Spelling suggestions: "subject:"court off appeal"" "subject:"court off appeald""
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Apelační soud v první fázi svého působení (od poloviny 16. století do počátku 17. století) / The Court of Appeal in the first stage of its activity (from the mid-16th century to the early 17th century)Pleskot, Jaroslav January 2016 (has links)
Previous research of the Court of Appeals made in the past focused primarily on personnel matters. The authors focused on the appeals judgements occasionally. This is the reason why any significant progress in historical research in areas such as procedural matters, the definition and enforcement powers or the application of law didn't result. This thesis has the ambition to fill this empty space, at least partially. The aim of the dissertation is to provide a comprehensive picture of the Court of Appeals in the Czech lands from its foundation in 1548 to the early 17th century. This period represents a compact stage of development, when the status, authority and personnel structure are formatted and above all the shaping of decision-making and procedural practice occurs. Dissertation devotes most attention to appellate procedures. It shows what the role of Court of Appeals itself, of the lower courts and of litigant was. It examines in detail the various procedural aspects. It pays attention on how the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals was accepted by royal and other towns in Bohemia and how the Court asserted towards other courts. It also mentions developments in other lands of the Czech Crown. The main subject of the research are the judgements of the Court of Appeals and normative sources...
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The singular case of SARS : medical microbiology and the vanishing of multifactoralityAttenborough, Frederick Thomas January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is about the politics and the possibilities of aetiology. Firstly, the possibilities. Does an infectious disease have one, single pathogenic cause or many, interacting causes? In the medical microbiological sciences, there is no definitive answer, one way or another, to this question: there, the conditions of aetiological possibility exist in a curious tension. Ever since the birth of the 'germ theory of disease' and the concomitant birth of the singular aetiological object, these conditions have allowed for the co-existence of a very different, and far less well understood kind of object: the multifactorial object. That SARS was caused by one, singular viral agent, a coronavirus (CoV), is now entrenched as microbiological fact. And yet, the curious thing about SARS is that the history of the 2003 outbreak is littered with moments at which the possibility of the multifactorial object presented itself to, and was actively considered by, medical microbiologists. So how did we get here - to SARS-CoV, an infectious disease that could be understood and storied in this, the most singular of ways? And what happened along the way to deny the multifactorial aetiological object any kind of existence at all? In an attempt to grapple with these questions, the thesis seeks to recover the possibility of the multifactorial object through a deep, ethnomethodological reading of the moments at which it flared up precise/y as a possibility for medical microbiologists investigating the outbreak. What emerges from that recovery operation is a sense that the multifactorial object was never actually ruled out or disproved in any way, but rather, was vanished. Put another way, the suggestion is that various medical microbiological practices and interventions, whilst establishing singularity, were serving, at the same time, to create an illusion of multifactorality's non-existence; an illusion behind which the issue of multifactorality, its possibility, could be discarded without ever having to be resolved, one way or the other. In the closing sections of this thesis a move is made towards suggesting that SARS-Co V, the singular disease, was the product of a choice-, a choice that was made to explore one aetiological possibility at the expense of another. And that is where the politics comes in. For if politics, the realm of the political, can be taken to arise in situations where various possibilities exist but not all possibilities can be chosen, then it follows that what this thesis provides is an opportunity to foreground the politics bound up with the practical doing of aetiology. As a result, and based on the experience of attempting to recover the vanished multifactorial object from the 2003 SARS outbreak, the thesis concludes with an attempt to inhabit the present in such a way as to make it possible to think, in a little more detail, about where aetiology, as understood by medical microbiologists, might be heading in the future: might recent shifts in practical, everyday, seemingly innocuous microbiological technique, have begun to make it easier to coax the multifactorial object out into a space of visibility? Might those shifts actually herald the crossing of an epistemological threshold in the medical sciences? And might the conditions of aetiological possibility be changing, and changing in ways that would drastically alter what it meant to speak of a 'disease', an 'infection' and a 'pathogen'?
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Komunikace města Kouřimi s apelačním soudem v letech 1548-1568 / The Communication of the Town Kouřim with the Court of Appeals, 1548-1568Čadová, Hana January 2011 (has links)
The subject of the submitted dissertation is to pursue the mutual communication between the royal town of Kouřim and the cour of appeal established as a new instance for appeal for the time of the first twenty years of its existence that is 1548 - 1568. Documents of their bilateral communication are divided into two parts first are the own decisions of the court of appeal placed on record as copies in the books of the court of appeal - the socalled presidential registration or the socalled secretary s registration and the socalled legal manual (in the deposit of the Found of the Court of appeal in the National Archive) second they are in the collection of original judgements filed in the Archive of the National Museum - Topografical collection F. Decision acqired from these sources are analysed and their contents are examined on proportional presence of civil criminal and lawsuits as well as the number of appeals in the particular years and the way the court of appeal made its decision. The second part is represented by own letters supported mainly by the fragment of Kouřim registration in 1565 - 1569. They were also examined from the diplomatic standpoint of view on their contents and the person of iniciátor The continuation is dealing with matters in connection with decisions made by couts of...
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Utvärdering av reformen om mark- och miljödomstolar – Jämförelse av fastighetsmål före och efter reforme / Evaluation of the reform of land and environment court – Comparison of property formation cases before and after the reformJama, Zeinab January 2015 (has links)
Reformen om att inrätta mark- och miljödomstolar började gälla den 2 maj 2011. Den innebar bland annat en sammanslagning av fastighetsdomstolar, miljödomstolar och ärenden enligt plan- och bygglagen som tidigare prövades i förvaltningsrätten. Regeringens syfte med reformen om att inrätta mark- och miljödomstolar var att förenkla, samordna och effektivisera handläggning och domstolsprövning. Genom att fastighetsdomstolarna ersattes av mark- och miljödomstolarna ansvarar de numera för överklagade beslut i lantmäteriförrättning enligt bland annat fastighetsbildningslagen, anläggningslagen och ledningsrättslagen. Beslut i lantmäteriförrättningar fattas av en lantmäterimyndighet. Uppsatsens syfte är att genom hypoteser utvärdera hur framgångsrik reformen om att inrätta mark- och miljödomstolar har varit genom att jämföra fastighetsmål som prövats i sak i andra instans före och efter reformen. För jämförelsen används uppgifter om antalet prövningstillstånd, antalet överklaganden som avslagits, antalet återförvisade fastighetsmål och handläggningstiden för fastighetsmålen. Jämförelsen sker av beslut/utslag/domar mellan perioden 2009-01-01 till 2010-12-31 och perioden 2012-01-01 till 2014-12-31 i hovrätterna/Mark- och miljööverdomstolen. En av slutsatsen är att handläggningstiden i domstolen har minskat genom inrättande av mark- och miljödomstolen. Uppsatsen har kunnat konstatera att överklagandeförbud med ventil har inneburit minskat antal prövningstillstånd i Högsta domstol samt att trenden verkar vara att det är oförändrat antal beviljade prövningstillstånd till Högsta domstolen. / The reform to establish land and environment courts went into effect on the 2 May, 2011. Amongst other things, it meant a consolidation of the property-, environmental courts and cases according to the planning and building law that was previously litigated under the administrative law. The Government’s aim with the reform to establish the land and environment courts was to simplify, coordinate and to make the handling and judicial proceedings more effective. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate how successful the reform on the establishment of land and environment courts has been, through hypotheses comparing property cases that have been litigated in other instances, before and after the reform. For comparison, information on the number of review permits, the number of appeals rejected, the number of deferred property cases and the processing time for property cases will be used. Verdicts made during period 2009-01-01 to 2010-12-31 and the period 2012-01-01 to 2014-12-31 in the court of appeals/Land and Environmental Court of Appeal will be compared. One conclusions made is that the processing time in court was reduced through the establishment of the land and environment appeals court. The thesis argues that the prohibition of appeal has meant a reduction in the number of review permits at the Supreme Court. Furthermore, the trend seems to be that there is an unchanged number of approved review permits to the Supreme Court.
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Blir det mer begripligt? : En diakron studie av språkliga förändringar i domar från Göta hovrätt 2001–2021. / Is the comprehensibility increasing? : A diachronic study of linguistic changes in judgments from Göta Court of Appeal 2001–2021.Hansen, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur begripligheten i Göta hovrätts domar förändrats mellan 2001 och 2021. Studien syftar till att undersöka dels hur syntax och lexikon förändrats i domarna, dels hur följsamheten till klarspråksråd har förändrats under perioden. Materialet består av totalt 18 domar från Göta hovrätt: tre brottmålsdomar och tre tvistemålsdomar vardera från 2001, 2011 och 2021. En kombination av kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod har använts i studien: I den kvantitativa analysen undersöktes syntax och lexikon i samtliga 18 domar och i den kvalitativa textanalysen användes klarspråkstestet för domar som verktyg för att analysera sex av domarna djupare. Resultatet visar att det skett förändringar i domspråket under den tid som undersökts, men att det inte är entydigt huruvida domarna har blivit mer begripliga eller ej. Den kvantitativa analysen visar att domarna i många avseenden ligger längre ifrån klarspråksidealet år 2021 än 2001 och 2011. Resultatet av den kvalitativa analysen visar dock att följsamheten till klarspråksråden förbättrats under den undersökta perioden. Facktermer rensas bort eller förklaras i större utsträckning, det juridiska språket närmar sig det vardagliga och tonen blir mer läsarvänlig. Den sammantagna slutsatsen blir därför att domarna i vissa avseenden blivit mer begripliga och närmat sig idealet, men att ytterligare förbättringar krävs för att de ska bli tillgängliga även för icke juridiskt kunniga läsare. / The purpose of this study is to examine how the comprehensibility of the judgments from Göta Court of Appeal has changed between 2001 and 2021. The study aims to examine how the syntax and terminology has changed within the judgments as well as how the compliance with Plain Language Guidelines has changed during this period. The material consists of 18 judgments from Göta Court of Appeal: three criminal convictions and three civil actions each from the years of 2001, 2011 and 2021.A combination of quantitative and qualitative methods has been used: In the quantitative analysis, syntax and terminology were examined in all eighteen judgments and for the qualitative analysis, Klarspråkstestet (“the plain language test”) was used as a mean to further analyze six of the judgments. The results show that the language has changed during the selected period, but it remains ambiguous whether the language has become more comprehensible or not. The quantitative analysis shows that the judgments lie further away from the Plain Language Ideal in 2021 than they did in 2001 and 2011. However, the results of the qualitative analysis show that the compliance with Plain Language Guidelines has improved during this period. Technical terms are removed or explained to a greater extent, the legalese is approaching the everyday language and the tone is becoming more reader friendly. The conclusion is therefore that in some respects, the judgments have become more comprehensible, but that further improvements are required to make them accessible for readers who do not have a clear understanding of judicial language.
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Att (o)synliggöra ett behov – en analys av kammarrättens bedömningar avseende kontaktperson enligt 9 § 4 LSS. / Making needs (in)visible – an analysis of verdicts from the Swedish Court regarding contact person (LSS).Fagerholm, Jacob January 2021 (has links)
Föreliggande studie riktar fokus mot att analysera kammarrättsdomar gällande insatsen kontaktperson enligt 9 § 4 LSS. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur begreppet socialt isolerad beskrivs i kammarrättsdomar avseende insatsen kontaktperson enligt 9 § 4 LSS samt hur kammarrättens språkbruk kan ses som en form av maktbruk. I studien utgör det teoretiska ramverket av Norman Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys med fokus på den tredimensionella modell som Fairclough konstruerat. Materialet består av 85 kammarrättsdomar som avkunnats mellan åren 2004 och 2021. Materialet analyseras först utifrån en tematisk analys för att besvara frågan om vad kammarrätten tillskriver begreppet socialt isolerad. Resultaten påvisar bland annat att tillgången till anhöriga/familj, fritidsaktiviteter och sysselsättning är centrala i bedömningen om den enskilde kan anses vara social isolerad eller inte. Utifrån den tematiska analysen väljs sedan tre rättsfall ut för en närmare analys utifrån Faircloughs tredimensionella analys. Ett resultat av analysen påvisar att det förekommer olika diskurser som kammarrätten i sin bedömning sammanväver till en kombinerad diskurs. Slutligen framkommer även att kammarrätten genom sin diskurs framhäver dess auktoritära roll i samhället. / The present study take aim towards an analyse of verdicts from the Swedish Court of appeal regarding persons who are entitled the support from a contact person through The Swedish Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS). The study seeks to answer how the Court of appeal define the term socially isolated in their verdicts regarding contact person (LSS) and how their language can be seen as a form of power. The theoretical framework for this study is Norman Fairclough´s critical discourse analysis with a particular focus on the three-dimensional model that Fairclough describes. The empirical data consists of 85 verdicts which have been presented by the Court of appeal during the years 2004 to 2021. The verdicts are initially analysed with a thematical analyse procedure. Findings suggest that family, leisure activities and employment/schooling are a central part in the Court of appeal verdicts to define if a person with impairments is socially isolated or not. From the thematical analysis three verdicts are chosen to be analysed with the help of Fairclough´s critical discourse analysis. The analysis suggest that different types of discourses are present in the verdicts which the Court of appeal then summarise in to one combined discourse. Lastly the analysis also suggests that the Court of appeal through discourses establish an authorial role in society.
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Law and justice: Scott v. Canada and the history of the social covenant with Canadian veteransMinnes, Jonathan David 31 May 2019 (has links)
This paper explores the issues underlying the Scott v. Canada veteran class action lawsuit. In particular it seeks to provide context to these issues by examining the cultural and legal structure of the Canadian military, the historic developments of veteran benefits in Canada, and the difficulties veterans face navigating the institutions that disseminate these benefits. The Scott v. Canada veteran class action lawsuit was launched against the Federal Government in 2012, in response to the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act (the “New Veterans Charter”), which replaced the disability pension regime for many Canadian Forces Members and veterans under the Pension Act. / Graduate
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Purpose: In Sweden, a municipal plan monopoly is used to regulate what, how and where you can or cannot build. How the plans, in the shape of comprehensive and detailed development plans, are formed is in turn regulated by the Planning and Building Act (PBL). Throughout history, Swedish building regulations have gone through many more or less extensive changes with the overall goal to improve our built environment and simplify or streamline the planning and building processes. From this comes the term small deviation, which in PBL is used to allow building permits that deviate from the detailed development plan, provided that the deviation is small. There is, however, no explanation in the law as to what this might mean in practice, and so there are large differences in terms of interpretation and application. The goal of this study is to analyse how the term small deviation according to PBL, chapter 9 § 31b is interpreted and applicated in building permit trials. Method: The methods used in this study are interviews (with building permit officers) and document analysis (of building permit decisions from quarter two, 2016, and court cases from the Land and Environment Court of Appeal). Findings: How deviations are interpreted does indeed vastly differ, and while the municipalities do work in a similar manner to determine whether a deviation could be considered small, there are significant differences. Only in the matter of built area on a property, the three studied municipalities all have different practices in what size of violation may be considered small, and the building permit officers in one of these municipalities still deviate from this. In eight out of 13 court cases, the Land and Environment Court of Appeal judged differently from the previous authorities. Only in one did all authorities agree. Implications: The findings implicate the following: There are remarkable differences in how small deviation is assessed. De biggest differences are between the local building permit officers and the Land and Environment Court of Appeal. The factors that affect the assessment on a municipal level the most are experience, precedent cases and discussion with colleagues. Limitations: A wider study containing more information from several municipalities and an analysis of the material accessible to the municipalities for guidance to assess deviations would provide a clearer answer as to what affects the interpretation. Keywords: PBL, Planning and Building Act, building permits, law interpretation, interpretation, deviation, small deviation, deviation from detailed development plan, sensemaking, the Land and Environment Court of Appeal / Syfte: I Sverige används ett kommunalt planmonopol som regleras av Plan- och bygglagen (PBL) 2010:900. Planerna i form av översikts- och detaljplaner reglerar vad, hur och var man får eller inte får bygga. Genom åren har PBL många gånger genomgått mer eller mindre omfattande förändringar med det övergripande syftet att förbättra svensk byggd miljö och förenkla eller effektivisera plan- och byggprocessen, därför har begreppet liten avvikelse tillkommit i PBL. I författningen framgår att det trots avvikelser från planbestämmelser är möjligt att bevilja bygglov, förutsatt att avvikelsen är liten. Det saknas dock förklaringar i PBL kring vad detta kan innebära, och stora skillnader i bedömningen kring vad som kan anses vara en liten avvikelse finns. Målet med arbetet är att analysera hur begreppet liten avvikelse enligt PBL, kap 9 § 31b tolkas och appliceras vid bygglovshandläggning. Metod: De metoder som använts i undersökningen är intervjuer (med bygglovshandläggare) och dokumentanalys (av bygglovsbeslut kvartal två, 2016, och rättsfall i Mark- och miljööverdomstolen från 2016). Resultat: Resultatet visar att det finns stora skillnader i hur liten avvikelse tolkas och appliceras, både mellan olika instanser och på kommunal nivå. Medan kommunerna använder dylika metoder för att avgöra om en avvikelse kan anses vara liten, finns det även avsevärda skillnader i bedömningen. Bara när det gäller byggrätt har kommunerna i undersökningen riktvärden det är stor skillnad på. I åtta av 13 fall bedömde Mark- och miljööverdomstolen olika från samtliga tidigare instanser, och bara i ett fall var samtliga överens om graden av avvikelse. Konsekvenser: De slutsatser som kan dras från resultatet är att: Det finns anmärkningsvärda skillnader i hur liten avvikelse bedöms. De största skillnaderna är mellan den lokala nämnden och Mark- och miljööverdomstolen. Det som främst påverkar bedömningen på kommunal nivå är erfarenhet, prejudicerande rättsfall och diskussion med kollegor. Begränsningar: En bredare undersökning med fler kommuner och bygglovsbeslut från en längre tidsperiod i kombination med en analys av det material som finns för att hjälpa bygglovshandläggare bedöma avvikelser hade kunnat ge ett tydligare svar på vad som påverkar tolkningen. Det hade också gett ett tydligare svar på hur skillnaderna huvudsakligen ser ut, vilket i sin tur gjort det möjligt att ta fram förslag till lösningar. Nyckelord: PBL, Plan- och bygglagen, bygglov, lagtolkning, tolkning, avvikelse, liten avvikelse, avvikelse från detaljplan, meningsskapande, MÖD, Mark- och miljööverdomstolen
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Verkställighetshinder i utlänningslagen : En studie om reglering och Migrationsöverdomstolens tillämpning av verkställighetshinder som stadgas i 12 kap. utlänningslagenAl-Ameri, Wahab, Al Zaybak, Haitham January 2020 (has links)
Some expulsion decisions cannot be executed due to the existence of deportation impediments, which in this case means that foreigners are in a legal limbo in such a way that they have neither the right to stay nor the opportunity to leave Sweden. The regulation of deportation impediments is found in Aliens Act (2005:716), but it is the application of these regulations that determine how specific cases are assessed, why it is highly relevant to study said cases. The essay deals with political, practical and medical impediments, found in Chapter 12 of the Aliens Act, in order to establish the applicable law, and by analyzing ten court cases from the Migration Court of Appeal, study how the court assesses the Swedish Migration Agency's application of these legal barriers. The provisions being studied are chapter 12 1-3 §§ Aliens Act, concerning political impediments, chapter 12 18 § Aliens Act, concerning practical and medical impediments, and also chapter 12 19 § Aliens act which establishes the possibility of a new trial in a case. The applicable law is established through a legal dogmatic method, and the legal cases from the Migration Court of Appeal are analyzed using a legal sociological method. The study concludes that political impediments are weighed heaviest in comparison to medical and practical impediments, due to the latter two not being derived from international conventions or instruments as opposed to political impediments. Furthermore, it is easier to present evidence when invoking political impediments, as evidentiary requirements are set lower than those for practical and medical impediments. At the same time the individual has an opportunity to be granted a new trial if he or she invokes a new condition that concerns political impediments, while a new trial cannot be granted if the individual invokes medical or practical impediments. The provisions concerning practical and medical impediments should therefore be developed or amended in such a way that they are adapted to the circumstances that may arise in these cases. It is also concluded that the Swedish Migration Agency's investigation and interpretation of these impediments must be more comprehensive. It must be adapted to the conditions referred to in the case, due to the application of these provisions being complex and requiring the Swedish Migration Agency's staff to be well trained and accurate in each individual case.
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Barnrättsperspektiv i vårdnadsmål vid risk för separationsvåld eller så kallat ”eftervåld” : En studie om rättens avvägning mellan skydd för barn och barns rätt till en nära och god kontakt med båda föräldrarna / The children rights perspective in custody cases in case of risk of separation violence or so-called ”post-separation violence” : A study of the court's balance between protection of children and children's right to close and good contact with both parentsChavez Lupe, Lynette, Falk, Stina January 2022 (has links)
It's a misconception that those who leave a violent relationship are safer than those who stay. For those who have children with their perpetrator there is an increased risk for post-separation violence (Fleury, Sullivan & Bybee, 2000). The aim of this study has been to examine the child rights perspective through how the court judges and resonates in custody disputes with information regarding violence and therefore a possible risk for post-separation violence. Data was retrieved in the form of 34 custody cases from the court of appeal. In order to fulfil the purpose of the study a multi-method investigation has been used, both a quantitative content analysis and a discourse analysis. The results showed that the parent who was mainly referred to as the perpetrator was assigned visitation rights in 64.4 % of the cases, joint custody in 46.6 % and housing in 20 %. The main result showed that the courts ruled the child’s right to close and good contact with both parents outweighs the risk of post-separation abuse, either towards the other parent or the child himself. Children should be allowed to grow up with both parents. However, one could question at what price.
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