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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kollektivtrafikknutpunkter i Göteborg ur ett genusperspektiv / Public transportation hubs in Gothenburg, Sweden, from a gender perspective

Adamsson, Karolin January 2017 (has links)
This paper will examine two public transportation hubs, as examples of public space, in Gothenburg, Sweden, from a gender perspective by investigate how gender equality is discussed in planning processes of hubs and to explore how hubs are used and perceived by men and women. The thesis has a qualitative and hermeneutic approach, with semi-structured interviews with key persons from the planning processes, and site observations and interviews with men and women using the hubs as the main data gathering methods. In the planning processes for the two cases the ambition was to create hubs that were welcoming for everyone, from a theoretical point of view this ambition could be dangerous from a gender perspective since a planning for everyone often leads to a planning for the man. In order to create hubs for everyone there was a focus for creating safety and increase accessibility for the disabled during the planning processes. The observations and the interviews on site shows that the hubs could be viewed as gender equal since the hubs were open to both men and women to use, but the hubs could also be viewed as not gender equal since women felt unsafe. The analysis shows that the social interaction on site is a crucial factor when defining a place as gender equal or not. The social interaction can be understood by gender contract. One conclusion is that there is a need for discussions about gender and its effect on experiences of public space, where gender contract is problematized. It will otherwise be hard to understand and change the interaction and the gender inequality will risk to consolidate.

Karriärmål och verkligheten : En kvantitativ studie om socionomstudenters framtidsvisioner kopplat till arbetsfördelningen i en medelstor kommun. / Career goals and the reality : A quantitative study of social work students' visions linked to the division of labor in a medium-sized municipality.

Brindmark, Klara, Svartsjö, Mattias January 2021 (has links)
The aim of our study was to examine social work students’ career motives to apply for social work studies and conceptions about their future career in relation to their gender and compare it with the gender distribution for the most and least coveted jobs. The study was based on a quantitative method with two web-surveys, one distributed to social work students at Linnéuniversitetets two centres of learning in Kalmar and Växjö. The other web-survey was distributed to department and unit managers for a middle sized municipitality. The results were analyzed using Hirdman’s theory of gender contracts, Connell’s theory of hegemony and the career paths Kullberg describe. Our results show the career paths male social work students prefer are vertical and for female students horizontal. The result also shows that male students get their study choice questioned more often than female students. The results also indicate that female students prefer to work close to clients (or social work users) whilst men tend to want work as managers.

Den solidariska krisen? : En kvantitativ medieringsstudie om könsskillnader inom personligt ansvar under coronakrisen

Erlandsson, Felicia, Heinerud, Cajsa January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of the following is to study whether there are gender differences in the sense of personal responsibility during the coronavirus pandemic. By using quantitative data from Ipsos,various quantitative methods were used to study whether these potential differences can be explained by factors such as level of concern, risk perception, social trust, institutional trust, and political ideology. All analyses have been conducted while considering control variables such as age, education, and income to ensure transparent results. The findings from the survey have been analyzed using Yvonne Hirdman's theories, focusing on the "gender contract." The theoretical framework assumes that there are differences between men and women in their behavior during crises, since previous research has indicated such assumptions. The results of this study indicate that there in fact are gender differences in personal responsibility during the Covid-19 pandemic,which shows that worry, risk perception and ideology could be a part of the explanation of these differences.

Antigone och Medea: moderna kvinnor i en omodern tid : Didaktisk potential i två antika tragedier ur ett genusteoretiskt perspektiv

Zetterström, Emma January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to investigate the didactic potential inherent in Sophocles' Antigone and Euripides' Medea within the framework of the Swedish school curriculum, coupled with its value-based assignment viewed through a gender theoretical perspective. The primary inquiries guiding this study are as follows: What pedagogical possibilities reside in the tragedies of Antigone and Medea concerning gender dynamics and their alignment with the educational objectives of the Swedish curriculum? In what ways do Antigone and Medea diverge in their treatment of gender-related themes? Additionally, what pedagogical considerations must educators bear in mind when addressing the teaching of Antigone and Medea across various instructional contexts? The theoretical foundations underpinning this investigation encompass gender theory and the theory delineating didactic potential in fiction, positing that literature possesses the capacity to foster critical thinking concerning foundational values. The principal methodological approach employed in this study is close reading, a method that entails a meticulous analysis of the text to discern subtle nuances and complexities inherent in the representation of gender in Antigone and Medea. The preeminent findings underscore the pervasive presence of the male-female dichotomy within the two works. Existing scholarship indicates a male association with the public sphere (polis) and a female association with the domestic sphere (oikos). However, both Antigone and Medea navigate between these spheres, reflecting their complexity and norm-defying nature. Notably, these characters exhibit traits traditionally ascribed to males, such as strong will, courage, and a propensity to question authority, offering intriguing implications from a gender theoretical standpoint. Consequently, the didactic potential of both tragedies is deemed substantial.  The tragedies serve as an auspicious foundation for aligning with the school's core values and the objectives of the Swedish curriculum. However, pedagogical deliberations are imperative, extending beyond individual reading. Integrating literature discussions and diverse tasks is advisable to broaden students' perspectives and enhance their repertoire. Teachers should also be cognizant of the inherent problematic aspects within the tragedies, necessitating a nuanced approach in instructional planning.

Kön, klass och känslor i Fröken Julie och Fru Marianne : "Tankar om jämlikhet fick inte finnas!!!" / Gender, class and feelings in Miss Julie and Fru Marianne. : "Thoughts of equality weren't supposed to exist!!!"

Paulander Johansson, Maria January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie berör intersektionalitet, genus och litteraturreception. Jag ville ta reda på om 2010-talets elever urskiljer och reflekterar kring de köns- och maktstereotyper som finns i svensk 1880-talslitteratur. Undersökning ägde rum i en i åk 9 under tre lektioner. Den var konstruerad som en uppgift i det nationella provet i svenskämnets läsförståelsedel. Texterna som användes var utdrag ur August Strindbergs Fröken Julie och Victoria Benedictssons Fru Marianne. Eleverna som deltog i undersökningen urskiljer de traditionella köns- och maktstrukturerna. Undersökningen visar att flickor och pojkar uttrycker sig olika om de strukturer de urskiljer. Flickorna uttrycker sig mer kritiskt, medan pojkarna är mer accepterande i sitt resonemang. / This study involves intersectionality, gender and literary reception. I wanted to find out if secondary school pupils of the 2010s can descry th gender and power structures in Swedish literature of the 1880s and se how the reason about it. The investigation took place in a ninth grade during three lessons. It was designed to resemble the reading literacy part of the national tests in Swedish. The texts used were excerpts from August Strindberg's Miss Julie and Victoria Benedictsson's Fru Marianne. The pupils who participated in the investigation uncovered the traditional gender and power structures. The investigation shows though that girls and boys express themselves differently about the structures the find. The girls express themselves more critically while the boys are more accepting in their reasoning.

Betyg och bedömning - En fråga om kön? : En studie om gymnasieungdomars syn på betygsgrunder. / Grading and Assessment - A question about gender? : A study of high school student's views of the grading criteria.

Barck, Fanny, Fridén, Sabina January 2011 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien har varit att ur ett genusperspektiv undersöka synen på bedömningsgrunder i betygssättningen inom ämnet idrott och hälsa i relation till svenska, samhällskunskap och matematik bland flickor och pojkar på Natur- och samhällsprogrammet(NS). Detta har undersökts utifrån följande frågeställningar: • På vilket sätt upplever gymnasieelever på NS-programmet att de bedöms i idrott och hälsa i relation till de ämnen som syftet anger? • Vilka förutsättningar upplever eleverna finns för att nå de olika betygsstegen i skolämnena idrott och hälsa, samhällskunskap, matematik och svenska? • Hur tror eleverna att en jämställd betygsbedömning ser ut i de utvalda skolämnena? Utifrån detta kommer vi att diskutera hur eleverna bryter eller återskapar genusordningen i sina resonemang kring betygsbedömningen. Metod Den metod som använts i studien är av kvalitativ karaktär som i det här fallet varit fyra fokusgruppsintervjuer i en årskurs tvåa på NS-programmet. Vi använde oss av ett strategiskt urval för den utvalda målgruppen. För att förstå och tolka elevernas resonemang i vårt resultat har vi använt oss av Yvonne Hirdmans och Raewyn Connells genusteorier. Resultat I relationen mellan idrott och hälsa, matematik, svenska och samhällskunskap finns, enligt vårt resultat, en indikation på att kunskaperna laddas och värderas på olika sätt och får därmed olika dignitet. Idrott och hälsa som det lägsta i hierarkin och matematik som det högsta, däremellan befinner sig samhällskunskap och svenska. En del av bedömningen, enligt eleverna, är intresse och deras beteende och inställning under lektionerna. Beteenden, egenskaper och intressen genusifieras av eleverna. Intresset för idrott och hälsa tillskrivs pojkarna vilket i sin tur leder till att båda könen tillåter pojkarna att dominera idrottsundervisningen. Slutsats Eleverna i vår studie förhandlar sällan, eller aldrig om sina genusidentiter framförallt inte inom intresseområden. Detta menar vi begränsar både flickorna och pojkarna. Alla aktörer i skolan medverkar till att skapa och upprätthålla genussystemet, att diskutera betyg och bedömning är ett sätt att konkretisera detta. Då idrott och hälsa, enligt eleverna, saknar tydliga mål genererar det också att ett högt betyg i idrott och hälsa inte får samma legitimitet som de övriga ämnena vi undersökt. Resonemanget att det är lätt att uppnå ett betyg i idrott och hälsa i jämförelse med matematik, svenska och samhällskunskap medför en förstärkning av detta. Däremot verkar det, enligt vårt resultat och tidigare forskning, som att höga betyg i idrott och hälsa verkar statushöjande för framförallt pojkar. Nyckelord Genus, idrott och hälsa, samhällskunskap, svenska, matematik, genusidentitet, genuskontrakt, ideal, maskulinitet, feminitet, genusregim, betyg, bedömning. / Abstract Aim The aim of this study has been to examine the perception of assessment criteria in the grading of Physical education in relation to Swedish, Social studies and Mathematics among girls and boys in Nature and Society programme (NS) from a gender perspective. This has been examined through using the following questions: • How do high school students at the NS programme experience the assessment in Physical education in relation to other subjects in school? • Which specific terms do the students experience they have to achieve in the various grades in Physical education, Social studies, Mathematics and Swedish? • How do the students perceive that an equal assessment is made in the chosen subjects? From this, we will interpret how students challenge or reproduce the gender order in their discussion of assessment. Method This study has had an qualitative approach and four focus group interviews have been carriedout with second year students at the NS programme. We used a strategic selection for the selected target group. To understand and interpret students' reasoning in our results, we have used the gender theory of Yvonne Hirdman and Raewyn Connell. Results The main result obtained in our study indicates that the students value the relations betweenthe chosen subjects differentially. Physical education as the lowest in the hierarchy and Mathematics as the highest. In between are Social studies, and Swedish. With this setting it is also difficult for the students to define what they should learn in Physical education. This is not seen as a problem in Mathematics. Part of the assessment, according to students, is based on their level of interest and behavior. Behaviors, characteristics and interests of the students are gendered which also becomes a part of the assessment. Interest in Physical education is attributed to the boys, which leads to both sexes allowing them to dominate Physical education. Conclusion The students in this study rarely negotiate their gender identities, especially in areas of interest. This, according to us, limits both girls and boys. All actors at the school in this study helps to create and maintain the gender system. Discussing the grading and assessment are ways of concretizing it. According to the students is there a lack of aim in Physical educationin contrast to Social studies, Mathematics and Swedish. The consequence of these arguments is according to us that the legitimacy of Physical education is minor then the other subjects in our study. However due to our result and previous science do high grades in Physical education bring higher status above all to the boys. Keywords Gender, Physical education, Social studies, Swedish, Mathematics, gender identity, gender contract, ideals, masculinity, femininity, gender regime, grading. assessment.

Invandrarkvinnor i Handels : Föreställningar om arbetskraftsinvandrade kvinnor i Handelsnytt 1961-1976 / Immigrant Woman in Handels : Conceptions of Labour Immigrated Women in Handelsnytt 1961-1976

Persson, Caroline January 2012 (has links)
Invandrade kvinnor i Handels. Föreställningar om arbetskraftsinvandrade kvinnor i Handelsnytt 1961-1976. (Immigrant women in Handels. Conceptions of labour immigrated women in Handelsnytt 1961-1976). The primary purpose of this thesis is to analyze the written conceptions of labour immigrated women in Handelsnytt, a Swedish Trade Union magazine. The analyses of the conceptions are based on theoretical categories of class, gender and ethnicity. The purpose is to examine how labour immigrated women, as members of the Union, Handelsanställdas förbund, were perceived and how the conceptions of them were expressed through these categories. The time period of the study is based on Yvonne Hirdman´s gender contract- The Equality contract, it was a time period when labour immigration peaked and later on attenuated. And also a time when women in Sweden begun to work outside of home in a wider extent than before. The study also means to explore power relations and subordination of the given categories and how these integrate and enhance each other.   The results demonstrate a significance absence of articles, features and overall coverage of immigrated women in Handelsnytt. The small amounts of articles about or for immigrated workers tend to leave the immigrated woman unseen.  The immigrant workers are rarely individually described; they are mostly defined as a sexless group or as a man. If the lack of recognition may be explained by limited membership of female immigrated workers could be one answer, but not entirely satisfying. Even though the trade industry was dependable on its workers language knowledge, which is a large part of the rhetoric inflicting the immigrant articles, it may not mean there were no female immigrant workers in this industry. However the results cannot with certainty claim it to be either way, not the lack of female members or as a proof of the domination of male rhetoric within the trade union-Handels.

Äntligen borta? : En kvalitativ studie i hur kvinnor och män förhåller sig till medierapporteringen kring Martin Timell.

Olsson, Thyra January 2018 (has links)
Hösten 2017 uppstod kampanjen #metoo och kvällstidningen Expressen rapporterade om programledaren Martin Timell som anklagades för att ha sexuellt trakasserat en kvinnlig assistent under en sommarfest. Med Expressens rapportering som utgångspunkt fokuserar studien på hur män och kvinnor tolkar och identifierar sig med rapporteringen kring händelsen. Det empiriska materialet består av tre fokusgrupper med sammanlagt åtta kvinnor och åtta män som fick ta del av två artiklar som föranalyserats retoriskt genom metaforer. Fokusgruppernas svar transkriberades och citat valdes ut för att sedan tolkas utifrån teorier om receptionsanalys, genus och kändisskap. Resultatet visade att männen höll sig mer distanserade till rapporteringen och identifierade sig inte med ämnet i samma utsträckning som kvinnorna. Både männen och kvinnorna såg feminism som en kvinnokamp och sexuella trakasserier som något som rör kvinnor i större utsträckning än män. Resultatet visar att de manliga och kvinnliga deltagarna hade ett accepterande förhållningssätt till rapporteringen. Männen och kvinnorna identifierade sig också olika ämnet i rapporteringen eftersom de har olika erfarenheter av sexuella trakasserier. / In the fall of 2017, the campaign #metoo erupted and the evening newspaper Expressen reported on the accusations made at the television host, Martin Timell, of having sexually harassed a female assistant at a summer party. The study focuses on how men and women interpret and identify with the reporting of the accusations. The empirical material consisted of three focus groups with a total of eight women and eight men who received two articles which was analyzed rhetorical in advance using metaphors. The focus groups' replies were transcribed and quotes were selected and then interpreted based on a reception analysis theory, genus theory and celebrity theory. The result showed that the men kept themselves distant and did not identify themselves with the topic. The women on the other hand could relate more easily to the reporting. Both men and women saw feminism as something that women have to fight for and sexual harassment as something that concerns women to a greater extent than men. The result shows that the male and female participants had an accepting interpretation regarding the articles. They identified themselves differently with the topic of the articles because male and females have different experiences when it comes to sexual harassment.

Med handen för munnen : En studie av sju barnböcker för åldersgruppen 6–9 år ur ett normkritiskt genusmaktperspektiv / With a hand over one’s mouth : A study of seven children’s books aimed at the age group 6-9 years with a focus on gender and power

Molinder, Anna January 2017 (has links)
In this essay seven children’s books aimed at the age group 6-9 years are read using a matrix to determine if the characters, from a viewpoint considering current gender norms and power, are normative, norm-breaking or falsely norm-breaking. The latter means that they have been attributed transgressive characteristics without there being any shift in power balance from the masculine to the feminine. Results show that the authors have tried to break gender norms, for example with regards to the child -characters’ clothes, which are consistently very alike regardless of gender. These efforts remain shallow as the power still rests with the boys, whose awareness of their own position within the gender -power system give them a sense of intrinsic power (power-to). The female characters reflect societal gender norms by being self-effacing, compliant and reactive, for example by praising the boys, providing them with room to be competent as well as both silencing themselves and letting themselves be silenced. The boy -characters show falsely norm-breaking behaviour in some areas, for example by having atypically broad emotional spectra, yet the boys’ superiority is retained and is reflected in their behaviour towards the female characters. / I denna uppsats granskas sju stycken barnböcker för åldersgruppen 6–9 år utifrån en matris för att bestämma ifall karaktärerna, med utgångspunkt i rådande genusnormer och i förhållande till makt, är normativa, normbrytande eller falskt normbrytande. Det senare innebär att de tillskrivs transgressiva egenskaper, utan att någon maktförskjutning från det maskulina till det feminina sker.Resultatet visar på försök från författarnas sida att bryta genusnormer, t.ex. vad gäller barnkaraktärernas kläder som genomgående är mycket lika oavsett genustillhörighet. Dessa försök blir dock ytliga då makten i de flesta fall fortfarande vilar hos pojkarna, vilkas medvetenhet om sin position i könsmaktssystemet ger dem en inneboende känsla av makt (power-to). De kvinnliga karaktärerna reflekterar samhällets normer genom att vara omvärldsorienterade, fogliga och reaktiva, t.ex. genom att berömma pojkkaraktärerna, ge dem utrymme att vara kompetenta samt att både tysta sig själva och låta sig tystas. Pojkkaraktärerna visar på vissa områden exempel på falskt normbrytande beteende, t.ex. genom att ha atypiskt breda känslospektra, medan pojkarnas överordning kvarstår och reflekteras i deras beteende gentemot flickkaraktärerna.

Jämställdhet på fritidshemmet : En kvalitativ studie där fritidshemslärare talar om sitt jämställdhetsarbete på fritidshemmet

Orre, Maria, Ejwertz, Melissa January 2021 (has links)
This essay examines how after-school center teachers talk about working with gender equalityat the after-school center. Furthermore, it is about how after-school center teachers talk abouttheir work to counteract traditional gender roles, and how they describe the strategies they useto counteract traditional gender roles. Previous research shows that a difference is madebetween girls and boys by educators, children are treated differently based on their gender.Research also shows that educators' attitudes and emotional expressions can help shape achild's gender identity. The thesis is based on several theoretical poin, these are socially orbiologically constructed gender, gender roles and gender contracts, with these concepts theresults are analyzed. In our study, we have started from the questions: How do after-schoolteachers talk about their work in counteracting traditional gender roles? Also: How do theafter-school center teachers describe in their speech their strategies for counteractingtraditional gender roles in the after-school center's activities? The method we used to getanswers to our questions was qualitative interviews. We have interviewed trained after-schoolteachers from three different schools. The results we have obtained show that educators saythat they do not actively see that they are working to counteract traditional gender roles, theeducators stated above all that they work on the basis of the curriculum. Furthermore, we seethat the traditional gender roles are extremely alive in the educators we interviewed, theresults show that the gender contract to some extent governs the planning of the leisurecenter's activities and environment. Finally, the after-school center teachers we interviewedfeel that they do not have the education that may be needed to work actively with gender andequality at the after-school center.

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