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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


劉怡成 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟全球化的時代來臨,國與國之間的界線漸趨模糊,全球的產業及資源都不斷地加速整合,本研究嘗試以不同角度出發,分別以「全球化浪潮下之現代集團公司」、「境外控股公司的靈活機制」及「以股權規劃為中心的思考模式」三大核心為主題,先從全球佈局的觀點來定位企業,取代傳統緩慢演變逐漸拓展的方式,選擇在企業創立的最初,就以全球化的眼光來設計企業的組成架構,跳脫國界的藩籬;再經由比較英屬維京群島、開曼群島以及美國德拉瓦州設立境外公司的相關規定,闡述境外控股公司的各種優勢與操作機制;接著探討企業從設立到赴國際資本市場上市的籌資過程中,如何以股權規劃為中心,運用靈活的持股架構及特別股的概念,就公司的股東結構、董事會結構與組織制度,以及員工認股權各面向做出細緻的設計,來募集所需資金並鞏固未來發展。 最後,本研究以中芯國際集成電路有限公司與富士康國際控股有限公司兩家赴香港上市之台資企業個案,討論其上市前之集團架構、歷次資本形成與股權規劃等過程,一方面與本研究之分析作對照,另一方面亦闡述香港資本市場躋身國際資本市場之原因,並對台灣目前資本市場的法令與政策提出期許。 / In the coming era of globalization, boundaries between countries are blurring, and the global integration of industries and resources speeds up. This thesis tries to look into the phenomenon from three perspectives: group companies under the globalization trends, the flexible mechanism of offshore holding companies, and equity planning-centered thinking model for modern enterprises. By pointing out that, instead of expanding gradually, modern enterprises tend to arrange its organization from a global viewpoint on the first day it is established, this thesis interprets group companies with a new angle; second, it presents the respective criteria for setting up offshore companies in British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands and the State of Delaware along with the advantages and flexibilities of using offshore holding companies; and third, it introduces the concept of equity planning during the developing course of an enterprise from startup to listing company, including the formation of its capital structure, shareholder structure, board of directors, organization, and employee incentive plans in order to raise enough funding and secure the basis of future prosperity. At last, this thesis takes two Taiwan-based, Hong Kong listed companies, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation and Foxconn International Holdings Limited, as examples and studies their respective pre-IPO group structure, the capital formation and the equity planning course to reflect the analysis contained herein on the one hand, and also discuss the reasons why Hong Kong can become one of the most-favored international capital markets and finally proposes suggestions to the laws, regulations as well as policies with respect to the current capital market of Taiwan.

初步公開說明書Form S-11資訊對REIT IPO之初期及後續表現的影響 / Can REIT IPO investors know ahead of time? An empirical study of Form S-11 information on post-IPO performance of REITs

潘慶儀, Pun, Heng I Unknown Date (has links)
利用1995-2015年間美國房地產投資信託基金(REIT)的176個初次公開發行為樣本,本研究分析了初步公開說明書(Form S-11)資訊與REITs上市後之當天,短期和長期表現之間的關係。其中,本文著重於探討四個特別領域的相關資訊,包括管理結構,承銷商聲譽,IPO閉鎖期及管理團隊品質。 實證結果顯示,初步公開說明書(Form S-11)包含有價值的資訊,有助於REIT IPO 投資人作投資評估之使用。其中,IPO閉鎖期大於等於產業標準180天的REITs,其在上市後6個月和12個月期間的報酬率高於IPO閉鎖期小於180天的REITs。此外,與過去的IPO研究結果相似,由知名承銷商所銷售之REIT IPOs 在初次公開發行後的短期及長期表現平均優於由知名度較低之承銷商所銷售的REIT IPOs。 然而,儘管過去與REIT相關的研究普遍偏好內部管理,本研究之實證結果支持外部管理的模式。其中,實證結果顯示外部管理的REITs在初次公開發行後的短期及長期表現平均優於內部管理的REITs。 / Using a sample of 176 US REIT IPOs from 1995 to 2015, this study examines the relationship between information provided on the preliminary IPO prospectus (form S-11) and post-IPO initial, short-term and long-term performance of REITs. In particular, this paper focuses on information related to four specific areas: management structure, underwriter reputation, lock-up period, and management quality. The findings of this study suggest that form S-11 carries valuable information, and is useful to investors in evaluating REIT IPOs. The regression results indicate that REIT IPOs with a lock-up period that is at least as long as the industry standard, on average, earn higher post-IPO returns 6-month and 12-month following the IPO date. Moreover, consistent with prior IPO studies, offerings underwritten by prestigious underwriters, on average, yield better post-IPO performance than IPOs underwritten by less reputable underwriters. Yet, unlike prior REIT studies, the findings of this paper tend to favor the external management structure. The results from the sub-sample imply externally managed REITs, on average, earn higher post-IPO short-term and long-term returns than their internally managed counterpart.

Kommunikation i Ledarskap på distans : en fallstudie / Communication in Distance Leadership : a case study

Strömberg, Linus, Persson, Jesper January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet är att studera hur sättet att kommunicera mellan chef och medarbetare påverkats, där flertalet anställda till följd av COVID-19 fått ställa om och arbeta på distans. Metod: Studien är genomförd som en kvalitativ enfallsstudie med tvärsnittsdesign, på ett finansbolag beläget i Västra Götaland. Frågeställningen besvaras genom analyser av data som samlats in genom personliga, semistrukturerade intervjuer med chefer och medarbetare. Resultat: En mer relationsinriktad ledarskapsstil tenderar att skapa bättre förutsättningar för en bra kommunikation på distans, jämfört med den mer målinriktade ledarskapsstilen. Kommunikationsverktyg är väsentliga för distansarbete och de finns alltid tillgängliga för medarbetaren. Är de verktyg som används inte anpassade efter organisationens situation, påverkas flödet av kommunikation och således om det är envägs- eller tvåvägskommunikation. Däremot inser användaren i samband med distansarbete befintliga verktygs fulla potential. Arbete på distans ställer i grunden inte mycket högre krav på medarbetarna utöver att de ska kunna arbeta självständigt och jobba minst lika effektivt, samt att personen även ska kunna ta ett större eget ansvar. Sätten och möjligheterna att kommunicera begränsas på distans, vilket innebär att samtliga kontinuerligt arbetar gemensamt för att upprätthålla en väl fungerande kommunikation. Chefen har definitivt ett högre ansvar att leda en grupp när den är splittrad, det är inte enbart en persons ansvar att upprätthålla en väl fungerande kommunikation. Förslag till framtida studier: Rekommendationen är att studera flertalet organisationer som inte omfattas av samma lagkrav och där personalstyrkan varit densamma sedan omställningen till distansarbete. På så sätt går det jämföra skillnaden mellan organisationer där alla haft en god kommunikation redan innan omställningen. Genom en kvalitativ studie finns möjlighet att täcka in större antal medarbetare för att få annat perspektiv på hur hela organisationen betraktar kommunikation och återkoppling i ett ledarskap på distans. / Purpose: The purpose is to study how the way to communicate between manager and employee is affected, where the majority of employees due to COVID-19 have had to adjust to the situation and telework. Method: The study is performed as a qualitative, cross-sectional designed single case study, at a financial company located in western Sweden. The questions for this study were answered through data analysis collected through personal, semi-structured interviews with supervisors and employees. Result: Human-oriented leadership tends to create better conditions for a well working communication in teleworking, compared to task-oriented leadership. The tools for working and communication are essential but also always available for the employee. If the tools in use are not adopted for the needs of the organization, the flow of the communication is affected and thus also the feedback. On the other hand the user during teleworking becomes more aware of the tools’ full potential. Teleworking basically doesn’t demand more of the employees other than being able to work independently and at least as efficiently, as well as taking more self responsibility. The ways and possibilities for communicating are limited while teleworking, which means that all involved continuously need to work mutually to obtain a well working communication. The manager definitely has a higher responsibility to manage a divided team but it’s not solely one person’s onus to obtain the communication. Suggestions for further studies: The recommendation is to study multiple organizations, which are not bound to the same legal requirements and where the staff has maintained the same since the conversion to teleworking. That way differences can be compared between organizations where a well functioning communication was established even before the conversion. Through a qualitative study there is a possibility to cover a greater number of employees with the objective of receiving a different perspective on how the entire organization considers communication and feedback during a telecommuting management.


游曜如 Unknown Date (has links)
中國新上市公司(Initial Public Offerings,以下簡稱IPO)上市後經營績效大幅衰退之現象時有所聞,IPO績效變化不僅影響投資者的利益,也攸關轉型經濟過程中,中國證券市場能否有效引導社會資源的配置。本研究調查2001年至2005年間,在中國深圳以及上海交易所A股市場IPO公司經營績效變化以及可能原因,延伸討論保薦制度及政治關聯對前述現象的影響。首先測試樣本公司上市前後經營績效之差異,並調整同業平均數。實證結果指出,上市後兩年ROA及ROE(無論是否調整產業因素)皆不如上市前兩年,杜邦分析發現獲利能力衰退是造成財務績效衰退的主因。 保薦制度於2004年2月1日正式施行,藉由提升保薦人及保薦機構的執業水準,以建立市場約束機制。本研究依保薦制度實施及政治關聯分別分組,採用分群組T檢定與Wilcoxon做差異分析。實證結果顯示保薦制度下IPO公司上市前的各項財務績效較佳,顯示其能篩選體質較好公司上市;而上市後績效衰退的情形也較為趨緩,中介機構制衡機制有所發揮。政治關聯度低的低國有股公司在上市前的各項財務績效指標較高國有股公司好,推論政治關聯可能影響上市機會,使其上市前需極大化自身績效;相對而言,上市後較難維持績效。 進一步分析績效衰退原因,本研究比較各期間IPO公司各項應計數變化。實證結果顯示。整體而言上市後總應計、流動應計數、營業相關應計數以IPO當年呈倒V型,有上市後反轉的現象,並與經營活動現金流量變動呈反向變動,推論與盈餘操縱有關;保薦制度的在應計數反轉現象沒有顯著抑止效果,而政治關聯度低的IPO公司亦沒有顯著操縱應計數的現象以極大化上市前經營績效。最後,代理問題探討中結果顯示,董監持股變動以及大股東持股變動與績效衰退顯著相關,符合利益一致假說。 / The article investigates whether there is a significant change in financial performance of firms after they went to public for the period between 2001 and 2005 in China A –share market. First, we use ROA and ROE as main performance index. The results indicate a significant decline in ROA and ROE. Following Du Pont framework, return on sales is the most important reason about the decline. Second, we find under new Sponsor’s System, IPO firms had better perfomanace before they went public and they suffered less declined after IPO. We also find the low political connection firms maximize financial performance before they went public to win the IPO opportunity, and they hardly maintain operating performance. At last, we examine the reason for financial performance decline. We compared the change between accruals and operating cashflow the period of IPO for inspecting wether earnings management existed. The empirical results indicate IPO firms maximize accruls when IPO.This study also indicates a significant correlation between post-IPO performance and agency problem.

Underprissättning, en investerares dröm : En kvantitativ studie av underprissättning beroende av branschtillhörighet och bolagsegenskaper

Eriksson, Kristian, Jonsson, Jesper January 2017 (has links)
Underpricing is a subject that is well documented, there is a lot of different theories that claims special traits of companies that affect underpricing which some of these are age, growth and size of a company. There is also a difference amongst industries and especially the Tech industry which show a higher percentage of underpricing. Baker Mckenzie reports that the number of IPO: s in Sweden will grow in 2017, further one can see that under the year 1980-2011 there was an average underpricing of 27,3 percentage in Swedish companies. The study aims to analyze if there is a difference in underpricing within the first day when it comes to the Tech industry and the markets as a whole. The study also intends to prove that there is a significant relationship between underpricing, age, revenue growth, revenue and number of employees. Data was collected from databases and was analyzed through a regression analysis and comparing underpricing between the Tech industry and the other companies in the study. These analyzes was used to accept or reject the studies four hypothesizes and answer the questions of the study. The analysis and research showed a higher underpricing amongst the Tech industry then the rest of the companies but the study could not prove a significant relationship between underpricing and age, turnover growth, revenue and number of employees. / Underprissättning är ett ämne som är välstuderat och väldokumenterat, det finns många teorier som hävdar vilka egenskaper hos ett bolag som påverkar till underprissättning. Några av de faktorerna är ålder, tillväxt samt storlek. Det finns en skillnad bland branscher enligt tidigare undersökningar som hävdar att Tech branschen underprissätts i högre grad jämfört med andra branscher. Baker Mckenzie rapporterar att börsnoteringar i Sverige kommer öka under 2017, vidare kan man se att under åren 1980–2011 var det i snitt en första dagsavkastning på 27,3 procent på svenska börsnoteringar. Syftet med studien är att analysera om det finns en skillnad på första dagens avkastning inom Tech branschen jämfört med marknaden som helhet, studien ämnar också att påvisa om det finns signifikanta samband mellan underprissättning och ålder, omsättningstillväxt, omsättning samt antalet anställda. Information har samlats in från databaser och analyserats genom en regressionsanalys samt en komparativ studie av prissättning mellan Tech branschen och resterande branscher. De genomförda analyserna användes för att acceptera eller förkasta studiens fyra hypoteser samt svara på studiens frågeställningar. Analyserna och forskningen påvisade en större grad av underprissättning bland Tech bolagen än övriga bolag men studien kunde ej påvisa ett signifikant samband mellan underprissättning och bolagets omsättning, ålder, antal anställda samt omsättningstillväxt.

Primární veřejná nabídka akcií společnosti / Initial Public Offering of Shares in the Czech Republic

Gaško, Martin January 2010 (has links)
Capital market is an important part of the economy. Its development undoubtedly influences efficiency of the economy and thus the overall development of the country. This master thesis analyze the process of initial public offering ("IPO") in the Czech Republic, because I believe that IPO can significantly help to develop capital market and thus the entire economy. I analyze the IPO process in terms of the main factors that affect the value of issued shares and through it the basic objective of the joint-stock company in IPO, to maximize equity gained from the process of going public. The analysis shows that significant weaknesses in the Czech regulation have been removed and the IPO process is regulated on the same level and in the same extend as in other EU countries. However, IPO remains an option that many companies do not involve in their strategic planning because of its complexity and high costs. Thorough preparation and analysis of legal options of how to go public in the legal environment can maximize profits from the issue and, moreover, it contributes to achieving higher long-term profits.

全球前四大PC廠商經營策略變化之研究 / The Study Of Golbal Big-4 PC Company's Strategic Managent - 1997~1998

賴淑華, Lai, Shu-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從PC產業環境分析為起點,先了解PC產業環境在1997年至1998年之前後變化,影響PC產業發展之因素:第三章再分別簡介全球前四大PC廠商,包括其營運現況、歷史發展、市場定位與競爭條件,以及面臨的挑戰;第四章則是以司徒達賢老師所著之策略管理一書(1996年遠流出版)中的六大事業策略構面(請參考圖1-1)為分析架構,來了解1997年至1998年之間全球前四大PC廠商的策略形態為何,策略和當時的環境、條件怎麼配合,以及這四家公司功能政策與事業策略之間的配合(請參考圖1-2)。結論部份的分析基礎架構則以策略矩陣(請參考圖1-3)來表達這四家公司的各種策略組合之思考為何,並解說這四家公司的未來發展動向。   在分析了全球前四大PC廠商策略之後,以及在PC產業趨勢為大者恆大的特性之下,雖然大廠的策略動則觀瞻,但是是以全球面來思考資源運用,小廠生活空間雖被擠壓,仍有細縫可據以重點經營;不管國際資訊大廠是不是因為要低價搶佔市場佔有率,而不得不來臺灣大量採購或尋求代工夥伴,以取得價格競爭力;或是要朝高階PC發展以取得較大獲利空間,臺灣電腦系統廠商與代工廠商面對大廠的動作,可採取下列作法因應:   1. 採相關多角化經營策略來分散風險,作法是檢視公司所擁有的有形/無形的資源或資產裡,有那一些可運用在可見的未來環境裡,成為有潛力或發展性的產品或服務,尤其要朝技術升級方向思考。   2. 在PC產業愈來愈成熟的情況之下,產品也會愈趨於標準化,因此為了追求降低成本,需到生產成本較低的地方生產。另一方面,消費者需求多變而複雜,因此為了快速提供符合市場需求的產品或服務,也必須進行海外投資,以靠近市場,所以必須國際化。   3. 將資源集中在最有把握的領域,以精耕、深耕的方式耕耘市場,提供符合該市場需求的產品或服務,採取重點區域經營的策略。   最後以宏□電腦公司與華碩電腦公司作為說明台灣業者在思考其他發展方向時,亦朝此三個方向移動的例證。 目錄 第一章 緒論 1 一、研究動機與目的 1 二、研究範圍 2 三、研究方法與架構 2 四、研究限制 6 第二章 外在環境分析 7 第一節 1995年至1996年之PC產業環境分析 7 一、1995年至1996年之PC 發展動向 7 二、1995年至1996年之PC廠商的排名 9 第二節1997至1998年之PC產業環境分析 10 一、1997年至1998年之PC 發展動向 10 二、1997年至1998年全球PC市場概況 12 三、1997年至1998年之PC廠商的排名 20 四、1997年至1998年間各區域市場的發展 22 第三節 1998年後之個人電腦產業發展趨勢 27 一、PC未來重要性不變,但走向低價、高效能 28 二、後PC時代 29 三、Y2K、Windows 2000與Intel發表新產品的影響 31 四、網際網路與電子商務發展快速 32 五、3C 整合 33 六、亞太PC市場復甦在望 33 七、移動式運算(Mobile Computing)漸漸盛行 34 第三章 全球前四大PC廠商之簡介與優劣勢分析 35 第一節 Compaq 電腦公司簡介 35 一、Compaq電腦公司現況簡介: 35 二、Compaq電腦公司發展沿革 36 三、Compaq電腦公司營收狀況 38 四、Compaq電腦公司組織與成長 40 五、Compaq電腦公司的條件與目標 43 第二節 IBM 公司簡介 48 一、IBM公司現況簡介: 48 二、IBM公司發展沿革 49 三、IBM公司營收狀況 52 四、IBM公司組織與成長 56 五、IBM公司的條件與目標 56 第三節 HP公司簡介 61 一、HP公司現況簡介: 61 二、HP公司發展沿革 62 三、HP公司營收狀況 65 四、HP公司組織與成長 68 五、HP公司的條件與目標 70 第四節DELL電腦公司簡介 75 一、DELL電腦公司現況簡介: 75 二、DELL電腦公司發展沿革 76 三、DELL電腦公司營收狀況 78 四、DELL電腦公司組織與成長 81 五、DELL電腦公司的條件與目標 82 第四章 全球前四大PC廠商之策略型態分析 88 第一節Compaq電腦公司的策略型態分析 88 一、Compaq電腦公司策略型態 89 二、Compaq電腦公司的功能政策 90 第二節IBM公司的策略型態分析 101 一、IBM公司的策略形態 101 二、IBM公司的功能政策 102 第三節HP公司的策略型態分析 113 一、HP公司的策略形態 113 二、HP公司的功能政策 114 第四節DELL電腦公司的策略型態分析 122 一、DELL電腦公司的策略形態 122 二、DELL電腦公司的功能政策 123 第五章 結論與建議 136 第一節 各公司之經營策略分析 136 一、產品/價格策略矩陣分析 136 二、各公司之接單生產與通路組裝策略矩陣分析 144 三、各公司之經銷模式分析 149 四、各公司之購併策略與公司整體策略分析 155 五、對各公司在1997年至1998年之營運策略之看法 161 第二節 各公司之未來發展動向 168 一、Compaq電腦公司的未來發展動向 169 二、IBM電腦公司之未來發展動向 178 三、HP電腦公司之未來發展動向 184 四、DELL 電腦公司之未來發展動向 191 第三節 各公司策略動向對臺灣廠商策略之影響與建議 197 一、各公司策略動向對我國系統廠商策略之影響 197 二、各公司策略動向對我國資訊產品代工廠商策略之影響 198 三、臺灣廠商的的優勢 213 四、臺灣廠商的未來因應做法與建議 217 五、例證說明臺灣廠商的做法 218 參考文獻 227 一、參考書目 227 二、期刊 228 三、線上新聞 230 四、網站 230

兩岸三地臺商籌資評估之研究 / IPO and SPO for Taiwan enterprises in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan

許坤源, Sheu,Jack K. Y. Unknown Date (has links)
隨著兩岸三地臺商卓越的競爭能力與大中華經濟的迅速發展,海內外臺商發展為配合其長期追求成長之資金需求與其個別特定目的,尋求於最適地點上市籌資或再次籌資已是海內外臺商經營環境中極為重要之ㄧ環。有競爭力的臺商是亞洲各國極力爭取投資及招攬上市掛牌籌資的貴客,因其卓越的經營績效,敢於追求成長的努力,與勇於冒險創新發展的精神,是亞洲各國學習的對象,尤其是來自中國大陸的吸引力。 為臺商提供了一個有效率而低成本的籌資平臺,同時提供投資人一個安全而有成長率的投資平臺,不但有利企業的後續發展,亦關乎產業發展之未來競爭力。 臺商雖然可以在全球證券市場上市掛牌,但在大中華經濟圈中大陸與香港素來是臺商企業投資之重要地域,隨著CEPA簽訂生效,更加連結香港與中國內地之經貿關係,在大批中國大陸具國際規模的國有企業往香港上市,香港證券市場更呈自1997回歸後,出現欣欣向榮的景象,加之中國大陸於股權分置改革執行初具成效後,於2006年初宣佈恢復新股上市,重啟上市申請機制。受此籌資環境變化影響,吸引了大批臺商擬選擇此兩地上市。 臺灣證券市場雖仍是多數海外臺商上市之「最佳解」,在人親土親的原則下可能會對臺商企業有諸多吸引力,但因招商政策之擬定與執行受到政治因素之影響而有所偏頗,限制對中國大陸投資上限及再籌資之資金不得投資中國大陸等障礙,臺商回臺上市面臨諸多壓力,回臺之路猶似近在眼前,卻遠如天邊,其路漫漫。故尋求在中國大陸或香港上市便成為臺商上市籌資之「較適解」選項。 如何突破目前法規架構下發展對臺灣經濟與產業發展競爭力之最為有利的方式是目前政府部門努力的方向之一。惟,反向思考,是否解開對大陸投資上限40%之障礙,臺商回臺上市必可迎刃而解呢?臺商赴港上市或赴大陸掛牌就一定是致命吸引力嗎? 藉由探討兩岸三地證券市場之發展現狀與特色﹔以及將臺商企業已在大陸上市、香港上市與回臺上市之營運面與證券交易面之表現,由該已上市臺資企業期後財務效益,檢視兩岸三地證券市場籌資之關聯性問題與上市決策之選擇關鍵,及群聚現象對產業發展之影響。 藉由深入分析兩岸三地資本市場之特徵與股市表現,試圖找尋可行途徑,以對臺商企業籌資及臺灣證券市場有所建言。 當全球交易所的合併收購蔚成風氣,紐約證交所(NYSE)於2006年6月以將近100億美元併購協議,以現金加計股票收購歐洲證交所(Euronext),首次建立橫跨大西洋兩岸的證券交易市場。惟,上市籌資具本土化特性,現今大量中資企業以H股或紅籌股到香港掛牌,而臺資企業亦經過集團分拆或組織重組到香港掛牌,均存在跨境監理之問題,而兩岸三地證券管理制度存在一定差異,若能彼此合作組成「大中華區域證券市場」─雙邊掛牌機制甚或多邊掛牌,則臺灣企業集團在兩岸三地間上市籌資、資金運籌就不會受制於相關兩岸三地間的利益衝突問題;具國際競爭能力之中資企業亦能吸納更多國際資金;香港投資銀行及金融之優勢可以更加發揮,達到三贏之局面。 政治是短暫的,產業經濟競爭能力才是長久的。從曾傲人經濟表現的亞洲四小龍,到金磚四國的崛起,產業經濟競爭不斷在演進,臺商及兩岸三地證券主管機關如何利用兩岸三地證券市場之特性與互補而整合成「大中華區域證券市場」,或許可為此區域經濟創造三贏之利益。 關鍵詞:臺商; 籌資; 投資; 初次上市;再籌資; 掛牌; 資本市場; 股票市場; / With rapid development of Greater China's economy of three places (China, Hong Kong and Taiwan) of two sides, listing in the most suitable exchange to fund-raising by IPO and SPO are quite important for the Taiwan enterprises. An efficient fund-raising platform of the low cost and safe, not only benefit Taiwan enterprises in future competitiveness, but also offer investors safe and efficient invest environment. As CEPA signs coming into force, the trading tied closely between Hong Kong and China. Furthermore, China’s reform of “equity right” is effective and reopens the IPO mechanism at the beginning of 2006. Taiwan enterprise, however, listed on Taiwan stock market has a regulation of 40% limited of equity value invest in China. Those incentives from Hong Kong and China, the limit of Taiwan stock market, have made Taiwan enterprises consider to choose these two places to be listed. In this research, we compare and contrast the characteristics among China, Hong Kong and Taiwan stock markets. Surveying the performance of business operation and dealing of the Taiwan enterprises which have listed in China or Hong Kong or come back to list on Taiwan market. Analyze and find the influence factors of the fund-raising among these three markets. Find the key points of listing decision and how the “cluster effect” influences the industry development. Although the security market of Taiwan was listed by most overseas Taiwan traders ' solve bestly ', may have a great deal of appeal to Taiwan trader's enterprises under the circumstances that people kiss the principle kissed in land , but because promote trade and investment the policy draft that biased to some extent with the influence of receiving the political factor of execution, limit the obstacle of can't invest in China's Mainland to investment upper limit and fund raising funds again of China's Mainlanding etc., the Taiwan trader goes back to the platform to list and face a great deal of pressures, the way to platform is still like near before eyes, but far like the remotest places, its way is endless. Is it is it become Taiwan trader list raise funds ' relatively right to solve ' to select to list on China's Mainland or Hong Kong to seek. How break through regulation between development and Taiwan economy and industry development competitiveness favorable way government department diligent direction at present most under the structure at present. Only, think backward whether untie 40% of the obstacles of upper limit of continent investment, is it be very easily solved that the Taiwan trader go back to the platform to list? The Taiwan trader be the deadly appeal when going to Hongkong and is listed or go to the mainland to list? By probing into the current situations of the development and characteristics of three place security markets of two sides; And has been listed on mainland Taiwan trader's enterprises , Hong Kong is listed and gone back the behavior the listing operation surface of the platform and securities trading , from should already listing Taiwan-owned enterprise financial benefit under issue, inspect two sides three place getting related question and listing choice key of decision that security market raise funds, and the influence on industry development of clustering phenomenon. Behave with the characteristic and stock market of analysing in depth three place capital markets of two sides, attempt to look for the feasible way, suggest to the fund-raising of Taiwan trader's enterprise and security market of Taiwan to some extent. Purchase and become atmosphere luxuriantly in amalgamation in the global exchange, the stock exchange of New York (NYSE ) has already decided an agreement, will add stocks and purchase the European stock exchange (Euronext ) with cash of nearly 10 billion dollars, set up and stretch over the securities trade market of the Atlantic Ocean firstly. Only, listing and raising funds has localization characteristics, a large amount of China-invested enterprises are gone to Hong Kong to list with the H-share or the red chips now, and the Taiwan-owned enterprise also passes the group and breaks or organizes and recombinates to Hong Kong and is listed , the question managed in border exists and steps but there are certain differences in three place securities management systems of two sides, if can cooperate and form ' Greater China regional security market ' each other - Listed the mechanism bilaterally even listed, then the enterprise group of Taiwan is listed on three places of two sides the fund-raising , fund and drawn up plans and would not be situated in the interests conflict question among three places of relevant two sides; The China-invested enterprise with international competitiveness can also receive more Chinese fund ; Hong Kong investment bank and advantage of the finance can give play to the situation up to three wins further . ' politics is transient, industry's economic competitive power is permanent ', Chinese helps Chinese, earns the global money with Chinese's strength of assembling, accords with Chinese's common interests of three places of two sides, regard this as the suggestions of three place securities competent authorities of two sides correctly. Key Word : Taiwan enterprises; Fund-raising; IPO; SPO; Investment: Listing; Capital market; Stock market.

IPO競價拍賣制度下投資人標單資訊內涵對於股票上市後報酬率及價格變動率之影響 / IPO Auction: The Effects of Investor Information Content to Aftermarket Return and Variability

吳文傑 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣資本市場目前已實行競價拍賣制度有十餘年之久,相關研究資料累積已具相當之規模,因此許多學者進行競價拍賣制度對於承銷制度改變影響之研究,已具相當之成果,大多針對競價拍賣制度實施後是否可以對於改善上市掛牌後股票折價幅度過大以及蜜月期過長等不效率現象進行相關探討及研究。 因此,本研究針對投資人標單資訊內涵進行對報酬率及價格變動率影響之研究,於建立兩大模型研究結果分析後,我們可以清楚了解台灣競價拍賣市場中,個人投資者標單資訊內涵可以提供蜜月期報酬率及變動率的正向解釋能力與預測效果,也因此證明台灣股票市場報酬率及價格波動程度容易受一般散戶投資人情緒所影響;而法人投資者標單資訊內涵則可能由於與美國市場具有結構性差異,使得台灣市場的法人投資者標單資訊內涵無法提供模型的顯著解釋能力,肇因於台灣市場主要參與者為散戶投資人。另外一原因可能是台灣市場中的法人投資者標單資訊內涵已反映在IPO股票價格之中,因此無法對蜜月期及上市後報酬率和價格變動率有所影響。加入峰態係數進行研究後發現,投資者標單需求曲線型態對於報酬率以及價格變動率皆沒有顯著影響,顯示投資人出價集中的高狹峰型態不能解釋蜜月期及上市後的報酬率和價格變動率,可能是由於資訊早已暴露在市場中,價格也早已反映此項資訊,因此無法解釋之後的報酬率以及價格變動率型態。

台灣新上市櫃公司特徵對其首次現金增資時程及績效影響之探討 / Timing and Performance of First SEOs after IPOs

張飴芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討台灣上市櫃公司從事首次現金增資之決策受何種公司特徵所影響,並進一步探討進行其首次現金增資的宣告效果影響因素。 本研究針對1981年至2010年共30年期間於台灣上市上櫃之公司其首次現金增資之情形做為探討對象,採用Cox-proportional Hazard Regression檢定影響上市櫃公司進行首次現金增資時程之公司特徵。實證結果顯示,營收成長率越高、規模越大且獲利能力較差的公司會傾向越快進行首次現金增資。同時也針對上市櫃年度其市場情形加以探討,發現於市場處於熱市時上市櫃的公司傾向越快進行首次現金增資,顯示市場時機也會影響公司進行首次現金增資的決策。此外,對其首次現金增資之宣告效果進行迴歸分析同時以Heckman Two-Stage Model方法考慮樣本選擇偏誤之修正,結果發現規模越大的公司宣告效果越差而負債比率較大的公司宣告效果越佳。然而上市櫃後進行首次現金增資之時程與其增資宣告效果間則無顯著關係。 / This study examines how fast companies have their first seasonal equity offerings after their IPOs and further analyses the announcement effects of first SEOs. First, we adopt Cox-proportional Hazard Regression Model to see what firm characteristics make IPO firms decide to conduct first SEOs shortly after their IPOs. Using a sample of IPO firms in Taiwan from 1981 to 2010, we find firms that are larger, less profitable and higher growth potential would conduct their first SEOs faster. Also, market timing plays an important role for SEO decisions. Moreover, the announcement effect of their first SEOs shows that elapsed time to conduct first SEOs after IPOs has no influence on the cumulated abnormal returns. By correcting sampling bias, Heckman Two-Stage Model is adopted to reveal better explanation of the results.

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