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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

適應性預期之財政政策-以能源稅為例 / Fiscal Policy with Adaptive Expectation-Taking Energy Tax as an Example

李佳頤, Lee,Chia Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本文乃探討,當預期政府的政策在未來有所改變時,民眾採適應性預期而非理性預期的學習下,經濟體系中的總體變數間究竟產生何種互動,尤其希望透過檢視利率的動態路徑來觀察期間之動態變化. 在一稟賦模型及恆常所得的假設下,藉由政府調整能源稅率之議題,分別探討恆久性政策及暫時性政策下之利率路徑.透過模擬之結果得出,在適應性預期的學習下,利率波動的方向與理性預期成反向之波動變化;其次,模型也可得到,稅額改變的幅度越大,或對於能源消費所佔支出比例越高,經濟體系受到的波動幅度也越大之結果. 納入生產部門並放寬稟賦條件後,若考量要素替代性對於家計單位所得報酬之影響,則兩部門的能源使用量關係方向未定,可能為正,亦可能為負.因此,政府提高能源稅,不一定能降低經濟體系能源的使用量.


范春龍 Unknown Date (has links)
冷戰後,全球地緣政治發生了兩個重要變化,一是印度洋成為世界海權的「心臟」,二是中國和印度崛起為歐亞大陸上新的地緣權勢中心。由此,美、中、印三國的安全戰略都聚焦印度洋,在地緣政治視角下,圍繞印度洋海權之爭,三國在印度洋極力締造均勢,並為自己謀求最大的戰略利益。 近幾年美國才赫然發現,一直被忽視的印度其實是南亞安定的基石。不但是全球最大民主國,更是中東、中亞、南亞間的樞紐,一能替民主世界穩住這塊戰略板塊,二能攔阻回教基本教義及恐怖主義。尤其中共崛起態勢森然,印度既能用來抗衡中共,又沒有真把美國比下去的實力或野心,是美國最合適的戰略夥伴?所以美國決心要與印度建立結盟關係,這將使南亞在未來數十年間的合縱連橫關係趨於複雜。 中共為保障經濟發展和能源運輸安全,為了突破「麻六甲」海峽,只有直面印度洋才能真正達到長期的戰略目的。21世纪的中共大戰略必須依托大陸,面向海洋,一出太平洋,二出印度洋。但對於外人把手伸進亞洲次大陸周圍,難免要讓印度神經緊繃。中共正在改變此前向巴基斯坦一邊倒的南亞戰略,轉而採取一種同樣重視對印關係的平衡外交。 美日防務指針和印度的印度洋戰略在威脅中共經濟發展方面不謀而合,客觀上已形成左右中共對外經濟命脈、制約中共海洋經濟發展的力量。無論是主觀願望,還是客觀現實,印度洋戰略因素的發展及其互動,是中共未來安全穩定不可忽視的因素。 關鍵詞:印度洋、地緣政治、能源、安全、麻六甲 / After cold war, global geopolitics has had two radical changes. First is the Indian Ocean becomes the heart of the world sea power; Second is China and India rise as a new power center of geopolitics in Eurasia. Thus, the security strategy of the America, China and India has focused on the Indian Ocean. From the viewpoint of geopolitics, surrounded by the competition of the sea power in the Indian Ocean, the three nations create a power balance vigorously and seek the best strategic benefit for itself. In recent years, the America has suddenly realized that India which has been ignored all the time turns out to be the cornerstone of the South Asia’s stability. It is not only the biggest commonwealth of the world, but also the key position among Middle East, Central Asia and South Asia. It can stand firm this strategic tectonic plate for the democratic world, and also detain the Islam basic religious doctrine and the terrorism. Especially when China rises the situation to be dense, India is the most appropriate strategy partner to the America, for its use to contend with China and lack with real power and ambition to look down upon the America. Therefore, the America has determined to form an alliance with India, which will make the political relations of South Asia more complicated in the future decades. For the long-term strategic purpose, China can only face directly the India Ocean and breakthrough Malacca to assure economic development and energy transportation security. The main strategy of China in 21st century must rely on mainland and face the ocean. One is the Pacific Ocean, and the other is the Indian Ocean. However, for those bystanders who put their hands around the Asian subcontinent, it would unavoidably cause India in a state of nerves. China is changing the South Asia strategy, which used to favor Pakistan all the way, and turns into take a balanced diplomacy which puts equal emphasis on India. The defense principles of the America and Japan hold the same view with India’s strategy of the Indian Ocean in threatening China’s economic development. Objectively, it has become a power to influence China’s foreign economic lifeline and restrict China’s economic development in ocean. Regardless of the subjective desire or the objective reality, the development and interaction of the strategic factors in the Indian Ocean is a noticeable factor to China’s future security and stability. Key word:the Indian Ocean,Geopolitics, Energy, Security, Malacca

國家與金融改革-----金管會自主性與能力之探討 / State and Financial Reform

潘彥勳 Unknown Date (has links)
當台灣開始邁向民主化期間,社會上普遍認為政府的管制是不正確的,整個社會瀰漫著自由化的思維,在金融體系方面也逐步解除金融壓抑轉向金融自由化的發展,但是在金融自由化的過程中,由於突然之間缺乏有效的監理,整個台灣金融體制開始發生一連串的金融問題,如彰化四信、國票案、地下金融、非法吸金等事件。再加上隨後受到亞洲金融風暴影響,造成了「本土型金融風暴」。這些事件造成了台灣國內一堆企業受到傷害而倒地不起,而這些倒地的企業,很多都是透過特殊的「政商關係」從銀行中獲得了高額貸款,然後再將這些錢拿去操作財務槓桿。但在發生如上述的金融事件後,這些企業或私人財務操作失靈導致破產,而這樣的操作失敗連帶的也就衝擊到銀行,致使銀行產生了一大筆的呆帳,使得整個金融體系產生了很大問題。 而金管會正是為了改革金融體系弊端所成立的國家機關,金管會被賦予「獨立機關」的職能,但是卻在實際政治運作中喪失了其獨立自主性及能力。本文藉由探討金管會成立以來的諸多政策制訂與執行的面向,透過Breton的七種政府模式以及Najam的策略互動觀點來分析金管會的自主性與能力為何呈現一種低落的狀態。

由調整的結構現實主義架構 觀察加拿大‐中國石油關係 / Canada – China Oil Relations: A Customized Structural Realism Analysis

韓德夫, Hann, David G. R. Unknown Date (has links)
In recent years, Canada has increased its significance in the global oil market. The Albertan oil sands, along with the recent oil price hike have allowed companies to begin to exploit this potential. Hitherto, there has been little actual change in terms of Canada’s apparent energy plan or in its actual oil trading partners. As Zweig (2005) mentioned the oil sands are a potential sticking point for Canada. America deems Canada, and especially the oil sands projects, an essential key to their energy security; while China is scanning the globe looking for new energy partners. Based on supply and demand Canada seems a logical fit, however, basic economics and politics do not always mix, as it appears that Canada itself is lacking a clear energy plan for their own future. This paper will look at the opportunities for greater Canada China oil trade, and at the concerns arising from this in a customized structural realism framework as Canada needs to strengthen its national nergy plan, to focus attention on its own citizens, companies and the environment.


蔣嘉俊, John,Chiang Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,數位典藏在我國政府國家型科技計畫的補助研究下漸漸有了雛形與發展,在商業化的價值上面,可說是無限寬廣。範疇包括創意加值、應用授權與技術軟體等,漸漸趨於多元,其中商業類型與模式也是依照不同的廠商類型有著不同的考量與敘述。本研究目的有三:1.描述數位典藏產業的廠商類型與特性並且了解數位典藏產業所掌握的核心資源與競爭優勢。2.以『核心資源』觀點來探討數位典藏產業在不同類型的廠商中所顯示出的核心能耐是否有所異同。3.歸納「數位典藏廠商」之核心資源與能耐,並據以提出相關方向與建議供產、官、學、研各界參考。 本研究以吳思華(1996)利用資源基礎理論來檢視與確定數位典藏廠商的基本能力資源的所在,並且利用Hamel and Prahalad(1990)核心能耐原則來檢視廠商由既有資源建立核心能耐的過程與準則。另外,本研究的研究方法採用個案研究法以及質化研究,深度訪談得意典藏股份有限公司以及新視科技股份有限公司的高階經理人,獲得以下結論: 一、數位典藏廠商的核心能耐: 本研究發現對於數位典藏廠商的各項核心能耐當中,每一項都跟其他項目有所關聯,存在的是互依互存關係,也就是說會將本身能耐作為基礎,繼續發展其他與本身資源相關連的核心能耐,譬如說以專利、資料庫為基礎,可以藉此發展出為了此一資料庫所訂立的行銷策略計畫等。並且因為數位典藏的產業環境,商品走向都不偏向民生必需品為主,所以數位典藏廠商都會建構與蓄積關於組織能力的核心能耐來加強商品的知名度以及銷售量。 除此之外,在數位典藏廠商的各種資源特性當中,都會因為領導者的特質與能力,間接或是直接提昇公司的競爭能力。當然一般的數位典藏產業也會加強在與公家機關的互動,來增加產業的敏感度以及拓展這方面的人際關係。 二、不同類型數位典藏廠商的比較: 在『創意加值』類型的數位典藏廠商的部份,會因應市場對於內容多樣化呈現的需求,產生組織創新能力、市場行銷策略等,並且擁有掌握市場需求與技術發展的能力,並且『創意加值』類型廠商大多以公家機關或是一般業界的素材授權後,作有效的加值利用,所以在一開始的授權金、數位化設備、數位化時間、成果等,會比『資訊技術』類型廠商更耗資金與成本,當然也會因為兩種類型廠商的所掌握的資源以及核心能耐的不同,所以導致客戶端的類型也會有所不同。 『資訊技術』類型廠商以技術提供者為主,會具備有助於與內容廠商合作之資源與能耐。此核心能耐包括領導人特質(客戶關係)、應變能力、市場行銷策略與能力等。


曾聰明 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要目的首先在瞭解台北縣公立國中參加「組織再造及人力規劃試辦方案」的執行情形與「學校效能」的現況。其次,比較不同的學校背景變項對「組織再造及人力規劃試辦方案」的執行現況與「學校效能」的表現之差異情形,最後,探討「組織再造及人力規劃試辦方案」的執行情形與「學校效能」表現之間的關係。 本研究之研究方法係以問卷調查法為主,訪談為輔,調查對象為九十四學年度台北縣公立國中參與「組織再造及人力規劃試辦方案」之學校教育人員,採抽樣方式,共發出問卷805份,回收問卷577份,有效問卷555份,佔回收問卷96.2%。隨後將調查所得之問卷資料輸入電腦後,採用平均數、標準差、平均數差異考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、典型相關、逐步多元回歸分析等統計方法加以分析處理。 本研究獲致以下結論: 壹、「組織再造及人力規劃試辦方案」執行情形與「學校效能」表現情形皆 屬較佳程度。 貳、「組織再造及人力規劃試辦方案」執行情形因不同的教育程度、職務及學 校位置的背景變項而有差異。 參、「學校效能」表現因不同的職務、學校規模、學校位置及學校歷史的背景 變項而有差異。 肆、「組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案」執行情形與整體「學校效能」之間呈現 高度正相關。 伍、「組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案」各層面執行情形對整體「學校效能」有 高度預測力。其中以「人力資源規劃」最有預測力。 陸、「組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案」各層面執行情形對整體「學校效能」有 典型相關因素存在。 最後,根據上述研究結論,本研究提出相關建議,以供教育行政機關及各試辦學校與後續研究者之參考。 關鍵字:組織再造、人力資源規劃、學校效能 / The Study on The Implementation Status of “Organization Reconstruction and Human Resources Planning Trial Run Program” and School Effectiveness -- An Example of Public Junior High School in Taipei County Abstract The main purposes of this study is to understand current school effectiveness and the implementation status of Taipei County Public Junior High Schools’ trial run for the “Organization Reconstruction and Human Resources Planning Trial Run Program”. Secondly, we compare the effects of different school background variables to the implementation status of “Organization Reconstruction and Human Resources Planning Trial Run Program” and the performance of “School Effectiveness”; we also investigate the relationship between the implementation status of “Organization Planning Trial Run Program” and the performance of “School Effectiveness”. The research method of this study is based on questionnaire survey and assisted with interview, our research subjects are chosen by sampling from school staffs in 2005 academic year Taipei County Public Junior High Schools’ trial run of “Organization Reconstruction and Human Resources Planning Trial Run Program”. A total of 805 copies of questionnaire were sent out and 577 copies were retrieved. There were 555 copies of valid questionnaire rendered, a retrieval rate of 96.2%. Survey data were inputted in the computer and analyzed by statistical methods, including mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, canonical correlation, and stepwise multiple regression. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1)The implementation status of “Organization Reconstruction and Human Resources Planning Trial Run Program” and the performance of “School Effectiveness” are in comparatively good standing of achievement. 2)There are variances of the implementation status of “ Organization Reconstruction and Human Resources Planning Trial Run Program” due to different background variables such as education, position and school location. 3)There are variances of the performance of “School Effectiveness” due to different background variables such as position, scale of the school, school location and school history. 4)There is a highly positive correlation between the implementation status of “Organization Reconstruction and Human Resources Planning Trial Run Program” and the overall “School Effectiveness”. 5)The implementation status in every aspect of “Organization Reconstruction and Human Resources Planning Trial Run Program” has high predictability of the overall “School Effectiveness”, especially in the aspect of “human resources planning”. 6)There are canonical correlation factors between the implementation status in every aspect of “Organization Reconstruction and Human Resources Planning Trial Run Program” and the overall “School Effectiveness”. Finally, based on the above conclusions, we propose several suggestions for educational administration authority, every school in the trial run program and researchers as future references. Keywords: organization reconstruction, human resources planning, school effectiveness

我國政風組織功能與人員角色之研究 / The research of government ethics organizations function & government ethics official's role in R.O.C

陳書樂 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,瑞士洛桑管理學院(International InStitute forManagement Development簡稱IMD)所公布之全球國家競爭力評估報告,總會引起政府及民問相關單位的高度關切,並以此作為施政及營運的指標。我們知道,政風之良窳係政府人員精神、觀念、生活、操守和工作態度的整體表現,端正政風工作若能真正落實執行,不但對社會具有教化與引導作用,亦有助於提昇政府廉能形象。 前法務部長廖正豪曾說:「政風人員為公務員中的公務員。」因此,政風人員之形象與作為,必須為公務員之標竿。然而,近年來政風機構雖替國家風紀把關,為肅貪組織之一環,但政風組織功能與人員角色飽受爭議。因為繼中研院要求裁撤政風室後,各鄉鎮最近也要求撤除政風單位,據聞有些單位首長認為政風單位在機關內礙手礙腳,寧可刪減政風預算,或請政風單位負責駐警與驅趕野狗等工作,此作法是否意謂著政風機構功能與人員角色需調整或改變呢? 本論文以角色理論來檢視政風人員在組織與機關間所扮演的角色如何,並以功能理論的觀點評析政風組織所具之功能為何,由於政風機構之組織係採所謂「一條鞭」的設計;而在指揮體系上係採「雙軌制」運作,因此,在現有政風機構組織、法令規範下,政風人員的角色是什麼?政風組織應該負擔的功能又是什麼?這些問題引起筆者之研究興趣,亦盼藉此研究龍提供有關單位在制訂或修正政風機構相關法令時之參考,以期對我國廉政制度有更明確的方向。 關鍵詞:政風機構、政風人員、角色、功能 / In recent years, the report of the Global Competitiveness Evaluation issued by International Institute for Management Development (for short iMD) , bad caused a high attention to government authorities andgrassroots units, as made an index of administration and management. It is known that the official's spirits, conceptions, livelihood, morals, and working attitudes decide the excellent quality or not. If we can execute distinctly the correction of ethics affairs, it will not only educate & guide the society conception, but also lift the image ofthe government's rectitude & competence. Mr. Liao cheng-how, the prior Minister of Justice said, " The Government Ethics officials are civil servants." Therefore, their image and behavior must be the ideal for all civil servants. However, there are much criticism exist on the issue of the Ethics Organization's Function and Ethics Official's character. At the first, asking removal the Ethics unit by Academia Sinica and then some townships have same request, too. It is said that the Department of Government Ethics became the preclusion in affairsadmimstration, the principals of affairs agencies would rather abate the budget of the Ethics' unit or assign the Ethics officials to do security and guard job. Whether it that means that we need to change or adjust the Ethics Organization's Function and Ethics Official's character or not? The thesis is based on the character theory to check the role of Government Ethics Official between organization and unit. Meanwhile, analysis how the function ofthe Ethics organization is, which is based on an aspect of the function theory. The organization ofthe Ethics was designed by single superintendence system, but the conduct regime was operated by Double sides direction. Therefore, what is the character ofthe Ethics official under current organization and prescripts ? What kind offunction must be in charge by the Ethics organization ? These questions rouse my research interests, we hope the conclusion through the research can provide reference for adjusting all related-prescripts constituted by the Government Ethics, in order to make a clear direction forincorruptionism.


歐陽宜璋 Unknown Date (has links)
唐末五代,趙州從諗禪師(ad.778-897)的禪問答如「吃茶去」、「庭前柏樹子」、「趙州石橋」等公案,每為當時及後世傳唱;而其中「狗子無佛性」(一稱「無」字公案或「趙州無」)公案,尤為宋代禪林及當代日本、歐美參學之樞紐。日本禪宗大師鈴木大拙(ad.1870.1966)特加推崇,他言必稱趙州、舉例必提「趙州無」,可見趙州公案語言超越時空的價值。 本論文以趙州「無」字公案為起點,由相關公案漸層推論趙州公案語言的整體模稜性。其研究方法以系統功能語法的分析為主,就趙州及相關禪師的語錄作同時的分析及歷史的考察:前者包括語篇(teXt/discourse,指話語和篇章結構) 中的主述位推移、問答結構、銜接方式與修辭策略等語言現象;後者則由歷代公案轉相詮釋的角度著手,對趙州公案語言的模稜特質進行輔助觀察。而以上二者均統攝於「語篇功能」的系統分析之下;希望經由形式結構的系統化分析,體現其會話現場的真實感;並建構古代白話典籍中,動態語言研究的重要據點。 在趙州公案語言的問答模式分析中,除了呈現了形式上語篇結構的啣接關係,也藉由重要公案的比較與詮釋,一擁禪宗公案中答非所問的用心與遊戲三昧的機智;嘗試在禪問答的溝通模式申,開啟另一重對話與參照的契機。 附錄七篇為對趙州相關語錄及後世重要評唱的點校與評述。一方面意在提供論文引述的完整依據,一方面也試圖由趙州公案的原型與變貌中,客觀呈現禪問答循環傳釋的文化網路。其中附錄一的各則公案,在校注外,也作了語篇功能的逐一分析;嘗試在建構趟州公案語言的形式網絡時,也能延伸至內涵層面,以對模稜的公案語言,進行更周延的解讀。

52週高價動能策略、價格動能策略、產業動能策略於台灣股票市場的獲利性比較與分析 / The comparison and analysis of profitability of 52 week high, price and industry momentum strategies: Evidence from Taiwan Stock Exchange

楊子德 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣證券交易所1995年2月至2008年所有上市公司的資料為樣本,比較Jegadeesh and Titman (1993)提出的價格動能策略、Moskowitz and Grinblatt (1999)提出的產業動能策略以及George and Hwang (2004)的52週高價動能策略之間的獲利能力。研究分別進行了月平均報酬比較、元月效果檢視、配對比較、迴歸分析以及加入定錨效果的強韌性檢視。 / 結果發現,在持有期為6個月下,只有52週高價動能策略的獲利能力為顯著且報酬率最佳,月平均報酬率達1.12%,且其對報酬率的解釋能力無法被價格動能策略或產業動能策略給替代,然而52週高價動能策略卻能部分替代價格及產業動能策略的解釋能力,顯示52週高價動能策略相較於價格及產業動能策略而言有優勢性。本研究也發現動能策略投資組合的報酬率存在元月效應,無論是哪一種動能策略的贏家或輸家,在一月份的報酬皆大幅顯著的高於其他11個月份,顯示元月效應的確存在且會影響分析的結果。 / 而最後在迴歸分析裡,結果顯示在控制了公司市值、前一期報酬率、各動能投資策略的影響後,無論是全樣本或一月份除外,依然只有52週高價動能策略的獲利能力是顯著的。然而在經過F-F三因子模型風險調整後,各動能策略投資組合的報酬率皆下降,其中價格動能策略投資組合有顯著的負報酬率,而產業動能策略與52週動能策略投資組合則有不顯著的負報酬率,顯示動能投資策略可能暴露在市場風險下,投資人在採用動能投資策略進行投資決策時應謹慎對待。而強韌性的結果顯示加入定錨效果指標後,其對本研究之結果無顯著的改變。


傅美琴 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討桃園縣國民中學校長之情緒管理與學校效能現況及二者之間的關係,主要採用問卷調查法並以分層比例叢集取樣方式,抽取全縣55個國中之教師585人為樣本對所屬學校校長之情緒管理與學校效能進行調查研究。計回收問卷543份,有效問卷521份。 在研究工具方面,包括「基本資料」、「國民中學校長情緒管理調查問卷」、「國民中學學校效能調查問卷」等三部份。研究資料採用t考驗(t test)、單音子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、皮爾遜(Pearson)積差相關、多元逐步回歸分析(multiple stepwise regression analysis)等統計方法,並獲致以下結論: ㄧ、國民中學教師認知所屬學校校長情緒管理能力達中上水準。 二、國民中壆教師認知所屬學校之學校效能尚稱良好。 三、不同性別、年齡、教學年資之教師對校長情緒管理的認知沒有顯著差異。 四、不同教育程度、擔任不同職務之教師對校長情緒管理的認知有顯著差異。 五、不同性別、年齡、學校規模、學校所在地區的校長其情緒管理沒有顯著差異。 六、不同校長年資、教育程度的校長其情緒管理有顯著差異。 七、校長的情緒管理與學校效能表現呈現正向相關。 八、校長「情緒的調適」能力最能預測其學校效能表現。 針對以上研究結果,提供國中校長、教育主管機關、未來研究學者幾點建議作為參考。 關鍵字:國民中學校長 情緒管理 學校效能 / The research is conducted with a view to taking a close look at the contemporary situation between principals’ emotional management and school effectiveness and, furthermore, to exploring the relationship between the two factors. The research methods are based on the questionnaire survey via stratified sampling and cluster sampling. 585 copies of the research questionnaire are distributed to the selected teachers in all the 55 schools in Taoyuan County. Out of the 585 research questionnaires, 543 copies are retrieved and 521 copies are valid. In terms of research tools, the questionnaire designed includes the following three parts: Personal data, Questionnaire on Principals’ Emotional Management in Junior High School and Questionnaire on School Effectiveness of Junior High School. T-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and multiple stepwise regression analysis are main statistical approaches. The following 8 conclusions have been obtained: 1. The perception of junior high school teachers in principals’ abilities of emotional management is intermediate-level. 2. The perception of junior high school teachers in school effectiveness is fair. 3. There is no noticeable difference for the perception of junior high school teachers in principals’ abilities of emotional management when variations are addressed to “gender, age, and the number of years teaching.” 4. There is a significant difference for the perceptions of junior high school teachers in principals’ abilities of emotional management due to different “educational background and positions.” 5. There is no obvious difference for principals’ emotional management when variations are addressed to “gender, age, school size, and school location.” 6. There is an obviously diversity for principals’ emotional management due to principals’ different “educational background and working years” 7. A positive correlation between principals’ emotional management and school efficiency is found in Tao-Yuan Junior High Schools. 8. School effectiveness can be best predicted by the principal’s ability of “emotions adjustment.” According to the results of the study, some suggestions are offered to junior high school principals, educational authorities, and future researchers. Key Terms: Junior high school principals , Emotional management, School effectiveness

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