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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rokoko & nationell funktion : En analys av plats, funktion och framställning i Julius Kronbergs plafondmålningar

Hellberg, William January 2023 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker och analyserar Julius Kronbergs plafondmålningar i förhållande till det svenska 1800-talets uppfattning om stilkategorin rokoko och vilka funktionella aspekter som kan tillskrivas målningar på platser av särskild karaktär eller offentlig utsmyckning. Undersökningen dechiffrerar 1800-talets visuella och litterära bearbetning av 1700-talets stilepok och vilka implikationer det hade på det svenska konstlivet, där särskilda egenskaper och epitet tillräknas rokokon och på vilket sätt det återspeglas i Julius Kronbergs målningar. Uppsatsen tar även fasta på platserna där plafonderna befinner sig, för att analysera de som något mer än estetiska utsagor, med hjälp av de operativa begreppen plats och funktion, där den teoretiska grunden främst återfinns i Gregor Paulssons “konstens sociala dimension”. Den avslutande diskussionen resonerar kring den mångfacetterade adaptionen av 1700-talets visuella kultur som intresset för rokokon utmynnade i, där 1800-talets förankring i perioden främst bestod av romantisk nostalgi och poetisk fiktion snarare än egna upplevelser, där Julius Kronbergs målningar blev ett sätt att knyta an perioden genom en svensk kontext. Plafonderna verkar även på platser som besitter förmågan att formulera funktionella aspekter, målningarna förstärker, förändrar och artikulerar dem. Där en förening mellan uppfattningen om rokokon och plafondernas funktionella aspekter, har uppenbarats.

Gud, magin och vetenskapen : En analys av August Strindbergs Inferno / God, magic and science : An religious study of August Strindberg´s Inferno

Millerfelt, Emma-Maria January 2013 (has links)
This literature review aims to investigate, expose and explain August Strindberg's religious position in his partly autobiographical work Inferno, published in Swedish in 1897, in relation to Peter Berger's socialization theory. Strindberg says in the beginning of Inferno that he goes from being an atheist, occultist and Swedenborgian to finally return to his ancestral religion, Christianity. This is questionable, as Strindberg seems to be religious in its atheistic era, and occultist during his Christian period. Strindberg's own religious views seem not always match what he portrays, compared to what he writes in his correspondence and diary entries. This literature review aims to highlight the influences of Strindberg affected to clarify his religiosity which is implicitly and explicitly depicted in Inferno. This thematic epicanalysis has revealed several religious perplexities which Strindberg depicted in his literary works. Strindberg describes in the beginning of the work his alchemy and the occult tendencies that flourish around him and how it affects his scientific experiments. There is a time where Strindberg feels anxious and extremely mentally ill, something that gets better as Strindberg learns Emanuel Swedenborg's religion. Inferno ends with a description of Strindberg's conversion to Christianity, which has sought to be explained by various researchers.

Slusseländet : En etnologisk studie av föreställningar kopplade till Slussen utifrån två ombyggnationer under tidsperioderna 1850-1935 samt 1990-2015.

Beskow, Moa January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Äktenskap i Sápmi : Giftermålsmönster och etnisk komplexitet i kolonisationens tidevarv, 1722-1895 / Sápmi marriages : Marriage Patterns and Ethnic Complexity During the Era of Colonisation

Nordin, Gabriella January 2009 (has links)
This thesis explores a period in Northern Sweden when contacts between Sami and non-Sami became more frequent as the colonisation progressed. The investigated period is 1722-1895 and eight parishes in northern Sweden are under study. Both the northern as well as the southern Sami area are represented. The main purpose of the thesis is thus to see whether the cultural meeting between Sami and non-Sami affected the way people chose to make significant decisions. In this study these cultural meetings are represented by the way people married.      To understand the consequences of cultural contacts, where individuals from different backgrounds meet, concepts developed within the field of acculturation theories are used. The marriage patterns among the inhabitants are viewed with regard to three key variables founded by Ruth Dixon, as these help to explain changes or continuations in the individuals’ marital behaviour.      The southern Sami area seamed to be rather unaffected by the colonisation process, at least according to the marriage pattern. The analysis revealed limited economic openings for marriage as well as cemented marriage traditions, and these prevailed throughout the investigated period. During the 18th and 19th centuries it was evident that the northern Sami areas were significantly affected by the in-migrated newcomers.  Even though the gender distribution in each parish seemed to matter, analysing the overall marriage pattern illuminated chiefly economic reasons for changes that occurred during the colonisation process. As the in-migration of non-Sami progressed, the age at first marriage increased particularly among Sami women. Furthermore, the results indicates that even though settled Sami probably interacted with non-Sami on a daily basis, and were integrated in their lifestyle, Sami settlers continuously estranged themselves from a complete assimilation and stuck to their Sami culture and traditions. Thus, language and cultural expressions seemed to have mattered when it came to marriage.       The thesis concludes that according to the marriage pattern, economic prerequisites for preferentially the Sami, changed dramatically through the colonisation process. Most affected by the changes were thus the Sami women, who experienced an unfavourable marriage market as the colonisation progressed. Towards the end of the nineteenth century the preferable form of coexistence was still the legal marriage in the area, and the marriage as an institution was of considerable importance, which is also evident since the marriage to some extent still seemed to be a family affair. The study also showed that Sami people in the southern Sami area interacted with non-Sami to a less degree than was the case in the north. However, in the north, the more ethnic complex parishes revealed an integrating population, rather than assimilating. The more ethnically homogenous parishes instead pointed towards an assimilated state among the newcomers.

"Hvad än mitt öga skådar" : En kvalitativ studie av marinmålaren Pehr Wilhelm Cedergrens skisser

Winbäck, Ulrika January 2022 (has links)
Marinmåleriet som genre i allmänhet, och dess undergenre skeppsporträttet i synnerhet har länge haft en marginaliserad ställning inom svensk konsthistorieskrivning. Genom att undersöka den svenske marinmålaren Pehr Wilhelm (P W) Cedergrens (1823-1896) skisser söker jag ta reda på utifrån vilka premisser svenska marinmålare under 1800-talets senare hälft. Detta gör jag genom att undersöka vilka motiv som förekommer i P W Cedergrens skisser, och hur konstnären skildrar fartyg i dessa. Fokus i undersökningen är Cedergrens skissbok från sin studieresa i samband med Världsutställningen i London 1851. Metoden för undersökningen är kvalitativa arkivstudier, där jag sedan utför formal- och kontextanalyser på mitt urval. Analysen av skisserna utförs med hjälp av sociolog och konstvetare Janet Wolffs marxistisk-inspirerade teorier om konst som social produktion. Uppsatsens analysdel består av Världsutställningens bakgrund, en historisk redogörelse för det västerländska marinmåleriets framväxt, en biografi över Cedergren, analyser av konstnärens skisser samt en avslutande diskussion. Resultatet av undersökningen visar dels att förutom fartyg avbildar Cedergren en mängd andra motiv såsom landskap, byggnader och människor. Dels visar undersökningen att Cedergrens avbildningar av fartyg i de analyserade skisserna ofta är präglade av tekniska aspekter, snarare än estetiska. Då dessa aspekter förekommer i en del av materialet är detta dock snarare avhängigt kontexten.

Soldatliv på 1800-talet : En komparativ undersökning om indelta soldaters liv i 1800-talets Småland och Skåne. / Soldier life in 19th century : A comparative study of the lives of inparted soldiers in 19-th century in Småland and Skåne.

Andersson, Göran January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

"Där det skedde något riktigt ont, där var Djävulen med." : En kvalitativ folkloristisk studie om djävulssägner i Karlstad stift mellan åren ca. 1870-1950. / "Where True Evil Occurred, the Devil Followed." : A Qualitative Folklore Study in Devil Beliefs in Karlstad Diocese During the Years ca. 1870-1950.

Andersson, Marcus January 2024 (has links)
This thesis addresses devil beliefs in Karlstad diocese during the years ca. 1870-1950. The aim of thethesis is to shed light on devil tales that were told during the above-mentioned timeframe with thetheoretical framework of Ulrika Wolf-Knuts’s devil genres. Moreover, the thesis attempts todistinguish a folklore-devil affected by the Christian revival in Sweden during the 19th century. Thethesis thus contributes to a deeper understanding of devil tales in Karlstad diocese, the revival’ssignificance over folklore and comprehension of the Värmlandic and Dalslandic peoples’ culturalhistorical heritage. A hermeneutic as well as comparative methodology was used to navigate the source materialwhich consists of 20th century records of folk belief from The Institute for Language and Folklore(Isof) archives; these consists of stories told by people born during the second half of the 19th century.Furthermore, the records are complimented by a printed work by Carl-Martin Bergstrand,Värmlandssägner, wherein additional stories where analysed. The analysis shows that the source material fits well together with Wolf-Knuts’s devil genres,moreover, four new genres could be identified within Karlstad diocese. These contain mostlyinformative storytelling but are also complementary to Wolf-Knuts’s non-necessary devil genres.Wolf-Knuts’s theoretical framework can thereby receive an update considering these findings.Furthermore, the results determine that the peoples’ understanding of the devil is uniform in itsmultifaceted nature. The thesis puts out a hypothesis; the terminology when referring to the dark lorddiffers in places wherein the Christian revival had a greater hold. There, it was commonplace to usebiblical names for the devil. If the Christian revival is definitively responsible for this occurrence ornot could not be determined.

Inblick i orientaliskt liv, eller i orientalistiskt skrivande? : Bilden av Egypten, Etiopien och Liberia i svenska uppslagsverk 1876–1959 / Insight into oriental life, or into oriental writing? : The image of Egypt, Ethiopia and Liberia in Swedish encyclopedias 1876-1959

Zander, Josef January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to examine how Ethiopia, Egypt, and Liberia are portrayed in Swedish encyclopedias. Specifically, it investigates the thematic elements that emerge in older Swedish encyclopedias, written between 1876 and 1959, regarding descriptions of the countries' populations and histories. As method the essay uses “conventional qualitative content analysis”, and the theoretical framework constitutes of Edward Said’s theory of orientalism.  The findings indicate that the populations of these countries are categorized and ranked according to value. The encyclopedias depict the populations of these countries as inferior and distinctly different. The older histories of these countries are portrayed as grandiose, but with a loss of prestige over time. The historical narratives often suggest that these countries are inferior to European powers and require domination in order to develop, either through European instructors or through European control over the state.

Moralisk fostran av den sjuka själen : En mikrohistorisk undersökning av samhälleliga strukturer inom den psykiatriska vården 1861- 1889

Lentenius, Emelie January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to expand and variegate the general history of psychiatric care in Sweden in the late nineteenth century. My objects of interest are the first two head doctors of Stockholm’s hospital and their handwritten annual reports to the directorate of the hospital from the year of 1862 to the year of 1889. During this time the psychiatric care in Sweden went through a number of changes. Laws against treating patients of the asylums with physical restraint and force were passed, and humanitarian and philanthropic movements were a big part of these changes. In Sweden, the psychiatric care was expanding at this time. The old asylums were condemned by humanitarian intellectuals for its horrible conditions, and the doctors called out for new modern asylums. The modern day general history of the expansion of asylums is often in some way linked to Michel Foucault’s theory of the psychiatric asylum as an institution of social control. One of the main undertakings in this essay is to test this theory in the context of a late nineteenth century asylum of Stockholm. Another ambition in this essay is to establish which other characteristic structures of the nineteenth century that appear to have influenced the psychiatric care. Testing Foucault’s theory of social control has in this study proven to call for the need of additional theories concerning both class and gender structures. To expose the nuances of the general history of the asylum I have been using a microhistorical approach, while still integrating with the macro-leveled general history and the control theory of Michel Foucault.Focus in this research is on the two first head doctors of Stockholm’s first real asylum. In this essay, I analyse their description of patient labour and the use of physical restraint/force methods as treatments. The results of my research show that the upholding of social control and moral standards was a big part of the head doctors profession during the second half of the nineteenth century in the Swedish asylum. The results also show that the patients were treated differently based on gender and which of the three different payment classes of the asylum that they belonged to.

Bränn mitt bref! : En poststrukturalistiskt inspirerad studie av författaren Marianne Lundegård-Hagbergs utträdande ur historien

Lundegård, Karin January 2011 (has links)
Abstract This thesis discusses and analyses a 19th century female author's vanishing from history. The study investigates social relationships as figured and described in the epistolary form, based on letters between the author herself and different members of her family. It also tries to identify the author's position and situation in her time and society according to important themes and motifs in her novels. The main purpose is not to reconstruct history, but rather to show the many complex histories that can also be described, apart from the simplified and generalized one. The aim of this study is to, from a post-structuralist perspective, analyze the position of author Marianne Lundegård-Hagberg, and her role as a performative, discursive person that history forgot.

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