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イギリスにおける奴隷貿易と奴隷制の廃止 : 環大西洋世界のなかで / イギリス ニオケル ドレイ ボウエキ ト ドレイセイ ノ ハイシ : カンタイセイヨウ セカイ ノ ナカ デ布留川 正博, Masahiro Furukawa 04 March 2021 (has links)
イギリスにおけるアボリショニズム(奴隷貿易・奴隷制廃止運動)は、1780年代に開始された。その中心的組織は、ロンドン奴隷貿易廃止委員会であった。この組織の中核にいたのは、クウェイカー教徒と英国国教会福音主義派である。彼らは、大衆的な議会請願運動を主導し、それをバックに奴隷貿易廃止法成立に取り組んだ。この法律は、1807年に成立した。その後1823年に、反奴隷制協会が結成され、さらに広範な大衆運動が繰り広げられ、1833年に奴隷制は廃止された。しかし、これで奴隷が完全に解放されたわけではなかった。彼らは年季奉公人として、元の奴隷主の下で週45時間働かなければならなかった。年季奉公人制が廃止されたのは1838年である。 / The abolitionists' movement in Britain began in 1780s. The Quakers and the Anglican evangelicals spearheaded the movement whose organization was the London Abolition Committee. They collected several hundred thousand signatures of people against the slave trade. The abolition of the British slave trade was effected on 1807. The anti-slavery associstion was formed in 1823. Ten years later slavery was abolished in the British colonies. But the slaves were not emancipated completely, because they, as an apprentice, were obligated to work 45 hours per week under their former masters.The apprenticeship was abolished in 1838. / 博士(経済学) / Doctor of Economics / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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核武非擴散與國際防護體系夏季昌, XIA,JI-CHANG Unknown Date (has links)
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多變量模擬輸出之統計分析許淑卿, XU, SHU-GING Unknown Date (has links)
法則問題(Optimal Stopping Rule Problem ),此類問題之目的在於如何利用盡量
小的樣本數之觀察值來求得未知母數(Unknoron Parameter)的信區間(域)(Co-
nfidence interval )(Confidence Region),而此信賴區間(域)之寬度(Width
)及包含機率(Coverage Probability)均已事先指定。
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中蘇友好同盟條約的締結及廢止王秀琦, Wang, Xiu-Qi Unknown Date (has links)
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禁止翻供原則與國際法陳沛利, Chen, Pei-Li Unknown Date (has links)
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共同正犯之未遂李進榮 Unknown Date (has links)
一、數人共同實施犯罪,例如甲乙丙三人計畫搶劫銀行,約定甲乙持槍衝入,甲先控制行員及顧客,乙搜括財物後,通知在銀行外車上待命兼把風之丙駛來接應,三人乘車逃離現場前開,如成功,三人依我國實務用語(如69年台上字第695號判例)有「犯意聯絡」及「行為分擔」,符合我國刑法第二十八條「共同實施」要件,皆論以共同正犯,但如失敗,特別有同夥尚無任何舉動時,其「行為分擔」或「共同實施」何在?三人能否論以(未遂的)共同正犯?此涉及共同正犯之歸責原理。如觀察前述強盜銀行案:甲本身僅實施「強制行為」,乙係「取走行為」,丙則稱不上構成要件行為,然三人最後卻均須對整個強盜結果負責,這之間歸責究係如何發生? 對此,我國及德國實務學說可大別下列三說:
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不自證己罪原則-nemo tenetur王士帆, Wang, Shih-fan Unknown Date (has links)
nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare-沒有人必須自我控訴(niemand muß sich selbst anklagen),nemo tenetur se ipsum prodere-沒有人必須作為對抗自己的證人(man muß nicht gegen sich selbst als Zeuge auftreten),這兩句拉丁法諺即為不自證己罪原則(nemo-tenetur-Prinzip):「沒有人有義務使自己承擔罪責」、「沒有人有義務對自己的罪行做出貢獻」、「沒有人有義務對自己的犯行主動提出不利證據」、「不得強迫任何人違反意志去積極證明自己的犯罪」,乃是法治國的基本立場,以尊重人性尊嚴的中心思想為基礎的刑事程序原則,而人性尊嚴關注的是,被告必須能自由決定是否願意將自己作為自己犯罪的證明工具,強制將自己的陳述提供作為刑事判決或其他相關處罰的條件,不僅欠缺期待可能,也違反人性尊嚴。
nemo tenetur這個在國內已是刑事訴訟圈子耳熟能詳的拉丁法諺,每個法律系學生都能領略一二,把它作為論文題目,乍看是燒冷灶,本文用意在引進比較法上的觀察,主要是介紹德國法,同時回顧國內文獻與現行法規。本文分作八章,包括【第一章 緒論】、【第二章 不自證己罪原則起源、國際發展與我國法依據】、【第三章 不自證己罪原則的適用與違反類型】、【第四章 不自證己罪原則與「訊問」關係】、【第五章 不自證己罪原則對強制處分的衝擊】、【第六章 不自證己罪原則與證據禁止】、【第七章 不自證己罪原則在「非刑事法」領域的發展】及【第八章 結論】,冀能對不自證己罪原則的輪廓,建立雛形。
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空間與自我重塑: 佛斯特《窗外有藍天》 / Space and reconfigured self in E. M. forster's _a room with a view_楊孟芯, Yang, Meng Shin Unknown Date (has links)
佛斯特(E. M. Forster)在小說《窗外有藍天》(A Room with a View, 1908)裡,將義大利描繪為自由、激情、活力的國度,而英國相較而言卻是嚴謹、傳統且充滿囿限。在空間與文化的刺激與啟發下,主角露西(Lucy)的義大利旅行逐步地改變她的人生觀以及對生活的態度。藉由義大利旅行與城市的互動,以及遇見他者(the other)的經歷,露西慢慢地得以「變成他者」(becoming-other),突破原有的傳統限制變成遊牧旅行者(nomadic traveler)。本論文擬以空間議題來探究露西在旅行經驗下的「空間變成」(spatial becoming),以及她逐步成形的遊牧自我(nomadic self)。
本論文第一章為總論性質的介紹。第二章主要藉助德勒茲(Gilles Deleuze)與瓜達希(Félix Guattari)的「遊牧學」(nomadology)和「變成」(becoming),結合伊斯蘭(Syed Manzurul Islam)從德勒茲理論延伸的旅行理論,來探討義大利與英國的空間如何影響身於其中的主體。本章將英國空間比喻為房間,義大利空間喻為風景,闡述露西如何面對她的文化衝突並發展自我重塑。然而,露西的遊牧轉變不應被視為身分認同議題下的自我追尋,亦非男性與女性之間的二元對立,而是邁向「變成旅行者」(becoming-traveler)的轉變。
第三章運用德瑟鐸(Michel de Certeau)城市行走(walking in the city)的概念,來檢視露西藉由街頭行走(street-walking)的經驗以及她和義大利生活文化的相遇,所逐步產生的自我改變。由於單獨的街頭行走,對維多利亞時代(the Victorian)的女性而言是一項禁忌,從掙扎到漫遊,露西在城市中的行走非但沒有被動地接受城市設計者所塑造出的都市形象,甚至能夠主動地從她的觀察來解讀詮釋城市,於是跨越了維多利亞時代的限制疆界,從依賴轉為獨立,進而遇見他者(encounter the other)。她的行走經驗開拓了自身的視野,而與城市的互動更是重燃她對於自由和自主權的渴望,因而開啟了她的「空間變成」(spatial becoming)。
第四章則著重於分析露西回到英國的生活,如何受到義大利旅行經驗影響而產生具體轉變。筆者援引伊斯蘭(Syed Manzurul Islam)的概念,剖析露西是一個不斷改變的遊牧旅行者(nomadic traveler),而她的未婚夫賽希爾(Cecil)卻是一個單調不變的靜止旅行者(sedentary traveler)。當露西從旅行經驗中發展出遊牧自我,她與傳統保守的英國空間、賽西爾的衝突也勢將不可避免。義大利顯然觸動她不可逆(irreversible)的變成他者與變成旅行者,露西因此轉而前往義大利繼續其無止盡的旅程。
總括言之,在《窗外有藍天》中,露西與義大利空間的互動驅使她跨越疆界,進行自我轉變。然而,義大利只是帶領她離開嚴謹傳統束縛的旅程序曲。她的遊牧轉變並非一個確切定案的結果,而是不停歇的轉變過程。 / E. M. Forster’s A Room with a View (1908) delineates Italy as liberal, passionate and invigorating, whereas England is portrayed as rigid, conventional and restrictive. Due to spatial and cultural impact, the protagonist, Lucy, changes her view about life by degrees as soon as she travels in Italy. By means of her interactions with the urban space and her encounters with the other in Italy, Lucy gradually enters her becoming-other and breaks through the Victorian confinement into a nomadic traveler. This thesis employs a spatial perspective to investigate spatial becoming embodied on Lucy during her travel, and the formation of her nomadic self.
Chapter One is an overall introduction to the whole thesis. As for chapter Two, I focus on Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s nomadology and becoming, and Syed Manzurul Islam’s extension in travel theory to explore how Italian and English spatiality influences the contained subjects. By characterizing England as a room and Italy as a view, this chapter explores how Lucy confronts with her conflicts and develops her reconfigured self. Lucy’s nomadic changes, however, should not be regarded as a self-searching pursuit in terms of identity politics. Instead, her transformation transcends binary opposition between men and women, heading toward her becoming-traveler.
Chapter Three utilizes Michel de Certeau’s concept of walking in the city to examine how street-walking and encounters with Italian life and culture lead to the change in Lucy. Since street-walking alone is a forbidden behavior for Victorian women, Lucy’s street-walking goes through certain struggles. Rather than passively receives the built image from urban designers, Lucy is gradually able to read and interpret the city from her observation of the cityscape. From following others’ guidance to gradual independence, Lucy crosses the boundary of Victorian confinement and gets to encounter the other. Her walking experiences significantly open up her view and initiate her spatial becoming. Her interaction with a lived city rekindles her desire for freedom and autonomy.
Chapter Four concentrates on the analysis of Lucy’s changes in England as a result of her Italian travel. I apply Syed Manzurul Islam’s idea to claim Lucy as a transformative nomadic traveler in contrast to her fiancé Cecil as a changeless sedentary traveler. I argue that with her formation of nomadic self, the return to English spatiality only leads to ineluctable conflicts between Lucy, her family and Cecil. Lucy accordingly seeks to leave for Italy and continues her endless travel. Italy triggers her irreversible becoming-other and becoming-traveler.
Conclusively speaking, in A Room with a View, Lucy’s interaction with the Italian spatiality inspires her to cross the boundary and makes her transformation possible. Yet, Italy is only a prologue to her journey, bringing her out of the rigid convention. Her nomadic change is not a pinpointed result, but a shifting and ceaseless process.
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《印度之旅》中的旅行敘事 / Travel narrative in a passage to India江幸蓉, Chiang, Hsin Jong Unknown Date (has links)
大多數學者通常從後殖民的觀點閱讀佛斯特的《印度之旅》(A Passage to India, 1924),因此,他們的批評大多聚焦在「對他者的再現」(the representation of the other)。然而,這些學者忽略了在《印度之旅》中,自我與他者的交會乃是旅行的結果。雖然探討《印度之旅》中種族間互動的評論不在少數,但旅行的概念卻常被視為理所當然。如同小說標題所示,《印度之旅》乃是一趟從英國至印度的旅行,因此,本論文擬以「旅行敘述」(travel narrative) 的觀點閱讀《印度之旅》。然而,「旅行」一詞的意義到底為何?根據《牛津英語大辭典》,「旅行」大致意味著空間上的移位。然而,本文企圖以「暴露於他者」(exposure to the other)、「自我的去疆域化」 (deterritorialization of the self) 與「變成他者」 (becoming-other) 重新定義旅行。
既然旅行涉及自我與他者之間的互動,本文先援引列維納斯 (Emmanuel Levinas) 的「他者的倫理」(ethics of the other) 來區分「激進他者」 (radical other) 與「抽象他者」(metaphysical other)。接著,本文引用德希達 (Jacques Derrida) 對列維納斯的閱讀與他對「悅納異己」(hospitality) 的討論,以進一步闡述他者的概念。為了探討自我在他者影響之下的轉變,本文亦運用德勒茲 (Gilles Deleuze) 與瓜達里 (Félix Guattari) 的「再疆域化」(reterritorialization)、「去疆域化」(deterritorialization)、與「變成」(becoming) 的概念。這些理論的整合導出了伊斯蘭 (Syed Manurul Islam) 所區分的兩種旅行──靜止旅行(sedentary travel) 與遊牧旅行 (nomadic travel)。
本文共分五章:〈第一章:導論〉、〈第二章:理論架構〉、〈第三章:靜止旅行〉、〈第四章:遊牧旅行〉與〈第五章:結論〉。〈第二章:理論架構〉主要闡述上面所提及的理論家。〈第三章:靜止旅行〉藉由費爾亭 (Cyril Fielding) 與何德蕾 (Adela Quested) 闡明靜止旅行的概念。相較於費爾亭,何德蕾的例子較為複雜,因為她經歷了兩次去疆域化的過程 (第一次在馬拉巴山洞裡,第二次在法庭上)。〈第四章:遊牧旅行〉則聚焦在摩爾夫人 (Mrs. Moore) 這個角色上。這章的編排不僅與小說劇情的時間性一致,也企圖呈現摩爾夫人所經歷的三個階段的轉變。 / Most critics tend to read E. M. Forster’s A Passage to India (1924) from the perspective of post-colonialism, and therefore, the focus of their criticism is often on the representation of the other. However, these critics neglect the fact that the encounter of the self with the other in A Passage to India is in fact a result of travel. Although there is much discussion on racial interaction in A Passage to India, the concept of travel is more than often taken for granted. As the title of the novel indicates, A Passage to India deals with a travel from England to India, and hence, this thesis examines the novel from the perspective of travel narrative. Yet, what does the term “travel” signify? According to Oxford English Dictionary, travel generally refers to a displacement in space. Nevertheless, this thesis tries to re-define “travel” in terms of exposure to the other, deterritorialization of the self, and becoming-other.
Since travel narrative deals with the vacillation between the self and the other, this thesis begins with Emmanuel Levinas’s ethics of the other to distinguish the radical other from the metaphysical other. Next, this thesis includes Jacques Derrida’s theories of “hospitality” for further elaboration on the concept of the other. In order to probe into the transformation of the self under the influence of the other, this thesis also employs Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s ideas of “reterritorialization,” “deterritorialization” and “becoming.” The compilation of these theories, finally, amounts to Syed Manurul Islam’s division between two kinds of travel—sedentary travel (travel without traveling) and nomadic travel (traveling without return).
This thesis is divided into five chapters: “Introduction” (Chapter One), “Theoretical Framework” (Chapter Two), “Sedentary Travel” (Chapter Three), “Nomadic Travel” (Chapter Four) and “Conclusion” (Chapter Five). Chapter Two, “Theoretical Framework,” is an elucidation of the above mentioned theories. Chapter Three, “Sedentary Travel,” illustrates the concept of sedentary travel by exploring Cyril Fielding and Adela Quested. Adela’s case is much more intricate when compared to Fielding’s, for she goes through two instances of deterritorialization: the first in the Marabar Caves and the second in the court. Chapter Four, “Nomadic Travel,” focuses on the character Mrs. Moore. The exploration of Mrs. Moore not only corresponds to the chronological sequence of the plot but also aims to explain the different stages of transformation Mrs. Moore undergoes.
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中共「反介入與區域拒止」軍事戰略之研究 / Studies on the PRC’s“ Anti-Access and Area-Denial” Strategy慎炳倫, Shen, Pin Luen Unknown Date (has links)
中共軍力在「反介入與區域拒止」軍事戰略的帶動下快速成長,使美軍在西太平洋地區面臨重大挑戰和風險,並使美國區域盟邦有遭受侵略或被迫接受強制手段之虞,美軍為因應中共的挑戰,已確立「空海一體戰」的新型作戰概念,並著手發展相關能力。「空海一體戰」係以美軍現有軍力優勢為基礎,再經由西太平洋軍力部署的重組、海空作戰力量的整合、新型武器裝備的研發,並且加強與盟邦的軍事合作,希望建構一個多層次立體作戰體系,俾遏制中共的軍事擴張。在中、美兩強「反介入與區域拒止」和「空海一體戰」軍事戰略的競逐下,臺灣的自處之道和所應扮演的角色,亦為吾人應予深思的課題。 / The People’s Republic of China has never given up the use of military force as an option to solve the “Taiwan issue”, and the “unification with Taiwan” has also been one of the PLA’s objectives in its military buildup, which naturally makes the ROC military as the PLA’s hypothetical enemy. However, after the US sending two of its aircraft carrier battle groups to intervene a military crisis across the Taiwan Strait in 1996, the PRC started to realize that US military is its strongest opponent in solving the Taiwan issue and began to think how to deny the high-tech US military force from stepping into a military confrontation across the Taiwan strait. The prevention of US military operation in surrounding areas of China has been leading the modernization of China’s military, and officials and academia in the US have been calling this phenomenon “anti-access and area-denial” strategy which all of a sudden becomes an observation index when studying the PRC’s military development.
The main focus of China’s “anti-access and area-denial” strategy is to develop the capability of preventing the US military from intervening affairs taking place in surrounding areas of China. China believes that no matter how powerful the US military is, it is unable to gain a comprehensive advantage in this region. By the PLA’s increasing modernized weapons, the anti-access and area-denial strategy, based on the geographic environment, geostrategy, and characteristics and weakness of the US military, aims to suppress US military activities in possible military conflicts in the western Pacific region, or to compel the US military to launch its force from bases further away and to stop its reinforcement. The success of this strategy will make the US military be defeated by the PLA or force the US to pay a price that it is unwilling to afford, and then China is able to achieve its military and political objectives and at the same time stops the US, entirely or partially, from achieving its military and political objectives.
The anti-access and area-denial strategy has led to a rapid military development in China, which poses a great challenge and risk to the US military in the western Pacific region and makes allies of the US in this region in the fear of being invaded or coerced. In responding to China’s challenges, the US military has developed a new operational concept -- “AirSea Battle” and begins the development relating to this new concept. The “AirSea Battle” concept, building on current US military supremacy and the integration of air-sea combat powers as well as the reorganization of US force in the western Pacific region and the development of new weapons, looks to enhance the military cooperation between the US and its allies to establish a multilevel operation system which is able to contain Chinese military expansion. Amid the competition between China’s “anti-access and area-denial” strategy and US “AirSea Battle” concept, Taiwan’s responses and the role that Taiwan should play is a subject that we must deliberate thoroughly.
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