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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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多國企業整合與協調之研究--以宏碁集團之主從架構為例 / The coordination & integration mechanisms of multinational enterprises - the case of Acer's client-server structure

許宗哲, Hsu, Tsung-Che Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討多國企業面對全球環境變化與全球策略的改變時,如何針對不同角色的子公司進行整合與協調。另外,並提出多國企業整合與協調的權變模式,試圖瞭解在不同的全球環境與全球策略下,子公司角色如何變化、資本流與知識流如何移動、應採取何種整合與協調機制。本研究採用個案研究法,以國內國際化程度最深之一的宏碁集團為對象,針對集團總部與六個子公司進行研究,並以 Client-ServerO.X、Client-Server l.X 與 LOB 將宏碁集團整合與協調分為三個階段,兼用結構化問卷與對子公司高階經理的深度訪談取得詳細資訊。另外並椅子公司的「相對優勢」、「全球整合/地方回應」與「策略重要性」將子公司角色分成八類,亦定義出六個整合與協調的機制。研究結果發現,當全球整合壓力增強時,多國企業將增加成本領導策略與與複雜創新策略的權重,優先促使全球整合導向、策略重要性高但相對優勢較低的子公司改變其角色,此時對不同角色的子公司仍需採取不同的整合與協調機制,但皆加強結構調整機制與資源管理機制的使用;當地方回應壓力增強時,多國企業將增加行銷差異化策略與廣度策略的權重,優先促使地方回應導向、策略重要性高但相對優勢較低的子公司角色移動,但較不強調資源管理機制的使用。 / This paper investigate how a Multinational Corporation(MNC) integrates and coordinates subsidiaries with different roles, in the context of global competition . A contingency model MNC's integration & coordination is proposed in order to provide a in-depth understanding of how to deal with the flows of knowledge and capital. Integration and coordination mechanisms are also suggested to manage the strategic role changes of subsidiaries. A qualitative approach consists of questionnaires and interviewing of CEOs is used to explore the relationships among global environment, global strategy, subsidiary's roles and mechanisms to integrate and coordinate the activities of a MNC. One of the MNCs in Taiwan with high degree of internationalization, Acer Group is the focus of the study. The head office and six subsidiaries were interviewed and the following three phases of Acer's history were examined: Client-Server O.X, Client-Server l.X and LOB. Three dimensions, relative advantage, integration/responsiveness and strtrgic importance, were used to classified the roles of subsidiaries into eight categories. We also identified six mechanisms of intrgration and coordinition. The research findings suggest two important patterns to integrate and coordinate. First, increasing pressure to integrate will push MNCs to strengthen the cost strategy and complex innovation strategy, to change subsidiaries'roles. The head office should adopt different integration and coordination mechanisms to deal with subsidiaries with different roles. Two types of the mechanisms, the microtructural arrangement mechanism and the resource management mechanism should be emphasized in all subsidiaries. Second, increasing pressure to response to host demands will push MNCs to strengthen the marketing differentiation strategy and breadth strategy, to change subsidiaries'roles as well.

由句法角色、語用功能、及社會限制來看插話造成的發言轉換現象 / Turn-talking through interruption - syntactic, pragmatic, and social constraints

王秀如, Wang, Hsiu-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
在日常對話中,通常一次只有一個人說話,然而,卻常常發現有不只一個談話者同時說話的情形。這種違反常規的重疊現象(overlappings)可分為疊話(overlaps)跟插話(interruptions)。大部份的學者依據句法結構或音韻觀點來區分疊話跟插話,似仍有遺漏,故本篇論文嘗試依據插話的語意內容來區分這兩種重疊現象,又本文的重點是放在插話的研究,作者試從語法角色(grammatical roles)、順序(linear order)、語用功能、及社會因素來探討插話者如何成功的襲奪被插話者的說話權利。 本篇論文的語料採自十一個雙人面對面的日常對話,其中男生和男生的對話其三份,女生和女生的對話以及男女之間的對話各四份。此分類方式是基於觀察交談者之間性別的異同所帶來的權力(power)以及等同性(solidarity)是否會影響插話的頻率、位置、和語用功能的分配。在語料中將區分所有疊話和插話,同時標記語用功能,及插話者和被插話的性別以便於做統計分析。 本篇論文發現插話現象主要是受順序先後的影響,百分之八十的插話發生在前5到8個位置,且這些位置不受特殊語法角色的限制,此外,插話通常發生在詞組外而非在詞組內。至於插話的語用功能,以做澄清功能(clarification)為最多,反對功能(disagreement)次之,確認功能(confirmation)最少。而單就插話者的性別而言,女生所引發的插話頻率跟男生相近,這可能是由於女生的高教育背景,使女生有獨立思考的能力、較高的社會地位,與充分的發言權,再加上過於強調男女平權,使女生的插話頻率提高。而在考慮插話者與被插話者的性別方面,的確發現了權力的影響力,男生打岔女生的頻率確實高於女生打岔男生的頻率,但兩者差距不大,一方面可能是男生為要表現社會禮儀以示對女生的尊重,另一方面可能是漠視女生的知識能力而不與之爭辯,故其打岔的頻率不如預期的高。 在高教育背景的影響之下,女生開始要求男女平等,進而嘗試跳脫中國傳統性別角色的限制。於是,女生和男生的插話行為將因性別限制的解除而趨於一致。 / Transition of turn in daily conversation is not always rule-governed. Violation of turn-taking rules may result in overlapping, which includes overlap and interruption. Differentiation of the two by syntactic and phonological criteria may sometimes fail. To remedy the problem, it is suggested that the communicative purpose of overlapping should be taken into consideration. That is, if the overlapping evokes cooperation, it should be counted as overlap; if it entails antagonism and competition, it should be judged as interruption. The focus of this study is to find out how syntactic structure, timing, pragmatic functions, and social constraints influence the emergence of interruption. The data needed in this study were collected from eleven dyadic face to face daily conversations, including three male-male conversations, four female-female conversations, and four male-female conversations. In each conversation, interruptions are identified and categorized by their pragmatic functions and by the interrupter's and interruptee's gender. The results of this study indicates that timing is more influential to the occurrence of interruption than the grammatical roles of the syntactic sites in which interruptions take place. It is found that about 80% of interruption occurs in the first eight positions in sentences with transitive verbs and the first five positions in sentences with intransitive verbs. In these positions, grammatical roles of all kinds may appear. In addition, interruptions are found to occur more frequently on syntactic junctures than within syntactic constituents. As to pragmatic functions of interruptions, there is a priority order among three of the pragmatic functions that interruptions serve, with interruption for clarification overrides interruption for disagreement, which suppresses interruption for confirmation. As for the social constraints on interruption, first, females, unexpectedly, interrupt their interlocutors as frequently as males do. Promotion of social-economic status through education and emergence of self-confidence are offered to explain why women initiate many interruptions. On the other hand, superficial courtesy and man chauvinism are provided to explain why men interrupt less often than expected. Next, when both the interrupter's and the interruptee's genders are taken into consideration, the influence of power is revealed only in cross gender conversation, with males' interrupting females more than their being interrupted by females. On the surface, both men and women interrupt their interlocutors. However, underlyingly, men interrupt to show power to control, while women interrupt to show power to resist control. It seems that men, in Chinese society, are still the dominating sex. It is predicted that the power difference between men and women will be alleviated in the future. At that time, the two sexes will share the same patterns of interruptions.

外表、聲音與性別角色對異性吸引之影響 / The effects of physical attractiveness, vocal attractiveness, and sex-roles orientation on opposite-sex attraction

黃小玲, Huang, Hsiao Iing Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在探討外表、聲音與性別角色對異性吸引之影響,因此以呈現目標人物之照片、錄音帶及性別角色特質描述來操弄目標人物的外表吸引力(高、低)、聲音吸引力(高、低)及性別角色傾向(符合性別角色刻板印象、不符合性別角色刻板印象)三個獨變項,並以人際判斷量表為依變項,採用受試者間設計,請受試者對所呈現之目標人物作印象判斷,最後再將趼究結果進行統計分析,以了解受試者對異性吸引在此三項特徵上受影響的情形。   本研究之有效受試者為288位大專學生(包括政大與中國工商大專生,其男女生各144名),研究程序乃是請他們在看了目標人物的照片、聽了目標人物的聲音及看完同班同學對目標人物看法的描述後,以所發給的「人際判斷量表」對目標人物做一些印象判斷(實際目的則是測量其異性吸引程度)。   研究結果發現:(一)高外表吸引力或高聲音吸引力者較低外表吸引力或低聲音吸引力者顯著的引起男女生受試者較愉快的情緒經驗及較高的喜歡與交往的動機,亦即異性吸引程度較高。(二)「外表吸引力」與「聲音吸引力」有交互作用存在,且發現就男生受試者而言,「聲音吸引力」與「性別角色」二變項也有交互作用存在。(三)目標人物之不同性別角色特質描述對男女生受試者之情緒及異性吸引有不同的影響。就男生受試者而言,目標人物之性別角色特質描述符合性別角色刻板印象者較不符合性別角色刻板印象者引起受試者較愉快的情緒經驗及較高的喜歡與交往的動機;就女生受試者而言,則結果與男生正好相反,即目標人物之性別角色特質描述不符合性別角色刻板印象者較符合性別角色刻板印象者引起受試者較愉快的情緒經驗及較高的喜歡與交往的動機。(四)受試者的外表吸引力自評、聲音吸引力自評、性別角色刻板印象高低、是否已有男(女)朋友等干擾變項均不會影響目標人物之外表吸引力高低、聲音吸引力高低及性別角色傾向對異性吸引之影響效果。   本研究最後乃針對不符合假設之結之結果提出討論,並提出本研究之建議,以供未來研究、兩性關係的調適及教育輔導上之參考。 / This study examined the effects of physical attractive-ness,vocal attractiveness and sex-roles orientation on opposite-sex attraction. 288 subjects(144 male and144 female)were shown an opposite-sex target's photograph of high or low physical attractiveness,a tape of high or low vocal attractiveness,and a description of the target who appeared to be sex-role-congruent or incon-gruent in his(her) trait. Then subjects judged the target's attraction on the Interpersonal Judgment Scale. Result indicated that(1)high physically or vocally attractive evoked significantly more pleasant mood and greater attraction than low physically or vocally attractive target. (2)the interaction between physical attractiveness and vocal attractiveness was significant, and also found that the interaction between vocal attractiveness and sex-roles was significant for male subjects. (3)the target's different description of sex-roles evoked different effects for male and female subjects. For male subjects, the target's sex-role was congruous with sex-role stereotypes that evoked more pleasant mood and greater attraction than sex-role was not congruous with sex-role stereotypes. For female subjects, the target's sex-role was not congruous with sex-role stereotypes that evoked more pleasant mood and greater attraction than sex-role was congruous with sex-role ster-eotypes. (4)analysis did not reveal the impacts of self rating of subjects' own physical and vocal attractiveness, sex-role stereotypes, and whether had or not boyfriends (girlfriends) on opposite-sex attraction. The suggestions for further studies and implications of this study for our understanding of the effects of physical and vocal attrac-tiveness, and sex-roles on opposite-sex attraction are discussed.

行政機關女性成員人格特質與角色扮演之研究-兼論事業生涯與男性比較問題 / Personality and Role-Playing:A Study of Woman Staff Members

馮麗慧, Feng, Lih Huey Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討行政機關中女性成員的人格特質與角色扮演的關係。而在本研究中所謂人格特質包含成就動機、內外控取向、性別角色;至於角色扮演方面則側重在工作角色的扮演;亦即其在事業生涯發展上運用事業生涯策略來促使事業進展的情形。   鑑於女性公務人員在行政機關中日益增加的趨勢,以及在未來國家人力運用上將扮演重要的角色。因此本研究之目的在探討行政機關女性主管具有那些人格特質,以及其在事業生涯歷程中常採用那些事業生涯策略,來加速其事業生涯的進展,此前鋒典範應可作為有志於事業發展的女性參考。另外,亦探討女性公務人員是採用那些事業生涯策略,與男性主管、男性公務人員是否有顯著差異。以及女性成員與男性成員是否在人格特質上有顯著差異。以及不同的人格特質、人口變項,對其工作角色的扮演有何影響。   本研究採問卷調查法,研究對象為台北市政府暨所屬機關人員,再經Spssx統計分析後,研究結果發現:(一)男性比女性較常運用事業生涯策略來促進其職位陞遷(二)女性公務人員要想在升遷機會中脫穎而出,必須經常運用建立網絡及投合上司、自我表現、意見順服、工作投入、創造機會與訓練進修等策略,尤其是「工作投入」策略,才能在眾多資歷條件相當的情況下獲得上司的拔擢(三)在人格特質方面:女主管較內控、男主管次之;成就動機以男主管較高、女主管次之;在性別角色上,男、女均與性別角色科板印象若合符節,亦即男性則男性化特質高;女性則女性化特質高。而擔任主管職務者以具有兩性化人格特質者較適宜(四)不同的人口變項與人格特質者在運用事業生涯策略上有顯著差異,亦即在工作角色的扮演上會因其特性與特質的不同,而表現不同的工作行為。   最後,綜合前述研究結果,加以討論,並就理論與實務應用提出建議。

高中男女合班與分班影響學生選擇領導角色之研究 / How co-education and sing-education in senior high scuool influence students to choose their ieader role

唐慧文, Tarng Hueih Wern Unknown Date (has links)
本研究最主要的目的,在探討高中男女合班與分班,其實際的領導角色、 理想的領導角色、與對領導角色的性別刻板印象三者之間的關係。藉以了 解高中男女合分班對學生選擇領導角色的影響。本研究採問卷調查法,樣 本包括北一女中、復興高中、崇光女中、建國中學、內湖高中、及人高中 、師大附中、松山高中、大誠高中與景文高中等十所學校的十二個班級。 研究工具選用「知人測驗」及「語義分析測驗」。前者總體Cronbach a 係數為 .89,後者總體Cronbach a 係數為 .68。本研究的主要發現如下 : 1.從性別刻板印象方面,高中生對班長、風紀股長、康樂股長三種領 導角色,具有偏向男性的刻板印象;對副班長、學藝股長、衛生股長三種 領導角色,具有偏向女性的刻板印象。而依背景不同,得到差異情形如下 : (1).男女合班與分班之間,在副班長、學藝股長、衛生股長三種領導 角色,以及公道正義、服飾整潔兩項領導特質上,有顯著差異。 (2).男 生與女生之間,在六種本研究所列舉的領導角色上,全部達顯著差異,在 十八項重要領導特質中,有十六項達顯著差異。 (3).公立與私立學校之 間,在班長這一種領導角色上,以及察納雅言、品學兼優、善於交涉、常 識豐富、才藝表演五項領導特質上,有顯著差異。 2.從性別分配方面 ,6 個男女合班的36個領導角色,理想人選的性別為男生出現21次,女生 出現15次,兩性出現次數的差異,經過校正後的卡方考驗,達顯著差異 (df=1, x =10.80**, x .99(1) =6.63);至於實際人選的性別,則為男生 出現23次,女生出現13次,經校正後的卡方考驗,未達顯著差異 (df=1, x =3.38, x .95(1)=3.84)。綜合本研究的其他發現,高中生在選擇理想 領導角色時,因背景不同,所著重的領導特質也有不同之處。對領導角色 的性別刻板印象,則以性別因素造成的差異,多於男女合分班的因素,再 次為公私立學校因素;對領導特質的性別刻板印象,仍以性別因素造成的 差異,多於公私立學校因素,再次則為男女合分班因素。一般而言,男女 分班學生比男女合班學生,有更強的性別刻板印象。在男女合班的領導角 色方面,學生心目中的理想人選,男生人數多於女生人數,且達顯著差異 ;而實際擔任幹部的人選,也是男生人數多於女生人數,但是差異不達顯 著。雖然反對男女合班者的論點,認為性別刻板印象的作用,在男女合班 中會被強化,並限制女生領導能力的發展。在本研究中並未發現此一現象 。

水利開發與清代嘉南平原的發展 / Irrigation Progress and the Development of Chianan Plain in Ching Dynasty

陳鴻圖, Chen, Hung Tu Unknown Date (has links)

角色扮演融入英語繪本教學-國小二年級英語教室實例 / Effects of integrating role play into english picture books: an experiment in a second grade efl classroom

王心怡, Wang, Shin Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在透過角色扮演融入英語繪本教學在台灣國小二年級英語課室的運用,探討其對於英語學習動機和態度及英文朗讀能力之影響,並了解國小低年級學童對於角色扮演融入英語繪本教學之回應。本研究之台北市某國小的二年級一個班級學生共22人為研究對象,研究面向在英語學習動機方面著重於了解年幼英語初學者生的學習動機在內在學習動機方面及社會因素方面影響的改變。在英文朗讀能力方面著重角色扮演融入英語繪本教學對於朗讀流暢性、朗讀清淅度及字彙認讀之影響。資料蒐集包括前後評量、前後問卷調查及學生訪談。資料分析顯示學生英文朗讀在朗讀流暢性、朗讀清淅度及字彙認讀的進步情形。資料分析且顯示學生英語學習動機在社會因素方面的轉變。本研究結果顯示:一、角色扮演融入英語繪本教學有助於提升國小低年級英語初學者在社會因素方面的英語學習動機,學生更喜歡和老師一起讀英文繪本,也更喜歡和同學一起完成英文閱讀課裡的角色扮演活動。二、角色扮演融入英語繪本教學對於國小低年級英語初學者英語朗讀在朗讀流暢性、朗讀清淅度及字彙認讀方面有正面的影響且低成就學生之進步較明顯。三、國小低年級英語初學者對於角色扮演融入英語繪本教學運用在英語課堂學習的評價是正面的。最後,研究者歸納出研究結果並對未來進一步的研究提出參考建議。 / The purpose of this three-set/eight-class action research was to explore the effects of integrating Role Play into English picture books on second graders’ motivation and attitudes and oral reading ability in a second grade EFL classroom. Three research questions are as follows: 1. Does integrating Role Play into picture books improve second graders’ motivation/attitudes toward learning English? 2. Does integrating Role Play into picture books improve second graders’ English reading ability? 3. What are the participants’ perceptions of the integrating Role Play into picture books? Twenty-two students were involved to participate in this study. Three kinds of instruments were used, composed of the MLE (Motivation for Learning English) questionnaire, oral reading ability test (ORAT) and interviews. Before giving instruction of integrating Role Play into picture books, the pre-MLE questionnaire and pre-ORAT were administrated to measure students’ previous motivation and oral reading ability. The teaching and interviews were recorded to the purpose of classroom observation, modifying the experiment and collecting the data to accompany the results from the MLE and ORAT. After integrating Role Play into picture books, the post- MLE questionnaire and post-ORAT were used to compare and explain how students’ motivation/attitudes changed and their oral reading ability improved. Furthermore, interviews were conducted to understand students’ perspective toward integrating Role Play into picture books. Based on the findings, integrating Role Play into picture books has created an interesting environment for young EFL learners to use the language. That is, young learners as second graders need peer group’s accompany and proper pressure from performance to create a safe and positive learning environment in language classroom. The major results are summarized as follows: 1. The comparison of results of oral reading ability showed that more than half of the participants have made an improvement in oral reading ability, in terms of fluency, correct reading (“read correctly”), and vocabulary recognition (“vocabulary”), after the instruction. 2. The results of the questionnaires showed an improvement on participants’ motivation of social aspects and a small percentage of improvement on the two constructs of intrinsic motivation, learning curiosity and importance of learning, but not on learning involvement of intrinsic motivation. 3. The instruction of integrating Role Play into picture books had improved participants’ motivation for learning English on social aspects in terms of the participants like to read English picture books with teacher and classmates and like to work with classmates to finish the task of role play in English reading classes. 4. Students have gained attitude change toward English learning from integrating Role Play into picture books. They liked English more, practiced English by listening to CD, and recited more English words than the adult asked, and etc. Besides, the eight students’ oral description showed that five out from them felt the pressure to perform on the stage but no one of them felt pressure in group practice. The results showed the importance of peer group practice to make them feel relaxed without pressure. Finally, it is hoped that this study will provide more insightful ideas for educators and teachers. Regarding young learners, they need more interesting activities and opportunities to use the language. Key words: role play, motivation and attitudes, oral reading ability, elementary English

影響家務分工因素之探討:台灣與南韓之比較研究 / Factors affecting the household division of labor:Comparative Study of Taiwan and South Korea

劉淑鳳 Unknown Date (has links)
在東亞急遽的社會變遷過程中,台灣和南韓同樣面臨了快速工業化的衝擊,以及近年來社會文化的漸趨民主開放,或是女性經濟角色的大幅提升與女性意識的覺醒,皆可能帶來社會性別規範的鬆動,然而家庭內的性別分工並未有相對應的平等化現象,讓人不禁要問:家務為什麼仍然是女性的工作? 本研究主要以台灣和南韓已婚者為研究對象,試圖利用性別角色論(gender role theory)、時間可利用論(time available theory)與相對資源論(relative resource theory)等不同的觀點來解釋台灣和南韓社會中兩性參與家務分工的差異。本研究使用來自行政院國家科學委員會資助之「台灣地區社會變遷調查」1996年第三期第二次東亞組調查,以及同一份問卷由韓國延世大學社會發展研究所和美國芝加哥大學,在韓國共同合作蒐集而來的二筆資料,作為實證比較研究分析的基礎。 本研究的結果發現,在比較台灣和南韓家務參與比例的各種影響因素中,性別角色態度、相對工時與經濟依賴程度分別扮演了重要的角色:(1)台灣和南韓已婚男性的性別角色態度愈趨平權,其參與家務的比例愈高;台灣和南韓已婚女性的性別角色態度愈趨平權,其參與家務的比例愈低。(2)在相對資源方面,台灣已婚男性基本上遵照「交換原則」的行為模式,以經濟資源作為籌碼在家務工作的協商上,擁有較多經濟資源者,也就相對具有較多優勢在減少家務工作的時間上。(3)台灣已婚女性符合了「性別展現模型」的預測,其經濟依賴程度與參與家務比例之間呈U字型(曲線關係),亦即負擔家計的女性非但不是以掌握較多經濟資源的優勢而少做家事,反倒是以多做家事來凸顯其女性特質的家庭角色。(4)南韓已婚男性和已婚女性大致上則依循「分配原則」的行為模式,夫妻雙方會在家庭及工作之間,將時間作最有效能的分配。

僑務委員會駐外人員角色功能及能力之研究-以休士頓華僑文教服務中心為例 / Research on role function and competence of expatriate of overseas compatriot affairs commission: a case study on culture center of Taipei economic and cultural office in houston

閻樹榮, Yen, Shu Rong Unknown Date (has links)
在中華民國創建迄今的各個階段以及兩岸關係所導致的外交困境下,僑務工作成為政府整體涉外事務不可或缺的一環,透過華僑在居住國的政治及經濟影響力,可發揮「二軌外交」的功能,輔助外交工作之推動。因此僑務駐外工作人員應具備何種能力以成功地扮演好各種角色,確實發揮凝聚海外華僑的向心及爭取支持的功能,確值關注。 針對僑務駐外人員兼具管理者及執行者身分、工作地點位於海外及其業務之特殊性,本研究首先由一般角色理論及管理者角色理論進行探討,其次由一般職能理論及派外人員職能之研究成果進行探討。透過深度訪談、內容分析及參與觀察三種研究方法來分析歸納出僑務駐外人員所扮演之角色功能及應具備之能力。研究發現僑務駐外人員執行任務時需與僑務委員會、駐外館處、華僑文教服務中心、國外組織人民、中國使領館及僑團等對象接觸互動,針對不同的對象及情境分別扮演政府代表、國家主權維護、關係經營、溝通橋樑、訊息傳遞、業務執行、資源整合及管理等8種角色。並需具備社交、語文、溝通、口語表達、管理、領導統御、設計規劃及行銷及適應等8種能力,以成功的扮演各種角色。 此外,本研究亦將如何增進對各種角色之認知及取得或強化各種能力,分別向僑務委會、僑務駐外人員及未來有意成為僑務駐外人員之同仁提出建議,同時也為未來研究提出可行的方向。 / Overseas Chinese affairs has become indispensable to government foreign relating issues in every stage of Republic of China ever since it was established as well as in diplomatic dilemma caused by cross-Strait relation. “Track-Ⅱ Diplomacy” can be done through overseas Chinese’ influence in politic and in economic in the country of residence, also can assist to promote foreign affairs. Therefore, “what kind of capability the overseas affairs working abroad staff need to have and how they play all roles well, attract and win overseas Chinese’ support indeed?” is a good subject worth to pay close attention to. Overseas affairs working abroad staff are manager & executor, who are working abroad with particular mission. This research firstly made from general role theory and managing role theory, then from general function theory and expatriate function theory. Through three research methods – deep interview, information analysis and participant observation – generalize overseas affairs working abroad staff’s roles, functions & capabilities. This research discovered overseas affairs working abroad staff when executing missions need to contact with Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission, R.O.C. (Taiwan), overseas missionary offices, overseas Chinese cultural service centers, abroad organizations & people, Chinese embassy, overseas compatriot groups, act 8 roles as government representative, national sovereignty safeguard, relationship management, communication bridge, information transmission, business operation, resources integration & management to different subject & circumstance. So they need to have social skill, language, communication, oral expression, management, leadership, plan & design, marketing and accommodation 8 capabilities to play different role successfully. Besides, this research also suggests Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission, R.O.C. (Taiwan), staff working abroad and colleagues who intend to work abroad in future respectively that they need to find out how to improve recognition of each role and how to strengthen each capability. Bring out workable direction for future further research.

全球化下台灣與南韓國家角色轉變之比較研究 / Globalization and the transformations of state role -- South Korea and Taiwan compared

郭瑀筑, Kuo, Yu Chu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文採取歷史制度主義作為研究途徑,分析相關研究文獻,以台灣的經建會與南韓的經濟企劃院為例,探討身處全球化浪潮下,台韓兩國國家角色轉變之過程。在全球化的脈絡下,本論文以台韓兩國隨著民主化與自由化的發展,歷經威權體制轉型時期、亞洲金融危機發生階段與危機結束後,政府中制定與推動經濟政策者,即台灣的經建會與南韓的經濟企畫院,對於經濟政策之作為,分析兩國國家角色的轉變、原因及所產生的影響。 自90年代開始全球化的影響力遽增,台韓兩國歷經政治民主化與經濟自由化,使國家角色由過去威權體制時期的政府領導且高度介入的地位,因自由市場體制所致而失去領導能力之模式,至歷經1998年亞洲金融危機時期,兩國政府為因應危機引發經濟成長減緩等問題,使國家角色領導能力更為減弱,至亞洲金融危機結束後2000年,台灣面臨首次政黨輪替以及南韓經濟開始復甦的情況下,兩國國家角色對於經濟政策的領導能力,再次產生轉變,台灣的情況因朝野對立而引發政治失序,使經濟政策窒礙難行,國家角色主導經濟發展程度更為減弱,南韓則由於全球化與自由化的影響,財閥完全主導經濟發展的方向,使政府退位為管理者的角色。 / This research adopts the approaches of historical institutionalism and literature analysis to provide a comparative study of the transformations of the state role in South Korea and Taiwan in an attempt to shed a light on the study of the relationships between globalization and state role. Focusing on the economic policies of government, this dissertation examines the transformations of state role in South Korean and Taiwan since the two countries embarked upon economic liberalization and political democratization in the 1990s in the broad context of globalization. The impact of the transformations of state role upon their respective politico-economic developments will also be discussed. It is argued that under the impact of globalization, South Korea’s and Taiwan’s development trajectories are similar. However, different politico-economic institutions impact upon the economic policies of government in the two countries, hence the state role. It is nonetheless observed that the advancement of globalization, the state role of South Korea and Taiwan should supervise economic development in order to weather the global financial storm.

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