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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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久保, 康隆, 前川, 雅彦, 山本, 洋子, 坂本, 亘 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

中華郵政人才發展機制探討 / A Case Study on the People Development Systems of Chunghwa Post

劉錫標 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是以人力資源發展理論與趨勢為基礎,並參考業界的作法,探討中華郵政如何建構人才發展體系,提升人力素質,強化企業競爭力。 人才發展體系可歸納出功能及執行二個構面,其中功能構面包含訓練體系、訓練藍圖、職涯發展路徑及人才庫;執行構面包含學程學分制、學習管理、個人發展計畫及訓用合一等。而推展人才發展體系關鍵成功因素有三,一是擁有成熟訓練經驗的統籌單位;二是單位合作分工,與實務緊密結合;三是透過資訊科技整合運用。 在建置的步驟上依序為分析組織人力與人才需求;分析訓練與發展需求;規劃訓練體系架構及訓練學習藍圖;針對個人及組織發展建構員工職涯發展資訊與路徑及人才庫機制;以資訊系統將各項作業做系統性整合;透過個人發展計畫及學程學分制度強化人才培育效能。 建置人才發展體系所產生的效益如下: 1.建置訓練體系及訓練藍圖:從公司角度,依員工職務性質規劃學習內容,提升訓練成效;從員工角度,主動規劃個人年度學習,獲得期望的工作技能與成長;從主管角度,緊密結合育才與用才,提升部門績效;從訓練規劃角度,有效簡化作業與縮短流程。 2.建置職涯發展資訊與路徑:對公司,能支援組織的發展與活化人力資源;對員工,能有清楚的發展方向,提昇工作的動力與滿足感;對主管,能有效發揮部屬的潛力並增加人力配置的彈性。 3.建置人才庫:對公司,有計畫的培育關鍵人才,有效支援組織中長期之策略性發展;對有高潛力的員工,能感受到有很好的職涯發展,更願竭盡所能為公司打拼。 / The research is based on theory and trends about development of human resources. Referring to actual practice in the field, the research will discuss how to construct people development systems, to enhance quality of human resources and to strengthen enterprise competitiveness in Chunghwa Post. People development systems can be concluded into functional and executive dimensions. The former includes training system, training map, career development path and talent pool, and the later contains program and credit system, learning management, individual development program & combination of training and employing. To promote people development systems successfully, there are several critical factors. Except owning an overall planning department with mature training experience, every department should work together and combine the work closely with practical experience following by integration of information technology. Building steps for the system following with analysis of manpower and talent needs, analysis of training development needs, plan for training structure and learning map, construction of staff’s career development path and talent pool mechanism in connection with personal and organizational development, integration of every operation by information system, and reinforcement personnel training performance through personal development plans and program & credit system. Generated benefits from the above steps are as below: A.Buildup of training structure and learning map: from the company’s angle, it enhances training effectiveness if the learning program designed by staff’s duties; from the staff’s point of view, they will obtain the desired working skills and growth through its annual personal learning programs; from the supervisor’s point of view, it closely connects talent use and cultivation, enhancing sector performance; considering the training plan, it simplifies operations and shorten process. B. Buildup of career development information and path: for the company, it supports organizational development and activated human resources; for the staff, it provides clear directions, as well as promoting work motivation and satisfaction; for the supervised, it effectively develops the staff’s potential and increase flexibility of placement. C. Buildup of talent pool: for the company, it cultivates key personnel, efficiently supporting medium-and-long-term strategic development, for the high-potential staff, it feels good career development, pushing them willing to work as hard as they can to the company.


劉金明 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣科技研發能力與先進國家有一段落差,因此多年來一直處於宏碁施振榮先生所述微笑曲線中間段之製造導向;因此導入國外技術及引進相關設備、儀器、元件、材料等等產品,是協助產業快速與全球科技接軌的必要;而代理商居中穿針引線所扮演之角色就相形重要。然而,隨著科技的進步、資訊的發達、溝通的方便、產業全球化及景氣循環週期壓縮等各項環境的變遷影響,代理行業所面臨的挑戰就日益嚴峻。隨著台灣科技產業演進,代理商生態是滄海桑田,如何尋求生存之道,找出因應成長策略及適時轉型,是個有趣而值得一窺究竟。 在大環境變遷之下,企業先綜觀處於環境之中地位與優劣勢,了解產業版圖之移動與技術之發展,並檢視組織之核心能耐與資源分配,進而探討產業鏈上下游之關係,特別是原廠、代理商及客戶之互動,然後分析競爭優勢與相關內、外在之威脅,洞悉各方之意圖與了解自我之企圖,隨之根據各種情況找出適當之因應策略。 在探討遴選之個案公司之前,本研究首先一觀台灣科技產業之概況與演進,認識代理商在這產業的角色、規模發展及存在價值;之後開始對個案公司在二十餘年經營之背景做一巡禮,而挑選出三大重要時辰的里程碑作為探討,包括:(1)營運模式之調整所作之轉型策略;(2)營運規模拓展及併購所作之成長策略;(3)營運事業項目裁撤、整併與開發所作之縮編與成長策略。本研究將此三個因應策略整理、分析及歸納後,提出可供業者因應環境變化時可參考之策略。 / In professional field of R&D (Research and Development), firms in Taiwan lack behind firms based in developed countries. The gap causes high-tech industries falling on the middle section of the “Smiling Curve”—the concept brought up by Stan Shih, CEO of Acer CEO, in 1992. The middle section of the smiling curve focuses on “assembly” and “manufacturing”. Under this circumstance, in order to enhance the capabilities of Taiwanese firms, it is necessary to import equipment, instruments, parts and related materials from outside of Taiwan. During the process, the role of distributors who acts as a mediator is very significant. However, with the fast changes of environment, such as development of technology, advancement of information and communications technologies, industry globalization and short industrial cycles, these distributors are facing more intense competition and severe challenges than before. It is worthy of finding the strategies to cope with these environmental changes so distributors (firms) can survive in the long-run. With the research objective in mind and taking the perspective of a firm, the research first focuses on the industry environment to understand the nature of the high-tech industry faced by a firm. Second, the firm evaluates its core competencies and resource allocation. Third, the firm explores the relationship between the upstream and downstream industry chain, especially the interaction among principal, agents and customers to do a SWOT analysis to identify adapting strategies. The research starts with Taiwan's high-tech industries overview and evolution, and the value chain in the industry, and the roles of technology middlemen. Then, focuses on the case study to review the technology company’s (i.e., the technology middleman) operational history for the past two decades and selects three major important milestones including strategy for business model adjustment and transformation, strategy for business expansion and merger, and strategy for business reduction, consolidation and development. Finally, the study summarizes the findings and offer implications to firms and suggestions for future research.

地方記者資訊蒐集行為研究--一個社會網絡與資源交換的觀點 / How Local Newspaper Journalists Gather Information? A Study in Social Network Approach

李品葭 Unknown Date (has links)
新聞記者的日常工作可視為一資訊蒐集行為,在資訊蒐集的過程中需要運用許多資源,其中,人脈扮演重要角色,然而目前從社會網絡角度出發,關照記者如何運用網絡中所蘊含的資源以協助記者日常新聞資訊蒐集活動的研究卻不多,因此,本研究企圖了解新聞記者在資訊蒐集場域中的人脈網絡樣貌,存在哪些資源類型及如何採取交換策略。 在研究方法與研究對象的選擇上,本研究從個案著手,以一位報社地方記者作為研究對象,藉由參與觀察法及深度訪談蒐集田野資料三十天。 本研究將蒐集而來的資料以量化及質化方法續作分析,繪製兩種網絡圖像,展現新聞中顯見的消息來源以及在蒐集過程中運用的人脈,結果發現許多在過程中取得資源的對象其實隱沒於新聞稿中。 本研究進一步發現,人脈可以提供不同類型的資源,包括一般資訊、珍稀資訊、知識經驗、中介資源、引薦資源以及權力資源,皆有助於記者的新聞資訊蒐集活動,除此之外,強連帶與弱連帶各有其資源優勢,強連帶較常提供珍稀資訊與引薦資源,而弱連帶則最常提供一般性的資訊以及中介性資源。 總括而言,新聞記者的新聞資訊蒐集活動倚靠人脈,但只有少數的人脈會被展現在新聞報導之中,許多人脈的運作隱藏於幕後,且不同連帶關係的人脈對象在過程中提供不同類型的資源與幫助,新聞記者必須辨識並活用之。而為了和不同連帶關係的人脈取得資源,記者會採取不同的社會交換策略。和強連帶的資源交換策略包括給予資訊資源、版面資源、知識資源、中介性資源、服務性資源以及信任性資源,特別的是,平常便會交換情感性資源以維持雙方關係;而面對弱連帶對象,當一般報酬無法滿足對方時,可藉由人脈中當作橋樑影響弱連帶以達成資訊蒐集目的。 / Information gathering is one of the major tasks in journalistic work. Among the resources that journalists employ to gather news, social ties is an important factor that contributes to journalistic work. However, it is rarely known how social network was used as journalistic resources in daily news-gathering activities. This thesis aims to explore the above issues by employing a field study. This field study is based on a case of newspaper reporter who is assigned to local beat in Central Taiwan. The researcher made participatory observation and intensive interviews in a period of 30 days. Data was collected and kept in field journals. The data gathered were analyzed by both quantitative and qualitative methods. Two social graphs were plotted to show how the news sources distributed in both news reported and daily journals. This paper further found that journalist benefits of social ties are quite diverse; social ties not only facilitates gathering of routine information, but also exclusive news, knowledge, experience, referral resources, power and trust. Strong and weak ties also provide different types of resources. In conclusion, journalists contact many social ties in their daily information gathering tasks. Only very few appear on news reporting, while many were hidden behind the scene. These social ties provide reliable aid in news gathering activities. And a journalist has to identify, activate the connections, and make exchanges to get help according to the types of ties and resources needed.


水谷, 瑞希, Mizutani, Mizuki 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)


孫屏玉 Unknown Date (has links)
由於規模經濟和資源使用的效率性,跨國公司均積極尋找各種有效經營的方法與途徑,並以全球觀點來進行商業活動的考量,在此前提下,相較於資本技術等具像資源在世界潮流下逐漸式微,具有抽象、不易觀察及模仿的特質的人力資源仍成為組織保持長久競爭優勢的重要因素。   然而觀諸過去人員調派暨人力資源管理的研究、通常圍繞在人員的甄選、訓練、工作績效、及其他影響地主國適應程度的要素上,而忽略了人員於跨國企業裡服務的主動性及積極性。此外,由於產業特性不同,跨國企業也需因應產業之競爭勢態擬定策略,並據此規劃符合此策略之人力資源使用戰略,方得能於現今競爭激烈之全球市場得占先機。再者,組織內部的人力資源調派暨總籌機制,亦牽動著內部員工的滿意度,並據此延伸影響員工的績效,在組織績效的提升上扮演著相當程度的角色。   為了瞭解跨國企業所面臨的產業環境、其管理人力資源的調派機制,與該調派機制與內部員工的滿意度等三者之聯結性,在本份論文中採用了環境、事業策略與人力資源管理策略等三維面,據此分析個案公司在現實世界中面對的競爭態勢、所採用的競爭途徑、及相因應的人力資源管理策略,並進一步發展出個案公司之薦派系統,根據該系統進行內部員工之滿意度分析。

我國國際觀光旅館業人力資源管理之研究-以個案分析為例 / A Study on Human Resource Management of International Tourist Hotels in Taiwan:The Case Study

蔡宜倩, Tsai,Yi Chien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲達成之主要目的為分析我國國際觀光旅館業人力運用之概況、特性與相關問題,以及勞動條件、人力資源管理實務之現況,以及實踐於個案國際觀光旅館業之情形。 本研究主要以深度訪談法進行,分別針對G酒店、H大飯店以及L大飯店三家國際觀光旅館之人資部門主管人員進行深度訪談。訪談內容包括勞動條件、適用勞基法之情形、人力資源運用與人力資源管理實務,以及產業競爭環境下未來人力資源管理策略等相關議題。 經由相關文獻與深度訪談之分析,本研究發現高基層人力比例、部分工時人員與外包人力等彈性人力資源之運用,均為我國國際觀光旅館業從業人員之特殊結構屬性。另一方面,國際觀光旅館業提供的勞動條件普遍偏低,人力運用方面則重視數量及功能上的彈性運用,人力資源管理實務則於個案旅館中因經營管理型態而稍有差異,而未來國際觀光旅館業的營業擴展趨勢將使人力面臨短缺,而影響人力資源策略的形成。 / It has long been recognized that hotel industry generally suffered from shortage of human resource, relatively high turnover rate, and lower paying, no matter overseas or domestic. However, it is not an astonishing phenomenon for international tourist hotels which highlight the importance of service quality and attitude. Thus, human resource management is a critical element of operating performance in international tourist hotels. The topic for discussion of this research is exploring human resources management practice and relative issues in international tourist hotels in Taiwan. Therefore, analyzing labor conditions, practice of human resources management, as well as present application of human resources of international tourist hotels in Taiwan are subject of this study. The purposes of the research are listed: 1. Discussing the characteristic and profile of the international tourist hotels industry in Taiwan, along with the operation and conduct types, and business situation, such as operating income and cost, occupation rate, average room rate, customer category, and so on. 2. Discussing the general situation of human resources exercises, characteristic, practice, and related issues of international tourist hotels in Taiwan. 3. To dissect business profile and exercises of human resources, labor conditions, and human resource management practice of three case hotels. To implement the purposes, this research was processed by in-depth interview, during May on 2006. The interviewees are all supervisors at human resources department in G hotel, H hotel and L hotel. According to previous findings, issues involved in the questionnaire are labor conditions, manipulation of human resources, practice of human resources management of these three hotels, including recruitment, selection, promotion and merit, training, profile of turnover rate, and the human resource strategy under competitive industry environment in the future. There are three major results of this study. First, to utilize human resources in international tourist hotels, the numerical and functional flexibility are significant to adjust to business requirement. Such as overtime work, part-time worker, and outsourcing labor are common practices. Second, even though international tourist hotel industry applies to Labor Standards Act, labor conditions in international tourist hotel are rather inferior. Third, human resource management practices in the case hotels show kind of similar on system, with their own chain business type.

電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑模式應用於大學圖書館之研究 / E-Metrics Assessment Model for the Study of Electronic Journals in University Libraries

張慈玲, Chang,Tze-ling Unknown Date (has links)
由於電子資源蓬勃興起,大學圖書館紛紛引進以滿足師生教學研究之需求,然同時預算規模卻未見增加,加以電子資源市場,尤其是電子期刊部份,每年皆以平均7%~10%漲幅成長,使得圖書館對電子期刊使用及其效益,需要有更清楚的了解與掌握,透過衡量網路化服務與資源品質的方法,除可作為圖書館人員決策參考,並能提供有利的理由以尋求經費支援。 本研究目的希能探討電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑相關理論與研究,以ARL E-Metrics計畫為基礎,對大學圖書館電子期刊提出績效評鑑模式芻議與實證分析。採用研究方法為文獻分析法、深度訪談法與電子計量(E-Metrics)分析法,以國立臺灣大學館藏西文電子期刊為對象進行研究。 經訪談與實證資料分析結果,本研究確認了館藏導向電子期刊的績效評鑑的目的、歸納出電子期刊資源與服務評鑑的程序及方法,並建構大學圖書館電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑模式與要件,包含電子期刊資源、使用、成本與績效四大類型,合計14項指標,同時並獲得具體電子期刊績效評鑑結果,確認國內大學圖書館進行電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑模式之可行性。 最後,本研究根據結論,建議可以質化方式進行電子期刊評鑑研究,以獲得對電子期刊資源的全面性瞭解,並對電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑模式與指標、資料蒐集方式等提出建議。而對於未來研究方向,建議可從朝以下四方面努力:(1)進行網路資源與服務導向電子期刊評鑑模式之研究;(2)開發電子期刊使用統計管理軟體;(3)進行電子期刊成本經濟學研究;(4)進行電子期刊使用紀錄分析之評鑑研究。 / Due to the fast growth of electronic resources, it has become a trend for university libraries to acquire such resources to meet the research needs for their users. The expenditures libraries have to spend for electronic resources, especially that for electronic journals have been raised at average rate of 7% to 10% each year. However, the yearly budget for libraries never has been increased as much. It thus has become important for libraries to identify the real usage of and institutional research outcomes from the acquired electronic journals. The assessment of networked information service and resources quality of it is useful for acquisition decision-making. If there is a positive assessment result, then it will also provide justification for seeking budget support. The purpose of this study is to conduct an empirical study so as to enable formulating an assessment model for electronic journals a library has subscribed. The author firstly explores the theories and researches for the application of E-Metrics as assessment model for electronic journals. Taking the ARL E-Metrics project as a referential model, the author combines literature review, in-depth interview, and E-metrics in the research methodology to do researches about the western-language electronic journals subscribed by the National Taiwan University Library. This study has resulted in very useful assessment statistics for electronic journals. From analyzing the data collected from interviews and the related empirical study, the author is able to verify the purpose of assessment for electronic journals under collection development policy, to formulate procedures and methodology for the assessment of electronic journal resource and, the services based on it, to find out necessary components for E-Metrics assessment model for university libraries which comprises of fourteen indicators of four major criteria of (1) e-journal resources (2) its usage (3) its cost and (4) performance from it. The author concludes that the E-Metrics model is good for university libraries to assess their acquired electronic journals. Based on the findings of this study, the author recommends qualitative research to be the more adequate approach for the assessment of electronic journals and proposed the following four areas for future research: (1) investigation of Internet resources and assessment model for electronic journals under the library’s service policy (2) development of statistics and management tools for the subscribed electronic journals (3) cost study of electronic journals from economics point of view (4) analytical study of access logs of electronic journals.


魏薇安, Viviane Bayala Unknown Date (has links)
Using content analysis, and countries foreign aid to economic growth selective variables comparison, this study reassesses Taiwan (ROC) earliest economic achievement. The period considered is the early post World War II (1951 to 1965), the subject focus is the U.S. Aid investment to human capital formation, its correlation to the country further development and its implications for Burkina Faso today. The research therefore evolves around this main objective and raises the following questions: how financial and technical resources from the US Aid were investing into Taiwan human capital formation? How does it covariate with the country’s economic development? What were intervening factors to this achievement? Which lessons are worth learning? How can, both the MDGs and Burkina Faso leadership, on the light of Taiwan’s experience improve the development process in Burkina Faso? The data analysis led to the conclusion that most of the USA funds for this early period went primary to fill the human capital gap, which in turn allowed the financial gap to be filling up. This finding comforts our proposed theory that filling the human capital gap is the pre-requisite for countries that still in the first stage of their development. Based on this foundation theory, the study suggests in its conclusion, a couple of policy recommendations for the Millennium Development Goals achievement in Burkina Faso. The suggested recommendations militate firstly, for a better process for financial funds disbursement and investment through a semi autonomous institutional framework, and secondly, for the establishment of a human capital bank through a national volunteer program.

資源基礎、跨組織間知識共同演化行為與創新績效之研究 / The study of Resource Base, Inter-organizational Kowledge Co-evolutionary Behavior and Innovation Performance

方亮淵, Fang,Liang-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
從理論而言,本論文企圖從生態演化的觀點,針對組織與組織間,或事業體與事業體間,觀察組織是否具有同生物物種間共同演化的現象,並從組織知識與學習的觀點,探討組織與組織間知識共同演化的行為機制與其對創新績效的關係。過去的文獻中,針對組織或事業體間之策略與績效間的關係,多數均從多角化的觀點出發,探討組織、市場或產品間的相關度,來預測績效的成果,但從資源基礎的角度觀察實務的現象,組織間的資源基礎,並非均可在組織間自由的流動或轉移,組織亦非只單純依賴於相關度高的其他事業組織才足以創造績效。因此,組織如何與其他的事業體組織進行資源的移轉以創造策略績效,特別是對於創新績效相關的知識資源,在現今的理論及文獻中,並沒有特別的加以探討。本研究針對此一研究的缺口,乃試圖利用生態學說之共同演化的觀點,奠基於Eisenhardt and Galunic(2000)之共同演化策略的文獻作出發點,來探討組織與組織間知識共同演化的行為機制,以及其對組織創新績效的影響。 經由文獻的探討與先導個案的觀察,本研究提出了主要的研究架構,在資源基礎構面上,本研究觀察了自我組織與其他對偶組織間三種資源:實體設備資源、技術知識資源、網絡關係資源;而在知識屬性構面上,本研究提出了領域相似性及功能互補性二個子構面,而在應變數創新績效上,本研究則觀察組織的創新件數、創新件數變動率及創新產業競爭力;創新績效類別上則觀察組織四種創新類型:產品創新、製程創新、技術創新以及市場創新等四個組織績效。而針對調節變數上,本研究則著由文獻歸納及個案觀察發展出組織間知識共同演化的四個行為構面:交互學習吸收、自我學習強化、相關變異適應與共有例規保留。藉由此四個構面所發展出的行為子構面題項問卷,本研究可以觀察組織與組織間知識共同演化行為的強度,以作為影響組織間資源基礎與組織創新績效關係的調節變數。 本研究藉由質性之個案研究法之先導個案─長興化工的觀察,發展出量化之問卷調查法之研究問卷,並針對潤泰企業集團之營建事業體與紡織事業體共十四個事業組織,二十八位受訪者進行實證研究,調查此十四個事業組織間所構成之364個對偶關係之組織關係,一一進行問卷調查及記錄。並依據此十四個事業組織受訪者問卷,進行數值分析及多變量分析工作。本研究係採用SPSS統計分析工具。 經由問卷統計分析的結果,本研究得到研究成果及結論如下: 1. 從資源基礎論的觀點,對於組織的創新績效,除自我組織的實體設備、技術知識及網絡關係資源有正向助益效果外,組織的資源亦可跨越組織疆界的概念,延伸至組織生態系統中其他對偶組織之資源基礎的層次。 2. 組織與其生態系統中其他對偶組織間的知識共同演化行為活動愈強,對偶組織之實體設備資源、技術知識資源及網絡關係資源,愈有助於組織之創新績效表現 2-1.自我組織與其他對偶組織間的交互學習吸收行為愈強,對偶組織之資源基礎愈有助於組織創新績效表現。 2-2.自我組織與其他對偶組織間的自我學習強化行為愈強,對偶組織之資源基礎愈有助於組織創新績效表現。 2-3.自我組織與其他對偶組織間的相關變異適應行為愈強,對偶組織之資源基礎愈有助於組織創新績效表現。 3. 組織與對偶組織間之知識屬性不同,其彼此間之知識共同演化行為的強度亦有所不同。知識領域相似性愈高,功能互補性愈高的組織,其知識共同演化的四個構面(交互學習吸收、自我學習強化、相關變異適應及共有例規保留)行為強度均較強。 4. 具有深度知識共同演化行為的事業部組織,其在創新的件數及創新的產業競爭力上,表現均會較其他中度知識共同演化或低度知識共同演化的事業部組織來得佳,且在新產品創新、新製程創新及新技術創新等方向上,與其他事業部具有深度知識共同演化的事業部組織,其創新績效較佳。 / The research, based on the evolutionary theory, tries to find is there any kind of the co-evolution relationship between organizations or business-units. Starting from the organization knowledge management and organizational learning, the research studies the co-evolution behavior mechanism between dyad organizations and also studies the impact of the knowledge co-evolution behavior on innovation performance. Reviewing the research which study the strategy and performance mechanism between organizations or business units, lot of them use the diversification point of view to propose the market relatedness or the product relatedness are important on estimating the performance of organization, especially the new market that organization will enter. The researcher finds there is a theatrical gap between the resource transferability of dyad organizations and innovation performance creating. However, based on the research of Eisenhardt and Galunic (2000), the research will use the evolutionary theory to study how organization adopting the knowledge resource from another organization to create organization innovation performance. The research concept structure proposed by the research will have four constructs. The first one, in resource based construct, this research propose three kinds of resource in self-organization and dyad organization: (1) tangible resource and asset in practice facility; (2) intangible resource and asset in technical knowledge; (3) network resource and asset between organizations. The second construct is the knowledge attribute. This research proposes two kind of attribute between organizations, (1)similarity of field knowledge and (2) complementarity of functional knowledge. In the dependent construct, the research proposes innovation performance in innovation success cases, innovation growth and competence of product innovation, technical innovation, process innovation and market innovation. In the final construct of moderator variable, the research propose four dimensions of the knowledge co-evolutionary mechanism: (1) knowledge learning and absorbing; (2) knowledge combining and creating; (3) knowledge adapting on relative variance; (4) practicing on mutual organization routine. The methodologies of the research are case study and questionnaire interview and analyze. We review 14 organizations of textile division and civil engineering divisions of Ruentex Group. After analyzing the questionnaire of 28 interviewers, the research generates four conclusions as below: (1) From the resource-based view, not only the resource of self-organization could have positive benefit on the performance of organization innovation, but also the resource from dyad organization could contribute on innovation performance. The concept of organization resource could break through the organization boundary and extend to the dyad organization in the same organizational environment. (2) The more knowledge co-evolutionary behavior, the more benefit of inter-organizational resource will have on innovation performance. A. The more knowledge learning and absorbing on co-evolutionary behavior, the more benefit of inter-organizational resource will have on innovation performance. B. The more knowledge combining and creating on co-evolutionary behavior, the more benefit of inter-organizational resource will have on innovation performance. C. The more knowledge adapting on relative variance on co-evolutionary behavior, the more benefit of inter-organizational resource will have on innovation performance. (3) The knowledge attribute of the two dyad organizations will effect on the degree of the knowledge co-evolutionary behavior. The higher the similarity of field knowledge and complementarity of functional knowledge, the heavier the inter-organizational knowledge co-evolutionary behavior. (4) The innovation performance of the organization which have heavier knowledge co-evolutionary behavior will better then the ones have medium or lighter knowledge co-evolutionary behavior, especially on the product innovation, process innovation and technical innovation performance.

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