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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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日野, 修造 23 March 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(経済学) / 甲第22947号 / 経博第622号 / 新制||経||294(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院経済学研究科経済学専攻 / (主査)教授 藤井 秀樹, 教授 若林 直樹, 教授 徳賀 芳弘 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Economics / Kyoto University / DGAM


髙橋, 陽一 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(法学) / 甲第18028号 / 法博第161号 / 新制||法||147(附属図書館) / 30886 / 京都大学大学院法学研究科法政理論専攻 / (主査)教授 前田 雅弘, 教授 洲崎 博史, 教授 北村 雅史 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Laws / Kyoto University / DGAM

「一連の行為」と犯罪成立阻却事由 / イチレン ノ コウイ ト ハンザイ セイリツ ソキャク ジユウ / 一連の行為と犯罪成立阻却事由

吉川 友規, Tomoki Yoshikawa 20 March 2018 (has links)
本論文においては、複数の行為によって構成される「一連の行為」の中の、結果を発生させた行為に犯罪の成立を阻却する事情が介在する事例の処理について明らかにすることを目的として、違法性段階における複数の行為による防衛行為の問題、責任段階における承継的責任無能力の問題、構成要件段階における「原因において自由な不作為」の問題を具体的な検討対象として、行為者に結果を帰属することができる(できない)根拠と要件について検討した。 / 博士(法学) / Doctor of Laws / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

股東表決權利益迴避制度之研究—台電求償案之分析與檢討 / Study on The Exclusion of Shareholder’s Voting Right

周宛蘭, Chou, Wan Lan Unknown Date (has links)
股份有限公司在「企業經營與企業所有分離」之原則下,公司經營事務固專由法定必備業務機關—董事會職司之,然為保障股東權益,公司法乃賦予各股東表決權,使股東能在股東會中,透過作成決議之方式,形成股東之意見並參與公司之經營決策。因而,表決權可謂股東之重要權利。如欲禁止股東行使此項權利,實應格外慎重。公司法第178條規定「股東對於會議之事項,有自身利害關係致有害於公司利益之虞時,不得加入表決,並不得代理他股東行使其表決權」,為我國公司法制下,股份有限公司之股東表決權利益迴避制度。然此一規定及其規範模式,是否有其正當性及合理性,不無探討之空間。 首先,由於此一規定使用不確定法律概念,「有自身利害關係」、「有害公司利益之虞」等要件之意義、範圍,學說及實務解釋適用上均有不同看法。又因該規定之規範主體為「股東」,當遇有政府或法人股東時,所謂「自身利害關係」之判斷應為「股東」本身,或及於股東之「代表人」,即不無疑義。另構成該規定,法律效果為具有利害關係之「股東」不得加入表決,並不得「代理」他股東行使其表決權,然如有自身利害關係之股東委託他人代理行使表決權時,或受委任者不具股東身分,或受委任者為股東之「代表人」時,應如何解釋適用,亦值探討。此部分將置於本文第二章討論。 其次,整理我國司法判決對公司法第178條之實際運用案例,約略可分為「會計表冊承認」、「董事競業禁止義務解除」及「解任董監事」等三類。另外,「台電求償案」除涉及台灣電力股份有限公司大股東經濟部,應否對「就核四停建一事向政府求償」議案利益迴避之爭議,亦涉及股東會決議權限與股東利益迴避制度間之關係、股東權利義務變動之時點限制、系爭議案求償對象之解釋及股份多數決原則與表決權利益迴避制度之衝突等問題。上開實務見解對於相關規定之解釋適用,是否妥適,本文第三、四章,將先就相關判決予以摘要臚列,復就其中所涉及之爭議,提出一己拙見。 最後,觀諸日本法對於股東表決權利益迴避制度之演變,可知日本最早亦採我國公司法第178條事前禁止之規範模式,惟在1981年(昭和56年)即全面改採事後救濟制。對照日本法制,恰可凸顯我國現行制度下,出現適用範圍不明確、配套措施不足及議事難以進行等問題。本文以為,回歸資本多數決之精神,並考量公司法第178條之規範目的,既係在於確保決議的公正性及公平性,應直接針對不當的決議設計救濟途徑,當更為妥適。如將公司法第178條修改為「股東會決議如因有特別利害關係者行使表決權,而作出顯著不當決議時,股東得訴請法院撤銷該決議」。或逕將此條刪除,改設立多數決濫用禁止之規定,在現行公司法第189條下,新設後段或第2項之規定:「股東會之決議內容,有害公司或少數股東利益而顯著不當者,亦同」,賦予小股東在多數決濫用時一定之救濟管道。過去在我國現行制度下所產生之許多爭議事例,即得以迎刃而解。


呂彥彬 Unknown Date (has links)
債權的實現,原則上須求諸於債務人履約之意願(清償意願),以及債務人償債能力(清償能力),故如何確保債權之順利實現,此向來即是民事法律研究領域中最饒富趣味的課題。而在工程契約的法律關係中,由於履約之標的動輒數以千萬計,履約之過程又經常經年累月,是於工程契約中,業主之擔保需求相較於一般社會交易上之債權人,誠有過之而無不及,故於一般工程實務上,業主要求承包商所提出之擔保,無論在類型的選擇上,或是在擔保的效用上,較之於傳統民法上所預設之若干擔保制度,則更具其特殊性。而本論文即擬以國內工程契約實務中業主之擔保作為主要研究之對象,除了嘗試就國內幾個常見的擔保制度進行法律性質之探究,更將針對各別擔保制度於實務上經常遇到之爭議問題進行討論。 本論文除了第一章緒論之外,第二章是針對工程契約中業主所使用之擔保,進行一般性、通論性之概念說明,內容除了有關擔保概念與其他類似制度間之差異,更逐一就擔保之約定、擔保之態樣、擔保之選擇及替換之自由、擔保之目的及擔保之返還為討論。至於,第三章以下,本文則擬針對國內工程實務上最常被運用之擔保制度,包括保證金之交付、工程款之保留、保證書之出具等,進行個別之討論。其中,就前兩種擔保制度,本文除了將逐一釐清其法律性質,更將針對此二擔保制度於國內法院裁判實務上所衍生之爭議問題進行討論。至於,工程保證書之部分,除了法律性質之辨明,就保證書中最具特殊性之「立即照付約款」(Zahlung auf erstes Anfordern),本文亦擬作詳細之介紹。此外,其他像是保證書所涉之法律關係、保證書所隱存之制度濫用危險,以及支付返還等相關爭議,本文亦將一併說明之。最後,在第六章結論之部分,本文也提出若干今後可資研究之議題以作為將來研究之展望。

我國獨立機關之組織定位與權責分工之研究——以通訊傳播管制為中心 / A Study on the Role and Functions of the Independent Agencies in Taiwan

林欣佑, Lin, Hsin Yu Unknown Date (has links)
傳統行政機關受限於「行政一體」之限制,必須服從上級機關之指揮監督,未必總是能夠確保行政權之行使係在專業性、公正性與中立性的考量下完成。這樣的國家組織運作,若遇上特定領域或產業,認為有進一步加以管制必要時,容易因無法及時地制定相對應的政策方針,而形成與世界潮流相悖的國家決策,甚至導致抑制國家社會進步的可能,故設置超然獨立的行政組織以確保決策公正、公平與專業即有其必要。 透過本文之研究觀察發現,通訊傳播領域常常因全球化之變遷、科技整合的趨勢與需求而有較大的浮動。對於此種變化,國家行政組織時常面臨著政策、法律上彈性回應之挑戰,由於有這樣的需求,故在組織改造之下,順勢推動了有別於傳統的行政組織,也是本文關注的主題—「獨立機關」。獨立機關在世界上之發展,儘管已經運轉將近一世紀,但不論學術界或實務界,迄今仍在努力透析獨立機關之概念、型態、組織地位與範圍之界定,與一般行政機關間之抗衡關係。本文擬以此方向探討我國獨立機關之組織定位與權責分工等問題,藉以理解獨立機關之設置與管制權限,是否的確為因應某項經濟或社會事務特殊需求,基於專業及去政治化目的考量而設置,且具有最重要的特徵—「獨立性」。另外,本文亦透過組織法上之討論,以表格化之研究模式,探析我國獨立機關之間被賦予之權限及任務為何,並援引美國與德國之法制架構,討論我國近年來引發許多法律上爭議之通訊傳播管制權責劃分疑慮。期能作為我國未來於通訊傳播管制之相關法令修正及實務運作之參考。

壽險公司責任準備金涉險值之估計 / The Estimation of Value at Risk for the Reserve of Life/Health Insurance Company

詹志清, Chihching Chan Unknown Date (has links)
中文摘要 在本文中,我們依據模擬的風險因子變動,包括死亡率風險,利率風險,解約率風險以及模型的參數風險,來估計第一個保單年度的期末責任準備金之涉險值 (Value at Risk)。本文中,雖僅計算生死合險保單的準備金之涉險值,但是本文所提供的方法以及計算過程可以很容易的應用到其它險種,甚至配合資產面的考量來計算保險公司盈餘(Surplus)的涉險值,進而作為清償能力的監測系統。 本文的特點包括下列幾項:第一,本文提供了一個不同於傳統短期間(Short Horizon)的涉險值計算方式,來估計壽險商品的保單責任準備金(Policy Reserve)的涉險值。第二,本文利用生命表來估計死亡率風險所造成的涉險值。第三,我們利用隨機利率模型來捕捉隨機利率對於責任準備金涉險值的影響。第四,我們考慮解約率對於責任準備金涉險值的影響,值得注意的是,在我們的解約率模型中,引入的利率對於解約率的影響。第五,本文亦考慮風險因子模型當中的參數風險對於涉險值的影響。最後,我們利用無母數方法計算出涉險值的信賴區間,而信賴區間的估計在模擬過程當中尤其重要,因為它可以用來決定模擬次數的多寡。 本文包含六節:第一節為導論。第二節為計算死亡率風險的責任準備金涉險值。第三節是計算加上利率風險後責任準備金涉險值的變化。第四節則為加上解約率後對涉險值的影響。第五節為計算涉險值的信賴區間。第六節是我們的結論以及後續研究的方向探討。 本文包含六節:第一節為導論。第二節為計算死亡率風險的責任準備金涉險值。第三節是計算加上利率風險後責任準備金涉險值的變化。第四節則為加上解約率後對涉險值的影響。第五節為計算涉險值的信賴區間。第六節是我們的結論以及後續研究的方向探討。 / ABSTRACT In this paper, we estimate the VAR of life insurer's terminal reserve of the first policy year by the simulated risk factors, including mortality risk, interest rate risk, lapse rate risk, and estimation risks, of future twenty years. We found that the difference between the VAR under the mortality risk and the interest rate risk is very large because interest rate is a stochastic process but not mortality rate. Thus, the dispersion of interest rate is more then mortality rate. In addition, the VAR will reduce a lot after adding the impact of lapses because the duration of the reserve reduced. If we neglect the impact of lapses to VAR, we will overestimate the VAR significantly. The features of this paper are as follows. First, we provide an approach to measure the VAR of a life insurer's reserve, and it is rather different from traditional VAR with short horizons. Second, we use mortality table to estimate the VAR of a life insurer's reserve. Third, we use stochastic interest rate model to capture the effect of random interest rate to the VAR of a life insurer's reserve. Fourth, we relate the future cash outflows to interest rate and produce a reasonable estimator of VAR. Fifth, we consider the effect of estimation errors to the VAR of a life insurer's reserve. Last, we calculate the confidence interval of the VAR estimates of the policy reserves. This paper consists of six sections. The first section is an introduction. In the second section, we present the method used to estimate the variance of the mortality rate and then estimate the VAR of reserves from these variances. In the third section, we explore how to use stochastic interest rate model to estimate the reserve's VAR and the VAR associated with the parameter risk of the interest rate model. In the fourth section, we analyze the contribution of the lapse rate risk and the parameter risk of the lapse rate model to the reserve's VAR. We also analyze the relative significance of the interest rate risk, the lapse rate risk, and the mortality rate risk in terms of their marginal contributions to the VAR of an insurer's reserves in this section. In the fifth section, we calculate the confidence intervals of the VAR estimates discussed in the previous sections. The last section is the conclusion section containing our conclusions and discussions about potential future researches.

聯盟的本質:解釋後冷戰時期的北約存續 / Essence of alliance: explaining the NATO's endurance in the Post-Cold War era

陳麒安, Chen Chi An Unknown Date (has links)
第二次世界大戰結束以後,以美國為首的西方國家為了嚇阻蘇聯的入侵,遂成立了北大西洋公約組織。這也標誌著冷戰時期美蘇兩強對峙的局面。冷戰結束以後,許多學者因而預言北約即將瓦解。但多年以來,北約卻依然存在,更歷經了三次東擴。本文寫作的目的,便欲透過重新檢視國際關係理論三大主要學派的觀點,對於後冷戰時期的北約存續提出解釋。 在現實主義學者陣營中,摩根索與華爾滋的「權力平衡」論點與北約發展的史實不符;施韋勒的「扈從利益」論點僅部分解釋了國家聯盟行為,對於「扈從」概念的界定又出現前後不一;米爾斯海默的「推卸責任」論點試圖同時涵蓋「制衡」與「不制衡」兩種選項,而純粹的「推卸責任」策略又必須依賴其他國家願意承擔,因此不易成功。瓦特的「威脅平衡」理論雖仍有不足之處,但較適合解釋本文的個案。筆者認為,後冷戰時期的北約便是面臨了大規模毀滅性武器擴散、俄羅斯存在與恐怖主義等威脅,才強化了盟國繼續合作的意願。 從新自由主義學者的觀點而言,國家若欲在無政府狀態的國際體系中維持合作關係,便需要以互惠為基礎而運作的國際制度。當國際制度能隨著成員的需求而調整時,就能獲得更多支持。由於美國的優勢國力受到北約的制度規範與集體決策機制削弱,又具有軟權力的勸服力量,遂吸引了中、東歐國家加入聯盟。此外,民主國家之間較不容易發生戰爭。這些因素都維繫了北約盟國在後冷戰時期的合作關係。 由於後冷戰時期的北約在訴求「內群體」偏袒的同時,卻未激化「外群體」歧視。建構主義學者認為,若隨著聯盟關係的發展,成員之間能培養出休戚與共的集體身份,將個別的國家安全問題視同為集體的安全議題時,彼此便超越了傳統軍事聯盟在攻擊與防禦上合作的功能,而達到安全共同體的境界。北約所具備的規範特性也進一步增強了其對盟國的型塑能力。 聯盟的本質在於合作。但關鍵是國家為何合作、如何促進合作,以及如何決定合作對象或競爭對手。事實上,後冷戰時期的北約並未放棄對付共同威脅的核心目標,卻也逐漸發展出安全管理的功能,不但參與了維和行動,也建立起和俄羅斯與烏克蘭的對話機制,更凝聚了盟國的信念而形成具有集體身份的安全共同體。 / In the aftermath of WWII, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), mainly led by the U.S., was formed to deter U.S.S.R.’s aggression. This organization signified the bipolar system of international relations. When the Cold War came to an end, many scholars once predicted NATO would collapse. However, the alliance still endures for decades and enlarges eastward three times. The purpose of the dissertation is to reappraise the perspectives from three major schools of International Relation theory and provide some explanation of NATO’s endurance in the post-Cold War era. In the camp of realists, the balance-of-power theory raised by Hans J. Morgenthau and Kenneth N. Waltz is inconsistent with the facts of NATO’s development. The bandwagon-for-profit theory proposed by Randall L. Schweller only gives partial explanation of international alliances and takes a contradictory position on the concept of bandwagon. The buck-passing theory maintained by John J. Mearsheimer tries to include both the options of balance and not-balance on the one hand, while depends heavily on other states’ willingness to take the responsibility of balance on the other hand. As far as we know, the latter seldom results in success. Although the balance-of-threat theory sustained by Stephen M. Walt still has some shortcomings, it can provide a better explanation of the case discussed in the dissertation. This author concludes that NATO faces multiple threats of the spread of WMD, the existence of Russia and transnational terrorism in the post-Cold War era. That’s why the allies continue to cooperate. From the standing points of neo-liberalists, if states want to maintain cooperation under the anarchical international system, they will need international institutions based on reciprocity. When international institutions can be adjusted with the demand of their member states, they will obtain more supports. Because the primacy of the U.S. was reduced by the institutional rules and joint decision making process in NATO and accompanied with persuasive soft power, some Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) were drew to join the alliance. Moreover, there are few wars among democracies. For all these reasons, NATO still survives until now. When NATO seeks to develop in-group favoritism in the post-Cold War era, it does not activate out-group discrimination. Constructivists state that if members of alliances can cultivate their collective identities and transform national security problems into collective ones, they can go beyond traditional military alliances and become security communities. Features of norms in NATO also strengthen their capabilities in shaping the alliance. The essence of alliance is cooperation. Its key points for states lie in why they cooperate, how to facilitate their cooperation and how to choose their partners or opponents. As a matter of fact, in the aftermath of the Cold War, NATO doesn’t give up its core purpose of fighting against common threats, while it develops the function of security management gradually. Besides, NATO takes part in the peace-keeping operations and builds the mechanisms for communication with Russia and Ukraine. In the end, NATO solidates the belief from its member states and turns into a security community of collective identity.

暴力與和平:列維納斯的道德形上學及其政治蘊義研究 / Violence and Peace: Studies on Levinas's Moral Metaphysics and its Political Implications

鄧元尉, Teng ,Yuan-wei Unknown Date (has links)
本文嘗試以和平問題與暴力問題為焦點,重新理解列維納斯道德形上學之梗概,並解決其政治蘊義所造成的疑難。列維納斯的哲學基本上是一種和平哲學,其所論之和平乃被界定為對暴力的非暴力抵抗,並在其前期作品中具體展現為倫理學對政治學的抵抗。但此一抵抗關係隨著列維納斯的思想進程而逐漸呈現出一種兩歧性,從而引發其思想是否前後不一致的批判,亦產生對和平之純粹性的質疑。筆者的努力即在於說明此一疑難的成因並構想一調和方案。筆者主張,應將列維納斯的思想進程視為一條闡發其倫理學之政治蘊義的思路,但這條從倫理學走到政治學的和平之路,須途經社會學的迂迴方才可能,而如此一種中介性的社會學之建構,惟在列維納斯的他勒目詮釋中獲得。因此,本文綜觀列維納斯的哲學作品與宗教作品,先是闡述責任倫理學的和平蘊義,再從其宗教詮釋學對以色列社群的刻畫得到那基於倫理學之社會學的基本模式,最後參照解構主義的批判,在對質疑政治學與回答社會學的構想中,統括列維納斯的倫理思想與政治思想。 / Peace, as the non-violence resistance to violence, is one of the main topics of Levinas's philosophy. In this dissertation, I attempt to summarize Levinas's moral metaphysics and reflect its political implications by investigating the relation of peace and violence. The relation which in Levinas's early works could be seen as an opposition between ethics and politics has some ambiguity in his later works that emerges in a dialectical way: ethics both opposes and demands politics. My opinion is that this problem can be solved by referring to his religious works, especially his interpretations of the Talmud. In brief, the path of argument is from ethics to politics through sociology. First, I describe the basic principles of Levinas's ethical metaphysics by illustrating the typology of the other and the genealogy of the same, i.e. the phenomenology of the face of the other and the transformation from the same in itself to the same for the other. Second, I find the basic political model in terms of the hermeneutics of Talmud, especially the texts about the people of Israel. Final, I try to appeal to the postmodern thoughts in order to reconcile the risk of violence in Levinas's religious works, and integrate Levinas's ethical thoughts and political thoughts by constructing the politics of questioning and the sociology of response.

全球氣候變遷治理中的美中關係 / The U.S.-China relations in global climate change governance

黃憶如, Huang, Yi Ru Unknown Date (has links)
由於氣候變遷對全球帶來不可回復的危害,並成為影響國家安全的重要因素之一,聯合國自1988年起成立「政府間氣候變遷專門委員會」並啟動氣候治理談判,陸續於1992年及1997年通過《聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約》與《京都議定書》兩項協議,是現今全球應對此議題主要的兩項機制,透過每年召開締約方會議的方式進行協商,促進各締約方達成共識,提升全球節能減排的執行成效。 美國與中國的溫室氣體排放量在全球排名前二名,是已開發國家與開發中國家中具影響力的大國,故對氣候治理的立場與政策,成為影響全球節能減排成效的關鍵。然而由於氣候變遷議題涉及政治、經濟及安全利益,因此兩國對聯合國氣候治理機制所規範的「共同但有區別的責任原則」與減排份額規範的遵守,有各自的利益考量,在應對氣候變遷議題上,有衝突與摩擦,也有合作與實踐。 在聯合國所主導的氣候變遷治理機制中,美國與中國呈現競爭關係,但若跳脫此一機制,兩國反而能運用雙邊的交流協商,例如高層會談、簽署協議及戰略與經濟對話等平臺,進行雙邊合作達到自主的節能減排目標。從多邊的聯合國氣候談判機制與雙邊的交流分析,未來美中在應對氣候變遷議題上,仍將是既競爭又合作的關係。如果美國與中國能將現有積極進行雙邊合作立場推進到多邊的國際談判,減少已開發國家與開發中國家對氣候治理立場的分歧,那麼將能在國際氣候談判機制中發揮領導作用,促進新氣候協議的達成,對全球應對氣候變遷有極大的助益。 / Global climate change which has caused irreversible harm and become one of the important factors that affect international security, the United Nations set up Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988 has held talks since then. After that United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC)and Kyoto Protocol(KP)were passed in 1992 and 1997 respectively, which are the world’s two main mechanisms to promote and enhance the implementation of effective emission reduction. The United States and China’s greenhouse gas emissions are the top two in the world and represent developed countries and developing countries. Their attitudes and policies of climate governance have become the key to the effective reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions. However, due to climate change issues related to political, economic and security interests, diffefent views on “common but differentiated responsibilities” and “responsibilities for emission reductions” give rise to both conflict and cooperation between the two countries. In the United Nations-led climate change governance mechanisms, the United States holds a competitive relationship with China. But outside the mechanisms, their bilateral consultations, such as high-level talks, agreements and U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) help them achieve reduction targets. In the future, the U.S.-China relations on the climate change issue will continue to be both competitive and cooperative. If they can modify their stances through climate governance, it will be able to play a leadership role in international climate negotiations and promote the new climate agreement to solve global climate change issues effectvely.

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