 0.5, 2.0, and 6.0 min). The results showed that the ISI of 0.5 min is the critical parameters for the successful formation of ACE, which was then applied in Experiment 2. Experiment 2 investigated the effects of excitotoxin lesion conducted by ibotenic acid in the nucleus accumbens core (NACc), orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) or basolateral amygdala (BLA) on the acquisition of ACE. The result showed the rats with NACc or OFC lesion significantly failed to acquire ACE, but no such impairment appeared to BLA lesion. Together, these data suggest that the formation of ACE is depended upon the ISI leading to an effective reward comparison, and the NACc or OFC is involved in such a contrast processing.

中英文處所詞倒置之比較 / Comparison of locative inversion in Mandarin and English

黃郁玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要是採用詞彙功能語法以及篇章功能語法來檢視處所詞倒置的結構在中英文裡的表現,分別從四個層次來檢視,包括了語意結構、詞組結構、句法功能結構、以及信息結構。首先,能進行處所詞倒置的動詞必須要是帶有一個客體及一個方位詞的論元結構,或是帶有一個由主事者和客體所組成的複合論元以及一個方位詞的論元結構。其次,在詞組結構中,英文的前置處所詞是屬於介系詞,而中文裡的前置處所詞是屬於名詞。再者,前置的處所詞在中文裡是位於主詞的位置,但在英文裡是句法功能結構上的主詞。最後,在句子的信息結構上,考量到信息編排的方式,後置的名詞傾向是無定的名詞而非代名詞,而且傾向是比前置的處所詞還要長的詞組。就篇章信息而言,處所詞倒置必須考慮到對前的連結及對後的連結。另外在文體修飾上為了對仗的效果也會促使處所詞倒置的產生。 透過對比分析,本篇論文有系統地比較英文和中文在處所詞結構的表現,主要目的在於為學習英文的中文講者提供教學上的啟發。而將理論語法運用在教學語法上,也顯示出這兩者語法之間的關連性以及合作性。一方面理論語法可以提供教學語法一個強而有力的理論後盾;另一方面,教學語法也提供了理論語法研究的動機。總的來說,將理論語法運用在教學方面,不僅對語言教學有助益,對語言學研究的領域上也有相當的幫助。 / This paper examines locative inversion construction by adopting Lexical Functional Grammar and discourse grammar. The examination concerns both English and Mandarin, from four structure levels, a-structure, c-structure, f-structure, and information structure. First, a locative inversion verb takes an a-structure of <theme locative> or <agent-theme locative>. Second, in c-structure, the preposed locative belongs to PP in English but to NP in Mandarin. Third, whereas the preposed locative phrase is in the subject position in Mandarin, the one in English is only a functional subject in f-structure. Finally, in information structure, given information packaging, the postposed theme is inclined to be an indefinite nominal instead of a pronoun and to be a longer constituent than the preposed locative phrase; in contextual information, a linking device, used either anaphorically or cataphorically, is necessary for locative inversion, and stylistic parallelism further facilitates the occurrence of locative inversion. With the systematic comparison of English and Mandarin, this paper aims to provide pedagogical suggestions in regard to English learning for Mandarin speakers, by virtue of the use of Contrastive Analysis. The application of theoretical grammar to the language teaching field indicates the correlation and cooperation between theoretical grammar and pedagogical grammar. On the one hand, the theoretical grammar provides a firm and reliable theoretical support for language teaching; on the other hand, the pedagogical grammar is the motivation to the research of theoretical grammar. All in all, the application of theoretical grammar to language teaching contributes not only to the language teaching filed but also to the linguistic research.

民生史觀與唯物史觀的對比研究 / The Contrast study of Dr. Yat-Sen Sun's Historical-Social Theories and Karl Marx's Materialist Interpretation of History

王佳煌 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文對民生史觀與唯物史觀作對比研究,以期全盤重建這兩種史觀。透過對比研究法的運用、周邊還原(政治還原與系絡還原)的程序、詮釋學方法,本論文構築一個共同的時空對比架構(歷史進化論、社會發展論、人本主義)、彰顯民生史觀與唯物史觀的結構對比及兩種史觀之間的動態對比,提出新的理解與批評,並進而以這兩種史觀為領會對比韻律的理論工具,為對比哲學奉獻心力。 第二章探討民生史觀與唯物史觀的歷史進化論。孫中山為宇宙進化畫分明確的階段,有強烈的目的論傾向,馬克思則反對用目的論解釋宇宙進化。他們都認為生物進化與社會進化有明顯的區別。孫中山的歷史分期論,包括自然進化與歷史進化之分、三民進化論與民權進化論、知行進化論。馬克思第一階段的歷史分期論基於歐洲中心主義,將歐洲的歷史分期分成原始、古代、封建、近代資產生產方式等階段,後來注意到非歐世界的歷史進化及資本主義之前的經濟形構。孫中山與馬克思的歷史路線論分別是中心線東西對照論與中心線擴散論。前者出於中國中心主義,後者則基於歐洲中心主義。 第三章討論民生史觀的社會發展論。首先歸納出國內論者詮釋民生史觀的五條公式。繼而重建民生史觀的理論體系,以人民的生活為總綱,以社會的生存與國民的生計為途徑,以群眾的生命為最終目的。 第四章討論唯物史觀的社會發展論。首先羅列以往中西論者所詮釋的唯物史觀,如經濟決定論、技術決定論、多重決定論、功能解釋、有機論、公式套用論,並指出其優缺點。繼而建構馬克思唯物史觀的四種概念圖式:中心輻輳模式、中心三角模式、基礎-上層建築模式、中心直線模式。最後建構一個共同的對比模式。 第五章討論民生史觀與唯物史觀的人本主義。首先探討孫中山與馬克思的人性概念(人的定義與人的需要),對比其看法的異同。孫中山對人與自然、社會、歷史的看法的特徵是以主領客,馬克思則強調人與自然、社會、歷史的關係是辯證式的,顯露主客合一的思維。 第六章結論。第一節綜述各章研究成果。第二節略論本論文的缺點與局限,並以本文的對比架構(歷史進化論、社會發展論、人本主義)為準,展望未來的研究方向(時間分殊化、空間區隔化、生活相對化)。 / Using the methodology of Dr. Vincent Shen's philosophy of contrast, this dissertation studies Dr. Yat-Sen Sun's and karl Marx's theories fo historical evolution, social development, as well as humanism. An abstract framework is constructed and the method of hermeneutics is used to demonstrate the dynamic contrasts between Dr. Yat-Sen Sun's and Marx's views pertaining to the evolution and development of humans' history, society as well as their assumptions of philosophical anthropology, together with the structural contrast of their theories. In terms of historical evolution, the author finds out that, while Dr. Sun's view of history reveals the tendency of teleology, makes a sharp division between natural and humans' evolution, and conceptualizes humans' history from Chinese standpoint, Marx's early conception of history divides European history into a number of stages and part of this later attention is paid to non-European societies. With regard to social development, the author generalizes scholars' explanations about Dr. Sun's social theory and reconstruct his theory of social development. The author also epitomizes scholars' interpretation of Marx's materialist conception of history and reconstructs four conceptual schemas of his theory of social development. As for Dr. Sun's and Marx's humanism, the author concludes that, while Dr. Sun's humanism emphasizes the leading role of the subject, i.e., the human beings, over the objective structures, that is, the nature, the society, and the history, Marx's humanism underscores the dialectic relationships between the subject and the object structures. Finally, not only the above-mentioned argument is summarized, but the future of developing a more complete framework for the construction of the philosophy of contrast if discussed.

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