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土地價格對土地使用分區管制決策影響之研究 / Study of land price influence the descision making of zoning control

丁秀吟, Ding, Hsiu-Yin Unknown Date (has links)
過去有關土地使用分區管制與地價兩者間關係之研究,往往假設地價在實施規劃管制過程中呈中立性,且過去在探討土地使用分區管制與地價二者間關係之研究時,多著重在探討土地使用分區管制施行後對地價之影響上,對於土地使用分區管制決策是否受到土地市場中地價之影響,則僅在少數的研究中被探討。故本研究首先透過國內外相關文獻之回顧與分析,得知規劃管制決策者有時為求得最大之政治支持,有可能會以規劃管制為其尋求最大政治利益之工具,而扭曲規劃管制之原意,使得土地使用分區管制決策可能受到土地市場中地價之影響,然而地價於實際經濟社會中是否會影響土地使用分區管制決策,則有待進一步的探討與驗證。 是以本研究以公共選擇理論與消費者效用理論為基礎,透過台北縣市土地使用分區管制決策過程與內涵之探討,利用羅吉特(logit)迴歸分析模型,以台北市為實證範圍,並以其72至81年度之房地移轉買賣實際調查資料,進行分年橫斷面分析方式,求取選擇性偏誤訂正項後,再納入地價方程式中估計,以求地價函數一致性估計,據以逐年檢驗地價對土地使用分區管制決策之影響情形。再以台北市信義計畫區為個案分析之對象,檢視於現實社會中地價對土地使用分區管制決策之影響情形。 經由上述之實證與個案分析,得到以下之結論: 一、土地使用分區管制決策在執政者追求最大政治利益之假設下,將可能受到利益團體等相關者之壓力,而做出只利於少數人之土地使用分區管制決策。 二、土地使用分區管制決策可能會受土地市場中地價之影響。 三、地價對土地使用分區管制決策之影響不穩定。 四、對土地使用分區管制決策時應有制度性之建立以審慎考量規劃管制之旨意。 / In the literatures, the study on. the relationship between land price and zoning control was assumed that land price is neutral. Moreover, the studies of land price and zoning control are more on the impact of land use control upon land price. The issue that impact of land prices upon the decision making of zoning control is rarely investigated. Based upon the theories of public choice and consumer's utility, this study discusses the process and content of zoning control decision-making. Then, by Logit model, the transaction data of property in Taipei City from 1983 to 1992 are employed to test the impact of land price upon the decision making of zoning control. Furthermore, a case study of Shin-I Planning District in Taipei City is analyzed so as to examine the impact of land price upon zoning control decision-making in the real operation. The major findings of this study are that, land price may affect the decision making of zoning control in the long term. However, the impact of land price upon the zoning control decision-making is unstable. Finally, based upon the public choice theory, the empirical results are discussed so as to apply the findings to the land policy.

就雇主職業災害責任論雇主責任保險相關問題 / The study of employers' liability insurance for employees' accupational injuries and death

李育錚, Li, Yu-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本文全文共分六章,茲將各章之內容簡述如下: 第一章 緒論 本章主要論述本文研究之動機、研究方法以及略述各章之要點。章內就本文主要討論之點先予以顯明。 第二章 雇主責任之分析 本章主要乃就我國現行法制下雇主對其受僱人因職業災害所生之法律上責任為分析。而雇主責任基礎,除了民事上損害賠償責任外,尚有因職業災害補償制度所生之雇主補償責任。就民事上損害賠償責任而言,目前除了民法上侵權行為及債務不履行所生損害賠償責任外,尚有基於海商法所生雇主補償責任。而職業災害補償制度,我國現採雇主直接職業災害補償責任與社會保險雙軌併行制度,就雇主直接職業災害補償責任觀之,目前規定於我國勞動基準法、工廠法等勞工法規,基於保護勞工之立場,均採無過失責任,只強調客觀上是否有職業災害之發生,而不須討論雇主是否可歸責; 而勞工保險之職業災害給付,則將雇主責任社會保險化,以保險給付取代部分雇主職業災害補償責任。而因同一職業災害發生,使民事上雇主損害賠償責任與職業災害補償制度下所生雇主責任可能產生競合關係,應如何為處理,是否涉及受僱人雙重利得,均為本章所討論之重點。 第三章 雇主職業災害責任之風險管理 本章乃就雇主於面臨眾多職業災害責任所帶來風險之情況下因應之道。首先,先對因雇主責任所可能發生之風險種類為一概述。為了將此風險帶來損失程度降到最低,因此風險管理在現代企業中極為重要。因應雇主責任而所為風險管理,應就兩方向為之,一為降低職業災害發生率,此乃屬事前之預防工作,應由作好工作場所安全管理來著手; 另一則是保險之應用,此乃於事故發生後將損失程度降到最低之補救工作,目前我國之勞工保險、傷害保險、及雇主責任保險皆有移轉雇主責任風險之功能,並以此引導出雇主責任保險之重要性。 第四章 雇主責任保險之分析 本章乃就因應雇主所面臨之各種雇主責任,而分析理想中雇主責任保險應具有之內涵。先就雇主責任保險之基本架構,如保險契約當事人及關係人定義、保險事故及保險利益之內容為概述。於討論雇主責任保險之承保範圍時,因為職業災害中涉及職業病,但因職業病之特殊性,與意外事故之性質相差甚遠,故是否納為承保範圍中,有待討論。而事故發生後之理賠,則雇主民事損害賠償責任與職業災害補償責任之目的不同,前者主要在損害補償,後者則為保障勞工之生活,故責任額度之計算而有不同,且保險人是否承擔防禦費用,亦因雇主責任類型不同而生不同結果。且若雇主有重複投保雇主責任保險,是否涉及複保險之問題,且各保險人間因如何分攤,亦為本章討論之重點。 第五章 雇主責任保險與其他保險之競合 本章就雇主責任保險與勞工保險、團體傷害保險、及其他責任保險之間競合關係為論述。當職業災害發生時,勞工保險與雇主責任保險之保險人均生保險給付義務,欲解決此一問題,應先就受僱人之勞保給付受領權與其對雇主之請求權所生請求權競合關係為分析,若兩者間可雙重受領,則勞工保險給付與雇主責任保險間不生抵充問題,反之則否。而團體傷害保險,於保險法理上與責任保險不同,但因為我國內政部相關解釋函,肯定團體傷害保險給付得抵充雇主勞動基準法職業災害補償責任,因此,團體傷害保險與雇主責任保險間亦涉及競合關係,而應如何處理,仍有待討論。甚於雇主責任保險與其他責任保險間,則構成最典型之保險競合關係,各保險人基於損害填補原則,如何計算理賠分攤額,涉及眾多學說,亦為本章論述重點之一。 第六章 我國雇主責任保險之現制分析 本章乃就我國現行雇主意外責任保險市場概況為概述,並就其承保範圍過於狹窄,無法切合雇主真正需求所生種種缺失為分析,並參酌各家學說及外國相關保單,提出改進建議之道。 第七章 結論與建議 最後,就雇主所承擔之各種職業災害責任為一結合,並提出修法上之建議。且對於我國現行之雇主意外責任保險,針對目前之缺失,提出建議改進之道。

溝通恐懼與使用電子技術對腦力激盪效果之影響 / Communication apprehension and electronic technique in brainstorming groups

陳玉樺, Chen, Yu-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
「腦力激盪技術」(brainstorming)是 Osborn(1957)所提出的思考或開會技巧,並且被廣泛地使用,特別是用於進行團體創造。但晚進關於腦力激盪的研究發現;傳統腦力激盪團體(真團體,面對面接觸、互動式團體)的創造力表現不如名義式腦力激盪團體(假團體,結合個別腦力激盪成果)的原因之一是:受試者在真實的團體中會害怕被評價,因此,Camacho(1991)探討評價恐懼(communication apprehension) 與腦力激盪形式的交互影響,而 Dennis 和 Valacich (1993)則設計了一個避免評價恐懼的實驗,將電子暨運用於腦力激盪團體,稱之為「電子腦力激盪」(electronic brainstorming)。 本研究主要是綜合 Camacho (1991)與 Dennis 和 Valacich (1993)的研究為基礎,以 312 名大學生為研究對象,進行 2 (高、低溝通恐懼)×2(互動式、名義式腦力激盪)×2(電子、非電子)之三因子受試者問實驗設計,探討溝通恐懼、腦力激盪形式、採用電子腦力激盪技術與否對於團體創造力與成員對團體歷程感受的交互作用之影響。經分析後所得到的結果如下: 1.當 4 人一組時,低溝通恐懼組的團體創造力顯著高於高溝通恐懼組,且對於團體歷程的感受有:自在、放鬆、興奮,較喜愛在團體中進行腦力激盪,認為其他成員可以刺激自己想出更多的觀念等。但高溝通恐懼者對於團體歷程的感受則有:擔心、煩躁不安、焦慮,較喜愛獨自進行腦力激盪,且在意其他成員認為自己的觀念是「愚蠢的」等。 2.電子式腦力激盪的團體的創造力顯著高於非電子組,且電子組在互動歷程中較機警、有壓力要和別人想出的觀念一樣多,較容易擔心、焦慮。 3.名義式與互動式腦力激盪的團體創造力並沒有顯著不同,但成員對於團體歷程的感受卻有明顯差異。受試者在互動式腦力激盪團體中會有:緊張、煩躁不安、焦慮、不自在、怕難為情等感受,且容易因為擔心其他成員給予自己負面的評價,因而不敢把自己的想法表達出來。相對地:名義式腦力激盪組的受試者對於團體則有機警、鎮定、放鬆、隨時覺察到自己、興奮等感受。 4.不論受試者溝通恐懼的程度如何,採用電子腦力激盪技術時,互動式與名義式腦力激盪組的團體創造力並沒有顯著差異,但互動組顯著出現緊張、煩躁不安、不自在等感受。而當不採用電子技術時,名義式的團體創造力則顯著高於互動式腦力激盪組。 5.對低溝通恐懼者而言,使用電子腦力激盪時,無論腦力激盪形式(互動式或名義式)為何,團體創造力都顯著地較未採用電子技術時好,且成員對於在團體歷程中較容易隨時覺察到自己。而對高溝通恐懼者而言,雖然使用電子技術時,受試者容易對團體歷程產生:緊張、煩躁不安、焦慮、不自在、怕難為情等感受,但只有採取「電子--互動式」腦力激盪時,才能提昇高溝通恐懼受試者的團體創造力。

入口網站服務品質提昇之研究--以休閒農業服務網為例 / Electronic service quality improvement-- the case of ezgo web portal

洪凡嵐, Hung, Fanlan Unknown Date (has links)
行政院農委會為了提昇網站服務品質,委託台灣農業資訊科技發展協會將「休閒農業服務網」入口網站與所屬的二十個家族網站進行相關整合計畫,同時以2007年12月研考會公布的「政府服務品質獎評獎作業手冊」為參考依據,希望透過「休閒農業服務網」入口網站改善來提昇網站的服務品質,整合各相關業務機關的資訊,提供民眾完善的資訊服務平台,為農村旅遊配套措施加值,並促進農村經濟活絡與提昇生活品質之終極目標。 本研究首先依據評獎的計分方式,以內部效益、外部效益、整合性的解決手法與資通訊(ICT)服務導入等四大項評分標準,協助建置客觀且可衡量的構面與指標。然後利用深度訪談、專家訪談的專業建議、焦點團體訪談(FGI)等方式來瞭解使用者真正的需求與題項,並修正前項構面與指標。並採用層級分析法(AHP)來計算服務品質構面的題項,最後以網路問卷與問卷調查的方式進行滿意度分析,進而產生初步KPI。 同時,透過初步KPI進行實際的網站功能改善,分析民眾對網站服務品質的滿意度是否提升,提出具體可行、較大幅度的修正建議,以趕上目前科技網路的進步。希望透過此次研究,能更深入了解非營利入口網站的實務機制與流程,日後可依不同網站需求做調整,推展到其他非營利的網站。 本研究的網站服務品質提升的計畫經過嚴謹的調查,確實執行所有階段活動,並實體進行網站服務品質的功能改善,經過改善前後的兩次問卷調查結果對照,來評估網站功能改善的效益。研究結果依據評獎計分方式,在總得分1000分中獲得989分。整體而言,本次計畫確實有達到服務品質提升的目的。網站內容技術的發展以及網站應用普及,已促使政府機關或民眾,在觀念上及對網站內容的預期上,都遠高於以往。近年,整體大環境加上政府資訊網路的大幅發展,也促使我們需要認真思考,非營利網站與休閒農業相關的政府網站能加強改進,以滿足網路使用者的需求。 / The Council of Agriculture (COA), Executive Yuan authorized the Taiwan Agriculture Information Technology Association—the management team of the EZGO website—to integrate COA’s twenty sub-websites into a “EZGO” portal website. Referring to the service benchmarks of the annual “Executive Yuan Service Quality Award“, which the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission of the Executive Yuan presented on December, 2007, EZGO hopes to improve the COA’s web service quality with integrated information from related government agencies. Furthermore, with this portal, EZGO aims to promote agri-tourism, to expedite the economic revival of farm and fishing villages, and to improve the living quality of rural communities. The objective of this research is to provide EZGO with measurable and objective Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)to evaluate EZGO’s portal. First, measurable evaluate on criteria, which are based on the Government Service Quality Award’s benchmarks, were established. Second, some literatures review, in-depth interviews, expert interviews and a focus group interview to investigate the current situation of the web portal and its sub-websites and to determine the real needs of primary users were conducted. These results were adapted to previous criteria. Third, utilize the analytic hierarchy process method was utilized to calculate the weight of criteria and convert them into performance indicators. Finally, online questionnaire surveys and face-to-face interviews were conducted to turn those indicators into preliminary KPIs. Furthermore, EZGO used those preliminary KPIs to improve their website service quality, analyze users’ feedback to website and even suggest web redesign, in alignment with contemporary Internet user behavior trends. This research intends to establish fair, measurable and adjustable KPIs to evaluate non-profit portals and other similar websites. The research demonstrates a website service improvement process that combines rigorous investigation and thorough execution. The research actually did interpret and apply research findings to the EZGO portal website services and compared the before and after KPIs to evaluate improvements to the EZGO portal.

台灣原住民保留地劃設保留區之研究─高雄縣桃源鄉個案分析 / Study of Setting the Indigenous Reserved Area: Case in Taoyuan Township of Kaohsiung County

城忠志 Unknown Date (has links)
原住民族長期生活於山村地區,有著特殊民族文化維繫個人或團體間長期的互動,惟日本時期沿襲迄今的保留地制度,無論是空間區位的選擇或增劃編地點的決定,原住民族毫無參與的餘地,導致無法妥善勘選區位適當的土地作為原住民保留地使用,進而使文化傳承、經濟生活所依賴的母土逐漸流失;近年來受國外原住民保留地經營管理成功案例的激勵及民族意識的興起下,原住民發起三次還我土地運動,而政府部門在增劃編的回應中,也認真的思索保留地興革的建議,遂在學者專家及原住民族菁英的討論過程,凝聚回復傳統產權共有舊制的共識。   憲法增修條文第十條第十二項對原住民族基本權的規範,含有「制度保障」之意涵,因此原住民族土地管理法規,是有提昇為法律位階之必要性,爰由內政部研定「原住民族土地開發管理條例」草案,刻正依法定程序送請立法院審議中。按該條例草案異於前之管理辦法者,在於增加了「原住民族保留區」的制度設計,新制在原住民族社會已有共識,惟尚缺乏個案研究的實證分析,因此難以辨別制度可能引發的後遺症,爰有本研究就桃源鄉進行個案分析驗證。   本研究以國外學者Elinor Ostrom在制度經濟學對共用資源共管機制的制度設計原則,來檢驗分析個案在保留區新制實施過程中,可能衍生的問題,以實地問卷訪談的方式進行調查;嗣經得知劃設原住民族保留區可以解決桃源鄉現存的保留地問題,而劃設地點以該鄉梅山村及寶山村最適宜,惟應建立一套劃設指標據以實施且應有相關配套措施,最後根據當地原住民的意見反應,證明集體決策理論觀點,適合運用在劃設原住民族保留區的決策過程。   此外,在後續研究的部分,本研究亦建議:桃源鄉小規模群體自主治理的資源利用方式,可否全面運用到保留區新制,有待與其他個案比較分析及探討,而欲達此政策目的,必須選定實驗區域,進行試驗及檢討,方得確保制度設計成為法律後,能夠彌補現行保留地措施肇致政府失靈與市場失靈的缺失。 / Taiwan indigenous people have lived in mountainous area for centuries. The interactions between their individuals and groups are regulated by specific cultures. However, the Reserved Land Institution began with Japan Colonist Era does not allow indigenous people to chose the place they live in by themselves. It made improper zoning. urthermore, it led to the land, which had supported their cultural and economic life lapsed gradually. In past twenty years, encouraged by the international indigenous movements and domestic ideology wakening, Taiwan indigenous people had held the Return My Land Demonstrations for three times. Government began to deliberate the reform of Indigenous Reserved Land Institution, and acquired conclusions after long-term discussion between government, scholars and indigenous elites. One of the conclusions is to revert to the traditional land tenure co-owning institution.   According to the Added Article of the Constitution (article 10, item 12) , this country has obligation to protect the basic rights of indigenous people with formal institutions. It means the Indigenous Reserved Land Developing and Managing Regulation needs to be promoted to a formal law. At this moment, The Legislative Yuan is deliberating the Indigenous Reserved Land Developing and Managing Law drafted by the Exclusive Yuan. A new designing named Reserved Area was made in it. This new designing was agreed by most of indigenous people. However, there is no empirical analysis to it and its side effect so far. Therefore, this research examined the Reserved Area Institution by case study in Taoyuan Township of Kaohsiung County.   The theoretical basis of this research is the institution designing principles of common pool resources self-governance, which addressed by Elinor Ostrom. Meanwhile, the investigation was processed by questionnaires. After the analysis, this research pointed that Indigenous Reserved Area Institution can solve the problems of Reserved land in Taoyuan Township now. The most proper locations of Indigenous Reserved Area are May-Shan and Pao-Shan villages. In farther step, it needs relative supporting measures and concrete area setting index. Beside, base on the responses of local residences, the research proved that Collective Action Theory is proper to be applied in the decision making process of setting the Indigenous Reserved Area.   In the end, the research suggested: the way people in Taoyuan Township governing their resource is not definitely proper to other indigenous groups. The precondition of implementing the new designing is to make more case tudies, compares and analysis. It is necessary to have small-scale experiments in advance. In the way, it can just correct the market failure and government failure caused by on going regulation when the new designing becomes a formal new law.


劉麗玲 Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣的高科技產業發展中,創投扮演了重要的角色,其所提供的資金與協助促進了新創事業的成長,造就了台灣資訊電子產業的躍居世界舞台與傲人的經濟成長。2000年人類基因圖譜的解出,似乎加快了基因技術的應用與相關產業的發展,進而成為全球經濟成長的新動力,因此我國創投的投資觸角也積極地延伸到生物技術產業上。   過去有關創投的相關研究多集中在投資評估準則的總體性研究,甚少針對某一產業的特性不同,來做進一步的研究,特別是在生物科技產業方面,因此,本研究將針對生物技術產業的特性與創投的股東背景、經營團隊與合作網路等組成因子,來探討其所產生的投資策略與行為。   本研究採用個案訪談之定性研究,選擇六家在生技產業投資比重較大的國內創投公司做訪談,再依據本研究架構進行分析整理,得到了以下之結論:   一、 生技產業的特性對投資策略與行為之影響    1. 創投因看好生技產業的成長潛力而將提高此方面的投資比重,而生技產業的投資金額以美國為最高。    2. 創投在生技產業的投資階段傾向涵蓋不同的階段。    3. 創投在生技產業的投資以醫藥產業及其週邊之醫療器材為主,主要考量是醫藥產業是目前為止較高報酬的領域。    4. 創投在生技產業的投資區域以美國為主,其中最重要的原因與該地區之產業群聚有關。    5. 創投在生技產業的投資傾向以投資組合管理及聯合同業投資來降低投資風險。    6. 創投在生技產業的投資傾向不聘任外部顧問,而傾向以經營團隊之專業評估為主,再以已投資公司與事業夥伴為諮詢對象。    7. 創投在生技產業的投資回收策略為上市或購併,投資回收期間並不會因為生技產業的產品開發期長而延長。    8. 創投在生技產業的投資評估,著重整體性評估(不會只看技術或智慧財產權),會因事業投資階段而有不同的評估重點,投資案愈偏早期,愈著重技術與人。投資案愈偏成熟期,所需評估的項目愈多。    9. 生技產業的特性雖對創投的附加價值沒有影響,但創投對生技產業的投資案有提供附加價值,會因投資案事業發展階段之不同,而提供所需之協助,附加價值則以資訊蒐集與人脈介紹為主。   二、創投的組成對投資策略與行為之影響    1. 創投的股東對外部顧問策略、投資案源與投資評估有影響,對投資金額、投資階段、投資領域、投資區域、風險控管、回收策略與附加價值沒有影響。    2. 創投的經營團隊對投資金額、投資階段、投資領域、投資區域、風險控管、外部顧問、回收策略、投資評估與附加價值有明顯的影響,對投資案源則有些影響。    3. 創投的合作網路對外部顧問、投資評估與附加價值有影響,對投資案源更是有明顯影響,而對投資金額、投資階段、投資領域、投資區域、風險控管與回收策略沒有影響。    三、生技產業的特性對創投的組成之影響    1. 生技產業的特性對創投董事會內的股東背景沒有影響。    2. 生技產業的的特性影響到創投招募技術專業之經營團隊。    3. 創投未因生技產業的特性而建構新的合作網路,而傾向運用集團中原有之合作網路,尤其是過去的已投資公司,為創投主要的諮詢者。 / Venture capital plays an important role in the development of high technological industries in Taiwan. It provides the essential fund and useful assistance to promote the growth of start-up companies. Because of it, the growth of economy in Taiwan dramatically increases and Taiwan has become the kingdom of information and communication industries around the world. In the year 2000, the complete sequence of human genome has enhanced the speed of the development in the field of biotech and its associated industries. In addition, the investment in biotech industry is expected to stimulate another trend of global economic growth. Therefore, venture capital in Taiwan also actively extends its influence in the field of biotech industries.   The majority of researches in venture capital seems to concentrate on the overall evaluation of the general criteria of investment, few studies focused on one particular industry, especially the biotech industry and its characteristics and aspects. Therefore, this study will aim at the characteristics of biotech industry and the constituent factors of venture capital to explore the strategies and behaviors of investment.   A qualitative research was conducted in six important venture capital firms in Taiwan using a method of intensive personal interview. The summaries of the research findings are as follows:   I. The impacts of the characteristics of biotech industry on the strategies and behaviors of investment:    1. Venture capital firms will increase investment percentage in biotech area because of its potential of growth, and the majority amounts of venture capital seem to be invested in the United States.    2. The venture capital firms’ investments in biotech tend to cover various stages.    3. The fields venture capital firms invest in biotech appear to be focused on pharmaceuticals and medical devices, because the operating return from this area is higher than any others so far.    4. The location of biotech companies venture capital invested are focused on the United States, which seem to have obvious phenomenon of clustering.    5. Through portfolio management and co-investment, venture capital firms can reduce risk while investing in biotech.    6. Instead of relying on outside consultant when invest in biotech, venture capital firms prefer to depend on inside management teams for due diligence. In addition, the past invested firms and partners are helpful while needed.    7. The exit strategies of venture capital firms are initial public offering or merger & acquisition when invest in biotech companies, and the period of investment appears to be not correlated with the long product life cycle of biotech industry.    8. Instead of emphasis on technologies or intellectual properties, venture capitalists emphasize all factors which evaluating biotech companies. Their decision criteria depend on venture development stages, the earlier stages these cases are, the more important technologies and management teams are, the later stages these cases are, the more factors are considered.    9. Venture capitalists add values to the biotech companies they invested, not because of the characteristics of biotech industry, but differ from development stages of cases. Most of add values are information collection and networking.   II. The influences of the constituent factors of VC on the strategies and behaviors of investment:    1. The stockholders of venture capital affect outside consultant strategy, deal flow, due diligence, but make no influence on investment amount, venture development stage, field, location, risk control, exit strategy and value-added.    2. The management teams of venture capital obviously influence investment amount, venture development stage, field, location, outside consultant strategy, risk control, exit strategy, due diligence and value-added, and make a little influence on deal flow.    3. The networking of venture capital make a little influence on outside consultant, due diligence and value-added, and make obvious influence on deal flow, but do not affect investment amount, venture development stage, field, location, risk control and exit strategy.   III. The influences of the characteristics of biotech industry on the components of venture capital:    1. The characteristics of biotech industry don’t appear to affect the background of stockholders in the board.    2. Venture capital firms recruit professional management teams because of the same particular characteristics of biotech industry.    3. While investing in biotech industry, venture capital firms utilize networks, especially the past invest , as their main consultants.

新產品開發行銷與研發整合之個案研究 / Integration Marketing and Research & Devleopment Using New Product Development as Case Study

楊皙州, Yang, Hsi Chou Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的趨勢下,產品的生命週期縮短、競爭也越來越激烈,各企業面對新產品的開發、新技術的發展及商業化速度的要求比以前更高。為了有效的開發新產品,為企業創造高額之利潤,強化企業競爭力,企業必須能夠在最短的時間內整合組織資源(例如行銷、研發與製造等核心能力),成為最有效率的公司。尤其,面對快速變化的動態環境之下,企業應以全球性的市場需求及標準,執行全球化的新產品開發流程與組織架構。   本研究從行銷與創新研發的整合,來探討新產品開發時有哪些成功關鍵因素,例如應該建立何種的流程與機制,可以快速有效的開發新產品,成功達到商品化的目的;行銷人員如何針對市場的需要,客戶的需求作市場調查,以確認、掌握機會;何種的組織創新平台,可以讓研發團隊能快速開發新產品,可以有效整合行銷與研發團隊,發揮組織之最大綜效。本研究主要在探討以下四項新產品開發時的重要問題,期望能提供給企業界一些具體之建議與做法。   1. 企業應採取何種新產品開發策略,才能快速有效的發展出新產品,並成功的商品化上市?   2. 如何建立卓越的新產品開發流程,迅速成功的開發新產品?   3. 新產品開發團隊中,行銷與研發團隊人員應如何有效整合?領導者如何發揮領導與溝通的角色?   4. 哪些績效評估之機制與參考指標,可促進新產品開發之績效?   本研究整理過去相關的新產品開發文獻與從四個個案之研究與分析中,可以從策略面、流程面、團隊領導溝通面與工具面,就新產品開發與行銷與研發之整合,發展出以下幾項之研究結論:   策略面:   1. 企業在規劃新產品開發策略時,應該採取新產品線與產品改良等同步進行的開發策略。   2. 為了加速新產品的開發,公司應同時採取內部自行研發與外部研發中心建立策略聯盟的合作方式。   流程面:   1. 明確的新產品開發流程,工作職掌分明,流程標準化,並以正式文件描述之,可以加速新產品開發的速度且成功地完成商品化與上市。   2. 完善的前置作業,作好初步市場調查與技術評估,可以提前完成新產品的定義,如此可以有助於新產品開發的成功。   3. 行銷人員提早介入、接觸市場,深入了解顧客之需求,將客戶的需求充分反映給專案小組,如此有助於新產品的開發成功。   4. 行銷人員與研發團隊應該更接近市場,以便能快速因應客戶的需求,迅速作回應,也可以提昇新產品開發的績效。   團隊領導溝通面:   1. 在高度不確定性、產品生命週期短的高科技產業裡,行銷與研發團隊的有效整合,對於新產品開發扮演重要的成功關鍵因素。   2. 跨功能團隊組織的建立及良好運作模式,可以快速因應市場與客戶需求,進而提高新產品與服務的品質。   3. 透過完善的溝通協調機制,可以有效解決團隊成員間的衝突。定期的會議,面對面會談,視訊會議,電話討論等都是很好的溝通機制。   4. 充份信任,授權的組織文化能夠讓新產品開發團隊成員發揮其最大潛能,也能提昇新產品開發績效。   5. 專案領導人的有效領導,激勵團隊成員充份發揮其潛能,產品成功率可以提昇。   6. 領導者彈性因應市場之需求,做好資源的有效分配與運用,並作好橫向溝通與協調,可以適時有效的發揮組織的功用,持續開發出新產品。   7. 領導者在團隊中,應該扮演教練的角色,也扮演守門員(Gate Keeper)之角色,協助團隊成員專注在重要的專案計劃,率先成功開發新產品。   8. 提供激發創意的環境與團隊氣氛,有助於新產品開發成功。   工具面:   1. 良好的績效評估制度與獎勵措施有助於行銷與研發的整合。   2. 明確而客觀的績效評估指標,例如,市場佔有率、產品獲利率、業績成長率,可以激勵團隊士氣,也有助於新產品開發成功。   3. 以網路系統、電子郵件作為知識分享、雙向溝通的工具。 / Under the trend of globalization, product’s life cycle turns shorter with severe level of competition. Thereby, the development in new product and technology as well as product commercialization are more important than ever for enterprises today. Only the ones with the capability to efficiently integrate resources in dynamic market are able to harvest remarkable profits and strengthen market competitiveness. Especially under the dynamic changing environments, enterprises should utilize the global market needs and standard as its foundation to execute new product developments and organization structure.   This thesis is to study the key success factors of new product development under the integration between marketing and research & development (R&D) teams. For example, what is the most effective process for new product development and commercialization? How to acquire business opportunity from accurate analysis of market demand? What kind of organizational platform enables R&D team to develop new product in timely manner? The thesis will focus on the following four questions of new product development, and is aimed to provide practical advices for enterprises in general.   1. What is the most effective strategy for new product development and commercialization?   2. How to establish distinct workstation for new product development?   3. How to effectively integrate marketing and R&D teams? What role should the leader play?   4. What kind of evaluation and reference enhance the performance of new product development?   With relevant documents and four case studies, the thesis concludes the research in four aspects, namely Strategy, Process, Leadership & Communication and Techniques.   Strategy Aspect:   1. New product development and reformation of existing product line should be undertaken simultaneously.   2. To expedite new product development, enterprise is recommended to form the strategic alliance between its own team and other R&D force externally.   Process Aspect:   1. Clear job description and standardized process accelerate new product development and leads to successful product launch and commercialization.   2. Impeccable marketing research and analysis allows enterprise to define new product’s market position at the initial stage.   3. Early study and approach of market demand and customer requirements enables the project team to penetrate the market precisely.   4. Both marketing and R&D teams should be familiar with market situation, providing timely services to meet customer’s needs.   Leadership & Communication Aspect:   1. Effective integration between marketing and R&D teams plays an important role for industries with dynamic environment, short product life cycle such as high-tech industry.   2. The development of cross functional teams and nice operation model at product development stage can proactively response to customer’s requirements and is able to improve the product and service quality   3. Periodical meetings and communication can effectively break conflicts among the teams.   4. Adequate trust and authorization allows team members to educe their potential for better performance.   5. Efficient leadership to inspire team members for the maximum potential and results is the key to the success of the new product development.   6. With good resource managements and horizontal communication & coordination, a flexible project leader could optimize its organizational function to continuously develop new products according to market demand.   7. A good leader acts as Coach as well as Gate Keeper to support team members to focus on the priority of new product development efficiently.   8. Providing innovative and harmonious working environments could expedite the success of the new product development.   Technique Aspect:   1. Fair performance appraisal and incentive policy enhance the integration of marketing and R&D teams.   2. The clear defined performance indicators such as market share, number of new projects, profit rate, sales growth rate are important to motivate the team members to dedicate on the project.   3. The web site, intranet, e- mail, e- learning are good tools for knowledge management and experience sharing that helps to a better communication and integration between marketing and R&D teams.

影響網路團購之顧客滿意度與忠誠度及其前置因素之研究 / Effect of customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and relative antecedents on group purchasing

楊雅婷 Unknown Date (has links)
網路團購已是目前台灣電子商務重要趨勢之一,不僅消費者積極參與、供應商也希望能尋求新的獲利來源,連接兩者提供交易平台的團購網站,更有國內外廠商均積極投入、競爭。之前的文獻研究中,大多是針對網路團購模式建立的探討,包含定價策略、營運模式…等,由消費者角度出發,針對網路團購行為之研究較少。 本研究係以曾參與網路團購之消費者作為研究對象,探討「知覺風險」、「品牌知名度」、「網站服務品質」、「顧客滿意度」及「顧客忠誠度」彼此的關係與影響因素,並以研究結論為基礎,提供網路團購業者後續行銷策略之建議。 本研究採量化之「問卷調查」與質化之「深度訪談」方式進行研究。量化調查方面,共取得303 份有效問卷,運用敘述性統計、t 檢定、ANOVA檢定、Pearson 相關分析法、迴歸分析法,將資料進行統計分析與假設驗證;質化研究方面,透過深度訪談國內三家知名團購網站經營者,了解網路團購之經營模式與現況,並藉由他們的觀察,洞悉主要消費族群之輪廓及意向,最後,並探討團購網站未來可能的挑戰與機會。 本研究的研究結果如下: 1.性別、年齡、學歷、職業、婚姻狀態與收入不同的消費者,對網路團購之知覺風險、品牌知名度、網站服務品質、顧客滿意度與忠誠度,確實存有差異性。 2.知覺風險與顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度間具顯著相關性。 3.品牌知名度與顧客滿意度具顯著相關性,與顧客忠誠度則無相關。 4.網站服務品質與顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度間具顯著相關性。 5.顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度具顯著正向關係。 網路團購行銷策略建議: 1.知覺風險構面:持續加強隱私安全保障機制,並優化商品呈現方式,避免消費者購買到與網頁呈現不符之商品,降低消費者認知的隱私濫用與品質績效風險,提升顧客滿意度與忠誠度。 2.品牌知名度構面:持續開發具有高知名度的商品或服務,運用行銷合作方式說服更多高知名度廠商參與網路團購,以提升顧客滿意度。 3.網站服務品質構面:網站必須持續優化其網頁視覺與動線設計,並提供多元化的商品選擇,以提升顧客滿意度與忠誠度。 / Online group purchasing grows very fast and has become a trend of e-commerce in Taiwan. Not only the consumers are very interested in but also the supplers would like to start the business and create more profit from the new modle. The competition between group-purchasing sites is strong, too. But the previous studies were more focus on pricing strategy, business modle, and lacked of the study of sonsumer behaviors of online group purchasing. The consumers who have participated online group purchasing are taken as the object of the research. The purpose of this research is to define the relationship and influence between the perceived risk, brand awareness, website service quality, consumer satisfaction and loyalty, and to provide the suggestions of marketing strategy for online group purchasing industry base on the results and findings. This research adopts both quantitative and qualitative approaches. In terms of quantitative approach, 303 effective questionnaires are obtained for statistical analysis includes descriptive statistic, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, regression are utilized to verify the hypothesis and assumptions. As to qualitative approach, there are three experts from the management level of the well-known group-purchasing sites in Taiwan shared the business modle, status, consumer insights and purchasing intention, challenge and opportunities therough in-depth interviewing The result of this research includes: 1.Interviewees with different sex, age, education, profession, married status and income show significant differences. 2.Perceived risk has a dramatic correlation with customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. 3.Brand awareness has a dramatic correlation with customer satisfaction, but shows no correlation with customer loyalty. 4.Website service quality has a dramatic correlation with customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. 5.Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty have a positive relationship. The suggestions of marketing strategy for online group purchasing are as below: 1.In perceived risk aspect: Keep enhancing the security system and optimizing the instruction of product to alleviate perceived risk. It is helpful to improve the customer satisfaction and loyalty. 2.In brand awareness aspect: Provide the products or services which are popular and famous to the customer to improve the customer satisfaction. 3.In website service quality aspect: Keep optimizing the visual and process of the website, and providing customers with various product choices to improve the customer satisfaction and loyalty.

護專學生實習期間之壓力、及認知行為團體輔導方案對其壓力反應效果之研究 / The effects of a cognitive-behavior counseling program on nursing students’ stress reactions during practicum

蔡碧藍, Tsai, Pi Lan Unknown Date (has links)
應屆畢業護生雖然經過多次臨床實習的學習過程,但對即將成為臨床護士的角色,感到壓力及焦慮。某技術學院基於增加護生能力及培育產業人才所須,實施臨床選習制度,但臨床選習壓力過大,會影響護生職涯抉擇,產生不當因應策略,有憂鬱與焦慮情緒。因此,本研究目的主要有二:(1)瞭解臨床選習壓力、因應策略、輔導需求的現況與關係;(2)設計及實施認知行為團體輔導方案,探討方案對護專學生臨床選習壓力、因應策略、輔導需求與壓力反應之成效,作為未來選習壓力輔導方案的參考。 於臨床選習結束後1週內,選取327位五專五年級護生,以自編「臨床選習壓力、因應策略、輔導需求等量表」進行資料蒐集,運用單因子多變量變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等,結果顯示如下: 1、五專選習護生有輕度臨床選習壓力,以「專業知識與技能」壓力最高,「有時」會使用因應策略,以「情緒抒發或認知調適」頻率最多,「有些」需要臨床選習輔導需求,最需要「行政與專業技能協助」。 2、在「重急症與特殊單位」選習護生,在「實際護理病人」或「專業知識與技能」的壓力,比「一般內外科病房」及「產兒與精神科」單位高。 3、畢業前計畫為「不確定」的選習護生臨床選習壓力,高於計畫「工作」或「就學」者。 4、「問題逃避或轉移」因應策略運用愈多及「教師與作業協助」輔導需求愈高,「整體臨床選習壓力」愈高;「情緒抒發或認知調適」因應策略運用愈多,「整體臨床選習壓力」愈低。 5、「問題逃避或轉移」、「情緒抒發或認知調適」策略、「教師與作業協助」輔導需求能有效聯合預測「整體臨床選習壓力」,聯合預測力為32%(F(4, 322) = 40.92, p < .001),其中以「問題逃避或轉移」策略最具預測力,單獨解釋量為28%,故實施認知行為團體方案有助於改善臨床選習壓力,增加因應策略。 在驗證認知行為輔導方案成效上,採實驗研究法,分實驗與控制組兩班,各30位,於臨床選習前兩個月對五專五年級實驗組班級護生實施8次,每次90分鐘單元活動,以「臨床選習壓力、因應策略、輔導需求、貝克憂鬱、貝克焦慮等量表」來資料收集,進行GEE分析、成對樣本t檢定及 McNemar-Bowker test、獨立樣本T檢定等檢定分析差異,結果顯示如下: 1、臨床選習前護生呈現輕度憂鬱與焦慮,實施認知行為團體輔導方案後,實驗組護生整體憂鬱有越來越低趨勢,焦慮也下降。 2、實施認知行為團體輔導方案,可提升臨床選習護生對「護理工作的喜好程度」,不影響畢業規劃,無法改善臨床選習壓力及臨床選習輔導需求程度,但可增加「情緒抒發或認知調適」及「整體選習壓力因應策略」,具立即及延宕成效;可改善憂鬱情緒,具立即及延宕成效;可降低焦慮的「主觀感受」,具延宕成效。 根據上述的研究結果,提出相關的建議。 / Although the graduates of the nursing major have taken various clinical practicum courses along the five years during their college study, they still feel a huge amount of stress and anxiety when they are going to work as nurses. Due to the great stress from the preceptorship clinical practicum, the nursing students of one technical college have developed improper adjustment strategies which induce more anxiety and depression and, moreover, have impact upon their career choices. This study aims to (1) understand the relationship among the stress of the preceptorship clinical practicum, the adjustment strategies and the need for counseling; and (2) design and implement the cognitive-behavioral group counseling model to investigate its effectiveness for developing certain adjustment strategies and the need for counseling among the students facing the stress of the preceptorship clinical practicum. After the nursing students of the fifth grade from one five-year technical college finished the practicum, 327 were selected to fill out “the stress of the preceptorship clinical practicum, the adjustment strategies, the need for counseling questionnaire” within 1 weeks. Through One-way MANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and Multiple Step Regression, data analysis shows: 1. The subjects listed “the professional knowledge and skills” the highest stressful, “sometimes” adopted certain adjustment strategies among which “venting emotions and cognitive adjustment” were used most frequently. “Some” subjects expressed the need for counseling. “The administrative and the professional assistance” was most needed. 2. The subjects proceeding the practicum at the emergency or critical care units felt more stressful about “clinical nursing” and “professional knowledge and skills” than those at the medical, surgical, obstetrical, psychiatric units. 3. The subjects whose plans after graduation were uncertain showed higher stressful levels than those who planned to work or continue the formal education. 4. The more the coping strategies of “avoiding problems” were adopted and the need for “the instructor and the assignment assistance” was demanded, the higher the overall stress level of the preceptorship clinical practicum was. The more the coping strategies of “venting emotions and cognitive adjustment” were adopted, the lower the overall stress level of the preceptorship clinical practicum was. 5. “The avoiding problems strategies”, “the venting emotions and cognitive adjustment strategies” and “the need for the instructor and the assignment assistance” could be combined to predict the stress level of the preceptorship clinical practicum. The joint predictability is 32%(F(4, 322) = 40.92, p < .001). “The avoiding problems strategies” had the most predictability. It is anticipated that the cognitive-behavioral intervention model would reduce the stress and promote the coping strategies. To prove the effectiveness of the cognitive-behavioral intervention model, the experiment group and the control group were composed of thirty nursing students separately. Before the experiment group students went to the preceptorship clinical practicum, they were requested to participate in a 90-minute activity section eight times. The data was evaluated through the preceptorship clinical practicum stress questionnaire, Beck depression inventory, Beck anxiety inventory, and was analyzed through Generalized Estimatig Equations, paired-samples T test, McNemar-Bowker test and Independent Sample t-test. The outcome was as following: 1. After the cognitive-behavioral intervention model was exercised, the anxiety level and depression level was reduced. 2. After the cognitive-behavioral intervention model was exercised, the interest in nursing is increased. Moreover, the immediate and delayed effectiveness of “venting emotions and cognitive adjustment” and “the coping strategies for the preceptorship clinical practicum”was increased. The depressive emotions were improved. The subjective feelings of anxiety were reduced.

跨界投資與在地再投資區位選擇研究 / A study on location selection of trans-border investment and reinvestment in home country

王冠斐 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究著眼於台灣經濟轉型、中國經濟的崛起與台灣企業組織的變化,從台灣企業集團的總部設立、跨界投資的區位選擇及在地再投資三個面向進行討論,期望在既有的研究基礎上,就台灣廠商在兩岸投資區位佈點的考量提出完整性的觀察,並強化既有的研究。 首先,以台灣1000大製造業為研究樣本,選擇包括純辦公室使用、研發設計、台商一千大、跨國生產網絡、外資企業、員工人數、資本總額、知識密集型、傳統型製造業等變項分別代表總部功能、跨界治理能力及企業屬性三大類變數,透過二元羅吉特模型以及集群分析方法,探討台灣企業在首都、都會區以及生產性服務業及創新氛圍同質性地區的總部設立區位選擇行為。實證的結果發現,代表企業屬性變數的資產總額、員工人數和產業別明顯影響台灣製造業廠商在首都設立總部的區位選擇,而總部功能為純辦公室使用或設有研發機構者更傾向將總部設立於首都或都會區,跨界治理能力的影響則未能獲得證實。另外,過去國內在研究企業總部地點選擇研究上較少從創新氛圍角度出發,而本研究實證的結果發現,台灣製造業廠商企業總部的區位選擇不僅受到地區生產性服務業的影響,也受到地區創新氛圍的影響。 在跨界投資區位選擇部分,本研究以台灣250大企業集團中的知識密集型製造業集團為研究對象,以台灣、環渤海地區、長江三角洲地區、珠江三角洲地區為研究場域,選擇企業特性與投資區位條件變數,並以多項羅吉特模型進行實證分析。其中,企業特性變數為產業類別、投資經驗、投資時間等三項因子,而投資區位條件則有勞工薪資、市場規模、區域創新強度及外資投資強度等因子。實證結果發現,代表經濟發展階段的投資時間變項確實會影響企業集團的區位選擇行為,產業的類別不同其區位選擇也會不同,先前的投資經驗雖然影響區位選擇。但是與過去研究不同的是,本次實證發現對台灣企業來說面對相似而且鄰近的市場,進入新市場的動機可能比過去的投資經驗來得重要的多,同時投資區位條件亦會影響區位選擇行為。另外,過去較少直接連結廠商生產面的區域創新能力亦明顯影響企業集團的區位選擇,因此本研究認為區域創新活動對於跨國企業在地化取得知識及技術亦具有相當重要的意義。 在地再投資部分以台灣製造業1000大廠商中知識密集型製造業為研究對象,並以工業地域觀點所劃分的台灣地區北、中、南三大區域為研究場域,選擇包括在台投資經驗、總部區位、第一次投資決策、路徑依循等企業廠商組織決策之屬性變數,以及包含區域中科學園區的設立、產業專業化係數、雜異化指標等區域環境變數,透過多項羅吉特模型進行實證分析。實證的結果發現,總部區位確實影響後續再投資的工廠區位選擇,第一次的投資決策經驗對於第二次投資的區位選擇行為影響比總部區位的影響明顯,代表時間演進而產生路徑相依的地區經濟型態差異變項也確實會影響區位選擇行為。而當區域內科學園區的發展相較未臻成熟時,其區域的賦能仍不足以吸引企業廠商進駐,至於台灣企業的再投資區位選擇基於對區域特性的了解較偏好區域內工業地域的地方化經濟,而不偏好區域內工業地域的都市化經濟。 / Stressed on the Taiwanese economical transition, the up-rising of Chinese economy and the change of Taiwanese enterprise organization as well as based on the past research, this study explores the factors affecting location selection behavior of Taiwanese firms across Taiwan Strait from three aspects including the establishment of enterprise headquarter, cross-border investment and local re-investment. On the establishment of enterprise headquarter, the top 1000 manufacturing firms in Taiwan were sampled and some factors were analyzed including office type, R&D, multinational production network, foreign enterprise, number of employee, total asset, knowledge-intensive business, and traditional manufacturing firms. However, these factors could be classed into three fields: headquarter function, cross-border management ability and firm characteristics. Then, the location selection behavior of Taiwanese enterprise headquarter was examined by the techniques of binary logit model and cluster analysis technique among capital area, urban area and homogenous area with productive service industry and innovation-based cluster. The results of empirical analysis show that the factors represented firm characteristics including total asset, number of employee and enterprise type significantly affected the location selection of Taiwanese enterprise headquarter. Furthermore, it is also verified that the enterprise headquarter had been established in capital or urban area if the headquarter was provided with R&D or simply used as office, but the effect of cross-border management upon headquarter establishment is insignificant. The effect of innovation-based cluster upon location selection of enterprise headquarter is seldom studied in the past. However, according to empirical results in this study, they show that location selection of Taiwanese enterprise headquarter is affected not only by local Productive Service industry but also by regional innovation-based cluster. On the location selection of cross-border investment, this study focused on the area of Taiwan, Bohai Economic Rim, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta. The top 250 Taiwanese enterprise groups were taken into consideration, and the multinomial Logit model was adopted for empirical analysis in which firm characteristics and location conditions were chosen as research variables. Where, firm characteristics contained industrial type, investing experience and investment time, and location conditions included labor cost, market scale, regional innovation intensity and foreign investment intensity. The empirical results indicate that industrial type and investment time significantly affect the selection of investment locations. In contrast, investment experience only slightly influences the selection of investment locations. In addition, we find that entrepreneurial motivation to enter new markets may be much more influential than prior location investment experiences for Taiwanese enterprises functioning within similar markets. Regional differences shaping investment conditions in Taiwan and mainland China also affect the selection of investment locations. Our analysis shows a particularly strong linkage between regional innovation capacity and the selection of investment locations. This implies that regional innovation capacity plays a very important role in the selection of investment locations for multinational enterprises On local re-investment, the top 1000 knowledge-intensive manufacturers in Taiwan were the samples divided by region into the northern, central and southern Taiwan groups by administrative region. The factors affecting organizational decisions were the attribute variables, including Taiwan investment experience, headquarters location, first investment experience and path dependence; and the factors affecting location selection were the regional environment variables, including regional science park status, industry specialization coefficient and Hirschman-Herfindahl index (HHI). The multinomial Logit model was used for empirical analysis, and the results show that the headquarters location affects plant location selection in re-investment, and the first investment experience has a more significant effect on the plant location selection in the second investment than the headquarters location, suggesting that the path-dependent heterogeneity in regional economic style developed over time affects location selection. Also, the immaturity of regional science parks affects plant location selection when regional empowerment cannot attract enterprises. Lastly, Taiwanese enterprises prefer regions with localized economies to regions with urbanized economies for plant location selection.

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