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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Respektera mitt pronomen : Transpersoners upplevelser av stöd från sjukvården i sin sexuella hälsa / Respect my pronoun : Transgender people's experiences of healthcare support regarding their sexual health

Hultman, Eddie January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att undersöka hur transpersoner upplever stödet från sjukvården angående sin sexuella hälsa. Jag ville ta reda på om individerna blev erbjuden och/eller önskade stöd från sjukvården och hur det stödet skulle kunna se ut, samt hur det skulle kunna påverka den sexuella hälsan. Med hjälp av tio informanters skrivna narrativ som jag samlade in via en webbenkät beskrivs deras upplevelser. För att tolka och förstå informanternas berättelser tog jag hjälp av tidigare forskning på ämnet samt Judith Butlers teori om kön och genus och en queerfenomenologisk teori. Resultaten visade att ett hetero- och cis-normativt bemötande präglar vården på många håll samt att det finns en mycket stor okunskap kring denna målgrupp både inom vården men även inom tidigare forskning och det sociala arbetet. Det finns även en stor rädsla bland transpersonerna, en rädsla för hut de ska bli bemötta av vårdpersonal och som får konsekvenserna att de avstår från att söka vård vilket kan leda till en försämrad sexuell- och allmän hälsa. / The aim of this study was to examine how transgender people are experiencing the support from healthcare regarding their sexual health. I wanted to find out if the individuals got offered and/or wished to get support from the healthcare, and what kind of support that could be and how other could affect their sexual health. With the help from ten informants written narratives that I collected via a web survey their experiences are described. I took help from previous research of the subject as well as Judith Butler's theory about sex and gender and a queerphenomenological theory to interpret and understand the informants stories. The results showed that a hetero- and cis-normative treatment characterizes the healthcare from many sides and there is also a lot of ignorance around this population, both in the healthcare, previous research and the practical social work. Among the transgender people there is a great fear, a fear of how they will be treated by the healthcare staff, this comes with the consequences that they refrain from seeking care which can lead to an impaired sexual- and general health.

So, Who Feels Pretty: Negotiating the Meaning of Femininity in a Nonheterosexual Community

Palder, Amy 16 July 2008 (has links)
In a heteronormative society where hegemonic masculinity prevails, beauty is often synonymous with, and presented as, feminine. For example, pictures of tall, thin women with perfect teeth and perfect skin gloss the covers of magazines and other forms of media as representative of some beauty ideal. This “ideal” is the barometer by which, on many levels, all women are judged. While some women may choose to ignore these messages, few women can always escape comparison. Our society constantly informs us that appearance matters. More specifically for women, a feminine physical appearance is often considered “ideal.” But what exactly does this construct, feminine, signify? Fundamentally, femininity is not static. To speak of it as a logical, simple construct is problematic for it means different things and is expressed in different ways in different environments. Furthermore, to assert one definition by which all others will be measured is difficult in that it presumes a homogenous population and/or idealizes one specific representation. In this research project I conducted in-depth interviews with 43 non-heterosexual women to discern how they constructed “femininity.” What did it look like? What meanings did it connote? When was it important and how was it negotiated? Applying a cognitive sociological lens and using grounded theory methods, I describe what femininity, or arguably femininities, look(s) like within this subpopulation. This project contributes to and extends the literature on gender, sexuality, and appearance. It does this by demonstrating the importance of analyzing non-heterosexual women’s experiences and understandings of femininity within a patriarchal society that valorizes hegemonic masculinity. Most literature contemplating appearance and related misogynistic messages emphasizes a heteronormative perspective. However, feminine and femininity uniquely impact non-heteronormative women. Non-heterosexual women must negotiate both misogynistic and heterosexist messages concurrently. By simultaneously addressing this “double” subordination or marginalization, this research endeavors to provide a more comprehensive overview of meanings and ramifications of appearance choices.

"Det är normerna vi tampas med!" : Hbtq-certifieringens inverkan på svenskundervisning i mellanstadiet / "The norms are what we are contending with!" : The effects of LGBTQ-certifications on Swedish teaching in middle schooling

Andersson, Pernilla January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om svenskundervisning ur ett hbtq-perspektiv i fyra olika grundskolor, varav två är hbtq-certifierade, samt att dessutom närmare undersöka lärares kunskaper om och upplevelse av att arbeta med hbtq-perspektiv i svenskundervisning. Jag har studerat hur lärarna arbetade, vilka som representerades i läromedlen och i klassrumsmiljöerna, hur klassrummen var möblerade samt hur eleverna var grupperade. Fyra skolor, varav två genomgått RFSL:s hbtq-certifiering, ingår i undersökningen. Studien visar att det råder brist på kunskap om hbtq hos två av de fyra lärarna. Normkritiskt arbetssätt är inte något som praktiseras kontinuerligt förutom av en lärare som ibland hade inslag av normkritiskt arbete. Ingen av de fyra lärarna hade berört hbtq under sina lärarutbildningar. Slutsatsen av mitt arbete är att det krävs en kompetenshöjning när det gäller hbtq-relaterade frågor hos personal som jobbar i skolan. Att hbtq-certifiera verksamheten verkar inte ge bestående effekt; det krävs uppföljning och kontinuerligt arbete för att ändra på de starka normer som råder i samhället. Då styrdokumenten tydligt förespråkar en inkludering av alla elever oavsett kön, könsöverskridande identitet eller uttryck, etnisk tillhörighet, religion eller annan trosuppfattning, funktionsnedsättning, sexuell läggning eller ålder borde kraven på kompetenshöjning i ett normkritiskt arbetssätt komma via styrning uppifrån för att nå ett snabbare resultat. / The purpose of this article is to study four primary school teachers and how they work with LGBTQ-perspectives. Four schools, of which two are LGBTQ-certified by RFSL, are included in this study. The study reveals a lack of knowledge regarding LBTQ issues in three out of the four teachers. Norm critical practices are not continuously applied by the teachers in their work, with the exception of one who does apply them. None of the teachers had come in to contact with LGBTQ through their own education. The conclusion I have drawn from my work on this article is that an improvement of competence concerning LGBTQ related issues among personnel working in school environments is required. LGBTQ-certification does not seem to come with a lasting effect; follow-ups and continuous work are required to change the strong norms that are currently present in society. As Skolverket clearly advocates for the inclusion of all students, regardless of gender, cross-gender identity or expression, ethnic background, religion or other faith, disability, sexual orientation, or age, the requirements of competency improvement regarding the application of norm critical practices should come through guidance from above to assure quick results.

The relationship between a heteronormative culture and the affective reactions of homosexual employees

Els, Elizma 27 November 2012 (has links)
Regardless of the changes in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa No. 108. of 1996, in terms of the acceptance of individuals irrespective of their sexual orientation and the prohibiting of discrimination against anyone on the grounds of their sexual orientation, the concept of homosexuality in the workplace is still a relatively unexplored phenomenon in South Africa. Limited research studies focus on the perspectives of homosexual individuals regarding their perception and attitudes towards their working environments. Culture can affect the way in which individuals act due to the dominance of certain behaviours, beliefs, and norms that are accepted as the 'standard' way of living. Within companies, the employees are on average expected to be productive and effective, and to present fruitful behaviour to benefit the organisation. Individuals can also at times be tacitly encouraged to portray images according to the general norm in the organisation, whether or not this image is true to the individuals themselves. This type of accepted standard norms and behaviours are therefore wordlessly conveyed to the employees as the cultural accepted standard in the organisation. Heteronormative cultures are described as the instance when the accepted standard of male and female behaviour is viewed in terms of masculine men and feminine women. Individuals who do not fit these specific descriptions may experience either explicit or implicit discrimination. The reactions that employees can have because of organisational culture are referred to as affective reactions and can have adverse costs for the organisation as employees may engage in less productive behaviour. The purpose of this research was to assess the relationship between a heteronormative culture and the affective reactions of homosexual employees working in Johannesburg and Pretoria. Work engagement and job satisfaction of the individuals were assessed in relationship to heteronormativity. Research done for this study includes the various aspects of the academic topics related to the study. Given the limited amount of empirical research on the topic, a mixed method study was conducted. Quantitative questionnaires instigated the research, designed to measure the following concepts:<ul> <li> Organisational culture, in terms of heteronormativity.</li> <li> Two affective reactions of employees - work engagement and job satisfaction.</li></ul> Explanatory qualitative interviews followed the questionnaires with the intention of understanding the results found during the quantitative phase. A purposefully selected sample of one hundred and sixty four homosexual employees working in Johannesburg and Pretoria completed the quantitative questionnaire, and a sample of eight homosexual individuals were selected out of the original sample to participate in the qualitative interview stage. Previously developed instruments were used to measure heteronormativity, work engagement and job satisfaction. The results indicated that homosexual employees within Gauteng do experience the culture of their respective organisations to support the perceptions of heteronormativity. Two hypotheses were tested which indicated a significant but small correlation between perceptions of heteronormativity and work engagement and job satisfaction. The qualitative results provided insight into how homosexual employees experienced heteronormative cultures in the workplace as well as how they react to the cultures encountered. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Human Resource Management / unrestricted

Inclusivity in the English Classroom : A Study in Inclusivity, Focusing on Heteronormativity and Sexuality, in the English Courses 5-7 in Upper Secondary Schools

Winterkvist, Frida January 2020 (has links)
This student thesis project centers around two subjects, heteronormativity and LGBTQIA+ representation, and examines whether or not they are prominent in today’s schools in a smaller selected municipality in Sweden, if schools strive for inclusivity, and what is done to prevent any potential suffering for the LGBTQIA+ youth. Firstly, this student thesis project presents the theory, more specifically queer theory, that will be used as the basis for results analysis. Secondly, the background is presented with relevant previous research in similar areas where LGBTQIA+ themes or issues and heteronormativity are key elements. Thirdly, this student thesis project presents the questionnaire that eight upper secondary school teachers in English have responded to and what they have responded, followed by the results that consist of an analysis using the previous research. Lastly, this student thesis project concludes that many areas affect how and when LGBTQIA+ issues or questions are represented. One area is responsibility as responsibility appears to be put on teachers, Skolverket, and the students themselves for change to happen. Teachers must dare to include LGBTQIA+ issues or questions, and teachers urge Skolverket to assist in including LGBTQIA+ related topics in the steering documents. The students have a responsibility to take LGBTQIA+ issues or questions seriously as they are presented to them in class and allow themselves to ask questions to gain more knowledge in the area. There is room for improvement in terms of inclusivity as heteronormativity still influences the schools in the selected municipality, making LGBTQIA+-questions secondary and separate rather than a natural part of education.

Familj, moderskap och incest i Så länge vi båda andas : En queerteoretisk temastudie av Stephenie Meyers Så länge vi båda andas

Reventlid, Amanda January 2011 (has links)
This paper examines in what way the heterosexual matrix is challenged by Stephenie Meyer in Breaking dawn (Så länge vi båda andas). By doing a thematic study on the various family constellations appearing in the novel, I search for the queer elements in it. I discuss incest, family building and motherhood, and find that there are numerous queer elements associated with the themes I have chosen. I conclude that the Cullen family challenges the heterosexual matrix, despite not being typical queer vampire characters. I also find that building a successful family is not based on gender or constellation otherwise, but is instead dependant on democracy and equality. Bella has a desire to taste the blood of both her daughter and her father, interpreted as an incestuous desire. I find similarities between Bella’s extreme motherhood behaviors and how drag show artists parody gender. / Denna uppsats undersöker på vilka sätt Stephenie Meyer utmanar den heterosexuella matrisen i Så länge vi båda andas. Genom att göra en queerteoretisk temastudie utifrån temat familj undersöker jag de queera elementen i texten. Jag behandlar incest, familjebildning och moderskap och kommer fram till att det finns många queera inslag i mina valda teman. I min analys drar jag slutsatsen att familjen Cullen, trots att de inte är klassiska queera vampyrkaraktärer ändå utmanar den heterosexuella matrisen. Jag kommer även fram till att framgången i en familjebildning inte ligger i kön, eller konstruktion, utan i demokrati och jämställdhet. När Bella åtrår sin faders och dotterns blod tolkar jag detta i sin kontext som ett incestuöst begär. Jag jämför extremismen i Bellas moderskap med hur dragshowartisten parodierar genus.

Föreställningar om våldsutsatta män i samkönade relationer; exempel från stödgivande samhällsinstanser. / Perceptions of male victims in same-sex relationships; examples from supporting community instances.

Ekman, Emelie, Demirel, Narin January 2017 (has links)
Statistik visade att få män kontaktar någon form av samhällsinstans när de blivit utsatta för våld i en nära relation. Våldet anses likvärdigt i heterosexuella relationer som samkönade relationer, trots detta brister kunskapen om våld i samkönade relationer. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka kring vilka eventuella föreställningar som råder i samband med samkönade relationer inom stödgivande samhällsinstanser. Vi valde att fokusera på våldsutsatta män. Studien innefattar åtta kvalitativa intervjuer med respondenter som arbetar inom stödgivande samhällsinstanser. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter utgick från ett genusperspektiv och queerteori. Resultatet har presenterats under avsnitt 5 under fyra teman vilka är “stödgivande samhällsinstansers bemötande”, “heteronormativa föreställningar kring våldsutsatta män”, “möjlighet till stöd och skydd” samt “outing och skam”. Resultatet visade att heteronormativa föreställningar kring våld i samkönade relationer kan påverka vilket stöd och skydd våldsutsatta män erbjuds. Avslutningsvis diskuterades det framtagna resultatet kring den bristande kunskap som föreligger kring våld i samkönade relationer och studiens slutsatser. Slutsatserna för studien var att det fanns ett heteronormativt synsätt hos vissa av de stödgivande samhällsinstanser vi intervjuat. Det har även framförts förslag till framtida forskning där vi vill att ämnet ska studeras mer utförligt. / Statistics show that very few men exposed to domestic violence, either in heterosexual or same-sex relationships, contact any social service. Although domestic violence is often restricted to being defined the same as heterosexual relationships as same-sex relationships, knowledge about violence in same-sex relationships is inadequate. The purpose of this study was to examine if any perception and understanding of violence in same-sex relationships exist within supporting community instances, focusing on male victims of domestic violence. The study containing eight qualitative interviews with respondents within supporting community instances. The result is presented under the themes “stödgivande samhällsinstansers bemötande”, “heteronormativa föreställningar kring våldsutsatta män”, “möjlighet till stöd och skydd” and “outing och skam”. To notice is that the result showed that perceptions about heteronormativity can affect which type of support and protection male victims of domestic violence is given. Lastly, a discussion about the developed result around the inadequate knowledge about violence in same-sex relationships will be held. The conclusions of the study were that there is a heteronormative approach within some of the supporting community instances we interviewed. There are also suggestions for future research and therefore needs to be studied at length.

Genusarbete i förskolanspedagogiska lärmiljö inomhus : En studie om genusarbetets betydelse för barns identitetsskapande iförskolepedagogisk kontext

Öhberg, Hannah, Sjöstrand, Martina January 2021 (has links)
Förskolan har ett ansvar att motverka könsmönster som begränsar barnensutveckling, val och lärande. Lärmiljöns och det tillgängliga materialets betydelse förbarns identitetsskapande har vetenskapligt studerats tidigare av andra forskare ochvisar då på att den genusexponering som barn utsätts för i tidig ålder är bidragandetill barns genusrelaterade förväntningar och attityder senare i livet. Studiens syfte ärdärav att undersöka hur tillgängligt material på förskoleavdelningar kan se ut ur ettgenusperspektiv samt hur verksamma förskollärare resonerar kring sittgenuspedagogiska arbete i avsikt att presentera en praxisnära bild av hur förskolansgenuspedagogiska arbete kan återspeglas i den pedagogiska lärmiljön inomhus. Istudien intervjuas fyra verksamma förskollärare i södra Sverige och deras respektiveavdelning inventeras på för barnen tillgängligt lärmaterial. Studien antar enfenomenografisk ansats och resultatet analyseras med hjälp av Hirdmans genusteori. Resultatet som framkom i studien visar på att det finns många olika sätt att utföragenusarbetet på och tre olika strategier har identifierats. Dessa döps till stereotyperinkluderas, stereotyper blandas och stereotyper exkluderas. Resultatet kan leda tillen diskussion kring hur barn kan påverkas av en lärmiljö med eller utan stereotypalekmaterial. Det har även framkommit ur studiens material att ju mindre lärmaterialsom observerats på avdelningen desto tydligare är det genuspedagogiska metodikenoch att genuspedagogiken får ta större utrymme i den planerade undervisningeninom verksamheten. Pedagogiska implikationer som framkommit i studien är vikten avgenusmedvetenhet samt närvarande och stöttande pedagoger men också en medvetetplanerad lärmiljö på förskoleavdelningen för att erbjuda barnen möjligheter attskaffa sig breda genusrelaterade erfarenheter. / Preschools have a responsibility to counteract gender patterns which restrictschildren’s development, choice, and education. The importance of the pedagogicalenvironment and the learning equipment available for shaping the identity ofchildren has been scientifically researched earlier by other researchers and showsthat the genus exposure which children are subject to in early years contributes tochildren’s genus-related expectations, norms and attitudes later in life. The purpose of the study is to examine how available equipment in preschools canbe viewed from a genus perspective, to investigate the current discussion amongst pre-school teachers around their genus-pedagogical work in order to present a closeto reality picture of how genus-pedagogical policy can be mirrored in the interioreducational environment. In this study four preschool-teachers in Southern Sweden are being interviewed andthe educational material available in their respective department is examined. The study takes a phenomenographic approach and the result is analysed with thehelp of Hirdman’s genus theory. The result of the study shows that there is a varietyof ways genus matters are being approached in today’s preschool learningenvironment. Three different genus strategies have been identified; environmentswhere stereotypes are included, a mixed approach to stereotypes and preschoolswhere stereotypes are being excluded.The result leads to a discussion about how children can be influenced in aneducational environment with or without stereotypical play materials. The study also reveals that the less learning material that has been observed in the department,the more influential the genus-pedagogical methodology is, and as a result, thegenus-related pedagogy becomes more prominent in the scheduled curriculum. The pedagogical implications arising from the study is the vital importance of genusconsciousness, the value of access to supporting pedagogues but also a strategicallyplanned educational environment in preschool which offers children possibilities toachieve broad spanning genus-related experiences for life.

Sjuksköterskors bemötande och hantering av våldsutsatta i heterosexuella och samkönade relationer : En kvalitativ jämförande studie av en akutmottagning / Nurses treatment of victims of violence in heterosexual and same-gender relationships

Hindriks, Julia, Johansson, Amanda, Jönsson, Sophie January 2021 (has links)
Våld i nära relationer är ett stort samhällsproblem, i synnerhet mäns våld mot kvinnor. Vad som inte får glömmas är att våld i nära relationer inte är begränsat till heterosexuella relationer, utan även förekommer i samkönade. Syftet med denna uppsats är att genom en kvalitativ undersökning, öka kunskapen om och hur sjuksköterskor på en akutmottagning tillämpar Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter och allmänna råd om våld i nära relationer (SOSFS 2014:4). Av särskilt intresse är att undersöka om skillnader finns i bemötandet av heterosexuella och HBTQ-personer. Vår studie är således en fallstudie och bygger på en vinjett undersökning, kombinerat med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien genomfördes med fyra informanter, vilka är anställda sjuksköterskor på en akutmottagningen. Resultatet av studien tyder på att sjuksköterskor på akutmottagningen inte korrekt följer Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter och allmänna råd, vad gäller våld i nära relationer. Resultatet tyder även på att sjuksköterskorna är präglade av den heteronorm som råder i samhället, vilket innebär att de inledningsvis eller helt misstar samkönade relationer för att vara vänskapsrelationer. / Intimate partner violence is a major societal problem, especially mens violence against women. What should not be forgotten is that intimate partner violence is not limited to heterosexual relationships, but also occurs in same-gender relationships. The purpose of this essay is to increase knowledge about and how nurses, in an emergency department, apply the National Board of Health and Welfare's regulations and general advice on intimate partner violence through a qualitative study (SOSFS 2014: 4). Of particular interest is to investigate whether there are differences in the treatment of heterosexuals and LGBTQ people. Our essay is a case study and is based on a vignette survey, combined with semi-structured interviews. The study was conducted with four informants, who are employed nurses at an emergency department. The results of the study indicate that nurses at the emergency department do not correctly follow the National Board of Health and Welfare's regulations and general advice regarding intimate partner violence. The results also indicate that the nurses are characterized by the heteronormative that prevails in society, which means that they initially or completely mistake same-gender relationships to be friendships.

All Made-Up: The Hyperfeminization of Fat Women

Millimen, Sarah K. January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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