Spelling suggestions: "subject:": deldiskurs"" "subject:": dendiskurs""
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Ojämnt jämställt : – En kritisk diskursanalys om representation och identitetsgestaltning av kvinnor och män i sfi-läroböcker / Unevenly Equal : – A critical discourse analysis on representation and identity representation of women and men in sfi-textbooksLööw, Tobias January 2019 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur tre läroböcker inom sfi-verksamheten representerade och gestaltade kvinnliga och manliga identiteter i förhållande till läroplanen. Läroböckerna utgjorde ett gemensamt block i en större läroboksserie med språkligt fokus. Metoden som valts för studien var kritisk diskursanalys genom Faircloughs tredimensionella analysmodell. Resultatet visade att de undersökta läroböckerna på ytan strävade efter jämställdhet mellan kvinnor och män, men under ytan bland annat reproducerade en stark könsordning där män ansågs vara mer kompetenta än kvinnor. Eftersom läroböckerna var jämställda på ytan, men ojämställda under ytan blev undersökningens slutsats att det undersökta materialet var jämställt fast på ett ojämnt sätt – ojämnt jämställt.
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Talande tystnad : En analys av hur biblioteksdiskurser om integration förhåller sig till rasism / A deafening silence : An analysis of how library discourses on integration relate to racismRåghall, Karin January 2018 (has links)
Despite abundant evidence of structural/institutional discrimination and racism throughout the Swedish society, these conditions have so far not attracted much interest within library and information science in Sweden. Significantly more interest has been devoted to research, as well as reports by practitioners, on the integration of ”immigrants”. The aim of this paper is to examine how library discourses on integration of ”immigrants” affect the understanding of– and the approach to – racism. I have taken on this task by performing a discourse analysis, specifically Carol Bacchi’s ”What’s the problem represented to be” (WPR)-approach. The empirical material analyzed is a report on integration produced within the National Library of Sweden’s work with the national library strategy (Nationella biblioteksstrategin). Drawing on postcolonial and intersectional critiques, as well as critical library and information science research, I interrogate the problem representations, the production of ”Swedishness” and the silences around racism in this report on integration. In my analysis, I show that structural/institutional discrimination and racism is made invisible through two particular discourses on integration. I have named these two discourses ”the problem discourse” (problemdiskursen) and ”the helper discourse” (hjälpardiskursen). These two discourses constantly locate ”the problem” with the ones who are to be ”integrated”. Libraries are portrayed as institutions able to help the problematic ”Others”, for example through teaching them ”modern values”. In effect, issues such as housing and working life discrimination, increasingly restrictive migration policies and the reproduction of colonial representations of ”the Other” are made irrelevant within these discourses – and ”Swedishness” is (re)produced as an unproblematic norm. My results show that the integration discourses not only make discrimination and racism invisible – in fact they uphold a racist discourse. Finally, my results confirm the findings by several North American LIS researchers, who have shown that library discourses on diversity, multiculturalism and integration prevent the library field from addressing issues of discrimination and racism.
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Förhandling, konsensus och regional utveckling : En diskursanalys om makten i en regionLjunggren Bergström, Robin January 2019 (has links)
Med tiden har den regionala planeringen fått en mer tongivande roll inom den svenska planeringen. Bredare planerings- och utvecklingsfrågor på kommunal nivå kräver allt mer gränsöverskridande samarbeten och behoven att kunna söka en konsensus kring gemensamma utvecklingsintressen inom regionen blir allt tydligare. Landstingen/regionorganet, som har det formella ansvaret för den regionala planeringen, hamnar här i en central position att kunna sammanfläta de kommunala planerings- och utvecklingsfrågorna för att driva den regionala utvecklingen. Processen fram till en konsensus över regionens intressen saknar dock formella ramar och det blir i någon mening upp till regionorganet och kommunerna att konstruera processen. Givet detta visar statliga utredningar att förhandling är, och kan bli, ett allt mer vanligare inslag inom den regionala planeringen, och i juli 2014 tog förhandling som en ”legitim konsensusprocess” ett första avstamp genom vad vi idag kallar Sverigeförhandlingen. Men hur förhandlas en konsensus fram i en region där stora kommuner ställs mot små, där vissa går på knäna i utvecklingen medan andra frodas? En region är en pluralistisk geografi där kommunala intressen står mot varandra och olika delar av regionen har varierande synsätt på ”vad som är bäst” för den regionala utvecklingen. Ska förhandlingsprocessen konstrueras efter de kommunikativa idealen och likställa allas talan för att nå en konsensus på ett mer ”demokratiskt och rättvist sätt”? Eller konstrueras det efter mer pragmatiskt ideal där resultatorientering som ekonomisk vinning och konkurrens får prägla konsensusen? Hur processen konstrueras kan påverka konsensusen och i slutändan den regionala utvecklingen, och utan en formell ställning att påverka kommunernas planarbeten och ambitioner är det inte säkert att regionorganet kan kontrollera och säkerhetsställa utvecklingsriktningen i förhandlingen. Med utgångspunkt i detta har den här studien med hjälp av en diskursanalys, gjort en fallstudie på en regional förhandling med syfte att få en mer djupgående förståelse över makten inom den regionala utvecklingen. Valet av fall är Skånebilden, en framförhandlad konsensus över ett antal planerings- och utvecklingspunkter som var viktiga ”för hela Skåne” i Sverigeförhandlingen. Studien visar att bakom den framförhandlade konsensusen finns en process, präglad av makt, som (om)formar förhandlingsprocessen och konsensusen. Det tenderar att finnas en maktordning bland kommunerna i regionen som formas efter bland annat historien, epistemologier och ontologier, där makten ”döljs” i vad vi kallar ”sanningar”. Samtidigt får pragmatiska ideal genomsyra förhandlingsprocessen som tillsynes gynnar vissa kommuner i regionens maktordning mer än andra. Om förhandling ska bli en ”legitim konensusprocess” inom den regionala planeringen behöver därför maktperspektivet belysas och beaktas.
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Jämställdhet och jämlikhet i den svenska riksdagspolitiken : En studie om vilken form av lika villkor mellan kön som produceras inom vänsterdiskursenAndersson, Emmie January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to investigate the possible formation of a new leftdiscourse on the consept of equality regarding the context of "equal conditions between sexes". To find answers to this, a discourse analysis was carried out based on the theoretical framework of discourse theory and the linguistic tropics metonymy and metaphor. Vänsterpartiet has stood as a representative of the leftdiscourse and their pronounced opposite, the "right" has been used to define the leftdiscourse. The analysismaterial has above all consisted of partyleader debates, partyleaders speeches in Almedalen, parliamentary motions and election manifesto from the election movements in 2014 and 2018. The result shows a change from 2014 to 2018 in the leftdiscourse. The left-wing exchange rate failed to articulate a class analysis through the concept of gender equality and 2018 now including the majority of political demands for "equal terms between sexes" during the left equalitydiscourse. The result shows that the left-hand scale appears to create a new equalitydiscourse that includes more requirements regarding the context of "equal conditions between sexes" and as collections as described as an increased class distinctions community in Sweden. The conclution is that within the leftdiscourse gender equality, requires equality.
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Undervisning i förskolan : En diskursanalys av förskollärares uppfattningar av undervisningsbegreppet.Evangelatou, Kicki, Kantokorpi, Jessika January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur införandet av undervisningsansvaret, i den reviderade Läroplanen 2018 påverkar förskollärarna i deras yrkesroll. Vi har genomfört en enkätundersökning där verksamma förskollärare svarat på öppna frågor och därmed utgått från både kvantitativ och kvalitativ ansats. Den insamlade empirin har analyserats genom en Foucaultinspirerad diskursanalys som utmanar normer och det förgivettagna och utgår från att förståelsen av ett fenomen är beroende av språket. Följande diskurser har identifierats i respondenternas utsagor skoldiskursen, undervisning-lika med-lärandediskursen, statusdiskursen, orosdiskursen samt förutsättningsdiskursen. Resultaten visar på motstridiga känslor kring undervisningsbegreppet och ansvaret. Begreppet upplevs svårtolkat och otydligt. Det förknippas med skola och katederundervisning och anses gå emot det lustfyllda lärandet. En oro över vad undervisning ska medföra för konsekvenser för barnen och förskolans verksamhet uttrycks. Undervisningsbegreppet likställs med lärande och anses bara vara ett nytt ord för det. Resultaten visar även att undervisningsansvaret upplevs otydligt och tolkningsbart då tydliga direktiv saknas. Samtidigt finns en övertygelse om att det kommer att höja yrkesstatusen. Ansvaret upplevs övermäktigt, de förutsättningar som krävs för att fullfölja uppdraget anses saknas. Resultaten visar därmed ett glapp mellan formulerings- och realiseringsarenan.
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Vetenskap och erfarenhet : en analys av kunskapsrepertoarer i gravidforum på webben. / Science and experience : a study of knowledge repertoires on pregnancy related discussion forums on the Web.Rydell, Malin January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this Master’s thesis is to examine how health information is integrated into knowledge in an everyday health related context on the web. The more specific aim is, from a LIS point of view, to map knowledge related discourses with the focus on pregnancy, in discussion forums on Swedish health related web sites. The following main questions in this paper are: (1) a) What discourses on pregnancy knowledge can be found and b) how are they expressed? (2) What are the functions of the recognised discourses? and (3) what are the relations between the identified discourses? The theoretical and methodological starting-point is discourse theory with the main focus on discursive psychology according to Wetherell’s and Potter’s theoretical and empirical work. The methodology is text analytical and the material is collected from two discussion forums on pregnancy. The results show a highly complex context where two main discourses, or repertoires, are identified: “The science repertoire” and “The experience repertoire”. When people use the science repertoire they adopt rhetorical patterns such as: “eagerness to know and to learn”, “focus on facts and details”, “strive for control”, “elimination of health risks”. This repertoire is highly influenced by moral issues. When using the experience repertoire, people’s talk is dominated by strive for normality. The tendencies shown can be seen as signs of democratisation of knowledge and this is something that needs to be further investigated from a LIS perspective, of this health and web context of immediate interest. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Skönlitteratur på svenska folkbibliotek : En diskursanalys / Fiction in the Swedish public library system : a discourse analysisSundell, Jonny January 2008 (has links)
The view on which kind of fiction that should be mediated to the public through the Swedish public library system has since the late 60´s been dominated by what in this Master’s thesis is called: ´the discourse on quality of literary fiction´. The aim of this thesis is to examine to which extent this discourse still plays an active role in the Swedish public library system or if that discourse has been replaced by a more market-led, demand responsive view, where the features of ´quality´ and ´culture´ have been downplayed and replaced by a ´customer’s service view´ on how and why fiction should be mediated to the public. The methodological and theoretical perspective in this thesis is led by the understanding of the discourse analysis in Michel Foucault’s ´The Archaeology of Knowledge´. The material of analysis has been the Swedish Government reports: (SOU) concerning the issues of mediating fiction. Another source of empirical material used in the study is a survey distributed to librarians throughout the country .The conclusion which I have been able to draw from the analysis of the textual material and the survey is that the discourse on mediating fiction has changed from the 70´s and 80´s ´quality view´ on how and why a non commercial cultural institution like the public library should mediate fiction, to a market-led ´customer’s service view´ on the public libraries functions, where the customer’s demand should be met even at the expense of the quality features of the fiction mediated. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Barnboken i Biblioteksbladet. En diskursanalys av texter skrivna mellan 1945-2009 / The children’s book in Biblioteksbladet. A discourse analysis of texts written 1945-2009Bolander, Sabina January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this master thesis is to identify discourses regarding children’s literature in one of Sweden’s largest library magazines, Biblioteksbladet. The subject is furthermore to look at how the child is portrayed within these discourses and if the discourses change over time. The theoretical and methodological background is Norman Fairclough´s critical discourse analysis (CDA). A selection of 62 texts, published in Biblioteksbladet between the years of 1945-2009, was analyzed. Three discourses were identified: a pedagogic discourse, a literary discourse and a psychological discourse. The pedagogic discourse looks upon the literature as a means of teaching children valuable knowledge and good values. The literary discourse emphasize the literary qualities of the children’s books and The psychological discourse emphasize the children’s emotional needs and own opinion of the literature. The pedagogic and literary discourses share a similar view of the child, as someone in need of help and guidance, as opposed to The psychological discourse where the power relationship is more equal. The pedagogic discourse and psychological discourse contain distinct changes that can be linked to the surrounding social practices. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Debatten kring en litterär kanon : En diskursanalys av artiklar på dagstidningarnas kultursidor / The debate about a literary canon : A discourse analysis of articles from the cultural pages of newspapersBuchberger Lantz, Sylvia January 2007 (has links)
Literary debates about canon occur regularly. In the summer of 2006 such a debate took place in Sweden. The aim of this Master thesis is to examine the debate to identify the different discourses and what they reveal about ideas concerning the role of literature in society. The empirical material used for the analysis consists of 46 debate articles from three important newspapers. The combined theory and method applied is the discourse analysis described in Ernesto Laclau’s & Chantal Mouffe’s discourse theory. The discourse theory is combined with Pierre Bourdieu’s theories about power, habitas, taste, field and capital. In this thesis the authors of the articles are looked upon as belonging to the cultural elite. They have positions in the literary field that, in relation to other positions, give them symbolic capital. In the theories of Bourdieu culture and education play a dominant role in the reproduction of differences between social classes and are an important arena for symbolic violence. Relating to research it is in this thesis argued that the canon in the school literary curriculum plays the same role. This is also related to questions of power and the post-modern situation. Four discourses are identified in the analysis: The global discourse, the national discourse, the self-Bildung discourse and the teaching discourse. The discourses are in the analyses connected to cultural views and illustrated in a theoretical model. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Debatterna om En bok för alla år 1992 och 2007 : En diskursanalys / The debates regarding En bok för alla 1992 and 2007 : a discourse analysisLindsköld, Linnéa January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this Master’s thesis is to describe and compare the debates regarding the public funded publishing company En bok för alla (EBFA). On two occasions, 1992 and 2007, the public funding was threatened, which lead to debates and protests. The funding was revoked in 2007. I want to examine if by studying a particular product of cultural policy, one can se tendencies to how the cultural policy in whole change over time. Using a discourse analysis I will be able to distinguish and analyze how the debates were designed, and which discursive formations one can discern in the debates. The study is based upon articles in newspapers and political documents. The analyze shows that the debate of 1992 focuses on legitimating EBFA with economical arguments. Almost all statements from the period are in favor of a continued funding. The debate of 2007 focuses on the changed book market and whether there was room for a public funded company. In 1992 there was hegemony in the debate, limiting what actors could say about EBFA. In 2007 this hegemony was starting to come apart, opening up for new ways to talk about cultural policy. In 1992 there were no struggles about defining important terms, which could be seen in the debate of 2007. The revoke of the public funding to EBFA can be seen as a neo liberal formation taking place in Swedish cultural policy. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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