Spelling suggestions: "subject:"scania"" "subject:"scanias""
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Švédská zahraniční politika v prvních letech vlády Karla XI. / Swedish foreign policy during early years of Charles XI's reignLiška, Martin January 2011 (has links)
- The thesis is focused on Swedish foreign policy during the period 1660 - 1675, the early years of Charles XI's reign. Although Sweden is considered as an empire practically all over the 17th century, from the economic point of view it was a weak country. Sweden was totally depending on financial help from its allies, especially during periods of peace, as it was the case between 1660 and 1675. This fact belongs to the main aspects influencing the Swedish foreign policy at this time. Main part of the thesis is dedicated to relations between Sweden and other European states. The most significant were the relations with France and Denmark, since France was the ally which provided Sweden the needed finance. The role of Denmark was also essential because of its geographical position as neighbouring country to Sweden. The thesis indeed discusses relations to some other states that played an important role as well - England, the Netherlands, Brandenburg, other German states, Poland and Russia. The aim of the thesis is not just to analyse the Swedish foreign policy, but even to answer questions if there was any alternative or if the way this policy was conducted was the only possible one and also, if such policy can be considered as success or failure. These questions are answered at the final part of...
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Avyttring av allmännyttan - på vilka grunder? : En studie av (ideologiska och affärsmässiga) motiv till försäljning av kommunala bostäder i tre skånska kommuner. / Divestment of allmännyttan - on what grounds? : A study of (ideological and businesslike) motives for selling municipal housing in three municipalities in Skåne.Nordbeck, Oscar, Reuter, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
Studien kommer med stöd av befintlig teori gå in mer på detalj kring tre utvalda skånska kommuner som under 2020 sålt en signifikant andel av sitt fastighetsbestånd. Syftet är att undersöka anledningar till försäljning och hur avyttringarna ställer sig i förhållande tillkommunernas bostadsförsörjningsansvar och lagen om kommunala bostadsaktiebolags (SFS 2010:879) villkor att agera utifrån affärsmässiga principer. Med ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt med kvantitativa inslag har en sammanfattning gjorts av skånska kommuners försäljningar och soliditet där en mer detaljerad dokumentanalys påbörjades utav kommuner som skiljde sig från resterande. I det här fallet valdes Trelleborgshem, Bjuvsbostäder och Skurupshem. Empirisk data samlades in från offentliga dokument från kommunala ärenden för att sedan analyseras i förhållande till relevant teori. Den gemensamma anledningen till att de tre olika kommunerna sålde andelar av fastighetsbeståndet var att de behövde frigöra kapital, men kapitalets planerade användningsområde varierade. Trelleborgshem ville bygga nya bostäder, Skurupshem ville underhålla befintligt bestånd och bygga ett antal nya bostäder medan Bjuvsbostäder frigjorde kapital främst för utdelning till Bjuvs kommun som hade skulder att betala av. Det finns entydlig ideologisk koppling mellan inställning till försäljning och partitillhörighet i beslutsprocessen för alla tre kommuner. Ledamöter i högerpolitiska partier röstar ofta till fördel för en försäljning medan ledamöter i vänsterpartier röstar mot. Försäljningarna konstateras ha en viss påverkan på kommunernas möjligheter att uppfylla sitt bostadsförsörjningsansvar. Trelleborgshem och Bjuvsbostäder varnade kommunerna att deras möjligheter att bidra till att bostadsförsörjningsansvaret för kommunen minskar i och med försäljningen, medan Skurupshem var i samtyckte med Skurups kommun att en försäljning behövdes för att öka möjligheten att uppfylla bostadsförsörjningsansvaret. Trelleborgshem och Skurupshem agerade affärsmässigt med försäljningen genom att sälja delar av sitt bestånd för finansiering till projekt. Trelleborghem ansåg dock att försäljningen kunde förbättras utifrån en affärsmässig grund. Bjuvsbostäder anser att deras försäljning är ekonomiskt förödande och skapar negativt resultat, vilket är i direkt konflikt med affärsmässiga principer. Bjuvs kommun menar däremot att Bjuvsbostäder överdriver om påverkan på lönsamheten. Om försäljningens förhåller sig till affärsmässiga principer går inte att avgöra i dagsläget eftersom den ekonomiska påverkan är långsiktig. / Based on earlier studies, a study has been established to examine why three prevailing municipalities, during 2020 decided to sell parts of their portfolio and how this coincides with their legislated responsibility to provide housing to their citizens. Furthermore, an examination has been made on the sales’ intrusion on the legislated terms of business-like principles. Using a qualitative method with an element of a quantitative concept, a summary of Scanian municipalities’ sales along with their solidity has been done which helped initiate a more detailed document analysis based on differencing values. In this case the chosen municipal housing companies were Trelleborgshem, Bjuvsbostäder and Skurupshem. Empirical data was gathered from publicly available documents from municipalities, which were then analysed in relation to relevant theories. The common reason for the three municipalities to sell shares of their property portfolio was the need to liquidate capital while the planned area of usage differed. Trelleborgshem wanted to construct new housing while Skurupshem wanted to perform maintenance on existing properties and construct some new housing. Bjuvsbostäder’s reason to sell was to distribute capital to the municipality for them to pay off debts. There is a distinct ideological connection between the outlook of selling and which political party the members of the municipality belong to. Members in right winged parties often vote in favour of selling while left winged party members vote against it. The sales are stated to have a certain effect on the municipalities’ ability to provide housing to their citizens. Trelleborgshem and Bjuvsbostäder warned their respective municipalities that their ability to provide housing was affected by the sales while Skurupshem and Skurup’s municipality agreed that the sale was needed to fulfil their responsibility to provide housing. Trelleborgshem and Skurupshem acted on business-like principles by selling parts of their property portfolio to be able to finance their new projects, although Trelleborgshem considered there to be room for improvement based on business-like values. Bjuvsbostäder considers their sale to be economically devastating for creating negative results, which is in direct conflict with business-like principles, while Bjuv’s municipality considers Bjuvsbostäder’s analysis on the economic consequences to be flawed. Whether the sale is in accordance with business-like principles, will not be noticeable in current time since the results can change long term.
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Den strävsamma bonden och andra berättelser. En diskursiv studie av ska?nska hembygdsfo?reningars historiebrukSjölin, Andreas, Mårtensson, Johanna January 2014 (has links)
The subject for this thesis is to examine the portrayal of the local farmer in four different museums in Scania. The purpose is to examine these two questions:1.Which narrative and museal strategies are used in the portrayal of the local farmer by the local history societies?2.How do the actors of the local societies relate to the living conditions and hierarchies of the rural society of Scania?The source material consists of guided tours and text material from the museums. The theoretical fields consists of history culture, use of history, historical narrative, museology and rural science act as our theoretical fields. Peter Aronsson, Anna Eskilsson and Maria Björkroth act as our main theoretical framework.Our research presents two central discourses in the portrayal of the local farmer. The stories that we have identified in our results are those of success, of exhibitionistic value. Stories that carry elements of success and exhibitionistic value are both desirable and displayed. The stories portrayed are also neglecting the gender aspect. They are genderblind.The local history societies of Scania in the year of 2014 could be seen as museal activities focused more on conservation and nostalgia than on activities aimed at new visitors and the challenges of the present day.
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“Pretty much just ‘fluffing’ around” : The complexity of safeguarding farmland biodiversity in Scania through the GreeningGoldring, Desiree, Petersson, Ingrid January 2021 (has links)
Intensified agriculture has led to a dramatic decline of farmland biodiversity in Europe during the 20th century, making farmland policies of utmost importance within the European Union [EU]. The Greening, which is a part of the Common Agricultural Policy [CAP] was created to combat the negative effects of intensified agriculture. However, the policy did not achieve the goal of safeguarding farmland biodiversity and will be replaced in the upcoming CAP-reform. This study researches if a landscape perspective and nature-inclusive farming can increase the efficiency of the Greening in Scanian farmlands. Through semi-structured interviews with professionals on a regional level, we investigated: What are the obstacles that hinder regional solutions to farmland biodiversity issues in Scania, Sweden? Through the lens of governance, the results emphasized a need for new arrangements between all stakeholders in order to solve the issue of declining farmland biodiversity in Scania. The main obstacles for incorporating a landscape perspective and nature-inclusive farming are the lack of regional influence in the Greening, short program periods, and low profitability for farmers. We argue that these obstacles stem from the complex, multilevel governing system of the EU, and the projectification of the CAP. We suggest adopting a Common Pool Resource [CPR] framework for farmland biodiversity in Scania as an efficient way of surpassing the obstacles. However, further research is needed to create a cohesive view of the use value of farmland biodiversity. We concluded that although the results might be applicable to other regions within the EU, it is important to further research other regions in terms of local landscape conditions and local governance for effective results. / Intensifierat jordbruk har inneburit en dramatisk minskning av den biologiska mångfalden i jordbrukslandskap i Europa under 1900-talet, vilket gör jordbrukspolitiken central inom Europeiska unionen [EU]. Förgröningsstödet, som är en del av EU:s gemensamma jordbrukspolitik, skapades för att motverka de negativa effekterna av intensifierat jordbruk. Förgröningsstödet uppnådde emellertid inte målet att skydda den biologiska mångfalden i jordbrukslandskap, och kommer att ersättas i nästkommande reform. Den här studien undersökte om ett landskapsperspektiv, samt naturinkluderande jordbruk kunde öka ändamålsenligheten av Förgröningsstödet i det skånska jordbrukslandskapet. Genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med tjänstemän på en regional nivå, undersöktes: Vilka är hindren som motarbetar regionala lösningar på problem som berör biologisk mångfald inom det skånska jordbruket? Utifrån ett governance-perspektiv, betonade resultaten ett behov av nya arrangemang mellan samtliga aktörer för att lösa problemet med minskad biologisk mångfald inom skånskt jordbruk. De främsta hindren för att inkludera ett landskapsperspektiv samt naturinkluderande jordbruk var bristen på regionalt inflytande, de korta programperioderna, samt låg lönsamhet för jordbrukare. Vi hävdar att hindren härrör från den komplexa flernivåstyrningen inom den gemensamma jordbrukspolitiken, samt projektifiering av den. Vi föreslår att anta ett Common Pool Resource [CPR] ramverk för biologisk mångfald inom skånskt jordbruk som ett effektivt sätt att övervinna hindren. Ytterligare forskning behövs dock för att skapa en enhetlig bild av användningsvärdet av biologisk mångfald i jordbrukslandskap. Avslutningsvis menar vi att även om resultaten kan gå att applicera på andra regioner inom EU, ligger det stor vikt vid att undersöka lokala förhållanden inom landskap och styrning för att nå effektiva resultat
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De sammansatta ordens accentuering i Skånemålen / Tonal Word Accent and Stress in Compound Words in Traditional Scanian DialectsStrandberg, Mathias January 2014 (has links)
Swedish has a contrast between two so-called tonal word accents: accent 1 and accent 2. In central standard Swedish, for example, compound words generally have accent 2 and primary stress on the first element. In contrast, traditional Scanian dialects exhibit both a high occurrence of accent 1 in compounds and dialect geographic variation between accent 2 and second element stress. This dissertation argues in favour of four diachronically oriented hypotheses pertaining to the word accent distribution in compounds with monosyllabic first elements in these dialects: (1) compounds emanating from syntactic juxtapositions have accent 1; (2) compounds formed by way of compounding proper (stem compounds and comparable formations) have accent 2 or second-element stress; (3) compounds of either of these two types do, however, have accent 1 if the first element was originally disyllabic and has lost its posttonic syllable through syncope; (4) West Germanic loanwords have accent 1. This permits the generalisation that postlexical accent 2, which applies generally in compounds in central standard Swedish, for example, only applies in (non-syncopated) compounds proper in Scanian dialects, while in the other categories the word accent follows from the first element. The larger dialect geographical picture in Sweden is discussed, and it is concluded that the system found in Scanian and many other dialects represents the original state of affairs in Scandinavia as a whole, while the central standard Swedish system with general accent 2 in compounds is an innovation. The dissertation also gives a dialect geographical account of second-element stress, which, in agreement with previous research, is found to be primarily a south Scanian but to some degree also a north-west Scanian phenomenon. It is further proposed that Scanian second-element stress originated in an accent-2 curve with the floating prominence tone H (entailing the curve’s F0 maximum) timed with the posttonic syllable, by way of association of the prominence tone to the posttonic syllable. This curve is documented in south-east Scania and is hypothesised to have earlier been spread throughout southern and western Scania.
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Vztahy Braniborska a Švédska v letech 1660 - 1701 / Relations between Brandenburg and Sweden during years 1660 - 1701Liška, Martin January 2020 (has links)
- The thesis is focused on relations between Sweden and Brandenburg in the years 1660 - 1701. Although Sweden is considered as an empire practically all over the 17th century, a new, important power rises in its neighbourhood, namely Brandenburg-Prussia, and this rise is finished by the Royal coronation of Fredrick I in 1701. Main part of the thesis is dedicated to the political and military relations, less to the cultural relations. Even other countries, following and protecting their interests in the Baltic region, are taken into account, especially Denmark and France. The aim of the thesis is to analyse relations between Sweden and Brandenburg and to try to find an answer on the question, if Sweden's focus on its internal problems and reforms contributed to the rise of Prussia or if there is no direct connection between these two tendencies. Key terms - Swedish Imperial Period, regency, Charles XI, Charles XII, Louis XIV, Elector Fredrick William, Elector Fredrick III, Scanian War, foreign policy, Baltic Sea hegemony
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Digital opportunities in Scanian stroke rehabilitationMårtensson, Ellen January 2023 (has links)
Stroke is a leading cause of disability worldwide, and access to rehabilitation is crucial for recovery. This study examines the potential of digital technologies to improve the rehabilitation experience of stroke survivors in Scania, Sweden. The use of digital tools and telerehabilitation in stroke rehabilitation in Scania remains largely unexplored. Through qualitative interviews with 12 stroke survivors, 1 stroke survivor relative, and 6 healthcare professionals, this study identifies four key themes that play a significant role in the rehabilitation process: Access to care and rehabilitation, Motivation, Psychological and emotional needs, and Social support net. Based on these findings, the study proposes several "digital suggestions" to improve the rehabilitation process, including utilizing digital physio- and occupational therapy and improving alignment between various digital systems within the region. The study emphasizes the importance of individual adaptation in stroke rehabilitation, which aligns with the overarching goal of Swedish healthcare to provide patientcentered care. The findings of this study can inform future work with digital opportunities in Scania's stroke care and rehabilitation, potentially leading to better outcomes for stroke survivors.
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På plats i senmoderniteten : Jacques Werups gestaltning av platsen i 48 dikter från Österlen och Septemberljus / In place in late modernity : Jacques Werup’s configuration of space in 48 dikter från Österlen and SeptemberljusÖstergren, Åke January 2024 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur Jacques Werup förhåller sig till platsen i diktsamlingarna 48 dikter från Österlen och Septemberljus. Undersökningen utgår från Werups tydliga förankring i den skånska poesitraditionen, där Lawrence Buells ekokritiska platsbegrepp utgör ett ledsagande perspektiv för analysen. Werup gör upp med en skånska pastoral tradition genom att belysa senmodernitetens följder i sin poesi, vilket leder honom mot en poesi där samhällets mobila karaktär kommer till uttryck på ett mer autentiskt sätt. Genom sin icke-idylliserande poesi försöker Werup gestalta en upplevelse av platsen som svarar mot vårt senmoderna samhälle. / The aim of the study is to investigate how Jacques Werup relates to place in the poetry collections 48 dikter från Österlen and Septemberljus. The investigation is based on Werup's clear connection with the Scanian poetry tradition, where Lawrence Buell's ecocritic concept of place leads the analysis. Werup makes up with a Scanian pastoral tradition by highlighting the consequences of late modernity in his poetry, which leads him towards a poetry where the mobile nature of society is expressed in a more authentic manner. Through this non-idyllic poetry Werup tries to portray an experience of place in line with our late modern society.
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