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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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王育慧 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著企業經營規模日趨複雜、專業化,股東因人數眾多、股東意見不一,在面臨公司所有與經營分離所產生的代理成本控制上,實有困難。一般小股東因持股過低,對於公司經營事務只能消極以待,若對公司經營成果不滿意,只能選擇華爾街準則(Wall Street Walk or Vote with Feet),而賣掉股票,甚難對管理階層進行更進一步的影響。相較之下,機構投資人基於其人力及資源優勢,能深入參與公司治理、監督管理階層,進而提昇公司經營績效,增進股東投資價值,此即為機構投資人積極主義。 本篇論文探討機構投資人行使股東權以促進公司治理發展。首先討論機構投資人積極主義之兩大基礎支柱-其一,良好公司治理確能對公司績效表現有所助益,其二機構投資人促進公司治理乃其善盡受託義務之體現。 由於美國機構投資人主義高度成熟發展,而國內機構投資人積極主義仍屬起步階段,本篇論文即以比較研究法,探討美國機構投資人行使股東權如股東提案、委託書投票、直接與管理階層溝通、發布黑名單、團體訴訟與股東提名董事草案等,及分析說明我國公司治理相關條文與機構投資人行使表決權時所會遭逢之困境。 此外,本論文經由案例研究,深入蒐集資料並訪談兩個在促進公司治理領域夙負盛名的退休基金-美國威斯康辛州投資委員會與加拿大安大略省教師退休計畫,從而細膩地觀察美國及加拿大機構投資人積極主義之發展、瓶頸與挑戰。 最後,本論文提出促進機構投資人提出公司治理及表決權行使政策、鼓勵機構投資人於股東提案權與表決權等議案進行合作及建置對機構投資人餐與公司治理友善之法規環境等建議,期能對於我國機構投資人積極主義之發展有所助益。 / The increase in institutional funds has been extraordinarily rapid. Comparing with the minority shareholders, the institutional shareholders’ size and expertise can minimize the collective choice problem and agency costs. Their resources enable them to investigate and monitor management in corporate governance field. This is the “Institutional Shareholder Activism“. This article discusses the institutional shareholder’s enhancement of corporate governance. It explores from the two backbones of the Institutional Shareholder Activism: Firstly, the correlation between corporate governance and corporate performance, and secondly, fiduciary duties of the Institutional Shareholder. It makes two conclusions: Good corporate governance certainly helps protect shareholder interests, and contributes to superior long-term economic performance, and institutional shareholders can comply with fiduciary duties by enhancing corporate governance. Furthermore, due to America institutional shareholder activism is highly developed, while Taiwan institutional shareholder activism is not developed. This paper compares America institutional shareholder activism with Taiwan’s. It discusses America institutional shareholder activism in many aspects, such as shareholder proposal, proxy solicitation, vote, direct negotiation with the corporate management, focus list, class action, security holder director nominations bill etc. Then, it analyses some of Taiwan’s corporate governance related articles such as shareholder proposal and security holder director nominations, and some difficulties which the pension fund and the security investment trust fund face when they vote as shareholders. Moreover, through case study, this paper analyses two prestigious pension funds: State of Wisconsin Investment Board (SWIB) and The Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP), and investigates their stages of development and current operation and future challenges in the corporate governance field. At last, this paper provides some suggestions and inspirits the institutional shareholder activism in our country.

我國著作權集體管理機制現況及趨勢之研究 / A Study on Copyright Collective Management Mechanism in Taiwan: Exploring the Current Situation and Envisioning the Future

林之崴, Lin,Zir-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
著作權集體管理機制(Copyright Collective Management Mechanism),誕生已有數百年的歷史,國際間已經發展出相當成熟的運作機制,相較於我國自民國八十年起才開始有類似收費機制運作,發展經驗可說是相當地懸殊。而我國該機制之正式法制化—著作權仲介團體條例於民國八十六年十一月五日公布施行以來,十年間實務上爭議不斷,機制運作陷於巨大的危機。加以近年來我國推動數位內容產業,著作權授權議題更是攸關數位影音應用產業未來的發展,在在顯示我國著作權集體管理機制確有重新審視之必要。 於是自民國九十五年起在經濟部智慧財產局的主導下,開始召集各方進行對話,並藉此機會蒐集意見以推動著作權仲介團體條例的修法工程。除了國內的改革,國際間在過去十年來也開始對著作權集體管理機制的運作進行檢討,此乃由於數位時代的到來,著作權集體管理機制受到各種新興數位科技,諸如:網際網路、數位權利管理、點對點檔案分享等之巨大衝擊,此種態勢影響機制的保護、行使和管理的環境,使得國際著作權社群開始思考著作權集體管理機制應該如何因應數位環境所帶來的挑戰。 有鑑於此,本研究希望能夠立基於我國著作權集體管理機制的現況,以過去實務上及近日修法歷程中所遭遇的爭議問題為著眼點出發,回顧過去國際間著作權集體管理機制運作經驗,並探討近年國際間發展趨勢,以勾勒出我國機制未來藍圖。探討的重點包括:著作權集體管理機制的歷史與法律背景、意涵、功能與操作原則,以為我國機制擘畫運作之參考;著作權集體管理機制運作場域—我國著作權產業的發展現況;採納「利害關係人」觀點,釐清我國機制中的各方利害關係人為何、所追求的目標何在及互相的利益衝突,進而界定出各方利害關係人未來參與機制的適當形式;評析我國著作權集體管理相關法制的沿革、內容與修法;並針對國際間近年兩大發展趨勢:數位化及跨越疆界的著作權集體管理趨勢,先行探討有哪些新興的數位科技對著作權集體管理機制帶來衝擊,評估其影響與機制的新角色定位,其次討論跨越疆界趨勢:單一窗口、跨國界集體管理及其衍生的公平交易法課題。 最後回應本研究的研究問題,論述對我國實務現況之觀察、著作權集體管理法制總評、國際運作經驗及發展趨勢對我國的啟示,並且提出三大項建議:我國著作權集體管理團體現階段要務、政府的角色、對我國未來機制的幾點省思,是為本研究之結論與建議。 / Copyright Collective Management Mechanism has been established for centuries and developed maturely worldwide. However, it was not until 1991 that some similar collecting organizations started to operate in Taiwan. Compared with some countries around the world, the development experience is quite different. After the formal legalization—the enactment of the Copyright Intermediary Organizations Act on November 5 1997, there were lots of argues emerged in the aspect of law enforcement. Besides, Taiwan’s government has promoted the development of digital content industry in recent years. The issues concerning copyright licensing will have a big impact on the development of audio-visual application industry in the future. It is therefore, necessary to raise concerns and re-scrutinize Taiwan’s copyright collective management mechanism. Since 2006, Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) has started to gather public opinion for revising the act. Except the revolution in Taiwan, people started to examine the exercise situation of copyright collective management internationally in last ten years. This is because the advent of digital technologies, such as: the Internet, digital rights management, peer-to-peer file sharing, has changed the environment surrounding the copyrighted works. International copyright societies started to think about how to deal with the challenges brought in digital era. This thesis aims to discuss some of these issues by exploring the current situation of Taiwan’s copyright collective management mechanism, the obstacles encountered in the past practice, the process of law revising, and the latest development trends worldwide. First of all, Chapter One is an Introduction to this thesis. Then Chapter Two discusses the historical and legal background, definition, functions, and operating guidelines of the mechanism for future reference when Taiwan intends to modify current mechanism. Chapter Three describes the developing situation of Taiwan’s copyright industries. Chapter Four adopts “Stakeholder Analysis” to clarify who are the stakeholders in Taiwan’s mechanism, their pursuing goals, and conflicts of interest between them. Chapter Five traces the developing process, content and revision in relation to Taiwan’s copyright collective management legislation. Chapter Six outlines the two latest development trends: digital and cross-border copyright collective management. At first, it analyzes the impact of new digital technologies and the new role of copyright collective management mechanism. Integration trends: one-stop-shop, cross-border collective management and antitrust concerns, are explored as well. At the end of this thesis, Chapter Seven, I propose three recommendations for Taiwan’s mechanism in the future: the urgent missions of Taiwan’s collective management organizations, the role of government, and the self-examination. It is my hope the recommendations contribute to the better resolution of existing and future challenges.


洪宜嫃, Hung,Yi Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本文以中國國民黨的婦女工作為探討重心。章節安排方面,除第一章緒論、第五章結論外,其餘章節,依時間為主軸貫串前後。分別探討1924年改組到北伐時期(1924-1928)、訓政前期(1928-1937)、抗戰時期(1937-1945)及戰後(1945-1949)等四個時期中國國民黨的婦女工作。內容方面,每章皆先討論婦女組織的成立、演變或沿革;其次,討論該時期婦女政策的制定,包括:婦女政策的內涵、理論依據、與時代背景的關係以及該政策對中國國民黨婦女觀的反映;最後,將分別討論中國國民黨推行之婦女工作並檢討其成效。希冀藉由上述的討論,系統性呈現1924年到1949年間中國國民黨的婦女工作。 自1924年中國國民黨成立中央婦女部以來,便開始從事有計劃、有組織的婦女工作。因應不同時期的變化,1924年到1949年間中國國民黨的婦女工作,在組織、政策與工作推行等各方面皆有所變化,而其轉變的依據,皆與其當時的政治目標相關。需要動員婦女力量的時候,婦女組織相對完善,婦女政策也多將救國與婦女解放、地位的提升相聯繫,工作方面亦較積極。在訓政前期,建設國家是中國國民黨最高的政治目標,不希望民間有大規模的民眾運動,故廢除了婦女組織,並藉由確定地方法定婦女組織的方式,深入掌握地方婦女團體,且政策與工作方面均趨於和緩,傾向利用國家的公權力,主動賦予婦女法律上的權益,並推動婦女救濟工作。

1997年韓國金融危機的研究 / 1997 Korean financial crisis

康益智, Kang, Yih Jyh Unknown Date (has links)
在了解一特定國家金融危機的成因時,除了目前已有的三代金融危機理論之外,我們覺得尚應有一個國家別論述架構才能更完整的解釋特定金融危機的前因後果。 參與韓國自1970年代以來大力推動的以出口帶動經濟成長策略的「韓國政府」、「韓國大企業財團」,以及基本上是為此等財團服務的「韓國金融機構」三者間所共同形成的運作邏輯及其利益交換的三角關係,乃是韓國特有的國家別論述架構。 此一韓國獨有的特殊三角運作,僅管一直存在政府擴張性政策所造成信用過度擴張、金融機構受制於政府及貸款企業體質而致的經營沒有效率與道德危機,以及因此累積的對外舉債過多等諸多風險因子,但由於國際貿易與國際資本市場一直對韓國有利,1990年代中期前此一三角運作堪稱良好。 然而自1990年代中期起,韓國受外在因素接連影響,一路從國際貿易市場優勢不再、企業財團獲利急速惡化,進而拖累本國金融機構體質等基本面因素上為金融危機奠下惡因,最後在1997年東南亞國家連串發生金融危機的那個時間點上,沒能撐過國際資金短期內自韓國全面撤離的衝擊,終於發生金融危機。 1997年韓國金融危機儘管是個危機,但它也帶給韓國一個來自IMF援救計畫的外來改革動力,成功的克服過去「政府、企業財團及金融機構」三角運作中所累積的沉疴以及抗拒改革的慣性,讓進一步提升韓國經濟發展的結構性改造得以全面推動。 / Three generations of financial crises theories have been evolved since Paul Krugman developed his speculative attack models in 1979. Krugman emphasized the failure of the fundamentals while the later theories including the exit clause models addressing the conditional commitment of the central banks, the moral hazards of the financial institutes and the self-fulfilling effect of the markets. We looked into the 1997 Korean financial crisis with these prevailing theoretical principles and also developed a framework incorporating three closely related Korean parties, namely the government, the chaebols(conglomerates)and the financial institutes to unveil this specific Korean case.

威權領導與知識分享意願相關性研究 - 知識分享文化的干擾效果

張瓊玉, Chang,Chiung Yu Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技的蓬勃發展,地球村世界的來臨,提供現代人快速取得知識的平台,也促成了急速轉變的全球性競爭的環境,使企業面臨了非常重大的挑戰,迫使企業開始重新思考組織核心能力,以滿足隨時可能產生變動的市場需求;企業必須作出更快速的決策,以適應全球化腳步發展。越來越多的企業警覺到知識分享對於員工累積經驗與企業正向發展的重要性,因而透過不同的方式來鼓勵員工知識分享建構具競爭力的學習型組織。 多數的研究報告皆在探討轉換型領導風格 (transformational leadership) 和交換型領導風格 (transactional leadership) 對於組織文化、組織策略執行力…等的相關性研究,尚未有探討過威權式的領導風格對於員工知識分享意願的影響。威權式的領導風格是否影響員工知識分享意願、企業具備知識分享的氛圍,是否干擾在威權式領導風格之下之員工分享知識與經驗意願 ? 有鑑於此,本研究針對威權式的領導風格如何影響員工知識分享意願,並以知識分享之企業文化為干擾因素,尋找過去相關文獻資料加以整理,歸納出假設與模型,並依照此模型進行分析與探討,以提出對實務界有效的建議與學術界未來的研究方向。 本研究採問卷調查法,在不同產業中挑選頗具盛名的公司,針對其員工進行便利抽樣,並採用Lisrel 和 SPSS軟體來進行資料的分析。從威權式領導風格、知識分享企業文化、知識分享意願三個構面,探討主管威權式的領導風格如何影響員工的知識分享意願,並以知識分享的企業文化為干擾因素。以研究結果歸納出相關結論,以提供相關建議,供實務界在推行知識管理時一個主要的關鍵成功因素,以提高知識分享的可行性。亦供學術界進行組織氛圍研究之參考。 本研究結論如下: 1. 威嚴式領導與員工知識分享意願呈現負相關。 2. 知識分享的企業文化與員工知識分享意願呈現正相關。 3. 知識分享的企業文化,干擾在威權領導風格下之員工知識分享意願程度。 / In the past, research on the knowledge-sharing behavior of indi-viduals lacked discussions on authoritarian leaderships. Therefore, this research demonstrates how authoritarian leadership and or-ganizational culture affect the knowledge-sharing behavior of indi-viduals. The purpose of this research is to focus on an authoritarian leadership’s effect on the knowledge-sharing behavior of individu-als that is influenced by innovation and a sound organizational climate. Questionnaires were administered to employees from various in-dustries in order to gather information regarding individuals’ be-havior under an authoritarian leadership. The author used conven-tional sampling methods and 233 out of 250 participants provided relevant information. The findings of the research were as follows: 1. The more a leader tends to express authoritarian leadership, the less an individual exhibits knowledge-sharing behavior. 2. The more an organization demonstrates a knowledge-sharing culture, the more an individual exhibits knowledge-sharing be-havior. Such a culture, especially, encourages ‘innovation, sharing and learning’. 3. Organizations that possess a culture that is highly oriented to-wards knowledge sharing influence the knowledge-sharing be-haviors of individuals under authoritarian leaderships.


劉怡成 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟全球化的時代來臨,國與國之間的界線漸趨模糊,全球的產業及資源都不斷地加速整合,本研究嘗試以不同角度出發,分別以「全球化浪潮下之現代集團公司」、「境外控股公司的靈活機制」及「以股權規劃為中心的思考模式」三大核心為主題,先從全球佈局的觀點來定位企業,取代傳統緩慢演變逐漸拓展的方式,選擇在企業創立的最初,就以全球化的眼光來設計企業的組成架構,跳脫國界的藩籬;再經由比較英屬維京群島、開曼群島以及美國德拉瓦州設立境外公司的相關規定,闡述境外控股公司的各種優勢與操作機制;接著探討企業從設立到赴國際資本市場上市的籌資過程中,如何以股權規劃為中心,運用靈活的持股架構及特別股的概念,就公司的股東結構、董事會結構與組織制度,以及員工認股權各面向做出細緻的設計,來募集所需資金並鞏固未來發展。 最後,本研究以中芯國際集成電路有限公司與富士康國際控股有限公司兩家赴香港上市之台資企業個案,討論其上市前之集團架構、歷次資本形成與股權規劃等過程,一方面與本研究之分析作對照,另一方面亦闡述香港資本市場躋身國際資本市場之原因,並對台灣目前資本市場的法令與政策提出期許。 / In the coming era of globalization, boundaries between countries are blurring, and the global integration of industries and resources speeds up. This thesis tries to look into the phenomenon from three perspectives: group companies under the globalization trends, the flexible mechanism of offshore holding companies, and equity planning-centered thinking model for modern enterprises. By pointing out that, instead of expanding gradually, modern enterprises tend to arrange its organization from a global viewpoint on the first day it is established, this thesis interprets group companies with a new angle; second, it presents the respective criteria for setting up offshore companies in British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands and the State of Delaware along with the advantages and flexibilities of using offshore holding companies; and third, it introduces the concept of equity planning during the developing course of an enterprise from startup to listing company, including the formation of its capital structure, shareholder structure, board of directors, organization, and employee incentive plans in order to raise enough funding and secure the basis of future prosperity. At last, this thesis takes two Taiwan-based, Hong Kong listed companies, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation and Foxconn International Holdings Limited, as examples and studies their respective pre-IPO group structure, the capital formation and the equity planning course to reflect the analysis contained herein on the one hand, and also discuss the reasons why Hong Kong can become one of the most-favored international capital markets and finally proposes suggestions to the laws, regulations as well as policies with respect to the current capital market of Taiwan.

知覺展示規則、顧客負面事件與服務人員情感傳遞的關係:正、負向團隊情感氛圍的干擾效果及情緒勞動的中介效果 / Perceived display rules, negative events, and employee affective delivery: the moderating effect of group affective tone and the mediating effect of emotional labor

曾淑敏, Tseng, Shu-Min Unknown Date (has links)
對服務業而言,服務人員的情感傳遞 (employee affective delivery, EAD)影響顧客觀感甚鉅,因此,如何提升員工情感傳遞,為學術界與企業界皆關切的議題。然而,過去研究雖認為知覺展示規則應能提昇員工情感傳遞,但其結果並不一致;此外,如何降低來自顧客的負面事件對員工情感傳遞的影響,在過去研究亦未深入探討。再者,過去探討員工情感傳遞的研究大多著重在個人層次,但服務人員實務上常以團隊的方式進行運作 (如:分店),因此,本研究試圖以多層次研究的角度加以切入,探討團隊情感氛圍 (group affective tone)在其中扮演的角色。最後,本研究亦探究,團隊情感氛圍是否會干擾知覺展示規則與顧客負面事件與員工情感傳遞的關係、以及此干擾效果是否透過情緒勞動 (emotional labor)的中介而產生。 本研究樣本收集自美髮業58個設計師團隊,共計254個團隊成員 (含58位店長)。本研究以階層線性模式(hierarchical linear modeling)進行統計分析,結果發現,正、負向情感氛圍皆會干擾知覺展示規則與顧客負面事件對員工情感傳遞的關係,且上述干擾效果皆會透過深層演出的策略進而影響員工情感傳遞。另外,正向團隊情感氛圍亦能提升員工情感傳遞。 / Employee affective delivery (EAD) plays a vital role in enhancing customer satisfaction and retention. Although “how to increase EAD” has been a critical issue for both academic and practical fields, several research gaps remained in the EAD and emotional labor literature: (1) Although researchers have suggested that perceived display rules could enhance EAD, past empirical findings did not emerge a consistent pattern on this relationship; (2) Furthermore, past studies have rarely examined how to reduce the negative impacts of customer negative events on EAD; (3) Past studies in the EAD and emotional labor fields have mainly conducted at the individual level; whether the team context influences service workers’ EAD has been neglected. In order to fill these research gaps, this study intended to examine the role of group affective tone (GAT) on EAD using a multilevel perspective. In addition, this study also explored whether GAT moderated the relationships between perceived display rules/negative events and EAD, and whether these moderating effects were mediated by emotional labor. The sample is composed of 58 hair stylist teams and 254 team members (including 58 store managers). The hierarchical linear modeling analyses were conducted to test the hypotheses. The results showed that both positive group affective tone (PGAT) and negative group affective tone (NGAT) moderated the relationships between perceived display rules/negative events and EAD. Moreover, the above moderating effects were mediated by service employees’ deep acting. Finally, PGAT was positively related to EAD.

由Teubner反思法理論析論著作權集體管理制度 / A study of Copyright Collective Management from Teubner's theory of Reflexive Law

張峻傑, Chang, Chun Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
我國著作權集體管理團體發展至今,僅存五家集管團體,無論是會員數或業務總額皆與國外規模相距甚遠,難以有效達成降低授權成本、使著作充分流通利用與保障著作權的功用。追根究柢原因在於:無法從使用報酬費率的制訂過程中,取得利用人與集管團體間的共識。 隨著數位技術的演進,著作權利用方式與型態日趨多元,立法者的觀點卻趕不上時代的變化,倘若爭議處理方式仍僅限於規範的抽象內容探討與適用,往往難以得到當事人欲求的結果。Teubner認為現今複雜分歧的社會需要一個去中心化的社會整合機制,將傳統法律的管制負擔轉移至其他社會體系;法律只有在為其他社會次級體系的反思過程提供結構性前提時,才能實現其自身的反思取向,發揮反思法的社會整合功能。因此,若能開展調解、仲裁等訴訟外爭議解決機制,除了即時有效解決紛爭,避免法院訟累,並能於協調過程中充分揭露資訊,使當事人間贏得互信,不失為一種發展反思性程序的可能。 本文從Teubner反思法的角度觀察,輔以中國、日本、美國、德國的著作權集體管理制度之立法例與實踐概況,作整體歸納分析,從中擷取出具有反思理性特徵做比較評析。最後,透過反思法理論所提出當今法律演化的特徵,對於我國將來建構良善的集體管理團體制度,提供一些不同的思考觀點。 / In the diversity of social economics activities, recent developments in the evolution of neighboring rightsand reflects the change of publication displaying methods due to technology.Such development may create inner conflict and endanger the law system. If people explore the reason of conflict and disposal process just at the point of normative abstract content and applicable, it will always be unable to gain the ideal result. Collective management organizations(CMOs) is an important indicator of copyright protection. CMOs’ operation reduces the licensing costs, promotes the legal exploitation of works, achieves broad public access of copyrighted works, and protects the benefits of copyright owners. Indeed, a reasonable royalty rate is the core for the successful operation of CMOs. Thisstudy isfrom the view ofTeubner's Theory of Reflexive Law, to observe the substantial social effectiveness of copyright collective management under the control of law and providing the structural premises for reflexive processes in other social subsystems.According to the characteristic of reflexive law,this thesis aimed to introducea new tendency to settle collective management of copyright.

旅遊行程自動規劃系統的設計與實作 / MyTripPlan:The Design and Implementation of an Automatic Trip Planning System

陳逸群, Chen, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來隨著全球化的發展,自助旅行的風氣蔚為風潮。背包客可以根據自己的喜好與條件,自己規劃旅遊路線與行程。一般規劃旅遊行程的過程費時而繁瑣,除了必須決定旅遊景點,還必須將景點開放時間、景點停留時間、交通方式、旅遊順序與路線、時間限制、住宿地點、經費等列入考量。 針對旅遊行程規劃,除了參考網友的行程規劃,目前已普遍有景點推薦、行程編輯系統,協助使用者規劃行程。但少有旅遊行程自動規劃系統。因此,本論文研發實作旅遊行程的自動規劃系統MyTripPlan。MyTripPlan具備景點推薦、景點停留與拜訪時間預估、路線規劃、行程規劃及行程調整的功能。 本系統MyTripPlan在離線時,先透過爬蟲程式由景點推薦網站取得熱門景點資訊、由相片分享網站取得景點相片時間以推估景點停留及拜訪時間、由交通查詢網站取得任兩景點間的推估交通時間。在線上時,當使用者輸入旅遊天數等時間限制、並由系統推薦景點勾選有興趣拜訪的景點及餐廳後,系統將運用定向排程演算法推論出符合時間限制的旅遊行程,呈現在地圖上,並結合交通網站,產生行程表。 經實驗效能驗證,以安排旅遊天數七天,五十六個景點所需要的行程規劃時間約為一秒鐘;使用者對於實作完畢的MyTripPlan系統與功能也都有滿意以上的評分。 / Travel planning process is time-consuming and tedious. To plan a trip, not only the attractions, but opening hours, timing cost, travel route, transportation, lodge, budget control and so on also need to be considered. While there are widespread attraction recommendation and itinerary editing systems to assist people to plan their trip, only few trip automated planning systems are developed. In this thesis, MyTripPlan, an automatic trip planning system, is designed and developed. MyTripPlan The system provides users the capability of attraction recommendation, visiting and stay time estimation, route planning, trip planning and itinerary adjustments. In offline process, MyTripPlan collects popular attraction information from web content for attraction recommendation, gets the timestamp of attractions from photo-sharing websites to estimate visiting and stay time, and crawls traffic information from public transportation query site to estimate the travel time between attractions. Given the trip duration, MyTripPlan recommends attractions and restaurants, schedules and produces the trip itinerary automatically based on the team orienteering scheduling algorithm. The generated itinerary takes the user-preferred attractions, visiting and stay time constraints, and transportation information into consideration. MyTripPlan presents the trip itinerary both in map and schedule list. The experiments show that the execution time for trip plan with fifty-six attractions in seven days requires about one second. Moreover, nineteen subjects were invited to evaluate the effectiveness of MyTripPlan. Most users were satisfied and gave excellent rating on the system performance.

台灣在中美洲的外援 / Taiwan’s foreign aid in Central America

蕾亞珊 Unknown Date (has links)
大部分的台灣援助研究討論台灣外交政策,沒有太多的研究是從受援者的觀點探討台灣的發展協助成效。本研究將檢視台灣援助的西班牙語學術論文, 選擇一個個案研究,並從事訪談,以中美洲的觀點來闡述台灣援助的成效。且將分析台灣的 外交援助,特別是財團法人國際合作發展基金會從1998年到2015年在中美洲的策略。本研究質疑由國際社會先前 對台灣在中美洲的金錢外交探索,相反地,本研究將評估儘管中美洲有貪污醜聞,台灣援助在中美洲仍是有利的原因。

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