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Besitter du några kommunikativa kompetenser? : En studie om hur elever i årskurs 5 upplever muntlig kommunikativ kompetens i svenskundervisningenEbersköld, Emelie January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Är den sekulära normens styrka standard i var och ett religionskunskapsklassrum? : En empirisk studie av gymnasieelevers upplevelse av religionskunskapsundervisningen i ett sekulariserat Sverige.Åberg Svensson, Veronica January 2020 (has links)
Tidigare forskning visar att dagens religionskunskapsundervisning tenderar att ha ett sekulariserat perspektiv som norm i klassrummet. Denna norm resulterar i exkludering av religiösa elever samt en negativ inställning till individer med religiös tro. Vidare upplever elever att religionsundervisningen snarare fungerar som en arena för hat, skämt och utsatthet än bidrar med kunskap för att förhindra detta. Denna uppsats har för avsikt att undersöka elevernas upplevelse ytterligare. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på hur gymnasieelever i årskurs tre på vård- och omsorgsprogrammet vid en gymnasieskola i mellersta Sverige upplever religionskunskapsundervisningen i ett sekulariserat Sverige. Studien genomförs med hjälp av metoderna observation och enkät där en grupp om tio elever och en lärare observeras under två lektionspass i kursen Religion 1 på gymnasiet. Eleverna svarar därefter på en enkät vars frågor baseras på observationens fynd samt tidigare kunskaper. Resultatet analyseras sedan med hjälp av hermeneutik. Slutsatsen av studien är att majoriteten av eleverna i årskurs tre på aktuellt program vid en gymnasieskola i mellersta Sverige upplever att den undervisning de får i religionskunskap stämmer överens med styrdokumenten för Gy11 – den är allsidig och förespråkar ingen separat religion, vilket i vissa avseenden säger emot den tidigare forskning uppsatsen presenterar.
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Särbegåvning i mellanstadiets matematikundervisning : En litteraturstudie om gynnsamma undervisningsmetoder och strategier för särbegåvade elevers kunskapsutveckling / Giftedness in Middle School Mathematics Education : A Literature Study About Favorable Teaching Methods and Strategies for Gifted Students´ Knowledge DevelopmentFlorhed, Jakob, Hansson, Sandra January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka hur lärare hanterar och bemöter särbegåvning i mellanstadiets matematikundervisning. Frågeställningarna i denna studie var således: (1) Vilka undervisningsmetoder och strategier anser lärare vara mest gynnsamma för särbegåvade elever i undervisningen? Och (2) vilka undervisningsmetoder och strategier anser särbegåvade elever vara mest gynnsamma för deras kunskapsutveckling? I denna systematiska litteraturstudie har vi använt oss av databaserna ERIC och Scopus för att samla in relevant data kring lärare och särbegåvade elevers perspektiv på undervisning. Resultatet visade bland annat vilka undervisningsstrategier som lärare ansåg effektiva och som särbegåvade elever uppskattade särskilt. Resultatet visade även aspekter i båda perspektiven som skiljer dem åt, men även aspekter mellan perspektiven som överlappade som exempelvis varierad undervisning.
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När klassrummet försvinner : En kvalitativ studie om hur distans- och fjärrundervisning påverkar lärarens professionella ledarskap / When the classroom disappears : A qualitative study about how distance learning affects teachers' professional leadershipSandberg, Anna January 2021 (has links)
This study means to examine and map out teachers' professional leadership and how distance learning has affected the quality of that leadership in the situation of having the physical classroom removed and new practical and social conditions to rule the everyday school life, caused by the global Covid-19 pandemic. To get a more nuanced insight in the different kinds of classrooms, teachings and the leadership that surrounds them I have studied both the teachers and students perspectives on the situation to compare them. It’s a qualitative study with a focus on reaching teachers and students personal experiences and thoughts through semi structured interviews as its main method. I limited my study to being on teachers and students from different high schools in the Blekinge and Kronoberg regions and used personal interviews with the teachers and small group interviews with the teachers' respective students. The overall results of my study shows that the conditions for effective leadership had been limited in several aspects. The most prominent being different social aspects of leadership, classroom management and teaching. The general experience were difficulties in communication and the ability to build and maintain relations and also problems with the ability of teachers to read their class’ different needs and respond to them efficiently due to missing body language and facial expressions of distance learning. The students'needs boiled down to adjustments in response to their increasing lack of motivation in their studies and need for further and easier contact with their teachers for questions and help. The study also revealed that the teaching situations needed to be a bit more fun and interactive to help restore the social needs but that the best for all would be to return to the normal physical classroom as soon as possible to ensure improvements in wellbeing and ability to learn for the majority of people.
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"Jag var liksom svår att hantera" - elevers upplevelse av inkludering och identitetsskapande i gymnasiesärskolanAndersson, Elsa January 2016 (has links)
Recent research show that young people with mild intellectual disabilities are raising complaints against the society´s demand for categorization in order to provide the right amount of support (Ineland, Molin & Sauer 2013, Tideman 2012). This study’s purpose is to find out how students attending a senior high school for people with intellectual disability, are affected by their school attendance in their identity making. With focus on finding out:1.What situations within the school prove specific importance in relation to students’ identity making?2.How are the students identity making limited or enabled by their attendance at the school for students with intellectual disabilities? 3.How are the students identity making affected by being included or excluded?The theoretical framework is inspired by theories based on social constructionism. The author has chosen to adopt an intersectional analysis that claims that different power relations in society affects and reinforce each other. Another important theory is social identity theory and representations theory. These theories explain how social identity is created in the relation between the individual and the social world that she exists in. The empirical material was collected through interviews with six students currently attending a senior high school for people with intellectual disability, “gymnasiesärskola” in Swedish. The results show that the specific situations that proved importance for the student’s identity making were: When they were not being able to make choices. How other people, especially teachers, were relating to them combined with the social climate in groups they belonged to. And the overall sense of not being “normal” and having a diagnosis. Results that appeared to be new compared to other studies were that the students interpreted their diagnosis as a school issue and not something that was connected to their own person.
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Lågstadieelevers framställning av heterogenitet i sin skolmiljö / Elementary pupils' portrayal of heterogeneity in their school environmentMoen, Julia, El-Dakkak, Madeleine January 2023 (has links)
This study is about primary school students' perception of heterogeneity and how itmanifests like in grade 1-3. This research focuses on the students' views instead of theteacher's as it was very interesting to know especially amongst the young ones. As wewere interviewing children, we used the term “different” rather than “heterogeneity” inthis context. By interviewing eight pupils and doing an exercise with pupils from fourdifferent schools, clear patterns emerged regarding how the pupils think aboutdifference, as well as how these perceptions differ across different grades. Thecurriculum of the socially oriented subjects for grades 1-3, emphasize the importancethat pupils should be able to discuss and reflect on life issues with significance for thepupils such as gender roles, norms and rules in their school environment which isassociated with heterogeneity. The result of this study shows that the pupils' perceptionof heterogeneity primarily focuses on appearance and gender, which is clearly visiblewith the help of the interviews and an exercise that was conducted with them.
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Demokratiskt lärande i ett musikalprojekt-Elevuppfattningar om estetiska läroprocesserRavnskov, Lars January 2009 (has links)
Mitt examensarbete handlar om hur grundskoleelever ser på sitt lärande och sin motivation i ett musikalprojekt. Syftet är att beskriva detta, sätta det i samband med skolans värdegrund och få en förståelse för relationen mellan lärandet och motivationen. Undersökningen grundar sig på kvalitativa intervjuer med tio elever från två olika skolklasser i skolår åtta. Metoden har även stöd av observationer. Intervjusvaren är strukturerade efter teman. Eleverna i projektet utvecklar kunskap som med rollspel gestaltas i egna tolkningar för publik. Undervisningsformen är omtyckt av eleverna då det finns plats för socialt umgänge. De tränar sig i samarbete, problemlösning, organisation och improvisation. Språkträning i ett undersökande av sin egen identitet ingår också. De lär sig även att se samband i projektet. De utvecklar ett självständigt tänkande, eget inflytande och ansvar och tränas i ett praktiserande av demokratiska principer. De blir motiverade av de friare arbetsformerna med improvisation under eget ansvar, samarbete med problembaserade uppgifter, det sociala värdet av att umgås och presentation av projektet inför publik. De utvecklar ett lärande utifrån egna erfarenheter, de blir duktigare att improvisera fram lösningar ju mer erfarenhet de får. Lärandet och motivationen går in i en symbios, ju längre tid som går. Eleverna blir motiverade av att de efterhand inser de att allihop är beroende av varandra. Detta skapar en kollektiv lojalitet som i sin tur underlättar lärandet. / My thesis concerns how pupils in comprehensive school look upon their own learning and motivation during a musical project. The purpose is to describe this, connect it with the schools values and get an understanding of the connection between learning and motivation. This research is based on qualitative interviews with ten eight graders from two different classes and this method is also backed up by observations. The answers from the interviews are then structured after certain themes. The pupils in the project develop their knowledge by being asked to make their own interpretations that are subsequently illustrated in role plays in front of an audience. This way of teaching is appreciated by the pupils as it also gives room for social intercourse. They train their cooperative abilities as well as problem solving, organizing and improvising abilities. Language training while examining their own identity also enters into this project and they learn to become aware of different connections. They develop independent thinking, to have influence and be responsible while they train practicing democratic principles and they get motivated by the more liberal forms for working with improvisations on their own responsibility, cooperating with problem based tasks, the social value of working together and the presentation of the project in front of and audience. Their learning develops out of their own experiences and they become more skilled in improvising solutions the more experience they get. Learning and motivation enter into a symbiosis the more time that passes and the pupils become motivated while gradually realizing that they are all dependent on one another. This creates a collective sense of loyalty which in turn facilitates the learning process.
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”Jag var liksom svår att hantera” – elevers upplevelse av inkludering och identitetsskapande i gymnasiesärskolanAndersson, Elsa January 2016 (has links)
Recent research show that young people with mild intellectual disabilities are raising complaints against the society´s demand for categorization in order to provide the right amount of support (Ineland, Molin & Sauer 2013, Tideman 2012). This study’s purpose is to find out if and how students attending a senior high school for people with intellectual disability, are affected by their school attendance in their identity making. With focus on finding out:1.What situations within the school prove specific importance in relation to students’ identity making?2.How are the students identity making limited or enabled by their attendance at the school for students with intellectual disabilities? 3.How are the students identity making affected by being included or excluded?The theoretical framework is inspired by theories based on social constructionism. The author has chosen to adopt an intersectional analysis that claims that different power relations in society affects and reinforce each other. Another important theory is social identity theory and representations theory. These theories explain how social identity is created in the relation between the individual and the social world that she exists in. The empirical material was collected through interviews with six students currently attending a senior high school for people with intellectual disability, “gymnasiesärskola” in Swedish. The results show that the specific situations that proved importance for the student’s identity making were: When they were not being able to make choices. How other people, especially teachers, were relating to them combined with the social climate in groups they belonged to. And the overall sense of not being “normal” and having a diagnosis. Results that appeared to be new compared to other studies were that the students interpreted their diagnosis as a school issue and not something that was connected to their own person.
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Hur man lär sig spanska ur ett elevperspektiv : 18 elevers upplevelse och erfarenhet av inlärning i grundskolan / How one learns Spanish from a student’s perspective. 18 students’ experience on learning in compulsory schoolSánchez Hermansson, Felicia January 2024 (has links)
I det här examensarbetet har en studie om elevers perspektiv på spanskundervisning och övningar för språkinlärning på högstadiet genomförts. Studien inkluderar 18 elevers svar på en enkät följt av fem fördjupande intervjuer. Resultaten indikerar att eleverna utsätts för en hög grad av läsövningar och grammatikövningar medan de identifierar att de lär sig bäst genom glosor och att lyssna. Input av spanska utanför klassrummet är låg och användningen av målspråket som arbetsspråk i klassrummet är inte alltid så hög som den skulle kunna vara. Slutsatsen är att den kontinuerliga användningen av visst material, eller läromedel, kan vara en bidragande del av de internationellt låga resultaten för svenska elever i spanska. Framtida forskning kan vara att fokusera på lärarens perspektiv på övningar och används i klassrummet. / In this study, an investigation about students’ perspective on Spanish teaching and exercises in compulsory school has been carried out. The study includes 18 students’ responses to a survey followed by five in-depth interviews. The results indicate that students are exposed to a high level of reading and grammar practice while they identify that they learn best thorough vocabulary and listening. Input of Spanish outside the classroom is low and the use of the target language as a working language in the classroom is not always as high as it could be. The conclusion is that the continuous use of certain teaching material can be a contributing factor to the internationally low results for Swedish students in Spanish. Future research may be to focus on the teacher´s perspective on exercises and their use in the classroom.
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Do I feel included? A study of Secondary Pupils’ Perception of Inclusion in a Compulsory School in Sweden : With a particular focus on pupils with self-reported special education needs / Känner jag mig inkluderad? En studie av elevers egen uppfattningom hur inkluderade de känner sig på en grundskola i Sverige : med särskild fokus på elever som självrapporterat att de är ibehov av särskilt stödTrygger, Maria January 2019 (has links)
For a long time, inclusion or inclusive education (IE) has been high on the agenda both internationally and in Sweden, not least since the signing of the Salamanca Declaration in 1994 and the ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2006. These call for inclusion to be the norm and are guided by the principle that all pupils, regardless of needs, feel that their social, emotional and academic needs are being met. Since the introduction of Lgr11 (2011), the most recent Swedish curriculum, special educational needs (SEN) should be seen as arising out of educational environments and methods that are not adapted enough to be accessible to a wide diversity of pupils. Despite a significant body of research into inclusive education, several researchers raised that few studies focused on the pupil perspective, few were collaborative and few focused on all pupils, that is to say, their focus lies only on pupils with SEN. Arguably, selecting certain groups to investigate goes against the ethos of inclusion and risks missing information from pupils experiencing difficulties that are not yet identified. When considering factors impacting feelings of inclusion, many studies have raised the importance of socio-emotional functioning alongside academic self-concept. This collaborative study looks at how included pupils in a free school in Stockholm feel, with a focus on whether there is a difference between the pupils’ perception of inclusion depending on whether they have self-reported SEN or not, what grade they are in and their gender. This is measured using a new instrument, the ‘Perception of Inclusion Questionnaire (PIQ) - student version’, which is also being validated as a tool for measuring inclusion in Sweden. Results indicate clearly that pupils with SEN feel significantly less included than their typically-developing peers across all three scales, emotional inclusion, social inclusion and academic self-concept. In addition, grade has an impact, with pupils in Grade 8 having lower feelings of emotional inclusion, social inclusion and academic self-concept than in Grade 5. This difference was apparent for all pupils but the effect was greater in pupils with SEN. Gender returned insignificant results on all three scales. Another interesting result is that more pupils self-report actual or suspected SEN than the school reports, indicating that there are a number of pupils with difficulties who would be overlooked in studies that do not include all pupils. The Swedish version of the PIQ for Students has been validated.
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