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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gymnasieelevers diskussioner utifrån hållbar utveckling : meningsskapande, naturkunskapande, demokratiskapande / Upper secondary school students' discussions arising from sustainability issues : meaning-making, science-making, democracy-making

Ottander, Katarina January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis the focus is on upper secondary school students’ meaning-making in sustainability in science civic education. The aim is to study how meaning is created, if/how natural science is used and how democratic participation is constructed in students’ group discussions. The thesis also aims to create an awareness of the role science has in both the creation of meaning and the construction of democratic participation. The study is based on audio-recorded group discussions arising from two different sustainability tasks. Discursive psychology is used as an analytical framework, through the concepts of interpretative repertoires, ideological dilemmas and subject positions. The students use different interpretative repertoires that draw on different conceptions of the “world” (discourses) in their meaning-making. These different conceptions create ideological dilemmas that recur several times during the discussions and are therefore negotiated in different ways. The students then use strategies where these dilemmas are solved in a relatively simple manner. They construct the sustainability issue they discuss so that their ways to live and act/not act are portrayed as acceptable in the current situation. The students use their knowledge in and about science in their meaning-making. Science is used to make the "world" more understandable and raise questions; to evaluate, decide and act; to give authority to arguments; and to solve societal problems. The students’ science-making process contains various kinds of use of scientific knowledge, for example, clarify the conditions, identify consequences, scrutinize information, compare, assess, evaluate and use scientific methods. The discussions increase the students’ experience of using scientific knowledge and which functions scientific knowledge can have. The students construct democratic participation in various ways: trust in science and technology are expressed and awareness of what is considered as actions that are “good” for the environment; different perspectives are expressed and ideological dilemmas discussed; students use their scientific knowledge in socioscientific reasoning to create a deeper understanding of the issues discussed; scientific knowledge is also used for evaluating actions in relation to sustainability issues. However, the students see themselves having a major responsibility to act “good”, but without power to influence the development of society as a whole. The students have two projects going on during their discussions: to discuss and learn about the sustainability issue and make their own existence acceptable.

Barns medierade värld : syskonsamspel, lek och konsumtion / Children's mediated world : Sibling interaction, play and consumption

Ågren, Ylva January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on sibling interaction and children’s everyday media practices in their homes. Ten sibling pairs, aged four to nine years, have been followed in their homes during a six-month period with media ethnographic methods. The data mainly consist of video recorded sibling interactions. The thesis draws on sociocultural theories, cultural sociological perspectives and insights from social interaction research. The analyses are grounded in the social interaction and meaning making acts that take place in media activities in the home settings. However they also extend to a broader societal context, in order to show how social structure and social action are constantly interwoven in children’s lives. The thesis documents how the media represent an important part of the child's everyday culture. Media create key reference frames and common platforms for the children’s games and play activities. The siblings use media and various artifacts to negotiate, challenge or assume desirable positions. Media artefacts can also be used as a way to present oneself. The younger siblings progressively work their way into the older siblings’ media landscapes, and the elder siblings become guides or role models in handling video games, music, and YouTube activities. In addition to purely practical skills when it comes to handling the technical equipment, the older siblings also mediate local taste hierarchies, norms, and values. The thesis also describes how children are social actors who interpret and reinterpret the constant ongoing movements in the media landscape. Moreover, the thesis highlights how consumption is closely linked to media practices. Mobiles, games consoles and membership on virtual gaming sites become highly valued phenomena and status markers in children’s media worlds. / Detta arbete undersöker hur syskon samspelar och skapar mening och social ordning inom ramen för olika mediepraktiker. Med hjälp av medieetnografiska metoder har 14 barn i åldrarna fyra till nio år (tio olika syskonkonstellationer) följts i hemmiljö under en halvårsperiod. Materialet består främst av videoinspelad interaktion. Avhandlingen bygger på sociokulturella och kultursociologiska perspektiv, där individen ses som en aktiv, meningsskapande och samspelande aktör som påverkar och påverkas av sin sociala och kulturella kontext. Analysen är i huvudsak relaterad till de handlingar som äger rum i lokalt situerade aktiviteter och undersöker vad syskonen gör med medier i olika verksamheter, men visar även hur samhällelig kontext och barns aktörskap är parallella aspekter i barns liv. Avhandlingen synliggör hur medier utgör en stor och viktig del av barns vardagskultur. Medier är självklara referensramar och skapar gemensamma plattformar för barnens samtal och lekar. Syskonen använder medier och olika artefakter för att förhandla, utmana eller fördela positioner. Småsyskonen tar sig successivt in i de äldre syskonens medielandskap, medan de äldre ofta blir ledstjärnor eller ger sig själva tolkningsföreträde. Vidare visas hur kunskapsförmedling är ett väsentligt inslag mellan syskon. Utöver rent praktiska färdigheter i hur de tekniska apparaterna ska hanteras, förhandlas även smak, normer, värderingar och tillgång till symboliskt kapital. Spel, musik, TV, YouTube och medieartefakter används som resurser för självpresentation.  Analyserna pekar på barnens aktörskap; barnen tolkar, omtolkar, utmanar och förhandlar innebörder och föreställningar om vad som är kultur för barn. Avhandlingen belyser även hur konsumtion intimt hänger samman med mediepraktiker. Mobiler, spelkonsoler och medlemskap på virtuella spelsidor blir åtråvärda artefakter och statusmarkörer i barnens medievärldar.

Ecologies of violence: implications for theory and practice

Pera, Linda Paula 30 November 2004 (has links)
This postmodern dissertation examines three individual experiences of violence in South Africa, using the qualitative research method of heuristics. Using social constructionism as a lens for viewing the phenomenon, violence is seen as occurring within a specific ecology, which is part of the individual's fluctuating, subjective reality. This discussion proposes that the violent experience, to which meanings are attributed, is part of the individual's socially constructed ecology. This ecology can either be transformed or conserved through dialogue, specifically dialogue relating to the telling of the story of the violent experience. This is discussed in relation to therapeutic encounters. The primary objective of the research is the implication of ecological thinking generally and, more specifically, ecological thinking on violence, for therapeutic interactions and psychological theory. This discussion also refers to psychological ethics. / Psychology / MA (CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY)

Mémoire autobiographique et self dans la maladie d'Alzheimer : étude neuropsychologique et en neuro-imagerie / Autobiographical memory and self in Alzheimer’s disease : neuropsychological and neuroimaging study

Philippi, Nathalie 03 February 2017 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail était d’étudier la mémoire autobiographique (MAb) aux stades débutants de la maladie d’Alzheimer et d’analyser le lien avec le Self défini selon le modèle de Prebble et collaborateurs. (2013) et en investiguant les substrats neuro-anatomiques. Notre étude a confirmé qu’il existait une altération de la MAb chez les patients atteints de maladie d’Alzheimer, dans sa composante épisodique et émotionnelle, quelle que soit l’ancienneté des souvenirs. Nous avons pu rattacher ce déficit épisodique à l’atrophie des régions temporales internes et en suggérer l’implication de l’hippocampe gauche dans le contexte temporel des souvenirs et de l’amygdale droite dans la composante émotionnelle. En revanche, il existait une relative préservation du niveau des détails des souvenirs émotionnels résiduels, et surtout, des souvenirs sémantisés, ces derniers étant supportés par le néocortex temporal. Concernant le Self de façon plus générale, les résultats mettent en évidence un lien entre Self-conceptuel et MAb, par le biais des processus de sémantisation et d’intégration des souvenirs qui permettent de former des représentations abstraites à partir des expériences vécues. Par ailleurs, nous avons également montré que le sens subjectif de soi est inhérent à toutes les autres composantes du Self. Par l’étude d’un cas unique et d’imagerie volumétrique de groupe, le cortex préfrontal médian a été mis en évidence comme substrat commun à toutes les composantes du Self, suggérant un rôle clé de cette structure pour supporter le sens subjectif de soi. Ces résultats ouvrent des pistes de remédiation par la réminiscence basée sur les mécanismes de sémantisation, d’intégration et sur les aspects émotionnels, au centre desquels se trouvent les souvenirs définissant-le-soi. Aussi notre étude engage-t-elle à analyser ces composantes du Self au sein de réseaux, en connectivité fonctionnelle et anatomique. / The present study aimed at studying autobiographical memory (AbM) in patients at early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, as well as at analyzing the link between AbM and the Self components (as defined by Prebble et al., 2013), and finally, at investigating its neuro-anatomical correlates. The results we obtained confirmed AbM is damaged in patients with regards to episodic and emotional components, whatever the age of the memory. The deficit in episodic memory was associated with medial temporal lobe atrophy, with the left hippocampus seemingly involved in the temporal context of the memories and the right amygdala in the emotional component. Conversely, specificity of remaining emotional memories was relatively preserved, as well as semanticized memories, which rely on the temporal neocortex. In the context of the Self more generally, our results highlight a relationship between the conceptual-Self and autobiographical memories, through semanticization and integration processes, which allow the formation of the most abstracted forms of self-representations. Moreover, the subjective sense of Self appears as a prerequisite to all other Self components. Based upon a case study and a volumetric group study, we were able to show that the implication of the medial prefrontal cortex is common to all Self components, suggesting its key role for the subjective sense of Self. Our results point to a potential rehabilitation therapy based on reinforcing self-defining memories to strengthen the Self. This work will be completed by the study of functional and anatomical networks sustaining the Self.

Revealing The Nature Of Human Characteristics Through Interaction Design

Luu, Trieu Vy January 2017 (has links)
Everyday we come up with new solutions for our existing problems. But the solutions of today are tomorrow’s problem. The products we create as designers are often bringing more complexity in our society than it is initially intended for. This thesis aims to give a new perspective on the design practice community. Instead of starting with a problem-solving scope, this thesis intent is to find what is truly meaningful for human life, meaning finding, and to propose how we can envision new ways of meaning making within interaction design. The two processes together of meaning finding and meaning making is how we can aim for concrete results that are relevant for our society. To better understand what truly matters for human life, I collected 14 stories through ethnographic research. These ethnographic stories reveal the nature of human characteristics when people face and overcome big challenges in life. Some of these ethnographic stories highlights the life of a WWII survivor, war refugee, leukaemia child-patient and a widow. Parallel, to the ethnographic work, I explored how I can evoke a deeper connection between people, by making them listen to each-other’s heartbeat.  Inevitably, by exploring the fundamental elements of human life and observing the emotions and behaviour of my interviewees and participants, the thesis find itself often on the playground between philosophy and human life. But by taking a strong interaction design perspective, these insights were manifested in the human design manifesto booklet. This booklet proposes six expressions for designers, with the intention to embrace the fundamental elements of human life when we design:  1. Design attitudes, not solutions. 2. Design the medicine of the mind. 3. Design for relationships. 4. Design for our direct senses. 5. Design for the deep human connection. 6. Design the act of kindness  Later on, for the meaning making part: one statement from the Human Design Manifesto was selected to explore in depth: Design the act of kindness. For this expression project Hidden Figures was created. Hidden Figures is a design proposal which demonstrates that a design creation can be driven by the fundamental elements of human life. In this case proposing the act of kindness as a vision on how our society could be.  In overall, this master’s thesis demonstrates how our design proposals can embody and resonate well between the three levels of design philosophy, a designer’s vision and interaction design practice: How we, as designers, can use meaning-making and meaning-finding to create more relevant impact for our society. Last, I hope this work encourages other designers to think deeply about their own creations and its impact. And help designers reflect on why they create and how they could also alternatively practice design.

The Goal of Literacy Teaching - to Complete School or to Make a Change? A Critical Analysis of Literacy Teaching in Multilingual Classrooms in South Africa

Krstic, Nicole, Nilsson, Nikki January 2018 (has links)
This qualitative minor field study is conducted in a multilingual public secondary school in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. The aim is to analyse the literacy teaching from a critical literacy point of view and to gain new perspectives on how to work with literacy in multilingual classrooms in Sweden. The material was collected over approximately three weeks and consists of participant observations and two semi-structured group interviews with nine learners in total. The theoretical approach derives from a socio-cultural orientation and focuses on how unequal power relations are represented in language. Our results indicate a focus on individual learning of cognitive skills, for example, answering pre-written questions to a text in the work with reading comprehension. Furthermore, reading is considered important to be able to influence one’s own life and to connect with the surrounding society, as is good knowledge of English, which in turn is developed by reading. English is the language the learners are most used to use in school related activities and the language they feel confident to read in. In addition, the results show social, critical and transformative aspects of literacy. The teachers want to make use of the learners’ experiences in the teaching. Moreover, this goal is occasionally connected to a desire to empower the learners with agency to act for change. However, this desire is limited by the curriculum since it is forcing the teachers to teach at a certain pace. These results are then analysed by the use of Hilary Janks’ interdependent model for critical literacy by considering the consequences of focusing on any of its four parts – power, access, diversity and design – without any one of the others. We conclude that it is a challenge to design teaching that does not separate, but include cognitive, social, critical and transforming aspects of literacy in Sweden as well. Janks’ model can be used to design a teaching that includes these aspects to a greater extent and thereby create a more inclusive multilingual learning environment. Finally, we suggest that theories about critical literacy should be added to both teacher education and to the steering documents.

Meaningful consultation, meaningful participants and meaning making: Inuvialuit perspectives on the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline and the climate crisis

Pokiak, Letitia 21 September 2020 (has links)
This Inuvialuit ‘story’ revolves around the Inuvialuit uprising and resurgence against government and industrial encroachment, and the self determination efforts to regain sovereignty of traditional territories. This ‘story’ also discusses how meaningful consultation made the Inuvialuit Final Agreement a reality, through which Inuvialuit land rights and freedoms were formally acknowledged and entrenched in the Canadian Constitution. Through meaningful consultation, Inuvialuit have become ‘meaningful participants’ in sustainable and future-making decisions of Inuvialuit nunangat (Inuvialuit lands) and waters, with respect to the Inuvialuit People and natural beings that Inuvialuit depend upon and maintain relationship with. As ‘meaningful participants’, Inuvialuit have the sovereign rights to “make meaning” and carve out a future as a sovereign nation within the country of Canada. This Inuvialuit ‘story’ is told with an informal framework through which it decolonizes academia, while also highlighting Indigenous voice through an Indigenous lens and worldview. The government and industry are called upon to meaningfully consult with Indigenous Peoples who have not only inhabited Turtle Island for millennia, but who have inherent Indigenous rights and freedoms, as Indigenous embodiment and well-being, and temporality and future-making are entangled with homelands. / Graduate

Honouring sacred spaces : voicing stories of terminal illness

Scrimgeour, Elizabeth 30 November 2002 (has links)
The marginalisation of palliative and pastoral care practices by conventional approaches to care for terminally ill patients, motivated the research curiosity. The significance of terminal patient's spirituality, their language practices and communities of concern are endorsed as being the major contributing factor to meaningful 'living' with terminal illness. Listening to stories has been the qualitative research practice, revealing meaning-making, quest stories. Feminist theology and post-modern ideas and discourses have assisted me, and the participants, in the deconstruction of power, patriarchy and dualism as the primary contributing factors to marginalisation of people due to illness, race, gender, poverty, culture and education. Pastoral care practices and feminist theology have guided us to emphasise the necessity to recognise the God of Grace as an important part to ensuring holistic patient care. Recognising the 'God-Self, respectful narrative and pastoral care practices paved the way to honour sacred spaces and voice stories of terminal illness. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th (Specialisation Pastoral Therapy)

Lost in Space : Sökandet efter mening hos människan i Titan A.E.

Fogelholm, Jens January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the depiction of meaningfulness and meaning-making, as seen in human characters in the 2000 animated science fiction film Titan A.E. (directed by Don Bluth). The analysis aims to show how Titan A.E. portrays a collective humanity in their search for a meaningful existence, given the outer space setting of its story. Evil is also brought up, in the context of how it creates meaning within the main narrative of the story. The emotions expressed by the story's characters are treated as if they were real. Meaningfulness and meaning-making get exemplified in both dialogue and visual components seen in the film. In addition to this, some reflection is made on the promotional trailers of Titan A.E. and how their displayed contents differ from the finished product. In parallel to the main analysis, there is a wider discussion made about the relationship between films and their real-world process of production, especially regarding whether theological reflection and the film industry can intersect or not.

Recipes of Resolve: Food and Meaning in Post-Diluvian New Orleans

Menck, Jessica Claire 07 March 2012 (has links)
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