Spelling suggestions: "subject:"supplement""
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Uticaj holekalciferola na proteinuriju kod bolesnika sa tipom 2 dijabetesa mellitus / Influence of cholecalciferol on proteinuria in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitusStojšić Vuksanović Tatjana 23 October 2020 (has links)
<p>Zastupljenost deficita vitamina D3 je mnogo veći kod bolesnika sa dijabetesnom bolesti tipa 2 nego u populaciji zdravih osoba. Bolesnici sa DM tipa 2 i deficitom vitamina D3 imaju veći rizik za razvoj dijabetesne nefropatije. Eksperimenti na životinjama i neka klinička istraživanja ukazuju da bi primena nižih doza vitamina D3 mogla imati renoproktektivno delovanje. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi zastupljenost deficita vitamina D3 u populaciji bolesnika sa dijabetesnom nefropatijom koja je definisana proteinurijom ˃0,150 g/du. Drugi cilj je bio da se utvrdi da li primena holekaciferola u dozi koja predstavlja razliku između utvrđenog i optimalnog nivoa vitamina D3 dovodi do statistički značajnog smanjenja proteinurije. Bolesnici sa dijabetesom tipa 2 i proteinurijom ˃0,150 g/du su uključivani u skrining na nivo vitamina D3 (25(OH)D) nakon čega su svrstavani u grupe sa deficitom i normalnim nivoom vitamina D3. Granična vrednost za utvrđivanje deficita vitamina D3 je odreĎivana na osnovu tabele koja definiše ove vrednosti za svaki mesec tokom godine, posebno za muškarce i žene. Bolesnici sa deficitom vitamina D3 su podeljeni u 2 grupe od po 45 ispitanika. Studijska grupa je primala holekaciferol u dozi koja je izračunata na osnovu razlike između izmerene vrednosti i određenog optimalnog nivoa vitamina D3 od 90-100 nmol/L. Kontrolna grupa bolesnika je uzimala svoju uobičajenu terapiju. Istraživanje je trajalo 24 nedelje tokom koje su na drugi mesec praćeni parametri bubrežne funkcije, parametri inflamacije i koštanog metabolizma. Na početku i kraju istraživanja su odreĎeni nivo vitamina D3 u studijskoj grupi, dok su u obe grupe određivani vrednost HbA1c i lipidni profil. Analizom dobijenih podataka je utvrđeno da je zastupljenost deficita vitamina D3 kod bolesnika sa dijabetesnom nefropatijom, uzimajući u obzir sezonske varijacije u nivou ovog vitamina, bila veća od vrednosti od 30-50% koje su postavljene u radnoj hipotezi. Učestalost bolesnika sa nedostakom vitamina D3 je u ispitivanom uzorku je bila 82,56% , dok je normalne vrednosti vitamina D3 imalo 17,43% ispitanika, od toga je bilo 10 (52,63%) muškaraca i 9 (47,36%) žena. Sniženje vrednosti vitamina D3 u odnosu na donje granične vrednosti je bilo izraženije u letnjem periodu i bilo je statistički značajno kod svih ispitanika zajedno, potom u studijskoj grupi, dok je utvrđeno i u kontrolnoj grupi ali je u njoj bilo bez statisičke značajnosti. Utvrđen je porast HbA1c koji je bio veći u kontrolnoj grupi ispitanika. Suplementacija vitaminom D3 je imala povoljan efekat na lipidni profil. Registrovan je porast vrednosti ukupnog holesterola koji je bio izraženiji u kontrolnoj grupi, pad vrednosti triglicerida u grupi bolesnika koji su uzimali vitamin D3 i njihov porast u kontrolnoj grupi ispitanika. U studijskoj grupi je registrovan porast vrednosti HDL-holesterola koji je bio na granici statističke značajnosti dok je istovremeno nađeno njegovo smanjenje u kontrolnoj grupi. Vrednost LDL-holesterola je ostala bez promene pod delovanjem vitamina D3, dok je u kontrolnoj grupi došlo do njegovog porasta. Utvrđeno je snižavanje vrednosti sedimentije, CRP-a i fibrinogena koje je bilo bez statističke značajnosti. Bezbednosni profil vrednosti kalcijuma u serumu i urinu tokom dugotrajnije primene je dobar. Primenom vitamina D3 je došlo do signifikatnog smanjenja proteinurije u grupi bolesnika koji su primali holekaciferol čime je ujedno i potvrđena radna hipoteza.</p> / <p>The prevalence of vitamin D3 deficiency is much higher in patients with type 2 diabetes than in the healthy population. Patients with type 2 DM and vitamin D3 deficiency are at increased risk for developing diabetic nephropathy. Animal experiments and some clinical studies suggest that administration of lower doses of vitamin D3 could have renoprotective effect. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of vitamin D3 deficiency in the population of patients with diabetic nephropathy defined by proteinuria ˃0.150 g / du. The second goal was to determine whether the use of cholecaciferol in a dose that represents the difference between the established and optimal levels of vitamin D3 leads to a statistically significant reduction in proteinuria. Patients with type 2 diabetes and proteinuria ˃0.150 g / du were screened for vitamin D3 (25 (OH) D) levels and then classified as deficient and normal vitamin D3. The limit value for determining vitamin D3 deficiency was set on the basis of a table defining these values for each month during the year, separately for men and women. Patients with vitamin D3 deficiency were divided into 2 groups of 45 subjects each. The study group received cholecaciferol at a dose calculated on the basis of the difference between the measured value and the set optimal vitamin D 3 level of 90-100 nmol/L. The control group of patients was taking their usual therapy. The study lasted 24 weeks during which the parameters of renal function, parameters of inflammation and bone metabolism were monitored every second month. At the beginning and end of the study, the levels of vitamin D3 in the study group were determined, while in both groups HbA1c and lipid profile were determined. The analysis of the obtained data showed that the prevalence of vitamin D3 deficiency in patients with diabetic nephropathy, taking into account seasonal variations in the level of this vitamin, was higher than the values of 30-50%, which were set in the working hypothesis. The frequency of patients with vitamin D3 deficiency in the study sample was 82.56%, while the normal values of vitamin D3 were in 17.43% of the subjects, of which 10 (52.63%) were men and 9 (47.36%) woman. The decrease in vitamin D3 compared to the lower limit values was more pronounced in the summer and was statistically significant in all subjects together, as well in the study group, while it was also found in the control group but was not statistically significant. An increase in HbA1c was found to be higher in the control group. Vitamin D3 supplementation had a beneficial effect on the lipid profile. An increase in the total cholesterol level that was more pronounced in the control group, a decrease in triglyceride values in the group of patients taking vitamin D3 and its increase in the control group of subjects were registered. An increase in HDL-cholesterol was reported in the study group, which was at the limit of statistical significance, while at the same time a decrease was found in the control group. LDL-cholesterol levels remained unchanged under the influence of vitamin D3, while in the control group it increased. The decrease in sedimentation, CRP and fibrinogen values was found to be of no statistical significance. The safety profile of serum and urine calcium during long-term administration is good. The use of vitamin D3 resulted in a significant decrease in proteinuria in the group of patients receiving cholecaciferol, which also confirmed the working hypothesis.</p>
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Analýza vlivů na reklamu na trhu s doplňky stravy / Analysis of influences for advertisement on the market with food supplementsJandáková, Pavla January 2008 (has links)
Thema of this master’s thesis is analysis of legislation influences on advertisement. Beside generally advertisement adjustment is master’s thesis oriented firstly on regulation advertisement of food supplements. On the concrete example are displayed analysis of suppose deficiencies. This master’s thesis also solves problem with advertisement production and legislation verification on marketing department in firm VALOSUN a.s.
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Analiza komine grožđa i dijetetskih suplemenata na bazi grožđa i japanskog troskota i ispitivanje uticaja suplementacije kod eksperimentalnih životinja / Analysis of grape pomace and dietary supplements based on grapes and Polygonum cuspidatum and examination of the effect of supplementation in experimental animalsĆućuz Veljko 22 June 2020 (has links)
<p>Doktorsku disertaciju čine tri celine kojima je zajednički element ispitivanje fenola, u pogledu njihovog sadržaja i dostupnosti u dijetetskim suplementima na bazi grožđa i japanskog troskota, ispitivanja uticaja suplementacije kod eksperimentalnih životinja, odnosno mogućnosti ekstrakcije fenolnih jedinjenja iz komine grožđa. Osnovni ciljevi prvog dela bili su ispitivanje bezbednosti i kvaliteta 14 suplemenata na bazi grožđa i japanskog troskota u pogledu ujednačenosti mase, sadržaja i brzine rastvorljivosti. U drugom delu je radi provere terapijske delotvornosti suplementa koji sadrži čist resveratrol ispitan njegov uticaj na glikemiju i lipidni status eksperimentalnih životinja. Treći deo je obuhvatio analizu pet različitih komina grožđa i razvoj metode ekstrakcije fenola iz odabrane komine kako bi se dobili ekstrakti sa što je moguće većim prinosom, koristeći rastvarače koji su bezbedni po ljudsko zdravlje. Rezultati su pokazali da dva od četrnaest suplemenata nisu ispunila zahteve farmakopeje za lekove u pogledu ujednačenosti mase i sadržaja aktivne komponente, dok ni jedan suplement nije ispunio zahteve u pogledu brzine rastvorljivosti aktivne supstance, zbog čega se postavlja pitanje delotvornosti ispitanih suplemenata. Ni kod jednog suplementa nisu kvantifikovani ostaci pesticida ni toksični metali, čime je potvrđena njihova bezbednost. Farmakodinamska ispitivanja na pacovima pokazala su antioksidantna, anti-dijabetska i hipolipidemijska svojstva dijetetskog suplementa na bazi resveratrola, čime je potvrđena njegova delotvornost. Za potvrdu delotvornosti suplementa na ljudima neophodno je sprovesti dobro dizajnirano kliničko ispitivanje na dovoljnom broju ispitanika. Analiza pet različitih komina grožđa pokazala je da ovaj nusprodukt proizvodnje vina sadrži različite fenole, od kojih je samo katehin bio prisutan u značajnoj količini. Kvalitativan i kvantitativan sastav komine značajno varira zavisno od sorte i berbe grožđa, kao i od primenjenog tehnološkog procesa proizvodnje vina. Imajući u vidu sveobuhvatne kriterijume u pogledu efikasnosti ekstrakcije, zaključeno je da su 55% etanol, odnos uzorak / rastvarač 1:40, pH 4,5, T 55°C i vreme od 30 min optimalni eksperimentalni uslovi za ekstrakciju fenola iz komine grožđa. U zavisnosti od osnovnog cilja procesa ekstrakcije ovi parametri se mogu lako modifikovati. Višestruke su mogućnosti za iskorišćenje komine grožđa, a jedan od njih bi mogla biti i da se koristi kao sirovina za izradu dijetetskih suplemenata.</p> / <p>The dissertation consists of three parts with a common element – testing phenols in terms of content and availability in grape and Polygonum cuspidatum-based dietary supplements, testing the supplement’s impact on experimental animals and the possibility to extract phenolic compounds from grape pomace. The primary objectives of the first part were testing safety and quality of fourteen grape and Polygonum cuspidatum-based supplements in terms of uniformity of mass, content and dissolution profile. In the second part, to test the therapeutic efficacy of a supplement containing pure resveratrol, its effect on the glycemia and lipid profile of experimental animals was examined. The third part covers the analysis of five different grape pomaces and the development of a phenol extraction method from the selected grape pomace to obtain extracts with the highest possible yield, using solvents that are safe for human health. The results showed that two out of fourteen supplements have not met the Pharmacopoeia requirements in terms of uniformity of mass and active substance content, while no supplement has met requirements in terms of dissolution test of the active substance, which raises the question of the effectiveness of the tested supplements. No pesticide or heavy metal residues were quantified in any of the supplements which confirms their safety. Pharmacodynamic testing on rats has shown antioxidant, antidiabetic and hypolipidemic properties of the resveratrol-based dietary supplement which confirms its efficacy. In order to confirm the supplement efficacy on people, it is necessary to conduct a well-designed clinical trial on a sufficient number of human participants. The analysis of five different grape pomaces revealed that this byproduct of vine production contains different phenols, and only catechin was present in significant amounts. The qualitative and quantitative composition of grape pomace varies significantly depending on grape variety and harvesting as well as on the technological process that was applied in vine production. Considering the comprehensive criteria in terms of extraction efficacy, it was concluded that optimal experimental conditions for the extraction of phenol from grape pomace include 55% ethanol, sample/solvent ratio 1:40, pH 4.5, T 55°C for 30 minutes. Depending on the primary objective in the extraction process, these parameters can be easily modified. There are multiple possibilities for utilizing grape pomace and one of them could be as raw material in production of dietary supplements.</p>
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Impact of Whole Food and Supplementation on Mental Health Disorders: A Systematic Review of the LiteratureFrench, Russell W. 25 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Literárne pole a literatúra v ranom povojnovom období na Taiwane (1945-1949) / Literary Field and Literature in Early Post-war Period Taiwan ( 1945-1949)Dluhošová, Táňa January 2013 (has links)
Literary Field and Literature in Early Post-war Period Táiwān (1945-1949) Abstract The aim of this thesis is to analyze the literature and literary field of early post-war Táiwān (1945-49). This period, when Táiwān was politically reintegrated into China after 50 years as a Japanese colony, exerted a crucial influence on later historical events and developments. During these years, measures for the sinicization of Táiwānese society were implemented, but intellectuals also articulated views of distinctively Táiwānese as opposed to Mainland Chinese cultural features that were revivified by proponents of the Táiwānization (běntŭhuà) move- ment in the 1980s. As laid out in chapter 1, the methodology of the thesis is based on the theory of the literary field formulated by the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. The literary scene is understood as a structure created by relationships between various agents who aim to attain the dominant position in the field by accumulating the largest amount of symbolic capital. This is defined as prestige by Bourdieu but should be understood as a combination of prestige and political clout in the Táiwānese context, as this dissertation will argue. To occupy the do- minant position enables agents to define Táiwānese identity, culture, and literature (especially vis-à-vis China)....
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Nutrition enrichie et nutraceutiques dans l’arthrose canine et féline : une revue systématique et méta-analyse en 2022Barbeau-Grégoire, Maude 12 1900 (has links)
L'arthrose (OA) est l’atteinte la plus répandue chez les animaux de compagnie et se
manifeste par l'apparition de douleurs chroniques et d'incapacités fonctionnelles. En l’absence de
remède, des composés comme les produits de santé naturels (PSN) ont gagné en popularité. Cette
revue systématique, enregistrée sur PROSPERO (CRD42021279368), avait pour objectif
d'examiner les preuves d’efficacité analgésique des PSN et de diffuser correctement les conclusions
sur leur potentiel thérapeutique.
Quatre bases de données bibliographiques ont été consultées pour identifier les études
testant leur efficacité sur l'OA canine et féline, naturelle ou induite. Après sélection des résultats
de recherche, les données de qualité et d’efficacité ont été extraites à l’aide d’une grille d’évaluation
originale basée sur les directives ARRIVE, CONSORT et l’outil d’évaluation CAMARADES. Ces
grilles ont été préalablement validées : validation apparente, de contenu (interne / externe) et de
construit (reproductibilité, répétabilité, sensibilité). Un consensus de 3 évaluateurs, de niveau
d’expertise différent, était obligatoire pour chaque score attribué aux données extraites.
La méta-analyse montre des preuves solides d’efficacité des suppléments et des diètes
thérapeutiques enrichies d’acides gras en oméga-3 dans le traitement de l’OA, et le cannabidiol
présente des preuves prometteuses. Les formulations de sulfate de glucosamine/chondroïtine ne
présentent toutefois aucun intérêt et ne doivent plus être recommandées dans la prise en charge
thérapeutique de cette maladie articulaire dégénérative des animaux de compagnie.
Les résultats obtenus soulignent un manque évident de preuves pour supporter la
recommandation d’utilisation de nombreux nutraceutiques et dénotent la nécessité de mettre en
place des procédures normalisées de bonne pratique clinique pour de futurs essais. / Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common disease in pets and manifests itself as chronic pain
and functional disability. In the absence of a cure, compounds such as natural health products
(NHPs) have gained popularity. This systematic review, registered on PROSPERO
(CRD42021279368), aimed to examine the evidence for analgesic efficacy of NHPs and to
properly disseminate findings on their therapeutic potential.
Four bibliographic databases were searched to identify studies testing their efficacy in
natural and induced canine and feline osteoarthritis. After selection of the search results, quality
and efficacy data were extracted using an original evaluation grid based on the ARRIVE and
CONSORT guidelines and the CAMARADES evaluation tool. The grids were previously
validated: face, content (internal/external) and construct (reproducibility, repeatability, sensitivity)
validation. A consensus of three evaluators, with different levels of expertise, was required for each
score assigned to the extracted data.
The meta-analysis shows strong evidence of efficacy in OA for omega-3 enriched
supplements and therapeutic diets, while cannabidiol shows promising evidence.
Glucosamine/chondroitin sulphate formulations are of no value and should no longer be
recommended for the therapeutic management of OA in pets.
The results highlight a clear lack of evidence to support the recommendation for use of
many nutraceuticals and indicate the need for standardised good clinical practice procedures for
future trials.
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Androgenic properties of the dietary supplement 5α‑hydroxy‑laxogeninBeer, Carolin, Keiler, Annekathrin M. 22 February 2024 (has links)
Dietary supplements sold for anabolic benefits or performance enhancement often contain substances, which are nonapproved and might lack quality controls. With regard to athletes, the inclusion of substances or methods in the prohibited list of the World Anti-Doping Agency is based on medical or scientific evidence. 5α-hydroxy-laxogenin is a synthetic spirostane-type steroid, which is contained in dietary supplements and advertised as anabolic agent. To date, evidence is missing on anabolic or androgenic activity of 5α-hydroxy-laxogenin. We investigated its androgenic potential in two in vitro bioassays. While no activity was observed in the yeast androgen screen, 5α-hydroxy-laxogenin was able to trans-activate the androgen receptor in human prostate cells in a dose-dependent manner. Interestingly, a biphasic response was observed with antagonistic properties at lower concentrations and agonistic effects at higher concentrations tested. The demonstrated androgenic properties of the higher concentrations demonstrate that further investigations should focus on the safety as well as on potential anabolic effects of 5α-hydroxy-laxogenin. This is of interest with regard to abuse for doping purposes.
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Detection of 18-methyl steroids: case report on a forensic urine sample and corresponding dietary supplementsThieme, Detlef, Anielski, Patricia, Rzeppa, Sebastian, Wolf, Clemens A., Wolber, Gerhard, Keiler, Annekathrin M. 01 March 2024 (has links)
The detection of a putative 18-methyl-19-nortestosterone metabolite in a forensic bodybuilder's urine sample collected as part of a criminal proceeding has triggered a follow-up investigation. Four different dietary supplements in the possession of the suspect were examined with regard to possible precursor steroids. This led to the detection of the declared ingredient methoxydienone, which was confirmed by both, GC–MSMS and LC-HRMSMS. As neither 18-methyl-testosterone, nor 18-methyl-19-nortestosterone were detectable in the supplements, the possibility that the metabolite originates from methoxydienone was investigated. For this purpose, the metabolic fate of methoxydienone was studied in vitro using human HepG2 cells and in vivo by a single oral administration. While the 18-methyl-19-nortestosterone metabolite was not generated by HepG2 cells incubated with methoxydienone, it was observed in the urine samples collected at 2, 6, 10 and 24 h after methoxydienone administration. Moreover, the potential binding of methoxydienone as ligand to the human androgen receptor was modelled in silico in comparison with 18-methylnandrolone, for which androgen receptor activation had been shown in an in vitro approach before. In conclusion, we could ascribe the presence of the 18-methyl-19-nortestosterone metabolite in a forensic urine sample to originate from methoxydienone present in dietary supplements. Methoxydienone was observed to slowly degrade by demethylation of the methoxy substituent in liquid solutions. While no compound-specific intermediates were identified that allowed differentiation from other 18-methyl steroids, the 18-methyl-19-nortestosterone metabolite proved to be a suitable marker for reliable detection in doping analysis.
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Influência da suplementação com colágeno hidrolisado no metabolismo da matriz extracelular e proliferação de fibroblastos dérmicos humanos derivados de áreas fotoprotegida e fotoexposta, cultivados em monocamada e equivalente dérmico. / Influence of collagen hydrolysate supplementation on extracellular matrix metabolism of human dermal fibroblasts derived from sun-protected and sun-exposed body sites, cultured in monolayer and dermal equivalent models.Zague, Vivian 29 September 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho investigou, pela primeira vez, a influência do CH na modulação do metabolismo e proliferação de fibroblastos dérmicos humanos (FDHs) derivados de áreas fotoprotegida e fotoexposta, cultivados em modelo de monocamada. Além disto, foram investigados os efeitos da suplementação com CH na secreção de colágeno tipo I, em modelo de cultura 3D de equivalente dérmico, derivado de matriz produzida exclusivamente por FDHs. O tratamento com CH não influenciou a proliferação celular dos fibroblastos derivados de ambas as áreas, porém modulou expressivamente o metabolismo dos FDHs cultivados em monocamada, elevando o conteúdo de pró-colágeno I e colágeno I e diminuindo a atividade de metaloproteinases de matriz (MMP) 1 e 2. Concentrações menores de CH foram suficientes para estimular as células de área fotoexposta, sugerindo efeitos mais pronunciados do CH nestas células. Este estudo é uma contribuição importante para compreensão dos efeitos biológicos do CH nas células da pele e viabilidade do seu uso como ingrediente funcional de suplementos alimentares. / This study investigated, for the first time, the influence of CH on the extracellular matrix metabolism and proliferation of human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs) derived from sun-protected and sun-exposed body sites, cultured in monolayer in vitro model. Moreover, CH effects on the secretion of type I collagen were investigated in dermal equivalent 3D model derived from dermal matrix produced exclusively by HDFs. CH treatment did not affect cellular proliferation of either cell cultures, but notably modulated cell metabolism in monolayer model, increasing the content of procollagen I and collagen I and decreasing metalloproteinase activity (MMP) 1 and 2. These effects were confirmed in the human dermal equivalent model. Lower concentrations of CH were enough to stimulate sun-exposed-derived HDFs, suggesting more pronounced effect in these cells. This study presents an important contribution to understanding the biological effects of CH in skin cells and viability of its use as a functional ingredient in food supplements.
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GRAVIDA KVINNORS INTAG AV KOSTTILLSKOTT : En kvantitativ studie med fokus på järn och probiotika / PREGNANT WOMEN´S INTAKE OF DIETARY SUPPLEMENT : A quantitative study focusing on iron and probioticsLange Bålman, Miriam January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund Vitamin- och mineralbrister hos gravida kvinnor kan leda till missfall och allvarliga störningar i barnets utveckling. Moderns tarmflora överförs med stor sannolikhet till barnet under förlossningen och kan därför innebära ett viktigt steg i utvecklingen av barnets tarmflora. En tänkbar lösning för att säkra ett adekvat intag kan vara konsumtion av kosttillskott och probiotika. I dagsläget finns osäkra uppgifter om hur många gravida kvinnor som intar tillskott. Syfte Att undersöka hur många gravida kvinnor i Västerbottens län som valde att inta kosttillskott, främst järn och probiotika, samt om det fanns en skillnad mellan olika faktorer och intag. Metod En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie där gravida kvinnor (n=1473) från Northpop-studien i Västerbottens län svarade på ett frågeformulär gällande intag av kosttillskott och faktorer som ålder, utbildning, kostregim etc. De statistiska tester som användes var Chi-2-test, oberoende t-test och Mann Whitney U-test. Materialet analyserades i SPSS. Signifikansnivån sattes till p<0,05. Resultat Majoriteten av deltagarna svarade att de intog kosttillskott. Faktorer som ökade intaget av kosttillskott hos gravida kvinnor var högre ålder (p=0,030) jämfört med lägre ålder, högre utbildningsnivå (p=0,006) jämfört med lägre utbildningsnivå och vegetarisk/vegansk kost (p=0,021) jämfört med blandkost. Femtiofem procent uppgav att de intog järntillskott. De faktorer som ökade intaget av järntillskott hos gravida kvinnor var vegetarisk/vegansk kost (p=0,001) jämfört med blandkost. Probiotika intogs av 2 procent. Ett högre intag av probiotika sågs hos personer boende i stadsområde (p=0,024) jämfört med övriga boenderegioner samt de som åt vegetarisk/vegansk kost (p=0,001) jämfört med blandkost. Slutsats Majoriteten av deltagarna intog någon typ av kosttillskott, hälften intog järntillskott och en liten andel intog probiotika. Lågutbildade, yngre, de som äter blandkost och bor utanför stadsområde verkar vara i riskgruppen för att inte inta kosttillskott. / Abstract Background Vitamin and mineral deficiencies in pregnant women can lead to miscarriage and serious disturbances in children’s development. The intestinal flora of the mother is most likely transmitted to the child during childbirth and may lay the foundation for the child's health. One possible solution to ensure an adequate intake may be the consumption of dietary supplements and probiotics. At present, there is insufficient data on supplement consumption among pregnant women. Objective The purpose of the study was to examine how many pregnant women in Västerbotten County chose to consume dietary supplements, mainly iron and probiotics, and whether there was a difference between different factors and intake. Method A quantitative cross-sectional study where pregnant women (n=1473) from the Northpop-study in Västerbotten County responded to a questionnaire regarding consumption of dietary supplements and factors such as age, education, diet etc. The material was analyzed in SPSS with Chi-2-test, independent T-Test and Mann-Whitney U-Test. Using significance level <0.05. Results The majority of participants, 90 percent, responded that they consumed dietary supplements. The factors that increased the intake of dietary supplements in pregnant women were higher age (p=0.030), higher education (p=0.006) and vegetarian/vegan diet (p=0.021). Iron was reported to be consumed by 804 people, 55 percent. The factors that increased the intake of iron supplement in pregnant women were vegetarian/vegan diet (p=0.001). Probiotics were consumed by 25 people, 2 percent. Living in urban areas (p=0.024) and eating vegetarian/vegan diet (p=0.002) increased consumption of probiotics. Conclusion The majority of participants chose to consume some type of dietary supplement, half of the participants consumed iron supplements and a small part consumed probiotics. It appears that pregnant women who are low educated, younger, eating an omnivorous diet and living outside urban areas are in the risk zone for not consuming dietary supplements. / Northpop
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