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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Från gren till gren : Trädstrukturer och direktlänkar hos internetbokhandlar och i bibliotekssystem och hur dessa påverkar tillgängligheten av HBT-litteratur / From Branch to Branch : Tree Structures and Direct Links in Online Book Shops and Library Systems and How These Affect the Availability of LGBT Literature

Persson, Lina January 2012 (has links)
Vad denna utvärdering försökt få svar på är hur tillgängligheten för HBT-litteratur ser ut i de system som används hos privata och offentliga aktörer – internetbokhandlar och bibliotekskataloger tillgängliga via internet. Detta medförde ett antal mer praktiskta underliggande frågor om hur trädstrukturen är designad, vilket typ av språk som används och hur lätt det är att förstå, huruvida det finns särskilda kategorier för litteratur med HBT-innehåll och huruvida det finns direktlänkar mellan litteratur med HBT- innehåll. De system som testades var internetbokhandlarna Amazon (både den amerikanska versionen och det brittiska dotterbolaget), The Book Depository och Adlibris samt de klassificeringssystem som används av nationalbiblioteken i de länder där dessa bokhandlar har sitt säte (USA, Storbritannien och Sverige): Library of Congress Classification, Dewey Decimal Classification och Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek. Två av bibliotekssystemen (LC och DDC) hade inte en trädstruktur som var tillgänglig för kunderna att se och navigera igenom, medan den tredje (SAB) erbjöd en struktur med både klassifikationskoden och svenska ord, även om det inte var optimalt konstruerade kategorier och förgreningar. Ingen av dem hade gott om länkar, om ens några, till annan litteratur med liknande innehåll. Internetbokhandlarna hade välutvecklade men inte för specifika trädstrukturer med lättförstådda namn och gott om länkar till annan litteratur. Två av dem (The Book Depository och Adlibris) hade inga huvudkategorier tillägnade HBT-material vilket däremot Amazon UK och Amazon US hade. Alla bibliotekssystemen skulle behöva omarbetas för att tillgängligheten för litteratur, och i synnerhet HBT-litteratur som var fokus i denna utvärdering, ska bli god. Library of Congress och British Library skulle behöva upprätta trädstrukturer för kunderna att använda sig av och alla tre behöver se till att en kategori där all HBT- litteratur samlas finns på den högsta nivån. Internetbokhandlarna å andra sidan behöver inte göra mycket för att tillgängligheten i deras system ska bli god: Adlibris och The Book Depository behöver precis som bibliotekssystemen upprätta en HBT-kategori i trädstrukturen men i övrigt är de privata aktörerna fullt godkända. De båda Amazon- filialerna var de aktörer visade sig ha den bästa tillgängligheten av alla. / What this investigation has tried to find out is how easily availabie LGBT literature is in the systems that are used by private companies and the public sector - online book shops and library catalogues available online (OPACs). This entailed a number of more practical underlying factors regarding the design of the tree structure, what kind of language is used and how easy it is to understand, whether or not there are special categories for LGBT-related literature and whether or not there are direct links between literature with LGBT content. The systems investigated were the online book shops Amazon (both the American version and the British subsidiary), The Book Depository and Adlibris along with the classification systems used by the national libraries in the countries where these book shops reside (the US, the UK and Sweden): Library of Congress Classification (LC), Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) and Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek (SAB). Two of the library systems (LC and DDC) did not have a tree structure available for the customers to see and navigate through, while the third one (SAB) offered a structure with both the classification code and Swedish words explaining what the codes meant, even if the categories and subdivisions were not optimally constructed. None of them had very many links to other literature. Two of them (The Book Depository and Adlibris) did not have main categories specifically for LGBT content which both Amazon US and Amazon UK did. All the library systems could use a revision to ensure that literature, and particularly LGBT literature as that was the focal point of this investigation, is easily available. The Library of Congress and the British Library need to establish a tree structure their clients could use and all three need to make sure they have a category where LGBT literature is collected and available at the root. The online book shops on the other hand do not need to do much to improve the availability of their systems: like the library systems, Adlibris and The Book Shop need to create a category of LGBT literature in the tree structure but besides that the private companies pass with credit. The systems used by the Amazon branches proved to have the greatest availability of all the systems investigated.

”Man vill ha kvar det här gamla enkla; är man sån så är man sån.” :  - Attityder och (hetero)normer i förhållande till skolans förebyggande arbete med sexualitet och könsidentitet/-uttryck

Esp, Sabina, Schön, Evelina January 2011 (has links)
En kvalitativ studie med utgångspunkt i den ohälsa som är dokumenterad bland hbt-ungdomar där skolan pekas ut som en betydande arena. Syftet var att undersöka hur gymnasieskolor i förhållande till för skolan rådande styrdokument valde att konkretisera det förebyggande arbetet med värdegrundsfrågor kopplade till sexualitet och könsidentitet/-uttryck samt undersöka skolkuratorers attityder, normer och upplevelser i förhållande till detta arbete. Empirin bestod av en fokusgruppsintervju med skolkuratorer samt en litteraturstudie med grund i ett urval av likabehandlingsplaner. Slutsatser blev att heteronormativitet präglar skolkuratorers arbete med dessa frågor och att det förebyggande arbetet ej upplevs prioriterat. Avseende transpersoner aktualiseras detta i relation till att diskrimineringsgrunden könsöverskridande identitet och uttryck ej hade ett omfattande skydd av diskrimineringslagen. Vidare framkom det en avsaknad av konkretisering i förhållande till vad som krävdes kompetensmässigt för att en skola skall kunna jobba förebyggande på ett enhetligt och likvärdigt sätt. En avsaknad av ett normkritiskt perspektiv men även behovet av det, vilket gav sken av att satsningar inom detta område ej är tillräckliga blev studiens slutsats i helhet. / A qualitative study based in the documented amongst LGBT-youth in Sweden, where the school has been pointed out as an arena of impact. This study's purpose have been to investigate how comprehensive upper secondary schools choose to concrete the preemptive duties concerning fundamental values, in relation to sexualitet, gender identity and gender expression. Focus has also been on school welfare officers and their attitudes, norms and experiences concerning these duties. The empirism have consisted of one focus group interview with school welfare officers and a study of relevant literature based in a selection of "equal treatment plans".  Conclusions have been that heterosexual normativity characterizes the work of the elfare officers concerning these matters, and that the preemptive duties are not experienced as a priority. In reference to transgender this can distincly be seen in the fact that the ground of discrimination "transgender identity and/or expression" does not have an extensive protection in the law of discrimination. Further on an absence of concretization has been revealed, concerning the competence required for schools to be able to work preemptive in a unitary and equivalent manner. An absence of a norm critical perspective and the need for it, as well as that the current investments in this area in not enough, has been the final conclusions of this study.

Solitude and Solidarity:Understanding Public Pedagogy through Queer Discourses on YouTube

Snell, Pamela 17 March 2014 (has links)
Working alongside five queer-identified theatre artists, using critical arts-based participatory action research, this research project worked through a creative process in which the research team identified, deconstructed, and disrupted normative queer discourses on the video-sharing website YouTube. Using notions from queer theory, cultural studies, and anti-oppression education, along with embodied analysis as a deconstructive strategy, the research team used collective theorizing and performance to facilitate an analysis of the online videos. In this thesis, I discuss embodied knowing by analyzing performative moments in the creative workshop undertaken by the research team. I then provide a thematic analysis of the online videos, followed by an analysis of how the research team used collective creation and personal narrative to produce a counter-hegemonic response video. Finally, I conclude with a discussion on how to engage video creation as a form of anti-oppression education that queers public pedagogy.

Solitude and Solidarity:Understanding Public Pedagogy through Queer Discourses on YouTube

Snell, Pamela 17 March 2014 (has links)
Working alongside five queer-identified theatre artists, using critical arts-based participatory action research, this research project worked through a creative process in which the research team identified, deconstructed, and disrupted normative queer discourses on the video-sharing website YouTube. Using notions from queer theory, cultural studies, and anti-oppression education, along with embodied analysis as a deconstructive strategy, the research team used collective theorizing and performance to facilitate an analysis of the online videos. In this thesis, I discuss embodied knowing by analyzing performative moments in the creative workshop undertaken by the research team. I then provide a thematic analysis of the online videos, followed by an analysis of how the research team used collective creation and personal narrative to produce a counter-hegemonic response video. Finally, I conclude with a discussion on how to engage video creation as a form of anti-oppression education that queers public pedagogy.

The Social and Cultural Conditions for Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) Students in a Rural Community: A Case Study of Educators’ Perspectives

Kelly, Wade B Unknown Date
No description available.

Same-Sex Parent Families in France: Past, Present, and Future

Griffin, Janna Lee 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis contains four chapters. The first chapter gives an overview of the current situation concerning same-sex parent families in France. This involves discussions of the PACS (Pacte civil de solidarité), adoption, and marriage, as well as the societal influences that caused the massive negative response to the Taubira law. The second chapter goes into more detail concerning portrayals of homosexuality in French media throughout the years. There is a focus, however, on one of the earliest portrayals of lesbianism in French literature: The Nun by Diderot. Lastly, the third chapter involves further explanation of the history of homosexuality and same-sex parent families. This chapter explores these ideas specifically in the context of French history, as well as how conditions for same-sex parent families have changed in recent years. The fourth and final chapter presents conclusions of the research.

Untersuchung der Gleichstellungsarbeit in den Landkreisen und kreisfreien Städten Sachsens: (De-)Konstruktion von Begriffen und queere Perspektiven in der Gleichstellungsarbeit

Barthel, Jenny, Rohlf, Bernadette 09 March 2021 (has links)
In der hier vorliegenden Masterthesis wird eine Betrachtung der Gleichstellungsarbeit der sächsischen Gleichstellungsbeauftragten der Landkreise und kreisfreien Städte vorgenommen. Im Rahmen eines medienvermittelten Leitfadeninterviews sind die Gleichstellungsbeauftragten zu ihrem Selbstverständnis und ihrer Arbeitspraxis befragt worden. Schwerpunktmäßig wurden der Gleichstellungsbegriff und das Bewusstsein seitens der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten als Interessenvertretung für queere Belange erfragt. Die Schwerpunktsetzung ergab sich aus den mangelnden institutionalisierten Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen für queere Menschen, die nach wie vor Diskriminierungen ausgesetzt sind. Queere Ansätze und Theorien bieten Perspektiven, die Kategorie Geschlecht umfassend und kritisch zu analysieren und zu dekonstruieren, um vorherrschende Denkmuster und darauf beruhende Ausschlüsse aufzudecken. Die Gleichstellungsbeauftragten wurden als geeignete Akteurinnen ausgemacht, da eine geschlechterwissenschaftliche Kompetenz und Handlungsspielraum Interessenvertretung sein zu können, vermutet wurden. Die erhobenen Interviewdaten wurden mittels qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse kategorienbasiert ausgewertet. Es zeigte sich, dass ein unterschiedliches Begriffsverständnis in Hinsicht auf Gleichstellung vorliegt und LSBTIQ*-Belange betreffend verschiedene Kenntnisse und Vorstellungen existieren. In Zusammenhang einer möglichen Interessenvertretung wurden zahlreiche Potenziale ausgemacht, allerdings besteht Bedarf an Kapazitäten, Wissen, Sensibilisierung, Reflexion und persönlichem Bezug. Die Untersuchung kann Inspiration für weitere Forschung bieten, wie die Ausgestaltung der Interessenvertretung erfolgen könnte.:Sprachgebrauch Kurzfassung Inhaltsverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis 1 Einleitung...1 1.1. Forschungsanlass und Zugang zum Forschungsgegenstand...1 1.2. Aufbau der Arbeit...6 1.3. Glossar...7 1.4. Haltung der Forscherinnen...12 2 Fragestellungen und Forschungsthesenbildung...14 2.1. Fragestellung und Zielsetzung...14 2.2. Forschungsthesen der Themenfelder...14 2.2.1. Selbstverständnis der GSB...14 2.2.2. Arbeitspraxis...15 2.2.3. Metaebene zum Begriff Gleichstellung...16 2.2.4. Bewusstsein für queere Interessen...18 3 Theoretische Bezüge und Forschungsstand...20 3.1. Queere Theorie...20 3.2. Gleichstellungsbegriff...31 3.3. Gleichstellungsarbeit und sächsische Gleichstellungsbeauftragte...32 3.4. Zusammenhänge...37 4 Methodik und Vorgehensweise...40 4.1. Medienvermitteltes Leitfaden-Interview...40 4.2. Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse als Auswertungsmethode...50 4.3. Gütekriterien...61 5 Ergebnisse und Interpretation...66 5.1. Vorab-Befragung der GSB...66 5.2. Interviews...70 5.2.1. Selbstverständnis und Arbeitspraxis der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten...70 5.2.2. Gleichstellungsbegriff...92 5.2.3. Bewusstsein für queere Interessen...106 5.2.4. Abschlussbemerkungen der Interviewten...126 6 Fazit und Ausblick...128 7 Reflexion...132 7.1. Prozess...132 7.2. Methodik und Ergebnisse...136 7.3. Gütekriterien...140 Literaturverzeichnis...145 Anhang

On Othering Migrants and Queers : Political Communication Strategies of Othering in Romania and the Republic of Moldova

Dima, Ramona January 2021 (has links)
Research on migration often focuses on non-citizens such as migrants being excluded from the framework of citizenship. This study suggests a novel approach by focusing on non-citizens and citizens alike, while exploring the strategies of othering in relation to how citizenship is constructed. It discusses and comparatively analyses the ways in which migrants, as non-citizens, and LGBT+ individuals, as a particular category of citizens, are framed as not conforming to the norms proposed by nationalist and populist ideologies in SouthEastern European (SEE) countries. Even if they are citizens, they are excluded from “national belonging” by populist political leaders in their communications. The study compares the category of LGBT+ persons to that of migrants and explores how both are framed in political communications using populist strategies of othering. It also shows that these two categories are placed at the outside of the nation state and of the notion of citizenship. Moreover, it highlights the multiple tropes that are employed in the process of othering and that refer to how nations are defined through their “traditional values”, “morality”, “religious views” and a strong opposition to what is considered to belong to the Western progressive values. The body of material comprises statements mostly made by highly positioned politicians such as Presidents, Ministers, Prime Ministers, etc. from Romania and the Republic of Moldova.These politicians shape the internal and foreign policies of the two countries and their communications have a great impact in different areas of the society. The analysis shows that the social dimension of citizenship is important in how a certain category of citizens is framed as not belonging to the nation state. The results based on the analysis of this less researched material are consistent with the trend of anti-gender movements and the increasing anti immigration stances in other Eastern European countries such as Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Ett sexuellt sökfält : En kvalitativ studie om socialt och sexuellt kontaktskapande på Grindr. / A sexual searching field : A qualitative study of social and sexual contacts on Grindr.

Pedersen, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to understand how social and sexual relations are initiated, negotiated and constructed among homo- and bisexual men within a specific sexual field; the geo-social application Grindr. It’s based on qualitative and semi-structured interviews with six self-identified homosexual men in Sweden from various age groups and with various social backgrounds who are using, or has used, Grindr in order to initiate and establish contacts with other homo- and bisexual men. Of certain interest are their experiences of using the application and being a part of its social and sexual setting.   In order to analyse the interviews, a combination of sexual script theory and sexual field theory has been used, together with Norbert Elias theories on the relationship between the established and the outsiders. The results indicate that Grindr is a refuge and safe space for homo- and bisexual men and queer persons from the social and sexual norms that prevails in a heteronormative society. As such, Grindr could be understood as a social and sexual field of its own, in which interpersonal scripts and negotiations are crucial for establishing contacts of various kinds. There is also a remarkable sexual stratification based on various sexual capitals that the users of Grindr use to position themselves in relation to each other in order to be regarded as desirable. One consequence of these “structures of desire” is that some personal and bodily qualities often are regarded in a less favourable way, sometimes with stigmatization and marginalization of groups of people as dire consequences of these structures of sexuality. There’s also a remarkable distinction, resistance and ambivalence against the heteronormative society and its cultural scenarios, but at the same time it was a necessary part in the collective self-image of being an outsider group.

How the City State Fares Under State Capitalism in the PRC: Local and State-Wide Reform

Elkins, Alex Gregory January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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