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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Båtnitar” : Analys och konservering av järnnitar från Birkas garnison

Johansson, Harald January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to analyse and discuss clinch-nails found at an excavation at terrace II in the Garrison of Birka, on the island of Björkö in Sweden. This type of clinch-nails is common in Viking age Sweden and is usually interpreted as coming from boats. The study will try to show that these types of nails could have been used in several kinds of wooden constructions. It will also show how the nails were made and what kinds of tools were used by the Viking smiths. The study has shown that this type of nails were used in several different types of wooden constructions such as boats, sleds, cart bodies, coffins, Birka's ramparts and buildings. Nothing confirms the use of rivets in Viking age buildings but the material from terrace II probably contains clinch-nails from the other categories. The largest portion of the clinch-nails comes from disused boats and from the ramparts surrounding Birka's hill fort Borg. The tools for making nails have not been found in the Birka Garrison.

"Vi är ju inget museum!" En undersökning av Uppsala studentnationers kulturarvshantering / “We’re not a Museum!” A Research of the Cultural Heritage Management at the Student Nations of Uppsala University

Bergkvist, Moa, Lönner, Pernilla January 2011 (has links)
The thesis investigates how Uppsala University student nations steward their cultural heritage. The survey targets how student nations manage their cultural heritage, what financial priority they give it, their attitude towards it, and their awareness of it.A qualitative study of semi-structured interviews with representatives from 11 out of 13 student nations in Uppsala was implemented. The theoretical framework is based on the theory of David Lowenthal on the importance of cultural heritage, Susan Pearce’s theory on collecting, and Pierre Bourdieu’s theory on cultural capital. To investigate the importance of cultural objects theories by Ivo Maroević, Annette Weiner, and Igor Kopytoff was applied.The survey shows that stewardship of cultural heritage at Uppsala student nations is poor and in need of reform. The survey also shows that the status of the nations’ antiquarians and other responsible officers is low and that antiquarians feel neglected in the priorities of the nation's financial plans. The thesis suggests collaboration between the student nations and Uppsala University as a solution to these problems. This two years master’s thesis could serve as a point of departure for such an initiative.

Se men inte röra : Röntgen som verktyg i dokumentation av historiska stoppningar.

Stjernlöf, Ann-Sofie January 2013 (has links)
How can we use modern X-ray technology to raise awareness of the information that is hidden in historic upholstery? The materials and techniques add information to the history object in question and  about a profession that is sparsely documented in our country. The knowledge we have today has largely been obtained by studying damaged upholstery, or by removing the show cover and upholstery, a technique which involves high risk of damaging the upholstery. X-ray technology offers  a non- intrusive way to examine historical upholstery. Through case studies, I examined four artefacts. The artefacts went trough an inititial visual exam before being transported to The National Heritage Board in Visby where they underwent a thorough X-ray exam. This thesis investigates the process of X-raying historical furniture and gives examples of how to interpret the images. As part of the result, I have begun to create a manual that is intended to present a method that can be used in the process of documentating upholstered furniture using  X-ray. / Hur kan vi med hjälp av röntgenteknik öka kunskapen om den information som göms i historiska stoppningar? De använda materialen och teknikerna tillför en mängd information till stolens historia och berättar om en yrkesgrupp som är sparsamt dokumenterad i vårt land. Den kunskapen vi har till stor del inhämtats genom att man studerat skadade stoppningar, eller att klädsel och stoppning öppnats upp, en teknik som innebär en stor skaderisk. Röntgentekniken ger möjligheten att undersöka en historisk stoppning, utan att göra åverkan på möbeln. I fallstudier har jag undersökt fyra föremål från ca 1750 - 1800 genom en inledande okulärbesiktning, för att sedan transportera föremålen till Riksantikvarieämbetet i Visby där de genomgått en röntgenundersökning. Jag visar på en metod för hur man kan gå till väga i arbetet med att röntga kulturhistoriskt intressanta möbler samt ger exempel på hur man kan utläsa information i bilderna samt vilka för- och nackdelar som förknippas med tekniken. Som ett resultat av undersökningen har jag påbörjat arbetet med att skapa en manual som visar hur man kan använda sig av röntgen som verktyg i dokumentation av historiska stoppningar.

Ta det piano med klaveret : Åtgärdsproblematik vid konservering av hammarklaver från 1770-talet / Conservation of English square pianos from the 1770’s : Common problems and conservation recommendations

Öhman, William January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis I explore the preservation problems occurring in English square pianos from 1770. I have investigated three aspects: Which materials do the instruments normally consist of? Which are the common types of damage? What conservation ethics are widely considered among instrument conservators and restorers? With the information from these three questions have I formulated treatment suggestions and general aspects to be aware of when preserving early square pianos. The most important suggestion is not to make any treatment without reflection. It´s also important to be aware of problems regarding storage, humidity, emissions, materials and tuning when preserving an early square piano. I consider these aspects in formulating treatment suggestions to conserve instruments as historical documents and to restore them to playable state. The treatment suggestions can also help and guide conservators without special knowledge of instruments toward better preservation of early square pianos. This thesis aims therefore to improve the care of this fragile cultural heritage.

Dokumentation av möbler i Vasarummet på Rydboholm slott : Vård och preventiv konservering i en autentisk miljö

Lauri, Vaher January 2015 (has links)
This is a work about documentation and preventive conservation. My case study includes a number of furnishings in an environment where virtually no circumstances have changed during last 400 years. My goal was to, on the basis of observation of materials, techniques and construction, determine the possible date of origin and that with regard to previous research on climate and the effect of light and other conditions to formulate guidelines for the continued storage, without changing anything more pervasive in the physical environment. I have come to the conclusion that the different methods like the control of air movement or protection of the environment from UV-light is not unproblematic in an environment like this, but that the best strategy in the current situation are simple proven methods such as protective covering and ventilation.

Fake it til you make it? : En studie i alternativa fyllnadsmaterial för mindre fanerskador. / Fake it til you make it? : Expanding the palette of filling material for damages in veneer.

Linnell, Caroline January 2019 (has links)
Arbetet handlar om en studie i alternativa fyllnadsmaterial för mindre fanerskador. Syftet är att tydliggöra och vidga konservatorns palett av alternativa fyllnadsmaterial och skapa riktlinjer för lagning av mindre fanerskador med hjälp av dessa material. Parallellt med min undersökande del diskuteras även andra frågor såsom vilka värden möbler bär på samt vikten av att skapa ett nätverk med informationsutbyte för vidareutveckling av metoder och material inom möbelkonservering. I arbetet redogör jag för generella skillnader mellan möbelkonservering och möbelrestaurering. Undersökningen baserar sig på en analys av svar från mitt frågeformulär där svarspersonernas erfarenheter och praktiska undersökningar delvis har legat till grund för urvalet av material jag valt att gå vidare med i mina undersökningar. I dessa undersökningar testade jag olika fyllnadsmaterial på provplattor fanerade med björk och valnöt. I arbetet redogör jag för traditionella fyllnadsmaterial och i slutsatsen redogör jag för de material som jag anser kan utvecklas till att bli lämpliga komplement till de traditionella fyllnadsmaterialen, till exempel Aquazol 500 och Arbocel. / This is a study of alternative filling materials for smaller damages in veneer. The aim is to document and expand the palette of filling materials for furniture conservators and to create guidelines for the conservation and restoration of smaller damages in veneer. Parallel to this study I discuss other issues, such as the different values that can be found in an object. The importance of networking and the giving and sharing of information which is essential for the development of new techniques and materials. The difference between furniture conservation and furniture restoration is presented briefly. My tests are based on an analysis of the answers from my questionnaire where the respondents experience and practical skills serve as a partial base for the choice of materials that I have chosen to examine. My tests were executed on both birch and walnut veneer. I describe the pros and cons of traditional filling materials and in the conclusion, I present the filling materials that I believe can be a good complement to the traditional filling materials, such as Aquazol 500 and Arbocel.

Då idealet blir protagonist : Återuppbyggnadsprocessen av Stocksundstorps gård / When the ideal becomes the protagonist : The reconstruction process of Stocksundstorps Gård

Fäldt, Jennifer January 2024 (has links)
Den 19 april 1996 stod den kulturhistoriska byggnaden Stocksundstorps Gård i lågor. Historiskt hade tillägg från rivningsobjekt införts i byggnaden. Bland annat väggmålerier från Gustav III:s Opera; element som nu stod i riskzon att gå förlorade. Återuppbyggnadsprocessen fokuserade på att återskapa den ursprungliga utformningen. Återvunnet material applicerades, upptäckta historiska skikt återinfördes liksom de konserverade elementen som överlevde branden. Uppsatsen syftade till att forma en förståelse för vilka aspekter som formar en återuppbyggnadsprocess då byggt kulturarv har brandskadats. Därigenom undersöktes aktörers delaktighet och urval i representationer och bevarande av historiska tidsskikt, metoder och materialval. Genom studier av arkivmaterial; som arbetsbeskrivningar, ritningar, artiklar och foton, formades en uppfattning om processen. Platsbesök och en intervju utfördes, vilka gav en vidare förståelse om återuppbyggnadsprocessen och dagens syn på den. Resultatet redogjorde för ett pluralistiskt förhållningssätt kring hantering av olika principer, metoder och olika historiska skikt kopplat till 1990-talets restaureringsideologier och bevarandeprinciper, samt kulturvårdens utveckling i Sverige under 1900-talets andra hälft. Fallet Stocksundstorp redogör för hur en brandskadad privatbostad har hanterats och belyser därmed en mindre beforskad aspekt. / On the 19th of April 1996 the listed building Stocksundstorps Gård was in flames. Historically, elements from demolished historical buildings had been integrated to the building, such as murals from Gustav III’s Opera; elements that now were at risk of being lost. The reconstruction process focused on recreating the original design. Recycled materials were applied, discovered elements were re-introduced as well as restored elements that survived the fire.  The purpose of this study was to form an understanding regarding which aspects form a reconstruction process when listed buildings, built heritage, have been fire-damaged. This case study examplifies actors’ participation and selection regarding representation and preservation of historical layers. Through study of archival material; such as descriptions, drawings, articles and photos, an idea of the case was formed. Site visits were carried out, and an interview, which gave a wider understanding of the reconstruction process and today’s view of it. A pluralistic approach to the management of different preservation methods was regarded as a result of this study. Methods and management of different historical layers were linked to restoration ideologies and preservation principles of the 1990’s, as well as the development of preservation and conservation in Sweden during the second half of the 20th century. Furthermore, the object of study highlights a less researched area: when a historical, but private, building is reconstructed.

En studie av skador hos stolar från renässansen 1560-tal till biedermeier 1850-tal. : Ett arbete om sambandet mellan konstruktion, material och skadebild.

Brolin Nord, Elin January 2018 (has links)
Through the selection of six representative typical Swedish chairs from each era, I present manufacturing techniques and how the craftsmanship has affected the style of the chairs over time. My main source material is the objects themselves. I chose to analyze the constructions and what can distinguish them apart in techniques, material choices, aesthetics and design. The main part of my work has been to find out what are the most occurring damages and its causes. Most damages from renaissance to biedermeier can be linked to the mortise joint. Through interviews with experienced conservators and with my own experiences as a cabinet maker and conservator, I discuss the concept of the ultimate chair design in terms of stability. I have come to the conclusion that the most solid chair is the eight to twelve framed chairs from the Renaissance, but the chair must be adapted to the intended use.

Smålands nations inspektorsporträtt : en undersökning av samlingens tillstånd och funktion

Kronberg, Tove January 2023 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur Smålands studentnation i Uppsala använder och förmedlar sin samling av inspektorsporträtt. Samlingen består av tjugofyra porträtt med motiv utförda i matchande kompositioner. Porträtten undersöks både utifrån sina fysiska och immateriella värden, vilket har varit viktigt för att förstå samlingen som helhet. Samlingens fysiska skick fastslås genom en tillståndsbedömning, vilken visade att majoriteten av porträtten har allvarliga skador i form av revor, sprickor och utbuktningar. Vidare dokumenteras porträttens motiv och historiska bakgrund i en katalog. Dokumenteringen av porträtten visade att det bara var sexton av tjugofyra porträtt som föreställde faktiska inspektorer. De övriga åtta porträtten föreställde istället kända smålänningar och meriterade förebilder. Uppsatsen har vidare undersökt samlingen som ett kommunikationsverktyg mellan nationen och dess besökare, vilket visade att inspektorsporträtten kommunicerade budskap om makt och identitet genom utvalda symboler, attribut och kompositioner. / This essay examines how the studentnation Smålands nation in Uppsals uses and conveys it’s collection of inspector portraits. The collection consists of twentyfour portraits with matching motives,. The portraits are examined based on both their physical and immaterial values, which has been important to understand the portraits as a collection. The physical condition of the collection was determined through a condition assessment, which showed that a majority of the portraits have serious damages in the form of tears, cracks and bulges.  The motifs and historical backgrounds have been cataloged due to a stocktaking., wich showed that only sixteen portraits actually depicted inspectors. The other eight portraits depicted instead well-known Småland-residents and meritorius role models. The essay also examined the collection as a tool for communication between the nation and it’s visitors, showing that the inspector portraits communicated messages of power and identity through  well-selected symbols, attributes and compositions.

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