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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att erkänna, eller inte erkänna? : En argumentationsanalys utifrån Kantiansk etik, om erkännande av utomlands ingångna barnäktenskap

Holmberg, Ylva January 2018 (has links)
Genom denna studie undersöker jag argumentationen som ligger till grund för den svenska lagstiftningen om barnäktenskap, med fokus på erkännande av utländska barnäktenskap. Jag beskriver argumenten för att generellt sätt motverka barnäktenskap. Därefter utvärderar jag argumentationen för att erkänna vissa utomlands ingångna barnäktenskap. Metoden för studien är argumentationsanalys och den teoretiska utgångspunkten är Kantiansk etik, som jag tillämpar på barn. Den svenska lagstiftningen om erkännande av utomlands ingångna barnäktenskap regleras i Lagen (1904: 26 s.1) om vissa internationella rättsförhållanden rörande äktenskap och förmyndarskap (IÄL). Jag undersöker argumentationen som ligger till grund för 1 kap. 8§a, som förbjuder utländska barnäktenskap, där det funnits anknytning. Samtidigt underkänns tvångsäktenskap, oavsett anknytning, utifrån samma paragraf. Det tycks motsägelsefullt att barnäktenskap kan erkännas inom svensk internationell privaträtt, då barnäktenskap förbjuds enligt 2 kap. 1§ Äktenskapsbalken (ÄktB). Syftet med studien är därför att undersöka om argumentationen bakom paragrafen, är hållbar. Studien visar att flera argument inte är hållbara, främst eftersom de inte är rimliga enligt Kantiansk etik, tillämpad på barn. Det går därför att ifrågasätta den sammantagna hållbarheten i argumentationen för erkännandet av utomlands ingångna barnäktenskap, ur ett Kantianskt perspektiv. / Through this thesis I examine the argumentation founding the Swedish legislation regarding child marriages, with a focus on the recognition of foreign child marriages. I describe the arguments for a general prohibition upon child marriages. Thereafter I identify the arguments regarding recognition of foreign child marriages. I use the method of argumentation analysis and the underlying theory is Kantian ethics, applied on children. The Swedish legislation for recognition of child marriages is regulated within Lagen (1904:26 s.1) om vissa internationella rättsförhållanden rörande äktenskap och förmyndarskap (IÄL). I examine the argumentation underlying the 1st chapter 8§a, which prohibits foreign child marriages, with a connection to Sweden. In the same time, forced marriages are prohibited in any case, through the same paragraph. It seems contradictory that some child marriages are recognized within the Swedish private international law, when child marriages are generally prohibited through the 2nd chapter 1§ of Äktenskapsbalken (ÄktB). Thus, the purpose of the study is to find out if the argumentation, on which the law is based on, is sustainable. The study shows that many of the arguments are not sustainable, mainly since they are not reasonable according to Kantian ethics, applied on children. Therefore it is possible to question the sustainability of the overall argumentation for the possibility of recognizing foreign child marriages, from a Kantian point of view.

Frivilligt tvångsarbete : Uttolkning av fallet Chowdury v. Greece i den europeiska domstolen för mänskliga rättigheter utifrån ett moraliskt perspektiv på förtryck

Rubensson, Camilla January 2018 (has links)
Den europeiska domstolen för mänskliga rättigheter har tagit upp ett mål om tvångsarbete där de klargjort att en arbetsrelation kan utgöra tvångsarbete även om arbetaren initialt accepterat arbetsvillkoren om det finns exploaterande element. I uppsatsen används idé- och argumentationsanalys för att analysera domslutet genom applicering Iris Marion Youngs teori om fem ansikten av förtryck för att utröna om domstolens argumentation uppnår en nivå av moral i linje med teorin. Uppsatsen klargör bland annat, vikten av att domstolen sett till offrens hela livssituation från ett helhetsperspektiv och att de ansträngt sig att sätta sig in i sådant strukturellt förtryck som ofta är dolt i vardagliga beteenden. Uppsatsen visar att domslutet genom sitt tillvägagångssätt på ett tillfredställande sätt kunnat visa på förekomst av förtryck som annars kunde ha passerat ostraffat, och att motiven i beslutet utgår ifrån en moralisk grund i paritet med teorin. Argumentationen kunde dock ha innehållit en mer mångfacetterad beskrivning av strukturellt förtyck och dess konsekvenser på den sociala gruppen. / The European Court of Human Rights has made a judgement in favor of the workers in a case of forced labor in which they clarify that a working relationship can constitute forced labor even if the worker initially has accepted the working conditions if there are elements of exploitation. In this essay idea and argumentation analysis are used to analyze the judgement through the eyes of Iris Marion Youngs normative theory of the five faces of oppression, to explore if the courts argumentation reaches a moral standard in line with the theory. The essay reveals among other things, that an effort to explore the life situation of victims from a holistic perspective were crucial in the judicial process, as well as an effort to understand structural oppression hidden in the everyday life. The conclusions show that the judgment meets many aspects of Youngs theory in revealing oppression and giving arguments in line with its moral grounds. However, the argumentation could have been even more versatile around issues of structural oppression and consequences thereof on the social group.

Hedersvåldets Sverige : En kritisk diskursanalys om svenska myndigheters arbete mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck

Oskarsson, Lina January 2022 (has links)
Sweden's gender equality work has historically been a success in many ways, but honour-based violence and oppression is not debated or identified as a Swedish social problem. What is the effect of differentiating between different social problems that fall into the same category? The present thesis aims to deepen the understanding of how men's violence against women is understood at a time when Sweden is considered to be in the forefront of gender equality policy issues. The present thesis therefore examines how honour-based violence and oppression is defined in Sweden, and how Swedish authorities work to prevent and combat the violence. By examining the image of victims of honour-based violence, on which the definition and the work are based, power dynamics within the discourse are also made visible. By using critical discourse analysis as a method and by using theoretical concepts, two government reports on honour-based violence and oppression in Sweden, and a handbook aimed at professionals in the school system are analyzed. The present thesis shows that the Swedish authorities' definition makes a distinction between honour-based violence and oppression, and men's violence against women. It is mainly explained as a problem based on culture, unlike men's violence against women, which is described as a social problem. This is made visible by Swedish authorities through a focus on foreigners in the work of preventing and combating honour-based violence. The definition and the work analyzed in the present thesis contribute to making it more difficult for victims of honour-based violence to identify themselves as "Swedish". Throughout the texts there is a stereotypical image of both victims and perpetrators of violence as being foreigners: people with dark colored hair and dark colored eyes. It is important to analyze and problematize how Swedish authorities choose to express themselves but also how they choose not to. In this way, we can critically examine how authorities contribute to the construction of a social reality and also reproduce unequal power dynamics in society.

Att vara både älskad och utsatt : En kvalitativ studie om spänningsförhållandet mellan riktlinjer och praktiker i socialsekreterares arbete med barn och unga som utsätts för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck / To be both loved and exposed : A qualitative study of the tension between social workers' guidelines and practice with children and young people who are exposed to honour-related violence and oppression

Janbert Winbladh, Ebba, Ovesson, Jannike January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the guidelines, methods and strategies of social workers supporting children and young people who live with honour-related problems – in order to deepen the knowledge of tensions between the guidelines of social work and its practices. The result of the study has emerged from qualitative interviews with six social workers working with children and young people and three local authority documents containing guidelines and routines. The social workers were asked questions about their experiences of guidelines and routines and their current work situation. To analyse and understand the results a thematic method was used along with theories on discretion. The result shows that social workers use different assessment manuals in order to assess that a child/young person is exposed to honour-related problems, but their experience is that the manuals are not complete and adapted to children and young people who live with honour-related problems. Therefore, many social workers have a discretion, where they can take available methods and adapt them to the honour-related cases. The social workers have several different voluntary and family-oriented interventions to offer, but in honour-related cases the interventions are not optimal. The social workers experience difficulties with working with the families of children and young people with honour-related problems because they are not receptive to change, which was the first tension that could be identified. The overall experience of the interviewed social workers regarding honour-related cases shows that their work is complex in relation to laws, guidelines and methods. Thereby another tension was discovered in the result and analysis between forced interventions relating to the laws and guidelines and principles of the child's best interests. The social worker experiences are that it is difficult to motivate forced interventions as it does not always improve the situation of the child.

Den oändliga jakten på frihet : En analys av patriarkatets kvinnoförtryck i Jonas Gardells släktkrönika Till minne av en villkorslös kärlek. / The endless pursuit of freedom : An analysis of patriarchy’s oppression of women in Jonas Gardell’s family saga In memory of an unconditional love.

Kalogeropoulou, Konstantina January 2021 (has links)
Genom en närläsning av släktkrönikan Till minne av en villkorslöskärlek, analyserar denna uppsats hur det patriarkala samhället begränsar huvudkaraktären Ingegärd Rasmussen. Med utgångspunkt i Yvonne Hirdmans teori om genusskapande samt Lois Tysons feministiska teori och litteraturkritik, presenterar jag de rådande könsroller, könsnormer samt genusordningar som begränsar Ingegärd Rasmussen under hela hennes livstid. Hennes normbrytande och normföljande beteende, resulterar i att hon aldrig riktigt lyckas befria sig från patriarkatets begränsningar. / Through a close reading of the family chronicle In memory of an unconditional love, this essay analyzes how the patriarchal society limits the main character Ingegärd Rasmussen. Based on Yvonne Hirdman's theory of gender creation and Lois Tyson's feminist theory and literary criticism, I present the prevailing gender roles, gender norms and gender arrangements that limit Ingegärd Rasmussen throughout her life. Her norm-breaking and norm-following behavior results in her never really succeeding in freeing herself from the limitations of patriarchy.

Hur hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck framställs samt de potentiella effekterna av det : En policyanalys av kommunala handlingsplaner

Sturesson, Karin, Ekström, Malin January 2022 (has links)
Våld i nära relation och hedersrelaterat våld och förtyck är ett samhällsproblem där det finns en kunskapslucka kring analyser av policydokument på kommunal nivå. Kunskapsluckan gäller främst analys kring hanteringen av ärenden gällande hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck inom kommunens socialtjänst. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck framställs i kommunala handlingsplaner och vilka de potentiella effekterna av detta kan bli för individ och samhälle. Resultatet i studien bygger på analysen av tre kommuners handlingsplaner gällande hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Metoden som använts för att analysera policydokument är Bacchi´s kritiska analysmetod (WPR). Handlingsplanerna som analyserats är från tre kommuner med olika befolkningsmängd i olika delar av SVerige eftersom det finns skillnader i kommuners uppbyggnad, resurser och deras arbete med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Skillnaden gäller främst hur mycket resurser kommunen har till förfogande, befolkningsmängd samt möjlighetet till samverkan med andra myndigheter. Studien visar på att hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck framställs på liknande sätt men att det även finns viktiga skillnader i kommunernas policydokument. Resultatet visar att hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck framställs som ett patriarkalt normsystem, kvinnor och flickor beskrivs som målgrupp och gärningspersonen som man. Det framställs även att HRVF till viss del beskrivs som ett kulturellt och kollektivt problem. Det finns vissa skillnader i handlingsplanernas framställning av HRVF, tillexempel i kopplingen mellan HRVF och det kollektiva. / Violence in a close relationship and honor-related violence and oppression is a societal problem where there is a knowledge gap around analyzes of policy documents at the municipal level. The knowledge gap mainly applies to analysis of the handling of cases concerning honor-related violence and oppression within the municipality´s social services. The expectation with the study is to be able to contribute to filling part of this knowledge gap and to generate even more research on this current topic in society. The purpose of the study is thus to investigate how honor-related violence and oppression is presented in municipal action plans and to discuss what the potential effects of this can be for the individual and society. The results of the study are based on the analysis of three municipalities action plans regarding honor-related violence and opression. The method used to analyze policy documents is Bacchi´s Critical Analysis Method (WPR). The material analyzed consists of three municipalities with different populations in different parts of Sweden because there are differences in the minicipalities structure, resources and their work with honor relate violence. The different mainly concern how much resources the municipality has at its disposal, population and opportunity for collaboration with other authorities. The study shows that honor-related violence and oppression are presented in a similar way but there are also important differences in the municipalities policy documents. The results show that honor-related violence and oppression is presented as a patriarchal norm system, women and girls are described as the terget group and the prepetrator as a man. It is also stated that HRVF is to some extent described as a cultural and collective problem. There are some differences in the action plans presentation of HRVF, for example in the connection between HRVF and the collective.

Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck : En kvalitativ studie om socialtjänstens förutsättningar och villkor i arbetet med unga kvinnor som är utsatta för våld och förtryck med hedersmotiv / Honor-related violence : A qualitative study of the social service's conditions and conditions in the work with young women who are subjected to violence and oppression with honorary motives

Faraj-Falie, Dilan January 2020 (has links)
The honor killing of Fadime Sahindal in 2002 sparked a debate in Swedish media about honor-related violence and oppression. As a professional social worker, it is important to have knowledge in the field to help young women who are exposed to honor-related violence and oppression. The aim of this study is to analyze the working methods and attitudes of social workers and their discretion in the work of honor-oppressed young women. The study is based on six qualitative interviews conducted with professional social workers. Through the interviews, the social workers' experiences, thoughts and opinions about the social service's way of working with honored young women were highlighted. The interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis and interpreted by the theory of honor and discretion. The results show that social workers do not have the right knowledge about honor problems and that they do not have the right tools to meet these young women who are exposed to violence and oppression.

Rasism i USA genom två konstnärer och deras kritikers ögon : Hur Philip Guston och Henry Taylor uppmärksammar förtryck mot afroamerikaner och hur de har bemötts av kritiker och konstnärliga institutioner

Lindholm, Ziggy January 2023 (has links)
This essay investigates how Philip Guston and Henry Taylor explore the subject of African American oppression in their art and how they have been received by critics and art institutions. Using semiotics based on Hans Haydens article “Den omplacerade koden: Om Edgar Degas Interiör”, this essay explores how meaning is created in signs existing within the respective artists’ works. Readings of the artists´ own words has also assisted in the search for meaning and understanding of the paintings. Postcolonial perspectives were also applied for the means of interpreting the artworks in question, and the signs they contain. For this section Ania Loombas book Colonialism/postcolonialism as well as Åsa Bharathi Larsons doctorate thesis Colonizing Fever have been utilized.        After the visual analysis the essay investigates how the artists have been received by critics and art institutions. In the case of Guston, a time difference is also accounted for, analyzing how his work was received when he first presented his paintings in the 70’s compared to today. Upon analyzing Guston’s work multiple signs were identified and interpreted. Most notably the hooded Klan member, whose representative purpose is multifaceted, communicative of subjects such as racism, guilt, and the concept of being evil. Visual codes regarding self-portraiture also pointed at one of the paintings as being a self-portrait. This theory is also supported by Guston’s own claim of the Klan paintings being pictures of himself.        In Taylors work, signs present and discuss oppression of black people in America from a historical as well as a contemporary perspective, often referencing people and places personal to Taylor.        In the 1970’s Philip Guston’s Klan paintings were heavily critiqued for their visual qualities and stylistic expression, while no notable comments were made of the content/subject matter. Today the situation is different, with the main critique of his works being directed to his use of Klan imagery. Many artists and writers today are in support of Gustons work though.         Henry Taylor’s paintings are generally well received by critics and have seen a rise in popularity concurrent with the Black Lives Matter movement. Taylor has also recently been the subject of a retrospective exhibition at the Modern Museum of Contemporary art in LA.

Målet Helgar Medlen / the End Justifies the Means

Simes, Egil January 2023 (has links)
Projektet utforskar rådande maktbalans mellan staden och landsbygden, och riktar kritik åt den dominerande urbana normen. Ur en sarkastisk vinkel implementeras kasinot som medel för landsbygden att hävda sig mot staden i en värld styrd av kapital. Kasinot används som en symbol för den kapitaldrivna och ofta moraliskt ifrågasättbara världsutvecklingen, och genom denna allusion söker projektet ifrågasätta i vilken utsträckning målet om tillväxt kan tillåtas helga de allt mer extrema medel som används för att nå dit. Projektets tematik utvecklades som ett svar på det av skolan ställda kravet att rita en hybridbyggnad innehållandes ett folkets hus och ett egenvalt plusprogram omfattande totalt 2000 kvadratmeter på landsbygden i Nynäshamns kommun. Då den största delen av produktraffineringen som tidigare skedde i Sorunda, där projektet tar plats, har tvingats lägga ner på grund av centralisering uppstod en svårighet att finna ett trovärdigt plusprogram som kunde ge skäl för ett folkets hus. Då orten dessutom drabbas kraftigt av av den ökade lastbilstrafiken som Stockholm stads omläggning av Frihamnen till Nynäshamn har gett upphov till kom frågan om urban norm att hamna i fokus, och projektet att kretsa kring landsbygdens möjligheter att parasitera på samma maktförhållanden som den förtrycks av. / This project explores the current power dynamic between urban and rural, and aims to critique the domineering urban norm. From a sarcastic point of view the casino is implemented as a means for the countryside to assert power over the city in a world ruled by capital. The casino is used as a symbol for the capital-driven and often morally questionable world development. Through this allusion the project seeks to question to what extent the goal of growth should be allowed to justify the ever more extreme means used to achieve this end. The thematic of the project was developed as an answer to the schools requirement to design a hybrid building containing a peoples house and a self chosen plus-programme to an extent of 2000 metres squared in Nynäshamn municipality. As most of the product refinement that used to exist in Sorunda, where the project takes place, har been forced to shut down due to centralisation there was an issue with finding a feasible plus-programme that could support the peoples house-function. Further, as the region has been heavily affected by the increasing heavy traffic caused by Stockholm Stads relocation of Frihamnen to Nynäshamn, the question of urban norm came into focus, and the project was oriented towards the possibility for the countryside to parasitize on the same power structures that oppress it.

Svenska hedersutsatta kvinnors gestaltningar av familjekollektivet och offentliga kontexter : En kvalitativ studie om hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck baserad på självbiografier / Swedish honour exposed women's configuration of the family collective and public contexts : A qualitative study of honour-related violence and oppression based on autobiographies

Andrén, Hanna, Lindqvist, Norma January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this qualitative study is to analyse, based on Erving Goffman's theory the dramaturgical perspective and with a narrative analysis of autobiographies, the configuration of roles by honour exposed women. In order to illuminate and increase the understanding of honour-related violence and oppression from the perspective of honour exposed women. There is a requirement of increased knowledge of honour-related violence and oppression, especially among social workers who need to know how to encounter honour exposed women. In the field of research increased knowledge is needed on an individual level, mainly to make the honour exposed women's perspective visible in social work. The results and analysis of the study shows that the honour exposed women perform with several roles in their family collective and in different public contexts. Moreover, numerous aspects in the roles of the honour exposed women emerge. In addition, the women struggle to seek help from the authorities, perform in roles backstage and the boundaries between front and backstage are ambiguous. Furthermore, the study also clarifies that the phenomenon of honour-related violence and oppression is complex with variative expressions.

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