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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skapa om livet. En existentialistisk analys av modernitetsbehandlingen i Ivar Lo-Johanssons Kungsgatan.

O'Nils, Rebecka January 2015 (has links)
Kungsgatan av Ivar Lo-Johansson visar urbaniseringen och moderniteten i mellankrigstidens Sverige. Romanen har framför allt studerats genom protagonisten Adrians bildningsresa, men denna uppsats framhåller statardottern Martas fall som kvintessentiell för Lo-Johanssons gestaltning av moderniteten. Med avstamp i det frihetstema Ola Holmgren identifierat i Lo-Johanssons författarskap tillämpar jag existentialistiska begrepp från Jean-Paul Sartre i syfte att undersöka vad Martas fall orsakas av och hur hennes fall relaterar till moderniteten såsom den beskrivits av Marshall Berman och Georg Simmel. Slutsatsen blir att Martas livsöde bör förklaras i termer av att hon agerar i ond tro och att hon därigenom antar ett omodernt levnadsmönster som inte fungerar i moderniteten. Orsaken till hennes agerande härleds till en obalans mellan transcendens och fakticitet, en orsak som rättfärdigas med hjälp av Lo-Johanssons andra skildringar av statarnas livsvillkor. Slutsatsen blir att moderniteten gestaltas som krävande invånarnas anpassning och att alla inte är kapabla till sådan, vilket förtydligas om man utvecklar Holmgrens forskning genom existentialistiska begrepp och nyttjar dem till att analysera Martas fall.

En livscykelanalys av tappvattenarmatur : Undersökning av materialval samt höghastighetsteknik / Life cycle analysis of a kitchen faucet – a study in material and high speed technology

Magnusson, Jonas January 2019 (has links)
Köksblandare är en produkt som många människor använder sig av varje dag och därför är det intressant att studera vattenbesparande tekniker för just köksblandare. I detta examensarbete har det utförts en livscykelanalys av köksblandare med höghastighetsteknik, en vattenbesparande teknik.

Språklig förlust i främmande framtid : Nyspråk och språkkontroll i svenska dystopier 1958–1979 / Estranged Futures and Language Lost : Newspeak and Language Control in Swedish Dystopian Fiction 1958–1979

Järpedal, Ebba January 2020 (has links)
Dystopian fiction seeks to make conscious the faults of contemporary society through estrangement. Newspeak plays an important role in this estrangement, being a euphemistic and propagandistic language meant to distort the characters' perception of the fictional world. This type of language, however, has two different functions: one fictional and one didactical, where the latter seeks to emphasize the negative aspects of the fictional world to the reader. In this thesis I analyze the use of newspeak and language control as a means for social criticism in five Swedish dystopian novels published from the late 1950s through to the late 1970s. The novels analyzed are: Strålen (1958) by Ann Margret Dahlquist-Ljungberg, De sista (1962) by Arvid Rundberg, Elektra. Kvinna år 2070 (1967) by Ivar Lo-Johansson, Klotjorden (1970) by Kerstin Strandberg, and Järnblommorna (1979) by Jenny Berthelius. Apart from newspeak and language control I also examine the use of obsolete language and literary onomastics. Additionally, the thesis contains a smaller bibliography of Swedish utopian and dystopian novels published from 1950 to 1979. Language plays a central role in the novels analyzed: they contain different forms of newspeak and whilst these languages only figurate sporadically, their function is clearly didactic and meant for social criticism. Language control on the other hand, is a common theme that is often used to accentuate a totalitarian threat towards society. Most of the novels, however, primarily deal with obsolete language. It is the lost and forgotten that produces anxiety. This type of language emphasizes a loss of normative values that makes the reader question the fictional society as well as their own.

En genusstudie om språkval och könsroller : En komparativ analys av modern i Moa Martinsons Mor gifter sig och Ivar Lo-Johanssons Bara en mor / Language choices and gender roles on motherhood : A gender study of Moa Martinsons Mor gifter sig and Ivar Lo-Johanssons Bara en mor

Olausson, Emilia January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Stig Johanssons konstkritik 1962/63 samt 1972 : Uppdrag och position / The Art Criticism of Stig Johansson 1962-63 and 1972 : Practice and Position

Nordell, Hanna January 2013 (has links)
This study aims to highlight the art critic Stig Johansson's position during two historical moments: 1962-63 and 1972. The theoretical and methodological framework is mainly derived from Pierre Bourdieu’s understanding of the art field and the art critic's role and mission within that specific field. Art criticism is an important text source for expanded knowledge of how the discussion of contemporary art has been conducted. In the first chapter of the thesis, I describe some of the investments that preceded Johansson’s role as art critic. These efforts are to be regarded as field-specific as they were preparing Johansson with the kind of social capital that won recognition in the art field. In the second part of the essay, I distinguish between the art critical genre and mission. Instead of limiting the study to art reviews, which is usually associated with the genre of art criticism, the thesis also include material such as debate articles and notices. The study of these different text types contribute to an increased understanding of how art criticism practice actually worked, and what was to be included in such practices during these historical periods. The third chapter is based on an empirical study and focus on three selected themes: the new, the political and the art critic role. The fourth part consists of a text analysis based on Malcolm Gee’s strategies for persuasion in art criticism. A presentation and discussion of the art critical material, and hence the position Johansson takes, contributes to an increased understanding of the negotiations that characterized the art field during the periods in question. The thesis contributes to a nuanced perspective on the production of meaning through problematizing positions and values in the Swedish art field during two important historical moments.

Att få igen för gammal ost

Andermyr, Jonas, Johansson, Lotta January 2008 (has links)
Malmö är en av många kommuner i Sverige som planerar att införa ett system för insamling och hantering av det matavfall som uppstår inom kommunen. När det gäller villahushållen inom kommunen så är målet att minst 32 procent av dem frivilligt ska välja att sortera ut sitt matavfall fr.o.m. år 2009. Att deltagandet ska vara frivilligt ställer höga krav på den initiala informationskampanj som VA SYD, kommunalbolaget som ansvarar för insamlingen, avser att genomföra i syfte att få med så många villahushåll som möjligt. Denna undersökning har avsett att utifrån tre fokusgruppsintervjuer med villaägare från områdena Djupadal, Kastanjegården och Riseberga i Malmö identifiera vilka faktorer det är som påverkar deras vilja och möjligheter att sortera ut sitt matavfall. Efter detta har vi undersökt vilka hinder och möjligheter dessa faktorer kan medföra om man genom kommunikation avser att på lång sikt influera Malmös villahushåll till att frivilligt sortera ut sitt matavfall. Ur undersökningens resultat kan man bl.a. utläsa att en miljöstyrande avfallstaxa med en lägre avgift för de villahushåll som sorterar ut sitt matavfall är ett starkt incitament. Hur mycket lägre avgiften blir är oväsentligt utan det är principen som är viktig. Feedback i form av konkreta och reella exempel om vad det insamlade matavfallet används till och vilken nytta det gör för miljön är viktigt att ge frekvent till villahushållen. Kärlen upplevs som fula och något som tar plats. Ett sätt att skapa positiv uppmärksamhet kring kärlen kan vara att erbjuda tryck på dem. Det är väldigt viktigt att kommunen ger så goda förutsättningar som möjligt för villahushållen att sortera ut sitt matavfall. Om systemets tekniska aspekter fungerar bra så signalerar det trovärdighet och seriositet och blir en motivation för hushållen att göra sin del, dvs. sortera ut sitt matavfall. För att omvända negativa attityder hos hushållen bör man hänvisa till erfarenheter från andra kommuner som samlar in matavfall från villahushåll. Genom bilder och reportage kan dessa utgöra förebilder för Malmös villahushåll. / Malmö is one of many municipalities in Sweden that are planning to adopt a system for collecting and handling the food waste generated within it. The goal is that at least 32 percent of the house owners within the municipality will choose to volunteer to sort out their food waste from 2009. To make their participation voluntary demands a high standard on the initial information campaign that VA SYD, the municipal corporation that is responsible for the collection, is planning to carry out with the purpose of getting as many house owners as possible to participate. This study has intended to, based on three focus group interviews with house owners from the districts of Djupadal, Kastanjegården and Riseberga in Malmö, identify what factors are influencing their willingness and opportunity to sort out their food waste. We then studied what barriers and opportunities those factors may involve if you by communicational means intend to influence Malmö’s house owners to voluntarily sort out their food waste long term. From our studies results you can deduce that an environmentally controlled waste tax with a lower fee for those who sort out their food waste is a strong incentive. How much lower is not important since it’s the principle that matters. It is important to give frequent feedback to the house owners in the form of substantial and intrinsic examples about what the collected food waste is used for, and what good it does for the environment. The containers are believed to be ugly and something that seizes up space. One way to create positive attention around the containers is to offer print on them. It is very important that the municipal council gives as good prerequisites as possible for the house owners to sort out their food waste. If the technical aspects of the system work well it signals credibility and seriousity and can motivate the house owners to do their part that is, sorting out their food waste. To convert negative attitudes within the house owners you should refer to experiences from other municipalities that are collecting food waste from house owners. By pictures and coverage’s with their house owners they can act as role models for Malmö’s house owners.

"Medan detta nya fruktansvärda hände i Kramfors, stod mamma i köket och putsade prästgårdssilvret" : hushållssysslor som hemmets rumsliga praktiker. Thorvall, Johansson och Sandberg / "While these new and horrible things happened in Kramfors, mother was in the kitchen polishing silverware from the rectory" : Household chores as spatial practice in novels by Thorvall, Johansson and Sandberg.

Pärsson, Sara January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is a study of spatial practice and literary depictions of homes in novels by Elsie Johansson, Kerstin Thorvall and Kristina Sandberg. The theoretical perspective is based on Henri Lefebvre´s view on social space, and on the concept of spatial practice. Research questions are: What homes are depicted? How does spatial practice function in the texts? How does the depictedspatial practice relate to norms and ideals? The novels, published 1993-2014, depict an interesting period in Swedish history (cirka 1920-1970) when politics and society at large was deeply involved in reshaping the homes and lives of Swedish citizens. The aim was to turn the citizens into new, healthy and rational parts of the new and rational society. Housewives where put in a position where the new rational housekeeping clashed with the standards and practices of earlier generations. Class is found to be a crucial factor in performing and experiencing domesticity in the studied novels. Housewive characters in the Thorvall and Sandberg novels, raised in working class families, struggle in adapting the spatial practice of home in their new middle class environments.Part of the thesis is a discussion on domesticity seen as an adaptive pracitce – catering to the needs of husbands and children. The novels show this, but also depict housework being used as a way to escape unpleasant conversations or forget ones unpleasant feelings. Another task with complex connotations and uses is cleaning. Cleaning in these novels have a strong connection to positive feelings like pleasure and pride, but also to negative feelings of shame and a loss of control. Acting normal to achieve a state of normality within the home and family is a common strategy for the housewives. The material is found to support Lefebvres idea on the importance of spatial practice - sense of home, for the studied housewife characters, is found to be more dependent on spatialpractice than on the home itself.

Barnkulturens implicita förväntningar : En receptionsstudie av Suzanne Ostens verk Flickan, mamman och demonerna / The implicit expecation of children's culture : A reception study of Flickan, mamman och Demonerna by Suzanne Osten

Gotfredsen, Maria January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is a reception study of Susanne Ostens book, theatre play and children’s film Flickan, mamman och demonerna. The study aims to examine how proffesional crituiqe, published in daily press and journals, handles the crituiqes genre conventions with the theorie that if the cirtic averts from the crituiqes genre conventions that their/societys doxa on what we expect from children’s art will become more visible, and the inescapable follow up question: does this ecpectation mirror how we perceive children and their capabilities?  The theorie is an investigation of the professor and litterary scholar Anders Johansson’s essay Slitas itu publisched Critica Obscura: Litteraturkritiska essäer, where Johansson makes the claim that socitys doxa will become visible if the ciric does not follow the crituiqes genre conventions and that this will lead to an erosion of the crituiqes porpose. Johanssons theory is acompanied by, amongst others, Jaquline Rose’s The Case of Peter Pan, Or, The Impossibility of Children's Fiction, and Perry Nodelmans article “The Other: Orientalism, Colonialism, and Children’s Literature” pulished in Children’s Literature Association Quarterly17, no, chosen since the thesis as a whole practices a post colonial reading of the chosen crituiqe. The result of the investigation is that: where the critic averts from the crituiques genre conventions, and involves their own oppinions without porper motivation (E.g. where affective failures has occurred) in the text, a clear pattern of our conteporary doxa of how we perceive children and how the art made for them should behave/be. The pattern/tendancy found is that children’s art is expected to have a didactic value, that the piece of art should mirror the childs “reality”, have an indisputable and understandable point, and not evoke too many negative feelings. The thesis is woven, in a esseyistic style, with hard-to-grasp memories of the authors childhood and the academic form.

Modeling of experimental studies of fluid and particle transport in porous media

Härlin Lennermark, Mikael January 2009 (has links)
<p>To extract metals and increase the pH value of water around a historical mine waste deposit a series of barrels are used. Polluted water is forced to pass inside these barrels where different filter materials purify the water. This research project is carried out in Sweden by MTM at Örebro University and Bergkraft in Kopparberg, titled “Methods for characterisation and remediation of historical mine waste”.</p><p> </p><p>The fluid flow trough the filter materials in the barrels are needed to be understood, in order to improve the extracting process.</p><p> </p><p>In this work a small transparent model filled with sand was made to visualise the fluid flow. In that model coloured water is representing the polluted water. To describe the flow in the transparent model a mathematical model is presented. The theory used in this work is the complex variable method in fluid dynamics together with numerical methods and computer programming. There is a pretty good match between the theoretical and experimental results presented in two dimensions. Continuing work could result in a three dimensional model with different geometries using the same technique.</p>

Modeling of experimental studies of fluid and particle transport in porous media

Härlin Lennermark, Mikael January 2009 (has links)
To extract metals and increase the pH value of water around a historical mine waste deposit a series of barrels are used. Polluted water is forced to pass inside these barrels where different filter materials purify the water. This research project is carried out in Sweden by MTM at Örebro University and Bergkraft in Kopparberg, titled “Methods for characterisation and remediation of historical mine waste”.   The fluid flow trough the filter materials in the barrels are needed to be understood, in order to improve the extracting process.   In this work a small transparent model filled with sand was made to visualise the fluid flow. In that model coloured water is representing the polluted water. To describe the flow in the transparent model a mathematical model is presented. The theory used in this work is the complex variable method in fluid dynamics together with numerical methods and computer programming. There is a pretty good match between the theoretical and experimental results presented in two dimensions. Continuing work could result in a three dimensional model with different geometries using the same technique.

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