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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diskriminering av HBTQI+-personer i Sveriges förvaltning : En fallstudie av den svenska Kriminalvården

Arnstedt, Linnea January 2022 (has links)
Sverige är ett av de länder i världen som erbjuder störst skydd av HBTQI+-personers rättigheter. Detta skydd utgår bland annat från de mänskliga rättigheterna och den svenska diskrimineringslagstiftningen. Det är förvaltningens uppgift att se till att diskrimineringslagstiftningen upprätthålls i det svenska samhället. Utifall att själva förvaltningen skulle frångå en lag skulle dess verkan i samhället undermineras, både genom att förvaltningen inte utför sin uppgift och eftersom den fungerar som ett exempel på hur svensk lag bör implementeras. Syftet med denna uppsats är därmed att undersöka huruvida indikationer finns på att det i den svenska förvaltningen förekommer diskriminering av HBTQI+-personer. Vidare vill uppsatsen även finna indikationer på hur denna eventuella diskriminering i så fall ser ut, då HBTQI+-personernas olika minoritetsidentiteter tas i beaktande. Dessa syften ämnas uppfyllas genom en fallstudie av den svenska Kriminalvården utifrån principen mest trolig att finna diskriminering av HBTQI+-personer. För att besvara frågeställningarna genomförs en intervjustudie. Materialet från denna analyseras med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys och en analysram byggd utifrån begreppet diskriminering, såsom det beskrivs i svensk lag. En av de tydligaste slutsatserna som kommit av analysen är att indikationer finns på att diskriminering av HBTQI+-personer existerar inom Kriminalvården, och därmed i den svenska förvaltningen. I slutsatserna beskrivs även indikationer på hur denna diskriminering ser ut i relation till HBTQI+-personernas olika minoritetsidentiteter.

Digital studie- och yrkesvägledning - möjligheter och hinder : En studie om digital kompetens inom vuxenutbildningen

Stjernfeldt, Maria January 2021 (has links)
Digitaliseringen av samhället de senaste årtiondena har på många sätt förändrat studie- och yrkesvägledarnas arbetssätt vilket har medfört nya möjligheter och utmaningar. Den på- gående Coronapandemin har påskyndat den digitala transformationen eftersom studie- och yrkesvägledning tvingats drivas på distans. Därmed har vägledarnas kompetens inom in- formation och kommunikationsteknik, IKT, kommit att aktualiserats. Denna studie under- söker studie- och yrkesvägledares upplevelse och förutsättningar. Baserat på intervjuer med studie- och yrkesvägledare och klienter kan det i studien urskönjas att det finns brist på kompetens hos vägledare att arbeta med integrerade kreativa program vid olika videosamtal eller andra nätbaserade samtalsapplikationer. I studien har det framkommit att de intervju- ade studie- och yrkesvägledarna saknar den kompetens som krävs för att uppfylla klienter och myndigheternas förväntningar. Man kan därmed se att det krävs adekvat utbildning för så väl befintliga som kommande studie- och yrkesvägledare för att öka den digitala kompe- tensen så den tangerar med den digitala utvecklingen i samhället.

Organisatoriska förutsättningar för socialsekreterare inom ekonomiskt bistånd : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelser av organisatoriska förutsättningars betydelse för arbetet med klienter inom ekonomiskt bistånd / Organizational conditions for caseworkers in financial assistance : A qualitative study about caseworkers experiences of the significance of organizational conditions for their work with clients in financial assistance

Abdul Rahim, Osama, Özgur, Merdan Mulla January 2024 (has links)
Financial assistance from social services can be described as an important protection against financial vulnerability. Many of the people that seek out to get support in the form of financial aid are vulnerable people that are in need of an income. The purpose of this study is to explore the organizational conditions that caseworkers in financial assistance perceive as significant for their work with clients. We’ve performed semi-structured interviews with seven caseworkers that work in the department of financial assistance to gather in-depth insights into their experiences and perspectives about the organizational conditions. Using Lipsky's theory of street-level bureaucracy to analyze our results, we also connected our findings to previous research in the field. The findings reveal that control, demands and information are critical organizational factors that have a significant importance for their client work. Caseworkers experience that organizational conditions complicate client interactions, worsen relationships, and limit discretion. Caseworkers also desire more understanding, trust, clearer information, and reduced workloads. Previous research highlights the importance of balancing organizational demands with client needs, emphasizing the need for supportive policies and effective communication to enhance social work practice. Future research could explore implementing new approaches suggested by caseworkers to see how these changes would impact their work and improve the quality of financial assistance. Furthermore, future research could also investigate the perspectives of the organization to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the subject.

Jämförelse av Hypervisor & Zoner : Belastningstester vid drift av webbservrar

Nyquist, Johan, Manfredsson, Alexander January 2013 (has links)
Virtualisering av datorer rent generellt innebär att man delar upp hela eller delar av enmaskinkonfiguration i flera exekveringsmiljöer. Det är inte bara datorn i sig som kanvirtualiseras utan även delar av det, såsom minnen, lagring och nätverk. Virtualiseringanvänds ofta för att kunna nyttja systemets resurser mer effektivt. En hypervisorfungerar som ett lager mellan operativsystemet och den underliggande hårdvaran. Meden hypervisor har virtuella maskiner sitt egna operativsystems kärna. En annan tekniksom bortser från detta mellanlager kallas zoner. Zoner är en naturlig del avoperativsystemet och alla instanser delar på samma kärna, vilket inte ger någon extraoverhead. Problemet är att hypervisorn är en resurskrävande teknik. Genom att användazoner kan detta problem undkommas genom att ta bort hypervisorlagret och istället köramed instanser som kommunicerar direkt med operativsystemets kärna. Detta ärteoretiskt grundande och ingen tidigare forskning har utförts, därmed påkallades dennautredning. För att belysa problemet använde vi oss av Apache som webbserver.Verktyget Httperf användes för att kunna utföra belastningstester mot webbservern.Genom att göra detta kunde vi identifiera att den virtualiserade servern presterade sämreän en fysisk server (referensmaskin). Även att den nyare tekniken zoner bidrar till lägreoverhead, vilket gör att systemet presterar bättre än med den traditionella hypervisorn.För att styrka vår teori utfördes två tester. Det första testet bestod utav en virtualiseradserver, andra testet bestod av tre virtuella servrar. Anledningen var att se hur de olikateknikerna presterade vid olika scenarion. Det visade sig i båda fallen att zonerpresterade bättre och att det inte tappade lika mycket i prestanda i förhållande tillreferensmaskinerna. / Virtualization of computers in general means that the whole or parts of a machineconfiguration is split in multiple execution enviornments. It is not just the computeritself that can be virtualized, but also the resources such as memory, storage andnetworking. Virtualization is often used to utilize system resources more efficient. Ahypervisor acts as a layer between the operating system and the underlying hardware.With a hypervisor a virtual machine has its own operating system kernel. Anothertechnique that doesn't use this middle layer is called zones. Zones are a natural part ofthe operating system and all instances share the same core, this does not provide anyadditional overhead. The problem with hypervisors is that it is a rescource-demandingtechnique. The advantage with zones is that you should be able to avoid the problem byremoving the hypervisor layer and instead run instances that communicate directly tothe operating system kernel. This is just a theoretical foundation. No previous researchhas been done, which result in this investigation. To illustrate the problem we usedApache as a web server. Httperf will be used as a tool to benchmark the web server. Bydoing this we were able to identify that the virtualized server did not perform quite aswell as a physical server. Also that the new technique (zones) did contribute with loweroverhead, making the system perform better than the traditional hypervisor. In order toprove our theory two tests were performed. The first test consisted of one virtual serverand the other test consisted of three virtual servers. The reason behind this was to seehow the different techniques performed in different scenarios. In both cases we foundthat zones performed better and did not drop as much performance in relation to ourreference machines.

Kriminalitet och socialt arbete: Görs det tillräckligt? / Crime and social work: Is enough being done?

Yalda, Maha January 2023 (has links)
Crime and gang violence are often subjects of media attention in today's society. This has led to an increased debate and a widespread perception that it is a societal issue. There is a division among politicians about which strategy is considered most effective in reducing crime. Some belive that harsher penalties will lead to reduced crime, while others argue that preventive work and investments in social work are needed. The purpose of the study is to examine whether the social work being conducted is sufficient to prevent a greater degree of recidivism or whether authorities need to work differently. To conduct the study, five social workers participated in interviews where they were asked about their views on the reintegration model that exists in Sweden, as well as whether they believe other strategies are needed. Since these social workers have different professional roles, their answers provide a broader perspective on how different professions work with criminals. The results of the study show that more preventive work is needed from an early age to prevent individuals from committing criminal acts. When authorities become involved, it is usually to late, and the individual is already trapped in a cycle of crime that is difficult to break. To prevent this, signicicant investments are needed in various social activities that are there to support early on. Additionally, the study shows that society must give the criminals a fair opportunity to reintegrate into society by, for examle, employing individuals who have served their sentence to reduce social exclusion.

En röst inifrån : En kvalitativ studie av hur klienter vid svenska anstalter kan nyttja sin rösträtt vid allmänna val / A voice from within : A qualitative research of how inmates at Swedish prisons can utllize their right to vote during general elections

Granath, Felicia January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how Swedish inmates can utilize the right to vote during their time in prison. To fulfill the purpose, the study investigates how the Swedish Prison and Probation Service arrange elections in different prisons. Interviews with representatives of the Swedish Prison and Probation Service, as well as with a previous inmate, are conducted to show how the different prisons work with arranging elections and encouraging the prisoners to vote. The results are analyzed with a qualitative method. A theory of social inclusion and the right to vote as a positive right is used to analyze the data. The data shows that prisons work differently with arranging elections and most of the prison representatives thinks that there should be room for different approaches due to security level, clients and other conditions. The representatives of the prisons that participated in the study perceive the directions from the Swedish Prison and Probation Service differently which could imply a need for clearer information. The level of participation from the inmates differs, which could correlate to the efforts being done by the prison to encourage the inmates to vote. The conclusions that can be drawn from the study is that cooperation with other relevant actors is necessary to arrange elections where all inmates can participate, and that encouraging efforts from the prisons are needed to secure the inmates’ right to vote.

Testverktyg för prestandamätningar av feta klienter : - En fallstudie med fokus på identifiering av testverktyg och beskrivning av viktiga kriterier för dessa / Testing tools for performance testing thick clients : – a case study with focus on identifying testing tools and describing important criteria for these

Stenberg, Maria January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att beskriva prestandatest av feta klienter, ibland också kallade skrivbordsapplikationer. Studien syftar även till att kartlägga testverktyg som kan användas för att utföra prestandatest av feta klienter och att identifiera vilka egenskaper som anses vara viktiga kriterier för dessa testverktyg. Undersökningen är skapad som en fallstudie som undersökningsstrategi där fallets utgångspunkt är Trafikverkets behov men undersökning och dess resultat kan även appliceras på andra verksamheter där testarbete utförs. Både kvalitativ och kvantitativ datainsamling användes i undersökningen genom intervjuer och dokumentstudier samt enkätformulär. Då insamlat data i undersökningen är av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ form så användes också en blandning av en kvalitativ tematisk analys och kvantitativ dataanalys. En del av analysen är en utvärdering av ett testverktygsurval mot sammanställda kriterier, en kriteriebaserad utvärderingsmetod. Tillvägagångssättet för val och utvärdering av testverktyg som tillämpats genom studien är baserat på tidigare befintliga teorier som funnits genom litteraturstudier. Litteraturstudierna har även stått till grund för att definiera undersökningens centrala begrepp och bidrar till resultat genom en jämförelse med insamlat data. Resultatet från undersökningen bidrar med ett beslutsunderlag för verksamheter som står inför ett val av testverktyg för prestandatest av feta klienter och en utvärdering av dessa innan licenser införskaffas. Undersökningen bidrar även med en karakterisering av prestandatest av feta klienter. I just detta fall var de mest passande testverktygen för syftet HP LoadRunner samt två testverktyg från eggPlant i kombination (eggPlant Functional och eggPlant Performance). / The aim of this study is to describe performance testing on thick clients, sometimes also referred to as desktop applications. Another aim with this study is to map out a selection of testing tools that can be used for performance testing of thick clients and to identify what qualities that is considered to be important criteria for these testing tools. The study is based on the research strategy called case study where the case is grounded the needs from Trafikverket but the results from this study could be applied on other business organizations that works with testing. Both qualitative and quantitative data collecting methods where used in this study, in the form och interviews, document studies and questionnaires. Since the collected data in the study where in both qualitative and quantitative form the use of a mix between a qualitative thematical data analysis and a quantitative data analysis had to be done. A part of the analysis was an evaluation on a selection of testing tools towards a compiled list of criteria, as an evaluation method based on criteria. The course of action for choosing and evaluation a testing tool that has been applied throughout the study is based on preexisting theories that has been found through reviews of literature. The reviews of literature have also been the ground for defining the central concepts of the study and contributes to the result by comparing what’s been found in literature to the collected data. The result of the study contributes with a basis for decision for companies and organizations that is in the process of getting a testing tool for performance testing thick clients och how to evaluate these before obtaining the testing tool licenses. The study also contributes with a characterization of performance testing thick clients. In this particular case, the most suitable testing tools came to be HP LoadRunner and also two testing tools from eggPlant combined (eggPlant Functional and eggPlant Performance).

Professionalitetens gränser : Socialsekreterares erfarenheter av unga vuxna klienter med komplexa behov inom socialtjänst–ekonomiskt bistånd

Han, Kilsoo January 2020 (has links)
This study explores the experiences of the Swedish front-line social workers (socialsekreterare) in the municipal income support unit, Young Adults, monthly assessing the income support applications as well as daily processing the activation programs for young adult clients with mental ill-health combined with social-medicinal vulnerabilities, also referred to as young adults with complex needs. Furthermore, this study aims to illuminate the ever changing conditions of the Swedish welfare state and its underlying driving forces through the lens of the social workers. 9 Semi-structured distance interviews with 11 social workers from 6 municipalities belonging to 5 regions in Sweden, were conducted for the collection of qualitative data. It has been analyzed by the inductive-deductive coding as well as a theoretical frame consisting of concepts such as discretiona and advocacy of M. Lipsky, and reciprocal interaction (Wechselwirkung), form and contents, and call of G.Simmel. The result and analysis show that the rehabilitative approach based on the interactions and relations with the clients, is prevalent through the social workers’ processing of the activation program. It seems to be effective in a dyad, between the social workers and the client while the social workers’ discretion is maximized for the utilization of the agency (unit) activation resources. However, it proved not to be as effective in a triad or more when an extern agent outside of the unit, Young Adults begins to be involved. The tension is a fact and the social workers’ discretion is minimized when they have to process the activation program for the clients who are neither “active enough” to have a job in the ordinary labor market, nor “sick enough” to be eligible for the stately activity compensation (aktivitetsersättning) from the Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) which heavily relies on the medicinal expertise for its decision making. The social workers’ experience to fail to deliver the best possible results out of the activation programs, and the client relationship built on the rehabilitative approach turns out to be unsustainable, which can indicate the discrepancy between the rehabilitative approach as well as the activation programs, as content, and the unit, Young Adults, as form. Even though the social workers daily carry the ideological as well as the social-political tensions between the medicalization and the activation through the ever changing reality of the Swedish welfare state, their mandate to make an impact on the decision making of the activity compensation program, is rather limited, reflecting the Swedish welfare state’s expectation for the professionalism of the social workers. Rather striking that the social workers, however, confess that they in spite of the pressure of organizational efficiency as well as socio-economic discourse of digitalization undermining the concept of the unit, Young Adults, are not willing to give up the rehabilitative approach for the client’s sake but also to protect their unit, Young Adults, which postulate that they are not the gatekeepers in the agency but the advocate for the clients. In this moment, they also seem to know, and even have the call, the essential, if not mandatory, element needed to be landed in the perfect society of G. Simmel.

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