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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Möte med det förflutna : digitaliserade primärkällor i historieundervisningen / Encounter with the Past : Uses of Digital Sources in History Education

Sandberg, Karin January 2014 (has links)
In recent years, the Swedish educational system has undergone considerable change. A new curriculum and swift digitization via the implementation of the "one-to-one" system have increased the call for new teaching methods in schools. Previous research indicates that working with primary sources can enhance students’ historical thinking and historical empathy. The present licentiate dissertation aims to investigate Swedish upper secondary school students’ use of critical thinking and historical empathy when utilizing digitized primary sources, such as the parish registers stored in the Demographic Data Base at Umeå University.         Five classes in grades 1-3, comprising 110 students, in the ages 16 to 19, and three teachers participated in the study. The students were assigned with compiling a report based on the digitised primary source material and presenting their findings in a written paper or oral presentation. The study was evaluated through (1) interviews with students and teachers, (2) classroom observation of the students while working with the material, (3) questionnaires on the students´ view of history, and (4) the completed assignments.           The study shows that all the students achieved some result based on the information found in the digitised primary sources. While they applied historical empathy and historical thinking, it was mixed with presentism. The majority did not make use of corroboration, but those who did displayed more examples of historical thinking and historical empathy, primarily evident in grades 2 and 3 and in the free discussions held after the presentations. The students’ perception of primary sources shifted as a result of this exercise: Their preference for using primary sources had increased, although their trust in primary sources had simultaneously decreased. Teachers and students alike were generally satisfied with the assignment but argued that the database needed improvement in order to enhance its usefulness. Over the course of the assignment, students frequently expressed that the individuals in the digitized material came to life for them, generating feelings of empathy.         The study’s contribution to history didactics is twofold. First, it clearly demonstrates how upper secondary students can make use of historical thinking and historical empathy when studying digitised parish records, even though they have difficulty contextualizing their results. Secondly, it provides insight into how Swedish students learn history and the kind of history that interests them. The results are predominantly in agreement with those from previous studies but this study is pioneering in basing its findings on primary sources that are digitised. / En dator till varje elev, det som ofta kallas en-till-en, har skapat nya förutsättningar för undervisning. I denna studie får gymnasieelever arbeta med digitaliserade primärkällor i historieundervisningen. Elevernas förmåga att använda historiskt tänkande, historisk empati och kontextualisering undersöks, och elevernas inställning till historieämnet kartläggs före och efter mötet med de digitaliserade källorna. Samtliga elever klarar av att genomföra sökningar i det digitaliserade källmaterialet, och de uppvisar i högre eller lägre grad historiskt tänkande, historisk empati och kontextualisering under lektionerna och i sina skriftliga och muntliga redovisningar. Elevernas inställning till historieämnet påverkas i viss mån. Främst förändras deras syn på primärkällor.

Historien som fiktion : gymnasieelevers erfarande av spelfilm i historieundervisningen / History as Fiction : Pupils' Reception of Historical Feature Film in Upper Secondary School History Education

Deldén, Maria January 2014 (has links)
The present study explores the reception of historical feature films in history education. It is concerned with how pupils experience the films as well as the significance of the feature film for their understanding and interpretation of history. The study incorporates empirical data from classroom projects in two different Swedish upper secondary schools where film was used as an educational tool. Observations of classroom activities were made and interviews with twelve pupils and their history teachers were conducted. The study applies a phenomenological approach. The lifeworld of the pupils is in focus, specifically the aspect of the lifeworld they live and experience in history class when film is used as a means of understanding the past. The phenomenon studied is thus how the pupils experience the film, and through the film, history itself. Theoretical notions from film reception studies and history didactics are used as analytic tools. The study shows how emotional and cognitive processes converge in the pupils’ meaning making of the films. The embodiment of the films’ narrative is an important factor that contributes to both the understanding of the film as well as of history. The pupils experience the films emotionally, feeling both empathy and antipathy for the various characters, physically through sight and sound as well as embodied reactions, and cognitively through an understanding of the film’s narrative. Embodied experience is fundamental for history to become materialized. The audiovisual portrayal and materialization of the past becomes embodied in the pupils so that the experience of the film and of the historical lifeworld presented therein becomes part of their lifeworld. Generally, pupils consider the films to be trustworthy, though this perceived accuracy depends on how authentically the narrative is performed and the pupils’ previous store of historical knowledge.  A didactic dilemma to consider when using historical feature film in the classroom is the contradiction between the aesthetic experience of a feature film and its use as a tool for understanding the past. The captivating character of feature film evokes empathy and engagement with the films’ characters regardless of the degree of historical accuracy. This is a critical issue for teachers; there needs to be balance between respect for the pupils’ aesthetic experience of the film and the need to guide them to develop for example the skills of historical empathy, where distance is necessary for the pupils to be able to consider different perspectives.

Den sjuka vårdcentralen : Om läkekonst som motstånd och möjlighet i en marknadsstyrd sjukvård / The ill healthcare center : Art of medicine as resistance and opportunity in a market-based healthcare

Tamaddon, Leila January 2017 (has links)
Denna essä syftar till att belysa och problematisera rådande ekonomiska och management-baserade styrningsformer och dess effekter inom hälso- och sjukvårdssystemet genom att undersöka hur läkekonsten och allmänläkares praktiska kunskap påverkas i en marknadsstyrd vård. Utgångspunkten är en gestaltning av en allmänläkares arbetsdag på en vårdcentral i Stockholm. Med avstamp i en hermeneutisk och politisk filosofisk tanketradition utforskar essän frågor kring patientens narrativ, läkares utmattning, samvete och empati, reflektion och motstånd, arbete och alienation samt konflikten mellan olika rationaliteter och kunskapsparadigm. Essän visar hur den nyliberala rationaliteten och nuvarande naturvetenskapliga och biotekniska paradigmen förstärker varandra och en reduktionistisk och ekonomisk människosyn. Essän förespråkar förändring genom en mer balanserad kunskapssyn och medicinsk praktik med en mobilisering av kollektiv och individuell fronesis hos läkare för att upphöja värdet av det mellanmänskliga mötet, den praktiska kunskapen och läkekonsten. / This essay aims to highlight and problematize current economic and management-based forms of governance and its effects in the healthcare system by exploring how the art of medicine and general practitioners' practical knowledge are influenced in market-based health care. The starting point is a narrative of a general practitioner's working day at a healthcare centre in Stockholm. The theoretical framework is mainly within the fields of philosophical hermeneutics and political philosophy. The essay explores questions about the patient's narrative, physician burnout, conscience and empathy, reflection and resistance, work and alienation, and the conflict between different rationalities and knowledge paradigms. The essay shows how neoliberal rationality and current paradigms of natural sciences and biotechnology reinforce each other and a reductionist and economic view of human being. The essay advocates change through a more balanced understanding of knowledge and medical practice with a mobilization of collective and individual phronesis in physicians in order to elevate the value of the interpersonal meeting, the practical knowledge and the art of medicine.

En litteraturöversikt om compassion fatigue hos sjuksköterskor / A litterature review of compassion fatigue in nurses

Andersson, Camilla, Sandstedt, Lisa January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund:  Compassion fatigue hos sjuksköterskor beskrivs som en minskad förmåga att känna empati till följd av att ha levt sig in i andra människors trauman, samtidigt ses empati som en av kärnorna i omvårdnaden. Många sjuksköterskor saknar kunskap i ämnet men drabbade sjuksköterskor beskriver det som en överväldigande känsla av att något är fel. Detta kan leda till att många sjuksköterskor funderar på att lämna yrket. Syfte: Syftet var att kartlägga faktorer till uppkomsten av compassion fatigue hos sjuksköterskor. Metod: En litteraturöversikt enligt Fribergs metod som baserades på elva kvantitativa och en kvalitativ artikel. Resultat: Resultatet presenterades utifrån fyra teman: empati, skuldkänslor och moralisk stress, personliga och sociala faktorer, arbetsrelaterade och organisatoriska faktorer samt ålder, arbetslivserfarenhet och professionalism. Några faktorer som orsakar compassion fatigue var hög grad av empatisk förmåga och hanteringsstrategier. Diskussion: Watsons teori om mänsklig omsorg och Conti O´Hares theory of the nurse as a wounded healer användes som teoretiska referensramar. Watson beskriver empati som en av kärnorna i hennes teori. Samtidigt som litteraturöversiktens resultat visade att högre grad av empati hos sjuksköterskan ger större risk att drabbas av compassion fatigue. Detta kan ses som motsägelsefullt då empati är en förutsättning för god omsorg. Conti O´Hares teori och resultatet stämmer överens i det avseende att om trauman hanteras på ett negativt sätt leder det till ohälsa. / Background: Compassion fatigue among nurses is described as a reduced ability to feel empathy due to being exposed to other peoples trauma, at the same time empathy is seen as one of the core values in nursing. Many nurses lack knowledge about the subject but affected nurses describes it as an overwhelmingly feeling that something is wrong. This may lead to a lot of nurses thinking about leaving the profession. Aim: The purpose was to identify the factors that lead to compassion fatigue in nurses. Method: A literature review according to Friberg´s method that is based on eleven quantitative articles and one qualitative article. Results: The results were presented on the basis of four themes: empathy, feelings of guilt and morol distress, personal and social factors, work related and organizational factors and also age, work experience and professionalism. Some of the factors that cause compassion fatigue were degree of empathetic ability and personal coping strategies. Discussion: Watson´s theory of human caring and Conti O´Hare´s theory of the nurse as a wounded healer was used as theoretical frame of reference. Watson describes empathy as one of the core values in her theory of human caring, at the same time the results of the literature review showed that nurses with a higher degree of empathy were at higher risk to develop compassion fatigue. This can be seen as contradictory when empathy is a condition in caring. Conti O´Hare´s theory and the result agree in the regard that if trauma is not handled in a positive way it may lead to illness.

Lika som bär men vissa med nationen mer kär : En jämförelse av kursplaner i historia för studieförberedande gymnasieutbildningar i Finland, Norge och Sverige

Malmberg, Oline January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to compare the subject syllabuses for history education in uppersecondary school of Finland, Norway and Sweden. Three syllabuses from Norway, two from Finland and one from Sweden for courses that are compulsory for higher education preparatory programmes in the three countries have been analysed and compared. Qualitative content analysis has been used to find similarities and differences for what the countries find important with and in the history subject. A deductive analysis has been used for the part of the syllabus where the aim and the goals are written. An inductive analysis has been used for the part of the course content. By using a deductive content analysis with a coding scheme based on common historical didactic terms, the result of this study shows that every country finds that historical consciousness, narration, historical empathy, historical method and the uses of history are important parts of the history subject and education. However, the countries differ when it comes to if they see these parts as the aim or as a goal with the subject or the education. The inductive content analysis shows that all countries find sources and work with sources, uses of history, time periods, global historical events and processes and development of state and societies as important parts of the education. A difference between the countries is that Finland and Norway have more specific national history content in the syllabuses than Sweden has. Therewith does this result show that both Norway and Sweden find it important to problematize the time periods and to have different historical questions, aspects and explanations in the content of history education.

Historien som fiktion : gymnasieelevers erfarande av spelfilm i historieundervisningen / History as Fiction : Pupils' Reception of Historical Feature Film in Upper Secondary School History Education

Deldén, Maria January 2014 (has links)
The present study explores the reception of historical feature films in history education. It is concerned with how pupils experience the films as well as the significance of the feature film for their understanding and interpretation of history. The study incorporates empirical data from classroom projects in two different Swedish upper secondary schools where film was used as an educational tool. Observations of classroom activities were made and interviews with twelve pupils and their history teachers were conducted. The study applies a phenomenological approach. The lifeworld of the pupils is in focus, specifically the aspect of the lifeworld they live and experience in history class when film is used as a means of understanding the past. The phenomenon studied is thus how the pupils experience the film, and through the film, history itself. Theoretical notions from film reception studies and history didactics are used as analytic tools. The study shows how emotional and cognitive processes converge in the pupils’ meaning making of the films. The embodiment of the films’ narrative is an important factor that contributes to both the understanding of the film as well as of history. The pupils experience the films emotionally, feeling both empathy and antipathy for the various characters, physically through sight and sound as well as embodied reactions, and cognitively through an understanding of the film’s narrative. Embodied experience is fundamental for history to become materialized. The audiovisual portrayal and materialization of the past becomes embodied in the pupils so that the experience of the film and of the historical lifeworld presented therein becomes part of their lifeworld. Generally, pupils consider the films to be trustworthy, though this perceived accuracy depends on how authentically the narrative is performed and the pupils’ previous store of historical knowledge.  A didactic dilemma to consider when using historical feature film in the classroom is the contradiction between the aesthetic experience of a feature film and its use as a tool for understanding the past. The captivating character of feature film evokes empathy and engagement with the films’ characters regardless of the degree of historical accuracy. This is a critical issue for teachers; there needs to be balance between respect for the pupils’ aesthetic experience of the film and the need to guide them to develop for example the skills of historical empathy, where distance is necessary for the pupils to be able to consider different perspectives.

Samtalsmetodik i yrkesrollen som socionomer : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorer / Conversational Methodologyin the Professional Role Ofsocial Workers : A qualitative study with school counselors

Krasnici, Jeton, Policarpio, Jennifer January 2021 (has links)
En del socionomer kan uppleva obehag att samtala med människor som är i kris eller mår dåligt. Skolkuratorer är en av de som kan uppleva en osäkerhet huruvida de ska samtala med barn och ungdomar. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka metoder skolkuratorer från Malmös grundskolor använder i sina samtal med elever, men även hur skolkuratorerna beskriver sina kompetenser i samtalsmetodik. Vi har utgått ifrån en kvalitativ metod där vi har intervjuat sex skolkuratorer med olika långa anställningar inom skolkuratorsyrket. Studiens resultat visar att skolkuratorer inte följer någon metod på hur de ska förhålla sig i samtal med elever. Det finns ingen mall på hur skolkuratorer ska utföra sitt arbete vilket innebär att de arbetar väldigt olika och utvecklar olika sätt att utföra samtalen som de själva anser ger bäst resultat. Istället för en metod så blir det en “plock” av alla möjliga metoder för att anpassa elevernas behov. Däremot såg vi flera likheter i modeller som de nämnde att de utgår ifrån, såsom motiverande samtal och empatiskt förhållningssätt där olika faktorer spelar en väsentlig roll för samtalets utveckling såsom ett gott bemötande. I enlighet med learning by doing visar resultatet på studien att skolkuratorerna får mer kunskap på hur man samtalar desto fler samtal de genomför. För att få bättre kompetenser i samtalsmetodik önskar skolkuratorer mer praktik och djupare kurser i samtalsmetodik från socionomutbildningen. / Some social workers can experience discomfort when speaking with people in a state of crisis or who are mentally unwell. School counselors are among those who can experience insecurity on how they should talk with children and teenagers. The purpose of this study is to examine what models school counselors from Malmö’s elementary schools use in their conversations with students and how the school counselors describe their speech methodic competences. We used a qualitative method where we interviewed six school counselors with varying lengths of employments within the profession. The result of the study shows that school counselors do not follow any model on how to act in conversations with students. There is no template on how school counselors should conduct their work which means that they work very differently and develop different ways to conduct conversations according to what they themselves believe give the best results. Instead of one method it becomes a pick of all sorts of different methods to adapt to the student’s needs. We did, however, see many similarities in models that they mentioned they use as a foundation, such as motivating talks and an empathic approach, where different factors play an essential part for the development of the conversations, such as a good reception. Furthermore, the result shows that school counselors learn to converse the more conversations they have, in accordance with learning by doing. To achieve better competences in conversation methodics, school counselors wish for more internships and more in-depth courses in conversation methodics from the social worker education.

"Genom bokens värld når man dem ändå på ett väldigt fint sätt kan jag uppleva" : - En intervjustudie om sex grundskollärares syn på skönlitteratur och värdegrundsuppdraget / “It is my experience that, by introducing them to literature, we can reach them in a very nice way anyway” : - A study based on interviews on six primary school teachers’ views on fiction and the teaching of common values

Ramberg, Linnea, Lindberg, Emmy January 2022 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka vad verksamma svensklärare i årskurserna 4– 6 har för uppfattningar om hur värdegrunden kan integreras i arbetet med skönlitteratur och vilken betydelse det kan ha för elever. Det empiriska materialet består av sex kvalitativa intervjuer som har analyserats för att få en djupgående inblick i hur lärarna ser på integrationen av undervisningsuppdragen. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna studien har utgått ifrån framhäver båda skönlitteraturens unika möjligheter. Judith Langer betonar i sin teori de föreställningsvärldar en läsare bygger upp för sitt inre vid läsning av skönlitteratur medan Martha Nussbaum belyser den narrativa fantasins möjligheter att föreställa sig hur andra människor känner och uppfattar sin värld. Resultaten i vår studie visar att lärarna är överens om att skönlitteratur och värdegrundsarbete med fördel bör integreras och där främst möjligheterna blir framträdande. Resultaten visar även att lärarna är överens om att läsning av skönlitteratur kan ha effekt på elevers utvecklande av ett empatiskt och medmänskligt förhållningssätt. Vi kan med vår studie därmed dra slutsatsen att skönlitteratur och värdegrundsarbete kan bidra till att elever utvecklar betydelsefulla förmågor och att de båda uppdragen med fördel bör integreras.

Sjuksköterskans omvårdnad av självmordsnära patienter : en litteraturstudie / Nursing care of suicidal patients : a literature review

Sundström, Kristin January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Självmord är brett representerat över hela världen och berör många miljoner människor direkt eller indirekt. Psykiatriskt sjukdomstillstånd och andra sociala och biologiska tillstånd ligger som grund då en människa tar sitt liv. Omvårdnaden vid självmordsproblematik är central och sjuksköterskors inställning och den vårdrelation som finns mellan sjuksköterska och patient är viktig vid omvårdanden av självmordsnära patienter. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att utifrån sjuksköterskor inom psykiatrisk vård och självmordsnära patienter beskriva omvårdnad som kan vara betydelsefull samt svårigheter som kan föreligga. Metod: Litteraturstudie med 12 artiklar där kvalitativ, kvantitativ och mixad metod användes. Data analyserades med Thomas och Hardens tematiska syntes. Resultat: Resultatet bildade två huvudteman; ”Förutsättningar för att bedriva ändamålsenlig omvårdnad för självmordsnära patienter” och ”Sjuksköterskors känslor – En utmaning vid omvårdnaden av självmordspatienter”. Underteman för respektive huvudteman beskriver ”Observation och säkerhet”, ”Bedömning”, ”Teamarbete”, ”Kommunikation”, ”Kunskap och stöd” samt ”Tid” och för huvudtema två ”Osäkerhet”, ”Sjuksköterskors förhållningssätt: Empati – icke empati” samt ”Medkänsla och sjuksköterskans ingjutande av hopp hos patienten”. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuteras utifrån Joyce Travelbees teoretiska utgångspunkt och belyser den unika människan och den mellanmänskliga relationen, hoppets betydelse för den lidande människan och hur vi förstår andras upplevelser genom tid och kommunikation. / Background: Suicide is widely represented all over the world and affects many millions of people directly or indirectly. Psychiatric disease states and other social and biological conditions lie as a basis when a person takes one’s life. Nursing in suicide problems is central and nurses' attitude and the care relationship between nurse and patient is important in nursing suicidal thinking patients. Aim: The purpose of the study was to describe nursing care that may be significant as well as difficulties that may exist from nurses in psychiatric care and suicidal patients. Method: Literature review with 12 articles using qualitative, quantitative and mixed methodology. Data was analyzed by Thomas and Hardens thematic synthesis. Results: The result formed two main themes; "Prerequisites for proper care for suicidal patients" and "Nursing feelings – A challenge in nursing of suicide patients". Subtopics for the respective main themes describes "Observation and Security", "Assessment", "Teamwork", "Communication", "Knowledge and Support" and "Time" and for the main theme two "Uncertainty", "Nurse’s approach: Empathy - Empathy" and "Compassion and nurse’s initiation of hope for the patient". Discussions: The result is discussed based on Joyce Travelbee's theoretical theory and highlighting the unique human and interpersonal relationship, the significance of the hope for the suffering person, and how we understand the experiences of others through time and communication.

Historiska platser, kulturarvsplatser & museer : En översikt av forskningen kring historiska platser, kulturarvsplatser och museibesök och dess betydelse för undervisningen i historieämnet / Historical places, cultural heritage sites & museums : An overview of resarch on historical sites, cultural heritage sites and museum visits and their significance for teaching the subject of history

Bursell, Linus, Fehrm, Harald January 2022 (has links)
When teachers reason about where they take their students to places such as cultural heritage sites, historical places and museums, they usually have a motive for why they choose to make such a trip. And it is usually because they want to evoke their students' abilities to work and study the school subject history. One of these abilities the teacher wants their students to uphold, are for example historical empathy. The aim of this study is to map the state of knowledge for how visits to historical sites and museums are used within and motivated in history teaching. The information retrieval was mainly performed on searching empirical information via databases such as SwePub, Libsearch and Google Scholar, through the search engine in Malmö University library webpage. After an extensive and thorough research, the information gathered from the search shows that both scholars, museum educators, teachers and students agree that it is good to make these kinds of field trips. It can help students to engage with and within history, to evolve their perspectives on the history and abilities to understand other people and their actions, thoughts and beliefs in the past. The reason for doing this research is to understand the purpose of these kinds of visits and in the near future to use this as an advantage, for ourselves when we want to evoke historical abilities in our future students.

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