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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den tysta partnern : Kvinnors medhjälp till brott och dess inverkan på identiteten / The silent partner : Women's complicity in crime and its impact on identity

Österberg, Naomi, Svanberg, Jennie January 2024 (has links)
Med utgångspunkt i Howard Beckers stämplingsteori har denna kvalitativa studie som syfte att utveckla en djupare förståelse inom området som omfattar kvinnor i brottslighet. Genom en sociologisk analys, med begrepp som disciplinering, intrycksstyrning och genus, kommer denna studie att djupgående gå in på hur kvinnliga lagöverträdare upplever bemötandet och hanteringen under rättsprocessen. Därtill kommer hur kvinnors identitet och självbild formas utifrån deras erfarenheter av rättsväsendet och samhälleliga normer, attityder och strukturer. Studien utgörs av narrativa intervjuer med fem kvinnor som tidigare begått lagbrott. Det empiriska materialet pekar på att kvinnornas upplevelser av häktestiden varit en emotionell påfrestning för dem. Resultatet visar också på att kvinnorna under rättsprocessen ofta får utstå kränkande behandling som en följd av sitt kön. Sammantaget går det att dra slutsatser om att sociala och kulturella faktorer spelar en väsentlig roll i skapandet av den egna identiteten. Utöver det påstår vi även att kvinnor som begått brott får utstå dubbelstämpling på grund av både brottet och sitt kön. / Drawing on Howard Beckers's labeling theory, this qualitative study aims to develop a deeper understanding within the area encompassing women in criminality. Through a sociological analysis, using concepts such as discipline, impression management, and gender, this study will go deeply into how female offenders experience treatment and handling during the legal process. Additionally, it will explore how women's identity and self-image are shaped based on their experiences with the criminal justice system and societal norms, attitudes, and structures. The study consists of narrative interviews with five women who have previously committed crimes. The empirical material indicates that the women's experiences during the period of detention have been an emotional strain for them. The results also suggest that women often endure discriminatory treatment during the legal process as a result of their gender. In conclusion, it can be inferred that social and cultural factors play a significant role in the formation of one's own identity. Furthermore, we argue that women who have committed crimes face “double labeling” due to both their offense and their gender.

Oro för brott : en kvantitativ studie om hur sårbarhet, socialt kapital och främlingsfientlighet påverkar oro för brott i Sverige

Hedlin, Malou January 2024 (has links)
Fear of crime (FOC) negatively affects the individual's everyday life and quality of life through avoidance behaviors and reduced informal social control, which in turn can increase the risk of crime. In Sweden, concern about crime is seen as an upward trend, despite a decrease in self-reported crime vulnerability since 2018. Using quantitative data, collected from the SOM institute, this study examines how xenophobia and social capital affect concern about crime in relation to gender, age and income. The theoretical framework used is vulnerability thesis, social capital and stereotypes along with xenophobia, with the conclusion that women are more fearful than men, that high social capital reduces fear, and that xenophobic attitudes create more fear of crime. The results highlight the importance of social factors in understanding fear of crime and the need to promote social capital to reduce this fear.

Lägersmål och lönskalägen i Bergslagen 1771-1830 / Premarital Crimes and the Penalties, Bergslagen 1771-1830

Rickan, Susann January 2012 (has links)
Barnamordsplakatet (a Infanticide Proclamation) of 1778 was a circular allowing unmarried mothers to give birth at an undisclosed location without giving up the name of the father. The proclamation was supposed to ease the situation for the unwed mother in Sweden. The aim was to investigate whether women in Assembly of Hällefors, far from government and close to remote forest Finnskogen, was affected by the Infanticide Proclamation, between 1771 and 1830. Case studies has been done on people who had illegitimate children, if they were convicted, what the crime was and what the punishment was. The investigation is made at a local level and compared against national analyzes on the same theme. A lot of illegitimate children were born in Grythyttan nearby and slightly less in Hällefors, compared to other places of Sweden. Mothers and fathers were convicted in the district court for crimes, including, sexual intercourse between unmarried persons. More women than men were convicted. The cases in court with convicted for the second time, was culminating between 1800 and 1810. Infanticide Proclamation is immediately adapted in court. People's behavior changed before the law took effect when the amount of born illegitimate children outnumbered the amount of convicted mothers.

'Designing out Crime' – A Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Crime in Umeå

Zugschwerdt, Marc January 2017 (has links)
The creation of sustainable and safe environments nowadays moves more and more into focus for urban planners and architects. Cities should be designed in a way to contribute to social cohesion, shaping an inclusive environment and focusing on the wellbeing of its citizens. Nevertheless, these processes can be undermined by public crime and the fear of crime, which is not only affecting aspects of personal safety but also affecting the people’s behaviour. Reasons why criminality occurs are manifold, impacted by a dynamic set of socioeconomic, demographic, personal but also environmental aspects. In recent years especially the impact of factors related to urban and environmental design respectively planning received rising attention in the field of crime prevention. However, the implementation of strategies regarding ‘crime prevention through environmental design’ or ‘designing out crime’ is still in its early stage in Sweden.   This study aims to investigate spatial and temporal patterns of public crime for the case of Umeå in order to identify potential risk areas, which could receive particular attention regarding crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED). In this sense a GIS based spatial analysis had the aim to detect statistically significant hotspots of crime and furthermore to assess the development of these hotspots over time. In order to understand the nature of public crime and criminal behaviour in Umeå in a more holistic way, also temporal aspects regarding the occurrence of crime were analysed. One particularly vulnerable neighbourhood was examined with a qualitative field observation regarding the principles of crime prevention through environmental design in order to assess in which way the built environment is designed and suited to prevent and deter criminality.   Umeå displays rather clear patterns of higher crime activity, assigned to seasonal, weakly and daily periods, which are connected to higher activity in the public space. Also from a spatial perspective certain patterns are detectable with a higher vulnerability for crime at spots which generate higher activity such as shopping areas or neighbourhoods with nightlife and transport hub functions, and in general neighbourhoods with a higher building density. The neighbourhood of Ålidhem displayed thereby a high concentration of criminality, marked as a constant or even intensifying hotspot for the entire period of investigation. The results of the field observation regarding principles of CPTED are especially indicating a lack of maintenance and furthermore the street and building layout is contributing to disorientation. On the other hand, the area is in most cases well equipped for natural surveillance and provides a high amount of locations for leisure and recreation in order strengthen social cohesion.

Hur svenska myndigheterna begränsas då de ska agera mot illegal verksamhet på Darknet : -Definition samt myndigheters påverkan -Svenska lagstiftningens begränsningar på myndigheternas arbete

Alyass, Patrik, Samuelsson, William January 2020 (has links)
Darknet är en del av den djupa webben, som är en icke indexerad del av internet. Det används för olika ändamål, till exempel att köpa läkemedel och finansiell information. Tillgången till Darknet kan vara anonym genom att använda TOR och Bitcoin. Anonymiteten vid webbsökning under användandet av Darknet kommer påverka bevis för myndigheter. Således kan det ha en möjlig effekt på brottsbekämpande arbete, särskilt angående digitalt kriminaltekniskt arbete, utifrån begränsningen av tillgängliga data. Således syftar denna studie till att fastställa vad de svenska myndigheterna arbetar med för att stoppa illegala aktiviteter som utförs med hjälp av Darknet, i samband med begränsningarna från svensk lagstiftning. Studien kommer att genomföras med hjälp av intervjuer med polis, advokat, köpare och tullen för att få deras insikt och åsikt om det valda ämnet. Medan statistiska uppgifter kommer från undersökningar med kunniga respondenter från forum. På grund av detta kan arbetet fungera som en väsentlig förståelse för hur Darknet kan påverka nutiden och framtida brottsutredningar. Ytterligare arbete måste utföras i området för att lösa potentiella implikationer, eftersom detta arbete endast examinerar om det finns påverkan / Darknet is a part of the Deep web, which an unindexed section of the internet. It is in use forvarious purposes, e.g., buying drugs and financial information. The access to Darknet can besubstantially anonymous by using TOR and bitcoin. Given anonymity for web browsing, it will directly impact evidence about illicit purchases. So, itmay have a possible effect on law enforcement work, particularly on digital forensic work due tothe limitation of data available. Thus, this study aims to determine what the Swedish government isdoing to stop Darknet trading, along with the limitations from Swedish regulations. The focus is thus on criminal prosecution and criminal investigation. The study will be throughconducting interviews with police, lawyer, buyer, and border control to get et their insight andopinion on the chosen topic. Statistical data is from conducting surveys with knowledgeablerespondents from forums. Due to this, the work can serve as an essential understanding of how Darknet may impact presentand future criminal investigations. Additional work must be done in the area to solve the potentialimplications, due to this work only examines if there are any impacts

Att åldras med funktionshinder : Betydelser av socialt och kronologiskt åldrande för människor som under lång tid levt med fysiska funktionsnedsättningar / Ageing with disability : On the meaning of social and chronological ageing for people who hav lived with physical impairments over a long period of time

Taghizadeh Larsson, Annika January 2009 (has links)
Ålderns och åldrandets betydelser för människor som under lång tid har levt med fysiska funktionsnedsättningar har hittills fått begränsad uppmärksamhet såväl i forskning som i andra sammanhang. Samtidigt pekar såväl åldersgränser i det offentliga stödsystemet som tidigare forskning mot att ålder och åldrande kan få speciella innebörder för människor som lever med funktionshinder. Syftet med den här avhandlingen är att tolka innebörder av åldersnormer och upplevd ålder för människor som i dagens Sverige befinner sig i de kronologiska åldrarna kring 65 med fysiska funktionsnedsättningar som funnits med under minst 30 år. Med åldersnormer avses ”enhetliga uppfattningar om de ’typiska’ åldrar då man innehar vissa roller under livsloppet”. Subjektiv ålder syftar på ”hur gammal man känner sig”. Åldrarna kring 65 har valt därför att det är en del av livsloppet då ålder, åldrande och åldersnormer kan förväntas få särskilt stor betydelse. En intervjustudie med 20 personer i åldrarna 56-72 har genomförts. Planeringen, genomförandet och analysen av intervjuerna har utgått från ett livsloppsperspektiv. Tolkningen av de intervjuades utsagor visar bland annat hur människor kan anamma ”äldrenormer” som ofta beskrivs som negativa i andra sammanhang på ett sätt som resulterar i något för individen positivt. Till skillnad från befintliga teorier om hälso- och funktionstillståndets betydelse för människors subjektiva ålder pekar studien också mot att det kan finnas en rad olika möjligheter att känna sig ung eller ”inte gammal” med funktionsnedsättningar och sjukdomar. Mot bakgrund av intervjupersonernas beskrivningar av sina dagliga liv framstår det därtill inte som orimligt att en ålderspensionär med omfattande funktionsnedsättningar med hjälp av ett individuellt anpassat stöd och hjälpmedel kan tillägna sig ett modernt och fritidsaktivt pensionärsideal på ett sätt som får som konsekvens att hon utformar sitt liv på ett ”tredje-ålder-likt” sätt. Ålder och åldrande framträder emellertid inte som betydelsefullt för alla aspekter av de intervjuades liv med funktionshinder. Särskilt inte för hur vissa förändringar av det egna funktionstillståndet upplevs. / The significance of age and ageing for people who have experienced a physical impairment under a long period of time is an area that has received little attention in both policies related to disability and the elderly as well as in social scientific research on disability and social gerontology. At the same time, age limits related to public support for disabled people, as well as related theories and empirical studies indicate that age and ageing can have specific meanings for people living with impairments. The aim of this thesis is to interpret the significance of age norms and subjective age for people in today’s Sweden who are approximately 65 years old with physical impairments that have existed for at least 30 years. Age norms refer to commonly accepted interpretations of what is associated with a certain age or phase of life, while subjective age refers to ”how old one feels”. The years around 65 have been chosen because they stand out as a time in life when age, ageing and age norms are expected to take on a particularly palpable meaning. An interview-study of 20 persons between 56-72 years of age was conducted. A life course perspective was used, both as a theoretical departure and as a methodological tool. Among other things, the interpretation of the interviews reveals how people can acquire and apply age norms that are often described as negative in other contexts in a way that results in something positive for the individual. In contrast to existing theories that emphasize the centrality of good health to be able to ”feel young”, the study at hand also indicates that those with a medically-defined chronic illness or physical impairment may experience age in a number of ways, without this necessarily involving their diagnosis or impairment. Furthermore, the interview subjects’ descriptions of their daily lives suggest that it is not unreasonable to surmise that a pensioner with impairments in today’s Swedish society can achieve a modern and leisurely ”third age” pensioner ideal. But age and ageing do not emerge as important to all aspects of life. This is particularly the case with respect to experiences of various changes in one’s own physical condition.

Tala är silver, tiga är guld : Om målsägande flickors utrymme och möjlighet till fritt berättande i förhör om misstänkta sexuella brott. En jämförelsestudie av förhörsledares språk ur ett genusperspektiv.

Hernell, Maria, Mettou, Lovisa, Olsson, Josefin January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to analyze the interrogation transcripts of interviews with girls between the age of 11 and 16 who are alleged victims of sexual crimes. The examination is done from a gender perspective, by comparing six interrogations by male interrogators and eight interrogations by female interrogators. The study has used linguistic indicators relating to the interrogation methodological guidelines, in order to highlight how the interrogators give girls the opportunity and space to share their experience of the alleged sexual offense. Text material is categorized based on themes and analyzed in detail to find any gender-specific patterns of hearing leaders and if the girls are given space and opportunity for a free storytelling. The results show that in several themes, differences between the male and the female interrogators can be discerned. It has emerged that male interrogators in this study have a greater use of social support, that there are various techniques used by men and women between how the names of sexual words are created and that the female interrogation leaders questioning on average are longer and have a higher frequency of issues. In other dimensions, that has been investigated the differences are not significant.</p>

Manlighetens bortre gräns : Tidelagsrättegångar i Livland åren 1685-1709 / The Outer Border of Masculinity : Trials for Bestiality in Livonia, 1685-1709

Sjödin Lindenskoug, Susanna January 2011 (has links)
There were many ways of bordering manliness during the historical period covered by my research. Borders have been metaphorically understood as those invisible, often non-enunciated limits that have safeguarded manliness. There were borders separating masculinity from femininity and from childishnes, but there is also a more distant border, separating masculinity from the bestial. The term un-manliness is a useful concept for this analysis, for it can be used to illuminate the different ways in which masculinity has been interrogated. The concept can also be used in comparative analyses of how tolerance towards men deviating from ideas of ideal masculinity has differed according to situation and culture. It has been my ambition to elucidate the particular attitudes, values, customs, knowledge and requirements that influenced the view of masculinity at both individual and the group level. The clearest-cut aspects of manliness and un-manliness expressed in court proceedings were those having to do with sexuality, relations within the household, and the subordinate and dominant masculinities displayed by different court-room actors. The latter, in turn, reflected contemporary social structures, including the social gap that divided the Livonian peasantry’s serfs or former serfs from the ruling Baltic-German elite. Records from the court proceedings have shown the subordinate masculinity of the defendants, subordinate not only to that of the officers of the court but to that of the witnesses. This subordination was an inevitable consequence of the nature of the accusations, regardless of whether they were deemed well-founded or false.  The defendants were placed in a situation where they were forced constantly to be on the alert, ready to defend themselves and show their best sides. As a result, they would often give extremely clear expression to their views of proper masculinity. Such actors stressed, consciously or unconsciously, certain manly traits and behaviour patterns that characterised themselves and others. Their arguments provide insights into what they thought of each other and how they conceived a man should generally be, behave and act in different situations. By the same token, they clearly showed what kinds of behaviours were considered undesirable or outright unmanly. The positioning of the borders of manliness was linked both to time and to space. Deviations have helped different societies set the borders for what they considered acceptable behaviour. There was a clear cultural and geographical border between Sweden as such, and the Swedish province Livonia. This emerges clearly when one compares Livonian results with earlier studies on bestiality in Sweden. This shows that the view of manliness and the tolerance towards certain kinds of behaviour changed as one moved East.

Äldre och rädslans paradox : Konstruktionen av hotets och rädslans samhälle / Old Age and the Paradox of Fear : Constructing a Society of Threat

Åhlfeldt, Emanuel January 2005 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the fear of crime in old peoples lives. Notwithstanding that the age category is exposed to crime to a low degree, old people are experiencing a great fear of crime relative younger people. This is the paradox of fear, also recognized in gender studies. The question is how this paradox can be understood. To answer this, twelve elderly men and women have been interviewed and the reports about crime in the local newspaper, Norrköpings Tidningar, has been analyzed, through discourse analysis. The discursive construction of fear is here discussed in terms of discourses of a fearful society, and stereotypes of old age. The hegemonic discourse of old age is collaborating with a discourse, in this paper called the discourse of a threatening society. Old peoples fear is produced, through the interplay of these discourses, because they are objectified and seen as victims alongside with a construction of an ever-present threat.

Tala är silver, tiga är guld : Om målsägande flickors utrymme och möjlighet till fritt berättande i förhör om misstänkta sexuella brott. En jämförelsestudie av förhörsledares språk ur ett genusperspektiv.

Hernell, Maria, Mettou, Lovisa, Olsson, Josefin January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze the interrogation transcripts of interviews with girls between the age of 11 and 16 who are alleged victims of sexual crimes. The examination is done from a gender perspective, by comparing six interrogations by male interrogators and eight interrogations by female interrogators. The study has used linguistic indicators relating to the interrogation methodological guidelines, in order to highlight how the interrogators give girls the opportunity and space to share their experience of the alleged sexual offense. Text material is categorized based on themes and analyzed in detail to find any gender-specific patterns of hearing leaders and if the girls are given space and opportunity for a free storytelling. The results show that in several themes, differences between the male and the female interrogators can be discerned. It has emerged that male interrogators in this study have a greater use of social support, that there are various techniques used by men and women between how the names of sexual words are created and that the female interrogation leaders questioning on average are longer and have a higher frequency of issues. In other dimensions, that has been investigated the differences are not significant.

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