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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Turistiskt kulturutövande – en studie om autentiska kulturarvs fiktiva kontexter i Skara och Skottland.

Holm, Kina, Ingvarsson, Annelie January 2005 (has links)
Turistiskt kulturutövande – en studie om autentiska kulturarv fiktiva kontexter i Skara och Skottland, är en magisteruppsats som studerar ett fenomen kallat för ”fiktiva kulturarv”. Två fallstudier, ”Arnfenomenet” och ”Da Vinci- effekten”, analyseras utifrån uppkomst, kulturturistisk form och marknadsföring. Turistiskt kulturutövande har allt mer börjat innebära samarbetsprojekt mellan kultursektorn och turismnäringen vilket fört med sig både positiva och negativa reaktioner. Uppsatsen presenterar hur det fiktiva kulturarvet med dess autentiska och fiktiva delar kan bidra till både möjligheter och begränsningar inom kulturturistiska samarbetsprojekt. / “A study of fictional context in the intermediary of authentic cultural heritage in Skara and Scotland” is a study about a phenomenon called “fictional cultural heritage”. Two case studies, “the Arnphenomena” and “the Da Vinci- effect”, are analysed from their origin, marketing and different aspects of cultural tourism. Cultural tourism has more frequently been used as collaborated projects between the tourism industry and the heritage industry. These projects have brought both positive and negative reactions. This study shows the “fictional cultural heritage” and how it’s authentic and fictional aspects can entail both possibilities and limitations.

The Gotlandic rural militia : A study of the invasion of Gotland 1361 in response to a modern narrative

Neijman, Thomas January 2017 (has links)
De moderna beskrivningarna av Gotlands invasion 1361 delar ett ofta använt narrativ, där de gotländska och danska arméerna beskrivs som motsatser. Den danska armén sägs ha bestått av proffs, som var välutbildade och välutrustade. Den gotländska bondemilisen är däremot beskriven som en bondehop, dåligt utbildad och utrustad med föråldrade vapen och rustningar. Men hur stämmer det här narrativet om den gotländska bondemilisen med källorna? I den här uppsatsen studeras den gotländska bondemilisen utifrån samtida källor, regleringar genom lagar och representation i massgravarna efter slaget vid Visby.  Detta genom en källpluralistisk metod där skriftligt och arkeologiskt materialet studeras, i kombination av isotopanalyser på mänskliga kvarlevor. Detta som svar på det moderna narrativet och historiografin om invasionen av Gotland 1361.

Resande genom historien : Framställningen av romer i grundskolans läroböcker för historia mellan åren 1964–2014 / Travelers through History : The portrayal of Romani in history textbooks for lower secondary school between the years 1964–2014

Bergkvist, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to analyze the portrayal of the Romani people in 23 history textbooks marketed towards the Swedish lower secondary school between the years 1964–2014, but also which uses of history emerge from within these descriptions. During this period, the curriculum has passed through five different stages with varying approaches towards ethnic minorities. The method used to compare different textbooks, passages and time-periods was a qualitative and comparative content analysis based on a model by Professor Lennart Hellspong. This was supported by a theoretical framework focused around the typologies of uses of history by Professor Klas-Göran Karlsson. The findings show that Romani people are portrayed in similar themes or contexts over different curriculum-stages and many of the written passages focuses on the victimization and mistreatment of Romani by either Swedish or international actors. A comprehensive account of an objective and cultural history is only found in a few of the most current textbooks. The Romani and their history are often overlooked in favor of the majority society’s historical narrative if not a specific duty is charged towards their inclusion in the schools control documents. In the year 2000 the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities was ratified by the Swedish government and the subsequent revision of the curriculum made this inclusion a permanent fixture. However, some textbooks keep minority history brief and unsatisfying. The uses of history regarding Romani people vary over time and appear to be subject to the overarching sociopolitical landscape. An excluding and existential nationalistic narrative is identified to be common during the 1960’s but transforms towards a more including variety over time. Non-use and political-pedagogical use are both partial in varying degrees during all the curriculum-periods coupled with a perceived scientific presentation of historical facts, but not scientific use of history. The current curriculum introduces a widely moral and conciliatory use of history. This study confirms earlier research to an extent, but at the same time it extends to focus on the Romani people, a wider variety of books and a longer time-period compared with earlier studies on the subject. The findings open the possibility for future research on other Swedish or international minorities – or the Romani from other methodological or theoretical standpoints.

Historia skriven i sten? : Bruket av Kensingtonstenen som historiekultur i svenska och amerikanska utställningsrum / History Written in Stone? : Uses of the Kensington Rune Stone as Historical Culture in Swedish and American Exhibitions

Hjorthén, Adam January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to analyze how and why Scandinavian-American history has been used in exhibitions in both Scandinavia and the United States after the end of the Great Migration. More specifically, the thesis deals with the Swedish and American exhibitions of the controversial Kensington Rune Stone, discovered in Minnesota in 1898. Despite the fact that its authenticity has been disputed by academic expertise, it has been displayed by many prominent actors. The Rune Stone is one of many purportedly pre-Columbian artifacts found in the United States. Moreover, it is an identity marker, harboring many kinds of identity constructions. The thesis therefore focuses on the meanings that the Rune Stone has been charged with since its discovery, as historical culture and in specific exhibits, on how it has been displayed, and on why it has been exhibited at  national museums in both Sweden and the United States.  The principal source materials are five exhibitions of the Kensington Rune Stone. Through an analysis of previous research about the Rune Stone, four dimensions in the historical culture surrounding the Stone have been isolated, which are used as theoretical tools in the analysis. Hence, the previous research is viewed as secondary source materials. Structured into two phases, the analysis highlights both the making of the exhibits and the public display settings. The study shows why the actors considered the Rune Stone important, which dimensions of the historical culture that were activated, and how the actors narrated the history to the public.  This master thesis argues that the Scandinavian-American use of history consists of several dimensions and should be comprehended within a transnational context. The exhibitions of the Kensington Rune Stone differ significantly from each other. From a Swedish point of view, the uses of the Rune Stone in America, as part of a “Viking discourse”, may be regarded as both vulgar and incorrect. However, this study shows that all exhibitions have had common implications. The uses of history take place within national and regional contexts and discourses, but the historical culture is hybridized and entangled across national borders. Consequently, the pre-Columbian historical culture has accompanied the Rune Stone when it moved between cultural contexts.

Att mura in det förflutna i Herrens hus : Återbruk av runstenar och tidigkristna gravmonument i medeltida kyrkobyggnader i Östergötland / To build the past into the house of the Lord : The re-use of runestones and early Christian grave monuments in medieval church buildings in Östergötland

Ohlsson, Rasmus January 2021 (has links)
In this study the medieval re-use of early Christian grave monuments and runestones in church buildings in the Swedish region of Östergötland is analysed in relation to contemporary church imagery and practices. Analysis of the practice show differences in application, especially during the early parts of the medieval period, which suggests differences in meaning. Although no single reason can explain the practice, the re-use of the monuments during the early medieval period is, in several cases, understood as different ways for the local elite to increase their social standing and for the Church to legitimise their new role as centre for social gatherings. During the later parts of the period the practice seems to be more standardised and may have become a local variation of the Church´s broader practice to re-use spolia.

El Corrido enligt Det vilda gänget och Övergången

Birgersson, Tobias January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att visa på hur historiebruk migrerar och transformeras över tid. I sin bok With His Pistol in His Hand – A Border Ballad and its Hero presenterar Américo Paredes sin bild av vad Corridon är, en särskild typ av mexikansk ballad vid som sjöngs i ett område mellan Mexiko och USA från mitten av 1830-talet och drygt hundra år framåt. Jag har försökt finna passager i Cormac McCarthys bok Övergången och Sam Peckinpahs film Det vilda gänget som kan förstås som influerade av Corridon. För att kunna tolka min empiri har jag tagit hjälp av framförallt Roland Barthes Mytologier och Reinhart Kosellecks Erfarenhet, tid och historia – Om historiska tiders semantik. I diskussionen argumenterar jag för att både moralsyn och tematik i de bägge verkan visar på ett släktskap med Corridon. Vidare har jag funnit likheter i hur de gestaltar tid och hur de arbetar med mytologiska tecken för att gestalta sina berättelser och därmed sin historieförmedling. En slutsats är att verken för en dialog med sina mottagare, de skapar ett utrymme för betraktaren eller läsaren att själva dra de logiska följderna av de frågor som verken ger upphov till. / The purpose of this paper is to show how the use of history migrates and transforms over time. In his book With His Pistol in His Hand - A Border Ballad and its Hero, Américo Paredes presents his characterization of the Corrido, a special type of Mexican ballad which was sung in the area between Mexico and the United States from the mid-1830s and more then hundred years ahead. I have tried to find passages in Cormac McCarthy's book The Crossing and Sam Peckinpah's The Wild Bunch which can be understood as influenced by the Corrido. In order to be able to interpret my empirical material, I have taken the help of Roland Barthes Mythologies and Reinhart Koselleck's Futures Past: On the Semantics of Historical Time. In the discussion, I argue that both moral views and themes in my empirical material correspond with Corridon. Furthermore, I have found similarities in how they portray time and how they work with mythological signs to portray their stories and their mediation of history. One conclusion is that the book and the movie start a dialogue with their recipients, they create a space for the viewer or the reader to draw the logical outcomes of the issues that the works give rise to.

Ferdowsis Shahnameh manifesterad : En studie av historiebruk, minne och transkulturella rörelser i Hamid Rachmanians projekt Kingorama / Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh Manifested : A Study of the Use of History, Memory and Transcultural Movement in Hamid Rachmanian’s Project Kingorama

Bastani, Simone January 2021 (has links)
Through a case-study of the project Kingorama by Hamid Rachmanian, this essay examines how the Iranian epic Shahnameh by Abol Qasem Ferdowsi is manifested outside Iran today and how it can be viewed as a cultural memory in motion. Questions concerning Iranian identity and the transcultural movement of memory are explored through a theoretical framework consisting of Astrid Erll’s “travelling memory” and of history as something which can be ‘used’ or ‘constructed’ through remediation and performativity. The essay also applies a methodological framework within which Iranian identity is understood through five historical dimensions, from pre-islamic Iran to modern Iran. The results of the study show that the Kingorama-project embraces a multilayered understanding of Iranian identity and that it mediates a shift where Shahnameh is not seen foremost as a national epic, but as being of universal importance.

Att förmedla det som aldrig fick ske : Fem lärares reflektioner om folkmordet i Srebrenica. / To convey what was never allowed to happen : Five teachers' reflections on the genocide in Srebrenica.

Pasanbegovic, Dennis January 2023 (has links)
The genocide in Srebrenica is described as "UN's darkest hour" and is the largest genocide in modern time after the Holocaust. 2020 marks the 25th year anniversary since the genocide took place in Srebrenica.  The purpose of this study is to answer how history teachers present genocide in their teaching and how teachers discuss the genocide in Srebrenica. This study is based on a qualitative method through data collection that is obtained from interviews with five different teachers who work in Swedish schools. The study's theoretical frame of reference is based on historical awareness, use of history and non-use of history to promote understanding of teaching choices and teaching methods. This study presents that the teachers use students' emotions through discussions and movies when depicting genocide. The Holocaust is presented as the premiss of the teaching regarding genocide. The genocide in Srebrenica is only mentioned or exemplified in connection with, and in relation to, other genocides such as the Holocaust. The teachers confirm that there is a lack of time, uncertainty, and knowledge regarding the genocide in Srebrenica. The consequence of this is that a large part of the society neither relates to nor barely knows about this genocide. Europe's and the UN's biggest stain becomes hidden, and the victims do not get the attention and justice they deserve. When ignorance exists in relation to the genocide in Srebrenica, we will not be able to reach the message that is often associated with The Holocaust - Never again.

Lödöse museum och skolan : En fallstudie om en kulturarvsinstitutions arbete för att nå ut till skolan / Lödöse Museum and school : A case study on the work of cultural heritage institutions to reach out to the school

Lindén, Ann January 2023 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är en beskrivning av hur Lödöse museum arbetar för att nå ut till skolor. Syftet är att beskriva och analysera museipedagogers arbete för att nå ut till skolor med fokus på hur Lödöse museum skapar en relevant verksamhet för skolor och historieundervisningen. För att finna svar på hur Lödöse museum arbetar har jag använt mig utav en fallstudie. En fallstudie handlar om att studera ett enskilt fall. Syftet är att jag som undersökare kan upptäcka nya kunskaper och insikter som inte hade uppenbarats genom en masstudie. För att få svar på syftet har jag använt mig utav metodvalen: Dokument Kulturstrategi Västra Götaland och regional kulturplan 2020-2023, rapporten Jämlik Kultur 2016-2017, intervju av museipedagog och observation. Resultatet av metoderna resulterade i en samstämmighet kring visionen om att nå ut till alla skolor i 49 kommuner, samt att Lödöse museum har ett rikt utbud för att kunna levandegöra skolans historieundervisning. / This thesis is a description of how the Lödöse Museum works to reach out to schools. The aim is to describe and analyze the work of museum educators to reach out to schools, with a focus on how the Lödöse Museum works, I have used a case study. A case study is about studying an individual case. The purpose is that I, as a researcher, can discover new knowledge and insights that had not been revealed through a mass study. In order to get answers to the purpose, I have used the method choices: The document Cultural Strategy Västra Götaland and Regional Cultural Plan 2020-2023, the report Equal Culture 2016-2017, interview by museum educator and observation. The results of the methods resulted in a consensus on the vision of reaching out to all schools in forty-nine municipalities. Where Lödöse Museum has a rich selection to be able to bring the school´s history to life.

Den strävsamma bonden och andra berättelser. En diskursiv studie av ska?nska hembygdsfo?reningars historiebruk

Sjölin, Andreas, Mårtensson, Johanna January 2014 (has links)
The subject for this thesis is to examine the portrayal of the local farmer in four different museums in Scania. The purpose is to examine these two questions:1.Which narrative and museal strategies are used in the portrayal of the local farmer by the local history societies?2.How do the actors of the local societies relate to the living conditions and hierarchies of the rural society of Scania?The source material consists of guided tours and text material from the museums. The theoretical fields consists of history culture, use of history, historical narrative, museology and rural science act as our theoretical fields. Peter Aronsson, Anna Eskilsson and Maria Björkroth act as our main theoretical framework.Our research presents two central discourses in the portrayal of the local farmer. The stories that we have identified in our results are those of success, of exhibitionistic value. Stories that carry elements of success and exhibitionistic value are both desirable and displayed. The stories portrayed are also neglecting the gender aspect. They are genderblind.The local history societies of Scania in the year of 2014 could be seen as museal activities focused more on conservation and nostalgia than on activities aimed at new visitors and the challenges of the present day.

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