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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"ingen skam, ställ mig i cyphern, alright then, giitu, biro, helfa och máistte" : En studie av samiskt identitetsskapande i samiska raptexter / "ingen skam, ställ mig i cyphern, alright then, giitu, biro, helfa och máistte" : A study of creating Sámi identity in Sámi rap lyrics

Mörn, Jona, Eiken, Vidar January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka hur samiska identiteter beskrivs och görs i relation till majoritetssamhället i samiska raptexter. För att uppfylla syftet gjordes en tematisk textanalys av nio låttexter av tre olika samiska hiphopartister. Ett teoretiskt ramverk kring identitet som begrepp togs fram och användes i analysen. Begreppen identitetsskapande, mellanförskap, resiliens och kollektivt minne knyter an till det teoretiska ramverket och används för att nyansera analysen teoretiskt. I uppsatsen diskuteras hiphop som ett stärkande och resilierande forum för individuellt och kollektivt identitetsskapande. Vi menar att hiphop används som ett redskap av samiska rapartister för att styra ett identitetsnarrativ och hantera ett identitetsskapande som är omringat av inre och yttre konflikter. Vidare menar vi att samiskt identitetsskapande i texterna förhåller sig genomgående till det postkoloniala Sápmi, utanförskap, marginalisering och en ansträngd relation till majoritetssamhället och staten Sverige. Avslutningsvis kan vi konstatera att samiskt identitetsskapande tar sig uttryck på flera olika sätt i raptexterna och att texterna i sig är en del av ett identitetsskapande. I förlängningen så anser vi att uppsatsen bidrar till en ökad förståelse av samiskhet, samiskt identitetsskapande och samers sociala villkor i Sverige.

"Livet är inte lätt men man lär sig att kämpa" : En kvalitativ utredning om unga klienters identitetsskapande på särskilda ungdomshem

Hansen, Linda January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna utredning var att undersöka hur unga klienter skapar och utvecklar sin identitet som intagna på SiS särskilda ungdomshem. Ingen datainsamling har skett i samband med utredningen. Istället har utredningen utgått från ett publicerat material; tre upplagor av bokserien SiS unga berättar. Utredningen har genomförts med utgångspunkt i en kvalitativ ansats med fokus på beskrivning, tolkning och förståelse. Materialet analyserades med hjälp av en kvalitativ textanalys som bestod av två steg: kodning och tolkning. Olika mönster, teman och nyckelbegrepp identifierades vid kodningen. Vid tolkningen relaterades de olika delarna i kodningen till varandra och kopplades till teoretiska begrepp samt jämfördes med tidigare forskning. Goffmans (2014) teori om totala institutioner och Giddens (1999) teori om identitet användes som teoretiska utgångspunkter i den här utredningen. Resultatet av utredningen visade att tillvaron på de särskilda ungdomshemmen kan ha betydelse för unga klienters identitetsskapande då klienterna lever i en mycket speciell kontext utan handlingsfrihet och med mycket begränsade kommunikationsmöjligheter. Även sociala relationer kan bidra till unga klienters identitetsskapande. För unga klienter är ofta relationen med familj och vänner mycket värdefull och trygghetsskapande. Samtidigt tyder utredningens resultat på att komplicerade relationer med representanter från socialtjänsten är vanligt bland unga klienter. Framtiden är viktig men oviss för många unga klienter. Både handlingar i klientens förflutna och framtida möjligheter kan vara betydelsefulla för de unga klienternas identitetsskapande. / The purpose of this investigation was to explore how young clients create and develop their identity as inmates at SiS special residential homes. No data collection has been made duringthe investigation. Instead, the investigation has been based on a published material; three editions of the Swedish book series SiS Unga berättar. The investigation has been carried out on the basis of a qualitative approach with a focus on description, interpretation and understanding. The material was analyzed using a qualitative text analysis that consisted of two steps: coding and interpretation. Different patterns, themes and key concepts were identified during the coding. In the interpretation, the different parts of the coding related to each other were linked to theoretical concepts as well as previous research. Goffman's theory of total institutions and Gidden’s theory of identity were used as a theoretical perspective in this investigation. The results of the investigation showed that the environment in the special residential homes can be important for young clients' identity creation as the clients live in a very special context without freedom of action and with very limited communication opportunities. Social relationships can also contribute to young clients' identity construction. For young clients, the relationship with family and friends is often very important and contributes to the clients feeling of safety. At the same time, the results of the investigation indicate that complicated relationships with representatives from the social services are common among young clients. The future is important but uncertain for many young clients. Both actions in the client's past and future opportunities can be important for the young clients' identity construction.

Vad ligger bakom valet? : En kvalitativ studie om hur föräldrar motiverar valet och bortvalet av en segregerad grundskola i en medelstor stad / What lies behind the choice? : A qualitative study of how parents motivate there choice and non-choice of a segregated elementary school in a medium sized city in Sweden

Sandberg, Emelie, Vejo, Adela January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to create an understanding of the continued stratification within the school in relation to the school choice. Through understanding parents' motives behind choice and non-choice of a segregated school and differences between those motives. The study is qualitative interview study based on eight interviews with parents that live in a segregated area and have children that go to elementary school. This segregated area is in a medium sized city in Sweden. Theories that have been used are Jenkins social identity, Skegss disidentification and respectability and Marinis social values and norms. The results of study show that parents justify both choice and non-choice of school with what they consider to be the right social context for their children. It is important what student composition the school has for their children to feel group affiliation, but also because there is a fear of exclusion. As for differences in motives, parents choose to not choose the nearby segregated school because they do not want to be associated with the notion that exists about the area´s parents. This shows that the free choice of school can also be understood based on the parents´ identity- creating practices.

Breaking the mould, eller mer än en kvinna: : Kvinnligt identitetsskapande i 1780-talets Paris / Breaking the mould, or more than a woman: : Female creation of identity in 1780's Paris

Scholz Castro, Veronica January 2021 (has links)
I denna kandidatuppsats har jag analyserat målningar av konstnärerna Elizabeth Vigée Le Brun och Adélaïde Labille-Guiard i form av självporträtt skapade i 1780-talets Frankrike.Uppsatsens syfte har varit att tolka de två kvinnornas kommunikation och skapandet av identitet genom sina konstverk och utröna hur denna kommunikation stod sig gentemotsamtidens syn på kvinnor. Genom analysering av konstverken med användning av Panofskysmetod för ikonologisk bildanalys, samt litteratur som berör centrala ämnen för uppsatsens syfte, har jag nått slutsatsen att dessa målningar var väsentliga verktyg för deras egetskapande av identitet. Jag observerade att flera aspekter av olika storlek i varje konstverk bröt med konventionen och bidrog till att vidga uppfattningen kring kvinnorna som individer, som konstnärer - och på en större skala, kvinnor i allmänhet. / In this bachelor’s thesis I have analysed paintings by the artists Elizabeth Vigée Le Brun and Adélaïde Labille-Guiard in the form of self-portraits created in 1780’s France. The purpose of the thesis has been to interpret the communication and creation of identity through the artwork of these two women and discern how this communication stood against the contemporary view of women. Through analysing the artworks using Panofsky’s method for Iconological image analysis, as well as literature concerning topics central to the purpose of the thesis, I have reached the conclusion that these paintings were instrumental tools for their own creation of identity. I observed that several aspects of varying size in each artwork broke with convention and contributed to widening perception around the women as individuals, as artists - and on a wider scale, women in general.

“I slutändan ser de på mig som en blatte, men jag känner mig mitt emellan” : En kvalitativ studie kring hantering och anpassning av identitetsskapande processer hos andragenerationensinvandrare med irakisk bakgrund inom en svensk kontext / "In the end, they see me as a wog, but I feel somewhere in between" : A qualitative study on the management and adaptation of identity construction processes among second-generation immigrants with an Iraqi background in a Swedish context

Yasami, Amin, Alfadli, Dari January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to gain a better understanding of how second-generation immigrants with Iraqi backgrounds navigate through and adapt to their identity formation processes in relation to Swedish society.  Previous research has examined other ethnic groups of second-generation immigrants and has provided insights that contribute to our study, but there is limited research on second-generation immigrants with Iraqi backgrounds, even though Iraqis are one of the largest groups that have immigrated to Sweden since the 1980s. To achieve the study's purpose and answer the research question, we have chosen to conduct a qualitative study based on 10 qualitative semi-structured interviews with second-generation immigrants with Iraqi backgrounds between the ages of 18 and 30. The results of the study have been analyzed using the following theories: postcolonial perspective, symbolic interactionism and the following theoretically grounded conceptual definitions: identity, in-betweenness, gender patterns and gender regime. The findings of the study reveal that second-generation immigrants with Iraqi backgrounds find themselves in a state of in-betweenness, where they do not fully identify as neither Iraqis nor Swedes. Furthermore, our study shows that cultural, social, and symbolic interactions influence second-generation immigrants with Iraqi backgrounds and their identity formation process, as a symbolic act reinforces an individual's identity. Adaptation to Swedish society is limited for second-generation immigrants with Iraqi backgrounds due to the differing perceptions and expectations of these two cultures regarding what is accepted and deviant, influenced by Iraqi culture and religion.

Skönlitteratur i samhällskunskap : En kvalitativ studie av boken Björnstads didaktiska potential / Fiction in social studies : A qualitative study of the book Björnstad’s didactic potential

Lindgren, Ida January 2023 (has links)
Hösten 2020 beslutade Sveriges riksdag att sex- och samlevnadsundervisning ska vara ett examensmålen för alla lärarutbildningar (från förskolan och upp till gymnasiet) från hösten 2021 för lärarutbildningarna vara sexualundervisningen. Men beslutet redogör inte hur det ska gå till, eller vilket/vilka kunskapsmål i kursplanerna som omfattas. Lärarna får därmed stort utrymme för hur uppdraget ska realiseras. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka den didaktiska potentialen i Fredrik Backmans bok Björnstad. Boken har analyserats utifrån aspekterna identitetsskapande, genus och könsroller samt status, inom ramen för samhällskunskap 1b. För att uppfylla studiens syfte har kvalitativ textanalys tillämpats. Resultatet visar att boken har didaktisk potential eftersom boken visar på karaktärerna brottas med sina respektive identiteter och roller på sina individuella sätt, där ishockeykulturen har stor inverkan. / In the autumn of 2020, the Swedish Parliament decided that sex education should be one of the objectives for all teacher education (from preschool and up to upper secondary school) from the autumn of 2021. But the decision does not explain how it should be down or which knowledge goals in the syllabus are covered. The teacher get a lot of freedom to implement the assignment. The purpose of this essay is to investigate the didactic potential in Fredrik Backman’s book Björnstad. The book has been analyzed on the basis of the aspects identity creation, gender and gender roles, and status, within the framework of social studies 1b. To fulfill the purpose of the study, a qualitative text analysis has been applied. The result show that the book has didactic potential because the book shows the characters wrestling with their respective identities and roles in their individual’s ways, where the ice hockey culture has a great impact.

Vadstena – En mindre orts identitetsbyggande genom konst och kulturprioriteringar / Vadstena – Identity building through art and cultural priorities in a smaller city

Lindstrand, Lovisa January 2020 (has links)
Konst- och kulturskapare blir allt viktigare aktörer vid marknadsföringen av platser och konst och kultur får ett allt större inflytande på hur små och stora städer bygger upp sin image. Den mindre lansbyggdsortens förutsättningar för attraktivitet är under ständig förändring likväl som dess förhållande till storstadsregionerna. Hur kan mindre orter skapa attraktivitet med hjälp av konst och kultur? Syftet med uppsatsen är att med orten Vadstena i Östergötland som exempel, utforska en mindre ort på landsbygden och hur dess identitet och attraktivitet formas genom olika konstformer, kommunal- och regional styrning samt genom konstutövare. Uppsatsen är strukturerad utifrån ett antal interjuver gjorda med personer knutna till konst- och kulturverksamhet i Vadstena och Östergötland. Genom kvalitativa intervjuformer har utfallet jämförts med Philip Kotlers platsmarknadsföringsteorier samt Richard Floridas teori om den kreativa klassen. Av uppsatsen framgår att Vadstenas image i stor utsträckning bygger på dess kulturtillgångar men kommunen har även bedrivit ett aktivt varumärkesarbete som knyter an till stadens rika kulturhistoria och det samtida kulturlivet. Fördelana med att vara verksam i Vadstena är många. Bland annat handlar det om närheten till det mesta, det breda kulturutbudet öppenhet och mångfald samt att synas och därmed få sin kreativa identitet bekräftad. Vidare utrycker de konstskapare som intervjuats att de har en relativt fri roll i Vadstena, åtminstone ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv och att detta kan i sin tur sätta avtryck i konsten.

Att iscensätta en dynasti : Om smycken i Elisabet Vasas hemgift 1581 / Staging a Dynasty : Jewellery in Elisabet Vasa’s Dowry 1581

Söderqvist, Jessica January 2022 (has links)
On May 7, 1581, Elisabet Vasa, Princess of Sweden, married Duke Kristoffer of Mecklenburg. The Princess was equipped with a large dowry and, by Swedish standards, an extensive collection of objects, including jewellery. The essay's thesis is that the official jewellery that Elisabet brought with her to her new court were identity-creating symbols of a performative nature that would consciously strengthen the legitimacy of the new Vasa dynasty on the international stage. The essay is based on a comparative analysis of inventories from 1581, 1593 and 1597. The essay examines and discusses the donors' and recipient's agency, or "touch", and intentions with the jewellery. The essay's result shows that parts of the thesis - that the official jewellery that Elisabet brought with her among the gifts in 1581 were identity-creating symbols of a performative nature - appear to be highly probable based on the few but significant art acts that have been possible to trace in sources and archives. According to the material of the existing study, however, the jewellery did not fulfil its intended function of strengthening the Vasa dynasty and its legitimacy on the international stage as Elisabet herself had different intentions and apparently actively worked to assimilate to her new environment as Duchess of Mecklenburg.

"Jag Är Jugge, Ingen Snack Om Saken" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur första och andragenerationens invandrare från f.d Jugoslavien upplever sin nationella identitet / I am from Yugoslavia, no question about it : A qualitative study on how first- and second-generation immigrants from former Yugoslavia experience their national identity

Emina, Dapo January 2023 (has links)
The main purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of how first and second generation immigrants from former Yugoslavia experience and precive their national identity. Furthermore to understand differences and similarities between first-generation and second-generation immigrants based on inbetweenship. Previous research has shown that people with one or more cultural backgrunds tend to develop more fluid identity in comparson to people who only have one cultural backgrund. Furthermore, previous research has also shown that people with immigrant background or a multi-ethnic background tend to end up in betweenship, to greater extent. To achieve the study`s purpose and answer the research questions I have chosen to conduct a qualitative interview study based on semi-structured interviews with first and second generation immigrants from former Yugoslavia living in Sweden. The theories used in the study to analyze the result were inbetweenship and national identity as a grounded conceptual definition.  The results showed that first-generation immigrants from former Yugoslavia did not perceive themselves as Swedes, but in all cases referred to their ethnic origin when speaking about their national identity and identity perception. The results also showed that second-generation immigrants partly experienced their identity in similar way. However, second-generation immigrants tended to experience their identity as Swedish and not in relation to their ethnic origin in half of the cases.

Självpresentationernas logiker : en tematisk studie av gymnasieskolors identitetsskapande på webben

Gustrén, Cia January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this licentiate thesis is to examine the means of self-presentation on the websites of 18 upper secondary schools in Sweden. This empirical material may be referred to as a kind of marketing since they render a highly idealized image of schools. To some extent they exaggerate what school is about, as a way for schools to promote themselves as well as to maintain their hold on the market. Self-presentations thus play an important role in the struggle to attract prospective students and keep these enrolled. The fact that self-presentations refer to schools and not companies in general—although several schools certainly strive to define themselves as such—indicates that self-presentations are not like any other marketing practice. They can also be read as a kind of imaginative documents. In this capacity, self-presentations do not only express what school is or may be interpreted as, but foremost how it envisions itself in the future. The material underlying the study consists of a selection of excerpts that were collected from the schools' webpages at different points of time during the years 2011/2012 and 2016/2017. This allowed me to study both continuities and change in the way schools are presented online. In this study, schools' self-presentations are analyzed thematically in combination with Jason Glynos and David Howarth's so called logics approach, which has been developed out of poststructuralist discourse theory and its ontological assumptions. A logic may be understood in this case as a rule or pattern governing the way a phenomenon like school is constituted. As a research strategy, logics have helped me explore, step by step, the conditions of possibility as well as impossibility of identity-formation processes. I mainly deal with four logics that comprise the overarching principles that structure what it means to be a school: business adaptation, academization, individualization and social responsibility. The empirical study thus consisted in setting out the social, political and fantasmatic aspects of these logics—which consequently served to thematically analyze the contemporary identity-formation on schools' websites. Social aspects have been a descriptive tool to study what characterizes school as presented in the empirical material, whereas political and fantasmatic aspects refer to analytical and critical perspectives. The aim has been to illuminate not only the way schools' identities are organized but also how and why this happens – in other words, what logics do to the identity-formation of schools. Importantly, the logics in question are interrelated and work together at the same time as they 'struggle' over the significance of being a school. As I argue, the identity-formation of upper secondary schools can hence be perceived as crisscrossed by competing and complementary logics that all make certain claims as to what a school is supposed to be (or not). The main task of a traditional Swedish school has been to foster democratic members of society. The findings of my study, however, question such a general understanding. In my empirical material a self-referential meaning of school rather emerges with the purpose to produce good employees; that is, a competent work-force willing to submit to the norms and values of the corporate sector. Subsequently, the boundaries between school and the surrounding world are also increasingly loosened, as business is brought into the classroom and made a premise of learning and development in accordance with the needs and interests of the labor market. However, this replacement of a traditional school is only partial. Since schools are equally dependent on the societal tradition to appear as legitimate and credible alternatives on the educational arena they cannot wholeheartedly commit themselves to a corporate identity. Hence, self-presentations often indicate a struggle to be different enough to stand out from the host of other schools, but also to be similar enough to be considered a 'proper' school. This licentiate thesis has in common with previous studies that statements about qualification and employability measures have indeed increased. A corresponding decline of statements about active citizenship and critical thinking could not be detected – but then again, educational-political aspects confirm that a traditional school may be understood as a background against which an alternative school is formed. This is a conclusion which is consistent with the findings of previous studies on school and education policy.

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