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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

化妝品法規比較法及爭議問題研究 / Comparative study on global cosmetics regulations and related legal issues

陳琳惠, Chen, Lin Huei Unknown Date (has links)
全球化妝品與美容相關巿場高達2000億美元,該產業並以每年7%速度成長,超出世界GDP成長率的兩倍之多,不止是國外廠商搶攻此巿場,本土業者亦在近年來開始注意本產業,然化妝品直接施用於身體,對人體之健康影響不可小覷,當然各國也訂定了許多相關的管理法規,惟不同國家對本產品之態度不盡相同,法令亦各有其特色。本產業在國內的發展亦十分的蓬勃,除了國外的知名品牌之外,眾多本土品牌堀起亦可說是百家爭鳴,但相對的,也產生了許多的問題,特別是在消費者保護的層面,不論是在產品安全或是不實廣告還有標示,皆有許多需要大眾去關切的問題。 論文的第一章為緒論,介紹本篇論文研究動機、目的,研究範圍及方法,並且對全球化妝品產業現況行初步的分析,第二章則對台灣、美國、歐盟及中國的化妝品相關法律規定作分析比較,先簡介各國產業之化妝品法規概況,再整理比較各國化妝品法律規定之異同,介紹新的立法趨勢。第三章將特別討論台灣化妝品產業之消費爭議中產品責任的部份;第四章則討論標示及廣告的議題,並且再介紹化妝品業發展較成熟的歐洲,如何注重研發,並利用智財的策略來提升其競爭力,第五章為結論,綜合前述討論,對台灣的化妝品法規及化妝品產業提出建議及對未來的展望。    論文透過比較各國化妝品法規的方式來了解國內外法律規定的不同,在探討各國對化妝品之定義之後,進一步整理各國化妝品相關之法律規定,檢討其異同並且對各國化妝品法規及管理做初步的檢討,總的來說化妝品法規基本上規範了化妝品的輸入及販賣、製造、抽查及取締及相關罰則,基本上是化妝品製造商、販賣商或進口商最需要重視的法規,然而在規定中,還是有與消費者有直接關係的部份,即是:標籤、仿單及包裝的部份,標籤和仿單是消費者購買商品時,對於該化妝品的成分、用途、用法、保存期限等重要資訊最直接的資訊來源,本論文針對該部份的法律問題行較深的著墨,由於我國本產業有大量的消費者保護爭議,主要兩大問題為產品安全及廣告不實,因此在論文的後半部對於消費者保護法及和廣告相關之法令和公平交易法等法進行探討,並且提出相關案例來對應,由實際案例找出台灣化妝品法規現有的問題。 本研究之最終目的乃是希望為台灣的化妝品相關法規,提供更完善的規範,特別是以能提供給消費者更多保護的角度來發展,期能透過比較各國化妝品相關法規的內容以及現在和未來的趨勢,以做為台灣的參考,並且各種化妝品爭議案例的評析,希望能給政府、消費者或是業者進一步的參考!

資訊不對稱與台灣消費爭議之探討 / A study of the asymmetric information and consumer complaints in Taiwan

王淑慧, Wang, Shu Hui Unknown Date (has links)
台灣近年來由於現代經濟發展的結果,致使消費爭議問題日趨複雜,其中以消費者與生產者間因資訊不對稱而衍生的消費問題與爭議更為嚴重。本文首先探討消費者主義及資訊不對稱的相關理論;其次,就美國、日本等先進國家之消費者保護運動的演進及重要消費者保護議題作整理與歸納分析; 並針對台灣消費爭議事件進行現況分析,分析結果發現:國內近年來消費爭議問題可歸類為「金融保險」、「旅遊」、「運輸通訊」、「購屋」及「食品」等六類,並就每一爭議類型逐項分析資訊不對稱所衍生的逆向選擇與道德風險等市場失靈現象及問題、政府介入市場經濟之必要性,以及提出爭議解決之可行性因應對策,用以督促政府機關能充分扮演「資訊平衡」的角色,期能縮小消費者與企業經營者間的資訊不對稱現象,使台灣消費者保護工作能更順利、有效地推動,達成落實保護消費者權益的目標。


葉相億 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討當外國企業購併本國企業時,主併公司與被併公司的整體評價,以及購併後所使用的公司名稱對消費者態度有何影響。 本研究採用實驗方法,且以銀行業為例。實驗設計採4(高買高╱高買低╱低買高╱低買低)×2(本國公司名稱╱外國公司名稱),將受測組分為八組。 研究結果顯示:(1)就購併組合的主效果而言,不同的購併組合對消費者態度會有不同影響,但其影響因素主要為主併公司的整體評價,而與被併公司的整體評價較無關係;(2)就公司名稱的主效果而言,不同的公司名稱對消費者態度的影響不顯著;(3)購併組合為高買高的情形下,公司名稱的不同,對消費者態度並無顯著差異,但是在購併組合為低買低的情形下,消費者在認知、喜好程度與購買意願方面卻有顯著差異,而且是使用本國公司名稱優於使用外國公司名稱;(4)在使用外國公司名稱的情形下,不同購併組合對消費者態度的影響與對主併者的評價方向一致,也就是主併公司評價高時,則對消費者態度的影響亦較高;但是反觀在使用本國公司名稱的情形下,不同購併組合對消費者態度並無顯著影響。 由以上的結果,我們可知當外國企業在本國消費者心目中有較高評價時,如果其購併對象是一家評價低的企業,那麼購併者應該使用自己公司的名稱。當外國企業購併一家評價比自己高的本土企業時,廠商應以該本土企業的名稱繼續對外營業,因為這樣對消費者態度的影響要優於使用其自己公司的名稱。若是兩者在當地消費者心中都屬於低評價時,那麼在購併當地企業後,應繼續使用原公司名稱繼續營業,因為根據本研究的結果顯示,如此對消費者態度的影響要優於使用外國公司的名稱。

臺灣永續消費政策綱領之研議 / The study of Taiwan's policy guidelines for sustainable consumption

廖世机, Liao, Shih Chi Unknown Date (has links)
從原始社會以物易物的交換開始,人為了生活需求就已離不開「消費」,也逐漸產生消費者保護的議題。但由於近代人類大量消費和相關的生產活動,大量的截取自然資源,造成自然環境破壞,反而危害人類的生存環境,促使消費者保護關切到環境保護的課題。 由於環境迅速惡化的問題愈來愈獲國際社會重視,為了追求人類社會的永續發展,1992年聯合國環境和發展會議通過《廿一世紀議程(Agenda 21)》,並於其第四章「改變消費模式」中提出「永續消費(sustainable consumption)」理念及相關行動方針;1999年國際消費者保護聯盟(CI)並促請聯合國將1985年訂定的「聯合國消費者保護指導綱領」增加第G章「推動永續消費(Section G. Promotion of sustainable consumption)」,從此「永續消費」成為國際推動消費者保護工作的一個新主題。 台灣由於社會經濟環境的演進,因消費行為而影響環境或反過來影響消費者健康事件也愈趨頻仍,但目前尚無這方面具體的消費者保護政策。為了維護居住環境品質,確保台灣的永續發展,以及身為國際社會的一員,共同分擔國人消費行為對全球環境影響的責任,我國有必要制訂推動「永續消費」的消費者保護政策。行政院消費者保護委員會雖自2009年已依筆者的初步研究,正式開始推動「永續消費」,但缺乏具體的政策架構及推動內容,影響推動進展,有需要加以建立,而這也是本論文主要的研究動機與目的。 本論文先透過對國內外「永續消費」及消費者保護發展資料的蒐集、彙整、探討及分析比較,建立「消費者保護—推動永續消費」的操作性定義、政策原則及目標等政策架構,再依據政策規劃理論研訂出政策綱領(初稿)。為確保此一綱領的具體可行,運用問卷調查及焦點團體法廣泛蒐集消費者及各界學者專家的意見並加以彙整分析、評估及研處後,據以修訂完成綱領“草案”,將提供政府機關參採。 在以上的政策規劃及評估過程中,本論文有很多重要的研究發現,包括:對永續消費意涵的重新界定並建立我國的政策架構;就國際推動永續消費的困難,提出因應對策;「永續消費」應視為消費者應盡的「義務」或延伸責任;台灣應重視中高齡者環保商品和服務的開發、產業的轉型,以及加強因應食品、娛樂教育及文化服務、水資源、交通運輸及通訊、醫療及保健等產業的永續消費課題;透過問卷調查分析,獲知多數的受訪者雖認同「永續消費」的理念,但亦認為自己個人的能力有限...等。 針對以上研究發現,本論文提出的建議主要有:在政策理念發展方面,包括:將「永續消費」理念納入並研修消費者保護法令、基本政策及永續發展行動計畫等重要政策文件;關注國際永續消費及消費者保護的推動進展,積極參與並分擔消費對全球環境影響責任;以「永續消費」作為未來我國消費者保護新時代的推動方針;加強弱勢消費族群的經濟扶助及消費教育;獎助公務人員進行與業務有關的進修及研究並提供行政協助等。在未來政策綱領推動執行方面,包括:加強綱領觀念的推廣與宣導;強化推動組織的職能;參考焦點座談與談者所提涉及未來執行方面的建議,研議執行細節。 另就「永續消費」未來可繼續研究的方向,本論文建議包括:發展「永續消費」的其他政策面向;研究發展本土性的政策工具;及針對特定議題或推動困難進行專案研究。 / From the beginning of people exchange goods in primitive society, people need to consume for living, so there were some issues related consumer protection raised. Because of people had consumed too much and the related production activities in modern society, massive amounts of natural resources were consumed and that result to hurt the environment which human live, compelling the area of consumer protection be expended to environment protection. Due to the problem of environment getting worse be paid attention gradually at global society, for pursuing the sustainable development of human society, the idea of “sustainable consumption” and it’s related action guidelines were addressed in the 4th chapter “Changing consumption patterns” in "Agenda 21" which had passed in United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992. Then after, Consumers International(CI) promoted successfully that “United Nations Guidelines for Consumer Protection” which had passed in 1985 be added the Section G. Promotion of sustainable consumption in 1999, so “sustainable consumption” has become a new subject in consumer protection area from now on. As a result of the evolution of Taiwan’s society and economy, the events that consumer behavior affect the environment and the affected environment affect the consumer health in turn are becoming more often, but there is still not having the related concrete consumer protection policy in Taiwan now. In order to maintain the environmental quality to live and guarantee Taiwan’s sustainable development, being one of members of global society, Taiwan should share the duty of global environment affected by our people’s consumer behavior, so it is necessary to set up the consumer protection policy related sustainable consumption in Taiwan. Although the CPC (Consumer Protection Commission, Executive Yuan) has begun to promote consumer protection affairs related sustainable consumption according to my preliminary study since 2009, its progress is limited because of lacking a concrete policy framework and content, so it is necessary to establish the policy guidelines that is also the main research motivation and purpose of this dissertation. I established a policy framework which include the operational definition, policy principles and goals of the policy guidelines for “Consumer Protection - Promotion of sustainable consumption” through collecting, arranging, exploring, analyzing and comparing domestic and foreign information related sustainable consumption and consumer protection development at first, then draw up the first draft of this guidelines by applying the theory of policy formulation according to the policy framework. In order to guarantee the policy guidelines are indeed practicable, I collected extensively the opinions to this guidelines from consumer, scholars and experts by using questionnaire survey and focus group method afterwards. Finally, I integrated, analyzed, evaluated and studied these opinions to revise the first draft as a protocol which will be provided the government as a reference. There are some important discoveries in the policy formulation and evaluation process in this dissertation, including: redefined the meaning of sustainable consumption and established Taiwan’s policy; to create resolutions to the difficulties of promoting sustainable consumption ; regarding sustainable consumption as consumer’s responsibility or the extensive duty; Taiwan should pay more attention to develop environment friendly product and service for medium-elder people, industry reforming, as well as the issues of sustainable consumption in food, entertainment, education and cultural service, water resources, transportation and communication, medical service and health care, etc; by way of the analysis of questionnaire survey, we realized that most of interviewees not only identify with the idea of sustainable consumption, but also considered that individual ability to improve environmental quality is limited, etc. According to the above discoveries, the main suggestions of this dissertation are: firstly, at the aspect of development of policy idea, including: to revise consumer protection law, consumer protection basic policy, national action plan of sustainable development and other policy documents; to pay attention to the international development of sustainable consumption and consumer protection, and take part in and share positively the duty of impacts of global environment which is caused by consumption; to regard sustainable consumption as a guidelines in the new consumer protection era of Taiwan; to provide the disadvantaged consumer with economy assistance and consumer education; to encourage the servant pursue further education and have a study related their practice, as well as provide the administrative assistance. At the aspect of the execution of the policy guidelines later, including: to propagate and promote the idea of the policy guidelines actively; to intensify the function of promoting and executive organization; to explore the detail of execution, according to experts’ suggestions in the focus group meeting. In addition, at the aspect of the continued study for sustainable consumption in the future, the suggestions of this dissertation are including: to develop other policy aspect than consumer protection; to study and develop policy tools which are fit to Taiwan; and to conduct special research to specific issues or difficulties of promoting.


潘先國 Unknown Date (has links)
在1998年,「電子商務」無疑是當紅炸子雞,沒有實體企業做後盾的網路公司如雨後春筍般地一家接著一家出現,然而好景不長,自1999年底全球各地的網路公司開始裁員、網站紛紛倒閉。尚存的B2C網路公司開始思索確實能夠獲利的營運方式,因此許多用以快速佔有市場的免費服務,都開始轉型成為能過創造利潤的付費服務,然而哪些免費服務適合轉為收費的型態、有哪些的收費方式、網站業者如何評估消費者對於各項付費服務的購買意願以及付費服務的競爭能力,這些問題確實有必要對做深入的瞭解與研究。   本研究藉由國內外文獻彙總消費者對於付費服務之購買考量,以及網站業者面臨免費服務轉型成為付費型態之思考觀點,建構一個網際網路收費獲利模式,以幫助網站業者評估付費服務。研究採取網路問卷的方式蒐集資料,共有兩份問卷,一份問卷主要是分析消費者購買考量,由網際網路使用者經入口網站自由填答;另一份問卷則是分析網站轉型指標,由大型商務網站之主管填答。研究結果發現:   1.將來願意接受網路付費服務進而消費的網路使用者達到86.51%,而會有免費服務轉為付費服務的網站達88.57%。   2.消費者購買付費服務主要考量網站本身的安全性與個人隱私的保密性,以及付費服務對於消費者的實用價值、價格與品質;而網站業者將免費服務轉為付費服務主要思考付費服務的合法性、市場定位、服務品質的提升與專業。   3.網際網路收費獲利模式由消費者「購買意願」軸與網站「競爭定位」軸所建構,其中「購買意願」軸是以「網站特性因素」與「產品內涵因素」所組成;而「競爭定位」軸則是由「服務特質因素」、「策略競爭因素」、「製作型態因素」與「行銷能力因素」組成。   本研究期待收費獲利模式能夠幫助網站業者衡量可由免費轉型成為付費型態的服務,同時協助網站業者瞭解競爭者與自己所推出付費服務與資訊之間的差異與關連。

大上海及大台北地區養生村消費行為之研究 / A study of the consumer behavior of retirement community residents in Shanghai and Taipei metropolitan areas

陳瓊瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的是探討大上海及大台北地區養生村消費行為之研究,並將影響老人入住養生村的因素分為兩大部份:社會人口統計變項及健康狀況,除此之外,探討養生村特殊服務需求程度是否也因社會人口統計變項及健康狀況會有不同的差別。研究對象為大上海及大台北地區30歲以上的民眾,透過便利抽樣(convenience sampling)做養生村問卷調查研究。有效問卷回收份數,大台北地區為79份,大上海地區為31份,再經由描述性統計分析(Descriptive Statistics Analysis)、變異數分析(Anova)、卡方檢定(Chi-square test)得到「社會人口統計變項」會影響「住進銀髮養生村的意願」及養生村「特殊服務需求程度」。值得注意的是透過描述性統計分析,大台北地區與大上海地區不管是「不願意入住養生村的原因」或是「願意入住養生村的原因」選擇的都是同一個主要項目,「不願意入住養生村的原因」主要是不想遠離已熟悉的環境,而「願意入住養生村的原因」主要是不想與子女住成為子女的負擔。 最後透過本研究分析結果做總結:銀髮社區會是未來社區發展趨勢、「養兒防老」觀念已改變並偏好「在地養老」(Aging in place)、「大台北地區」與「大上海地區」對於養生村所提供「特殊服務需求程度」及對於「住進銀髮養生村的意願」在「社會人口統計變項」不太一致、「社會人口統計變項」會影響「特殊服務需求程度」及「住進銀髮養生村的意願」而「健康狀況」變項數不會影響對「特殊服務需求程度」及「住進銀髮養生村的意願」。 / This study is to give a deep dive in investigating consumer behavior of retirement community both for people living in Shanghai and in Taipei. The 2 key factors for aged people to select care home or retirement communities are: socio-demographic variables and health condition. Another purpose is to check whether those 2 factors make any impact on care home suppliers to offer better facility or service. Convenience sampling survey was done on people aged over 30 years old and valid hardcopies received from Taipei area and Shanghai area are respectively 79 and 31. Through Descriptive statistics analysis, Anova, Chi-square test, the findings are socio-demographic variables will impact people’s willingness to live in care home/ retirement communities and service of care home suppliers/ retirement communities. Through the study and description statistics analysis, the answer is whether in Taipei or Shanghai area people who do not want to live in retirement communities opt for the cause of “unwilling to leave familiar environment”. “Do not want to become children’s burden” is the reason for them to consider living in retirement communities. In conclusion, retirement community is a trend for aged person to live in and the concept of raising children to care for aged parents has been changed and has swifted to be “aging in place”. Through survey result, consumer behaviour is quite different between Taipei area and Shanghai area which socio-demographic variables will impact on care home suppliers to offer better facility or service as well as willings to live in care home center. The factor of health condition won’t impact on care home suppliers to offer better facility or service as well as willings to live in care home center. Keywords:Retirement community, Socio-demographic , Convenience sampling, Escriptive statistics analysis, Anova test, Chi-square test, Aging in place.

環境意識、消費態度與綠色消費關聯之研究─以新北市環保志工為例 / The relationship between environmental consciousness, consumer attitude and green consumption: a case study of environmental volunteers in New Taipei City

林宜香 Unknown Date (has links)
全球各地出現許多警訊,顯示我們已經進入氣候變遷的年代。台灣近五十年來經濟快速成長,國民所得大幅提高,但在追求經濟高速成長的過程中,卻忽略了環境的保護,使這美麗之島環境迭遭污染,自然生態也被嚴重破壞。1992年聯合國於巴西召開「聯合國環境及發展會議」,通過「21世紀議程(Agenda 21)」,並於第四章「改變消費形態」中提出「促進減少環境壓力和符合人類基本需要的消費和生產形態」,認為要達到環境素質和永續發展的目標,就需要提升生產效率和改變消費形態,以便最妥善地利用資源和盡量減少浪費。而綠色消費的觀念,正是改變消費模式,以降低天然資源、毒性物質之使用及污染物排放,其目的在追求更佳之生活品質並不影響後代子孫的權益。 本研究主要探討新北市環保志工環境意識、消費態度與綠色消費之關聯,根據研究目的,並經由文獻探討、問卷調查及深度訪談的綜合分析,來瞭解環保志工對於綠色消費之態度與環保標章產品購買意願。 本研究發現:環境意識與綠色消費具有顯著正相關,消費態度與綠色消費具有顯著正相關。環保志工的環境意識及對環境的敏感度都高於一般民眾,尤其女性志工因心思細膩,所以環境敏感度更優於男性。本研究最後在政策執行層面提出了短、中、長程的建議,提供政府機關參考。 關鍵字:環境意識、消費態度、綠色消費、環保志工 / A lot of alarm signals have shown globally that we are entering an age of climate changing. Taiwan has experienced a rapid economic growth and a significant increasing of average income in recent fifty years. But at the same time, the high speed development in economic growth was achieved at the expense of environmental damage. This beautiful island has been polluted and nature environment has been seriously destroyed. In 1992, the United Nations held UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. During this conference, Agenda 21 has been passed with regards to sustainable development. In Chapter four, Changing Consumption Patterns, one of the objectives is “[t]o promote patterns of consumption and production that reduce environmental stress and will meet the basic needs of humanity.” Under such a guideline, it is stated that to achieve environmental protection and sustainable development, all nations should be devoted in increasing production efficiency and changing consumption patters, so that all resources can be used appropriately and decrease over-consumption. The notion of green consumption is to change consumption patterns to decrease the over-consumption of natural resource and toxic material, and the emission of polluted material. It aims to achieve a better life quality without damaging the rights of our off-springs. This research focused on the relationship between environmental consciousness, consumer attitude and green consumption of environmental volunteers in New Taipei City. Based on research objective, this research used literature review, questionnaire, and in-depth interview to understand consumer behavior of environmental volunteers in green consumption and green mark products. The findings of this research includes that environmental consciousness is positively related to green consumption. Comparing to common population, environmental volunteers have higher grades in environmental consciousness and sensitivity upon environments. Female volunteers were found to be more sensitive than male ones in such issues owning to their tenderness. The last chapter of this research provides short, medium, and long term operational suggestions for government administration. Keywords: Environmental consciousness, Consumer attitude, Green consumption, Environmental volunteers

台北地區年輕女性「生活雜貨」消費經驗初探:符號、體驗、美學與自我 / An Exploratory Research of "zakka" consumption

徐唯曦 Unknown Date (has links)
「生活雜貨」常被指陳為日常生活中的一切用品,但它的意涵逐漸深化,揭 示了它所具有的無形的意義,以及這些意義與消費者的關係。「生活雜貨」也涉及了消費者整體的居家生活方式與美感呈現,其使消費者得以形塑或維持自我認同。因而本研究認為「生活雜貨」的消費具有符號消費與體驗消費的特性,不但反映消費者的生活美學,也影響消費者的自我認同。因此,本研究主要在探究「生活雜貨」符號消費與體驗消費的形貌與特性,並透過「生活雜貨」的消費經驗,試圖探析消費者的生活美學與自我認同。 根據以上前提,本研究的研究問題分為以下四點:(一)消費者喜愛「生活 雜貨」的原因為何?對他們來說,「生活雜貨」的魅力與價值何在?具有什麼樣的文化或符號意義?(二)在「生活雜貨」的整個消費過程中,消費者擁有何種體驗?過程中所呈現的美感具有何種特性?(三)喜愛「生活雜貨」的消費者擁有何種生活美學與態度?(四)透過「生活雜貨」的消費與體驗,消費者維持與建構出什麼樣的自我?「生活雜貨」在消費者的自我認同中扮演什麼樣的角色? 本研究使用深度訪談法,並將受訪者鎖定在「生活雜貨」消費群體之最大宗 -「台北都會地區單身女性」。透過11 位受訪者的訪談資料,本研究發現在「生活雜貨」符號消費下,受訪者追求的是關於理想的生活,包含「條理生活的構成」、「風格生活的組合」、「情感生活的建立」與「美感生活的體驗」四種消費形貌,反映的是「生活雜貨」不但讓受訪者料理生活大小事,更提供多種選擇與搭配,為空間增添生活的味道,甚至幫助受訪者去想像、體驗另一種理想的生活形貌。 再者,「生活雜貨」消費過程也是一種美感體驗,體現出一種隨性、放鬆的消費過程。此外,本研究發現最能創造豐富體驗與感受的是「小店」,其不但能提供受訪者預期外的驚喜,也具有個別特色、故事,與展店或創作的理念。而在「生活雜貨」消費所反映的生活美學上,其所引發的美感特性包含了簡單、自然、混搭、氣氛、獨特、意義與人情等七個要素,並也同時座落於受訪者 居家空間的想像與嚮往,亦反映了受訪者對於自我的認同,包含「自在的我,自由的生活」與「豐富的我,豐盛的生活」這兩個認同構面,即是愛好簡單、自然,並熱愛品味生活、體會生活細節的人格特質。 因此,透過「生活雜貨」,受訪者得以對自己生存的空間與環境進行源源不 絕的營造行為,進而追求心目中理想的生活型態。「生活」因而是一種動態經 營,而非靜態的存在。透過「生活雜貨」符號性與體驗性的意義,「美感生活」成為受訪者消費主體之所在,甚至會透過生活美學來建立一個美感群體。


蔡佳真, Tsai, Chia Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的為探討與人力網站服務品質相關的課題,即瞭解求才廠商(人力網站使用者)對於人力網站的滿意度、組織因素與使用者因素對於總滿意度、各項服務品質的滿意度及重要性評量的影響狀況、以及不同的服務品質衡量方式(單題分數與組合加權平均分數)對於總滿意度的預測情況。本研究以104人力銀行為對象,整理其過去一年客戶服務的資料,並訪談該網站的客戶服務人員,形成本研究問卷,問卷發放2566份給104人力銀行之求才廠商使用者,回收1141份有效問卷,問卷回收率為44.46%。 針對求才廠商使用者,本研究的結果發現:(一)整體而言,求才廠商對於人力銀行的整體服務品質感到滿意;(二)求才廠商對於各個服務品質(客服人員、資料庫媒合、網路工具、內容養及招募成效)方面的滿意度與重要性感受都頗高,各向度的重要性與滿意度平均分數皆在2.5以上(4點量表);(三)若干組織因素與使用者因素對總滿意、各個服務品質的滿意度、重要性感受有預測力;(四)根據總滿意的分數,把求才廠商區分為「不滿意組」與「滿意組」,發現兩組皆在招募成效方面的滿意度較低,而在客服人員方面的服務滿意度較高;(五)而在預測總滿意度方面,發現採用採用單題分數的預測力較組合加權平均分數來得高。 研究者針對各個服務品質項目與各因素(組織因素、使用者因素)間相關情況的原因加以討論、檢討本研究的限制,並提出對研究與實務建議。


湯俊章, Tang,Jiunjang Unknown Date (has links)
自從歐盟成立後,我國對其出口值每年皆有百分之十以上的成長率,歐洲市場的重要性不言可喻,但國內學術界對歐洲消費者的研究則屈指可數。造成此現象原因有二,首先是過去台灣對歐洲市場的重視程度不比中、美、日。其次則為歐洲資料取得不易,即使是二手資料都無相關獲取管道,這跟台灣大部分的留外歸國師資有很大的關係,相較於美、中、日,學者對歐洲的連結關係較弱。但隨著國內赴歐洲交換學生的趨勢漸起,提供國內學術界另一瞭解歐洲市場的機會。因此,該如何利用此機會,以化解實務界對歐洲消費者不瞭解的窘境,已成為當務之急。 本研究首先從過去跨文化研究中個人與集體主義分類開始,延伸至單一文化體下個人的獨立與互賴自我構念與消費者思考模式的差異。推論出個人主義下的消費者傾向使用系統式的思考模式,並且大部分的人皆具有獨立的自我構念;而集體主義下的消費者則傾向使用簡則式的思考模式,並且大部分的人皆具有互賴的自我構念。但由於獨立、互賴自我構念與系統、簡則式思考可並存於單一文化體之下,因此,本研究在單一文化體下探討這些關係是否依然存在。此外,消費者使用的思考模式將決定其獲取資訊的來源與方式。對於不同的思考方式所做的購買決策若產生失誤時,消費者本身所習慣採用的思考模式與當次的消費價值將如何影響消費者的購後失調,則為本研究欲探討的另一課題。 經過驗證後發現在探討個人自我構念與思考模式的關係部分,北歐文化體制下的挪威消費者的獨立自我構念與系統式思考相關,而互賴自我構念則與簡則式思考相關,這項結論支持了在單一文化體之下此關係仍然存在。此外,在探討思考模式對購後失調的影響方面,習慣於使用簡則式思考的消費者,在面對功能性消費時會產生較低的購後失調,而對於享樂性消費,則會產生較高的購後失調。但是系統式思考並不會對購後失調產生顯著的影響,此點則與一般認為愈理性決策的人失調程度愈低的常識相違背。 最後,本研究從研究結論中,提出數點可事先降低消費者購後失調的策略建議與方案,做為實務界能有效降低補償失調消費者的成本,並提昇消費者的再購率的執行方法。而對某些無法補償失調消費者的交易型產業而言,這樣的策略建議更是其唯一降低消費者購後失調的著力點。 / The importance of the European market goes without saying. After the establishment of the European Union, Taiwan’s export value to the European market increased over 10% every year, but the domestic academia are still few in studying about this topic. Two reasons cause this phenomenon. First of all, compared to entering Chinese, American and Japanese markets, European markets were the last choice in the past. Secondly, it is difficult to obtain European material, even second-hand material, because most of Taiwan’s scholars, who have mostly studied in America or Japan, have relatively weak relationships with European academic circles. However, with the number of exchange students going to Europe rising, this offers domestic academia a chance to access the European market. Hence how to utilize this trend of exchange students to Europe to dissolve the awkward situation of having an unknown European market has already become the academia’s top priority. This research extends from the difference between Individualism and Collectivism, one of the cross-cultural dimensions, to the difference between independent and dependent self-construct of consumers in a culture. Consumers under individualism incline to use the systemic thinking style and most of them own independent self-construct; consumers under collectivism incline to use the hedonic thinking style and most of them own dependent self-construct. Independent and dependent self-construct and systemic and hedonic thinking style can coexist in a single cultural body, so this research wants to know if the relationships among these variables still exist under the same single culture. In addition, the thinking style that consumers use decides the sources of information that consumers adopt. Hence, another issue this research wants to discuss is about how the consumers’ thinking style relates to their post-purchasing dissonance at their unsatisfied consumption. To utilize the chance of exchanging student to Norway, the research regards consumers in Oslo, Norway as the research sample through the questionnaire investigation. The total amount of issues is 813 among which the amount of 688 was retrieved, and the count of effective samples is 355. The research finds that independent construct correlates with systemic thinking style and dependent construct correlates with hedonic thinking style under the cultural system in the north of Europe. This conclusion has supported that this relation under the single cultural body still exists. In addition, consumers, who are accustomed to the hedonic thinking style, will bring lower post-purchasing dissonance under functional consumption, but higher post-purchasing dissonance under hedonic consumption. However, systemic thinking style has no significant influence on post-purchasing dissonance and this point violates the common sense that rational thinking will bring lower dissonance. Finally, this research develops some advice from the study’s conclusion to reduce consumer’s post-purchasing dissonance and to raise the rate of repurchasing in hopes to decrease the cost of business compensating unsatisfied consumers.

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