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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den föreningsdrivna antirasismen i Sverige : antirasism i rörelse / Association-driven antiracism in Sweden : Antiracism in motion

Malmsten, Jenny January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyze the concept of antiracism and explore what characterizes the kind of antiracism that the empirical examples presented in this study represent. The empirical examples are instances of what I call antiracist actors. They are rooted in civil society, but also have strong connections with the government through government funding. The empirical data has been gathered through both qualitative and quantitative methods, mainly in the form of a survey and interviews. In order to explore the antiracist actors I have focused on three themes: (1) the shapes and forms of racism, (2) antiracism as a phenomenon, and (3) antiracism as a social arena. Through these themes I have gathered information about how the antiracist actors interpret their activities and the context in which they are working. On the subject of the shapes and forms of racism, I establish that racism is a concept that is hard to define. The antiracist actors lack a common language regarding racism, which affects the antiracist rhetoric. Regarding antiracism as a phenomenon, I conclude that the antiracist strategies mainly consist of three components: (1) knowledge is used as a strategic instrument internally to strengthen the volunteers, (2) knowledge is spread externally to increase awareness of racism, and (3) the antiracist actors deconstruct racist beliefs when opposing racist opinions. Finally, I research antiracism as a social arena and study civil society and theories about social movements in order to explore organizational aspects of the antiracist actors. Using Alberto Meluccis’ social movement theories, there is some evidence to support the thesis that the antiracist actors could be defined as part of an antiracist movement. However, overall there are stronger arguments to suggest the opposite, mainly since the antiracist actors are not in opposition to one or more adversaries. Instead they work with target groups, sometimes targeting the general public, sometimes specific groups like children in a certain school. The main conclusion from my study in this respect is that the antiracist actors are part of what I call association-driven antiracism. The associationdriven antiracism is characterized by non-violent methods and the antiracist actors do not focus on racist adversaries, instead they work with target groups trying to influence them in an antiracist way. The association-driven antiracism secures its continuity through networks, since many activities are project-based and only last for a limited period of time. Also, the antiracist actors are not representatives of particular political parties, instead they gather around the question at hand, antiracism. The antiracist actors within the association-driven antiracism are in close collaboration with the government and partly finance their activities with government funding. This collaboration can be explained as a positive steering process, the rulers (the government) and those who are ruled (the antiracist actors) agree on an antiracist ideology and work in the same direction.

Patienter med psykisk ohälsa i somatisk vård : En litteraturöversikt om upplevelser och erfarenheter av bemötande från vårdpersonal / Patients with mental illness in somatic care : Experiences of the encounter with health care personnel – A literature review

Färg, Tanya, Kindgren, Maja January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Samsjuklighet är vanligt förekommande bland personer med psykisk ohälsa. Samtidigt finns indikationer på att patienter med vanligt förekommande psykiatriska diagnoser riskerar att inte få fullgod behandling av sina somatiska sjukdomstillstånd. Bristande vårdkvalité och tillgänglighet är två orsaker som anses vara bidragande till förlust av levnadsår hos denna patientgrupp. Patienter med psykisk ohälsa har rätt till en vård utan diskriminering, men forskningen visar att det kan förekomma negativa attityder och stigmatisering mot dessa patienter från vårdpersonal. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att belysa upplevelser och erfarenheter hos patienter med psykisk ohälsa av bemötande från vårdpersonal i den somatiska vården. Metod: Litteraturöversikt med 13 vetenskapliga artiklar från sex olika länder hämtades från Cinahl och PsycINFO. Artiklarna analyserades enligt Friberg. Resultat: Fyra huvudteman identifierades: Erfarenheter av att bli marginaliserad, Erfarenheter av bra bemötande, Erfarenheter av att vården inte räcker till och Konsekvenser av negativt bemötande. Diskussion: Med Orlandos teori om det dynamiska förhållandet mellan sjuksköterska och patient som teoretisk utgångspunkt diskuteras resultatet i relation till Orlandos nyckelbegrepp: evidensbaserad vård, dialog och reflektion. Behov av ytterligare kompetens hos vårdpersonal i att vårda patienter med psykisk ohälsa var en sak som lyftes. / Background: Somatic and psychiatric comorbidity are frequent in patients with mental illness. There is a risk that patients with common mental disorders don’t get adequate treatment for their somatic health problems. Lack of care quality and availability to somatic health care are issues considered contributory to years of life lost to these patients. Patients with mental disorders have the right to receive care without discrimination, though research indicates that negative attitudes and discrimination by health-care personnel towards these patients may occur. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to reveal how patients with mental illness experience the encounter with health care personnel in somatic care. Method: A literature review with 13 original research articles from six different countries was retrieved from the databases Cinahl and PsycINFO. The studies were analyzed based on Fribergs method. Results: Four main themes were crystallized: Experiences of being marginalized, Positive experiences of health care, Experiences of health care not being good enough and Consequences of negative attitudes. Discussion: The article result was discussed related to Orlando’s nursing process The dynamic nurse-patient relationship and her key concepts: evidence-based nursing, communication, dialogue and reflection. The need for additional   expertise in caring for patients with mental illness was one of the points raised.

Formella nätverk som verktyg vid jämställdhetsintegrering : En studie av nyttan med formellt nätverk som verktyg i arbetet med jämställdhetsintegrering i en svensk myndighet / Formal network as tools for gender mainstreaming : A study of the usefulness of women’s network as a tool in the work on gender mainstreaming in a Swedish authority

Emanuelsson, Karin, Päivinen, Jennikka January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Genom flera studier har det framkommit att ovälkomna handlingar är en utbredd problematik inom den svenska Försvarsmakten. Kvinnorna har fortfarande inte en självklar plats på alla befattningar trots att Försvarsmaktens könsbundna yrkesmonopol slutade år 1989. Det formella nätverket Nätverk Officer/Anställd Kvinna (NOAK) infördes av Försvarsmakten för att hantera frågor kring ovälkomna handlingar, för att fungera som stöd och forum där kvinnor kan diskutera problem samt utbyta erfarenheter. Metod och syfte: Denna studie skall beskriva och undersöka hur ett formellt nätverk kan vara gynnsamt eller missgynnsamt som verktyg i arbetet med jämställdhetsintegrering inom en myndighet. Även medarbetarnas upplevelser av nätverket som verktyg kommer att studeras. Vidare ämnar studien till att identifiera eventuella bakomliggande faktorer till medarbetarnas upplevelser av verktyget formellt nätverk genom de sociala normer som påverkar varje individ. Detta för att beskriva och undersöka om formella nätverk är ett verktyg som fungerar vid jämställdhetsintegrering och hur detta då bör vidareutveckling och förbättras. Studiens resultat och slutsatser har baserats på semistrukturerade djupintervjuer med anställda på ett regemente, litteraturöversikt av tidigare forskning och interna dokument från Försvarsmakten. Resultat och slutsats: Under intervjuerna framkom att nätverk likt NOAK kan vara bra om det utformas på ett sätt som har ett förståeligt syfte för medarbetarna inom organisationen. I dagsläget saknas förståelse och kunskap om nätverket och dess syfte. Respondenterna uppgav nätverk som något positivt trots att de inte förstod varför de skulle delta på NOAK-mötena (Nätverk Officer/Anställd Kvinna). Bakomliggande faktorerna är främst okunskap kring jämställdhet, syfte och oviljan att delta i ett ”gnällforum”. / Background and problems: Through several studies it has emerged that unwelcome actions are a widespread problem within the Swedish Armed Forces. The women still do not have a clear place on all positions even though the Swedish Defense Monopoly's was closed in 1989. The formal network Network Officer/Employee Woman (NOAK) was introduced by the Swedish Armed Forces to handle issues concerning unwelcome actions, to serve as support and forums where women can discuss problems and exchange experiences. Method and purpose: This study aims to investigate how formal network can be beneficial or disadvantageous as a tool in the work of gender mainstreaming within an authority. The employees' experiences of the network as a tool will also be studied. Furthermore, the goal is to identify any underlying factors for the employees' experiences of the tool formal network through the social norms that affect everyone. This for research on formal networks is a tool that works in gender mainstreaming and how this should be further developed and improved. The study's results and conclusions have been based on semi-structured deep interviews with employees, literature review of previous research and internal documents from the Armed Forces. Results and conclusion: During the interviews it emerged that networks like NOAK can be good if it is designed in a way that has an understandable purpose for employees within the organization. In the current situation, there is no understanding and knowledge of the network and its purpose. The respondents stated that networks were something positive, even though they did not understand why they would participate in the NOAK meetings(Network Officer/Employee Woman). The underlying factors are primarily lack of knowledge of gender equality, purpose and unwillingness to participate in a "whining forum".

”Det är ju inte direkt så att man kan ta ett jobb i kassan på ICA.” : -En sociologisk studie om hur arbetsmarknaden upplevs av akademiskt utbildade personer med funktionsnedsättning

Roxell, Josefine, Strandberg, Olivia January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine the description of experiences in the field of employment for people with disabilities who hold academic qualifications. The collection of empirical data has been prepared through semi-structured qualitative interviews conducted with five people working in the same industry with various occupational categories.  The report is based on Pierre Bourdieu's theory of capital, field and habitus. According to the study, the majority of those interviewed said that a well-established professional network can be a decisive factor in the search for work and equally important an academic qualification can open up the door to more opportunities in the labor market. Furthermore, a considerable proportion of the interviewees also outlined that due to their disability they do not have the ability to perform all type of work, such as a physical demanding job and they therefore said that to hold an academic qualification facilitates by the fact that the public sector often is less physically demanding. Moreover, the result outlines that the interviewees habitus is very much characterized by the right to be like "everyone else". Social capital also play a significant part in the decision  making regarding higher academic qualifications. / Denna studie syftar till att skapa en djupare förståelse för hur personer i åldern 30-40 år med funktionsnedsättning och akademisk utbildning beskriver sina erfarenheter av arbetsmarknaden. Den insamlade empirin har framtagits genom semi-strukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med fem personer som arbetar inom samma bransch inom olika yrkeskategorier. Den teori som studien utgått ifrån har varit Pierre Bourdieus teori om kapital, fält och habitus. Studiens resultat visar att den studerade gruppen beskrivit att ett stort kontaktnät kan vara en avgörande faktor vid arbetssökandet samt att en akademisk utbildning öppnar upp fler möjligheter på arbetsmarknaden. Flertalet av intervjupersonerna har beskrivit att deras funktionsnedsättning medför att de inte har möjlighet att utföra alla typer av arbeten som till exempel ett fysiskt arbete. En akademisk utbildning underlättar då genom att tjänstemannayrken ofta är mindre fysiska. Vidare visade resultatet att intervjupersonerna habitus präglas mycket av rätten att vara som "alla andra". Det sociala kapitalet spelar även en viktig roll för valet av vidareutbildning då studien visat att samtliga intervjupersoner har minst en förälder med en akademisk bakgrund.

Socialt medborgarskap och social delaktighet : Lokala upplevelser bland unga kvinnor och män med utländsk bakgrund

Jacobson Pettersson, Helene January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to explore how young adults from ethnic minority backgrounds experience social citizenship and social participation. How do they understand their social rights and duties? What are the possibilities and obstacles for their social participation? Based on the background of different studies in Sweden, that usually focus on conditions in bigger cities, this study discusses social citizenship among ethnic minority youth in the context of a middle-sized Swedish town. In contrast to research on ethnicity and youth in Sweden, that discuss social problems and social exclusion in terms of the deficient cultural, linguistic and social competence of the individuals, this study focuses on different kinds of resources and experiences of agency among young people from migrant backgrounds. Their experiences of active social citizenship and social participation fill also a gap in the contemporary research from the perspective of social inclusion. The theoretical framework is based on the concept of social citizenship as discussed by T. H. Marshall (1950), T. Bottomore (1992) and inspired by research on the subjective dimension of social citizenship conducted by R. Lister (1997, 2003, 2007). In order to grasp the subjective dimension of social citizenship, this thesis deals with differentiated expressions of universal social citizenship in terms of agency and participation in different areas of social life. Using a qualitative approach, seventeen people have been interviewed. The interviews have been analysed from an intersectional perspective where gender, age, marital status and longevity in Sweden appear to be concurrent categories. The results point towards tendencies of enclavisation among these young adults usually articulating experience of weak social bonding in relation to the Swedish majority population. Some informants refer to their expectations of living in bigger cities or a third country, and have plans to move as a strategy for better, more integrated and less discriminated conditions of future life. In sum, the central expectations of the interviewees on the improvement of their social citizenship conditions are the following: They want to be active citizens and are willing to contribute to the development of a more inclusive Swedish society. This thesis contributes to our current understanding of how young adults from ethnic minority backgrounds, experience social citizenship and social participation within the areas of: housing, education, labour-market, leisure and policy. / Denna rapport handlar om hur unga kvinnor och män med utländsk bakgrund i en medelstor svensk stad upplever social delaktighet. I fokus står vardagslivets sociala medborgarskap och hur människor förstår sina sociala rättigheter och skyldigheter och på vilket sätt detta påverkar deras medverkan i samhällslivet. Rapporten visar att de unga kvinnorna och männen har engagemang och uttrycker ansvarskänsla och vilja till social delaktighet i det svenska samhället. Samtidig upplever de inte alltid ett fullvärdigt socialt medborgarskap på grund av etnisk diskriminering. Helene Jacobson Pettersson är doktorand i socialt arbete vid Institutionen för vårdvetenskap och socialt arbete, Växjö universitet. Hon är anställd som universitetsadjunkt i socialt arbete vid Högskolan i Kalmar. Detta är hennes licentiatavhandling.

Invandrarungdomar utan sysselsättning : en studie av arbetslösa invandrarungdomars attityd gentemot sig själva och den svenska arbetsmarknaden / Immigrant youths without employment : a study of unemployed immigrant youth attitude towards themselves and the Swedish labour market.

Mustafa, Besnik January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study was to increase knowledge about what the lives of the unemployed youth of immigrant background looks like, and what the views of the unemployed young people are about work and employment. The study is a qualitative study where the empirical material is based on interviews with seven unemployed immigrant youth between the ages of 19 and 25 years. A study where the central questions was to explore how the informants' living conditions and identity are affected by being unemployed. The other issues aimed at how informants background affected their ability to enter the labour market, and the job expectations the informants had about the future and the Swedish labour market. Empirin have been analyzed with regard to methodology tool based theory, as well as theoretical starting points, such as social capital, formal and informal channels, ethnicity and stigma theory. The result is shown in five different disciplines on the basis of informants experiences of the situation they are in. These topics are <em>The unemployment and welfare</em>, <em>The social network's importance</em>, <em>The foreign name the obstacles</em>, <em>The road to the labour market</em> and finally, <em>The social environment</em>. The results show that informants welfare was affected in a destructive way when informants experienced a lack of employment. Informants perceived that the social network's importance was very prominent in the labour market, which proved, however, that informants social networks were very limited and without a resource for them. The result also shows that the majority of informants had been discriminated against by employers. A crucial factor for this form of discrimination were informants background and the foreign name. Road to the labour market was perceived stressful when the economic situation in the country was unstable and in decline. The results suggest that the informants had to lower their job expectations when they could not change the situation. Moreover, it appeared to indicate that ambient performances that immigrant segregated areas are perceived as socially vulnerable, both as a social problem for society. Informants self-image was negatively affected by the social environment perceptions of immigrants segregated neighbourhoods, which were seen by informants as a contributing factor that made their job opportunities more difficult.</p>

En studie av den muslimska sjalen i Sverige

Magnusson, Lena January 2006 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen är skriven i första hand som en betraktelse över sjalen i den svenska kontexten. Det grundläggande syftet med uppsatsen har varit att titta på</p><ul><li>Synen på sjalen - argumenten för och emot</li><li>Sjalen som meningsbärande i det svenska samhället</li></ul><p>Det övergripande målet med detta arbete har inte varit att skriva ännu en uppsats om den muslimska sjalen. Jag har valt bort material som rör sjalens kontext i andra länder. Jag har även valt bort användandet av koranen och bibeln som litteraturkällor.</p><p>Uppsatsens del I inleds med några stycken som tar upp:</p><ul><li>synen på sjalen i Sverige,</li><li>sjalen i västerländsk kontext och</li><li>integrationsverkets tabell vilken visar den syn som finns i samhället när det gäller ”muslimska kvinnor bärande sjal”.</li></ul><p>Detta för att få en grund att utgå ifrån när jag sen tittar på argument för och emot sjalen i uppsatsens del II.</p><p>Jag ger i uppsatsens del III också en bild av medias roll i sjaldebatten, försöker visa på att nyhetsjournalistiken kring sjalen bidrar till att forma vår uppfattning i denna samhällsfråga.</p><p>Jag har gjort en liten empirisk studie genom att ställa fem frågor som jag e-postat till alla riksdagspartierna för att se vad partierna tar för ställning i sjaldebatten. Svaren på dessa frågor kan man läsa i uppsatsens del IV. Det framgår dock tydligt att alla riksdagspartierna har en ganska enhetlig ståndpunkt i sjaldebatten där man menar att alla ska kunna klä sig i enlighet med sin religiösa övertygelse.</p>

Invandrarungdomar utan sysselsättning : en studie av arbetslösa invandrarungdomars attityd gentemot sig själva och den svenska arbetsmarknaden / Immigrant youths without employment : a study of unemployed immigrant youth attitude towards themselves and the Swedish labour market.

Mustafa, Besnik January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to increase knowledge about what the lives of the unemployed youth of immigrant background looks like, and what the views of the unemployed young people are about work and employment. The study is a qualitative study where the empirical material is based on interviews with seven unemployed immigrant youth between the ages of 19 and 25 years. A study where the central questions was to explore how the informants' living conditions and identity are affected by being unemployed. The other issues aimed at how informants background affected their ability to enter the labour market, and the job expectations the informants had about the future and the Swedish labour market. Empirin have been analyzed with regard to methodology tool based theory, as well as theoretical starting points, such as social capital, formal and informal channels, ethnicity and stigma theory. The result is shown in five different disciplines on the basis of informants experiences of the situation they are in. These topics are The unemployment and welfare, The social network's importance, The foreign name the obstacles, The road to the labour market and finally, The social environment. The results show that informants welfare was affected in a destructive way when informants experienced a lack of employment. Informants perceived that the social network's importance was very prominent in the labour market, which proved, however, that informants social networks were very limited and without a resource for them. The result also shows that the majority of informants had been discriminated against by employers. A crucial factor for this form of discrimination were informants background and the foreign name. Road to the labour market was perceived stressful when the economic situation in the country was unstable and in decline. The results suggest that the informants had to lower their job expectations when they could not change the situation. Moreover, it appeared to indicate that ambient performances that immigrant segregated areas are perceived as socially vulnerable, both as a social problem for society. Informants self-image was negatively affected by the social environment perceptions of immigrants segregated neighbourhoods, which were seen by informants as a contributing factor that made their job opportunities more difficult.

Tolerance or truth? : The good, the bad and the political in the discourse of the American Family Association

Roghult, Madeleine January 2012 (has links)
This master’s thesis conducts a discourse analysis on a political organization within the New Christian Right (NCR), the American Family Association (AFA). The purpose of the study is to analyze the conditions of possibility for a politics that aims to prevent progress for LGBT rights and does so by analyzing the political terrain where operations of power produce particular and meaningful political practices. As analytical tools the study relies on a theory of the political by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, who together with Michel Foucault also provide an elaborate theory of power. Theoretical work by Wendy Brown provides insights into how politics can be expressed when social antagonisms are prevented from engaging in political contestation. Results of the discourse analysis trace social antagonisms in AFA discourse to a dislocation of the social where new articulatory practices have established new relationships between elements of discourse and thereby also changed the nature of social intelligibility and interaction. AFA discourse articulates family values based on the privileged signifiers of freedom, democracy and rights, which is utilized both for a separatist politics of discrimination and an inclusive politics of social assimilation. AFA discourse shows many points of antagonism and organizes an enemy in postmodernism. Freedom as a mode of governmentality conditions the political demands that are and can be made which can be traced to a hegemonic neoliberal articulation. AFA discourse challenges neoliberal hegemony through the process of separatism, yet is intimately bound to the hegemonic way of making political demands in order to gain discursive strength and legitimacy.

Att möta fördomar : En kvalitativ studie om några finska och utomnordiska romers upplevelser på bostads- och arbetsmarknaden

Ljungqvist, Jonna, Filhm, Karin January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to examine how a few members of the Finnish and non- Scandinavian Romani subgroups experience their own, and their groups, situation on the Housing- and Labour Market. We´ve studied our respondents’ experiences of discrimination, which difficulties they think there are, what strategies can be used to deal with these difficulties and also their own ideas on how to improve the situation for the Romani people in the Swedish society. This has been done by six individual structured interviews which have been analyzed with concepts from Symbolic Interactionism, including Goffman’s Dramaturgical Role Theory, definition of Stigma and Kelly’s theory of Personal Constructions. Our results show that the respondents either have been victims of discrimination themselves, or have family/friends that have, which has led to adjustments to the expectations of how an employee or a houseguest should be. Our respondents believe that difficulties getting/keeping a job/house are a result of prejudice towards the Romani people and the main strategy that can be used is hiding their ethnic identity on these arenas.  Ideas for improvement include members of the majority population and Romanies working together long term to develop knowledge about the Romani people.

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