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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


吳永福, Wu, Yong-Fu Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論,共分三節,分別敘述(一)研究動機與目的,(二)研究資料來源 ,(三)研究方法。 第二章 對農地變更使用的現況作調查分析。分四節,分別討論(一)土地資源的 競爭使用,(二)農地變更使用的趨勢與農民之意願,(三)農地變更使 用質與量之分析,(四)農地變更使用之區位分析。 第三章 探討農地變更使用的主要因素,分四節探討(一)地價因素,(二)收益 因素,(三)地稅因素,(四)都市工商業之發展,探討各項因素對農地 變更使用之影響。 第四章 對農地變更使用的現行管制措施作檢討,其中包括(一)農地所有權移轉 之限制,(二)土地使用編定及管制,(三)土地使用管制之行政措施, 第四節則討論平均地權之理想對於農地保持之效果。 第五章 分析土地發展權移轉辦法對於保持農地可能發生的效果,論述英、美兩國 之實施經驗及其合理性、可行性,並探討實施時應考慮的相關問題,共分 四節。 第六章 探討實施發展權移轉辦法時,應行配合實施之必要措施。 第七章 就以上綜合整理提出結論。


黃仁德, Huang, Ren-De Unknown Date (has links)
第一章緒論,分研究動機、研究重點與研究方法三部分。第二章經濟成長與就業理論 簡介,內容介紹哈羅德--多瑪、梭羅、路易斯、費--銳與托塔若等模型。第三章 為勞動供給之概況,內容有經濟階段之劃分、總人口之成長、十五歲以上人口之成長 、勞動力之成長及影響勞動供給因素之迴歸分析。第四章為勞動吸收之介紹,內容有 就業之概況,就業成長之概況、產出成長與勞動吸收。第五章為製造業之產出與就業 成長,內容有製造業之產出成長、製造業之就業成長、製造業勞動吸收之比較、產出 與就業之抉擇、製造業最適與實際就業成長之比較,就業結構之轉變。第六章為勞動 吸收之因素與實證研究,內容有農業成長與勞動吸收、工業部門就業成長因素之迴歸 分析。第七章為結論與建議。

台灣農地管理誘因機制之研究 / A Study on the Incentive Mechanism of Farmland Management in Taiwan

周以倫, Chou, Yi Lun Unknown Date (has links)
市場失靈往往是政府介入干預的主要理由,一般常見的干預方法為正向的誘因激勵與負向的懲罰手段。就農地而言,因其所能提供的生態或環境的功能係屬公共財性質,具有無排他性、無敵對性、聯合消費的性質,市場上缺乏私人主動提供農地環境效益的經濟誘因,使得政府基於全民福祉之理由而介入農地保護,以提升外部效益。又為防患於未然,乃訂定管制規則予以規範違規使用行為,以降低外部成本。台灣的農地管理兼採補貼給付、賦稅減免與使用管制之政策措施,其實施經年究竟有無缺失?如何加以改進?適逢台灣主管當局刻正研擬國土計畫法(草案)且需要檢視之際,益發突顯本文研究此課題之重要性。 新古典經濟學者主張以課稅的方式消弭外部成本、以給予補貼的方式鼓勵外部效益的產生;新制度經濟學者主張透過界定財產權,經由利害關係人協商,最後達到社會整體最適生產水準,兩者各有所長,於實際適用時尚須截長補短綜合考量。本文從上述理論基礎切入,採用文獻分析法與焦點人物訪談法來檢討現行農地管理機制不足之處。基於損益均衡的補貼理念,我們意圖將正向誘因、使用市場機制引進農地管理機制中,並改進以往偏重於農地違規使用負向處罰的管理方式,以期健全農地管理,落實農業永續發展目標。 關鍵字:農地管理、誘因機制、公共財、外部性 / Market failure is often the main reason of government intervention. Generally, intervention methods always include positive incentive measures and passive punishment means. From viewpoint of farmland, it serves as biological and environmental functions with the character of public goods, which possesses features of non-exclusion, non-rival and jointly-consume. However, there is lack of economic incentives to provide environmental benefits of farmland by private market, government intervene shall be needed in farmland protection on basis of entire people welfare. Besides, the land use control regulations shall be stipulated to reduce external cost. In Taiwan, incentive programs include incentive payments, tax exemption or reduction and land use control mechanism. Do these programs manipulate efficiently? If not, how to improve them in the future? Discussion of these issues shall play an important role while the draft of National Territory Planning Act is drawn up by the Planning Authority and more examinations are necessary in Taiwan. Neoclassical economists suggest that external costs can be prevented by taxation, and external benefits shall be encouraged by offering subsidy. Neo-institutional economists argue that the problem can be solved through defining property rights, and stakeholders shall negotiate with one another to achieve optimum of social production. This article bases on exploring those theories and takes positive and negative factors into account in practice. The main research methods are literature review and focal person interview to investigate insufficiency of current incentive mechanism in farmland management. Based on concept of benefit-cost equilibrium, we intend to provide positive incentives, and include market approach into incentive mechanism of farmland management and improve passive way of punishing illegal farmland use. Through formulation of these incentive tools, farmland management mechanism shall be established soundly so as to achieve the goals of agricultural sustainable development. Keywords:Farmland Management, Incentive Mechanism, Public Goods, Externality


郭祐慈 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究主體,為台東平原的阿美族,即馬蘭社阿美族。 和以往的阿美族研究不同的是,本文的焦點,集中在歷史研究,尤其由政治經濟學的取向,探討社會文化的貫時性變遷。由此,本文試圖從歷史進程,理解馬蘭社阿美族特別的文化脈絡與社會型態。 歷經各種不同的統治政權,本文歸納出馬蘭社阿美族特殊且一貫的重農傾向,並與相鄰的「武族」卑南族有政治經濟的合作共生關係,而越接近當代,我們會看到馬蘭社阿美族受到統治政權越廣泛深入的影響,無論在經濟處境、社會結構、政治角色與文化表現上,都感受到越來越明顯的壓力。 基於以上的概念,本文論述的取向,不僅是貫時性的,也是文化的比較研究。在不同時期,找出政治環境引入的不同人群,以及經濟環境上的重要變遷,以突顯台東平原,尤其是馬蘭社原住民的文化表現,尚武的卑南與重農的阿美兩種文化傳統,進入當代國民國家的體制內,其社會文化,從諸多面向來看──包括生產方式,社會地位,政治參予,經濟權利,與精神生活,都可以發現許多值得探討其脈絡的特殊表現。 本文第一章首先揭露,有足夠證據顯示,馬蘭社具備長久歷史。其次,本文提出卑南族與阿美族在臺東平原的共生關係,這個歷史淵源,作為本文的重要主軸,在接下來的篇章,會持續提示每個時期,兩族各自表現出不同的文化調適。最後強調馬蘭社阿美族的文化特色,即在於特重農業生產的傳統。 第二章討論日本統治初期,台東平原原住民,因其社會文化更適宜統治,以致於很快就被統治者識別,採取與島內其他原住民不同的統治方式,從稅收、產權與勞役等政策上,都可以發現較短的適應期與更早的公民化,然而也在生產勞力上出現更深廣的剝削。由此接續第三章以糖業生產為中心的探討。 第三章以日本推行糖業生產,導致台東平原民族關係的改變為探討主軸。在生產勞力重整的過程中,特意引進定居人口(內地人與本島人),同時加重原住民勞力負擔,抑制原住民地權,乃至經濟建設(卑南大圳)引起的農業環境改變,凡此皆是台東平原原住民經濟生活轉變的重要關鍵。 第四章由經濟轉向政治,分析日本帝國引進的公民政治,試圖在臺東平原建立一個本島人支配內地人與原住民的階級結構,其中原住民在文化上與經濟上最居劣勢,從而影響其政治生活,幾乎難以感受原住民精英的活力,自難期待從政治參予上整體增進原住民的社會地位。 第五章進入戰後,選擇了又一個興起二十年的農產經濟──罐頭鳳梨的生產外銷。不僅要成為國家公民,國民黨政府更要求同化,在這樣的背景下,原住民勞力投入鳳梨工廠的同時,文化也面臨毀滅,年輕一代向都市移動,原有的農耕傳統、家庭組織、宗教信仰都面臨嚴峻考驗。1970年代鳳梨加工產業走向黃昏的同時,馬蘭社阿美族文化似乎也走到一個臨界點。 最後,作為民族史的政治經濟比較研究,本文強調,社會文化的完整運作,才是經濟發展的穩固基礎,政治經濟的競逐,無論如何必須避免歷史文化上的短視,甚至忽視。 / The subject of this dissertation is the Taitung Amis, who are Falangaw Amis. The focus of this study is different from previous studies, because it is concentrated on their history and their social and cultural changes. Much is due to political economics. Falangaw Amis saw various government regimes. The cultural tendencies of Falangaw Amis are consistently related to agriculture. They cooperated with Puyuma who have high regard for the military Wu Zu武族 and lived next to them, in politics and economy. More recently, Falangaw Amis are more deeply influenced by various government regimes. No matter what their economics, society, political roles, and cultural performances were, this tribe received more and more pressure about those. This dissertation not only reveals long historical changes, but also studies cultural comparisons. In different periods, the changes of economic surroundings as well as the crowds led into Taitung by various government regimes, can revive the cultural performance of Falangaw Amis. The Puyumas have high regard for the military; the Amis stress agriculture. This can be a wide area of inquiry. These all affect the production, social status, political concerns, economic rights, and cultural life of Amis. The first chapter in this dissertation reveals that we have enough evidence to show that the Falangaws had a long history. It also suggests that the Puyuma tribe and Ami tribe had a cooperative relationship in the Taitung plain. This history is the main topic in this dissertation. The following chapters will mention the different changes in the two tribes in each period. Finally, it emphasizes cultural characteristics of Falangaw Amis, especially the tradition of agriculture. The second chapter shows that in the early period of Japanese rule, the aborigines who lived in the Taitung plain were more easily ruled by Japanese. Therefore, Japan adopted different ways to govern them, from others. With tax revenue, decrease of property rights, and forced labor, all evidence shows that aborigines had little time to adapt to the new government and be citizens. However, the government exploited the aborigines considerably in production work. The following chapter will discuss the sugar production industry. The third chapter mainly treats the fact that the Japanese promoted the sugar production industry. This caused changes in ethnic relations in the Taitung plain. Under the process of organizing production labor, the government brought in some special populations, and at the same time increased the aborigines' labor burden and suppressed their property rights. Furthermore, economic development (the ditches) made the agricultural surroundings change. These are all keys that made the aborigines' economic life change considerably. The fourth chapter shows that the Japanese brought in citizen politics and attempted to establish a class system. In this system some dominated others, including the aborigines. In cultural and economic status, the aborigines were inferior. Therefore it was difficult to get enthusiasm or support from aborigine leaders. No wonder that it's difficult to improve the social status of the aborigines by political means. . The fifth chapter mainly treats in the postwar period the export trade of pineapple can production, another hot agriculture industry. KMT government made the aborigines be citizen and adaption. The aborigines worked for those pineapple factories. The young men moved to big cities for work and life. Their traditional agriculture, family organization and religion faced a baptism of fire. In 1970, when the pineapple can production was downward, Falangaw Amis seemed to be at the juncture. Finally, as a ethnic history in politic economy compared research , the dissertation stress that the social culture should works well,then the economy development would have a steady foundation. Even the politics and economy can be successful. It is very important not to be shortsighted in criticizing history and culture.


江孟儒 Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣位處熱帶與副熱帶氣候之間,四季溫暖,終年常綠;四面環海,與周遭地區隔絕,能杜絕病毒傳入;加上地形起伏,山林之間多野桑生長,是適宜發展蠶業的優良天然環境。 蠶業從明鄭時期的引入,清領時期的試探,日治時期的奠基,到戰後的承繼與開展,使蠶業能在台灣產業佔有一席之地。而蠶業所具有特殊性,首先是其特用作物的歸類;時間上橫跨戰前與戰後;領域也橫跨了農、工、商業;而其不論是蠶繭或是蠶種出口高峰,都維持甚短,且興衰都與日本有關,都在在顯示其特殊之處。 戰後蠶業依蠶繭生產量的變化,依序可分為復甦、低迷、振興、轉型四期,各有其不同之特色。而承繼日治時期總督府養蠶所的蠶業改良場,無疑是戰後臺灣蠶業的指導員,除規劃戰後臺灣蠶業的政策外,並主導臺灣蠶業的發展。蠶改場對於栽桑養蠶技術的改進,貢獻卓著;再配合「蠶業生產專業區」的設立,使得蠶繭生產量大增,再加上1970年代後半日本因工業化導致的原料繭缺口,使臺灣蠶業創造了蠶繭出口佳績。 蠶繭出口盛況為時甚短,後因日本實施蠶繭進口「事前確認制」,致使蠶繭出口受阻。而增產過速,加上下游蠶絲加工業因價格高不願採用,無法去化,產生蠶業危機。雖有加強下游蠶絲加工業發展及蠶種外銷之轉型,但仍無法挽救蠶業面臨之危機。最終於1992年以蠶業基金一次補助廢耕桑蠶,結束蠶業產業。後雖仍有零星之蠶業殘存,但已無完整之產業形態。 戰後蠶業的發展,有其階段特色。但蠶業發展受日本影響甚大,不論戰前或戰後,都擺脫不了日本蠶業原料供應地角色,仍存有殖民經濟影響之影子。而蠶業農工不協調,蠶繭外銷及蠶種外銷迅速崛起與衰退之因,面臨蠶業困境,政府因應的作法與態度,都是本文研究探討的重點。

休閒農場之顧客關係管理指標、滿意度與忠誠度之關聯性研究-以宜蘭縣為例 / The Research of the relationship among CRM Score,Satisfation and Loyalty in Leisure Farms-A case study of Ilan County

林怡君, Lin, Yi-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
休閒農業為現代人提供了休閒的好去處,但它仍屬於事業之一種,必須有獲利才能生存。近年來許多不同產業因應用顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management, CRM)而大幅提昇經營者的利益。本研究嘗試將顧客關係管理之理念導入休閒農場之經營,藉由使農場業者於建造、整修及進行行銷活動時,能集中於遊客們重視的顧客關係管理因素,則可節省農場經營成本亦獲得遊客較高的滿意度及忠誠度,來達到顧客關係的維持,進而使顧客價值最大化並達到經營獲利的目的。研究目的有三:(一)獲得遊客對農場各項顧客關係管理因素之重視度、滿意度及忠誠度。(二)探索顧客關係管理指標、滿意度與忠誠度之關聯。(三)提出針對休閒農場之實務經營建議。 本研究以台灣休閒農業學會評鑑之宜蘭縣優良休閒農場及Google搜尋網站之網頁資訊選擇北關休閒農場、頭城休閒農場及香格里拉休閒農場為本研究之抽樣範圍。問卷共回收521份,有效問卷456份,問卷資料分析採敘述性統計及推論性統計,其中推論性統計包含信度分析、因素分析、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森(Pearson)相關分析等。研究結果獲致以下結論並驗證本研究假說: (一)休閒農場仍有極大的發展潛力-遊客類型以青壯年的中產白領階級為主,遊客重遊率亦僅兩成左右。 (二)遊客對農場顧客關係管理因素有不同重視程度-遊客對農場設施的安全性、環境整潔舒適衛生、服務人員的服務態度、優美的自然景觀及服務人員解決問題的效率與能力等五項因素最為重視。 (三)遊客特性影響滿意度及忠誠度-遊客在「服務與安全」構面獲得最高的滿意度,對農場的忠誠度呈現「態度忠誠」高於「行為忠誠」的現象。大部分所得、教育程度較低的遊客與旅遊停留時間較長、花費較高的遊客有較高的滿意度與忠誠度。 (四)顧客關係管理指標優於分項滿意度、整體滿意度之評估-經由相關性分析獲致與忠誠度間的相關性間,顧客關係管理指標高於整體滿意度,代表顧客關係管理指標比整體滿意度更具代表性意義。 根據本研究成果,對休閒農場經營策略提出以下建議: (一)提昇「服務與安全」構面滿意度。 (二)參與「策略聯盟」。 (三)依遊客對顧客關係管理因素的重視度,調整經營決策與努力方向。 (四)培養顧客關係與有效知識管理。 (五)增加不同的創意行銷方式。 (六)創造特色休閒農場。 (七)設計多元化的活動,提供客製化服務。 / Recreation agriculture has offered a good relaxing place for the modern, as it is a kind of business; its survival relies heavily on the profit it can make. In recent years there are various industries using the theory of Customer Relation Management (CRM) significantly improve the gains for the owners. The intention of this research is to apply the theory of CRM for the management of the leisure farms. By concentrating on the tourists valued CRM factors during the construction, renovation and conduct marketing activities, the farm industry will not only save the operating cost of the farm and obtain higher satisfaction and loyalty from the tourists as well, but also keep a good relationship with the customers. More over it will maximize the value of customers and achieve the goal of making operation profit. The three main purposes of the research are: (1) obtaining the valuation, satisfaction and loyalty of the farm tourists to each and every CRM factor, (2) exploring the relationship between the management index, satisfaction and loyalty of CRM, (3) submitting a practical and feasible suggestion to the owner for operating the leisure farms. Based on the evaluation on the quality of the leisure farms in Yilan County conducted by Taiwan Leisure Agriculture Association and the information shown in the webpage of Google search engine, this research chooses Pei-Kuan、Toucheng and Shangrila leisure farms as the samples. A total of 521 questionnaires were recovered, 456 recovered questionnaires are valid and were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. The inferential statistics include reliability analysis, factor analysis, chi-square test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson Correlative analysis. The results of this research led to the following conclusions and verify the hypotheses: 1.Leisure farms still have great potential for development – the majority of tourists are white-collar middle class young people, the tourists revisiting rate is only around 20% at present time. 2.Tourists have different emphasis on CRM factors- the tourists are much concerned on the five factors as below: (1) the safety of facilities, (2) the clean and comfortable environment, (3) the attitude of attendants, (4) the beautiful natural scenery, and (5) the efficiency and capability of solving problems of attendants of farm. 3.The personal character of tourist will influence the satisfaction and loyalty - the "service and security" dimension gains the highest satisfaction of tourists, the loyalty to the farms shows that "attitude of loyalty" is higher than " behavior of loyalty". Most tourists of lower income and education have higher satisfaction and loyalty than the tourists who have longer stay and more expenditure. 4.The assessment for that CRM index is superior to the itemized satisfaction and overall satisfaction – According to the Pearson Related analysis for the loyalties, the CRM index has higher correlation than the overall satisfaction, and it means that the CRM index has more representative significance than the overall satisfaction. Based on the results of this research, the following tactics are submitted for the management of the leisure farms: 1.To improve the satisfaction of "service and security". 2.To participate in "strategic alliance." 3.To adjust the strategy and direction of the operation in accordance with the comments on CRM factors collected from the tourists. 4.To make a good relationship with customers and have an effective knowledge management. 5.Adopting various ways to create market. 6.Creating a leisure farm with specialized characteristics. 7.Providing customized services with various activities.

早期農地重劃地籍圖精度探討-以新竹縣為例 / Precision of the Early Farm Land Consolidation of Cadastral Map in Taiwan - Hsinchu County as a Case of Study

闕啟華, Chi-Hua Chueh Unknown Date (has links)
全臺早期農地重劃區約占27.8萬公頃;本研究以新竹縣為例,由理論推估法及實測比較法分析其地籍圖精度,同時了解差額地價問題,冀作為複丈或釐整地籍之參考。 本研究通過釐清測繪當時所使用之方法、程序及其精度規範,由誤差傳播定律,推估其理論精度;並以實地經界及原重劃規劃、分配之設計邊長,逐筆推求出實驗區內2,593筆宗地界址點之實地坐標後,按位置、邊長及面積三方面與數化地籍圖比較,探討其實際精度。 研究結果顯示,早期農地重劃地籍圖實際精度與理論推估結果差距甚大,無法符合複丈之精度要求,建議儘速採重測手段釐整;而面積增減及差額地價問題,並非難以處理,無庸過於顧忌。此外,另歸納出許多對於複丈或釐整地籍有所幫助的資訊。 / There were about 278,000 hectares of farm land consolidations early in Taiwan. The theoretical inference method and field check method were used to analyze the precision of cadastral maps in the research and Hsin-Chu county was chosen as a case study region. The differential land values were also accounted and hopefully that can be cited as inferences of land revision or cadastral survey. The theoretical accuracy was estimated with the method of error propagation after verifying the methods and procedures of measurement used and the regulations for precision requirement. In the mean time, the coordinates of 2,593 ground boundaries were obtained in the study region by considerations of the principle of consolidation, re-distribution regulations and real ground boundaries. The coordinates of the boundaries of parcel in analog cadastral map were also obtained by digitizing. The two types of coordinates were compared each other in the location, side length and area of the parcel. It is very obvious that there were large differences between cadastral maps and theoretical estimations in the region. It also cannot meet the requirements of land revision in precision and it is necessary to cadastral resurvey completely. The problems of the differences in area of parcel and the differential land values can be solved with compensation supported by the foundation of farm land consolidation and will not be an obstruction in the progress. In addition, some useful methods for land revision and cadastral survey were generalized.

現實主義下的中國農糧發展策略 / Realism and The Development of China's Agricultural and Food Strategy

周欣逸 Unknown Date (has links)
二十一世紀全球人口穩定成長,社會型態又快速變遷,氣候極端化、資源稀有化造成原物料價格大幅波動,上個世紀綠色革命所賺取的「糧食紅利」已不敷使用。地緣政治及經濟版圖勢力藉此重新洗牌,糧食安全成為世界各國國家安全及國際戰略博奕的焦點,糧食安全保障與糧食價格穩定就一國而言,是國家政權穩定、政治安全、經濟發展和社會安定的重要條件,糧食安全已和能源安全金融安全併稱當今世界三大經濟安全。 中國是世界上人口最多的發展中國家,隨著工業化與城鎮化的進展,使得農糧土地資源不斷減少,如何制定其農業政策,做到「手中有糧,心中不慌」的維穩目標,確保糧食安全,為本文之研究動機與目的。 本論文的研究架構以現實主義解釋其戰略選擇,中國糧食策略發展為主題。全文分五章,第一章為緒論,第二章為文獻回顧,範圍包括現實主義、全球糧食危機、國家安全和糧食安全。第三、四章為實質討論,首先了解中國糧食的需求面與供應面,分析中國國內糧食政策制定時空背景,藉此歸納中國糧食政策在生產、貿易、儲備及科技生產的現況,再討論中國的糧食貿易是如何調控國內供需。最後一章為結論,除了綜整研究發現外,也淺談後續研究建議。


巫俊德 Unknown Date (has links)
眾所周知,西方先進國家主宰了整個世界的發展,英文是世界語言,在資訊科技上,Wintel架構也主導了發展方向,如此不但使得其獲取大部分的利益,同時會造成正向循環,而使得其他國家永遠只是追隨者,而如此也間接使得西方的文化漸漸地衝擊到其他地區。另外由於資本主義市場經濟的規則,使得資訊產品永遠只是集中在全球的前5%的人口,造成更大的貧富差距。在三岸四地華人一味追隨西方架構的同時,朱邦復先生富有遠大的理想抱負,因此其想要自行研發科技產品,使得95%的人口也可以使用科技產品,同時藉此將中華文化蘊含的知識應用在其上,希望能造福全球。有鑑於此,朱邦復等有志於中華文化之人,籌組了「漢文化資訊聯盟」,欲統合三岸四地有志於復興中華文化之華人,發展一系列計畫,以實現其理想。本研究的主要目的即以系統產品擴散的角度,透過相關文獻探討及對朱邦復先生推動的相關計畫進行蒐集分析,以觀察其發展的可行性,並提出結論與建議。 本研究首先探討與系統產品擴散有關之文獻,包括系統產品及標準競爭理論、網路外部性及報酬遞增相關理論與創新擴散理論,並綜合整理出在觀察一連結網路之系統產品的觀察構面與其中的擴散要素與策略。本研究認為,一系統產品在擴散時,包含以下可觀察之構面:系統產品核心面、核心產品供應面、互補產品供應面、使用者構面、網路連結面。並由文獻中歸納出每個構面之意義與其中的擴散要素與策略。 此外,經由初級資料訪談及次級資料之整理,得知朱邦復早期即從事中文字的研究,並發現中文字和中華文化有許多智慧的基因隱藏其內,最後總結為「漢字基因工程」,意欲透過中文字中的智慧與中華文化思想,發展一系列資訊產品。朱邦復並號召三岸四地有志於復興中華文化之資訊及文化廠商及個人,籌組「漢文化資訊聯盟」,共同為中華文化努力,也從中取得相關的互補性資產,以助其一系列計畫之推展。漢文化資訊聯盟的主軸發展項目中,包括中文電書與電子出版、中文2000作業系統與SNIIC、資訊基建工程、多媒體動畫等,透過相關廠商的投入與大陸官方的支持,包括電子書包之採用、對Linux之支持、衛星通訊頻段之取得等,共同為最後的目標,即九億農民網目標邁進。 最後,總結本研究分析及專家訪談的結果,認為朱邦復先生之一系列計畫未來發展的關鍵因素如下:「漢字基因工程」是否有無窮之潛力、大陸官方的支持、技術面的問題、傳輸網路、良好的平台機制、財務面之支持、中國人之民族意識等。

日據時期布農族丹社群遷移史之研究(1930∼1940年) / The History of Bunun Taki-Vatan`s Immigration(From 1930-1940)

鄭安睎, Anshi-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
丹社群為布農族五大社群之一,約十八世紀初,從巒社群的卡特格蘭社與巒大社分支出來,沿著丹大溪漸往中央山脈移動,最先抵達祖社-丹大社居住,也有其它族人到溪諾滾社、密西可灣社等社居住,往後由於耕地狹小、人口繁衍、尋找新獵區,創建了許多社,丹社群大小舊社在日據初期的調查中,曾經高達二十餘個。此時貿易與部落間事務,都透過「通事」來進行,當時丹大溪流域仍被官方視為黑暗「奧地」。殖民政府為了「理蕃」之便,分別於各個時期成立「撫墾署」、「辦務署」第三課到「蕃務本署」與「警察本署」,「警務局」……等等理蕃機構,處理蕃地事務。兒玉源太郎總督把「警察政治」,引入「理蕃事業」中,後來更透過「丹大蕃務官吏駐在所」、「蕃物交易所」、「蕃童教育所」與「療養所」等理蕃機構的成立,逐步鞏固日本於此地的統治力,掌控丹社群的生活領域。 大正三年(1914),太魯閣討伐戰結束,是年也沒收「南蕃」槍枝,布農族不滿的情緒爆發在東部與南部的「出草」與「襲擊駐在所」等「蕃害」上。六年(1917),丹大溪流域爆發了「丹大事件」,事後,卡伊冬社被日方移到密西可灣社下方,為丹社群第一個被移住的舊社。臺灣總督府曾於大正八年(1919),開始試行「集團移住」計劃,但未大規模推行。從昭和五年(1930)開始的「蕃地開發調查」事業,以「蕃人調查」與「蕃地開發」兩項事業同時進行,於「蕃人調查」中,除調查原住民的社會組織、教育、衛生、經濟、政治事務……等項目外,更詳細調查蕃社概況,載於調查中的丹社群舊社有十一個,花蓮地區有一個(其餘五個舊社則與巒社群族人共居)。事業剛開始,即發生「霧社事件」,讓日本改擬「新理蕃政策」。而為了國土的長治久安,同時也兼顧「理蕃」與「蕃地開發」,能並行不悖,決定推行大規模原住民「集團移住」計劃。最初,為了移住全臺深山「奧番」,首擬《蕃人移住十年計劃書》,此書計劃從昭和十年至昭和十一年(1935∼1936)大規模「集團移住」丹社群,但似乎早在昭和九年末,丹社群就展開了集團移住。 清代,皆為了討伐東部「木瓜番」與交通東西,於此特別修築了「關門古道」(集集、水尾道路),當時清朝更欲藉此道,意圖把臺灣分為兩部。據臺初期,政府曾把丹大社以西路段,整修成「理蕃道路」,更成為丹社群各舊社間的聯絡道路。丹社群以「社」為單位展開遷移,而Sidoh(氏族)與遷徙有密切的關係,遷移時皆以舊社中之氏族長老為其領袖,大致有七∼八大批(其中有幾戶獨自移住花蓮)。當時以丹大西溪與東溪合流口為分界點被分為兩部,往東藉由「關門古道」東段,走4∼5天(快則3天),移住到花蓮縣萬榮鄉馬遠村,東移人口佔絕大多數;西移人數較少,往西搬到南投縣信義鄉新鄉村與地利村。據昭和十六年版《高砂族授產年報》,總共移住丹社群族人146戶,共1,569人。直到昭和十五年(1941年)。為了掌控移住的「蕃人」復歸舊社,丹大溪一帶的駐在所還繼續存在著。移住後的丹社群總人口數不僅沒有增加,反而減少。 隨著計劃性「集團移住」計劃推行,丹大溪的人文景觀迅速改變,而舊社消失在地圖中,丹社群文化也因迅速的平地化,且早已忘記「狩獵文化」,希望藉由此篇論文之撰寫,能喚醒消失已久的布農族丹社群集團移住歷史。 本文透過日據時代「布農族丹社群集團移住」之個案研究,瞭解集團移住的實質內容及其成果,本文共分五章,分述如下: 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 第二節 研究方法 第三節 文獻回顧與研究概況 第四節 丹社群區域的地形與植被 第二章 布農族丹社群的歷史概況與社會組織 第一節 日據前丹社群之遷移 認識布農族概況、清代布農族丹社群的簡史,接著瞭解日據前丹社群之遷徙概況,用以幫助後期的遷移過程。 第二節 丹社群舊社之過去 整理日文文獻中,丹社群舊社之意義、名稱與標高辨異,作一番初步整理與比對。 第三節 丹社群舊社詳細資料與現況踏查 以實地踏查方式,寫下移住前丹社群舊社、房屋(石板屋)、駐在所、蕃童教育所、產品交易所等相關基本資料,並以地圖方式呈現相關位置。 第四節 丹社群傳統社會組織與移住前人口概況 氏族(Sidoh)一直是布農族的重要組織,丹社群也不例外,認識丹社群的傳統社會組織與氏族基本架構,能提供遷徙後新聚落的形成,此外並整理群移住前的人口。 第五節 結語 本章重點是初步瞭解日據時代未實行大規模「集團移住」前,布農族丹社群傳說歷史、人口、氏族、住所的基本資料。 第三章 日據時代原住民移住政策之形成 第一節 日據時期理蕃政策的變遷 簡述日據時代「理蕃政策」,瞭解理蕃政策的演進,對於「集團移住」政策之形成有很大的幫助。 第二節 蕃人移住十年計劃之形成 瞭解「集團移住」布農族的原因,而「蕃人移住十年計劃」計劃自昭和十年至十一年起移住布農族丹社群,本節認識此計畫內容及相關實行要點及細則。 第三節 南投境內布農族集團移住概況 日據時代,南投一區的集團移住最先從卓社群開始。大正六年(1917),此區發生了「丹大事件」,少數丹社群舊社被移住,此區最後被移住的為巒社群,透過此節認識其它社群的移住概況。 第四節 丹社群境內之蕃害 大正三年(1914),日本政府沒收「南蕃」槍枝,五年設通電鐵絲網於花蓮港廳與臺東廳的山腳與平地交界處,此後,沿著縱谷山腳的布農族「出草」與「蕃害」次數之多,歷年來罕見。大正六年,中部丹大溪流域的丹社群也爆發了「丹大事件」,事件平息後,導致日本移住卡伊冬,為丹社群最早被「集團移住」。 第五節 結語 從日據時代「理蕃政策」→「集團移住」政策→南投地區布農族集團移住→丹社群集團移住,形成布農族丹社群的「集團移住」。 第四章 布農族丹社群之集團移住 第一節 集團移住前之遷移 整理日官方計劃性「集團移住」前,散見文獻中有關丹社群各個舊社的遷移歷史。 第二節 丹社群之計劃性集團移住 本節探討布農族為何集團移住之原因,並利用《蕃社戶口》、蕃社〈戶籍謄本簿〉、〈蕃人除戶簿〉與其它日文文獻,詳細探討丹社群之移住移住概況,是本論文另一探討重心。 第三節 遷徙道路-關門古道 據筆者訪談中,發現清代所修築的「開山撫番」道路-關門古道,是丹社群利用於移住塔馬羅灣社與馬侯宛社的道路系統,此節詳述完整的道路開鑿史及日據時重修資料,重建丹社群遷移道路歷史。 第四節 集團移住後之新聚落 在大規模「集團移住」政策下,丹社群族人從南投移到了花蓮馬蘭鉤(又稱:麻子漏溪、富源溪)的中、下游的馬侯宛社。本節重點在於訪談族內耆老,遷移路線、移動狀況以及新聚落如何建立……等等相關問題,結合田野訪談與文獻呈現移住後「馬侯宛社」,屬於「生命史」的描述方式。 第五節 結語 結合田野訪談資料、文獻與實訪遷移道路,瞭解日據時代丹社群整個族群的遷移動線、過程與移住後的新處所。 第五章 結論 最後,希望藉由此論文獲得丹社群舊社的最新資料,也替整個丹社群的遷移作個歷史分期,把60年前丹社群的「集團移住」歷史,作最完全的描述與研究。另外一方面,也希望獲知「集團移住」對丹社群族人的影響,當年南投到花蓮,居住地方改變了,原本屬於散居形式的丹社群族人,被集中於一個地方管理,心態上是否有改變呢?而遷徙後的丹社群人,是否本身也失去了某些文化遺產,以此作為此論文的結尾。 / Dan Group(“丹社群”) is one of the fives ethnic groups of Bunun. In the early eighteen century, some groups, branching off from Catogulan(“卡特格蘭社”) tribe and the Big Luan tribe of Luan ethnic group, immigrated along the Dan-da stream area to the ancestral tribe-Dan-da tribe; the other to the Hinogun(“溪諾滾社”), Misikowan(“密西可灣社”), or the others. Lacking of tilth for a rapidly growing population, they used to move to find new hunting grounds and then to invent new inhabitation, which even amounted to more than twenty according to the early investigation in the Japanese governing period. In the meanwhile, the Dan-da stream area was considered as the chaotic places, and the trades as well as the affaires among the tribes were done through translators/negotiators(“ 通事”). In order to rule the indigence, the colonial government, the Japanese government, set up offices for helping tillage, dealing with affaires, keeping the public order, and etc. The Viceroy Chitama(“兒玉源太郎”) introduced the police politics/police system(“警察制度”) into the affaires, and successfully governed this area by the organizations of the police station for dealing with the official affaires(“丹大蕃務官吏駐在所”), or for trading, education, sanatorium, and etc. In the third year of Taishou Period(大正)(1914), the quell over Taroko was over. That the governor punished the Bunun by confiscating their weapons aroused their malcontent and caused their revenges by Chutsau(“出草”)(a custom to hack the heads of the other tribes' persons) and attacking the police offices-remote in the mountains, in the eastern and southern restricts. In the sixth year (1917), the Dan-da event occurred in the DanOda stream area. Afterwards, Caiton(“卡伊冬社”), transferred under Mishikowan by the Japanese Government was the immigrated ancient tribe. Taiwan viceroy government tried to carry out Grouping-immigration Plan in the eight year(1919) of Taishou, but it was just performed in a small scale. The Indigence-investigating-and-developing Program was practiced in the ways of investigating and developing at the same time. The investigating project contains the records of social organization, education, sanitation, economic, public affaires, and overall situation of the eleven tribes-one was in Hualien, and another five cohabited with the Luan tribe. While in the very first beginning, the Oosheh Event(“霧社事件”) happened that let Japanese government to draw up new policy of ruling aborigines (“新理蕃政策”). The policy aimed to rule the indigence and develop the indigenous area sufficiently for the long prosperity, and it was undertaken with the Grouping-immigration Program. At first, the government issued a project of grouping-immigration of aborigines in ten years(《蕃人移住十年計畫書》) to immigrate the valiant and unruly (intractable, obstinate, wild) indigenes in the remote mountains. The government planned to immigrate the Dan Ethnic group collectively in a large scale from the tenth year to the eleventh year of Shouwa(1935∼1936). However, Dan groups seemed to immigrate collectively themselves before, about the end of the ninth year of Shouwa. In the Ching Dynasty, the government put up the Kuan-men trail(“關門古道”) to quell Mukua Fan(“木瓜番”) in the eastern Taiwan and to connect the east and the west, and even to divide Taiwan into two parts ultimately. In the beginning of Japanese occupied period, the Japanese government once renovate the western section of the trail from Dasheh(“大社”) to the trail of ruling the indigence(“理蕃道路”), and it sequentially became the main line of connecting the ancient tribes of Dan ethic group. Dan Group immigrated in the unit of a tribe, in which Sidoh plays the most important parts. They used to follow the honorable elderly in the tribes. According to the investigation, there were seven to eight groups recorded at that time-some moved to Hualien separately. To sum up, the migratory activity could be divided into two parts by the river limit between the Dan-da West Stream and the Dan-da East Stream. The majority, moving east by the eastern section of Kuan-men trial, immigrated to the Mayuan Village in the Wangron County oh Hualien in four or five days; sometimes they could spend less than three days. The minority immigrated west to Dili Village in the Hsingyi county of Nantou. According to the Kausha-Shochan annual (《高砂授產年報》) in the sixteenth year oh Shouwa(昭和十六年), the immigration of Dan groups were one hundred and forty-six families amounted to one thousand five hundred and sixty-nine persons. The police station still existed to control the immigrating indigence back to the ancient tribes effectively from the fifth year of Showa(1941). While, the amount of the population decreased instead of increasing. With the practice of the Grouping Immigration program, the humane resources including history in the Dan-da Stream area has changed rapidly. Therefore, we can notify those in two aspects. First, the ancient tribe disappears not only in the maps but also in the history. Second, Dan Ethnic Group has forgot their tribal culture as well as their valuable hunting tradition for getting accustomed to the secular life. I deeply hope to arouse and to promote the disappearing Grouping-immigration history of Dan Ethnic Group of Bunun.

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