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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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跨國直銷公司在中國市場轉型經營之研究----以安利與雅芳為例 / A Study for Business Transformation of Multinational Direct Selling Companies in China Market

蔡耀光, Tsai,Yao-Kuang Unknown Date (has links)
經濟全球化浪潮下,中國是所有跨國公司對外直接投資的焦點,然而即便是擁有豐富國際市場經驗的跨國公司,進入中國內需市場時仍免不了碰到水土不服的問題,最主要的原因在於中國政府一向以政府政策(Government Actions)強力主導全國產業之發展,形成政府力量迫使廠商必須在經營策略上做出相當程度調整的現象。擁有十三億內需市場的中國,早已令全球直銷業虎視眈眈,但中國政府以必須符合國情需要為由強制直銷業者必須開設店舖方得營業的規定,使得全球直銷業無店舖銷售的經營模式,面臨有史以來最大的考驗,直銷業可說是跨國公司進入中國市場最具曲折性與風險度的行業之一。 本研究共分為五章,第一章說明本研究之《研究背景》、《研究動機》、《研究目的與問題》、《研究方法與對象》、《研究流程》。《研究背景》直接說明跨國直銷公司進入中國市場後必須走向本土化發展的環境背景,《研究動機》則點出為何研究者會選擇「直銷業在中國轉型經營」作為本研究的中心課題,《研究目的》在於期望本研究日後能成為各界研究中國直銷業的重要參考,《研究問題》則是中國直銷業轉型經營的原因、過程與結果,本研究的《研究方法》採用探索性行動研究,《研究對象》以安利Amway、雅芳Avon公司為個案,《研究流程》將以流程圖方式說明本研究的研究過程與論文的架構。 第二章分別將過去產官學界對於「跨國公司(MNC)」、「跨國公司與地主國的互動」、「跨國公司在中國市場本土化的發展」,以及「經營模式(Business Model)」、「企業轉型(Business Transformation)」、「關鍵成功因素(Key Success Factor, KSF)」等方面之看法與解釋作一整理歸納,一方面有助本研究對所探討之跨國直銷公司以及地主國(中國)有最全面性與客觀的瞭解,一方面也為日後欲研究相關問題的產官學界在文獻資料整理上留下參考。 第三章首先闡述全球直銷業發展的概況,再藉由研究者自身的工作經驗,配合中外文獻資料、媒體報導說明1998年至今在中國的跨國直銷公司迫於中國政府的產業政策,如何從70年來全球已風行90個國家的無店舖直銷模式轉型成有店舖經銷的歷史背景,進一步以十大點描述其具體轉型內容。 第四章先說明個案安利(Amway) 公司、雅芳(Avon)公司成為轉型成功個案之篩選標準,並藉由企業訪談瞭解其企業背景、中國公司大事紀、轉型的歷程和具體的經營模式,然後針對個案公司在轉型過程中總體面如政府的心態、社會大眾的觀感的改變,以及個體面如店舖建置、營銷團隊、顧客關係上的變化作一綜合分析,最後歸納出說明個案公司階段性轉型成功的六大關鍵因素。 第五章提出三點對現存特許經營跨國直銷業者的建議,同時對後續研究者也提出兩點建議,並點出本研究在探討企業轉型文獻上,完全由地主國強制跨國公司轉型經營案例的獨特性,以及揭露中國直銷業者轉型為店舖模式的完整性共兩點貢獻。 最後結論歸納出:跨國公司往往會嚐試將西方的經營模式套用在開發中國加上,如果抱持著全球化唯我獨尊的企業帝國主義(Corporate Imperialism)進入中國市場,終將功敗垂成,跨國公司想要在中國這個新興市場中成功搶灘,就必須進行大規模的創新與資源轉變,在中國應當適應中國從計畫經濟階段邁入市場經濟階段的轉型市場經濟,尊重中國國情,重視本土化,跨國直銷公司在中國市場轉型經營至今可以說是做了最好的示範,一直堅持在尊重國情、依法經營的基礎上,為消費者提供優良的產品和親切、周到的售前售後服務,為願意努力工作的人士提供一個踏實、多勞多得的工作機會,這一切都是在尊重地主國政府政策,遵守地主國政府法規原則下所做出之政府、企業雙贏的理性決策•

企業策略規劃、IT架構與ERP實施成功之分析-以生產模組為例 / The Analysis of the Relationship among Enterprise Strategic Planning, IT architecture and ERP's Successful Implementation --- Take an Example of Production Module

陳信榮, Chen, Hsin-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
ERP系統是目前相當熱門的資訊科技,應用的層面很廣,不僅各大企業已經相繼實施,就連中小企業也可以選擇較為精簡的版本導入。而企業實施ERP系統,不可能一次就全部導入實施所有的模組,這樣做不管在費用上或者是在時程上的安排都是不可行的,因此企業常常會先實施某些跟企業核心競爭力有關的模組,而生產模組就常常是企業首次導入的模組之一,因此本研究的重心就是生產模組。 本研究針對企業的實際需求來找出現行ERP系統在生產模組的不足之處以及國內企業實施ERP系統時,在生產策略規劃這方面有那些地方是需要注意的。很多企業都實施了不錯的模組,為何成效卻不好?到底是出現了何種問題?本研究將從策略規劃、IT架構與ERP運作這三個構面來尋找企業實施ERP的關鍵成功因素,希望企業能夠在實施ERP系統時能掌握到這些因素,發揮ERP系統的效能,提昇企業的競爭力。 本研究將關鍵成功因素分成三大構面,是以生產模組為例。研究架構分成策略規劃(這邊所提到的策略規劃偏重於生產策略規劃)、IT架構與ERP運作這三個研究構面,三個構面雖是分開羅列,但是彼此之間卻是密切相關,互相影響。每個構面又有數個關鍵成功因素,這些關鍵成功因素就是本研究所要探討的研究變數。 本研究採用個案研究法,研究對象是一家製帽公司。本研究除了深入訪談個案公司的人員之外,也訪問了協助個案公司建置ERP系統的資訊公司人員。在深入訪談之外,本研究閱讀了ERP實施過程的相關資料文件,並且實地觀察ERP系統生產模組的運作過程,藉以能夠更深入了解個案公司。在個案公司研究完畢之後,對個案公司提出幾點建議,這些建議分成四個部分來說明,並發現幾個可供思考的問題與方向。 本研究經過個案研究之後,初步篩選出九個關鍵因素,經過探討之後將九個因素整合成六個因素,使其更具普遍性,適合更多的製造業公司。另外本研究從企業策略、ERP建置以及IT架構這三個層面來說明企業實施ERP系統需要注意、掌握的幾個重點。企業要設法去掌握關鍵成功因素,去除會導致失敗的原因,如此才能達到成功的目標。最後本研究針對企業實施ERP系統(本研究的重心是在生產模組)的過程提出幾點建議,並且列出幾個後續研究方向。

從產業組織觀點探討台灣社群網站經營績效之影響因素 / The key factors of Taiwan social networking sites in SCP model

畢中鵬, Bee, Patrick Unknown Date (has links)
進入Web2.0時代後,社群網站產業成長快速,從各大入口網站、部落格網站及社群網站業者所投入的程度來看,社群網站的確是目前極具發展前景的網路新興產業。但觀察目前現有的社群網站研究文獻,大多仍局限於探討社群網站使用者的使用動機、行為等等,對於社群網站的產業環境、廠商策略、行為與績效,以及服務機制的使用、應用創新程度缺乏有力的分析。故本研究藉由SCP產業分析模型來分析社群網站的產業狀況,以『結構—行為—績效』的架構來分析社群網站的產業結構、市場行為與經濟績效之間的關係,佐以產業五力分析理論及產業生命週期理論研究社群產業現況,據以歸納出社群產業的現況及社群網站廠商經營策略的關鍵成功因素,並對未來的社群網站提供建議。 本研究採質化及量化的研究方式。質化部份為分別對台灣主要的四家社群網站(Facebook、無名小站、痞客邦、優勢網)做個別研究,訪談相關資深人員,得出目前產業的現況及各家廠商的關鍵成功因素。量化部份則藉由蒐集問卷樣本資料,分析社群網站使用者的動機與行為、以及他們對於上述四家社群網站功能的偏好。 本研究結果發現,(1) 社群網站的經營模式多為建立一個網路平台,以網站的功能吸引使用者加入並增加黏著度,並以高流量吸引廣告收入,故社群網站一般不會對使用者收費。(2) 社群網站產業沒有傳統上所謂的供應商,與同業間也非傳統的競爭關係。因為使用者可同時使用多個社群網站,社群網站間的使用者也很有可能重複,所以社群網站間並非零和的競爭關係。現今多為互相串連合作,使更多使用者加入與增加停留時間,擴大產業的影響力。(3) 社群網站產業呈現大者通吃的現象,同一類型的社群網站只有前一兩家能夠生存。(4) 社群網站產業的進入門檻低,但新進入者必須有足夠的差異性與創新性才能成功。而現存的社群網站也必須不斷創新服務、提供新功能,才能保有領先地位不被淘汰。(5) 社群網站未來將持續著重於建立使用者之間的人際網路,讓彼此的訊息往來更加簡便迅速。 最後,本研究希望據以歸納出社群產業的環境狀況及各家具代表性的社群網站廠商的關鍵成功因素,並針對未來的社群網站廠商提供建議。 關鍵字:社群網站、SCP產業分析模型、Web2.0、產業五力分析、產業生命週期、關鍵成功因素 / In the Web2.0 era, the growth rate of social networking industry is so fast. The social networking sites are so potential businesses from the investments of major portals, blogs and social networking sites. Almost the thesis are studied the users’ behaviors and motivation’s factors. It’s so lack to study about the industry’s environment, the strategies, conducts, performances of social networking site business. So, this thesis wants to analysis the social networking industry by SCP model. And it wants to analysis the relationship of industry structure, conducts, and performances, and to study the industry status by five competitive force model and industry life cycle theory. It wants to summarize the status of social networking industry, the key successful factors, and the suggestions for future new entrants. This thesis is studied by qualitative research and quantitative research. The qualitative research is that I had a discussion with the senior managers of four famous social networking sites. It discussed the status of the industry and the key successful factors. And the quantitative research is by collecting questionnaire, analysis of community motivation and behavior of website users and their social networking site for the function of the four sites. This study summarized that (1) social networking business model is to build up a networking platform’s functions to attract users to this site, to increased degree of adhesion to earn more high advertising revenue. It can’t charge any fees from users. (2) There is no supplier that like as the tradition business. And the competition is not like as the traditional business due to users can simultaneously access multiple social networking sites. Each user has some different social networking site’s accounts. (3) Just one or two largest sites can survive in similar business model. (4) The entry barrier is so low, but the new entrants must have a sufficient difference and innovation to succeed. (5) the future of social networking sites will continue to focus on interpersonal networks between users, to let social information more easily and quickly. Keywords: social networking sites, SCP industry analysis model, Web2.0, five competitive forces analysis, industry life cycle, the key successful factors

實施PLM對企業提昇研發流程管理能力之影響分析-以電子科技業為例 / Analysis of the impacts for RD workflow management capability on the implementation of PLM — An empirical study on Hi-Tech Electronics Company

蔡本源, Tsai,Ben Unknown Date (has links)
回顧台灣的經濟發展軌跡,過去五十年努力以赴快速提升國民所得,逐步邁入已開發國家之林,如今台灣廉價勞力優勢逐漸被東南亞和中國等國家取代,台灣產業也開始朝向高科技、高附加價值產業發展,電子資訊產業為了持續保有全球市場競爭力,開始致力提升企業的產品開發能力,持續進行創新性產品開發,創造企業價值,這是台灣電子資訊產業建立全球競爭力的重要因素之一。 在經濟發展過程中,台灣電子產業致力於產品升級和企業轉型,擺脫複製組裝或OEM(委託生產製造),邁向ODM(委託設計製造)和OBM(自有品牌) ,促使產品研發能力提昇並持續擁有國際競爭優勢,於全球性激烈競爭市場環境中生存,並在全球產業分工模式中佔有一席地位。如何在最短期間推出品質、功能、價格皆能滿足市場需求,以維持其競爭優勢,成為台灣產業界共同關心的課題。 在全球化產業競爭日愈激烈的今日,台灣製造業除了有效運用大陸低廉生產勞動成本的競爭優勢,本身也應該從原有代工製造的型態,發展成具有代工設計能力,並且結合垂直產業價值鏈上的所有廠商,進行產品的協同設計開發,使產業核心能力互相連結,發揮創新的能力。『協同式產品商務模式』若能建立在兩岸三地的經貿合作網路中,則台商可以將企業的各項營運資訊做有效的整合,達成及時溝通互動及智慧分享的目的,將產品的開發時程大幅縮短,同時也可節省不少溝通成本,進而為企業建立競爭優勢。 本研究從產品生命週期管理系統(PLM:Product Lifecycle Management)的用途與發展歷程觀察;台灣電子產業內外部研發職能現況,及企業內部研發活動與外部夥伴組織協同設計面臨的管理瓶頸,還有從企業導入生命週期管理(PLM)系統的目的及期望觀察;關鍵成功因素(CSF) 研究方法運用在PLM專案實施過程中,藉由審視實際個案導入的手法分析企業導入生命週期管理(PLM)系統後;企業內部各功能性組織及外部夥伴組織(客戶及供應商)協同設計活動,透過協同資訊服務網,將企業的各項營運資訊做有效的整合,及時溝通互動及智慧分享,逐項分析企業於策略面、作業面、管理面、組織面、資訊科技面的流程管理改善效益,期待在全球電子科技業分工議題上,藉由資訊科技的整合及溝通,兩岸産業分工由産品生産階段的分工走向研發與創新、營運、製造、行銷等功能性的分工走向,為台灣電子科技業盡一份心力。 / Taiwan’s economic development track shows that the country in the past 50 years bolstered its national income, and gradually becoming one of the developed countries in the world. And now, Taiwan’s once competitive labor is replaced by cheap labor in Southeast Asia and China. This prompted Taiwanese companies to switch to high tech and high value added industries. In their attempt to maintain its competitive edge in world market, Taiwan electronics and IT companies escalated their research and development ability on enterprise products. Creating values through consistent innovative product design is one key factor by which Taiwan electronic and IT industry players compete in the world market. In its economic development, Taiwan electronics enterprises thrived in product upgrading and business transformation. They moved away from assembly production or OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing) businesses, and move toward ODM (Original Design Manufacturing) and OBM (Own Brand Manufacturing). Improved research and product design capability became their competitive edge in the global market, allowing them not only to survive amongst the cutthroat competition, but also to play a key role in global collaborative markets. It is the common focus of Taiwanese IT companies to keep ahead of global competition by delivering cost effective, quality, feature rich products in the shortest lead time. In face of the increasing competitive the global market today, Taiwanese electronics manufacturing companies bolster their strength by migrating from OEM to ODM businesses, and vertically integrating satellite companies in China, fully leveraging China's cheap labor and low cost resources. This collaborative production and business model, combining the core competence of all industries from both camps, brings out a new creative and powerful force. If this collaborative production and business model can be built on the economic and trade networks across the strait, then, Taiwanese enterprises can effectively integrate all its operational information in the same platform, linking up intelligence databases and interactive, real time communication. As a result, Taiwanese industries can shorten a great deal of product development lead time and reduce communication costs. This brings Taiwan further ahead in global competition. This research aims to layout the groundwork for Taiwanese enterprises to expand from collaborative production to functional collaborations, including R&D, operating, manufacturing, sales and marketing, by analyzing the current workflow management through case study of PLM implementation. This research results shall be supported by the following coverage: 1)Observation on system implementation and progress of PLM. 2)Purpose and expectation of Taiwanese enterprises in implementing PLM (product life cycle management). 3)Current functions of Taiwan electronic companies’ in house R&D units and external cooperative partners. 4)Bottlenecks in managing in house R&D, their activities and their cooperation with external engineering teams. 5)The role of Critical Success Factor (CSF) in the implementation of PLM. 5) Activities of internal design functional units collaborating with alliances, both vendors and customers, utilizing collaborative information service platform to effectively integrate a wide range of cross the strait operations, and linkage of interactive communication channels and sharing of real time knowledgebase database. 6) Analyze the enterprise’s tactics, the operations, the managements, the organization and Information technology aspect to improve their RD workflow management superiority item by item.

非營利組織發展關鍵成功因素-以台灣五個知名婦女團體為例 / Critical Success Factors of Non-Profit Organizations Development-The Case Studies of Five Women Groups in Taiwan

陳琬惠, Chen, Wan Hui Unknown Date (has links)
在各個不同的產業裡,皆有研究提出構成企業「成功」和使其具有競爭力應擁有的關鍵因素。本研究以訪談資深非營利組織領導人來歸類整理出何謂「成功」的非營利組織及其發展的關鍵成功因素,以提供給向來資源有限的非營利組織在發展過程中作為檢視,以將資源優先投入這些關鍵的領域來減少無謂的摸索和失敗的可能。 為達研究目的,選擇持續運作超過十年的婦女團體,運用深度訪談法與關鍵事件分析法(Critical Incident Technique ,CIT),依五個受訪者所提其組織發展關鍵成功因素及對彼此組織發展關鍵成功因素,以「非營利組織的使命」;「非營利組織的參與者」;「非營利組織的運作」這三個構面將訪談內容歸類整理出非營利組織發展的「關鍵成功因素」如下: *非營利組織的使命:有清楚的宗旨(使命) *非營利組織的參與者: 1.參與者的特質:主動積極、對組織使命認同、有理想性格、熱忱、具行動力 2.組織的領導者:一路堅持的靈魂人物、願意不斷成長且洞見觀瞻的領導者 3.互補又分工的合作團隊 *非營利組織的運作: 1.組織文化:平等開放、學習型組織、活力型組織 2.把訴求清楚表達的能力 3.建立公信力及獲得社會認同 4.把人當做最大的資產,對參與者採「增權」方式 5.不斷檢視社會環境變遷,依社會需要調整服務或回應需求產生新服務 6.創新的靈活策略且能結合各方資源發揮影響力 一個非營利組織從成立到成為一個「成功」的非營利組織,最關鍵的因素為組織能否部份或階段性達成當初設定的使命,所以建議領導者要不斷檢視組織的使命是否有貫徹;要不斷反省與自我提升;同時要隨時注意時事以掌握社會需求脈動。非營利組織需掌握社會各種媒介的情報,促使成員相互激盪,培養出組織的共識與新行動;重視團隊合作;連結不同組織的資源網絡及凝聚共識的過程需平等公開,不採取一言堂的方式,「增權」組織成員潛能以使其盡情發揮,使組織維持最大動能。 / Research shows that there are key factors contributing to “success” that are common across industries. This study investigated the key to success of Non-Profit Organizations (NPO) and their developments through in-depth interviews with NPO leaders. These findings can serve as developmental key learnings for other, resource-limited NPO’s, allowing them to more effectively harness available resources, thus reducing wastage due to trial and error. This research paper endeavors to organize these Critical Success Factors into easily accessible best-of-practice case studies for up-and-coming NPO’s. For the purposes of this study, the author selected five Non-Profit Women’s Associations with a least ten years of successful operations. Research methodology was depth interviews combined with Critical Incident Technique (CIT). Three main constructs were used in this process including: The mission of NPOs, NPO participants and NPO operations. This study identifies and organizes “Critical Success Factors” that all successful Non-Profit Organizations should own. The Critical Success Factors of A Successful NPO Are: 1.Well defined missions. 2.Strong Personnel/Membership Structure: a.Members of the organization will have: i.self-motivated; identification to organization missions ii.A high degree of enthusiasm iii.The ability to execute the organization directives b.A successful NPO will have Leadership with the following characteristics/skill sets: i.The spiritual leader of an NPO with an unchanging sense of mission, a strong and insight. ii.The ability to continually learn and apply those learnings to the organization. iii.A mutually supporting team that divides work up equally. 3.Strong Operations: a.Organization culture: Equal, open, focused on learning and vigorous. b.Externally it will be able to: i.Clearly articulate organizational goals and objectives ii.Create sufficient exposure to create positive awareness and opinion within society c.Internally it will be able to: i.Create “esprit-de-corps” within organization ii.Empower stake-holders to leverage their strengths d.Continual review of social changes and the adjustment of old services or the introduction of new services to meet social needs. e.Creative and flexible strategies and the ability to integrate various resources to exert influence. A successful NPO needs to accomplish the initial Mission. In order to achieve this, it is recommended that the NPO leadership continually review whether or not the organization is achieving the objectives for which it was established and conduct self-evaluation and self-improvement. The NPO also needs to be in tune with developments and trends in the society it is operating in. By making the information gleaned open and available to all members of the organization, the leadership can empower its members and contribute to a common sense of purpose, helping it achieve the maximum efficiencies and success.

社會企業的經營模式-以里仁事業股份有限公司為例 / The business model of social enterprises- Case study of Lee-Zen company

吳宜蓉, Wu, Yi Jung Unknown Date (has links)
商業上的大趨勢(megatrend)一直是學者專家所研究的對象,因為它影響著企業如何競爭與為消費者創造價值。近年來,由於全球化與新興經濟體所帶來的環境衝擊與自然資源的競爭,迫使商業開始出現本質上的改變。本研究以里仁公司為例,深入研究日益蓬勃發展的社會企業如何因運時勢而生,及其如何運用獨特的經營模式來為消費者以及農友創造價值,以達到經濟、社會與環境的三重盈餘。 本研究採用文獻回顧分析結合非結構式的訪談,與里仁公司的總經理、公關部進行數十小時的溝通與意見交流,以分析歸納出里仁公司的經營模式與關鍵成功因素。里仁公司的成立目的是推廣台灣的有機農業與慈心食品 ,讓消費者有健康的飲食,提升台灣農民的競爭力同時保育環境。里仁公司為佛教徒所創立,其研習的經典「菩提道次第廣論」為組織的思想與價值觀,指導著組織上下的行為法則,形塑出強勢的企業文化。因此相較於一般企業,里仁公司的組織成員目標與組織目標整合程度較高,而由此衍生出來的成功關鍵有三,一為宗教背景帶來的組織整合能力,二為慈心事業利用社會資本所創造的綜效帶來供應鏈的緊密關係,三為里仁公司的創新與研發能力。 里仁公司的成功,有賴於高度的組織認同與組織獨特經營模式的相輔相成,對於里仁公司而言,能夠落實佛法才是事業的意義。因此在面臨市場需求大的組織成長壓力,里仁公司仍堅定步伐讓員工慢慢從佛法內化學習起,因其不以利益擴張為考量,即便組織成長趨緩可能會影響獲取規模經濟的優勢。從經營模式來看,社會資本的大量運用與模式中各個環結串連的流暢性是里仁模式成功的關鍵,慈心事業的各組織分別在供應鏈上扮演著資源的媒合者來把上游供應商、消費者與里仁公司緊緊串連,供應商與消費者亦同時成為組織社會資本的一部分,帶入更多的人來認識里仁與新的消費力量。 里仁公司藉由提供有機與慈心食品給消費者,同時幫助台灣的農民在走向外銷之路上更具有競爭力,盈餘則贊助兩個股東基金會的生命成長營隊、校園蔬食及種樹護地球等讓促進社會健康與改善環境的活動。目前台灣有機農業已逐漸發展成熟,里仁公司已開始邁向新的策略—結合環境保育與有機農業,期望能讓台灣重要的環境保育區、集水區上游有乾淨的水質與土壤,並利用環境保育商標來凝聚消費者對這塊土地的重視。 對於此經營模式如何複製與擴充,作者認為整合經營模式中利害關係人需求間的交換機制以及善用經營模式的可複製元素是成功關鍵。在個案公司的例子中是將佛家以人為本的普世價值形成強組織文化,將供應商、消費者的需求與供給能夠透過組織力量的媒合進行更有效率的交換。強組織文化在此種商業模式的應用上不可或缺,其為累積社會資本的一大關鍵。另外則是運用社會資本產生一回饋系統。 / Business megatrend has always been an important research target, as it influences on how enterprises compete and create value for their customers. In recnt years, globalization and emerging economies bring environmental impact and competition for natural resources, forcing fundamental and persistant shift in how companies compete. In this research, Leesen Company is used as a case of a social enterprise to illustrate how it creates and utilizes social capital to grow and sustain its business, which provides a reference for social entrepreneurs and researchers to develop new business model that achieves the so called triple bottom lines. Systematic paper review combined with 26 hours of low-structured interview with CEO and director of public relations in Leezen Company, this study aims to summarize and analyze the business model and key success factors. Leezen Company is built for promoting organic agriculture and non-toxic food, trying to make healthy food available for all consumers in Taiwan. Founded by a Buddhist, Leezen company is guided by the Buddhist Sutra “Lamrim Chenmo”, which deeply influences employees’ thoughts and core value. This, in tern, results in higher integration of goals between organization and employees compared to other organization. Key success factors are as follows: Highly coordinated and integrated coporate culture formed through buddsim generates great synergy in supply chain of Tzu-Xin conglomerates, where Leezen Company belongs to, and gains great trust from consumers. Also, the innovation and R&D in food technology created by its persistence in doing the right thing strengthens its competitive advantage in in organic argiculture and non-toxic food. Through providing organic and non-toxic food, Leezen Company creates a healthier environment for consumers and bolsters competitiveness of Taiwanese farmers to sale argicultural product abroad. Revenue goes to sponsor various activities that benefit our mind, health and environment of two shareholder foundations. As the organic industry become more mature these days, Leezen Company starts to adopt a new strategy of combining environmental protection and organic agriculture, expecting to replace traditional agriculture in conseravation aeras and upstream reservoirs. Also, it develops an environmental protection trademark for food grown in those areas, trying to arouse the awareness of more people. The key to replicate and expand this business model lies in how the organization can integrate and exchange its stakeholders’ needs, also how it can make good use of its replicable factors in the business model. In this case, Buddhism shapes strong organizational culture, which increases the efficiency of mediating the needs between suppliers and customers, accumulating its social capital. Further, social capital creates feedback system which makes the business model self-sufficient.

商管產學合作之關鍵成功因素與績效評估–以文化創意產業為例 / Key Success Factors and Performance Evaluation of Managerial industry-university cooperation – A Study of Cultural and Creative Industries

李天瑟, Lee,tien se Unknown Date (has links)
自金融風暴之後,不論是政府或是企業,皆意識到產業結構轉型之重要與迫切性,而產學合作於其中扮演不可或缺之角色。事實上,政府推動產學合作多年,過去產學合作之投入與產出、衍生效益不符,經探究,發現主要原因在於大學研發成果與市場端中間存有缺口(Gap),研究與技術對企業來說不具誘因,中間需要商管知識協助技術之商品化;此外,隨著產業結構之轉型,很大契機來自於商業模式之創新。 然而,過去學術界與實務業皆鮮少談論商管領域之產學合作,成功案例更是少之又少。商管知識相對無形,要執行產學合作勢必有所困難,但是,一旦成功將對企業甚至是社會作出貢獻。 是以,本研究透過文獻回顧探討促成產業界與學術界成功合作之主要因素,以及影響產學合作績效之重要要素,並藉由個案研究組織之分析提出關於商管領域產學合作之關鍵成功要素,作為未來執行商管產學合作之參考。此外,本研究更以關鍵成功因素為基礎,由現行產學合作相關績效評估模式中選取適合之模式,以商管學者於文化創意產業之產學合作為例,探究合作過程中商管學者應有之功能與角色,據以說明績效評估構面與關鍵績效指標應如何訂定,希冀架構一系統化之商管領域產學合作之績效評估模式,驅動更多之商管學者投入產學合作,為台灣產業之突破與創新做出貢獻。 / After the financial crisis,both government and enterprises are aware of the importance and urgency of industry structure transformation, and the industry-university collaboration in which plays essential roles. In fact, the government has promoted industry-university collaboration for many years. However, there is a discrepancy in the inputs and outputs of industry-university collaboration. From related researches’, the main problem is the gap between universities’ R & D results and market side. In other words, enterprises have no incentives to buy universities’ research results. Indeed, business and management knowledge can minimum the gap. In addition, with the transformation of industry structure, there’s a huge need for innovation of business model. However, academic and industry rarely talk about the managerial industry-university collaboration. And there are few success cases about it. In fact, managerial knowledge is more invisible than technology. It is difficult to implement managerial industry-university collaboration cases. But, if it succeeds, it will make great contribution to enterprise and industry. Therefore, this research is to explore the key success factors and performance evaluation of industry-university collaboration from literatures review, and to establish the key success factors and performance evaluation of managerial industry-university collaboration by case study. Hope of the research is to provide some guidance for related parties. Moreover, this research takes the key success factors of managerial industry-university collaboration as a basis of building up performance evaluation. Because of a lack of industry-university collaboration in cultural and creative industries, the research explores managerial scholars’ function and role in it, and then designs the structure and index of performance evaluation. The main object of the research is to systematize performance evaluation for managerial scholars in implementing managerial industry-university collaboration cases. Without right performance evaluation, managerial scholars have no incentives to help industry improve and solve practical problems.


張仕岦, Chang, Andy Unknown Date (has links)
台灣半導體產業發展所形成獨特的產業垂直分工與產業上、中、下游完整價值鏈的群聚效應,是締造今日台灣IC設計產業快速成長的主因,2004年創造年產值83億美元(新台幣2,608億元),在全球330億美元的產值中占有率近25%,世界排名第二。人才、資金、技術及市場是IC設計產業成功發展的基本要素,而「行銷通路管理(Sales-Channel M.」、「價值鏈管理(Supply-Chain M.」、「智慧資本管理(Intellectual-Property M.」、以及「顧客導向管理(Customer- Driving M.」之S2IC核心能力,則是台灣IC設計業者經營的關鍵成功因素(KSF)。 面對潛在競爭者如中國大陸、日本、韓國、及印度IC設計業者急起直追的競局中,尤其是中國大陸挾帶廣大半導體IC產品需求、電子資訊產品的內需市場、充沛的人力、低廉的成本結構、加上政府政策的優惠獎勵措施及國際大廠的投資設廠,大陸IC設計公司以接近消費市場與擁有營運成本的優勢,將成為台灣IC設計業者未來最大的潛在競爭者。 半導體產業逐漸進入微利時代,台灣IC設計業者將面臨製造成本優勢不再,產業群聚的邊際效益正逐漸遞減中,企業為避免陷入價格戰,必須跳脫昔日以成本優勢為唯一考量的經營模式,在既有核心能力與競爭優勢的基礎上,試圖朝向提升產品與服務價值的方向發展,利用「營運模式創新」與「產品功能創新」來達到企業經營效率的提昇與附加價值的創造,朝價值鏈兩端的創新經營延伸,才能因應產業在全球化過程中,新興競爭者崛起所帶來的競爭威脅,建立企業之持久競爭優勢。 對於未來IC設計產業的發展方向有一、整合軟體、硬體、及IP技術的系統單晶片SoC產品發展;二、營運型態朝向策略聯盟之垂直似整合的合作模式;三、大者恆大的集團化趨勢;四、大陸市場崛起的商機掌握。台灣IC設計業者要在產業的垂直似整合中,利用既有的競爭優勢,締造未來市場雙贏的榮景。從企業的發展機會來看,市場上沒有絕對的競爭,只有無法掌握的機會。

B2C 電子商務商業模式研究–以企業核心競爭力與EC 關鍵成功因素為基礎 / B2C E-commerce business model based on enterprise core competence and empirical key successful factors-A case study of successful EC company in Taiwan

吳俊瑩, Wu, Chun Yin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究依據實際的經驗,與學術研究的探討分析整理,建構出一個符合實際 B2C 電子商務企業經營的「反饋循環電子商務模型」。此模型用以提供給電子商 務企業進行策略規劃,計劃執行時的決策依據,由於透過了整合企業核心競爭力 與成功的電子商務企業的關鍵成功因素,因此具備有良好的實際可行性。 模型的關鍵成功因素,係以整理學術界,業界實際經驗所得到的「完整版電 子商務成功因素表」做為基礎。「反饋循環電子商務模型」提供兩種提案評估方 式,第一種是透過「完整版電子商務成功因素表」的權重與分數協助企業進行提 案的評比選擇,第二種則是從核心競爭力與「完整版電子商務成功因素表」關鍵 成功因素契合度而得到的評比選擇。企業選擇的提案,如果能同時符合此兩種選 擇,則可以產生較強的正面績效。 第一種方式的權重配比,則可以透過對企業高層以德菲法方式獲得。最高分 數的提案被執行之後,也可以透過企業本身對於執行結果的檢討,調整權重配 比,進而反饋修正決策與計劃。因此本模型的另外一個特點是具有反饋循環的特 性,因應企業本身的狀況而調整,如此可以讓模型具有更大的彈性以因應經營環 境的快速變化。 然而,B2C 電子商務企業的成長是必須要在不同時間點投入不同的決策才能 獲得突破性的發展,第二種方式使用德菲法將企業核心競爭力與本表的關鍵成功 因素進行契合度的分配之後,也可以獲得單純從企業核心競爭力出發的決策結 果。此決策結果可以與透過權重評分的方式相印證,以確認透過模型所選擇的提案,與企業競爭力是契合的。 本研究透過實際的案例,將 Amazon 與PChome online 分別以歷史轉折點與 專案決策兩個角度來分析,透過大量的實際狀況來證明利用模型也可以得到與這 兩個成功企業的決策者的決策相同或接近的結果。同時在Amazon 分析中,也可 以看出決策者過度違反模型所羅列的電子商務關鍵成功因素時,企業將會暴露於 重大的經營風險之中。 / The goal of this research is to build a practically useful B2C e-commerce business model for decision making and project evaluation. The business model we proposed is “Cyclic B2C business model with feedback”, this new business model comes with lots of empirical and practical advantages to firms running B2C e-commerce. In this paper, the researcher integrates core competence and key success factors into decision making loop, and use a simple weighting method to calculate each proposal’s score for decision making. The author use Delphi method to enumerate B2C firm’s core competence as one input of the model. The other input of the model is a complete KSF (Key Success Factors) table which is sifted from previous researches and empirical KSF from success B2C firms. In the model, two simple methods are introduced to evaluate proposals developed by firm’s decision makers. After the evaluation process, we get score of each proposal, then we can choose the proposal with highest score as our final decision. Those two methods which are used to evaluate proposals are “sum of weighting” and “core competence & KSF matching”. Decision makers can examine top score proposals come from different evaluation methods and find out which can meet the criteria: “getting high scores in both method”, that is the answer. For KSF matching, a “Complete Success Factors Table” was developed by way of integrating research survey and empirical KSF from success e-commerce business. Combining this table with the proposed model, two cases, Amazon and PChome online are chosen to prove the accuracy of “Cyclic B2C business model with feedback”. After examined historical events and key strategy developed, we claim that the business model we developed in this paper is a practical and useful model for B2C firms.

政府採購入口網站功能架構與關鍵成功因素之研究 / A Study of the functional architecture and Key Success Factors for the Government Electronic Procurement Portal Website

陳冠竹 Unknown Date (has links)
政府入口網站含蓋了眾多提供公共服務的網站,讓民眾或企業進行相關業務的辦理、資訊的查詢以及進行交易等行為。全國或是全球需要使用到政府服務,例如政府採購等之使用者皆是政府入口網站之服務對象。因此政府網站在資料流量含量方面較之於一般商業網站更為可觀,亦包含了電子商務性質。在此狀況下,政府角色亦已逐漸從管制調適為服務。就政府體策略或執行計畫而言,實施知識管理除可使行政單位的工作效率提昇,行政流程時間縮短,更可避免重覆錯誤及誤判訊息之可能。   本研究主要以行政院公共工程委員會目前所推行之『政府採購電子化』計畫為研究對象,冀於對未來五年能達到政府採購作業全面電子化提出建議。本研究之目標係分析研擬「政府電子採購入口網站」之關鍵成功因素,從而由「政府採購電子化」計畫現行系統歸納出具綜效之整合型「政府電子採購入口網站」功能架構,其工作內容如下:   1. 歸納、分析現行各系統及政府採購法推動之問題。   2. 瞭解國內政府入口網站之推動情形,分析企業資訊入口網站解決方案現況。   3. 利用分析層級程序法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,簡稱AHP)歸納出三分類專家,包括工程會內部專家、公部門專家、產業界及學界專家所認為的「政府電子採購入口網站」之關鍵成功因素,同時也分析資訊職務與非資訊職務專家觀點之相異點。   4. 根據歸納出來之關鍵成功因素與內部需求,提出具建設性之「政府電子採購入口網站」功能架構雛形,建議工程會推動「政府採購入口網站」提供之功能依據。   本研究AHP法研究結果如下:   1. 本研究中之各類專家一般認為內在因素比外在環境因素之權重大。   2. 第三層關鍵成功因素包括知識管理機制之健全化、政策及法制配合度、使用者服務機制、資訊系統與營運。整體而言,工程會內部專家與產業界及學界專家兩類專家較重視政策及法制配合度構面因素,而公部門專家比較重視資訊系統與營運構面因素。資訊職務專家較重視政策及法制配合度構面因素,非資訊職務專家比較重視資訊系統與營運構面因素。   3. 整體最底層關鍵成功因素排名前七項分別為高階長官的參與和支持並訂定明確的目標、即時配合實際狀況,修正、鬆綁法規、充裕的資源配合、提昇法令約束力之效力、提供快速回應問題之機制、介面具親和力、操作流程循序簡單、提供高度的可靠性與穩定性。   本研究最後逐一對專家深入訪談、工程會需求訪談、企業資訊入口網站解決方案及關鍵成功因素AHP之分析等結果提出結論與建議。 / An e-Government Portal should integrates numerous websites that offer public service, and provides individuals or enterprises with a platform for trafficking, searching information, and conducting transactions. Thus, all the users, that need to access government service and government procurement information, are potential customers of the e-Government Portal website. Hence, the e-Government Portal website, with e-Commerce quality, has more enormous data flow and database contents in comparison with simple e-Commerce sites. Last but not least, the role of e-Government Portal website is turned gradually into a service provider from its simple transition role of inspection.   From government's strategic aspect, actions regarding knowledge management can not only improve the efficiency and streamline the administrative procedures, but also avoid the crisis of repeating failures and misleadings of messages.   The object of this research is the Electronic Procurement Plan, which was established and promoted by the Public Construction Commission (PCC) of The Executive Yuan, R.O.C. The goal of the Electronic Procurement Plan is to accomplish the electronic commerce of the government procurement entirely in five years. This study aims to find out the critical success factors (CSF) for the Government Electronic Procurement Portal Website, and to carry out a functional architecture for the synergic Government Electronic Procurement Portal Website via the following working packages :   1. to analyze and formulate the problems of promoting the electronic government procurement system and the government procurement law.   2. to discuss the ongoing domestic promotion programs of the e-Government Portal websites and analyze the status quo cases of the Enterprise Information Portal (EIP) solution.   3. to analyze and compare the critical success factors of the Government Electronic Procurement Portal Website of various expert viewpoints through Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The experts come from the PCC internal public servants, public servants from other government agencies as well as industrialists and scholars. On the other hand, the different viewpoints between the IT background experts and non-IT background experts are also compared.   4. to summarize constitutive functional architecture for the Government Electronic Procurement Portal Website according to the resulted CSF and the PCC internal requirements.   The results of AHP analysis can be stated as following:   1. The internal factors outweigh external factors.   2. The third-level of factors of AHP architecture includes the solidity of knowledge management, the compatibility of policies and laws, the user service mechanism and the information systems and operations. Generally, the PCC internal public servants, industrialists and scholars pay more attention to the compatibility of policies and laws than the other public servants that put a lot of emphasis on the information systems and operations. The IT background experts value the compatibility of policies and laws, whereas the non-IT background experts emphasize the information systems and operations.   3. The top seven priority factors of the rock-bottom level factors include the involvements and endorsements of the top executives and establish the clear goals, the instantaneous emendation and relaxation of the laws, the compatibility of abundant resource, the effectiveness of promoting the law's constraint force, friendly interface and easily sequential operation flow and high reliability and stability.   At last, this research leads to the conclusions and suggestions in regard to in-depth experts interviews,PCC internal requirement investigations, EIP solutions and the AHP CSF analysis.

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