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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De skolrelaterade texttypernas skrivuppgifter och deras samband med det nationella provet / Writing tasks of school-related text types and their relation with the national exam

Pettersson, Eleonor January 2022 (has links)
By combining qualitative and quantitative methods, this study investigates which writing tasks Swedish as a second language teachers use in their teaching of the different school-related text types, how they justify their choices and adaptations of the writing task, and whether any connections can be seen to the national tests in Swedish as a second language writing tasks. The material used is survey responses and previous national tests whose results are then analysed through theories, such as genre pedagogy and Ivanic writing discourses to answer these questions. Previous research shows how factors such as writing task design and real readers can contribute to writing development in students. Previous research also shows how to work with text types in a language development way and how writing instruction is influenced by teachers' writing discourses. This paper shows from the survey responses that a trend among writing tasks in the different text types can be seen and how 8 out of 10 can be linked to previous national tests in Swedish as a second language. The results show that the teachers' reasons for their choice of writing tasks could be linked to previous national tests, to their suitability in writing the text type and the teacher's writing discourse. The teachers' adaptations of the writing tasks have been more about their way of working than the design of the writing task, but adaptations such as simplified language and adapted language have been mentioned. These results are important because they indicate how established genre pedagogy and its circular model have become in Swedish as a second language teaching and how much influence the national test in Swedish as a second language has on the teachers' choice of writing tasks in the different text types.

Andraspråksperspektiv- Vad är det? : En studie om SvA-elevers undervisning i ordinarie klassrum ur ett lärarperspektiv / Second language perspective- What is it? : Study about teaching pupils with Swedish as a second language in a regular Swedish primary lower and middle level classroom- teacher perspective

Johansson, Gorana January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om vad andraspråksperspektiv och inkluderande undervisning betyder i praktiken för ett antal lärare på låg- och mellanstadiet i Sverige. För att uppnå syftet har frågeställningar handlat om hur lärarna förstår vad ett andraspråksperspektiv är i praktiken, hur andraspråksperspektiv tillämpas i undervisningen samt vilka utmaningar finns det för lärarna att lyckas möta andraspråksperspektiv i egna klassrum. Eftersom undersökningen utgår från lärarnas perspektiv bygger undervisningen på en kvalitativ metod och intervjuer med fem grundskollärare. Resultatet analyserades genom tematisk analysmetod. Resultatanalysen identifierade fyra temaområde: faktorer som stimulerar samarbete mellan elever, flerspråkighet som resurs, lärarnas direkta stöttning samt förförståelse och begreppsinlärning. Resultatens slutsats visar att utmaningarna lärarna upplever handlar om vuxen stödverksamhet för lärare med studiehandledning, SvA-verksamhet och modersmål som visas inte är organiserad på ett sätt som kan garantera SvA-elevens optimala stöd. Dessutom handlar slutsatsen om utmaningarna på individnivå för samtliga lärare vilket är förmåga att ta tillvara på elevernas kulturella bakgrund och kunna integrera detta i egen undervisning samt integrera användning av digitala hjälpmedel som stöd för SvA-elever. / The aim of the study is to contribute with knowledge about what second language perspective and inclusive teaching means in practice for some number of Swedish low- and middle primary school teachers. In order to achieve this aim the specific questions have been designed such as: how teachers comprehend what second language perspective is in practice; how second language perspective is applied in a teaching context as well as what the challenges are for the teachers in order to succeed meet the requirements for the second language perspective in their own classrooms. As this study is investigating teachers' perspective the survey has been conducted with a qualitative method approach using interviews with five primary school teachers as the method of collecting data. Thematic analysis has been used for analysis of research data. The results extracted from the analyses are: factors that stimulate collaboration among pupils, multilingualism as a resource, teachers direct support and pupils pre-understanding and concept acquisition. Conclusions are: the teachers´ adult support system (with first language supervisor, SvA-teacher and mother tongue teacher) that is, according to the study results, not organized to offer pupils in Swedish as a second language an optimal support. Other challenges have been identified on the teachers level which are teachers' ability to include pupils´ in Swedish as a second language cultural experiences as well as teachers being able to integrate the use of educational computer tools fit to support these pupils.

Andraspråksperspektiv på läxor : En studie om förhållandet mellan hemläxor och språklig progression i svenska som andraspråk / L2 perspectives on homework. : A study on the relationship between homework and linguistic progression in Swedish as a second language

Andersson, Annelie January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker högstadielärares erfarenheter av hemläxor i svenska som andra­­språk. Studiens syfte är att synliggöra hur lärare bedömer förhållandet mellan läxor och språklig progression. En sociokognitiv teori tillämpas för att förstå lärares motivation till att dela ut läxor och anledningen till läxans utformning. Fem högstadielärares erfaren­heter av hemläxor i svenska som andraspråk undersökts i semistrukturerade, enskilda interv­juer, där lärare beskriver hur de arbetar med läxor i sin under­visning. I resultatdelen an­vänds en tematisk innehållsanalys för att redovisa utfallet i material. Studiens resultat visar att lärarna anser att läxor gynnar den språkliga progres­sionen hos L2-elever genom att de repeterar språkliga moment så att de befästs i minnet. Vid utformningen av läxan krävs det anpassning efter språklig nivå och individ. Även hur läxan förankras, introduceras och följs upp är avgörande för dess effekt på språk­ut­vecklingen.

"Man leker men man lär sig samtidigt" : Elevers upplevelser av pedagogiskt drama i SVA-undervisningen på grundläggande nivå inom vuxenutbildningen / "You play but you learn at the same time"  : Pupils' experiences of educational drama in (SVA) Swedish as a second language teaching at the basic level within adult education.

Ågren, Maria January 2022 (has links)
Gruppdynamik, självkänsla, motivation och läslust är några av de grundstenar sompositiva upplevelser av andraspråksinlärning bygger på (Gass & Selinker, 2008)(Löthagen & Staff, 2009). Min intention är att undersöka huruvida pedagogiskt dramaintegrerat i svenska som andraspråksundervisningen, kan användas som verktyg för attuppnå dessa förutsättningar. Denna studie är empirisk, där eleverna i en klass somstuderar svenska som andraspråk på grundnivå, delkurs 2 (3) inom komvux, under enperiod på tio veckor haft dramaundervisning en gång i veckan. Resultatet utgår fråndessa elevers upplevelser av denna period med pedagogiskt drama integrerat i svenskasom andraspråksundervisningen. Följaktligen är detta en kvalitativ, fenomenologiskstudie av andraspråkselevers upplevelser av denna erfarenhet. För datainsamlinganvändes ljudinspelningar av intervjuer i fokusgrupper som sedan transkriberades ochanalyserades. Resultatet av denna studie visar att drama kan utgöra ett verktyg för attfördjupa elevernas förståelse av litteraturundervisningen inom ramen för svenska somandraspråk på vuxenutbildningen. Vidare framläggs att pedagogiskt drama har enpositiv inverkan på samspelet i elevgruppen samt att pedagogiskt drama medför atteleverna upplever arbetet med skönlitteratur mer lustfyllt. / Group dynamics, self-esteem, motivation and a love of reading are some of thecornerstones on which positive experiences of second language learning are built (Gass& Selinker, 2008) (Löthagen & Staff, 2009). My intention is to investigate whethereducational drama integrated into Swedish as a second language teaching can be used asa tool to achieve these conditions. This study is empirical, where the students in a classstudying Swedish as a second language at primary level, part course 2 (3) withinkomvux, had drama lessons once a week for a period of ten weeks. The results arebased on these students' experiences of this period with pedagogical drama integratedinto Swedish as a second language teaching. Consequently, this is a qualitative,phenomenological study of second language learners' experiences of this experience.For data collection, audio recordings of interviews in focus groups were used, whichwere then transcribed and analyzed. The results of this study show that drama can be atool for deepening students' understanding of literature teaching within the frameworkof Swedish as a second language in adult education. Furthermore, it is presented thateducational drama has a positive impact on the interaction in the student group and thateducational drama means that the students experience the work with fiction more joyfully.

Verbanvändning vid skriftlig produktion hos avancerade inlärare av svenska som andraspråk / Verb usage in the written free production of advanced learners of Swedish as a second language

Tranefeldt, Sophia January 2011 (has links)
Sammanfattning Den här uppsatsen undersöker verbanvändningen i skriftlig produktion hos en grupp avancerade svenska som andraspråkselever. Studien granskar såväl kvantitativa som kvalitativa aspekter i elevernas verbordförråd. Uppsatsens syfte är att kartlägga L2-elevernas verbvokabulär med avseende på frekvens, variation, fördelning över semantiska fält samt semantisk och konstruktionsmässig korrekthet. L2-gruppens resultat kontrasteras mot en kontrollgrupp bestående av L1-elever. Undersökningsmaterialet består av 20 argumenterande uppsatser skrivna av komvuxelever med svenska som andraspråk samt 20 argumenterande uppsatser skrivna av komvuxelever med svenska som förstaspråk. Samtliga verb har extraherats, räknats och, i de fall det varit tillämpbart, satts in i ett av de 13 semantiska fält som undersökts i uppsatsen. De olika typer av inkorrekt verbanvändning som påträffats i materialet har kategoriserats utifrån feltyp. De typer av fel som varit av intresse i denna studie är konstruktionsfel i prefixverb, reflexivverb, partikelverb samt fel i verb + substantiv- kollokationer. Förutom konstruktionsfel undersöker uppsatsen även primärt semantiska fel, dvs. fel som i första hand har att göra med verbets semantiska betydelse. Undersökningsresultatet visar att verbfrekvensen hos L2-talarna är lägre i jämförelse med L1-gruppen. Orsaken därtill är att L1-uppsatserna i snitt är längre än L2-uppsatserna och därmed innehåller många fler verb. Det verkar inte föreligga någon anmärkningsvärd skillnad i verbvariationen om man ser till verben i sin helhet. Vissa semantiska fält är dock mer utbyggda och mer varierade i L1-gruppen.         Verbfrekvenstabellerna visar att andelen partikelverb är hälften så stor i L2-gruppen jämfört med L1-gruppen. Listan över de 20 vanligaste verben visar att andraspråkseleverna, vid en jämförelse med L1-eleverna, underanvänder verben få och ska och överanvänder säga, vilja och finnas. Eftersom inga fler indikationer på överanvändning av kärnverb ges i materialet måste just detta interimspråkdrag ses som en mycket begränsad företeelse hos de avancerade L2-eleverna.         De allra vanligaste feltyperna hos såväl L1- som L2-talare är av primärt semantisk karaktär. Bland dessa fel är, i L2-gruppen, fel kopplade till det semantiska fältets betydelsesidoordning vanligast. Det innebär att studien pekar mot att det som ställer till mest problem för andraspråkseleverna, när det gäller verblexikonet, är sådant som har att göra med semantisk precisering och nyansering, dvs. att välja rätt synonym. / Abstract This essay deals with lexical competence in written language production among advanced learners of Swedish as a second language. The study focuses on the use of verbs with regard to both quantitative and qualitative aspects. The aim of this essay is to examine the L2-learners verb vocabulary, paying attention to frequency, variation, distribution in semantic fields as well as semantic and constructional correctness. The results of the investigations are compared to the results of a control group consisting of L1-speakers.         The material in the present investigation consists of 40 argumentative essays written by 20 adult students with Swedish as their second language and 20 adult students with Swedish as their first language. All students were enrolled in an adult education program, attending the courses Swedish as a second language B and Swedish B at senior high school level.         All verbs have been extracted, counted and, where applicable, inserted into the 13 semantic fields which are examined in this study. Errors in connection with the use of verb have been categorized according to two major error types, i.e. constructional errors (errors connected to prefixed verbs, reflexive verbs, particle verbs, and errors in verb + noun combinations) and primarily semantic errors.         The investigation demonstrates that the verb frequency is lower in the L2-group compared to the L1-group. The higher verb frequency in the L1-group is probably due to the, on average, longer essays in that particular group.            The verb frequency tables show that use of particle verbs is twice as high in the L1-essays compared to the L2-essays. The tables of the 20 most common verbs demonstrate that L2-students, compared to the L1-students, tend to underuse certain verbs and overuse others. Three verbs that are particularly overused by the L2-students, are säga, vilja and finnas, while the verbs få and ska underused to a great extent by the same group. The tree overused verbs are nuclear verbs in their specific semantic fields (VERBAL COMMUNICATION, WISH and EXISTENCE). Apart from the overuse of these nuclear verbs the investigation material does not give further indications of overuse of nuclear verbs. This shows that overuse of nuclear verbs as an interlanguage feature is not particularly prominent in the advanced L2-learners.              There does not seem to be any notable difference in verb variation when looking at the verbs in their entirety. However, certain semantic fields are more extended and more varied in the L1-group.         In the essays written by the L1-students there are very few occurrences of constructional errors. The most frequent error type, in both student groups, is of a semantic nature. The L2-material shows that the most common semantic error is related to the horizontal structure (and not the vertical structure) of the semantic fields. This means that L2-students find it hard to differ between synonyms in the same semantic field at the same hierarchical level. The current study thus indicates that, as far as the verb vocabulary goes, the L2-students main difficulty is semantic specification, i.e. choosing the right synonym. Among the combinatory errors, the errors connected to verb + noun combinations have the highest frequency.

Det splittrade svenskämnet : En jämförelse av läroplanerna i svenska och svenska som andraspråk / The divided Swedish subject : A comparison of the curriculums in Swedish and Swedish as a second language

Hellman, Sara January 2017 (has links)
The divided Swedish subject – a comparison of the curriculums in Swedish and Swedish as a second language The aim of this essay is to examine and appose the curriculums of the school subjects Swedish and Swedish as a second language in upper secondary school in relation to prevalent second language development research and didactics. My theoretical framework consists of discourse theory and the socio-cultural perspective on teaching and learning. The overall purpose of this essay is biramous and the study aims towards answering the following questions: 1. What didactic considerations are made in the two curriculums? And 2. In what ways is the curriculum in Swedish as a second language based on prevalent second language development research, and in what ways is it not? To answer these questions I have chosen discursive analysis as my main method to examine and compare the curriculums in order to delineate what implications its language use and goal formulations has for the perception of both student groups and in turn the possible quality of their language education. Through my analysis I have found that the curriculum for Swedish as a second language have some bearing in second language research, but that the differences between the two subjects’ curriculums as a whole lack feasible reasoning. The differences in language use and goal formulations between the two curriculums comes across as a result of both fleeting reasoning as well as fleeting judgement in relation to didactics and second language education. My proposition is to have a united Swedish subject for the currently existing student groups with the possibility of a new version of Swedish as a second language intended solely as a temporary educational form for newly immigrated students to assist their early Swedish acquisition.

Avslutande prov i svenska som andraspråk-eller inte? / Final exam in Swedish as a second language in adult education – or not?

Österqvist, Heléne January 2017 (has links)
Skolverket konstruerar och ger ut nationella prov för elever som studerar svenska som andraspråk på grundläggande nivå i grundskolan. Däremot finns inga nationella prov för vuxna elever på vuxenutbildningen. Elevernas provresultat kan ge en uppfattning om den tillägnade språkkunskapen i svenska är tillräcklig för att gå vidare till svenska som andraspråk på gymnasienivå. Denna mindre studie behandlar hur några lärare på vuxenutbildningen motiverar huruvida avslutande kursprov behövs eller inte. Hur detta formuleras i läroplanen för vuxenutbildningen och kursplanen för svenska som andraspråk undersöks också. Några språkforskares syn på kunskap, lärande och bedömning utgör den teoretiska utgångspunkten. De resultat studien visar, pekar på att avslutande kursprov efterfrågas av lärarna. Lärarna uppfattar att även elever efterfrågar dessa prov. Detta jämförs med de centrala dokumenten, som stödjer att avslutande prov ska ge lärare stöd i sin bedömning. Några teoretikers syn på kunskap, lärande, prov och bedömning behandlas också för att tydliggöra en motivering av avslutande kursprov. / Skolverket constructs and distributes final examination in Swedish as a second language. These tests are only given to younger students at compulsory level, not to adult students. The students' test results can give an idea of whether the language proficiency in Swedish is sufficient to move to Swedish as a secondary language at upper secondary level. This smaller study treats how teachers in adult education perceive whether or not the final exam test is necessary. How this is formulated in the curriculum for adult education and the syllabus for Swedish as a second language is also examined. Some language researchers' views on knowledge, learning and assessment constitute the theoretical point of origin. The results of the study indicate that the final exam tests are demanded by the teachers. Teachers perceive that even students request these tests. This is compared with the central documents supporting the final exam to provide teachers with support in their assessment. Some theorists' views on knowledge, learning, testing and assessment are also discussed to clarify a motivation for the final exam.

Vuxeneleven i fokus : Att utforma metoder för individanpassad undervisning i en forskningscirkel vid Komvux / The adult student in focus : To design methods for individually adapted teaching in a research circle at Komvux

Gunnarsson, Ann-Charlotte January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie tillhör deltagarorienterad forskning (PAR) i form av en forskningscirkel. Syftet var att beskriva och analysera en forskningscirkels kunskapsutveckling både gällande dess process och dess innehåll. Deltagarna i cirkeln var nio lärare som arbetar vid en komvuxskola och de undervisar vuxenelever i ämnena SFI, SVA och engelska. Forskningscirkelns fokus har varit frågor som gäller individanpassad undervisning inom komvuxutbildningar. I cirkeln har empiriska data kommit fram genom att låta deltagarna berätta sina livsberättelser om individanpassad undervisning och i gruppsamtal prata om individanpassad undervisning. I en växelverkan mellan deltagarnas erfarenheter om individanpassad undervisning och tidigare forskning inom detta område, arbetade vi i cirkeln fram metoder för individanpassad undervisning inom komvuxutbildningar. Deltagarna prövade dessa metoder i undervisningen. Metoderna som var utformade för individanpassad undervisning var både vitt och övergripande utformade, vilket var positivt på grund av att lärarna kunde anpassa metoderna och arbetssätten till varje elevgrupp och till enskilda vuxenelever. Resultatet visar att individanpassad undervisning bör utformas som individuell undervisning, en till en undervisning, mellan lärare och vuxenelev. Då kan vuxeneleven få individuell hjälp med studierna och eleven kan få arbetsuppgifter som är individuellt anpassad till hens förmåga att studera. Det har också framkommit att, det är viktigt att undervisningen är utformad utifrån relationell undervisning, vilket innebär att vuxeneleven både får möta lärare och andra elever under studiernas gång. Det innebär olika undervisningssätt som både är individanpassade, samtidigt som de utgår från en relationell undervisning. Det har framkommit i studien att relationell undervisning är särskilt viktigt i språkundervisningen. Det har också uppmärksammats individanpassade metoder som utgår från digital undervisning både inom individuell undervisning och relationell undervisning. I studien lyftes fram olika arbetssätt som utgår från digital undervisning. / This study belongs to the research tradition Participatory Action Research (PAR) in the form of a Research Circle. The task was to describe and analyse the process and content of knowledge development within a Research Circle. The participants in this circle were nine teacher who work at komvux, and teach adult students in subject such as SFI, SVA and English. In this circle with participating teachers, issues of individually adapted teaching in adult education have been in focus. In this circle, empirical data has been highlighted by having the participants tell life stories and in group interviews about the individualized teaching. In an interaction between the participants´ experiences of individually adapted teaching and previous research in this area, we in the circle developed methods for individually adapted teaching in adult education. The participants tried these methods in their teaching. The methods that were developed for individually adapted teaching were both broadly and comprehensive designed, which was positive because then the teacher can adapt the teaching methods to each student group and individual adult student. The result indicate that the individually adapted teaching needs to be designed based on individual teaching, one to one teaching between teacher and adult student. Then the adult student can receive individual support in their studies and receive tasks that are individually adapted to the student´s ability to study. It is also important that the teaching is designed based on relational teaching, were the adult student both meets the teacher and other students during the course of study. This means different working methods in teaching that are individually adapted based on relational teaching. Relational teaching is especially important in language teaching. It has also been highlighted methods for individually adapted teaching based on digital teaching which is both based on individual teaching and relational teaching. This digital teaching is based on different working methods that are highlighted in this study.

Språkutveckling i den samhällsorienterande undervisningen med andraspråkselever / Language development in socially oriented teaching with second language students

Bengtsson, Emilia January 2023 (has links)
Målet i detta examensarbete är att studera språkutveckling genom att undersöka hur den sociokulturella lärandeteorin och språkteorin SFL är framträdande i lågstadielärares berättande om sin undervisning inom de samhällsorienterade ämnena med andraspråkselever. Dessutom har jag undersökt hur multimodala medier används i SO-undervisningen med andraspråkselever enligt lågstadielärares berättande. Mina frågeställningar är följande: “Hur framträder den sociokulturella lärandeteorin och språkteorin SFL i den samhällsorienterande undervisningen med andraspråkselever utifrån lågstadielärares berättande?" och “Hur beskriver lågstadielärare användandet av multimodala medier inom den samhällsorienterande undervisningen med andraspråkselever?". Studien bygger på Lev Vygotskijs sociokulturella lärandeteori, Michael Hallidays systemisk-funktionella språkteori och teorier om multimodalitet. Studien är kvalitativ och den empiriska datan samlades in via semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem lärare från en högindex skola i Malmö. Resultatet visar att ett sociokulturellt förhållningssätt är att föredra med andraspråkselever, där kooperativt lärande lyfts som en framgångsrik lärmetod. Michael Hallidays teori (SFL) är gynnsam som grundar sig i att utgå från elevernas förkunskaper i undervisningen. Dessutom visar resultatet att en multimodal undervisning är viktigt för framgångsrikt lärande med andraspråkselever. I diskussionen presenteras resonemang och slutsatser utifrån resultatet som besvarar frågeställningarna. Vidare behandlar diskussionsdelen hur forskningen påverkar den framtida yrkesprofessionen och hur man kan forska vidare kring ämnet. / The goal is to study language development by investigating how the sociocultural learning theory and the language theory SFL are prominent in primary school teachers' narratives about their teaching in the socially oriented subjects with second language students. In addition, I have investigated how multimodal media are used in SO teaching with second language students according to primary school teachers' narratives. My questions are the following: "How does the socio-cultural learning theory and the language theory SFL appear in the social orientation teaching with second language students based on the primary school teachers' narration?" and "How do primary school teachers describe the use of multimodal media within the social orientation teaching with second language students?". The study is based on Lev Vygotsky's sociocultural learning theory, Michael Halliday's systemic-functional language theory and theories of multimodality. The study is qualitative and the empirical data was collected via semi-structured interviews with five teachers from a high index school in Malmö. The result shows that a socio-cultural approach is preferable with second language students, where cooperative learning is highlighted as a successful learning method. Michael Halliday's theory (SFL) is favorable, which is based on starting from the students' prior knowledge in teaching. In addition, the results show that multimodal teaching is important for successful learning with second language learners. In the discussion, reasoning and conclusions are presented based on the results that answer the questions. Furthermore, the discussion part deals with how the research affects the future professional profession and how to do further research on the subject.

Same Mother Tongue - Different Origins : Implications for Language Maintenance and Shift among Hungarian Immigrants and their Children in Sweden

György-Ullholm, Kamilla January 2010 (has links)
This study investigates intergenerational language transmission amongst Hungarian immigrants, using in-depth interviews and participant observation as the main methods. The analysis examines the experiences of parents and their school-aged children in 61 families living in Sweden´s two main cities, Stockholm and Göteborg. The sample families were separated into four groups, based on two pre-contact factors, namely (1) the parents´ linguistic environment and (2) their social identity prior to migration. Three of the four groups turned out to be comparable in size and serve as the focus groups of the study. Group 1 comprises families in which one or both parents are former majority members from monolingual parts of Hungary. Group 2 comprises families in which one or both parents are former majority members from Hungary, but in contrast, these parents grew up in bilingual areas, being exposed to other languages in their childhood settings. Group 3 comprises families in which often both parents grew up as members of a vital ethnic minority in bilingual or multilingual settings in Transylvania (Romania). It was hypothesised that the parents´ childhood experiences would have an effect on their ways of raising children in a migrant situation, which, in turn, will affect children´s bilingualism as well as the group´s maintenance chances. The results of the statistical analysis confirm the hypothesis and show significant differences between the focus groups in a number of factors, e.g. marriage pattern, religious engagement, cultural orientation, children’s opportunities to meet other group members, and language awareness. Most importantly, the investigation revealed broad variation in language use norms among the sample families, especially for family and group internal communication. This, together with the poor demographic conditions of the group, seriously threatens group cohesion. The prospects for Hungarian language maintenance in Sweden are therefore seen as limited.

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