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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Lärare kan ersätta material, men materialet kan inte ersätta läraren" : En kvalitativ studie om tillgång till material och likvärdighet på fritidshemmet. / "Teachers can replace the materials, but the materials cannot replace the teacher" : A qualitative study on access to materials and a equivalance in student Edu Care centers.

Nordstrom, Mathilda, Burehag, Charlie January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att studera, diskutera och analysera både om och på vilka sätt elever på fritidshem i större städer har likvärdig tillgång till material. Vi har använt oss av kvalitativ metod och har genom intervjuer samlat data. Datan har analyserats med utgångspunkt i sociokulturell teori och habitus. Vi fann att även om olika fritidshem har drastiskt olika mängder material finner lärarna det tillräckligt. Det finns god koppling mellan materialet på fritidshem och de intressen som eleverna presenterar. Lärares egna intressen och de populäraste aktiviteterna på fritidshemmet har störst påverkan på vilket material som köps in.

Lärares syn på sitt yrke ur ett professionsperspektiv : En intervjustudie

Ekberg, Elina January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Alla barn har rätt till stöd : En systematisk litteraturstudie om barns stöd i förskolan

Albertsson, Clara, Johansson, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
Barn i behov av stöd är ett aktuellt ämne i dagens samhälle. Stödet kopplas ofta till specialpedagogik och barn med diagnoser men rätten till stöd bör istället ses som en rättighet för alla barn för att tillgodogöra sig utbildningen i förskolan. Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån forskningsstudier skapa kunskap kring viktiga aspekter som kan härröras till alla barns rätt till stöd i förskolan. Litteraturstudien är gjord utifrån en systematisk metod. Underlaget för resultatet utgjordes av 26 artiklar och avhandlingar och analyserades med hjälp av tematisering. I resultatet går det att urskilja fem teman i forskning som härrör till alla barns rätt till stöd - barnsyn, kategoriseringar av barn, relationer, normer och pedagogens kunskap. Slutsatsen av studien visar på att alla aspekter är beroende av varandra. Normer, relationer och kategoriseringar är sammanvävda och utgår alla ifrån vilken barnsyn pedagogen har, det går även att se att allt är beroende av pedagogens kunskap om hur stödet ska ges och av de egna värderingarna. Studien kan utifrån rubriken till detta arbete "alla barn har rätt till stöd" problematiseras i och med att barn erhålls stöd beroende på pedagogen. Att hantera alla barns olikheter och ge alla stöd är en komplex uppgift, men kan underlättas genom att vara medveten om de aspekter som härrör till alla barns rätt till stöd.

Gymnasieelever och fostran av demokratiska medborgare : En enkätstudie av elevgruppers nivåer av moraliska och kognitiva utveckling. / Students in Upper Secondary School and the Education of Democratic Citizens : A study through questionnaire of student groups’ levels of moral and cognitive development.

Pilo, Lina January 2009 (has links)
<p>This study is grounded in an interest in the Swedish Upper Secondary Schools’ role as an educator of democratic citizens, with a specific interest in the moral and cognitive development of Upper Secondary School students. Development in these two areas is treated as results of citizenship education.</p><p>The purpose of the study is to examine moral and cognitive development of students in Upper Secondary School to see if there are any structural differences to be found between the Upper Secondary School programs that are vocationally oriented and the programs that are preparing for further studies on higher levels – since these differences have been both theoretically and empirically implied. The study is based on an enhanced version of Lawrence Kohlberg’s stages of moral development (with teachers’ evaluations of students’ capacity as a reference point of the students’ actual level of moral development) as well as on Kieran Egan’s theory of development through the use of cognitive tools (as seen in five different “shapes of understanding”). There is also a specific interest in how the teachers’ evaluations of the students’ development in the two areas mentioned coincide. The study has been carried out in the shape of an electronic questionnaire sent to Upper Secondary School teachers in Stockholm.</p><p>The results showed that there were great differences between the evaluations made by teachers working in vocationally oriented programs and by teachers working in programs preparing for further studies on higher levels. Generally, teachers working in programs preparing for further studies on higher levels estimated that their students had a capacity greater than average, whileteachers working in vocationally oriented programs estimated that their students had a capacity below average. Teachers working in “theoretical” programs to a larger extent estimated that their students had a use of cognitive tools which was to be expected from their age, while teachers working in vocationally oriented programs to a larger extent estimated that their students had a use of cognitive tools which could be expected from students not yet fully capable of reading and writing. The results also showed that the groups of students who were said to use cognitive toolsexpected from their age at the same time were estimated to have a relatively low level of capacity.</p>

Kommunen - en part i utbildningspolitiken?

Quennerstedt, Ann January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the municipality (the local authority) as a participant in Swedish educational policy. The reform of school governance in the 1990s, gave municipality wider authority in the educational field and a greater responsibility for education. Discussions about the equivalence of education were a key aspect in decentralising school governance and responsibility for education, and questions were raised about how equivalence would be affected by increased local influence on education. Since the meaning of equivalence had become contested in educational policy, the answer differed. In the dissertation, political discussions about the municipality and about equivalent education are merged, and together form a base for the main question: In what different ways are the municipality constructed as a participant in educational policy? The analysis is undertaken within a curriculum theory tradition and from a discourse theory perspective that focuses school and education as situated in a field of tension determined by social and political struggle. The research interest is directed to the world as constructed in language and communication. The empirical material studied in the dissertation consists of national political texts, texts from the National Agency for Education and interviews with local politicians (local authority committee members). From the analysis, three discourses about the municipality as a participant in educational policy are identified. These are: The municipality as responsible for performance, which centres the construction of the municipality on a responsibility for educational performance. All actions undertaken by the municipality are in the discourse defined within a framework of goal achievement and results. The municipality as a non-participant, where the municipality has no place in educational policy or realisation of the educational system. Education is considered as a matter between the state, the professionals and the families. The municipality as a political-ideological actor, where the municipality is constructed as a participant with scope to organise school on the basis of certain political and ideological principles. The ideological stance adopted by the political majority guides the municipality’s actions in the educational field. The discourses have tangible consequences for the shape which school education assumes on a day-to-day basis in municipalities. Depending on which discourse that dominates a municipality’s understanding of its own role, the actions undertaken by that municipality will be more or less directed towards education performance, and more or less ideologically based. / Avhandlingen fokuserar kommunen som en part i Svensk utbildningspolitik. När styrningen av skolan reformerades i 1990-talets början fick kommunerna ett ökat ansvar för skolan, och större möjligheter och befogenheter att fatta beslut om hur den egna skolan ska organiseras. Diskussioner om utbildningens likvärdighet utgjorde en nyckelaspekt för den decentraliserade styrningen av och ansvaret för skolan, och frågan restes om hur likvärdigheten skulle påver-kas av ett ökat lokalt inflytande över utbildningsområdet. Eftersom betydelsen av likvärdighet hade blivit omstridd i den utbildningspolitiska debatten, fick frågan olika svar beroende på vilken innebörd som gavs begreppet likvärdighet. I avhandlingen förs de politiska diskussio-nerna om kommunens ansvar för skolan och om likvärdig utbildning samman, och dessa te-man utgör en helhet som ligger till grund för avhandlingens huvudfråga: På vilka olika sätt framträder kommunen som en part i utbildningspolitiken? Avhandlingens ansluter sig till en läroplansteoretisk tradition, och till ett diskursteoretiskt perspektiv där utbildningen och dess innehåll betraktas befinna sig i ett spänningsfält ytterst bestämt av sociala och politiska krafter i kamp. Forskningsintresset riktas mot världen som konstruerad i språk och kommunikation. Avhandlingens empiriska material består av natio-nella politiska texter, Skolverkstexter, kommunalpolitiska texter och intervjuer med kommu-nala skolpolitiker. Utifrån analysen kan tre diskurser om kommunen som en part i utbildningspolitiken identifie-ras. Dessa är: Kommunen som resultatansvarig, där konstruktionen av kommunen centreras kring ett ansvar för utbildningens resultat. Alla kommunens handlingar definieras i diskursen inom detta ram-verk av måluppnående och utbildningsresultat. Kommunen som icke-part, där kommunen inte ses ha någon uppgift i utbildningspolitiken eller skolans genomförande. Utbildning betraktas i diskursen som en angelägenhet mellan staten, skolans professionella och familjerna. Kommunen som politisk-ideologiskt handlande, där kommunen konstrueras som en part med utrymme att organisera skolan utifrån specifika politiska och ideologiska principer. De ideo-logiska ställningstaganden som görs av kommunens politiska majoritet är kraftigt vägledande för kommunens handlingar på utbildningsområdet och påverkar hur utbildning organiseras i kommunen. De olika diskurserna får påtagliga konsekvenser för hur den konkreta skolverksamheten tar form i en kommun. Beroende på vilken av diskurserna som dominerar en kommuns uppfatt-ning om sin egen roll, så kommer kommunens handlingar att vara mer eller mindre inriktade mot utbildningsresultat, och mer eller mindre politiskt-ideologiskt präglade.

Gymnasieelever och fostran av demokratiska medborgare : En enkätstudie av elevgruppers nivåer av moraliska och kognitiva utveckling. / Students in Upper Secondary School and the Education of Democratic Citizens : A study through questionnaire of student groups’ levels of moral and cognitive development.

Pilo, Lina January 2009 (has links)
This study is grounded in an interest in the Swedish Upper Secondary Schools’ role as an educator of democratic citizens, with a specific interest in the moral and cognitive development of Upper Secondary School students. Development in these two areas is treated as results of citizenship education. The purpose of the study is to examine moral and cognitive development of students in Upper Secondary School to see if there are any structural differences to be found between the Upper Secondary School programs that are vocationally oriented and the programs that are preparing for further studies on higher levels – since these differences have been both theoretically and empirically implied. The study is based on an enhanced version of Lawrence Kohlberg’s stages of moral development (with teachers’ evaluations of students’ capacity as a reference point of the students’ actual level of moral development) as well as on Kieran Egan’s theory of development through the use of cognitive tools (as seen in five different “shapes of understanding”). There is also a specific interest in how the teachers’ evaluations of the students’ development in the two areas mentioned coincide. The study has been carried out in the shape of an electronic questionnaire sent to Upper Secondary School teachers in Stockholm. The results showed that there were great differences between the evaluations made by teachers working in vocationally oriented programs and by teachers working in programs preparing for further studies on higher levels. Generally, teachers working in programs preparing for further studies on higher levels estimated that their students had a capacity greater than average, whileteachers working in vocationally oriented programs estimated that their students had a capacity below average. Teachers working in “theoretical” programs to a larger extent estimated that their students had a use of cognitive tools which was to be expected from their age, while teachers working in vocationally oriented programs to a larger extent estimated that their students had a use of cognitive tools which could be expected from students not yet fully capable of reading and writing. The results also showed that the groups of students who were said to use cognitive toolsexpected from their age at the same time were estimated to have a relatively low level of capacity.

"Sanningens kvantifierade verklighet" : En diskursiv studie över den svenska skoldebatten

Okur, Osman, Johansson, Per January 2014 (has links)
Under de senaste decennierna har betydande reformvågor sköljt över det svenska utbildningsväsendet, en majoritet utav vilka fallit inom ramen för det nya styrsystem som brukar gå under betäckningen New Public Management. Detta har medfört att skolornas organisationsstrukturer i allt större utsträckning styrts till att efterlikna de företagssystem, så starkt präglade utav revision och mätning, vilka står att finna i den privata sektorn. Studien har stöpt sin utgångspunkt i antagandet att alla organisationstrender har sin källa i det mänskliga medvetandet vars kunskaper, ej sällan, är alstrade kring kollektivt konstruerade verkligheter och sanningar. Ett angreppssätt som kunnat delge förståelse och mening till denna subjektiva meningsvärld är diskursanalysens grundprinciper. En diskurs kan kortfattat förstås som ett bestämt sätt att tala om, och förstå världen, där diskursanalysen ämnar belysa språkets givna mönster och konstruktioner. Med grund i detta har syftet att söka belysa områdets hegemoniska diskurs, samt eventuellt dess antagonistiska motpart, växt fram. Med empiri ifrån Dagens Nyheters debattsida under året 2013 har ett material kunnat sammanställas, och belysas, enligt det diskursanalytiska angreppssättet. Arbetet har fortflutit genom att söka finna, samt påvisa, hur olika begrepp definieras, sätts i kontext och delges mening. Resultatet har åskådliggjort en hegemonisk New Public Managementdiskurs, vilken framför revision som sitt ideal, samt en framväxande konkurrerande motdiskurs, vilken placerat sig som sin motpols spegelbild. / During the last decades a major reform wave has drifted in over the public sector of Sweden, together with a variety of western nations, bringing in a new kind of organizational structures and control systems. The greater part of these new developments fall within the definition of what is usually referred to as New Public Management. With its ideal reference point in the management of the public sector this has caused an increased focus on audit and a drift towards more market orientation in general. The study finds its base in an assumption that the origin of these shifts stands to be found in the minds of the human and its worldly perceptions. This philosophical outlook is well captured in the discursive approach, according to which the world is divided into different conceptional spheres called discourses. Proceeding from this, the thesis’s established purpose is set to, with empirical data from the newspaper Dagens Nyheter stretching over one year (2013), illuminate the hegemonic discourse and its antagonistic counterpart in the field of education. By examining the usage of different key concepts and their articulation, context and usage in general, two detached discourses has emerged. One hegemonic New Public Management-inspired discourse glorifying the objective rationality of auditing and one opposing discourse that, positioned in sharp contrast, praises the subjectivity of the profession.

Mellanbetygens osäkerhet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om samhällskunskapslärares tolkningar av "Tillövervägande del"

Fredriksson, Kim January 2018 (has links)
In the swedish school system there are five grades: E, D, C, B and A. E, C and A all got explicit criteria for how to get his grades, however the two grades D and B don’t. They are a sort of middle grades with the criterion that the knowledge of the student for the most part fulfill the next grade. This means that a student who in some cases fulfill criteria for a C and in some cases fulfill criteria for an A gets a B. This might seem fair enough, but the problem is that teachers can’t agree on what for the most part means. Some teacher use a quantitative approach, eg. a student meet six out of ten criteria, and others use a qualitative approach, where some criteria are more important than others. This study explores this phenomena with interviews of five social science teachers and relates their answers to current research from inter alia the Swedish National Agency of Education. In this study the equivalence, the legal certanity and the equity of the middle grades is also discussed and compared with the other three grades. The results shows that different teachers use different approaches which are in line with the current research, and the conclusion of the middle grades equivalence, legal certanity and equity is that they are even less equivalent, secure and more inequity compared to the other grades.

Likvärdighetens olikheter : Kommuners tolkning av det nationella likvärdighetsuppdraget i skolan

Röllgårdh, Ellen January 2018 (has links)
The Swedish school system has had a long tradition of equality and later on, equivalence, where the municipalities have a large responsibility as well as freedom in ensuring that children receive an equivalent education. During some time however, results have shown an increased importance of aspects such as family background and residential segregation for the children’s performances and hence a failing equivalence. The research question for this paper is: How do municipalities interpret their national obligation of ensuring equivalence in school? By preforming case studies in three municipalities with three different organizations, written sources and interviews allow for an in-depth analysis of the organizations in relation to equivalence. Looking at the challenges for an equivalent school today in combination with theories about equality in opportunity and equality in outcome, an analytical tool is created which is used to analyze the municipalities in a comparable way. This paper shows how the interpretations of the national obligation of ensuring equivalence in the three municipalities can be understood in regards to two dimensions – to what extent a municipality is compensating for the children’s family background in their organization and if the municipality prioritize an individual or a collective understanding of equivalence in their organization. The paper illustrates how a to vague legislation about equivalence may lead to very different organizations that in turn may threaten the national goal of equivalence.

Kommunal styrning ur ett yrkes- och vägledarperspektiv. : Hur påverkar styrningen vägledarens uppdrag och kompensatoriska roll? / A study- and career counselor perspective on municipal governance. : How does the municipal governance affect the counselors’ tasks and compensatory work?

Seger, Ann-Sofie, Eriksson, Kent January 2013 (has links)
Denna studies huvudsakliga syfte är att undersöka hur studie- och yrkesvägledarnas yrkesutövning och kompensatoriska arbete påverkas av den kommunala styrningen i tre olika kommuner. Frågor som belyses är hur kommunernas policydokument lyfter fram vägledningens betydelse för kompensatorisk vägledning och hur vägledarna uppfattar styrningens påverkan. Metod som använts är tredelad, datainsamling från kommunernas styrningsdokument, enkäter till vägledare på gymnasier och grundskolor och intervjuer med två vägledare i respektive kommun. Resultatet visar att skillnader förekommer mellan kommuner, att studie- och yrkesvägledningen inte behandlas specifikt i kommunala policydokument och att styrningen ger en stark påverkan av vägledarnas möjligheter att arbeta kompensatoriskt. I två av studiens tre kommuner har steg tagits för organisatoriska ändringar och visade på ökad fokus på vägledningen. En av tre kommuner hade begränsade resurser vilka hade en direkt inverkan på, och begränsade, möjligheterna till kompensatorisk vägledning. / The main purpose of this study is to investigate what effect the municipal governance have on study- and career counselors professional practice and on their compensatory work in three different municipalities. Research is made on how, and if, the municipality policy documents mention counseling practice in the compensatory work at schools and how the study- and career counselor perceive the effects of governance. The method used is triangular, data collection from municipal policy documents, using questionnaires to career- and study counselors at high and elementary schools and interviews with two counselors in each municipality. The results show differences between the municipalities and that study and career counseling is not specified in the municipal policy documents. It also shows that the governance has a strong influence on counselors’ opportunity to work compensatory. Two out of three municipalities show that steps had been taken for organizational changes and indicated an increased focus on career-and study counseling. One of the three municipalities had limited resources which had a direct impact on, and limited the practice, of compensatory work.

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